# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import os
import re
import sys
import zmq
import copy
import json
import time
import base64
import random
import shutil
import string
import struct
import hashlib
import secrets
import datetime as dt
import threading
import traceback
import sqlalchemy as sa
import collections
import concurrent . futures
from typing import Optional
from sqlalchemy . orm import sessionmaker , scoped_session
from sqlalchemy . orm . session import close_all_sessions
from . interface import Curves
from . interface . part import PARTInterface , PARTInterfaceAnon , PARTInterfaceBlind
from . interface . btc import BTCInterface
from . interface . ltc import LTCInterface
from . interface . nmc import NMCInterface
from . interface . xmr import XMRInterface
from . interface . pivx import PIVXInterface
from . interface . dash import DASHInterface
from . interface . firo import FIROInterface
from . interface . passthrough_btc import PassthroughBTCInterface
from . import __version__
from . rpc_xmr import make_xmr_rpc2_func
from . ui . util import getCoinName
from . util import (
AutomationConstraint ,
LockedCoinError ,
TemporaryError ,
InactiveCoin ,
format_amount ,
format_timestamp ,
DeserialiseNum ,
zeroIfNone ,
make_int ,
ensure ,
from . util . script import (
getP2WSH ,
getP2SHScriptForHash ,
from . util . address import (
toWIF ,
getKeyID ,
decodeWif ,
decodeAddress ,
pubkeyToAddress ,
from . chainparams import (
Coins ,
chainparams ,
from . script import (
OpCodes ,
from . messages_pb2 import (
OfferMessage ,
BidMessage ,
BidAcceptMessage ,
XmrBidMessage ,
XmrBidAcceptMessage ,
XmrSplitMessage ,
XmrBidLockTxSigsMessage ,
XmrBidLockSpendTxMessage ,
XmrBidLockReleaseMessage ,
OfferRevokeMessage ,
from . db import (
Concepts ,
Base ,
DBKVString ,
Offer ,
Bid ,
SwapTx ,
PrefundedTx ,
PooledAddress ,
SentOffer ,
SmsgAddress ,
Action ,
EventLog ,
XmrOffer ,
XmrSwap ,
XmrSplitData ,
Wallets ,
Notification ,
KnownIdentity ,
AutomationLink ,
AutomationStrategy ,
from . db_upgrades import upgradeDatabase , upgradeDatabaseData
from . base import BaseApp
from . explorers import (
ExplorerInsight ,
ExplorerBitAps ,
ExplorerChainz ,
import basicswap . config as cfg
import basicswap . network as bsn
import basicswap . protocols . atomic_swap_1 as atomic_swap_1
import basicswap . protocols . xmr_swap_1 as xmr_swap_1
from . basicswap_util import (
KeyTypes ,
TxLockTypes ,
AddressTypes ,
MessageTypes ,
SwapTypes ,
OfferStates ,
BidStates ,
TxStates ,
TxTypes ,
ActionTypes ,
EventLogTypes ,
XmrSplitMsgTypes ,
DebugTypes ,
strBidState ,
describeEventEntry ,
getVoutByAddress ,
getVoutByP2WSH ,
getOfferProofOfFundsHash ,
getLastBidState ,
isActiveBidState ,
NotificationTypes as NT ,
AutomationOverrideOptions ,
VisibilityOverrideOptions ,
inactive_states ,
non_script_type_coins = ( Coins . XMR , Coins . PART_ANON )
def validOfferStateToReceiveBid ( offer_state ) :
if offer_state == OfferStates . OFFER_RECEIVED :
return True
if offer_state == OfferStates . OFFER_SENT :
return True
return False
def threadPollXMRChainState ( swap_client , coin_type ) :
ci = swap_client . ci ( coin_type )
cc = swap_client . coin_clients [ coin_type ]
while not swap_client . delay_event . is_set ( ) :
try :
new_height = ci . getChainHeight ( )
if new_height != cc [ ' chain_height ' ] :
swap_client . log . debug ( ' New {} block at height: {} ' . format ( ci . ticker ( ) , new_height ) )
with swap_client . mxDB :
cc [ ' chain_height ' ] = new_height
except Exception as e :
swap_client . log . warning ( ' threadPollXMRChainState {} , error: {} ' . format ( ci . ticker ( ) , str ( e ) ) )
swap_client . delay_event . wait ( random . randrange ( 20 , 30 ) ) # random to stagger updates
def threadPollChainState ( swap_client , coin_type ) :
ci = swap_client . ci ( coin_type )
cc = swap_client . coin_clients [ coin_type ]
while not swap_client . delay_event . is_set ( ) :
try :
chain_state = ci . getBlockchainInfo ( )
if chain_state [ ' bestblockhash ' ] != cc [ ' chain_best_block ' ] :
swap_client . log . debug ( ' New {} block at height: {} ' . format ( ci . ticker ( ) , chain_state [ ' blocks ' ] ) )
with swap_client . mxDB :
cc [ ' chain_height ' ] = chain_state [ ' blocks ' ]
cc [ ' chain_best_block ' ] = chain_state [ ' bestblockhash ' ]
if ' mediantime ' in chain_state :
cc [ ' chain_median_time ' ] = chain_state [ ' mediantime ' ]
except Exception as e :
swap_client . log . warning ( ' threadPollChainState {} , error: {} ' . format ( ci . ticker ( ) , str ( e ) ) )
swap_client . delay_event . wait ( random . randrange ( 20 , 30 ) ) # random to stagger updates
class WatchedOutput ( ) : # Watch for spends
__slots__ = ( ' bid_id ' , ' txid_hex ' , ' vout ' , ' tx_type ' , ' swap_type ' )
def __init__ ( self , bid_id , txid_hex , vout , tx_type , swap_type ) :
self . bid_id = bid_id
self . txid_hex = txid_hex
self . vout = vout
self . tx_type = tx_type
self . swap_type = swap_type
class WatchedTransaction ( ) :
# Watch for presence in mempool (getrawtransaction)
def __init__ ( self , bid_id , txid_hex , tx_type , swap_type ) :
self . bid_id = bid_id
self . txid_hex = txid_hex
self . tx_type = tx_type
self . swap_type = swap_type
class BasicSwap ( BaseApp ) :
ws_server = None
_read_zmq_queue : bool = True
protocolInterfaces = {
SwapTypes . SELLER_FIRST : atomic_swap_1 . AtomicSwapInterface ( ) ,
SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP : xmr_swap_1 . XmrSwapInterface ( ) ,
def __init__ ( self , fp , data_dir , settings , chain , log_name = ' BasicSwap ' ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( fp , data_dir , settings , chain , log_name )
v = __version__ . split ( ' . ' )
self . _version = struct . pack ( ' >HHH ' , int ( v [ 0 ] ) , int ( v [ 1 ] ) , int ( v [ 2 ] ) )
self . check_progress_seconds = self . settings . get ( ' check_progress_seconds ' , 60 )
self . check_watched_seconds = self . settings . get ( ' check_watched_seconds ' , 60 )
self . check_expired_seconds = self . settings . get ( ' check_expired_seconds ' , 60 * 5 )
self . check_actions_seconds = self . settings . get ( ' check_actions_seconds ' , 10 )
self . check_xmr_swaps_seconds = self . settings . get ( ' check_xmr_swaps_seconds ' , 20 )
self . startup_tries = self . settings . get ( ' startup_tries ' , 21 ) # Seconds waited for will be (x(1 + x+1) / 2
self . debug_ui = self . settings . get ( ' debug_ui ' , False )
self . _last_checked_progress = 0
self . _last_checked_watched = 0
self . _last_checked_expired = 0
self . _last_checked_actions = 0
self . _last_checked_xmr_swaps = 0
self . _possibly_revoked_offers = collections . deque ( [ ] , maxlen = 48 ) # TODO: improve
self . _updating_wallets_info = { }
self . _last_updated_wallets_info = 0
self . _notifications_enabled = self . settings . get ( ' notifications_enabled ' , True )
self . _disabled_notification_types = self . settings . get ( ' disabled_notification_types ' , [ ] )
self . _keep_notifications = self . settings . get ( ' keep_notifications ' , 50 )
self . _show_notifications = self . settings . get ( ' show_notifications ' , 10 )
self . _notifications_cache = { }
self . _is_encrypted = None
self . _is_locked = None
# TODO: Adjust ranges
self . min_delay_event = self . settings . get ( ' min_delay_event ' , 10 )
self . max_delay_event = self . settings . get ( ' max_delay_event ' , 60 )
self . min_delay_event_short = self . settings . get ( ' min_delay_event_short ' , 2 )
self . max_delay_event_short = self . settings . get ( ' max_delay_event_short ' , 30 )
self . min_delay_retry = self . settings . get ( ' min_delay_retry ' , 60 )
self . max_delay_retry = self . settings . get ( ' max_delay_retry ' , 5 * 60 )
self . min_sequence_lock_seconds = self . settings . get ( ' min_sequence_lock_seconds ' , 60 if self . debug else ( 1 * 60 * 60 ) )
self . max_sequence_lock_seconds = self . settings . get ( ' max_sequence_lock_seconds ' , 96 * 60 * 60 )
self . _restrict_unknown_seed_wallets = self . settings . get ( ' restrict_unknown_seed_wallets ' , True )
self . _bid_expired_leeway = 5
self . swaps_in_progress = dict ( )
self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 60 * 60 # Note: Set smsgsregtestadjust=0 for regtest
self . threads = [ ]
self . thread_pool = concurrent . futures . ThreadPoolExecutor ( max_workers = 4 , thread_name_prefix = ' bsp ' )
# Encode key to match network
wif_prefix = chainparams [ Coins . PART ] [ self . chain ] [ ' key_prefix ' ]
self . network_key = toWIF ( wif_prefix , decodeWif ( self . settings [ ' network_key ' ] ) )
self . network_pubkey = self . settings [ ' network_pubkey ' ]
self . network_addr = pubkeyToAddress ( chainparams [ Coins . PART ] [ self . chain ] [ ' pubkey_address ' ] , bytes . fromhex ( self . network_pubkey ) )
self . db_echo = self . settings . get ( ' db_echo ' , False )
self . sqlite_file = os . path . join ( self . data_dir , ' db {} .sqlite ' . format ( ' ' if self . chain == ' mainnet ' else ( ' _ ' + self . chain ) ) )
db_exists = os . path . exists ( self . sqlite_file )
# HACK: create_all hangs when using tox, unless create_engine is called with echo=True
if not db_exists :
if os . getenv ( ' FOR_TOX ' ) :
self . engine = sa . create_engine ( ' sqlite:/// ' + self . sqlite_file , echo = True )
else :
self . engine = sa . create_engine ( ' sqlite:/// ' + self . sqlite_file )
close_all_sessions ( )
Base . metadata . create_all ( self . engine )
self . engine . dispose ( )
self . engine = sa . create_engine ( ' sqlite:/// ' + self . sqlite_file , echo = self . db_echo )
self . session_factory = sessionmaker ( bind = self . engine , expire_on_commit = False )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
try :
self . db_version = session . query ( DBKVInt ) . filter_by ( key = ' db_version ' ) . first ( ) . value
except Exception :
self . log . info ( ' First run ' )
self . db_version = CURRENT_DB_VERSION
session . add ( DBKVInt (
key = ' db_version ' ,
value = self . db_version
) )
session . commit ( )
try :
self . db_data_version = session . query ( DBKVInt ) . filter_by ( key = ' db_data_version ' ) . first ( ) . value
except Exception :
self . db_data_version = 0
try :
self . _contract_count = session . query ( DBKVInt ) . filter_by ( key = ' contract_count ' ) . first ( ) . value
except Exception :
self . _contract_count = 0
session . add ( DBKVInt (
key = ' contract_count ' ,
value = self . _contract_count
) )
session . commit ( )
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . zmqContext = zmq . Context ( )
self . zmqSubscriber = self . zmqContext . socket ( zmq . SUB )
self . zmqSubscriber . connect ( self . settings [ ' zmqhost ' ] + ' : ' + str ( self . settings [ ' zmqport ' ] ) )
self . zmqSubscriber . setsockopt_string ( zmq . SUBSCRIBE , ' smsg ' )
for c in Coins :
if c in chainparams :
self . setCoinConnectParams ( c )
if self . chain == ' mainnet ' :
self . coin_clients [ Coins . PART ] [ ' explorers ' ] . append ( ExplorerInsight (
self , Coins . PART ,
' https://explorer.particl.io/particl-insight-api ' ) )
self . coin_clients [ Coins . LTC ] [ ' explorers ' ] . append ( ExplorerBitAps (
self , Coins . LTC ,
' https://api.bitaps.com/ltc/v1/blockchain ' ) )
self . coin_clients [ Coins . LTC ] [ ' explorers ' ] . append ( ExplorerChainz (
self , Coins . LTC ,
' http://chainz.cryptoid.info/ltc/api.dws ' ) )
elif self . chain == ' testnet ' :
self . coin_clients [ Coins . PART ] [ ' explorers ' ] . append ( ExplorerInsight (
self , Coins . PART ,
' https://explorer-testnet.particl.io/particl-insight-api ' ) )
self . coin_clients [ Coins . LTC ] [ ' explorers ' ] . append ( ExplorerBitAps (
self , Coins . LTC ,
' https://api.bitaps.com/ltc/testnet/v1/blockchain ' ) )
# non-segwit
# https://testnet.litecore.io/insight-api
random . seed ( secrets . randbits ( 128 ) )
def finalise ( self ) :
self . log . info ( ' Finalise ' )
with self . mxDB :
self . is_running = False
self . delay_event . set ( )
if self . _network :
self . _network . stopNetwork ( )
self . _network = None
for t in self . threads :
t . join ( )
if sys . version_info [ 1 ] > = 9 :
self . thread_pool . shutdown ( cancel_futures = True )
else :
self . thread_pool . shutdown ( )
self . zmqContext . destroy ( )
self . swaps_in_progress . clear ( )
close_all_sessions ( )
self . engine . dispose ( )
def openSession ( self , session = None ) :
if session :
return session
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
return scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
def closeSession ( self , use_session , commit = True ) :
if commit :
use_session . commit ( )
use_session . close ( )
use_session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def handleSessionErrors ( self , e , session , tag ) :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
self . log . error ( f ' Error: { tag } - { e } ' )
session . rollback ( )
def setCoinConnectParams ( self , coin ) :
# Set anything that does not require the daemon to be running
chain_client_settings = self . getChainClientSettings ( coin )
bindir = os . path . expanduser ( chain_client_settings . get ( ' bindir ' , ' ' ) )
datadir = os . path . expanduser ( chain_client_settings . get ( ' datadir ' , os . path . join ( cfg . TEST_DATADIRS , chainparams [ coin ] [ ' name ' ] ) ) )
connection_type = chain_client_settings . get ( ' connection_type ' , ' none ' )
rpcauth = None
if connection_type == ' rpc ' :
if ' rpcauth ' in chain_client_settings :
rpcauth = chain_client_settings [ ' rpcauth ' ]
self . log . debug ( ' Read %s rpc credentials from json settings ' , coin )
elif ' rpcpassword ' in chain_client_settings :
rpcauth = chain_client_settings [ ' rpcuser ' ] + ' : ' + chain_client_settings [ ' rpcpassword ' ]
self . log . debug ( ' Read %s rpc credentials from json settings ' , coin )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
try :
last_height_checked = session . query ( DBKVInt ) . filter_by ( key = ' last_height_checked_ ' + chainparams [ coin ] [ ' name ' ] ) . first ( ) . value
except Exception :
last_height_checked = 0
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
coin_chainparams = chainparams [ coin ]
default_segwit = coin_chainparams . get ( ' has_segwit ' , False )
default_csv = coin_chainparams . get ( ' has_csv ' , True )
self . coin_clients [ coin ] = {
' coin ' : coin ,
' name ' : coin_chainparams [ ' name ' ] ,
' connection_type ' : connection_type ,
' bindir ' : bindir ,
' datadir ' : datadir ,
' rpchost ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' rpchost ' , ' ' ) ,
' rpcport ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' rpcport ' , coin_chainparams [ self . chain ] [ ' rpcport ' ] ) ,
' rpcauth ' : rpcauth ,
' blocks_confirmed ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' blocks_confirmed ' , 6 ) ,
' conf_target ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' conf_target ' , 2 ) ,
' watched_outputs ' : [ ] ,
' last_height_checked ' : last_height_checked ,
' use_segwit ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' use_segwit ' , default_segwit ) ,
' use_csv ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' use_csv ' , default_csv ) ,
' core_version_group ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' core_version_group ' , 0 ) ,
' pid ' : None ,
' core_version ' : None ,
' explorers ' : [ ] ,
' chain_lookups ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' chain_lookups ' , ' local ' ) ,
' restore_height ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' restore_height ' , 0 ) ,
' fee_priority ' : chain_client_settings . get ( ' fee_priority ' , 0 ) ,
# Chain state
' chain_height ' : None ,
' chain_best_block ' : None ,
' chain_median_time ' : None ,
if coin == Coins . PART :
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' anon_tx_ring_size ' ] = chain_client_settings . get ( ' anon_tx_ring_size ' , 12 )
self . coin_clients [ Coins . PART_ANON ] = self . coin_clients [ coin ]
self . coin_clients [ Coins . PART_BLIND ] = self . coin_clients [ coin ]
if self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' rpc ' :
if coin == Coins . XMR :
if chain_client_settings . get ( ' automatically_select_daemon ' , False ) :
self . selectXMRRemoteDaemon ( coin )
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' walletrpchost ' ] = chain_client_settings . get ( ' walletrpchost ' , ' ' )
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' walletrpcport ' ] = chain_client_settings . get ( ' walletrpcport ' , chainparams [ coin ] [ self . chain ] [ ' walletrpcport ' ] )
if ' walletrpcpassword ' in chain_client_settings :
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' walletrpcauth ' ] = ( chain_client_settings [ ' walletrpcuser ' ] , chain_client_settings [ ' walletrpcpassword ' ] )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Missing XMR wallet rpc credentials. ' )
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' rpcuser ' ] = chain_client_settings . get ( ' rpcuser ' , ' ' )
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' rpcpassword ' ] = chain_client_settings . get ( ' rpcpassword ' , ' ' )
def selectXMRRemoteDaemon ( self , coin ) :
self . log . info ( ' Selecting remote XMR daemon. ' )
chain_client_settings = self . getChainClientSettings ( coin )
remote_daemon_urls = chain_client_settings . get ( ' remote_daemon_urls ' , [ ] )
coin_settings = self . coin_clients [ coin ]
rpchost = coin_settings [ ' rpchost ' ]
rpcport = coin_settings [ ' rpcport ' ]
daemon_login = None
if coin_settings . get ( ' rpcuser ' , ' ' ) != ' ' :
daemon_login = ( coin_settings . get ( ' rpcuser ' , ' ' ) , coin_settings . get ( ' rpcpassword ' , ' ' ) )
current_daemon_url = f ' { rpchost } : { rpcport } '
if current_daemon_url in remote_daemon_urls :
self . log . info ( f ' Trying last used url { rpchost } : { rpcport } . ' )
try :
rpc_cb2 = make_xmr_rpc2_func ( rpcport , daemon_login , rpchost )
test = rpc_cb2 ( ' get_height ' , timeout = 20 ) [ ' height ' ]
return True
except Exception as e :
self . log . warning ( f ' Failed to set XMR remote daemon to { rpchost } : { rpcport } , { e } ' )
random . shuffle ( remote_daemon_urls )
for url in remote_daemon_urls :
self . log . info ( f ' Trying url { url } . ' )
try :
rpchost , rpcport = url . rsplit ( ' : ' , 1 )
rpc_cb2 = make_xmr_rpc2_func ( rpcport , daemon_login , rpchost )
test = rpc_cb2 ( ' get_height ' , timeout = 20 ) [ ' height ' ]
coin_settings [ ' rpchost ' ] = rpchost
coin_settings [ ' rpcport ' ] = rpcport
data = {
' rpchost ' : rpchost ,
' rpcport ' : rpcport ,
self . editSettings ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' name ' ] , data )
return True
except Exception as e :
self . log . warning ( f ' Failed to set XMR remote daemon to { url } , { e } ' )
raise ValueError ( ' Failed to select a working XMR daemon url. ' )
def isCoinActive ( self , coin ) :
use_coinid = coin
interface_ind = ' interface '
if coin == Coins . PART_ANON :
use_coinid = Coins . PART
interface_ind = ' interface_anon '
if coin == Coins . PART_BLIND :
use_coinid = Coins . PART
interface_ind = ' interface_blind '
if use_coinid not in self . coin_clients :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown coinid {} ' . format ( int ( coin ) ) )
return interface_ind in self . coin_clients [ use_coinid ]
def ci ( self , coin ) : # Coin interface
use_coinid = coin
interface_ind = ' interface '
if coin == Coins . PART_ANON :
use_coinid = Coins . PART
interface_ind = ' interface_anon '
if coin == Coins . PART_BLIND :
use_coinid = Coins . PART
interface_ind = ' interface_blind '
if use_coinid not in self . coin_clients :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown coinid {} ' . format ( int ( coin ) ) )
if interface_ind not in self . coin_clients [ use_coinid ] :
raise InactiveCoin ( int ( coin ) )
return self . coin_clients [ use_coinid ] [ interface_ind ]
def pi ( self , protocol_ind ) :
if protocol_ind not in self . protocolInterfaces :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown protocol_ind {} ' . format ( int ( protocol_ind ) ) )
return self . protocolInterfaces [ protocol_ind ]
def createInterface ( self , coin ) :
if coin == Coins . PART :
return PARTInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
elif coin == Coins . BTC :
return BTCInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
elif coin == Coins . LTC :
return LTCInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
elif coin == Coins . NMC :
return NMCInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
elif coin == Coins . XMR :
xmr_i = XMRInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
chain_client_settings = self . getChainClientSettings ( coin )
xmr_i . setWalletFilename ( chain_client_settings [ ' walletfile ' ] )
return xmr_i
elif coin == Coins . PIVX :
return PIVXInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
elif coin == Coins . DASH :
return DASHInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
elif coin == Coins . FIRO :
return FIROInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown coin type ' )
def createPassthroughInterface ( self , coin ) :
if coin == Coins . BTC :
return PassthroughBTCInterface ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown coin type ' )
def setCoinRunParams ( self , coin ) :
cc = self . coin_clients [ coin ]
if coin == Coins . XMR :
if cc [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' rpc ' and cc [ ' rpcauth ' ] is None :
chain_client_settings = self . getChainClientSettings ( coin )
authcookiepath = os . path . join ( self . getChainDatadirPath ( coin ) , ' .cookie ' )
pidfilename = cc [ ' name ' ]
if cc [ ' name ' ] in ( ' bitcoin ' , ' litecoin ' , ' namecoin ' , ' dash ' , ' firo ' ) :
pidfilename + = ' d '
pidfilepath = os . path . join ( self . getChainDatadirPath ( coin ) , pidfilename + ' .pid ' )
self . log . debug ( ' Reading %s rpc credentials from auth cookie %s ' , coin , authcookiepath )
# Wait for daemon to start
# Test pids to ensure authcookie is read for the correct process
datadir_pid = - 1
for i in range ( 20 ) :
try :
# Workaround for mismatched pid file name in litecoin 0.21.2
# Also set with pid= in .conf
# TODO: Remove
if cc [ ' name ' ] == ' litecoin ' and ( not os . path . exists ( pidfilepath ) ) and \
os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( self . getChainDatadirPath ( coin ) , ' bitcoind.pid ' ) ) :
pidfilepath = os . path . join ( self . getChainDatadirPath ( coin ) , ' bitcoind.pid ' )
with open ( pidfilepath , ' rb ' ) as fp :
datadir_pid = int ( fp . read ( ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
assert ( datadir_pid == cc [ ' pid ' ] ) , ' Mismatched pid '
assert ( os . path . exists ( authcookiepath ) )
except Exception as e :
if self . debug :
self . log . warning ( ' Error, iteration %d : %s ' , i , str ( e ) )
self . delay_event . wait ( 0.5 )
try :
if os . name != ' nt ' or cc [ ' core_version_group ' ] > 17 : # Litecoin on windows doesn't write a pid file
assert ( datadir_pid == cc [ ' pid ' ] ) , ' Mismatched pid '
with open ( authcookiepath , ' rb ' ) as fp :
cc [ ' rpcauth ' ] = fp . read ( ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
except Exception as e :
self . log . error ( ' Unable to read authcookie for %s , %s , datadir pid %d , daemon pid %s . Error: %s ' , str ( coin ) , authcookiepath , datadir_pid , cc [ ' pid ' ] , str ( e ) )
raise ValueError ( ' Error, terminating ' )
def createCoinInterface ( self , coin ) :
if self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' rpc ' :
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' interface ' ] = self . createInterface ( coin )
if coin == Coins . PART :
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' interface_anon ' ] = PARTInterfaceAnon ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' interface_blind ' ] = PARTInterfaceBlind ( self . coin_clients [ coin ] , self . chain , self )
elif self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' passthrough ' :
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' interface ' ] = self . createPassthroughInterface ( coin )
def start ( self ) :
self . log . info ( ' Starting BasicSwap %s , database v %d \n \n ' , __version__ , self . db_version )
self . log . info ( ' sqlalchemy version %s ' , sa . __version__ )
self . log . info ( ' timezone offset: %d ( %s ) ' , time . timezone , time . tzname [ 0 ] )
upgradeDatabase ( self , self . db_version )
upgradeDatabaseData ( self , self . db_data_version )
for c in Coins :
if c not in chainparams :
self . setCoinRunParams ( c )
self . createCoinInterface ( c )
if self . coin_clients [ c ] [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' rpc ' :
if c == Coins . BTC :
self . waitForDaemonRPC ( c , with_wallet = False )
if len ( self . callcoinrpc ( c , ' listwallets ' ) ) > = 1 :
self . waitForDaemonRPC ( c )
else :
self . waitForDaemonRPC ( c )
ci = self . ci ( c )
core_version = ci . getDaemonVersion ( )
self . log . info ( ' %s Core version %d ' , ci . coin_name ( ) , core_version )
self . coin_clients [ c ] [ ' core_version ' ] = core_version
thread_func = threadPollXMRChainState if c == Coins . XMR else threadPollChainState
t = threading . Thread ( target = thread_func , args = ( self , c ) )
self . threads . append ( t )
t . start ( )
if c == Coins . PART :
self . coin_clients [ c ] [ ' have_spent_index ' ] = ci . haveSpentIndex ( )
try :
# Sanity checks
rv = self . callcoinrpc ( c , ' extkey ' )
if ' result ' in rv and ' No keys to list. ' in rv [ ' result ' ] :
raise ValueError ( ' No keys loaded. ' )
if self . callcoinrpc ( c , ' getstakinginfo ' ) [ ' enabled ' ] is not False :
self . log . warning ( ' %s staking is not disabled. ' , ci . coin_name ( ) )
except Exception as e :
self . log . error ( ' Sanity checks failed: %s ' , str ( e ) )
elif c == Coins . XMR :
try :
ci . ensureWalletExists ( )
except Exception as e :
self . log . warning ( ' Can \' t open XMR wallet, could be locked. ' )
self . checkWalletSeed ( c )
if ' p2p_host ' in self . settings :
network_key = self . getNetworkKey ( 1 )
self . _network = bsn . Network ( self . settings [ ' p2p_host ' ] , self . settings [ ' p2p_port ' ] , network_key , self )
self . _network . startNetwork ( )
self . log . debug ( ' network_key %s \n network_pubkey %s \n network_addr %s ' ,
self . network_key , self . network_pubkey , self . network_addr )
ro = self . callrpc ( ' smsglocalkeys ' )
found = False
for k in ro [ ' smsg_keys ' ] :
if k [ ' address ' ] == self . network_addr :
found = True
if not found :
self . log . info ( ' Importing network key to SMSG ' )
self . callrpc ( ' smsgimportprivkey ' , [ self . network_key , ' basicswap offers ' ] )
ro = self . callrpc ( ' smsglocalkeys ' , [ ' anon ' , ' - ' , self . network_addr ] )
ensure ( ro [ ' result ' ] == ' Success. ' , ' smsglocalkeys failed ' )
# TODO: Ensure smsg is enabled for the active wallet.
# Initialise locked state
_ , _ = self . getLockedState ( )
# Re-load in-progress bids
self . loadFromDB ( )
# Scan inbox
# TODO: Redundant? small window for zmq messages to go unnoticed during startup?
# options = {'encoding': 'hex'}
options = { ' encoding ' : ' none ' }
ro = self . callrpc ( ' smsginbox ' , [ ' unread ' , ' ' , options ] )
nm = 0
for msg in ro [ ' messages ' ] :
# TODO: Remove workaround for smsginbox bug
get_msg = self . callrpc ( ' smsg ' , [ msg [ ' msgid ' ] , { ' encoding ' : ' hex ' , ' setread ' : True } ] )
self . processMsg ( get_msg )
nm + = 1
self . log . info ( ' Scanned %d unread messages. ' , nm )
def stopDaemon ( self , coin ) - > None :
if coin == Coins . XMR :
num_tries = 10
authcookiepath = os . path . join ( self . getChainDatadirPath ( coin ) , ' .cookie ' )
stopping = False
try :
for i in range ( num_tries ) :
rv = self . callcoincli ( coin , ' stop ' , timeout = 10 )
self . log . debug ( ' Trying to stop %s ' , str ( coin ) )
stopping = True
time . sleep ( i + 1 )
except Exception as ex :
str_ex = str ( ex )
if ' Could not connect ' in str_ex or ' Could not locate RPC credentials ' in str_ex or ' couldn \' t connect to server ' in str_ex :
if stopping :
for i in range ( 30 ) :
# The lock file doesn't get deleted
# Using .cookie is a temporary workaround, will only work if rpc password is unset.
# TODO: Query lock on .lock properly
if os . path . exists ( authcookiepath ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Waiting on .cookie file %s ' , str ( coin ) )
time . sleep ( i + 1 )
time . sleep ( 4 ) # Extra time to settle
self . log . error ( ' stopDaemon %s ' , str ( ex ) )
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
raise ValueError ( ' Could not stop {} ' . format ( str ( coin ) ) )
def stopDaemons ( self ) - > None :
for c in self . activeCoins ( ) :
chain_client_settings = self . getChainClientSettings ( c )
if chain_client_settings [ ' manage_daemon ' ] is True :
self . stopDaemon ( c )
def waitForDaemonRPC ( self , coin_type , with_wallet = True ) - > None :
for i in range ( self . startup_tries ) :
if not self . is_running :
try :
self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' interface ' ] . testDaemonRPC ( with_wallet )
except Exception as ex :
self . log . warning ( ' Can \' t connect to %s RPC: %s . Trying again in %d second/s. ' , coin_type , str ( ex ) , ( 1 + i ) )
time . sleep ( 1 + i )
self . log . error ( ' Can \' t connect to %s RPC, exiting. ' , coin_type )
self . stopRunning ( 1 ) # systemd will try to restart the process if fail_code != 0
def checkCoinsReady ( self , coin_from , coin_to ) - > None :
check_coins = ( coin_from , coin_to )
for c in check_coins :
ci = self . ci ( c )
if self . _restrict_unknown_seed_wallets and not ci . knownWalletSeed ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' {} has an unexpected wallet seed and " restrict_unknown_seed_wallets " is enabled. ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) ) )
if self . coin_clients [ c ] [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
if c == Coins . XMR :
continue # TODO
synced = round ( ci . getBlockchainInfo ( ) [ ' verificationprogress ' ] , 3 )
if synced < 1.0 :
raise ValueError ( ' {} chain is still syncing, currently at {} . ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) , synced ) )
def isSystemUnlocked ( self ) - > bool :
# TODO - Check all active coins
ci = self . ci ( Coins . PART )
return not ci . isWalletLocked ( )
def checkSystemStatus ( self ) - > None :
ci = self . ci ( Coins . PART )
if ci . isWalletLocked ( ) :
raise LockedCoinError ( Coins . PART )
def activeCoins ( self ) :
for c in Coins :
if c not in chainparams :
chain_client_settings = self . getChainClientSettings ( c )
if self . coin_clients [ c ] [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' rpc ' :
yield c
def changeWalletPasswords ( self , old_password , new_password , coin = None ) - > None :
# Only the main wallet password is changed for monero, avoid issues by preventing until active swaps are complete
if len ( self . swaps_in_progress ) > 0 :
raise ValueError ( ' Can \' t change passwords while swaps are in progress ' )
if old_password == new_password :
raise ValueError ( ' Passwords must differ ' )
if len ( new_password ) < 4 :
raise ValueError ( ' New password is too short ' )
# Unlock wallets to ensure they all have the same password.
for c in self . activeCoins ( ) :
if coin and c != coin :
ci = self . ci ( c )
try :
ci . unlockWallet ( old_password )
except Exception as e :
raise ValueError ( ' Failed to unlock {} ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) ) )
for c in self . activeCoins ( ) :
if coin and c != coin :
self . ci ( c ) . changeWalletPassword ( old_password , new_password )
# Update cached state
if coin is None or coin == Coins . PART :
self . _is_encrypted , self . _is_locked = self . ci ( Coins . PART ) . isWalletEncryptedLocked ( )
def unlockWallets ( self , password , coin = None ) - > None :
self . _read_zmq_queue = False
for c in self . activeCoins ( ) :
if coin and c != coin :
self . ci ( c ) . unlockWallet ( password )
if c == Coins . PART :
self . _is_locked = False
self . loadFromDB ( )
self . _read_zmq_queue = True
def lockWallets ( self , coin = None ) - > None :
self . _read_zmq_queue = False
self . swaps_in_progress . clear ( )
for c in self . activeCoins ( ) :
if coin and c != coin :
self . ci ( c ) . lockWallet ( )
if c == Coins . PART :
self . _is_locked = True
self . _read_zmq_queue = True
def initialiseWallet ( self , coin_type , raise_errors = False ) - > None :
if coin_type == Coins . PART :
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
db_key_coin_name = ci . coin_name ( ) . lower ( )
self . log . info ( ' Initialising {} wallet. ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) ) )
if coin_type == Coins . XMR :
key_view = self . getWalletKey ( coin_type , 1 , for_ed25519 = True )
key_spend = self . getWalletKey ( coin_type , 2 , for_ed25519 = True )
ci . initialiseWallet ( key_view , key_spend )
root_address = ci . getAddressFromKeys ( key_view , key_spend )
key_str = ' main_wallet_addr_ ' + db_key_coin_name
self . setStringKV ( key_str , root_address )
root_key = self . getWalletKey ( coin_type , 1 )
root_hash = ci . getSeedHash ( root_key )
try :
ci . initialiseWallet ( root_key )
except Exception as e :
# < 0.21: sethdseed cannot set a new HD seed while still in Initial Block Download.
self . log . error ( ' initialiseWallet failed: {} ' . format ( str ( e ) ) )
if raise_errors :
raise e
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
key_str = ' main_wallet_seedid_ ' + db_key_coin_name
self . setStringKV ( key_str , root_hash . hex ( ) , session )
# Clear any saved addresses
self . clearStringKV ( ' receive_addr_ ' + db_key_coin_name , session )
self . clearStringKV ( ' stealth_addr_ ' + db_key_coin_name , session )
coin_id = int ( coin_type )
info_type = 1 # wallet
query_str = f ' DELETE FROM wallets WHERE coin_id = { coin_id } AND balance_type = { info_type } '
session . execute ( query_str )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def updateIdentityBidState ( self , session , address : str , bid ) - > None :
identity_stats = session . query ( KnownIdentity ) . filter_by ( address = address ) . first ( )
if not identity_stats :
identity_stats = KnownIdentity ( active_ind = 1 , address = address , created_at = self . getTime ( ) )
if bid . state == BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED :
if bid . was_sent :
identity_stats . num_sent_bids_successful = zeroIfNone ( identity_stats . num_sent_bids_successful ) + 1
else :
identity_stats . num_recv_bids_successful = zeroIfNone ( identity_stats . num_recv_bids_successful ) + 1
elif bid . state in ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_SWIPED , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED , BidStates . SWAP_TIMEDOUT ) :
if bid . was_sent :
identity_stats . num_sent_bids_failed = zeroIfNone ( identity_stats . num_sent_bids_failed ) + 1
else :
identity_stats . num_recv_bids_failed = zeroIfNone ( identity_stats . num_recv_bids_failed ) + 1
identity_stats . updated_at = self . getTime ( )
session . add ( identity_stats )
def setIntKVInSession ( self , str_key : str , int_val : int , session ) - > None :
kv = session . query ( DBKVInt ) . filter_by ( key = str_key ) . first ( )
if not kv :
kv = DBKVInt ( key = str_key , value = int_val )
else :
kv . value = int_val
session . add ( kv )
def setIntKV ( self , str_key : str , int_val : int ) - > None :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . setIntKVInSession ( str_key , int_val , session )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def setStringKV ( self , str_key : str , str_val : str , session = None ) - > None :
try :
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
kv = use_session . query ( DBKVString ) . filter_by ( key = str_key ) . first ( )
if not kv :
kv = DBKVString ( key = str_key , value = str_val )
else :
kv . value = str_val
use_session . add ( kv )
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session )
def getStringKV ( self , str_key : str , session = None ) - > Optional [ str ] :
try :
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
v = use_session . query ( DBKVString ) . filter_by ( key = str_key ) . first ( )
if not v :
return None
return v . value
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session , commit = False )
def clearStringKV ( self , str_key : str , str_val : str ) - > None :
with self . mxDB :
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
session . execute ( ' DELETE FROM kv_string WHERE key = :key ' , { ' key ' : str_key } )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
def getPreFundedTx ( self , linked_type : int , linked_id : bytes , tx_type : int , session = None ) - > Optional [ bytes ] :
try :
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
tx = use_session . query ( PrefundedTx ) . filter_by ( linked_type = linked_type , linked_id = linked_id , tx_type = tx_type , used_by = None ) . first ( )
if not tx :
return None
tx . used_by = linked_id
use_session . add ( tx )
return tx . tx_data
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session )
def activateBid ( self , session , bid ) :
if bid . bid_id in self . swaps_in_progress :
self . log . debug ( ' Bid %s is already in progress ' , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . log . debug ( ' Loading active bid %s ' , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) )
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = bid . offer_id ) . first ( )
if not offer :
raise ValueError ( ' Offer not found ' )
self . loadBidTxns ( bid , session )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_swap = session . query ( XmrSwap ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid . bid_id ) . first ( )
self . watchXmrSwap ( bid , offer , xmr_swap )
else :
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid . bid_id ] = ( bid , offer )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
if bid . initiate_tx and bid . initiate_tx . txid :
self . addWatchedOutput ( coin_from , bid . bid_id , bid . initiate_tx . txid . hex ( ) , bid . initiate_tx . vout , BidStates . SWAP_INITIATED )
if bid . participate_tx and bid . participate_tx . txid :
self . addWatchedOutput ( coin_to , bid . bid_id , bid . participate_tx . txid . hex ( ) , bid . participate_tx . vout , BidStates . SWAP_PARTICIPATING )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_from ] [ ' last_height_checked ' ] < 1 :
if bid . initiate_tx and bid . initiate_tx . chain_height :
self . coin_clients [ coin_from ] [ ' last_height_checked ' ] = bid . initiate_tx . chain_height
if self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' last_height_checked ' ] < 1 :
if bid . participate_tx and bid . participate_tx . chain_height :
self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' last_height_checked ' ] = bid . participate_tx . chain_height
# TODO process addresspool if bid has previously been abandoned
def deactivateBid ( self , session , offer , bid ) :
# Remove from in progress
self . log . debug ( ' Removing bid from in-progress: %s ' , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . swaps_in_progress . pop ( bid . bid_id , None )
bid . in_progress = 0
if session is None :
self . saveBid ( bid . bid_id , bid )
# Remove any watched outputs
self . removeWatchedOutput ( Coins ( offer . coin_from ) , bid . bid_id , None )
self . removeWatchedOutput ( Coins ( offer . coin_to ) , bid . bid_id , None )
if bid . state == BidStates . BID_ABANDONED or bid . state == BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED :
# Return unused addrs to pool
itx_state = bid . getITxState ( )
ptx_state = bid . getPTxState ( )
if itx_state is not None and itx_state != TxStates . TX_REDEEMED :
self . returnAddressToPool ( bid . bid_id , TxTypes . ITX_REDEEM )
if itx_state is not None and itx_state != TxStates . TX_REFUNDED :
self . returnAddressToPool ( bid . bid_id , TxTypes . ITX_REFUND )
if ptx_state is not None and ptx_state != TxStates . TX_REDEEMED :
self . returnAddressToPool ( bid . bid_id , TxTypes . PTX_REDEEM )
if ptx_state is not None and ptx_state != TxStates . TX_REFUNDED :
self . returnAddressToPool ( bid . bid_id , TxTypes . PTX_REFUND )
try :
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
# Remove any delayed events
if self . debug :
use_session . execute ( ' UPDATE actions SET active_ind = 2 WHERE linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
else :
use_session . execute ( ' DELETE FROM actions WHERE linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
# Unlock locked inputs (TODO)
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_swap = use_session . query ( XmrSwap ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid . bid_id ) . first ( )
if xmr_swap :
try :
self . ci ( offer . coin_from ) . unlockInputs ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx )
except Exception as e :
self . log . debug ( ' unlockInputs failed {} ' . format ( str ( e ) ) )
pass # Invalid parameter, unknown transaction
elif SwapTypes . SELLER_FIRST :
pass # No prevouts are locked
# Update identity stats
if bid . state in ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_SWIPED , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , BidStates . SWAP_TIMEDOUT ) :
peer_address = offer . addr_from if bid . was_sent else bid . bid_addr
self . updateIdentityBidState ( use_session , peer_address , bid )
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session )
def loadFromDB ( self ) - > None :
if self . isSystemUnlocked ( ) is False :
self . log . info ( ' Not loading from db. System is locked. ' )
self . log . info ( ' Loading data from db ' )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
self . swaps_in_progress . clear ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
for bid in session . query ( Bid ) :
if bid . in_progress == 1 or ( bid . state and bid . state > BidStates . BID_RECEIVED and bid . state < BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED ) :
try :
self . activateBid ( session , bid )
except Exception as ex :
self . logException ( f ' Failed to activate bid! Error: { ex } ' )
try :
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , ' Failed to activate ' )
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = bid . offer_id ) . first ( )
self . deactivateBid ( session , offer , bid )
except Exception as ex :
self . logException ( f ' Further error deactivating: { ex } ' )
self . buildNotificationsCache ( session )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def getActiveBidMsgValidTime ( self ) :
return self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR * 48
def getAcceptBidMsgValidTime ( self , bid ) :
now : int = self . getTime ( )
smsg_max_valid = self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR * 48
smsg_min_valid = self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR * 1
bid_valid = ( bid . expire_at - now ) + 10 * 60 # Add 10 minute buffer
return max ( smsg_min_valid , min ( smsg_max_valid , bid_valid ) )
def sendSmsg ( self , addr_from , addr_to , payload_hex , msg_valid ) :
options = { ' decodehex ' : True , ' ttl_is_seconds ' : True }
ro = self . callrpc ( ' smsgsend ' , [ addr_from , addr_to , payload_hex , False , msg_valid , False , options ] )
return bytes . fromhex ( ro [ ' msgid ' ] )
def validateSwapType ( self , coin_from , coin_to , swap_type ) :
if coin_from == Coins . XMR :
raise ValueError ( ' TODO: XMR coin_from ' )
if coin_to == Coins . XMR and swap_type != SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid swap type for XMR ' )
if coin_from == Coins . PART_ANON :
raise ValueError ( ' TODO: PART_ANON coin_from ' )
if coin_to == Coins . PART_ANON and swap_type != SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid swap type for PART_ANON ' )
if ( coin_from == Coins . PART_BLIND or coin_to == Coins . PART_BLIND ) and swap_type != SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid swap type for PART_BLIND ' )
if coin_from in ( Coins . PIVX , Coins . DASH , Coins . FIRO , Coins . NMC ) and swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
raise ValueError ( ' TODO: {} -> XMR ' . format ( coin_from . name ) )
def notify ( self , event_type , event_data , session = None ) :
show_event = event_type not in self . _disabled_notification_types
if event_type == NT . OFFER_RECEIVED :
self . log . debug ( ' Received new offer %s ' , event_data [ ' offer_id ' ] )
if self . ws_server and show_event :
event_data [ ' event ' ] = ' new_offer '
self . ws_server . send_message_to_all ( json . dumps ( event_data ) )
elif event_type == NT . BID_RECEIVED :
self . log . info ( ' Received valid bid %s for %s offer %s ' , event_data [ ' bid_id ' ] , event_data [ ' type ' ] , event_data [ ' offer_id ' ] )
if self . ws_server and show_event :
event_data [ ' event ' ] = ' new_bid '
self . ws_server . send_message_to_all ( json . dumps ( event_data ) )
elif event_type == NT . BID_ACCEPTED :
self . log . info ( ' Received valid bid accept for %s ' , event_data [ ' bid_id ' ] )
if self . ws_server and show_event :
event_data [ ' event ' ] = ' bid_accepted '
self . ws_server . send_message_to_all ( json . dumps ( event_data ) )
else :
self . log . warning ( f ' Unknown notification { event_type } ' )
try :
now : int = self . getTime ( )
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
use_session . add ( Notification (
active_ind = 1 ,
created_at = now ,
event_type = int ( event_type ) ,
event_data = bytes ( json . dumps ( event_data ) , ' UTF-8 ' ) ,
) )
use_session . execute ( f ' DELETE FROM notifications WHERE record_id NOT IN (SELECT record_id FROM notifications WHERE active_ind=1 ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT { self . _keep_notifications } ) ' )
if show_event :
self . _notifications_cache [ now ] = ( event_type , event_data )
while len ( self . _notifications_cache ) > self . _show_notifications :
# dicts preserve insertion order in Python 3.7+
self . _notifications_cache . pop ( next ( iter ( self . _notifications_cache ) ) )
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session )
def buildNotificationsCache ( self , session ) :
self . _notifications_cache . clear ( )
q = session . execute ( f ' SELECT created_at, event_type, event_data FROM notifications WHERE active_ind = 1 ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT { self . _show_notifications } ' )
for entry in q :
self . _notifications_cache [ entry [ 0 ] ] = ( entry [ 1 ] , json . loads ( entry [ 2 ] . decode ( ' UTF-8 ' ) ) )
def getNotifications ( self ) :
rv = [ ]
for k , v in self . _notifications_cache . items ( ) :
rv . append ( ( time . strftime ( ' %d - % m- % y % H: % M: % S ' , time . localtime ( k ) ) , int ( v [ 0 ] ) , v [ 1 ] ) )
return rv
def setIdentityData ( self , filters , data ) :
address = filters [ ' address ' ]
ci = self . ci ( Coins . PART )
ensure ( ci . isValidAddress ( address ) , ' Invalid identity address ' )
try :
now : int = self . getTime ( )
session = self . openSession ( )
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM knownidentities WHERE address = :address ' , { ' address ' : address } ) . first ( )
if q [ 0 ] < 1 :
session . execute ( ' INSERT INTO knownidentities (active_ind, address, created_at) VALUES (1, :address, :now) ' , { ' address ' : address , ' now ' : now } )
if ' label ' in data :
session . execute ( ' UPDATE knownidentities SET label = :label WHERE address = :address ' , { ' address ' : address , ' label ' : data [ ' label ' ] } )
if ' automation_override ' in data :
new_value : int = 0
data_value = data [ ' automation_override ' ]
if isinstance ( data_value , int ) :
new_value = data_value
elif isinstance ( data_value , str ) :
if data_value . isdigit ( ) :
new_value = int ( data_value )
elif data_value == ' default ' :
new_value = 0
elif data_value == ' always_accept ' :
new_value = int ( AutomationOverrideOptions . ALWAYS_ACCEPT )
elif data_value == ' never_accept ' :
new_value = int ( AutomationOverrideOptions . NEVER_ACCEPT )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown automation_override value ' )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown automation_override type ' )
session . execute ( ' UPDATE knownidentities SET automation_override = :new_value WHERE address = :address ' , { ' address ' : address , ' new_value ' : new_value } )
if ' visibility_override ' in data :
new_value : int = 0
data_value = data [ ' visibility_override ' ]
if isinstance ( data_value , int ) :
new_value = data_value
elif isinstance ( data_value , str ) :
if data_value . isdigit ( ) :
new_value = int ( data_value )
elif data_value == ' default ' :
new_value = 0
elif data_value == ' hide ' :
new_value = int ( VisibilityOverrideOptions . HIDE )
elif data_value == ' block ' :
new_value = int ( VisibilityOverrideOptions . BLOCK )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown visibility_override value ' )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown visibility_override type ' )
session . execute ( ' UPDATE knownidentities SET visibility_override = :new_value WHERE address = :address ' , { ' address ' : address , ' new_value ' : new_value } )
if ' note ' in data :
session . execute ( ' UPDATE knownidentities SET note = :note WHERE address = :address ' , { ' address ' : address , ' note ' : data [ ' note ' ] } )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def listIdentities ( self , filters = { } ) :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
query_str = ' SELECT address, label, num_sent_bids_successful, num_recv_bids_successful, ' + \
' num_sent_bids_rejected, num_recv_bids_rejected, num_sent_bids_failed, num_recv_bids_failed, ' + \
' automation_override, visibility_override, note ' + \
' FROM knownidentities ' + \
' WHERE active_ind = 1 '
address = filters . get ( ' address ' , None )
if address is not None :
query_str + = f ' AND address = " { address } " '
sort_dir = filters . get ( ' sort_dir ' , ' DESC ' ) . upper ( )
sort_by = filters . get ( ' sort_by ' , ' created_at ' )
query_str + = f ' ORDER BY { sort_by } { sort_dir } '
limit = filters . get ( ' limit ' , None )
if limit is not None :
query_str + = f ' LIMIT { limit } '
offset = filters . get ( ' offset ' , None )
if offset is not None :
query_str + = f ' OFFSET { offset } '
q = session . execute ( query_str )
rv = [ ]
for row in q :
identity = {
' address ' : row [ 0 ] ,
' label ' : row [ 1 ] ,
' num_sent_bids_successful ' : zeroIfNone ( row [ 2 ] ) ,
' num_recv_bids_successful ' : zeroIfNone ( row [ 3 ] ) ,
' num_sent_bids_rejected ' : zeroIfNone ( row [ 4 ] ) ,
' num_recv_bids_rejected ' : zeroIfNone ( row [ 5 ] ) ,
' num_sent_bids_failed ' : zeroIfNone ( row [ 6 ] ) ,
' num_recv_bids_failed ' : zeroIfNone ( row [ 7 ] ) ,
' automation_override ' : zeroIfNone ( row [ 8 ] ) ,
' visibility_override ' : zeroIfNone ( row [ 9 ] ) ,
' note ' : row [ 10 ] ,
rv . append ( identity )
return rv
finally :
self . closeSession ( session , commit = False )
def vacuumDB ( self ) :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
return session . execute ( ' VACUUM ' )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def validateOfferAmounts ( self , coin_from , coin_to , amount , rate , min_bid_amount ) :
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
ensure ( amount > = min_bid_amount , ' amount < min_bid_amount ' )
ensure ( amount > ci_from . min_amount ( ) , ' From amount below min value for chain ' )
ensure ( amount < ci_from . max_amount ( ) , ' From amount above max value for chain ' )
amount_to = int ( ( amount * rate ) / / ci_from . COIN ( ) )
ensure ( amount_to > ci_to . min_amount ( ) , ' To amount below min value for chain ' )
ensure ( amount_to < ci_to . max_amount ( ) , ' To amount above max value for chain ' )
def validateOfferLockValue ( self , swap_type , coin_from , coin_to , lock_type , lock_value ) :
coin_from_has_csv = self . coin_clients [ coin_from ] [ ' use_csv ' ]
coin_to_has_csv = self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' use_csv ' ]
if lock_type == OfferMessage . SEQUENCE_LOCK_TIME :
ensure ( lock_value > = self . min_sequence_lock_seconds and lock_value < = self . max_sequence_lock_seconds , ' Invalid lock_value time ' )
if swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
ensure ( coin_from_has_csv , ' Coin from needs CSV activated. ' )
else :
ensure ( coin_from_has_csv and coin_to_has_csv , ' Both coins need CSV activated. ' )
elif lock_type == OfferMessage . SEQUENCE_LOCK_BLOCKS :
ensure ( lock_value > = 5 and lock_value < = 1000 , ' Invalid lock_value blocks ' )
if swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
ensure ( coin_from_has_csv , ' Coin from needs CSV activated. ' )
else :
ensure ( coin_from_has_csv and coin_to_has_csv , ' Both coins need CSV activated. ' )
elif lock_type == TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_TIME :
# TODO: range?
ensure ( not coin_from_has_csv or not coin_to_has_csv , ' Should use CSV. ' )
ensure ( lock_value > = 4 * 60 * 60 and lock_value < = 96 * 60 * 60 , ' Invalid lock_value time ' )
elif lock_type == TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS :
# TODO: range?
ensure ( not coin_from_has_csv or not coin_to_has_csv , ' Should use CSV. ' )
ensure ( lock_value > = 10 and lock_value < = 1000 , ' Invalid lock_value blocks ' )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown locktype ' )
def validateOfferValidTime ( self , offer_type , coin_from , coin_to , valid_for_seconds ) :
# TODO: adjust
if valid_for_seconds < 10 * 60 :
raise ValueError ( ' Offer TTL too low ' )
if valid_for_seconds > 48 * 60 * 60 :
raise ValueError ( ' Offer TTL too high ' )
def validateBidValidTime ( self , offer_type , coin_from , coin_to , valid_for_seconds ) :
# TODO: adjust
if valid_for_seconds < 10 * 60 :
raise ValueError ( ' Bid TTL too low ' )
if valid_for_seconds > 24 * 60 * 60 :
raise ValueError ( ' Bid TTL too high ' )
def validateBidAmount ( self , offer , bid_amount , bid_rate ) :
ensure ( bid_amount > = offer . min_bid_amount , ' Bid amount below minimum ' )
ensure ( bid_amount < = offer . amount_from , ' Bid amount above offer amount ' )
if not offer . amount_negotiable :
ensure ( offer . amount_from == bid_amount , ' Bid amount must match offer amount. ' )
if not offer . rate_negotiable :
ensure ( offer . rate == bid_rate , ' Bid rate must match offer rate. ' )
def getOfferAddressTo ( self , extra_options ) :
if ' addr_send_to ' in extra_options :
return extra_options [ ' addr_send_to ' ]
return self . network_addr
def postOffer ( self , coin_from , coin_to , amount , rate , min_bid_amount , swap_type ,
lock_type = TxLockTypes . SEQUENCE_LOCK_TIME , lock_value = 48 * 60 * 60 , auto_accept_bids = False , addr_send_from = None , extra_options = { } ) :
# Offer to send offer.amount_from of coin_from in exchange for offer.amount_from * offer.rate of coin_to
ensure ( coin_from != coin_to , ' coin_from == coin_to ' )
try :
coin_from_t = Coins ( coin_from )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from_t )
except Exception :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown coin from type ' )
try :
coin_to_t = Coins ( coin_to )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to_t )
except Exception :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown coin to type ' )
valid_for_seconds = extra_options . get ( ' valid_for_seconds ' , 60 * 60 )
self . validateSwapType ( coin_from_t , coin_to_t , swap_type )
self . validateOfferAmounts ( coin_from_t , coin_to_t , amount , rate , min_bid_amount )
self . validateOfferLockValue ( swap_type , coin_from_t , coin_to_t , lock_type , lock_value )
self . validateOfferValidTime ( swap_type , coin_from_t , coin_to_t , valid_for_seconds )
offer_addr_to = self . getOfferAddressTo ( extra_options )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
session = None
try :
self . checkCoinsReady ( coin_from_t , coin_to_t )
offer_addr = self . newSMSGAddress ( use_type = AddressTypes . OFFER ) [ 0 ] if addr_send_from is None else addr_send_from
offer_created_at = self . getTime ( )
msg_buf = OfferMessage ( )
msg_buf . protocol_version = PROTOCOL_VERSION_ADAPTOR_SIG if swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP else PROTOCOL_VERSION_SECRET_HASH
msg_buf . coin_from = int ( coin_from )
msg_buf . coin_to = int ( coin_to )
msg_buf . amount_from = int ( amount )
msg_buf . rate = int ( rate )
msg_buf . min_bid_amount = int ( min_bid_amount )
msg_buf . time_valid = valid_for_seconds
msg_buf . lock_type = lock_type
msg_buf . lock_value = lock_value
msg_buf . swap_type = swap_type
msg_buf . amount_negotiable = extra_options . get ( ' amount_negotiable ' , False )
msg_buf . rate_negotiable = extra_options . get ( ' rate_negotiable ' , False )
if msg_buf . amount_negotiable or msg_buf . rate_negotiable :
ensure ( auto_accept_bids is False , ' Auto-accept unavailable when amount or rate are variable ' )
if ' from_fee_override ' in extra_options :
msg_buf . fee_rate_from = make_int ( extra_options [ ' from_fee_override ' ] , self . ci ( coin_from ) . exp ( ) )
else :
# TODO: conf_target = ci_from.settings.get('conf_target', 2)
conf_target = 2
if ' from_fee_conf_target ' in extra_options :
conf_target = extra_options [ ' from_fee_conf_target ' ]
fee_rate , fee_src = self . getFeeRateForCoin ( coin_from , conf_target )
if ' from_fee_multiplier_percent ' in extra_options :
fee_rate * = extra_options [ ' fee_multiplier ' ] / 100.0
msg_buf . fee_rate_from = make_int ( fee_rate , self . ci ( coin_from ) . exp ( ) )
if ' to_fee_override ' in extra_options :
msg_buf . fee_rate_to = make_int ( extra_options [ ' to_fee_override ' ] , self . ci ( coin_to ) . exp ( ) )
else :
# TODO: conf_target = ci_to.settings.get('conf_target', 2)
conf_target = 2
if ' to_fee_conf_target ' in extra_options :
conf_target = extra_options [ ' to_fee_conf_target ' ]
fee_rate , fee_src = self . getFeeRateForCoin ( coin_to , conf_target )
if ' to_fee_multiplier_percent ' in extra_options :
fee_rate * = extra_options [ ' fee_multiplier ' ] / 100.0
msg_buf . fee_rate_to = make_int ( fee_rate , self . ci ( coin_to ) . exp ( ) )
if swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_offer = XmrOffer ( )
# Delay before the chain a lock refund tx can be mined
xmr_offer . lock_time_1 = ci_from . getExpectedSequence ( lock_type , lock_value )
# Delay before the follower can spend from the chain a lock refund tx
xmr_offer . lock_time_2 = ci_from . getExpectedSequence ( lock_type , lock_value )
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate = msg_buf . fee_rate_from
xmr_offer . b_fee_rate = msg_buf . fee_rate_to # Unused: TODO - Set priority?
proof_of_funds_hash = getOfferProofOfFundsHash ( msg_buf , offer_addr )
proof_addr , proof_sig = self . getProofOfFunds ( coin_from_t , int ( amount ) , proof_of_funds_hash )
# TODO: For now proof_of_funds is just a client side check, may need to be sent with offers in future however.
offer_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . OFFER ) + offer_bytes . hex ( )
msg_valid = max ( self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR * 1 , valid_for_seconds )
offer_id = self . sendSmsg ( offer_addr , offer_addr_to , payload_hex , msg_valid )
security_token = extra_options . get ( ' security_token ' , None )
if security_token is not None and len ( security_token ) != 20 :
raise ValueError ( ' Security token must be 20 bytes long. ' )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
offer = Offer (
offer_id = offer_id ,
active_ind = 1 ,
protocol_version = msg_buf . protocol_version ,
coin_from = msg_buf . coin_from ,
coin_to = msg_buf . coin_to ,
amount_from = msg_buf . amount_from ,
rate = msg_buf . rate ,
min_bid_amount = msg_buf . min_bid_amount ,
time_valid = msg_buf . time_valid ,
lock_type = int ( msg_buf . lock_type ) ,
lock_value = msg_buf . lock_value ,
swap_type = msg_buf . swap_type ,
amount_negotiable = msg_buf . amount_negotiable ,
rate_negotiable = msg_buf . rate_negotiable ,
addr_to = offer_addr_to ,
addr_from = offer_addr ,
created_at = offer_created_at ,
expire_at = offer_created_at + msg_buf . time_valid ,
was_sent = True ,
security_token = security_token )
offer . setState ( OfferStates . OFFER_SENT )
if swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_offer . offer_id = offer_id
session . add ( xmr_offer )
automation_id = extra_options . get ( ' automation_id ' , - 1 )
if automation_id == - 1 and auto_accept_bids :
# Use default strategy
automation_id = 1
if automation_id != - 1 :
auto_link = AutomationLink (
active_ind = 1 ,
linked_type = Concepts . OFFER ,
linked_id = offer_id ,
strategy_id = automation_id ,
created_at = offer_created_at ,
repeat_limit = 1 ,
repeat_count = 0 )
session . add ( auto_link )
if ' prefunded_itx ' in extra_options :
prefunded_tx = PrefundedTx (
active_ind = 1 ,
created_at = offer_created_at ,
linked_type = Concepts . OFFER ,
linked_id = offer_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . ITX_PRE_FUNDED ,
tx_data = extra_options [ ' prefunded_itx ' ] )
session . add ( prefunded_tx )
session . add ( offer )
session . add ( SentOffer ( offer_id = offer_id ) )
session . commit ( )
finally :
if session :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
self . log . info ( ' Sent OFFER %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
return offer_id
def revokeOffer ( self , offer_id , security_token = None ) - > None :
self . log . info ( ' Revoking offer %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
session = self . openSession ( )
try :
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = offer_id ) . first ( )
if offer . security_token is not None and offer . security_token != security_token :
raise ValueError ( ' Mismatched security token ' )
msg_buf = OfferRevokeMessage ( )
msg_buf . offer_msg_id = offer_id
signature_enc = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' signmessage ' , [ offer . addr_from , offer_id . hex ( ) + ' _revoke ' ] )
msg_buf . signature = base64 . b64decode ( signature_enc )
msg_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . OFFER_REVOKE ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
msg_id = self . sendSmsg ( offer . addr_from , self . network_addr , payload_hex , offer . time_valid )
self . log . debug ( ' Revoked offer %s in msg %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) , msg_id . hex ( ) )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session , commit = False )
def archiveOffer ( self , offer_id ) - > None :
self . log . info ( ' Archiving offer %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
session = self . openSession ( )
try :
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = offer_id ) . first ( )
if offer . active_ind != 1 :
raise ValueError ( ' Offer is not active ' )
offer . active_ind = 3
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def editOffer ( self , offer_id , data ) - > None :
self . log . info ( ' Editing offer %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
session = self . openSession ( )
try :
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = offer_id ) . first ( )
if ' automation_strat_id ' in data :
new_automation_strat_id = data [ ' automation_strat_id ' ]
link = session . query ( AutomationLink ) . filter_by ( linked_type = Concepts . OFFER , linked_id = offer . offer_id ) . first ( )
if not link :
if new_automation_strat_id > 0 :
link = AutomationLink (
active_ind = 1 ,
linked_type = Concepts . OFFER ,
linked_id = offer_id ,
strategy_id = new_automation_strat_id ,
created_at = self . getTime ( ) )
session . add ( link )
else :
if new_automation_strat_id < 1 :
link . active_ind = 0
else :
link . strategy_id = new_automation_strat_id
link . active_ind = 1
session . add ( link )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def grindForEd25519Key ( self , coin_type , evkey , key_path_base ) - > bytes :
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
nonce = 1
while True :
key_path = key_path_base + ' / {} ' . format ( nonce )
extkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , evkey , key_path ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' result ' ]
privkey = decodeWif ( self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , extkey ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' privkey ' ] )
if ci . verifyKey ( privkey ) :
return privkey
nonce + = 1
if nonce > 1000 :
raise ValueError ( ' grindForEd25519Key failed ' )
def getWalletKey ( self , coin_type , key_num , for_ed25519 = False ) - > bytes :
evkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' account ' , ' default ' , ' true ' ] ) [ ' evkey ' ]
key_path_base = ' 44445555h/1h/ {} / {} ' . format ( int ( coin_type ) , key_num )
if not for_ed25519 :
extkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , evkey , key_path_base ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' result ' ]
return decodeWif ( self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , extkey ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' privkey ' ] )
return self . grindForEd25519Key ( coin_type , evkey , key_path_base )
def getPathKey ( self , coin_from , coin_to , offer_created_at : int , contract_count : int , key_no : int , for_ed25519 : bool = False ) - > bytes :
evkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' account ' , ' default ' , ' true ' ] ) [ ' evkey ' ]
ci = self . ci ( coin_to )
days = offer_created_at / / 86400
secs = offer_created_at - days * 86400
key_path_base = ' 44445555h/999999/ {} / {} / {} / {} / {} / {} ' . format ( int ( coin_from ) , int ( coin_to ) , days , secs , contract_count , key_no )
if not for_ed25519 :
extkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , evkey , key_path_base ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' result ' ]
return decodeWif ( self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , extkey ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' privkey ' ] )
return self . grindForEd25519Key ( coin_to , evkey , key_path_base )
def getNetworkKey ( self , key_num ) :
evkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' account ' , ' default ' , ' true ' ] ) [ ' evkey ' ]
key_path = ' 44445556h/1h/ {} ' . format ( int ( key_num ) )
extkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , evkey , key_path ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' result ' ]
return decodeWif ( self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , extkey ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' privkey ' ] )
def getContractPubkey ( self , date , contract_count ) :
account = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' account ' ] )
# Derive an address to use for a contract
evkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' account ' , ' default ' , ' true ' ] ) [ ' evkey ' ]
# Should the coin path be included?
path = ' 44445555h '
path + = ' / ' + str ( date . year ) + ' / ' + str ( date . month ) + ' / ' + str ( date . day )
path + = ' / ' + str ( contract_count )
extkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , evkey , path ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' result ' ]
pubkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , extkey ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' pubkey ' ]
return bytes . fromhex ( pubkey )
def getContractPrivkey ( self , date , contract_count ) :
# Derive an address to use for a contract
evkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' account ' , ' default ' , ' true ' ] ) [ ' evkey ' ]
path = ' 44445555h '
path + = ' / ' + str ( date . year ) + ' / ' + str ( date . month ) + ' / ' + str ( date . day )
path + = ' / ' + str ( contract_count )
extkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , evkey , path ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' result ' ]
privkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , extkey ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' privkey ' ]
raw = decodeAddress ( privkey ) [ 1 : ]
if len ( raw ) > 32 :
raw = raw [ : 32 ]
return raw
def getContractSecret ( self , date , contract_count ) :
# Derive a key to use for a contract secret
evkey = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' account ' , ' default ' , ' true ' ] ) [ ' evkey ' ]
path = ' 44445555h/99999 '
path + = ' / ' + str ( date . year ) + ' / ' + str ( date . month ) + ' / ' + str ( date . day )
path + = ' / ' + str ( contract_count )
return hashlib . sha256 ( bytes ( self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkey ' , [ ' info ' , evkey , path ] ) [ ' key_info ' ] [ ' result ' ] , ' utf-8 ' ) ) . digest ( )
def getReceiveAddressFromPool ( self , coin_type , bid_id , tx_type ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Get address from pool bid_id {} , type {} , coin {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) , tx_type , coin_type ) )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
record = session . query ( PooledAddress ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( PooledAddress . coin_type == int ( coin_type ) , PooledAddress . bid_id == None ) ) . first ( ) # noqa: E712,E711
if not record :
address = self . getReceiveAddressForCoin ( coin_type )
record = PooledAddress (
addr = address ,
coin_type = int ( coin_type ) )
record . bid_id = bid_id
record . tx_type = tx_type
addr = record . addr
ensure ( self . ci ( coin_type ) . isAddressMine ( addr ) , ' Pool address not owned by wallet! ' )
session . add ( record )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
return addr
def returnAddressToPool ( self , bid_id , tx_type ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Return address to pool bid_id {} , type {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) , tx_type ) )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
try :
record = session . query ( PooledAddress ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( PooledAddress . bid_id == bid_id , PooledAddress . tx_type == tx_type ) ) . one ( )
self . log . debug ( ' Returning address to pool addr {} ' . format ( record . addr ) )
record . bid_id = None
session . commit ( )
except Exception as ex :
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def getReceiveAddressForCoin ( self , coin_type ) :
new_addr = self . ci ( coin_type ) . getNewAddress ( self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] )
self . log . debug ( ' Generated new receive address %s for %s ' , new_addr , str ( coin_type ) )
return new_addr
def getRelayFeeRateForCoin ( self , coin_type ) :
return self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' getnetworkinfo ' ) [ ' relayfee ' ]
def getFeeRateForCoin ( self , coin_type , conf_target = 2 ) :
chain_client_settings = self . getChainClientSettings ( coin_type )
override_feerate = chain_client_settings . get ( ' override_feerate ' , None )
if override_feerate :
self . log . debug ( ' Fee rate override used for %s : %f ' , str ( coin_type ) , override_feerate )
return override_feerate , ' override_feerate '
return self . ci ( coin_type ) . get_fee_rate ( conf_target )
def estimateWithdrawFee ( self , coin_type , fee_rate ) :
if coin_type == Coins . XMR :
self . log . error ( ' TODO: estimateWithdrawFee XMR ' )
return None
tx_vsize = self . getContractSpendTxVSize ( coin_type )
est_fee = ( fee_rate * tx_vsize ) / 1000
return est_fee
def withdrawCoin ( self , coin_type , value , addr_to , subfee ) :
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
self . log . info ( ' withdrawCoin %s %s to %s %s ' , value , ci . ticker ( ) , addr_to , ' subfee ' if subfee else ' ' )
txid = ci . withdrawCoin ( value , addr_to , subfee )
self . log . debug ( ' In txn: {} ' . format ( txid ) )
return txid
def withdrawParticl ( self , type_from , type_to , value , addr_to , subfee ) :
self . log . info ( ' withdrawParticl %s %s to %s %s %s ' , value , type_from , type_to , addr_to , ' subfee ' if subfee else ' ' )
if type_from == ' plain ' :
type_from = ' part '
if type_to == ' plain ' :
type_to = ' part '
ci = self . ci ( Coins . PART )
txid = ci . sendTypeTo ( type_from , type_to , value , addr_to , subfee )
self . log . debug ( ' In txn: {} ' . format ( txid ) )
return txid
def cacheNewAddressForCoin ( self , coin_type ) :
self . log . debug ( ' cacheNewAddressForCoin %s ' , coin_type )
key_str = ' receive_addr_ ' + chainparams [ coin_type ] [ ' name ' ]
addr = self . getReceiveAddressForCoin ( coin_type )
self . setStringKV ( key_str , addr )
return addr
def getCachedMainWalletAddress ( self , ci ) :
db_key = ' main_wallet_addr_ ' + ci . coin_name ( ) . lower ( )
cached_addr = self . getStringKV ( db_key )
if cached_addr is not None :
return cached_addr
self . log . warning ( f ' Setting { db_key } ' )
main_address = ci . getMainWalletAddress ( )
self . setStringKV ( db_key , main_address )
return main_address
def checkWalletSeed ( self , c ) :
ci = self . ci ( c )
if c == Coins . PART :
ci . setWalletSeedWarning ( False ) # All keys should be be derived from the Particl mnemonic
return True # TODO
if c == Coins . XMR :
expect_address = self . getCachedMainWalletAddress ( ci )
if expect_address is None :
self . log . warning ( ' Can \' t find expected main wallet address for coin {} ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) ) )
return False
ci . _have_checked_seed = True
wallet_address : str = ci . getMainWalletAddress ( )
if expect_address == wallet_address :
ci . setWalletSeedWarning ( False )
return True
self . log . warning ( ' Wallet for coin {} not derived from swap seed. \n Expected {} \n Have {} ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) , expect_address , wallet_address ) )
return False
expect_seedid = self . getStringKV ( ' main_wallet_seedid_ ' + ci . coin_name ( ) . lower ( ) )
if expect_seedid is None :
self . log . warning ( ' Can \' t find expected wallet seed id for coin {} ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) ) )
return False
if c == Coins . BTC and len ( ci . rpc_callback ( ' listwallets ' ) ) < 1 :
self . log . warning ( ' Missing wallet for coin {} ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) ) )
return False
if ci . checkExpectedSeed ( expect_seedid ) :
ci . setWalletSeedWarning ( False )
return True
self . log . warning ( ' Wallet for coin {} not derived from swap seed. ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) ) )
return False
def reseedWallet ( self , coin_type ) :
self . log . info ( ' reseedWallet %s ' , coin_type )
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
if ci . knownWalletSeed ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' {} wallet seed is already derived from the particl mnemonic ' . format ( ci . coin_name ( ) ) )
self . initialiseWallet ( coin_type , raise_errors = True )
# TODO: How to scan pruned blocks?
if not self . checkWalletSeed ( coin_type ) :
if coin_type == Coins . XMR :
raise ValueError ( ' TODO: How to reseed XMR wallet? ' )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Wallet seed doesn \' t match expected. ' )
def getCachedAddressForCoin ( self , coin_type ) :
self . log . debug ( ' getCachedAddressForCoin %s ' , coin_type )
# TODO: auto refresh after used
key_str = ' receive_addr_ ' + chainparams [ coin_type ] [ ' name ' ]
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
try :
addr = session . query ( DBKVString ) . filter_by ( key = key_str ) . first ( ) . value
except Exception :
addr = self . getReceiveAddressForCoin ( coin_type )
session . add ( DBKVString (
key = key_str ,
value = addr
) )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
return addr
def getCachedStealthAddressForCoin ( self , coin_type ) :
self . log . debug ( ' getCachedStealthAddressForCoin %s ' , coin_type )
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
key_str = ' stealth_addr_ ' + ci . coin_name ( ) . lower ( )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
try :
addr = session . query ( DBKVString ) . filter_by ( key = key_str ) . first ( ) . value
except Exception :
addr = ci . getNewStealthAddress ( )
self . log . info ( ' Generated new stealth address for %s ' , coin_type )
session . add ( DBKVString (
key = key_str ,
value = addr
) )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
return addr
def getCachedWalletRestoreHeight ( self , ci ) :
self . log . debug ( ' getCachedWalletRestoreHeight %s ' , ci . coin_name ( ) )
key_str = ' restore_height_ ' + ci . coin_name ( ) . lower ( )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
try :
wrh = session . query ( DBKVInt ) . filter_by ( key = key_str ) . first ( ) . value
except Exception :
wrh = ci . getWalletRestoreHeight ( )
self . log . info ( ' Found restore height for %s , block %d ' , ci . coin_name ( ) , wrh )
session . add ( DBKVInt (
key = key_str ,
value = wrh
) )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
return wrh
def getWalletRestoreHeight ( self , ci ) :
wrh = ci . _restore_height
if wrh is not None :
return wrh
found_height = self . getCachedWalletRestoreHeight ( ci )
ci . setWalletRestoreHeight ( found_height )
return found_height
def getNewContractId ( self ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
self . _contract_count + = 1
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
session . execute ( ' UPDATE kv_int SET value = :value WHERE KEY= " contract_count " ' , { ' value ' : self . _contract_count } )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
return self . _contract_count
def getProofOfFunds ( self , coin_type , amount_for , extra_commit_bytes ) :
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
self . log . debug ( ' getProofOfFunds %s %s ' , ci . coin_name ( ) , ci . format_amount ( amount_for ) )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
return ( None , None )
return ci . getProofOfFunds ( amount_for , extra_commit_bytes )
def saveBidInSession ( self , bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap = None , save_in_progress = None ) :
session . add ( bid )
if bid . initiate_tx :
session . add ( bid . initiate_tx )
if bid . participate_tx :
session . add ( bid . participate_tx )
if bid . xmr_a_lock_tx :
session . add ( bid . xmr_a_lock_tx )
if bid . xmr_a_lock_spend_tx :
session . add ( bid . xmr_a_lock_spend_tx )
if bid . xmr_b_lock_tx :
session . add ( bid . xmr_b_lock_tx )
for tx_type , tx in bid . txns . items ( ) :
session . add ( tx )
if xmr_swap is not None :
session . add ( xmr_swap )
if save_in_progress is not None :
if not isinstance ( save_in_progress , Offer ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Must specify offer for save_in_progress ' )
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] = ( bid , save_in_progress ) # (bid, offer)
def saveBid ( self , bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = None ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def saveToDB ( self , db_record ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
session . add ( db_record )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def createActionInSession ( self , delay , action_type , linked_id , session ) :
self . log . debug ( ' createAction %d %s ' , action_type , linked_id . hex ( ) )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
action = Action (
active_ind = 1 ,
created_at = now ,
trigger_at = now + delay ,
action_type = action_type ,
linked_id = linked_id )
session . add ( action )
def createAction ( self , delay , action_type , linked_id ) :
# self.log.debug('createAction %d %s', action_type, linked_id.hex())
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , action_type , linked_id , session )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def logEvent ( self , linked_type , linked_id , event_type , event_msg , session ) :
entry = EventLog (
active_ind = 1 ,
created_at = self . getTime ( ) ,
linked_type = linked_type ,
linked_id = linked_id ,
event_type = int ( event_type ) ,
event_msg = event_msg )
if session is not None :
session . add ( entry )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
session . add ( entry )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def logBidEvent ( self , bid_id , event_type , event_msg , session ) :
self . log . debug ( ' logBidEvent %s %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , event_type )
self . logEvent ( Concepts . BID , bid_id , event_type , event_msg , session )
def countBidEvents ( self , bid , event_type , session ) :
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eventlog WHERE linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x \' {} \' AND event_type = {} ' . format ( int ( Concepts . BID ) , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , int ( event_type ) ) ) . first ( )
return q [ 0 ]
def getEvents ( self , linked_type , linked_id ) :
events = [ ]
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
for entry in session . query ( EventLog ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( EventLog . linked_type == linked_type , EventLog . linked_id == linked_id ) ) :
events . append ( entry )
return events
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def postBid ( self , offer_id , amount , addr_send_from = None , extra_options = { } ) :
# Bid to send bid.amount * bid.rate of coin_to in exchange for bid.amount of coin_from
self . log . debug ( ' postBid %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
offer = self . getOffer ( offer_id )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( offer . expire_at > self . getTime ( ) , ' Offer has expired ' )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
return self . postXmrBid ( offer_id , amount , addr_send_from , extra_options )
valid_for_seconds = extra_options . get ( ' valid_for_seconds ' , 60 * 10 )
self . validateBidValidTime ( offer . swap_type , offer . coin_from , offer . coin_to , valid_for_seconds )
bid_rate = extra_options . get ( ' bid_rate ' , offer . rate )
self . validateBidAmount ( offer , amount , bid_rate )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
msg_buf = BidMessage ( )
msg_buf . protocol_version = PROTOCOL_VERSION_SECRET_HASH
msg_buf . offer_msg_id = offer_id
msg_buf . time_valid = valid_for_seconds
msg_buf . amount = int ( amount ) # amount of coin_from
msg_buf . rate = bid_rate
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
self . checkCoinsReady ( coin_from , coin_to )
amount_to = int ( ( msg_buf . amount * bid_rate ) / / ci_from . COIN ( ) )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . SELLER_FIRST :
proof_addr , proof_sig = self . getProofOfFunds ( coin_to , amount_to , offer_id )
msg_buf . proof_address = proof_addr
msg_buf . proof_signature = proof_sig
contract_count = self . getNewContractId ( )
msg_buf . pkhash_buyer = getKeyID ( self . getContractPubkey ( dt . datetime . fromtimestamp ( now ) . date ( ) , contract_count ) )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' TODO ' )
bid_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . BID ) + bid_bytes . hex ( )
bid_addr = self . newSMSGAddress ( use_type = AddressTypes . BID ) [ 0 ] if addr_send_from is None else addr_send_from
options = { ' decodehex ' : True , ' ttl_is_seconds ' : True }
msg_valid = max ( self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR * 1 , valid_for_seconds )
bid_id = self . sendSmsg ( bid_addr , offer . addr_from , payload_hex , msg_valid )
bid = Bid (
protocol_version = msg_buf . protocol_version ,
active_ind = 1 ,
bid_id = bid_id ,
offer_id = offer_id ,
amount = msg_buf . amount ,
rate = msg_buf . rate ,
pkhash_buyer = msg_buf . pkhash_buyer ,
proof_address = msg_buf . proof_address ,
created_at = now ,
contract_count = contract_count ,
amount_to = amount_to ,
expire_at = now + msg_buf . time_valid ,
bid_addr = bid_addr ,
was_sent = True ,
chain_a_height_start = ci_from . getChainHeight ( ) ,
chain_b_height_start = ci_to . getChainHeight ( ) ,
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_SENT )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . log . info ( ' Sent BID %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
return bid_id
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def getOffer ( self , offer_id , sent = False ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
return session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = offer_id ) . first ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def setTxBlockInfoFromHeight ( self , ci , tx , height ) :
try :
tx . block_height = height
block_header = ci . getBlockHeaderFromHeight ( height )
tx . block_hash = bytes . fromhex ( block_header [ ' hash ' ] )
tx . block_time = block_header [ ' time ' ] # Or median_time?
except Exception as e :
self . log . warning ( f ' setTxBlockInfoFromHeight failed { e } ' )
def loadBidTxns ( self , bid , session ) :
bid . txns = { }
for stx in session . query ( SwapTx ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( SwapTx . bid_id == bid . bid_id ) ) :
if stx . tx_type == TxTypes . ITX :
bid . initiate_tx = stx
elif stx . tx_type == TxTypes . PTX :
bid . participate_tx = stx
elif stx . tx_type == TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK :
bid . xmr_a_lock_tx = stx
elif stx . tx_type == TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_SPEND :
bid . xmr_a_lock_spend_tx = stx
elif stx . tx_type == TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_B_LOCK :
bid . xmr_b_lock_tx = stx
else :
bid . txns [ stx . tx_type ] = stx
def getXmrBidFromSession ( self , session , bid_id , sent = False ) :
bid = session . query ( Bid ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid_id ) . first ( )
xmr_swap = None
if bid :
xmr_swap = session . query ( XmrSwap ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid_id ) . first ( )
self . loadBidTxns ( bid , session )
return bid , xmr_swap
def getXmrBid ( self , bid_id , sent = False ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
return self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id , sent )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def getXmrOfferFromSession ( self , session , offer_id , sent = False ) :
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = offer_id ) . first ( )
xmr_offer = None
if offer :
xmr_offer = session . query ( XmrOffer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = offer_id ) . first ( )
return offer , xmr_offer
def getXmrOffer ( self , offer_id , sent = False ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
return self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , offer_id , sent )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def getBid ( self , bid_id , session = None ) :
try :
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
bid = use_session . query ( Bid ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid_id ) . first ( )
if bid :
self . loadBidTxns ( bid , use_session )
return bid
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session , commit = False )
def getBidAndOffer ( self , bid_id , session = None ) :
try :
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
bid = use_session . query ( Bid ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid_id ) . first ( )
offer = None
if bid :
offer = use_session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = bid . offer_id ) . first ( )
self . loadBidTxns ( bid , use_session )
return bid , offer
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session , commit = False )
def getXmrBidAndOffer ( self , bid_id , list_events = True ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
xmr_swap = None
offer = None
xmr_offer = None
events = [ ]
bid = session . query ( Bid ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid_id ) . first ( )
if bid :
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = bid . offer_id ) . first ( )
if offer and offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_swap = session . query ( XmrSwap ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid . bid_id ) . first ( )
xmr_offer = session . query ( XmrOffer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = bid . offer_id ) . first ( )
self . loadBidTxns ( bid , session )
if list_events :
events = self . list_bid_events ( bid . bid_id , session )
return bid , xmr_swap , offer , xmr_offer , events
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def getIdentity ( self , address ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
identity = session . query ( KnownIdentity ) . filter_by ( address = address ) . first ( )
return identity
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def list_bid_events ( self , bid_id , session ) :
query_str = ' SELECT created_at, event_type, event_msg FROM eventlog ' + \
' WHERE active_ind = 1 AND linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( Concepts . BID , bid_id . hex ( ) )
q = session . execute ( query_str )
events = [ ]
for row in q :
events . append ( { ' at ' : row [ 0 ] , ' desc ' : describeEventEntry ( row [ 1 ] , row [ 2 ] ) } )
query_str = ' SELECT created_at, trigger_at FROM actions ' + \
' WHERE active_ind = 1 AND linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) )
q = session . execute ( query_str )
for row in q :
events . append ( { ' at ' : row [ 0 ] , ' desc ' : ' Delaying until: {} ' . format ( format_timestamp ( row [ 1 ] , with_seconds = True ) ) } )
return events
def acceptBid ( self , bid_id ) :
self . log . info ( ' Accepting bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , offer = self . getBidAndOffer ( bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found ' )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found ' )
# Ensure bid is still valid
now : int = self . getTime ( )
ensure ( bid . expire_at > now , ' Bid expired ' )
ensure ( bid . state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVED , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) ) )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
return self . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
if bid . contract_count is None :
bid . contract_count = self . getNewContractId ( )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
bid_date = dt . datetime . fromtimestamp ( bid . created_at ) . date ( )
secret = self . getContractSecret ( bid_date , bid . contract_count )
secret_hash = hashlib . sha256 ( secret ) . digest ( )
pubkey_refund = self . getContractPubkey ( bid_date , bid . contract_count )
pkhash_refund = getKeyID ( pubkey_refund )
if bid . initiate_tx is not None :
self . log . warning ( ' Initiate txn %s already exists for bid %s ' , bid . initiate_tx . txid , bid_id . hex ( ) )
txid = bid . initiate_tx . txid
script = bid . initiate_tx . script
else :
if offer . lock_type < TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS :
sequence = ci_from . getExpectedSequence ( offer . lock_type , offer . lock_value )
script = atomic_swap_1 . buildContractScript ( sequence , secret_hash , bid . pkhash_buyer , pkhash_refund )
else :
if offer . lock_type == TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS :
lock_value = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_from , ' getblockcount ' ) + offer . lock_value
else :
lock_value = self . getTime ( ) + offer . lock_value
self . log . debug ( ' Initiate %s lock_value %d %d ' , coin_from , offer . lock_value , lock_value )
script = atomic_swap_1 . buildContractScript ( lock_value , secret_hash , bid . pkhash_buyer , pkhash_refund , OpCodes . OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY )
p2sh = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' decodescript ' , [ script . hex ( ) ] ) [ ' p2sh ' ]
bid . pkhash_seller = pkhash_refund
prefunded_tx = self . getPreFundedTx ( Concepts . OFFER , offer . offer_id , TxTypes . ITX_PRE_FUNDED )
txn = self . createInitiateTxn ( coin_from , bid_id , bid , script , prefunded_tx )
# Store the signed refund txn in case wallet is locked when refund is possible
refund_txn = self . createRefundTxn ( coin_from , txn , offer , bid , script )
bid . initiate_txn_refund = bytes . fromhex ( refund_txn )
txid = ci_from . publishTx ( bytes . fromhex ( txn ) )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted initiate txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid , ci_from . coin_name ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid . initiate_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . ITX ,
txid = bytes . fromhex ( txid ) ,
tx_data = bytes . fromhex ( txn ) ,
script = script ,
bid . setITxState ( TxStates . TX_SENT )
self . logEvent ( Concepts . BID , bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . ITX_PUBLISHED , ' ' , None )
# Check non-bip68 final
try :
txid = ci_from . publishTx ( bid . initiate_txn_refund )
self . log . error ( ' Submit refund_txn unexpectedly worked: ' + txid )
except Exception as ex :
if ' non-BIP68-final ' not in str ( ex ) and ' non-final ' not in str ( ex ) :
self . log . error ( ' Submit refund_txn unexpected error ' + str ( ex ) )
if txid is not None :
msg_buf = BidAcceptMessage ( )
msg_buf . bid_msg_id = bid_id
msg_buf . initiate_txid = bytes . fromhex ( txid )
msg_buf . contract_script = bytes ( script )
bid_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . BID_ACCEPT ) + bid_bytes . hex ( )
msg_valid = self . getAcceptBidMsgValidTime ( bid )
bid . accept_msg_id = self . sendSmsg ( offer . addr_from , bid . bid_addr , payload_hex , msg_valid )
self . log . info ( ' Sent BID_ACCEPT %s ' , bid . accept_msg_id . hex ( ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] = ( bid , offer )
def postXmrBid ( self , offer_id , amount , addr_send_from = None , extra_options = { } ) :
# Bid to send bid.amount * bid.rate of coin_to in exchange for bid.amount of coin_from
# Send MSG1L F -> L
self . log . debug ( ' postXmrBid %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( offer_id )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( offer . expire_at > self . getTime ( ) , ' Offer has expired ' )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
valid_for_seconds = extra_options . get ( ' valid_for_seconds ' , 60 * 10 )
bid_rate = extra_options . get ( ' bid_rate ' , offer . rate )
amount_to = int ( ( int ( amount ) * bid_rate ) / / ci_from . COIN ( ) )
if not ( self . debug and extra_options . get ( ' debug_skip_validation ' , False ) ) :
self . validateBidValidTime ( offer . swap_type , offer . coin_from , offer . coin_to , valid_for_seconds )
self . validateBidAmount ( offer , amount , bid_rate )
self . checkCoinsReady ( coin_from , coin_to )
balance_to = ci_to . getSpendableBalance ( )
ensure ( balance_to > amount_to , ' {} spendable balance is too low: {} ' . format ( ci_to . coin_name ( ) , ci_to . format_amount ( balance_to ) ) )
msg_buf = XmrBidMessage ( )
msg_buf . protocol_version = PROTOCOL_VERSION_ADAPTOR_SIG
msg_buf . offer_msg_id = offer_id
msg_buf . time_valid = valid_for_seconds
msg_buf . amount = int ( amount ) # Amount of coin_from
msg_buf . rate = bid_rate
address_out = self . getReceiveAddressFromPool ( coin_from , offer_id , TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK )
if coin_from == Coins . PART_BLIND :
addrinfo = ci_from . rpc_callback ( ' getaddressinfo ' , [ address_out ] )
msg_buf . dest_af = bytes . fromhex ( addrinfo [ ' pubkey ' ] )
else :
msg_buf . dest_af = ci_from . decodeAddress ( address_out )
bid_created_at = self . getTime ( )
if offer . swap_type != SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
raise ValueError ( ' TODO ' )
# Follower to leader
xmr_swap = XmrSwap ( )
xmr_swap . contract_count = self . getNewContractId ( )
xmr_swap . dest_af = msg_buf . dest_af
for_ed25519 = True if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 else False
kbvf = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid_created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KBVF , for_ed25519 )
kbsf = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid_created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KBSF , for_ed25519 )
kaf = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid_created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KAF )
xmr_swap . vkbvf = kbvf
xmr_swap . pkbvf = ci_to . getPubkey ( kbvf )
xmr_swap . pkbsf = ci_to . getPubkey ( kbsf )
xmr_swap . pkaf = ci_from . getPubkey ( kaf )
if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 :
xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag = ci_to . proveDLEAG ( kbsf )
xmr_swap . pkasf = xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag [ 0 : 33 ]
msg_buf . kbsf_dleag = xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag [ : 16000 ]
elif ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . secp256k1 :
for i in range ( 10 ) :
xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag = ci_to . signRecoverable ( kbsf , ' proof kbsf owned for swap ' )
pk_recovered = ci_to . verifySigAndRecover ( xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag , ' proof kbsf owned for swap ' )
if pk_recovered == xmr_swap . pkbsf :
self . log . debug ( ' kbsl recovered pubkey mismatch, retrying. ' )
assert ( pk_recovered == xmr_swap . pkbsf )
xmr_swap . pkasf = xmr_swap . pkbsf
msg_buf . kbsf_dleag = xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown curve ' )
assert ( xmr_swap . pkasf == ci_from . getPubkey ( kbsf ) )
msg_buf . pkaf = xmr_swap . pkaf
msg_buf . kbvf = kbvf
bid_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_FL ) + bid_bytes . hex ( )
bid_addr = self . newSMSGAddress ( use_type = AddressTypes . BID ) [ 0 ] if addr_send_from is None else addr_send_from
options = { ' decodehex ' : True , ' ttl_is_seconds ' : True }
msg_valid = max ( self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR * 1 , valid_for_seconds )
xmr_swap . bid_id = self . sendSmsg ( bid_addr , offer . addr_from , payload_hex , msg_valid )
if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 :
msg_buf2 = XmrSplitMessage (
msg_id = xmr_swap . bid_id ,
msg_type = XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID ,
sequence = 2 ,
dleag = xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag [ 16000 : 32000 ]
msg_bytes = msg_buf2 . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_SPLIT ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
xmr_swap . bid_msg_id2 = self . sendSmsg ( bid_addr , offer . addr_from , payload_hex , msg_valid )
msg_buf3 = XmrSplitMessage (
msg_id = xmr_swap . bid_id ,
msg_type = XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID ,
sequence = 3 ,
dleag = xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag [ 32000 : ]
msg_bytes = msg_buf3 . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_SPLIT ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
xmr_swap . bid_msg_id3 = self . sendSmsg ( bid_addr , offer . addr_from , payload_hex , msg_valid )
bid = Bid (
protocol_version = msg_buf . protocol_version ,
active_ind = 1 ,
bid_id = xmr_swap . bid_id ,
offer_id = offer_id ,
amount = msg_buf . amount ,
rate = msg_buf . rate ,
created_at = bid_created_at ,
contract_count = xmr_swap . contract_count ,
amount_to = ( msg_buf . amount * msg_buf . rate ) / / ci_from . COIN ( ) ,
expire_at = bid_created_at + msg_buf . time_valid ,
bid_addr = bid_addr ,
was_sent = True ,
bid . chain_a_height_start = ci_from . getChainHeight ( )
bid . chain_b_height_start = ci_to . getChainHeight ( )
wallet_restore_height = self . getWalletRestoreHeight ( ci_to )
if bid . chain_b_height_start < wallet_restore_height :
bid . chain_b_height_start = wallet_restore_height
self . log . warning ( ' XMR swap restore height clamped to {} ' . format ( wallet_restore_height ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_SENT )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( xmr_swap . bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . log . info ( ' Sent XMR_BID_FL %s ' , xmr_swap . bid_id . hex ( ) )
return xmr_swap . bid_id
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def acceptXmrBid ( self , bid_id ) :
# MSG1F and MSG2F L -> F
self . log . info ( ' Accepting xmr bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( bid . expire_at > now , ' Bid expired ' )
last_bid_state = bid . state
if last_bid_state == BidStates . SWAP_DELAYING :
last_bid_state = getLastBidState ( bid . states )
ensure ( last_bid_state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVED , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( last_bid_state ) ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( bid . offer_id )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( offer . expire_at > now , ' Offer has expired ' )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
if xmr_swap . contract_count is None :
xmr_swap . contract_count = self . getNewContractId ( )
for_ed25519 = True if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 else False
kbvl = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KBVL , for_ed25519 )
kbsl = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KBSL , for_ed25519 )
kal = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KAL )
xmr_swap . vkbvl = kbvl
xmr_swap . pkbvl = ci_to . getPubkey ( kbvl )
xmr_swap . pkbsl = ci_to . getPubkey ( kbsl )
xmr_swap . vkbv = ci_to . sumKeys ( kbvl , xmr_swap . vkbvf )
ensure ( ci_to . verifyKey ( xmr_swap . vkbv ) , ' Invalid key, vkbv ' )
xmr_swap . pkbv = ci_to . sumPubkeys ( xmr_swap . pkbvl , xmr_swap . pkbvf )
xmr_swap . pkbs = ci_to . sumPubkeys ( xmr_swap . pkbsl , xmr_swap . pkbsf )
xmr_swap . pkal = ci_from . getPubkey ( kal )
pi = self . pi ( SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script = pi . genScriptLockTxScript ( ci_from , xmr_swap . pkal , xmr_swap . pkaf )
prefunded_tx = self . getPreFundedTx ( Concepts . OFFER , bid . offer_id , TxTypes . ITX_PRE_FUNDED )
if prefunded_tx :
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx = pi . promoteMockTx ( ci_from , prefunded_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script )
else :
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx = ci_from . createSCLockTx (
bid . amount ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , xmr_swap . vkbv
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx = ci_from . fundSCLockTx ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx , xmr_offer . a_fee_rate , xmr_swap . vkbv )
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_id = ci_from . getTxid ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx )
a_lock_tx_dest = ci_from . getScriptDest ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script )
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script , xmr_swap . a_swap_refund_value = ci_from . createSCLockRefundTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . pkal , xmr_swap . pkaf ,
xmr_offer . lock_time_1 , xmr_offer . lock_time_2 ,
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate , xmr_swap . vkbv
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_id = ci_from . getTxid ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx )
prevout_amount = ci_from . getLockTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
xmr_swap . al_lock_refund_tx_sig = ci_from . signTx ( kal , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
v = ci_from . verifyTxSig ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx , xmr_swap . al_lock_refund_tx_sig , xmr_swap . pkal , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
ensure ( v , ' Invalid coin A lock refund tx leader sig ' )
pkh_refund_to = ci_from . decodeAddress ( self . getReceiveAddressForCoin ( coin_from ) )
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx = ci_from . createSCLockRefundSpendTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script ,
pkh_refund_to ,
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate , xmr_swap . vkbv
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx_id = ci_from . getTxid ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx )
# Double check txns before sending
self . log . debug ( ' Bid: {} - Double checking chain A lock txns are valid before sending bid accept. ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
check_lock_tx_inputs = False # TODO: check_lock_tx_inputs without txindex
_ , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_vout = ci_from . verifySCLockTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script ,
bid . amount ,
xmr_swap . pkal ,
xmr_swap . pkaf ,
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate ,
check_lock_tx_inputs ,
xmr_swap . vkbv )
_ , _ , lock_refund_vout = ci_from . verifySCLockRefundTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_id ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_vout ,
xmr_offer . lock_time_1 ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . pkal ,
xmr_swap . pkaf ,
xmr_offer . lock_time_2 ,
bid . amount ,
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate ,
xmr_swap . vkbv )
ci_from . verifySCLockRefundSpendTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_id , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . pkal ,
lock_refund_vout , xmr_swap . a_swap_refund_value , xmr_offer . a_fee_rate ,
xmr_swap . vkbv )
msg_buf = XmrBidAcceptMessage ( )
msg_buf . bid_msg_id = bid_id
msg_buf . pkal = xmr_swap . pkal
msg_buf . kbvl = kbvl
if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 :
xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag = ci_to . proveDLEAG ( kbsl )
msg_buf . kbsl_dleag = xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag [ : 16000 ]
elif ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . secp256k1 :
for i in range ( 10 ) :
xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag = ci_to . signRecoverable ( kbsl , ' proof kbsl owned for swap ' )
pk_recovered = ci_to . verifySigAndRecover ( xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag , ' proof kbsl owned for swap ' )
if pk_recovered == xmr_swap . pkbsl :
self . log . debug ( ' kbsl recovered pubkey mismatch, retrying. ' )
assert ( pk_recovered == xmr_swap . pkbsl )
msg_buf . kbsl_dleag = xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown curve ' )
msg_buf . a_lock_tx = xmr_swap . a_lock_tx
msg_buf . a_lock_tx_script = xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script
msg_buf . a_lock_refund_tx = xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx
msg_buf . a_lock_refund_tx_script = xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script
msg_buf . a_lock_refund_spend_tx = xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx
msg_buf . al_lock_refund_tx_sig = xmr_swap . al_lock_refund_tx_sig
msg_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_ACCEPT_LF ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
msg_valid = self . getAcceptBidMsgValidTime ( bid )
bid . accept_msg_id = self . sendSmsg ( offer . addr_from , bid . bid_addr , payload_hex , msg_valid )
xmr_swap . bid_accept_msg_id = bid . accept_msg_id
if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 :
msg_buf2 = XmrSplitMessage (
msg_id = bid_id ,
msg_type = XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID_ACCEPT ,
sequence = 2 ,
dleag = xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag [ 16000 : 32000 ]
msg_bytes = msg_buf2 . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_SPLIT ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
xmr_swap . bid_accept_msg_id2 = self . sendSmsg ( offer . addr_from , bid . bid_addr , payload_hex , msg_valid )
msg_buf3 = XmrSplitMessage (
msg_id = bid_id ,
msg_type = XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID_ACCEPT ,
sequence = 3 ,
dleag = xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag [ 32000 : ]
msg_bytes = msg_buf3 . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_SPLIT ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
xmr_swap . bid_accept_msg_id3 = self . sendSmsg ( offer . addr_from , bid . bid_addr , payload_hex , msg_valid )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
# Add to swaps_in_progress only when waiting on txns
self . log . info ( ' Sent XMR_BID_ACCEPT_LF %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
return bid_id
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def deactivateBidForReason ( self , bid_id , new_state , session_in = None ) - > None :
try :
session = self . openSession ( session_in )
bid = session . query ( Bid ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid_id ) . first ( )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found ' )
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = bid . offer_id ) . first ( )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found ' )
bid . setState ( new_state )
self . deactivateBid ( session , offer , bid )
session . add ( bid )
session . commit ( )
finally :
if session_in is None :
self . closeSession ( session )
def abandonBid ( self , bid_id : bytes ) - > None :
if not self . debug :
self . log . error ( ' Can \' t abandon bid %s when not in debug mode. ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . log . info ( ' Abandoning Bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . deactivateBidForReason ( bid_id , BidStates . BID_ABANDONED )
def timeoutBid ( self , bid_id : bytes , session_in = None ) - > None :
self . log . info ( ' Bid %s timed-out ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . deactivateBidForReason ( bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_TIMEDOUT )
def setBidError ( self , bid_id , bid , error_str , save_bid = True , xmr_swap = None ) - > None :
self . log . error ( ' Bid %s - Error: %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , error_str )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ERROR )
bid . state_note = ' error msg: ' + error_str
if save_bid :
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
def createInitiateTxn ( self , coin_type , bid_id , bid , initiate_script , prefunded_tx = None ) - > Optional [ str ] :
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
return None
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
addr_to = ci . encode_p2wsh ( getP2WSH ( initiate_script ) )
else :
addr_to = ci . encode_p2sh ( initiate_script )
self . log . debug ( ' Create initiate txn for coin %s to %s for bid %s ' , str ( coin_type ) , addr_to , bid_id . hex ( ) )
if prefunded_tx :
pi = self . pi ( SwapTypes . SELLER_FIRST )
txn_signed = pi . promoteMockTx ( ci , prefunded_tx , initiate_script ) . hex ( )
else :
txn_signed = ci . createRawSignedTransaction ( addr_to , bid . amount )
return txn_signed
def deriveParticipateScript ( self , bid_id , bid , offer ) :
self . log . debug ( ' deriveParticipateScript for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
secret_hash = atomic_swap_1 . extractScriptSecretHash ( bid . initiate_tx . script )
pkhash_seller = bid . pkhash_seller
pkhash_buyer_refund = bid . pkhash_buyer
# Participate txn is locked for half the time of the initiate txn
lock_value = offer . lock_value / / 2
if offer . lock_type < TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS :
sequence = ci_to . getExpectedSequence ( offer . lock_type , lock_value )
participate_script = atomic_swap_1 . buildContractScript ( sequence , secret_hash , pkhash_seller , pkhash_buyer_refund )
else :
# Lock from the height or time of the block containing the initiate txn
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
initiate_tx_block_hash = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_from , ' getblockhash ' , [ bid . initiate_tx . chain_height , ] )
initiate_tx_block_time = int ( self . callcoinrpc ( coin_from , ' getblock ' , [ initiate_tx_block_hash , ] ) [ ' time ' ] )
if offer . lock_type == TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS :
# Walk the coin_to chain back until block time matches
block_header_at = ci_to . getBlockHeaderAt ( initiate_tx_block_time , block_after = True )
cblock_hash = block_header_at [ ' hash ' ]
cblock_height = block_header_at [ ' height ' ]
self . log . debug ( ' Setting lock value from height of block %s %s ' , coin_to , cblock_hash )
contract_lock_value = cblock_height + lock_value
else :
self . log . debug ( ' Setting lock value from time of block %s %s ' , coin_from , initiate_tx_block_hash )
contract_lock_value = initiate_tx_block_time + lock_value
self . log . debug ( ' participate %s lock_value %d %d ' , coin_to , lock_value , contract_lock_value )
participate_script = atomic_swap_1 . buildContractScript ( contract_lock_value , secret_hash , pkhash_seller , pkhash_buyer_refund , OpCodes . OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY )
return participate_script
def createParticipateTxn ( self , bid_id , bid , offer , participate_script ) :
self . log . debug ( ' createParticipateTxn ' )
offer_id = bid . offer_id
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
return None
ci = self . ci ( coin_to )
amount_to = bid . amount_to
# Check required?
assert ( amount_to == ( bid . amount * bid . rate ) / / self . ci ( offer . coin_from ) . COIN ( ) )
if bid . debug_ind == DebugTypes . MAKE_INVALID_PTX :
amount_to - = 1
self . log . debug ( ' bid %s : Make invalid PTx for testing: %d . ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . debug_ind )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . DEBUG_TWEAK_APPLIED , ' ind {} ' . format ( bid . debug_ind ) , None )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
p2wsh = getP2WSH ( participate_script )
addr_to = ci . encode_p2wsh ( p2wsh )
else :
addr_to = ci . encode_p2sh ( participate_script )
txn_signed = ci . createRawSignedTransaction ( addr_to , amount_to )
refund_txn = self . createRefundTxn ( coin_to , txn_signed , offer , bid , participate_script , tx_type = TxTypes . PTX_REFUND )
bid . participate_txn_refund = bytes . fromhex ( refund_txn )
chain_height = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_to , ' getblockcount ' )
txjs = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_to , ' decoderawtransaction ' , [ txn_signed ] )
txid = txjs [ ' txid ' ]
if self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
vout = getVoutByP2WSH ( txjs , p2wsh . hex ( ) )
else :
vout = getVoutByAddress ( txjs , addr_to )
self . addParticipateTxn ( bid_id , bid , coin_to , txid , vout , chain_height )
bid . participate_tx . script = participate_script
bid . participate_tx . tx_data = bytes . fromhex ( txn_signed )
return txn_signed
def getContractSpendTxVSize ( self , coin_type , redeem = True ) :
tx_vsize = 5 # Add a few bytes, sequence in script takes variable amount of bytes
if coin_type == Coins . PART :
tx_vsize + = 204 if redeem else 187
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
tx_vsize + = 143 if redeem else 134
else :
tx_vsize + = 323 if redeem else 287
return tx_vsize
def createRedeemTxn ( self , coin_type , bid , for_txn_type = ' participate ' , addr_redeem_out = None , fee_rate = None ) :
self . log . debug ( ' createRedeemTxn for coin %s ' , str ( coin_type ) )
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
if for_txn_type == ' participate ' :
prev_txnid = bid . participate_tx . txid . hex ( )
prev_n = bid . participate_tx . vout
txn_script = bid . participate_tx . script
prev_amount = bid . amount_to
else :
prev_txnid = bid . initiate_tx . txid . hex ( )
prev_n = bid . initiate_tx . vout
txn_script = bid . initiate_tx . script
prev_amount = bid . amount
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
prev_p2wsh = getP2WSH ( txn_script )
script_pub_key = prev_p2wsh . hex ( )
else :
script_pub_key = getP2SHScriptForHash ( getKeyID ( txn_script ) ) . hex ( )
prevout = {
' txid ' : prev_txnid ,
' vout ' : prev_n ,
' scriptPubKey ' : script_pub_key ,
' redeemScript ' : txn_script . hex ( ) ,
' amount ' : ci . format_amount ( prev_amount ) }
bid_date = dt . datetime . fromtimestamp ( bid . created_at ) . date ( )
wif_prefix = chainparams [ Coins . PART ] [ self . chain ] [ ' key_prefix ' ]
pubkey = self . getContractPubkey ( bid_date , bid . contract_count )
privkey = toWIF ( wif_prefix , self . getContractPrivkey ( bid_date , bid . contract_count ) )
secret = bid . recovered_secret
if secret is None :
secret = self . getContractSecret ( bid_date , bid . contract_count )
ensure ( len ( secret ) == 32 , ' Bad secret length ' )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
return None
if fee_rate is None :
fee_rate , fee_src = self . getFeeRateForCoin ( coin_type )
tx_vsize = self . getContractSpendTxVSize ( coin_type )
tx_fee = ( fee_rate * tx_vsize ) / 1000
self . log . debug ( ' Redeem tx fee %s , rate %s ' , ci . format_amount ( tx_fee , conv_int = True , r = 1 ) , str ( fee_rate ) )
amount_out = prev_amount - ci . make_int ( tx_fee , r = 1 )
ensure ( amount_out > 0 , ' Amount out <= 0 ' )
if addr_redeem_out is None :
addr_redeem_out = self . getReceiveAddressFromPool ( coin_type , bid . bid_id , TxTypes . PTX_REDEEM if for_txn_type == ' participate ' else TxTypes . ITX_REDEEM )
assert ( addr_redeem_out is not None )
self . log . debug ( ' addr_redeem_out %s ' , addr_redeem_out )
redeem_txn = ci . createRedeemTxn ( prevout , addr_redeem_out , amount_out )
options = { }
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
options [ ' force_segwit ' ] = True
redeem_sig = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' createsignaturewithkey ' , [ redeem_txn , prevout , privkey , ' ALL ' , options ] )
if coin_type == Coins . PART or self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
witness_stack = [
bytes . fromhex ( redeem_sig ) ,
pubkey ,
secret ,
bytes ( ( 1 , ) ) ,
txn_script ]
redeem_txn = ci . setTxSignature ( bytes . fromhex ( redeem_txn ) , witness_stack ) . hex ( )
else :
script = format ( len ( redeem_sig ) / / 2 , ' 02x ' ) + redeem_sig
script + = format ( 33 , ' 02x ' ) + pubkey . hex ( )
script + = format ( 32 , ' 02x ' ) + secret . hex ( )
script + = format ( OpCodes . OP_1 , ' 02x ' )
script + = format ( OpCodes . OP_PUSHDATA1 , ' 02x ' ) + format ( len ( txn_script ) , ' 02x ' ) + txn_script . hex ( )
redeem_txn = ci . setTxScriptSig ( bytes . fromhex ( redeem_txn ) , 0 , bytes . fromhex ( script ) ) . hex ( )
ro = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' verifyrawtransaction ' , [ redeem_txn , [ prevout ] ] )
ensure ( ro [ ' inputs_valid ' ] is True , ' inputs_valid is false ' )
# outputs_valid will be false if not a Particl txn
# ensure(ro['complete'] is True, 'complete is false')
ensure ( ro [ ' validscripts ' ] == 1 , ' validscripts != 1 ' )
if self . debug :
# Check fee
if ci . get_connection_type ( ) == ' rpc ' :
redeem_txjs = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' decoderawtransaction ' , [ redeem_txn ] )
if ci . using_segwit ( ) :
self . log . debug ( ' vsize paid, actual vsize %d %d ' , tx_vsize , redeem_txjs [ ' vsize ' ] )
ensure ( tx_vsize > = redeem_txjs [ ' vsize ' ] , ' underpaid fee ' )
else :
self . log . debug ( ' size paid, actual size %d %d ' , tx_vsize , redeem_txjs [ ' size ' ] )
ensure ( tx_vsize > = redeem_txjs [ ' size ' ] , ' underpaid fee ' )
redeem_txjs = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' decoderawtransaction ' , [ redeem_txn ] )
self . log . debug ( ' Have valid redeem txn %s for contract %s tx %s ' , redeem_txjs [ ' txid ' ] , for_txn_type , prev_txnid )
return redeem_txn
def createRefundTxn ( self , coin_type , txn , offer , bid , txn_script , addr_refund_out = None , tx_type = TxTypes . ITX_REFUND ) :
self . log . debug ( ' createRefundTxn for coin %s ' , Coins ( coin_type ) . name )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
return None
txjs = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' decoderawtransaction ' , [ txn ] )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
p2wsh = getP2WSH ( txn_script )
vout = getVoutByP2WSH ( txjs , p2wsh . hex ( ) )
else :
addr_to = self . ci ( Coins . PART ) . encode_p2sh ( txn_script )
vout = getVoutByAddress ( txjs , addr_to )
bid_date = dt . datetime . fromtimestamp ( bid . created_at ) . date ( )
wif_prefix = chainparams [ Coins . PART ] [ self . chain ] [ ' key_prefix ' ]
pubkey = self . getContractPubkey ( bid_date , bid . contract_count )
privkey = toWIF ( wif_prefix , self . getContractPrivkey ( bid_date , bid . contract_count ) )
prev_amount = txjs [ ' vout ' ] [ vout ] [ ' value ' ]
prevout = {
' txid ' : txjs [ ' txid ' ] ,
' vout ' : vout ,
' scriptPubKey ' : txjs [ ' vout ' ] [ vout ] [ ' scriptPubKey ' ] [ ' hex ' ] ,
' redeemScript ' : txn_script . hex ( ) ,
' amount ' : prev_amount }
lock_value = DeserialiseNum ( txn_script , 64 )
sequence : int = 1
if offer . lock_type < TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS :
sequence = lock_value
fee_rate , fee_src = self . getFeeRateForCoin ( coin_type )
tx_vsize = self . getContractSpendTxVSize ( coin_type , False )
tx_fee = ( fee_rate * tx_vsize ) / 1000
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
self . log . debug ( ' Refund tx fee %s , rate %s ' , ci . format_amount ( tx_fee , conv_int = True , r = 1 ) , str ( fee_rate ) )
amount_out = ci . make_int ( prev_amount , r = 1 ) - ci . make_int ( tx_fee , r = 1 )
if amount_out < = 0 :
raise ValueError ( ' Refund amount out <= 0 ' )
if addr_refund_out is None :
addr_refund_out = self . getReceiveAddressFromPool ( coin_type , bid . bid_id , tx_type )
ensure ( addr_refund_out is not None , ' addr_refund_out is null ' )
self . log . debug ( ' addr_refund_out %s ' , addr_refund_out )
locktime : int = 0
if offer . lock_type == TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS or offer . lock_type == TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_TIME :
locktime = lock_value
refund_txn = ci . createRefundTxn ( prevout , addr_refund_out , amount_out , locktime , sequence )
options = { }
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
options [ ' force_segwit ' ] = True
refund_sig = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' createsignaturewithkey ' , [ refund_txn , prevout , privkey , ' ALL ' , options ] )
if coin_type == Coins . PART or self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
witness_stack = [
bytes . fromhex ( refund_sig ) ,
pubkey ,
b ' ' ,
txn_script ]
refund_txn = ci . setTxSignature ( bytes . fromhex ( refund_txn ) , witness_stack ) . hex ( )
else :
script = format ( len ( refund_sig ) / / 2 , ' 02x ' ) + refund_sig
script + = format ( 33 , ' 02x ' ) + pubkey . hex ( )
script + = format ( OpCodes . OP_0 , ' 02x ' )
script + = format ( OpCodes . OP_PUSHDATA1 , ' 02x ' ) + format ( len ( txn_script ) , ' 02x ' ) + txn_script . hex ( )
refund_txn = ci . setTxScriptSig ( bytes . fromhex ( refund_txn ) , 0 , bytes . fromhex ( script ) ) . hex ( )
ro = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' verifyrawtransaction ' , [ refund_txn , [ prevout ] ] )
ensure ( ro [ ' inputs_valid ' ] is True , ' inputs_valid is false ' )
# outputs_valid will be false if not a Particl txn
# ensure(ro['complete'] is True, 'complete is false')
ensure ( ro [ ' validscripts ' ] == 1 , ' validscripts != 1 ' )
if self . debug :
# Check fee
if ci . get_connection_type ( ) == ' rpc ' :
refund_txjs = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' decoderawtransaction ' , [ refund_txn ] )
if ci . using_segwit ( ) :
self . log . debug ( ' vsize paid, actual vsize %d %d ' , tx_vsize , refund_txjs [ ' vsize ' ] )
ensure ( tx_vsize > = refund_txjs [ ' vsize ' ] , ' underpaid fee ' )
else :
self . log . debug ( ' size paid, actual size %d %d ' , tx_vsize , refund_txjs [ ' size ' ] )
ensure ( tx_vsize > = refund_txjs [ ' size ' ] , ' underpaid fee ' )
refund_txjs = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' decoderawtransaction ' , [ refund_txn ] )
self . log . debug ( ' Have valid refund txn %s for contract tx %s ' , refund_txjs [ ' txid ' ] , txjs [ ' txid ' ] )
return refund_txn
def initiateTxnConfirmed ( self , bid_id , bid , offer ) :
self . log . debug ( ' initiateTxnConfirmed for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_INITIATED )
bid . setITxState ( TxStates . TX_CONFIRMED )
if bid . debug_ind == DebugTypes . BUYER_STOP_AFTER_ITX :
self . log . debug ( ' bid %s : Abandoning bid for testing: %d , %s . ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . debug_ind , DebugTypes ( bid . debug_ind ) . name )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ABANDONED )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . DEBUG_TWEAK_APPLIED , ' ind {} ' . format ( bid . debug_ind ) , None )
return # Bid saved in checkBidState
# Seller first mode, buyer participates
participate_script = self . deriveParticipateScript ( bid_id , bid , offer )
if bid . was_sent :
if bid . participate_tx is not None :
self . log . warning ( ' Participate txn %s already exists for bid %s ' , bid . participate_tx . txid , bid_id . hex ( ) )
else :
self . log . debug ( ' Preparing participate txn for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
txn = self . createParticipateTxn ( bid_id , bid , offer , participate_script )
txid = self . ci ( coin_to ) . publishTx ( bytes . fromhex ( txn ) )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted participate txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid , chainparams [ coin_to ] [ ' name ' ] , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid . setPTxState ( TxStates . TX_SENT )
self . logEvent ( Concepts . BID , bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . PTX_PUBLISHED , ' ' , None )
else :
bid . participate_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . PTX ,
script = participate_script ,
# Bid saved in checkBidState
def setLastHeightChecked ( self , coin_type , tx_height ) :
coin_name = self . ci ( coin_type ) . coin_name ( )
if tx_height < 1 :
tx_height = self . lookupChainHeight ( coin_type )
if len ( self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' watched_outputs ' ] ) == 0 :
self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' last_height_checked ' ] = tx_height
self . log . debug ( ' Start checking %s chain at height %d ' , coin_name , tx_height )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' last_height_checked ' ] > tx_height :
self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' last_height_checked ' ] = tx_height
self . log . debug ( ' Rewind checking of %s chain to height %d ' , coin_name , tx_height )
return tx_height
def addParticipateTxn ( self , bid_id , bid , coin_type , txid_hex , vout , tx_height ) :
# TODO: Check connection type
participate_txn_height = self . setLastHeightChecked ( coin_type , tx_height )
if bid . participate_tx is None :
bid . participate_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . PTX ,
bid . participate_tx . txid = bytes . fromhex ( txid_hex )
bid . participate_tx . vout = vout
bid . participate_tx . chain_height = participate_txn_height
# Start checking for spends of participate_txn before fully confirmed
self . log . debug ( ' Watching %s chain for spend of output %s %d ' , chainparams [ coin_type ] [ ' name ' ] , txid_hex , vout )
self . addWatchedOutput ( coin_type , bid_id , txid_hex , vout , BidStates . SWAP_PARTICIPATING )
def participateTxnConfirmed ( self , bid_id , bid , offer ) :
self . log . debug ( ' participateTxnConfirmed for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_PARTICIPATING )
bid . setPTxState ( TxStates . TX_CONFIRMED )
# Seller redeems from participate txn
if bid . was_received :
ci_to = self . ci ( offer . coin_to )
txn = self . createRedeemTxn ( ci_to . coin_type ( ) , bid )
txid = ci_to . publishTx ( bytes . fromhex ( txn ) )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted participate redeem txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid , ci_to . coin_name ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . logEvent ( Concepts . BID , bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . PTX_REDEEM_PUBLISHED , ' ' , None )
# TX_REDEEMED will be set when spend is detected
# TODO: Wait for depth?
# bid saved in checkBidState
def getAddressBalance ( self , coin_type , address ) :
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' chain_lookups ' ] == ' explorer ' :
explorers = self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' explorers ' ]
# TODO: random offset into explorers, try blocks
for exp in explorers :
return exp . getBalance ( address )
return self . lookupUnspentByAddress ( coin_type , address , sum_output = True )
def lookupChainHeight ( self , coin_type ) :
return self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' getblockcount ' )
def lookupUnspentByAddress ( self , coin_type , address , sum_output = False , assert_amount = None , assert_txid = None ) :
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' chain_lookups ' ] == ' explorer ' :
explorers = self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' explorers ' ]
# TODO: random offset into explorers, try blocks
for exp in explorers :
# TODO: ExplorerBitAps use only gettransaction if assert_txid is set
rv = exp . lookupUnspentByAddress ( address )
if assert_amount is not None :
ensure ( rv [ ' value ' ] == int ( assert_amount ) , ' Incorrect output amount in txn {} : {} != {} . ' . format ( assert_txid , rv [ ' value ' ] , int ( assert_amount ) ) )
if assert_txid is not None :
ensure ( rv [ ' txid) ' ] == assert_txid , ' Incorrect txid ' )
return rv
raise ValueError ( ' No explorer for lookupUnspentByAddress {} ' . format ( str ( coin_type ) ) )
if self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
raise ValueError ( ' No RPC connection for lookupUnspentByAddress {} ' . format ( str ( coin_type ) ) )
if assert_txid is not None :
try :
ro = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' getmempoolentry ' , [ assert_txid ] )
self . log . debug ( ' Tx %s found in mempool, fee %s ' , assert_txid , ro [ ' fee ' ] )
# TODO: Save info
return None
except Exception :
num_blocks = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' getblockcount ' )
sum_unspent = 0
self . log . debug ( ' [rm] scantxoutset start ' ) # scantxoutset is slow
ro = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' scantxoutset ' , [ ' start ' , [ ' addr( {} ) ' . format ( address ) ] ] ) # TODO: Use combo(address) where possible
self . log . debug ( ' [rm] scantxoutset end ' )
for o in ro [ ' unspents ' ] :
if assert_txid and o [ ' txid ' ] != assert_txid :
# Verify amount
if assert_amount :
ensure ( make_int ( o [ ' amount ' ] ) == int ( assert_amount ) , ' Incorrect output amount in txn {} : {} != {} . ' . format ( assert_txid , make_int ( o [ ' amount ' ] ) , int ( assert_amount ) ) )
if not sum_output :
if o [ ' height ' ] > 0 :
n_conf = num_blocks - o [ ' height ' ]
else :
n_conf = - 1
return {
' txid ' : o [ ' txid ' ] ,
' index ' : o [ ' vout ' ] ,
' height ' : o [ ' height ' ] ,
' n_conf ' : n_conf ,
' value ' : ci . make_int ( o [ ' amount ' ] ) ,
else :
sum_unspent + = ci . make_int ( o [ ' amount ' ] )
if sum_output :
return sum_unspent
return None
def findTxB ( self , ci_to , xmr_swap , bid , session ) - > bool :
bid_changed = False
# Have to use findTxB instead of relying on the first seen height to detect chain reorgs
found_tx = ci_to . findTxB ( xmr_swap . vkbv , xmr_swap . pkbs , bid . amount_to , ci_to . blocks_confirmed , bid . chain_b_height_start , bid . was_sent )
if isinstance ( found_tx , int ) and found_tx == - 1 :
if self . countBidEvents ( bid , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_B_INVALID , session ) < 1 :
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_B_INVALID , ' Detected invalid lock tx B ' , session )
bid_changed = True
elif found_tx is not None :
if bid . xmr_b_lock_tx is None or not bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . chain_height :
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_B_SEEN , ' ' , session )
if bid . xmr_b_lock_tx is None :
self . log . debug ( ' Found {} lock tx in chain ' . format ( ci_to . coin_name ( ) ) )
xmr_swap . b_lock_tx_id = bytes . fromhex ( found_tx [ ' txid ' ] )
bid . xmr_b_lock_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid . bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_B_LOCK ,
txid = xmr_swap . b_lock_tx_id ,
chain_height = found_tx [ ' height ' ] ,
bid_changed = True
else :
bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . chain_height = found_tx [ ' height ' ]
bid_changed = True
return bid_changed
def checkXmrBidState ( self , bid_id , bid , offer ) :
rv = False
ci_from = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_from ) )
ci_to = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_to ) )
session = None
try :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
xmr_offer = session . query ( XmrOffer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = offer . offer_id ) . first ( )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( offer . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
xmr_swap = session . query ( XmrSwap ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid . bid_id ) . first ( )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
if TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND in bid . txns :
refund_tx = bid . txns [ TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND ]
if bid . was_received :
if bid . debug_ind == DebugTypes . BID_DONT_SPEND_COIN_A_LOCK_REFUND :
self . log . debug ( ' XMR bid %s : Stalling bid for testing: %d . ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . debug_ind )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_STALLED_FOR_TEST )
rv = True
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . DEBUG_TWEAK_APPLIED , ' ind {} ' . format ( bid . debug_ind ) , session )
session . commit ( )
return rv
if TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SPEND not in bid . txns :
try :
txid_str = ci_from . publishTx ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_REFUND_SPEND_TX_PUBLISHED , ' ' , session )
self . log . info ( ' Submitted coin a lock refund spend tx for bid {} , txid {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) , txid_str ) )
bid . txns [ TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SPEND ] = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SPEND ,
txid = bytes . fromhex ( txid_str ) ,
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
except Exception as ex :
self . log . debug ( ' Trying to publish coin a lock refund spend tx: %s ' , str ( ex ) )
if bid . was_sent :
if xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_swipe_tx is None :
self . createCoinALockRefundSwipeTx ( ci_from , bid , offer , xmr_swap , xmr_offer )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
if TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SWIPE not in bid . txns :
try :
txid = ci_from . publishTx ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_swipe_tx )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_REFUND_SWIPE_TX_PUBLISHED , ' ' , session )
self . log . info ( ' Submitted coin a lock refund swipe tx for bid {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
bid . txns [ TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SWIPE ] = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SWIPE ,
txid = bytes . fromhex ( txid ) ,
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
except Exception as ex :
self . log . debug ( ' Trying to publish coin a lock refund swipe tx: %s ' , str ( ex ) )
if BidStates ( bid . state ) == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_NOSCRIPT_TX_RECOVERED :
txid_hex = bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . spend_txid . hex ( )
found_tx = ci_to . findTxnByHash ( txid_hex )
if found_tx is not None :
self . log . info ( ' Found coin b lock recover tx bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
rv = True # Remove from swaps_in_progress
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
return rv
else : # not XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND in bid.txns
if len ( xmr_swap . al_lock_refund_tx_sig ) > 0 and len ( xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_tx_sig ) > 0 :
try :
txid = ci_from . publishTx ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx )
self . log . info ( ' Submitted coin a lock refund tx for bid {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_REFUND_TX_PUBLISHED , ' ' , session )
bid . txns [ TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND ] = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND ,
txid = bytes . fromhex ( txid ) ,
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
return rv
except Exception as ex :
if ' Transaction already in block chain ' in str ( ex ) :
self . log . info ( ' Found coin a lock refund tx for bid {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
txid = ci_from . getTxid ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx )
if TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND not in bid . txns :
bid . txns [ TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND ] = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND ,
txid = txid ,
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
return rv
state = BidStates ( bid . state )
if state == BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED :
rv = True # Remove from swaps_in_progress
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED :
rv = True # Remove from swaps_in_progress
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_SWIPED :
rv = True # Remove from swaps_in_progress
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED :
if bid . was_sent and bid . xmr_b_lock_tx :
if self . countQueuedActions ( session , bid_id , ActionTypes . RECOVER_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B ) < 1 :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Recovering xmr swap chain B lock tx for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . RECOVER_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B , bid_id , session )
session . commit ( )
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_MSG_SCRIPT_LOCK_SPEND_TX :
if bid . xmr_a_lock_tx is None :
return rv
# TODO: Timeout waiting for transactions
bid_changed = False
if offer . coin_from == Coins . FIRO :
lock_tx_chain_info = ci_from . getLockTxHeightFiro ( bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . txid , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , bid . amount , bid . chain_a_height_start )
else :
a_lock_tx_addr = ci_from . getSCLockScriptAddress ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script )
lock_tx_chain_info = ci_from . getLockTxHeight ( bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . txid , a_lock_tx_addr , bid . amount , bid . chain_a_height_start )
if lock_tx_chain_info is None :
return rv
if not bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . chain_height and lock_tx_chain_info [ ' height ' ] != 0 :
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_SEEN , ' ' , session )
self . setTxBlockInfoFromHeight ( ci_from , bid . xmr_a_lock_tx , lock_tx_chain_info [ ' height ' ] )
bid_changed = True
if bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . chain_height != lock_tx_chain_info [ ' height ' ] and lock_tx_chain_info [ ' height ' ] != 0 :
bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . chain_height = lock_tx_chain_info [ ' height ' ]
bid_changed = True
if lock_tx_chain_info [ ' depth ' ] > = ci_from . blocks_confirmed :
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_CONFIRMED , ' ' , session )
bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . setState ( TxStates . TX_CONFIRMED )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED )
bid_changed = True
if bid . was_sent :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Sending xmr swap chain B lock tx for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B , bid_id , session )
# bid.setState(BidStates.SWAP_DELAYING)
if bid_changed :
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED :
bid_changed = self . findTxB ( ci_to , xmr_swap , bid , session )
if bid . xmr_b_lock_tx and bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . chain_height is not None and bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . chain_height > 0 :
chain_height = ci_to . getChainHeight ( )
if chain_height - bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . chain_height > = ci_to . blocks_confirmed :
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_B_CONFIRMED , ' ' , session )
bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . setState ( TxStates . TX_CONFIRMED )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_NOSCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED )
if bid . was_received :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Releasing xmr script coin lock tx for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_LOCK_RELEASE , bid_id , session )
if bid_changed :
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_LOCK_RELEASED :
# Wait for script spend tx to confirm
# TODO: Use explorer to get tx / block hash for getrawtransaction
if bid . was_received :
try :
txn_hex = ci_from . getMempoolTx ( xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx_id )
self . log . info ( ' Found lock spend txn in %s mempool, %s ' , ci_from . coin_name ( ) , xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx_id . hex ( ) )
self . process_XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_tx_spend ( bid_id , xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx_id . hex ( ) , txn_hex )
except Exception as e :
self . log . debug ( ' getrawtransaction lock spend tx failed: %s ' , str ( e ) )
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_TX_REDEEMED :
if bid . was_received and self . countQueuedActions ( session , bid_id , ActionTypes . REDEEM_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B ) < 1 :
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_DELAYING )
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Redeeming coin b lock tx for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . REDEEM_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B , bid_id , session )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_NOSCRIPT_TX_REDEEMED :
txid_hex = bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . spend_txid . hex ( )
found_tx = ci_to . findTxnByHash ( txid_hex )
if found_tx is not None :
self . log . info ( ' Found coin b lock spend tx bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
rv = True # Remove from swaps_in_progress
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
elif state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_TX_PREREFUND :
if TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND in bid . txns :
refund_tx = bid . txns [ TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND ]
if refund_tx . block_time is None :
if offer . coin_from == Coins . FIRO :
lock_refund_tx_chain_info = ci_from . getLockTxHeightFiro ( refund_tx . txid , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script , 0 , bid . chain_a_height_start )
else :
refund_tx_addr = ci_from . getSCLockScriptAddress ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script )
lock_refund_tx_chain_info = ci_from . getLockTxHeight ( refund_tx . txid , refund_tx_addr , 0 , bid . chain_a_height_start )
if lock_refund_tx_chain_info is not None and lock_refund_tx_chain_info . get ( ' height ' , 0 ) > 0 :
self . setTxBlockInfoFromHeight ( ci_from , refund_tx , lock_refund_tx_chain_info [ ' height ' ] )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
except Exception as ex :
raise ex
finally :
if session :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
return rv
def checkBidState ( self , bid_id , bid , offer ) :
# assert (self.mxDB.locked())
# Return True to remove bid from in-progress list
state = BidStates ( bid . state )
self . log . debug ( ' checkBidState %s %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( state ) )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
return self . checkXmrBidState ( bid_id , bid , offer )
save_bid = False
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
# TODO: Batch calls to scantxoutset
# TODO: timeouts
if state == BidStates . BID_ABANDONED :
self . log . info ( ' Deactivating abandoned bid: %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
return True # Mark bid for archiving
if state == BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED :
# Waiting for initiate txn to be confirmed in 'from' chain
initiate_txnid_hex = bid . initiate_tx . txid . hex ( )
p2sh = ci_from . encode_p2sh ( bid . initiate_tx . script )
index = None
tx_height = None
last_initiate_txn_conf = bid . initiate_tx . conf
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
if coin_from == Coins . PART : # Has txindex
try :
initiate_txn = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_from , ' getrawtransaction ' , [ initiate_txnid_hex , True ] )
# Verify amount
vout = getVoutByAddress ( initiate_txn , p2sh )
out_value = make_int ( initiate_txn [ ' vout ' ] [ vout ] [ ' value ' ] )
ensure ( out_value == int ( bid . amount ) , ' Incorrect output amount in initiate txn {} : {} != {} . ' . format ( initiate_txnid_hex , out_value , int ( bid . amount ) ) )
bid . initiate_tx . conf = initiate_txn [ ' confirmations ' ]
try :
tx_height = initiate_txn [ ' height ' ]
except Exception :
tx_height = - 1
index = vout
except Exception :
else :
if self . coin_clients [ coin_from ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
addr = ci_from . encode_p2wsh ( getP2WSH ( bid . initiate_tx . script ) )
else :
addr = p2sh
found = ci_from . getLockTxHeight ( bytes . fromhex ( initiate_txnid_hex ) , addr , bid . amount , bid . chain_a_height_start , find_index = True )
if found :
bid . initiate_tx . conf = found [ ' depth ' ]
index = found [ ' index ' ]
tx_height = found [ ' height ' ]
if bid . initiate_tx . conf != last_initiate_txn_conf :
save_bid = True
if bid . initiate_tx . conf is not None :
self . log . debug ( ' initiate_txnid %s confirms %d ' , initiate_txnid_hex , bid . initiate_tx . conf )
if bid . initiate_tx . vout is None and tx_height > 0 :
bid . initiate_tx . vout = index
# Start checking for spends of initiate_txn before fully confirmed
bid . initiate_tx . chain_height = self . setLastHeightChecked ( coin_from , tx_height )
self . setTxBlockInfoFromHeight ( ci_from , bid . initiate_tx , tx_height )
self . addWatchedOutput ( coin_from , bid_id , initiate_txnid_hex , bid . initiate_tx . vout , BidStates . SWAP_INITIATED )
if bid . getITxState ( ) is None or bid . getITxState ( ) < TxStates . TX_SENT :
bid . setITxState ( TxStates . TX_SENT )
save_bid = True
if bid . initiate_tx . conf > = self . coin_clients [ coin_from ] [ ' blocks_confirmed ' ] :
self . initiateTxnConfirmed ( bid_id , bid , offer )
save_bid = True
# Bid times out if buyer doesn't see tx in chain within INITIATE_TX_TIMEOUT seconds
if bid . initiate_tx is None and \
bid . state_time + atomic_swap_1 . INITIATE_TX_TIMEOUT < self . getTime ( ) :
self . log . info ( ' Swap timed out waiting for initiate tx for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_TIMEDOUT , ' Timed out waiting for initiate tx ' )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
return True # Mark bid for archiving
elif state == BidStates . SWAP_INITIATED :
# Waiting for participate txn to be confirmed in 'to' chain
if self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
addr = ci_to . encode_p2wsh ( getP2WSH ( bid . participate_tx . script ) )
else :
addr = ci_to . encode_p2sh ( bid . participate_tx . script )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
participate_txid = None if bid . participate_tx is None or bid . participate_tx . txid is None else bid . participate_tx . txid
found = ci_to . getLockTxHeight ( participate_txid , addr , bid . amount_to , bid . chain_b_height_start , find_index = True )
if found :
if bid . participate_tx . conf != found [ ' depth ' ] :
save_bid = True
bid . participate_tx . conf = found [ ' depth ' ]
index = found [ ' index ' ]
if bid . participate_tx is None or bid . participate_tx . txid is None :
self . log . debug ( ' Found bid %s participate txn %s in chain %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , found [ ' txid ' ] , coin_to )
self . addParticipateTxn ( bid_id , bid , coin_to , found [ ' txid ' ] , found [ ' index ' ] , found [ ' height ' ] )
bid . setPTxState ( TxStates . TX_SENT )
save_bid = True
if found [ ' height ' ] > 0 and bid . participate_tx . block_height is None :
self . setTxBlockInfoFromHeight ( ci_to , bid . participate_tx , found [ ' height ' ] )
if bid . participate_tx . conf is not None :
self . log . debug ( ' participate txid %s confirms %d ' , bid . participate_tx . txid . hex ( ) , bid . participate_tx . conf )
if bid . participate_tx . conf > = self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' blocks_confirmed ' ] :
self . participateTxnConfirmed ( bid_id , bid , offer )
save_bid = True
elif state == BidStates . SWAP_PARTICIPATING :
# Waiting for initiate txn spend
elif state == BidStates . BID_ERROR :
# Wait for user input
else :
self . log . warning ( ' checkBidState unknown state %s ' , state )
if state > BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED :
# Wait for spend of all known swap txns
itx_state = bid . getITxState ( )
ptx_state = bid . getPTxState ( )
if ( itx_state is None or itx_state > = TxStates . TX_REDEEMED ) and \
( ptx_state is None or ptx_state > = TxStates . TX_REDEEMED ) :
self . log . info ( ' Swap completed for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . returnAddressToPool ( bid_id , TxTypes . ITX_REFUND if itx_state == TxStates . TX_REDEEMED else TxTypes . PTX_REDEEM )
self . returnAddressToPool ( bid_id , TxTypes . ITX_REFUND if ptx_state == TxStates . TX_REDEEMED else TxTypes . PTX_REDEEM )
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
return True # Mark bid for archiving
if save_bid :
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
if bid . debug_ind == DebugTypes . SKIP_LOCK_TX_REFUND :
return False # Bid is still active
# Try refund, keep trying until sent tx is spent
if bid . getITxState ( ) in ( TxStates . TX_SENT , TxStates . TX_CONFIRMED ) \
and bid . initiate_txn_refund is not None :
try :
txid = ci_from . publishTx ( bid . initiate_txn_refund )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted initiate refund txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid , chainparams [ coin_from ] [ ' name ' ] , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . logEvent ( Concepts . BID , bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . ITX_REFUND_PUBLISHED , ' ' , None )
# State will update when spend is detected
except Exception as ex :
if ' non-BIP68-final ' not in str ( ex ) and ' non-final ' not in str ( ex ) :
self . log . warning ( ' Error trying to submit initiate refund txn: %s ' , str ( ex ) )
if bid . getPTxState ( ) in ( TxStates . TX_SENT , TxStates . TX_CONFIRMED ) \
and bid . participate_txn_refund is not None :
try :
txid = ci_to . publishTx ( bid . participate_txn_refund )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted participate refund txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid , chainparams [ coin_to ] [ ' name ' ] , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . logEvent ( Concepts . BID , bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . PTX_REFUND_PUBLISHED , ' ' , None )
# State will update when spend is detected
except Exception as ex :
if ' non-BIP68-final ' not in str ( ex ) and ' non-final ' not in str ( ex ) :
self . log . warning ( ' Error trying to submit participate refund txn: %s ' , str ( ex ) )
return False # Bid is still active
def extractSecret ( self , coin_type , bid , spend_in ) :
try :
if coin_type == Coins . PART or self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' use_segwit ' ] :
ensure ( len ( spend_in [ ' txinwitness ' ] ) == 5 , ' Bad witness size ' )
return bytes . fromhex ( spend_in [ ' txinwitness ' ] [ 2 ] )
else :
script_sig = spend_in [ ' scriptSig ' ] [ ' asm ' ] . split ( ' ' )
ensure ( len ( script_sig ) == 5 , ' Bad witness size ' )
return bytes . fromhex ( script_sig [ 2 ] )
except Exception :
return None
def addWatchedOutput ( self , coin_type , bid_id , txid_hex , vout , tx_type , swap_type = None ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Adding watched output %s bid %s tx %s type %s ' , coin_type , bid_id . hex ( ) , txid_hex , tx_type )
watched = self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' watched_outputs ' ]
for wo in watched :
if wo . bid_id == bid_id and wo . txid_hex == txid_hex and wo . vout == vout :
self . log . debug ( ' Output already being watched. ' )
watched . append ( WatchedOutput ( bid_id , txid_hex , vout , tx_type , swap_type ) )
def removeWatchedOutput ( self , coin_type , bid_id , txid_hex ) :
# Remove all for bid if txid is None
self . log . debug ( ' removeWatchedOutput %s %s %s ' , str ( coin_type ) , bid_id . hex ( ) , txid_hex )
old_len = len ( self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' watched_outputs ' ] )
for i in range ( old_len - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ) :
wo = self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' watched_outputs ' ] [ i ]
if wo . bid_id == bid_id and ( txid_hex is None or wo . txid_hex == txid_hex ) :
del self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' watched_outputs ' ] [ i ]
self . log . debug ( ' Removed watched output %s %s %s ' , str ( coin_type ) , bid_id . hex ( ) , wo . txid_hex )
def initiateTxnSpent ( self , bid_id , spend_txid , spend_n , spend_txn ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Bid %s initiate txn spent by %s %d ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , spend_txid , spend_n )
if bid_id in self . swaps_in_progress :
bid = self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] [ 0 ]
offer = self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] [ 1 ]
bid . initiate_tx . spend_txid = bytes . fromhex ( spend_txid )
bid . initiate_tx . spend_n = spend_n
spend_in = spend_txn [ ' vin ' ] [ spend_n ]
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
secret = self . extractSecret ( coin_from , bid , spend_in )
if secret is None :
self . log . info ( ' Bid %s initiate txn refunded by %s %d ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , spend_txid , spend_n )
# TODO: Wait for depth?
bid . setITxState ( TxStates . TX_REFUNDED )
else :
self . log . info ( ' Bid %s initiate txn redeemed by %s %d ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , spend_txid , spend_n )
# TODO: Wait for depth?
bid . setITxState ( TxStates . TX_REDEEMED )
self . removeWatchedOutput ( coin_from , bid_id , bid . initiate_tx . txid . hex ( ) )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
def participateTxnSpent ( self , bid_id , spend_txid , spend_n , spend_txn ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Bid %s participate txn spent by %s %d ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , spend_txid , spend_n )
# TODO: More SwapTypes
if bid_id in self . swaps_in_progress :
bid = self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] [ 0 ]
offer = self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] [ 1 ]
bid . participate_tx . spend_txid = bytes . fromhex ( spend_txid )
bid . participate_tx . spend_n = spend_n
spend_in = spend_txn [ ' vin ' ] [ spend_n ]
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
secret = self . extractSecret ( coin_to , bid , spend_in )
if secret is None :
self . log . info ( ' Bid %s participate txn refunded by %s %d ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , spend_txid , spend_n )
# TODO: Wait for depth?
bid . setPTxState ( TxStates . TX_REFUNDED )
else :
self . log . debug ( ' Secret %s extracted from participate spend %s %d ' , secret . hex ( ) , spend_txid , spend_n )
bid . recovered_secret = secret
# TODO: Wait for depth?
bid . setPTxState ( TxStates . TX_REDEEMED )
if bid . was_sent :
if bid . debug_ind == DebugTypes . DONT_SPEND_ITX :
self . log . debug ( ' bid %s : Abandoning bid for testing: %d , %s . ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . debug_ind , DebugTypes ( bid . debug_ind ) . name )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ABANDONED )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . DEBUG_TWEAK_APPLIED , ' ind {} ' . format ( bid . debug_ind ) , None )
else :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event_short , self . max_delay_event_short )
self . log . info ( ' Redeeming ITX for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createAction ( delay , ActionTypes . REDEEM_ITX , bid_id )
# TODO: Wait for depth? new state SWAP_TXI_REDEEM_SENT?
self . removeWatchedOutput ( coin_to , bid_id , bid . participate_tx . txid . hex ( ) )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
def process_XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_tx_spend ( self , bid_id , spend_txid_hex , spend_txn_hex ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Detected spend of XMR swap coin a lock tx for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
state = BidStates ( bid . state )
spending_txid = bytes . fromhex ( spend_txid_hex )
if spending_txid == xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx_id :
if state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_LOCK_RELEASED :
xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx = bytes . fromhex ( spend_txn_hex )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_TX_REDEEMED ) # TODO: Wait for confirmation?
if not bid . was_received :
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED )
else :
# Could already be processed if spend was detected in the mempool
self . log . warning ( ' Coin a lock tx spend ignored due to bid state for bid {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
elif spending_txid == xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_id :
self . log . debug ( ' Coin a lock tx spent by lock refund tx. ' )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_TX_PREREFUND )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_REFUND_TX_SEEN , ' ' , session )
else :
self . setBidError ( bid . bid_id , bid , ' Unexpected txn spent coin a lock tx: {} ' . format ( spend_txid_hex ) , save_bid = False )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
session . commit ( )
except Exception as ex :
self . logException ( f ' process_XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_tx_spend { ex } ' )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def process_XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_tx_spend ( self , bid_id , spend_txid_hex , spend_txn ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Detected spend of XMR swap coin a lock refund tx for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
state = BidStates ( bid . state )
spending_txid = bytes . fromhex ( spend_txid_hex )
if spending_txid == xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx_id :
self . log . info ( ' Found coin a lock refund spend tx, bid {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_REFUND_SPEND_TX_SEEN , ' ' , session )
if bid . was_sent :
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx = bytes . fromhex ( spend_txn [ ' hex ' ] ) # Replace with fully signed tx
if TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SPEND not in bid . txns :
bid . txns [ TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SPEND ] = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SPEND ,
txid = xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx_id ,
if bid . xmr_b_lock_tx is not None :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Recovering xmr swap chain B lock tx for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . RECOVER_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B , bid_id , session )
else :
# Other side refunded before swap lock tx was sent
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED )
if bid . was_received :
if not bid . was_sent :
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED )
else :
self . log . info ( ' Coin a lock refund spent by unknown tx, bid {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_SWIPED )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
session . commit ( )
except Exception as ex :
self . logException ( f ' process_XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_tx_spend { ex } ' )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def processSpentOutput ( self , coin_type , watched_output , spend_txid_hex , spend_n , spend_txn ) :
if watched_output . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
if watched_output . tx_type == TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK :
self . process_XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_tx_spend ( watched_output . bid_id , spend_txid_hex , spend_txn [ ' hex ' ] )
elif watched_output . tx_type == TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND :
self . process_XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_tx_spend ( watched_output . bid_id , spend_txid_hex , spend_txn )
self . removeWatchedOutput ( coin_type , watched_output . bid_id , watched_output . txid_hex )
if watched_output . tx_type == BidStates . SWAP_PARTICIPATING :
self . participateTxnSpent ( watched_output . bid_id , spend_txid_hex , spend_n , spend_txn )
else :
self . initiateTxnSpent ( watched_output . bid_id , spend_txid_hex , spend_n , spend_txn )
def checkForSpends ( self , coin_type , c ) :
# assert (self.mxDB.locked())
self . log . debug ( ' checkForSpends %s ' , coin_type )
# TODO: Check for spends on watchonly txns where possible
if ' have_spent_index ' in self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] and self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' have_spent_index ' ] :
# TODO: batch getspentinfo
for o in c [ ' watched_outputs ' ] :
found_spend = None
try :
found_spend = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' getspentinfo ' , [ { ' txid ' : o . txid_hex , ' index ' : o . vout } ] )
except Exception as ex :
if ' Unable to get spent info ' not in str ( ex ) :
self . log . warning ( ' getspentinfo %s ' , str ( ex ) )
if found_spend is not None :
self . log . debug ( ' Found spend in spentindex %s %d in %s %d ' , o . txid_hex , o . vout , found_spend [ ' txid ' ] , found_spend [ ' index ' ] )
spend_txid = found_spend [ ' txid ' ]
spend_n = found_spend [ ' index ' ]
spend_txn = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' getrawtransaction ' , [ spend_txid , True ] )
self . processSpentOutput ( coin_type , o , spend_txid , spend_n , spend_txn )
else :
ci = self . ci ( coin_type )
chain_blocks = ci . getChainHeight ( )
last_height_checked = c [ ' last_height_checked ' ]
self . log . debug ( ' chain_blocks, last_height_checked %s %s ' , chain_blocks , last_height_checked )
while last_height_checked < chain_blocks :
block_hash = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' getblockhash ' , [ last_height_checked + 1 ] )
try :
block = ci . getBlockWithTxns ( block_hash )
except Exception as e :
if ' Block not available (pruned data) ' in str ( e ) :
# TODO: Better solution?
bci = self . callcoinrpc ( coin_type , ' getblockchaininfo ' )
self . log . error ( ' Coin %s last_height_checked %d set to pruneheight %d ' , self . ci ( coin_type ) . coin_name ( ) , last_height_checked , bci [ ' pruneheight ' ] )
last_height_checked = bci [ ' pruneheight ' ]
else :
self . logException ( f ' getblock error { e } ' )
for tx in block [ ' tx ' ] :
for i , inp in enumerate ( tx [ ' vin ' ] ) :
for o in c [ ' watched_outputs ' ] :
inp_txid = inp . get ( ' txid ' , None )
if inp_txid is None : # Coinbase
if inp_txid == o . txid_hex and inp [ ' vout ' ] == o . vout :
self . log . debug ( ' Found spend from search %s %d in %s %d ' , o . txid_hex , o . vout , tx [ ' txid ' ] , i )
self . processSpentOutput ( coin_type , o , tx [ ' txid ' ] , i , tx )
last_height_checked + = 1
if c [ ' last_height_checked ' ] != last_height_checked :
c [ ' last_height_checked ' ] = last_height_checked
self . setIntKV ( ' last_height_checked_ ' + chainparams [ coin_type ] [ ' name ' ] , last_height_checked )
def expireMessages ( self ) - > None :
if self . _is_locked is True :
self . log . debug ( ' Not expiring messages while system locked ' )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
rpc_conn = None
try :
ci_part = self . ci ( Coins . PART )
rpc_conn = ci_part . open_rpc ( )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
options = { ' encoding ' : ' none ' }
ro = ci_part . json_request ( rpc_conn , ' smsginbox ' , [ ' all ' , ' ' , options ] )
num_messages = 0
num_removed = 0
for msg in ro [ ' messages ' ] :
try :
num_messages + = 1
expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + msg [ ' ttl ' ]
if expire_at < now :
options = { ' encoding ' : ' none ' , ' delete ' : True }
del_msg = ci_part . json_request ( rpc_conn , ' smsg ' , [ msg [ ' msgid ' ] , options ] )
num_removed + = 1
except Exception as e :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
if num_messages + num_removed > 0 :
self . log . info ( ' Expired {} / {} messages. ' . format ( num_removed , num_messages ) )
self . log . debug ( ' TODO: Expire records from db ' )
finally :
if rpc_conn :
ci_part . close_rpc ( rpc_conn )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def checkAcceptedBids ( self ) - > None :
# Check for bids stuck as accepted (not yet in-progress)
if self . _is_locked is True :
self . log . debug ( ' Not checking accepted bids while system locked ' )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
session = self . openSession ( )
grace_period : int = 60 * 60
try :
query_str = ' SELECT bid_id FROM bids ' + \
' WHERE active_ind = 1 AND state = :accepted_state AND expire_at + :grace_period <= :now '
q = session . execute ( query_str , { ' accepted_state ' : int ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED ) , ' now ' : now , ' grace_period ' : grace_period } )
for row in q :
bid_id = row [ 0 ]
self . log . info ( ' Timing out bid {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
self . timeoutBid ( bid_id , session )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def countQueuedActions ( self , session , bid_id , action_type ) - > int :
q = session . query ( Action ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( Action . active_ind == 1 , Action . linked_id == bid_id , Action . action_type == int ( action_type ) ) )
return q . count ( )
def checkQueuedActions ( self ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
session = None
reload_in_progress = False
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
q = session . query ( Action ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( Action . active_ind == 1 , Action . trigger_at < = now ) )
for row in q :
try :
if row . action_type == ActionTypes . ACCEPT_BID :
self . acceptBid ( row . linked_id )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . ACCEPT_XMR_BID :
self . acceptXmrBid ( row . linked_id )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . SIGN_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_A :
self . sendXmrBidTxnSigsFtoL ( row . linked_id , session )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_A :
self . sendXmrBidCoinALockTx ( row . linked_id , session )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B :
self . sendXmrBidCoinBLockTx ( row . linked_id , session )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_LOCK_RELEASE :
self . sendXmrBidLockRelease ( row . linked_id , session )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . REDEEM_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_A :
self . redeemXmrBidCoinALockTx ( row . linked_id , session )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . REDEEM_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B :
self . redeemXmrBidCoinBLockTx ( row . linked_id , session )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . RECOVER_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B :
self . recoverXmrBidCoinBLockTx ( row . linked_id , session )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_SPEND_MSG :
self . sendXmrBidCoinALockSpendTxMsg ( row . linked_id , session )
elif row . action_type == ActionTypes . REDEEM_ITX :
atomic_swap_1 . redeemITx ( self , row . linked_id , session )
else :
self . log . warning ( ' Unknown event type: %d ' , row . event_type )
except Exception as ex :
self . logException ( f ' checkQueuedActions failed: { ex } ' )
if self . debug :
session . execute ( ' UPDATE actions SET active_ind = 2 WHERE trigger_at <= :now ' , { ' now ' : now } )
else :
session . execute ( ' DELETE FROM actions WHERE trigger_at <= :now ' , { ' now ' : now } )
session . commit ( )
except Exception as ex :
self . handleSessionErrors ( ex , session , ' checkQueuedActions ' )
reload_in_progress = True
finally :
if session :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
if reload_in_progress :
self . loadFromDB ( )
def checkXmrSwaps ( self ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
ttl_xmr_split_messages = 60 * 60
session = None
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
q = session . query ( Bid ) . filter ( Bid . state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVING )
for bid in q :
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x \' {} \' AND msg_type = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID ) ) . first ( )
num_segments = q [ 0 ]
if num_segments > 1 :
try :
self . receiveXmrBid ( bid , session )
except Exception as ex :
self . log . info ( ' Verify xmr bid {} failed: {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) ) )
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , ' Failed validation: ' + str ( ex ) )
session . add ( bid )
self . updateBidInProgress ( bid )
if bid . created_at + ttl_xmr_split_messages < now :
self . log . debug ( ' Expiring partially received bid: {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , ' Timed out ' )
session . add ( bid )
q = session . query ( Bid ) . filter ( Bid . state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVING_ACC )
for bid in q :
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x \' {} \' AND msg_type = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID_ACCEPT ) ) . first ( )
num_segments = q [ 0 ]
if num_segments > 1 :
try :
self . receiveXmrBidAccept ( bid , session )
except Exception as ex :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
self . log . info ( ' Verify xmr bid accept {} failed: {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , ' Failed accept validation: ' + str ( ex ) )
session . add ( bid )
self . updateBidInProgress ( bid )
if bid . created_at + ttl_xmr_split_messages < now :
self . log . debug ( ' Expiring partially received bid accept: {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , ' Timed out ' )
session . add ( bid )
# Expire old records
q = session . query ( XmrSplitData ) . filter ( XmrSplitData . created_at + ttl_xmr_split_messages < now )
q . delete ( synchronize_session = False )
session . commit ( )
finally :
if session :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def processOffer ( self , msg ) :
offer_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
offer_data = OfferMessage ( )
offer_data . ParseFromString ( offer_bytes )
# Validate data
now : int = self . getTime ( )
coin_from = Coins ( offer_data . coin_from )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer_data . coin_to )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
ensure ( offer_data . coin_from != offer_data . coin_to , ' coin_from == coin_to ' )
self . validateSwapType ( coin_from , coin_to , offer_data . swap_type )
self . validateOfferAmounts ( coin_from , coin_to , offer_data . amount_from , offer_data . rate , offer_data . min_bid_amount )
self . validateOfferLockValue ( offer_data . swap_type , coin_from , coin_to , offer_data . lock_type , offer_data . lock_value )
self . validateOfferValidTime ( offer_data . swap_type , coin_from , coin_to , offer_data . time_valid )
ensure ( msg [ ' sent ' ] + offer_data . time_valid > = now , ' Offer expired ' )
if offer_data . swap_type == SwapTypes . SELLER_FIRST :
ensure ( offer_data . protocol_version > = MINPROTO_VERSION_SECRET_HASH , ' Invalid protocol version ' )
ensure ( len ( offer_data . proof_address ) == 0 , ' Unexpected data ' )
ensure ( len ( offer_data . proof_signature ) == 0 , ' Unexpected data ' )
ensure ( len ( offer_data . pkhash_seller ) == 0 , ' Unexpected data ' )
ensure ( len ( offer_data . secret_hash ) == 0 , ' Unexpected data ' )
elif offer_data . swap_type == SwapTypes . BUYER_FIRST :
raise ValueError ( ' TODO ' )
elif offer_data . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
ensure ( offer_data . protocol_version > = MINPROTO_VERSION_ADAPTOR_SIG , ' Invalid protocol version ' )
ensure ( coin_from not in non_script_type_coins , ' Invalid coin from type ' )
ensure ( ci_from . has_segwit ( ) , ' Coin from must support segwit ' )
ensure ( len ( offer_data . proof_address ) == 0 , ' Unexpected data ' )
ensure ( len ( offer_data . proof_signature ) == 0 , ' Unexpected data ' )
ensure ( len ( offer_data . pkhash_seller ) == 0 , ' Unexpected data ' )
ensure ( len ( offer_data . secret_hash ) == 0 , ' Unexpected data ' )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown swap type {} . ' . format ( offer_data . swap_type ) )
offer_id = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
if self . isOfferRevoked ( offer_id , msg [ ' from ' ] ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Offer has been revoked {} . ' . format ( offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
try :
# Offers must be received on the public network_addr or manually created addresses
if msg [ ' to ' ] != self . network_addr :
# Double check active_ind, shouldn't be possible to receive message if not active
query_str = ' SELECT COUNT(addr_id) FROM smsgaddresses WHERE addr = " {} " AND use_type = {} AND active_ind = 1 ' . format ( msg [ ' to ' ] , AddressTypes . RECV_OFFER )
rv = session . execute ( query_str ) . first ( )
if rv [ 0 ] < 1 :
raise ValueError ( ' Offer received on incorrect address ' )
# Check for sent
existing_offer = self . getOffer ( offer_id )
if existing_offer is None :
offer = Offer (
offer_id = offer_id ,
active_ind = 1 ,
protocol_version = offer_data . protocol_version ,
coin_from = offer_data . coin_from ,
coin_to = offer_data . coin_to ,
amount_from = offer_data . amount_from ,
rate = offer_data . rate ,
min_bid_amount = offer_data . min_bid_amount ,
time_valid = offer_data . time_valid ,
lock_type = int ( offer_data . lock_type ) ,
lock_value = offer_data . lock_value ,
swap_type = offer_data . swap_type ,
amount_negotiable = offer_data . amount_negotiable ,
rate_negotiable = offer_data . rate_negotiable ,
addr_to = msg [ ' to ' ] ,
addr_from = msg [ ' from ' ] ,
created_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] ,
expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + offer_data . time_valid ,
was_sent = False )
offer . setState ( OfferStates . OFFER_RECEIVED )
session . add ( offer )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_offer = XmrOffer ( )
xmr_offer . offer_id = offer_id
xmr_offer . lock_time_1 = ci_from . getExpectedSequence ( offer_data . lock_type , offer_data . lock_value )
xmr_offer . lock_time_2 = ci_from . getExpectedSequence ( offer_data . lock_type , offer_data . lock_value )
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate = offer_data . fee_rate_from
xmr_offer . b_fee_rate = offer_data . fee_rate_to
session . add ( xmr_offer )
self . notify ( NT . OFFER_RECEIVED , { ' offer_id ' : offer_id . hex ( ) } , session )
else :
existing_offer . setState ( OfferStates . OFFER_RECEIVED )
session . add ( existing_offer )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
def processOfferRevoke ( self , msg ) :
ensure ( msg [ ' to ' ] == self . network_addr , ' Message received on wrong address ' )
msg_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
msg_data = OfferRevokeMessage ( )
msg_data . ParseFromString ( msg_bytes )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
if len ( msg_data . offer_msg_id ) != 28 :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid msg_id length ' )
if len ( msg_data . signature ) != 65 :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid signature length ' )
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = msg_data . offer_msg_id ) . first ( )
if offer is None :
self . storeOfferRevoke ( msg_data . offer_msg_id , msg_data . signature )
# Offer may not have been received yet, or involved an inactive coin on this node.
self . log . debug ( ' Offer not found to revoke: {} ' . format ( msg_data . offer_msg_id . hex ( ) ) )
if offer . expire_at < = now :
self . log . debug ( ' Offer is already expired, no need to revoke: {} ' . format ( msg_data . offer_msg_id . hex ( ) ) )
signature_enc = base64 . b64encode ( msg_data . signature ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
passed = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' verifymessage ' , [ offer . addr_from , signature_enc , msg_data . offer_msg_id . hex ( ) + ' _revoke ' ] )
ensure ( passed is True , ' Signature invalid ' )
offer . active_ind = 2
# TODO: Remove message, or wait for expire
session . add ( offer )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def getCompletedAndActiveBidsValue ( self , offer , session ) :
bids = [ ]
total_value = 0
q = session . execute (
''' SELECT bid_id, amount, state FROM bids
JOIN bidstates ON bidstates . state_id = bids . state AND ( bidstates . state_id = { 1 } OR bidstates . in_progress > 0 )
WHERE bids . active_ind = 1 AND bids . offer_id = x \' {0} \'
SELECT bid_id , amount , state FROM bids
JOIN actions ON actions . linked_id = bids . bid_id AND actions . active_ind = 1 AND ( actions . action_type = { 2 } OR actions . action_type = { 3 } )
WHERE bids . active_ind = 1 AND bids . offer_id = x \' {0} \'
''' .format(offer.offer_id.hex(), BidStates.SWAP_COMPLETED, ActionTypes.ACCEPT_XMR_BID, ActionTypes.ACCEPT_BID))
for row in q :
bid_id , amount , state = row
bids . append ( ( bid_id , amount , state ) )
total_value + = amount
return bids , total_value
def evaluateKnownIdentityForAutoAccept ( self , strategy , identity_stats ) - > bool :
if identity_stats :
if identity_stats . automation_override == AutomationOverrideOptions . NEVER_ACCEPT :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' From address is marked never accept ' )
if identity_stats . automation_override == AutomationOverrideOptions . ALWAYS_ACCEPT :
return True
if strategy . only_known_identities :
if not identity_stats :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' Unknown bidder ' )
# TODO: More options
if identity_stats . num_recv_bids_successful < 1 :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' Bidder has too few successful swaps ' )
if identity_stats . num_recv_bids_successful < = identity_stats . num_recv_bids_failed :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' Bidder has too many failed swaps ' )
return True
def shouldAutoAcceptBid ( self , offer , bid , session = None ) :
try :
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
link = use_session . query ( AutomationLink ) . filter_by ( active_ind = 1 , linked_type = Concepts . OFFER , linked_id = offer . offer_id ) . first ( )
if not link :
return False
strategy = use_session . query ( AutomationStrategy ) . filter_by ( active_ind = 1 , record_id = link . strategy_id ) . first ( )
opts = json . loads ( strategy . data . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
self . log . debug ( ' Evaluating against strategy {} ' . format ( strategy . record_id ) )
if not offer . amount_negotiable :
if bid . amount != offer . amount_from :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' Need exact amount match ' )
if bid . amount < offer . min_bid_amount :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' Bid amount below offer minimum ' )
if opts . get ( ' exact_rate_only ' , False ) is True :
if bid . rate != offer . rate :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' Need exact rate match ' )
active_bids , total_bids_value = self . getCompletedAndActiveBidsValue ( offer , use_session )
total_bids_value_multiplier = opts . get ( ' total_bids_value_multiplier ' , 1.0 )
if total_bids_value_multiplier > 0.0 :
if total_bids_value + bid . amount > offer . amount_from * total_bids_value_multiplier :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' Over remaining offer value {} ' . format ( offer . amount_from * total_bids_value_multiplier - total_bids_value ) )
num_not_completed = 0
for active_bid in active_bids :
if active_bid [ 2 ] != BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED :
num_not_completed + = 1
max_concurrent_bids = opts . get ( ' max_concurrent_bids ' , 1 )
if num_not_completed > = max_concurrent_bids :
raise AutomationConstraint ( ' Already have {} bids to complete ' . format ( num_not_completed ) )
identity_stats = use_session . query ( KnownIdentity ) . filter_by ( address = bid . bid_addr ) . first ( )
self . evaluateKnownIdentityForAutoAccept ( strategy , identity_stats )
self . logEvent ( Concepts . BID ,
bid . bid_id ,
' ' ,
use_session )
return True
except AutomationConstraint as e :
self . log . info ( ' Not auto accepting bid {} , {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( e ) ) )
if self . debug :
self . logEvent ( Concepts . BID ,
bid . bid_id ,
str ( e ) ,
use_session )
return False
except Exception as e :
self . logException ( f ' shouldAutoAcceptBid { e } ' )
return False
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session )
def processBid ( self , msg ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Processing bid msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
bid_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
bid_data = BidMessage ( )
bid_data . ParseFromString ( bid_bytes )
# Validate data
ensure ( bid_data . protocol_version > = MINPROTO_VERSION_SECRET_HASH , ' Invalid protocol version ' )
ensure ( len ( bid_data . offer_msg_id ) == 28 , ' Bad offer_id length ' )
offer_id = bid_data . offer_msg_id
offer = self . getOffer ( offer_id , sent = True )
ensure ( offer and offer . was_sent , ' Unknown offer ' )
ensure ( offer . state == OfferStates . OFFER_RECEIVED , ' Bad offer state ' )
ensure ( msg [ ' to ' ] == offer . addr_from , ' Received on incorrect address ' )
ensure ( now < = offer . expire_at , ' Offer expired ' )
self . validateBidValidTime ( offer . swap_type , offer . coin_from , offer . coin_to , bid_data . time_valid )
ensure ( now < = msg [ ' sent ' ] + bid_data . time_valid , ' Bid expired ' )
self . validateBidAmount ( offer , bid_data . amount , bid_data . rate )
# TODO: Allow higher bids
# assert (bid_data.rate != offer['data'].rate), 'Bid rate mismatch'
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( offer . coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
amount_to = int ( ( bid_data . amount * bid_data . rate ) / / ci_from . COIN ( ) )
swap_type = offer . swap_type
if swap_type == SwapTypes . SELLER_FIRST :
ensure ( len ( bid_data . pkhash_buyer ) == 20 , ' Bad pkhash_buyer length ' )
sum_unspent = ci_to . verifyProofOfFunds ( bid_data . proof_address , bid_data . proof_signature , offer_id )
self . log . debug ( ' Proof of funds %s %s ' , bid_data . proof_address , self . ci ( coin_to ) . format_amount ( sum_unspent ) )
ensure ( sum_unspent > = amount_to , ' Proof of funds failed ' )
elif swap_type == SwapTypes . BUYER_FIRST :
raise ValueError ( ' TODO ' )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown swap type {} . ' . format ( swap_type ) )
bid_id = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
bid = self . getBid ( bid_id )
if bid is None :
bid = Bid (
active_ind = 1 ,
bid_id = bid_id ,
offer_id = offer_id ,
protocol_version = bid_data . protocol_version ,
amount = bid_data . amount ,
rate = bid_data . rate ,
pkhash_buyer = bid_data . pkhash_buyer ,
created_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] ,
amount_to = amount_to ,
expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + bid_data . time_valid ,
bid_addr = msg [ ' from ' ] ,
was_received = True ,
chain_a_height_start = ci_from . getChainHeight ( ) ,
chain_b_height_start = ci_to . getChainHeight ( ) ,
else :
ensure ( bid . state == BidStates . BID_SENT , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) ) )
bid . created_at = msg [ ' sent ' ]
bid . expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + bid_data . time_valid
bid . was_received = True
if len ( bid_data . proof_address ) > 0 :
bid . proof_address = bid_data . proof_address
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
self . notify ( NT . BID_RECEIVED , { ' type ' : ' atomic ' , ' bid_id ' : bid_id . hex ( ) , ' offer_id ' : bid_data . offer_msg_id . hex ( ) } )
if self . shouldAutoAcceptBid ( offer , bid ) :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Auto accepting bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createAction ( delay , ActionTypes . ACCEPT_BID , bid_id )
def processBidAccept ( self , msg ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Processing bid accepted msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
bid_accept_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
bid_accept_data = BidAcceptMessage ( )
bid_accept_data . ParseFromString ( bid_accept_bytes )
ensure ( len ( bid_accept_data . bid_msg_id ) == 28 , ' Bad bid_msg_id length ' )
ensure ( len ( bid_accept_data . initiate_txid ) == 32 , ' Bad initiate_txid length ' )
ensure ( len ( bid_accept_data . contract_script ) < 100 , ' Bad contract_script length ' )
self . log . debug ( ' for bid %s ' , bid_accept_data . bid_msg_id . hex ( ) )
bid_id = bid_accept_data . bid_msg_id
bid , offer = self . getBidAndOffer ( bid_id )
ensure ( bid is not None and bid . was_sent is True , ' Unknown bidid ' )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found ' + bid . offer_id . hex ( ) )
ensure ( bid . expire_at > now + self . _bid_expired_leeway , ' Bid expired ' )
ensure ( msg [ ' to ' ] == bid . bid_addr , ' Received on incorrect address ' )
ensure ( msg [ ' from ' ] == offer . addr_from , ' Sent from incorrect address ' )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
if bid . state > = BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED :
if bid . was_received : # Sent to self
self . log . info ( ' Received valid bid accept %s for bid %s sent to self ' , bid . accept_msg_id . hex ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
raise ValueError ( ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) ) )
use_csv = True if offer . lock_type < TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS else False
# TODO: Verify script without decoding?
decoded_script = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' decodescript ' , [ bid_accept_data . contract_script . hex ( ) ] )
lock_check_op = ' OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY ' if use_csv else ' OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY '
prog = re . compile ( r ' OP_IF OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_SHA256 ( \ w+) OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ( \ w+) OP_ELSE ( \ d+) {} OP_DROP OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ( \ w+) OP_ENDIF OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG ' . format ( lock_check_op ) )
rr = prog . match ( decoded_script [ ' asm ' ] )
if not rr :
raise ValueError ( ' Bad script ' )
scriptvalues = rr . groups ( )
ensure ( len ( scriptvalues [ 0 ] ) == 64 , ' Bad secret_hash length ' )
ensure ( bytes . fromhex ( scriptvalues [ 1 ] ) == bid . pkhash_buyer , ' pkhash_buyer mismatch ' )
script_lock_value = int ( scriptvalues [ 2 ] )
if use_csv :
expect_sequence = ci_from . getExpectedSequence ( offer . lock_type , offer . lock_value )
ensure ( script_lock_value == expect_sequence , ' sequence mismatch ' )
else :
if offer . lock_type == TxLockTypes . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS :
block_header_from = ci_from . getBlockHeaderAt ( now )
chain_height_at_bid_creation = block_header_from [ ' height ' ]
ensure ( script_lock_value < = chain_height_at_bid_creation + offer . lock_value + atomic_swap_1 . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS_LEEWAY , ' script lock height too high ' )
ensure ( script_lock_value > = chain_height_at_bid_creation + offer . lock_value - atomic_swap_1 . ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS_LEEWAY , ' script lock height too low ' )
else :
ensure ( script_lock_value < = now + offer . lock_value + atomic_swap_1 . INITIATE_TX_TIMEOUT , ' script lock time too high ' )
ensure ( script_lock_value > = now + offer . lock_value - atomic_swap_1 . ABS_LOCK_TIME_LEEWAY , ' script lock time too low ' )
ensure ( len ( scriptvalues [ 3 ] ) == 40 , ' pkhash_refund bad length ' )
ensure ( bid . accept_msg_id is None , ' Bid already accepted ' )
bid . accept_msg_id = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
bid . initiate_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . ITX ,
txid = bid_accept_data . initiate_txid ,
script = bid_accept_data . contract_script ,
bid . pkhash_seller = bytes . fromhex ( scriptvalues [ 3 ] )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED )
bid . setITxState ( TxStates . TX_NONE )
bid . offer_id . hex ( )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] = ( bid , offer )
self . notify ( NT . BID_ACCEPTED , { ' bid_id ' : bid_id . hex ( ) } )
def receiveXmrBid ( self , bid , session ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Receiving xmr bid %s ' , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = True )
ensure ( offer and offer . was_sent , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
xmr_swap = session . query ( XmrSwap ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid . bid_id ) . first ( )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ci_from = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_from ) )
ci_to = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_to ) )
if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 :
if len ( xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag ) < ci_to . lengthDLEAG ( ) :
q = session . query ( XmrSplitData ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( XmrSplitData . bid_id == bid . bid_id , XmrSplitData . msg_type == XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID ) ) . order_by ( XmrSplitData . msg_sequence . asc ( ) )
for row in q :
ensure ( row . addr_to == offer . addr_from , ' Received on incorrect address, segment_id {} ' . format ( row . record_id ) )
ensure ( row . addr_from == bid . bid_addr , ' Sent from incorrect address, segment_id {} ' . format ( row . record_id ) )
xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag + = row . dleag
if not ci_to . verifyDLEAG ( xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid DLEAG proof. ' )
# Extract pubkeys from MSG1L DLEAG
xmr_swap . pkasf = xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag [ 0 : 33 ]
if not ci_from . verifyPubkey ( xmr_swap . pkasf ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid coin a pubkey. ' )
xmr_swap . pkbsf = xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag [ 33 : 33 + 32 ]
if not ci_to . verifyPubkey ( xmr_swap . pkbsf ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid coin b pubkey. ' )
elif ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . secp256k1 :
xmr_swap . pkasf = ci_to . verifySigAndRecover ( xmr_swap . kbsf_dleag , ' proof kbsf owned for swap ' )
if not ci_from . verifyPubkey ( xmr_swap . pkasf ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid coin a pubkey. ' )
xmr_swap . pkbsf = xmr_swap . pkasf
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown curve ' )
ensure ( ci_to . verifyKey ( xmr_swap . vkbvf ) , ' Invalid key, vkbvf ' )
ensure ( ci_from . verifyPubkey ( xmr_swap . pkaf ) , ' Invalid pubkey, pkaf ' )
self . notify ( NT . BID_RECEIVED , { ' type ' : ' xmr ' , ' bid_id ' : bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , ' offer_id ' : bid . offer_id . hex ( ) } , session )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
if self . shouldAutoAcceptBid ( offer , bid , session ) :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Auto accepting xmr bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . ACCEPT_XMR_BID , bid . bid_id , session )
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_DELAYING )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid . bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
def receiveXmrBidAccept ( self , bid , session ) :
# Follower receiving MSG1F and MSG2F
self . log . debug ( ' Receiving xmr bid accept %s ' , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( bid . offer_id , sent = True )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
xmr_swap = session . query ( XmrSwap ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid . bid_id ) . first ( )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ci_from = self . ci ( offer . coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( offer . coin_to )
if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 :
if len ( xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag ) < ci_to . lengthDLEAG ( ) :
q = session . query ( XmrSplitData ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( XmrSplitData . bid_id == bid . bid_id , XmrSplitData . msg_type == XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID_ACCEPT ) ) . order_by ( XmrSplitData . msg_sequence . asc ( ) )
for row in q :
ensure ( row . addr_to == bid . bid_addr , ' Received on incorrect address, segment_id {} ' . format ( row . record_id ) )
ensure ( row . addr_from == offer . addr_from , ' Sent from incorrect address, segment_id {} ' . format ( row . record_id ) )
xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag + = row . dleag
if not ci_to . verifyDLEAG ( xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid DLEAG proof. ' )
# Extract pubkeys from MSG1F DLEAG
xmr_swap . pkasl = xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag [ 0 : 33 ]
if not ci_from . verifyPubkey ( xmr_swap . pkasl ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid coin a pubkey. ' )
xmr_swap . pkbsl = xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag [ 33 : 33 + 32 ]
if not ci_to . verifyPubkey ( xmr_swap . pkbsl ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid coin b pubkey. ' )
elif ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . secp256k1 :
xmr_swap . pkasl = ci_to . verifySigAndRecover ( xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag , ' proof kbsl owned for swap ' )
if not ci_from . verifyPubkey ( xmr_swap . pkasl ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid coin a pubkey. ' )
xmr_swap . pkbsl = xmr_swap . pkasl
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown curve ' )
# vkbv and vkbvl are verified in processXmrBidAccept
xmr_swap . pkbv = ci_to . sumPubkeys ( xmr_swap . pkbvl , xmr_swap . pkbvf )
xmr_swap . pkbs = ci_to . sumPubkeys ( xmr_swap . pkbsl , xmr_swap . pkbsf )
if not ci_from . verifyPubkey ( xmr_swap . pkal ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid pubkey. ' )
if xmr_swap . pkbvl == xmr_swap . pkbvf :
raise ValueError ( ' Duplicate scriptless view pubkey. ' )
if xmr_swap . pkbsl == xmr_swap . pkbsf :
raise ValueError ( ' Duplicate scriptless spend pubkey. ' )
if xmr_swap . pkal == xmr_swap . pkaf :
raise ValueError ( ' Duplicate script spend pubkey. ' )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED ) # XMR
self . saveBidInSession ( bid . bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
self . notify ( NT . BID_ACCEPTED , { ' bid_id ' : bid . bid_id . hex ( ) } , session )
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Responding to xmr bid accept %s in %d seconds ' , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . SIGN_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_A , bid . bid_id , session )
def processXmrBid ( self , msg ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Processing xmr bid msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
bid_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
bid_data = XmrBidMessage ( )
bid_data . ParseFromString ( bid_bytes )
# Validate data
ensure ( bid_data . protocol_version > = MINPROTO_VERSION_ADAPTOR_SIG , ' Invalid protocol version ' )
ensure ( len ( bid_data . offer_msg_id ) == 28 , ' Bad offer_id length ' )
offer_id = bid_data . offer_msg_id
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( offer_id , sent = True )
ensure ( offer and offer . was_sent , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP , ' Bid/offer swap type mismatch ' )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ci_from = self . ci ( offer . coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( offer . coin_to )
if not validOfferStateToReceiveBid ( offer . state ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Bad offer state ' )
ensure ( msg [ ' to ' ] == offer . addr_from , ' Received on incorrect address ' )
ensure ( now < = offer . expire_at , ' Offer expired ' )
self . validateBidValidTime ( offer . swap_type , offer . coin_from , offer . coin_to , bid_data . time_valid )
ensure ( now < = msg [ ' sent ' ] + bid_data . time_valid , ' Bid expired ' )
self . validateBidAmount ( offer , bid_data . amount , bid_data . rate )
ensure ( ci_to . verifyKey ( bid_data . kbvf ) , ' Invalid chain B follower view key ' )
ensure ( ci_from . verifyPubkey ( bid_data . pkaf ) , ' Invalid chain A follower public key ' )
bid_id = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
if bid is None :
bid = Bid (
active_ind = 1 ,
bid_id = bid_id ,
offer_id = offer_id ,
protocol_version = bid_data . protocol_version ,
amount = bid_data . amount ,
rate = bid_data . rate ,
created_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] ,
amount_to = ( bid_data . amount * bid_data . rate ) / / ci_from . COIN ( ) ,
expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + bid_data . time_valid ,
bid_addr = msg [ ' from ' ] ,
was_received = True ,
chain_a_height_start = ci_from . getChainHeight ( ) ,
chain_b_height_start = ci_to . getChainHeight ( ) ,
xmr_swap = XmrSwap (
bid_id = bid_id ,
dest_af = bid_data . dest_af ,
pkaf = bid_data . pkaf ,
vkbvf = bid_data . kbvf ,
pkbvf = ci_to . getPubkey ( bid_data . kbvf ) ,
kbsf_dleag = bid_data . kbsf_dleag ,
wallet_restore_height = self . getWalletRestoreHeight ( ci_to )
if bid . chain_b_height_start < wallet_restore_height :
bid . chain_b_height_start = wallet_restore_height
self . log . warning ( ' XMR swap restore height clamped to {} ' . format ( wallet_restore_height ) )
else :
ensure ( bid . state == BidStates . BID_SENT , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) ) )
# Don't update bid.created_at, it's been used to derive kaf
bid . expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + bid_data . time_valid
bid . was_received = True
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_RECEIVING )
self . log . info ( ' Receiving xmr bid %s for offer %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid_data . offer_msg_id . hex ( ) )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
if offer . coin_to != Coins . XMR :
with self . mxDB :
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . receiveXmrBid ( bid , session )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
def processXmrBidAccept ( self , msg ) :
# F receiving MSG1F and MSG2F
self . log . debug ( ' Processing xmr bid accept msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
msg_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
msg_data = XmrBidAcceptMessage ( )
msg_data . ParseFromString ( msg_bytes )
ensure ( len ( msg_data . bid_msg_id ) == 28 , ' Bad bid_msg_id length ' )
self . log . debug ( ' for bid %s ' , msg_data . bid_msg_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBid ( msg_data . bid_msg_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( msg_data . bid_msg_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( msg_data . bid_msg_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( bid . offer_id , sent = True )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( msg [ ' to ' ] == bid . bid_addr , ' Received on incorrect address ' )
ensure ( msg [ ' from ' ] == offer . addr_from , ' Sent from incorrect address ' )
ci_from = self . ci ( offer . coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( offer . coin_to )
try :
xmr_swap . pkal = msg_data . pkal
xmr_swap . vkbvl = msg_data . kbvl
ensure ( ci_to . verifyKey ( xmr_swap . vkbvl ) , ' Invalid key, vkbvl ' )
xmr_swap . vkbv = ci_to . sumKeys ( xmr_swap . vkbvl , xmr_swap . vkbvf )
ensure ( ci_to . verifyKey ( xmr_swap . vkbv ) , ' Invalid key, vkbv ' )
xmr_swap . pkbvl = ci_to . getPubkey ( msg_data . kbvl )
xmr_swap . kbsl_dleag = msg_data . kbsl_dleag
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx = msg_data . a_lock_tx
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script = msg_data . a_lock_tx_script
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx = msg_data . a_lock_refund_tx
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script = msg_data . a_lock_refund_tx_script
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx = msg_data . a_lock_refund_spend_tx
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx_id = ci_from . getTxid ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx )
xmr_swap . al_lock_refund_tx_sig = msg_data . al_lock_refund_tx_sig
# TODO: check_lock_tx_inputs without txindex
check_a_lock_tx_inputs = False
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_id , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_vout = ci_from . verifySCLockTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script ,
bid . amount ,
xmr_swap . pkal , xmr_swap . pkaf ,
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate ,
check_a_lock_tx_inputs , xmr_swap . vkbv )
a_lock_tx_dest = ci_from . getScriptDest ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script )
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_id , xmr_swap . a_swap_refund_value , lock_refund_vout = ci_from . verifySCLockRefundTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_id , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_vout , xmr_offer . lock_time_1 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . pkal , xmr_swap . pkaf ,
xmr_offer . lock_time_2 ,
bid . amount , xmr_offer . a_fee_rate , xmr_swap . vkbv )
ci_from . verifySCLockRefundSpendTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_id , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . pkal ,
lock_refund_vout , xmr_swap . a_swap_refund_value , xmr_offer . a_fee_rate , xmr_swap . vkbv )
self . log . info ( ' Checking leader \' s lock refund tx signature ' )
prevout_amount = ci_from . getLockTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
v = ci_from . verifyTxSig ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx , xmr_swap . al_lock_refund_tx_sig , xmr_swap . pkal , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
ensure ( v , ' Invalid coin A lock refund tx leader sig ' )
allowed_states = [ BidStates . BID_SENT , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED ]
if bid . was_sent and offer . was_sent :
allowed_states . append ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED ) # TODO: Split BID_ACCEPTED into received and sent
ensure ( bid . state in allowed_states , ' Invalid state for bid {} ' . format ( bid . state ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_RECEIVING_ACC )
self . saveBid ( bid . bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
if offer . coin_to != Coins . XMR :
with self . mxDB :
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . receiveXmrBidAccept ( bid , session )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
except Exception as ex :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
self . setBidError ( bid . bid_id , bid , str ( ex ) , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
def watchXmrSwap ( self , bid , offer , xmr_swap ) :
self . log . debug ( ' XMR swap in progress, bid %s ' , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid . bid_id ] = ( bid , offer )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
self . setLastHeightChecked ( coin_from , bid . chain_a_height_start )
self . addWatchedOutput ( coin_from , bid . bid_id , bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . txid . hex ( ) , bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . vout , TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
lock_refund_vout = self . ci ( coin_from ) . getLockRefundTxSwapOutput ( xmr_swap )
self . addWatchedOutput ( coin_from , bid . bid_id , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_id . hex ( ) , lock_refund_vout , TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
bid . in_progress = 1
def sendXmrBidTxnSigsFtoL ( self , bid_id , session ) :
# F -> L: Sending MSG3L
self . log . debug ( ' Signing xmr bid lock txns %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
try :
kaf = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KAF )
prevout_amount = ci_from . getLockRefundTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_esig = ci_from . signTxOtVES ( kaf , xmr_swap . pkasl , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script , prevout_amount )
prevout_amount = ci_from . getLockTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_tx_sig = ci_from . signTx ( kaf , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
xmr_swap_1 . addLockRefundSigs ( self , xmr_swap , ci_from )
msg_buf = XmrBidLockTxSigsMessage (
bid_msg_id = bid_id ,
af_lock_refund_spend_tx_esig = xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_esig ,
af_lock_refund_tx_sig = xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_tx_sig
msg_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_TXN_SIGS_FL ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
msg_valid = self . getActiveBidMsgValidTime ( )
xmr_swap . coin_a_lock_tx_sigs_l_msg_id = self . sendSmsg ( bid . bid_addr , offer . addr_from , payload_hex , msg_valid )
self . log . info ( ' Sent XMR_BID_TXN_SIGS_FL %s ' , xmr_swap . coin_a_lock_tx_sigs_l_msg_id . hex ( ) )
a_lock_tx_id = ci_from . getTxid ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx )
a_lock_tx_vout = ci_from . getTxOutputPos ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script )
self . log . debug ( ' Waiting for lock txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , a_lock_tx_id . hex ( ) , ci_from . coin_name ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
if bid . xmr_a_lock_tx is None :
bid . xmr_a_lock_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK ,
txid = a_lock_tx_id ,
vout = a_lock_tx_vout ,
bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . setState ( TxStates . TX_NONE )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_MSG_SCRIPT_LOCK_TX_SIGS )
self . watchXmrSwap ( bid , offer , xmr_swap )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
except Exception as ex :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
def sendXmrBidCoinALockTx ( self , bid_id , session ) :
# Offerer/Leader. Send coin A lock tx
self . log . debug ( ' Sending coin A lock tx for xmr bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
kal = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KAL )
# Prove leader can sign for kal, sent in MSG4F
xmr_swap . kal_sig = ci_from . signCompact ( kal , ' proof key owned for swap ' )
# Create Script lock spend tx
xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx = ci_from . createSCLockSpendTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . dest_af ,
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate , xmr_swap . vkbv )
xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx_id = ci_from . getTxid ( xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx )
prevout_amount = ci_from . getLockTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
xmr_swap . al_lock_spend_tx_esig = ci_from . signTxOtVES ( kal , xmr_swap . pkasf , xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event_short , self . max_delay_event_short )
self . log . info ( ' Sending lock spend tx message for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_SPEND_MSG , bid_id , session )
# publishalocktx
if bid . xmr_a_lock_tx and bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . state :
if bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . state > = TxStates . TX_SENT :
raise ValueError ( ' Lock tx has already been sent {} ' . format ( bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . txid . hex ( ) ) )
lock_tx_signed = ci_from . signTxWithWallet ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx )
txid_hex = ci_from . publishTx ( lock_tx_signed )
vout_pos = ci_from . getTxOutputPos ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted lock txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid_hex , ci_from . coin_name ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
if bid . xmr_a_lock_tx is None :
bid . xmr_a_lock_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK ,
txid = bytes . fromhex ( txid_hex ) ,
vout = vout_pos ,
bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . setState ( TxStates . TX_SENT )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_HAVE_SCRIPT_COIN_SPEND_TX )
self . watchXmrSwap ( bid , offer , xmr_swap )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_PUBLISHED , ' ' , session )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
def sendXmrBidCoinBLockTx ( self , bid_id , session ) :
# Follower sending coin B lock tx
self . log . debug ( ' Sending coin B lock tx for xmr bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ci_from = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_from ) )
ci_to = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_to ) )
if self . findTxB ( ci_to , xmr_swap , bid , session ) is True :
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
if bid . xmr_b_lock_tx :
self . log . warning ( ' Coin B lock tx {} exists for xmr bid {} ' . format ( bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . b_lock_tx_id , bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
if bid . debug_ind == DebugTypes . BID_STOP_AFTER_COIN_A_LOCK :
self . log . debug ( ' XMR bid %s : Stalling bid for testing: %d . ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . debug_ind )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_STALLED_FOR_TEST )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . DEBUG_TWEAK_APPLIED , ' ind {} ' . format ( bid . debug_ind ) , session )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
unlock_time = 0
if bid . debug_ind in ( DebugTypes . CREATE_INVALID_COIN_B_LOCK , DebugTypes . B_LOCK_TX_MISSED_SEND ) :
bid . amount_to - = int ( bid . amount_to * 0.1 )
self . log . debug ( ' XMR bid %s : Debug %d - Reducing lock b txn amount by 10 %% to %s . ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . debug_ind , ci_to . format_amount ( bid . amount_to ) )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . DEBUG_TWEAK_APPLIED , ' ind {} ' . format ( bid . debug_ind ) , session )
if bid . debug_ind == DebugTypes . SEND_LOCKED_XMR :
unlock_time = 10000
self . log . debug ( ' XMR bid %s : Debug %d - Sending locked XMR. ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . debug_ind )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . DEBUG_TWEAK_APPLIED , ' ind {} ' . format ( bid . debug_ind ) , session )
try :
b_lock_tx_id = ci_to . publishBLockTx ( xmr_swap . vkbv , xmr_swap . pkbs , bid . amount_to , xmr_offer . b_fee_rate , unlock_time = unlock_time )
if bid . debug_ind == DebugTypes . B_LOCK_TX_MISSED_SEND :
self . log . debug ( ' XMR bid %s : Debug %d - Losing xmr lock tx %s . ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . debug_ind , b_lock_tx_id . hex ( ) )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . DEBUG_TWEAK_APPLIED , ' ind {} ' . format ( bid . debug_ind ) , session )
raise TemporaryError ( ' Fail for debug event ' )
except Exception as ex :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
error_msg = ' publishBLockTx failed for bid {} with error {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) )
num_retries = self . countBidEvents ( bid , EventLogTypes . FAILED_TX_B_LOCK_PUBLISH , session )
if num_retries > 0 :
error_msg + = ' , retry no. {} ' . format ( num_retries )
self . log . error ( error_msg )
if num_retries < 5 and ( ci_to . is_transient_error ( ex ) or self . is_transient_error ( ex ) ) :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_retry , self . max_delay_retry )
self . log . info ( ' Retrying sending xmr swap chain B lock tx for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B , bid_id , session )
else :
self . setBidError ( bid_id , bid , ' publishBLockTx failed: ' + str ( ex ) , save_bid = False )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . FAILED_TX_B_LOCK_PUBLISH , str ( ex ) , session )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted lock txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , b_lock_tx_id . hex ( ) , ci_to . coin_name ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid . xmr_b_lock_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_B_LOCK ,
txid = b_lock_tx_id ,
xmr_swap . b_lock_tx_id = b_lock_tx_id
bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . setState ( TxStates . TX_NONE )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_B_PUBLISHED , ' ' , session )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
def sendXmrBidLockRelease ( self , bid_id , session ) :
# Leader sending lock tx a release secret (MSG5F)
self . log . debug ( ' Sending bid secret for xmr bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
msg_buf = XmrBidLockReleaseMessage (
bid_msg_id = bid_id ,
al_lock_spend_tx_esig = xmr_swap . al_lock_spend_tx_esig )
msg_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_LOCK_RELEASE_LF ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
msg_valid = self . getActiveBidMsgValidTime ( )
xmr_swap . coin_a_lock_release_msg_id = self . sendSmsg ( offer . addr_from , bid . bid_addr , payload_hex , msg_valid )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_LOCK_RELEASED )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
def redeemXmrBidCoinALockTx ( self , bid_id , session ) :
# Follower redeeming A lock tx
self . log . debug ( ' Redeeming coin A lock tx for xmr bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
for_ed25519 = True if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 else False
kbsf = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KBSF , for_ed25519 )
kaf = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KAF )
al_lock_spend_sig = ci_from . decryptOtVES ( kbsf , xmr_swap . al_lock_spend_tx_esig )
prevout_amount = ci_from . getLockTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
v = ci_from . verifyTxSig ( xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx , al_lock_spend_sig , xmr_swap . pkal , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
ensure ( v , ' Invalid coin A lock tx spend tx leader sig ' )
af_lock_spend_sig = ci_from . signTx ( kaf , xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
v = ci_from . verifyTxSig ( xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx , af_lock_spend_sig , xmr_swap . pkaf , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
ensure ( v , ' Invalid coin A lock tx spend tx follower sig ' )
witness_stack = [
b ' ' ,
al_lock_spend_sig ,
af_lock_spend_sig ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx = ci_from . setTxSignature ( xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx , witness_stack )
txid = bytes . fromhex ( ci_from . publishTx ( xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx ) )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted lock spend txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid . hex ( ) , ci_from . coin_name ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_A_SPEND_TX_PUBLISHED , ' ' , session )
bid . xmr_a_lock_spend_tx = SwapTx (
bid_id = bid_id ,
tx_type = TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_SPEND ,
txid = txid ,
bid . xmr_a_lock_spend_tx . setState ( TxStates . TX_NONE )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
def redeemXmrBidCoinBLockTx ( self , bid_id , session ) :
# Leader redeeming B lock tx
self . log . debug ( ' Redeeming coin B lock tx for xmr bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
try :
chain_height = ci_to . getChainHeight ( )
lock_tx_depth = ( chain_height - bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . chain_height ) + 1
if lock_tx_depth < ci_to . depth_spendable ( ) :
raise TemporaryError ( f ' Chain B lock tx depth { lock_tx_depth } < required for spending. ' )
# Extract the leader's decrypted signature and use it to recover the follower's privatekey
xmr_swap . al_lock_spend_tx_sig = ci_from . extractLeaderSig ( xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx )
kbsf = ci_from . recoverEncKey ( xmr_swap . al_lock_spend_tx_esig , xmr_swap . al_lock_spend_tx_sig , xmr_swap . pkasf )
assert ( kbsf is not None )
for_ed25519 = True if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 else False
kbsl = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KBSL , for_ed25519 )
vkbs = ci_to . sumKeys ( kbsl , kbsf )
if coin_to == Coins . XMR :
address_to = self . getCachedMainWalletAddress ( ci_to )
elif coin_to in ( Coins . PART_BLIND , Coins . PART_ANON ) :
address_to = self . getCachedStealthAddressForCoin ( coin_to )
else :
address_to = self . getReceiveAddressFromPool ( coin_to , bid_id , TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_B_LOCK_SPEND )
txid = ci_to . spendBLockTx ( xmr_swap . b_lock_tx_id , address_to , xmr_swap . vkbv , vkbs , bid . amount_to , xmr_offer . b_fee_rate , bid . chain_b_height_start )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted lock B spend txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid . hex ( ) , ci_to . coin_name ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_B_SPEND_TX_PUBLISHED , ' ' , session )
except Exception as ex :
error_msg = ' spendBLockTx failed for bid {} with error {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) )
num_retries = self . countBidEvents ( bid , EventLogTypes . FAILED_TX_B_SPEND , session )
if num_retries > 0 :
error_msg + = ' , retry no. {} ' . format ( num_retries )
self . log . error ( error_msg )
if num_retries < 100 and ( ci_to . is_transient_error ( ex ) or self . is_transient_error ( ex ) ) :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_retry , self . max_delay_retry )
self . log . info ( ' Retrying sending xmr swap chain B spend tx for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . REDEEM_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B , bid_id , session )
else :
self . setBidError ( bid_id , bid , ' spendBLockTx failed: ' + str ( ex ) , save_bid = False )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . FAILED_TX_B_SPEND , str ( ex ) , session )
bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . spend_txid = txid
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_NOSCRIPT_TX_REDEEMED )
# TODO: Why does using bid.txns error here?
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
def recoverXmrBidCoinBLockTx ( self , bid_id , session ) :
# Follower recovering B lock tx
self . log . debug ( ' Recovering coin B lock tx for xmr bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
# Extract the follower's decrypted signature and use it to recover the leader's privatekey
af_lock_refund_spend_tx_sig = ci_from . extractFollowerSig ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx )
kbsl = ci_from . recoverEncKey ( xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_esig , af_lock_refund_spend_tx_sig , xmr_swap . pkasl )
assert ( kbsl is not None )
for_ed25519 = True if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 else False
kbsf = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KBSF , for_ed25519 )
vkbs = ci_to . sumKeys ( kbsl , kbsf )
try :
if offer . coin_to == Coins . XMR :
address_to = self . getCachedMainWalletAddress ( ci_to )
elif coin_to == Coins . PART_BLIND :
address_to = self . getCachedStealthAddressForCoin ( coin_to )
else :
address_to = self . getReceiveAddressFromPool ( coin_to , bid_id , TxTypes . XMR_SWAP_B_LOCK_REFUND )
txid = ci_to . spendBLockTx ( xmr_swap . b_lock_tx_id , address_to , xmr_swap . vkbv , vkbs , bid . amount_to , xmr_offer . b_fee_rate , bid . chain_b_height_start )
self . log . debug ( ' Submitted lock B refund txn %s to %s chain for bid %s ' , txid . hex ( ) , ci_to . coin_name ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_B_REFUND_TX_PUBLISHED , ' ' , session )
except Exception as ex :
# TODO: Make min-conf 10?
error_msg = ' spendBLockTx refund failed for bid {} with error {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) )
num_retries = self . countBidEvents ( bid , EventLogTypes . FAILED_TX_B_REFUND , session )
if num_retries > 0 :
error_msg + = ' , retry no. {} ' . format ( num_retries )
self . log . error ( error_msg )
str_error = str ( ex )
if num_retries < 100 and ( ci_to . is_transient_error ( ex ) or self . is_transient_error ( ex ) ) :
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_retry , self . max_delay_retry )
self . log . info ( ' Retrying sending xmr swap chain B refund tx for bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createActionInSession ( delay , ActionTypes . RECOVER_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_B , bid_id , session )
else :
self . setBidError ( bid_id , bid , ' spendBLockTx for refund failed: ' + str ( ex ) , save_bid = False )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
self . logBidEvent ( bid . bid_id , EventLogTypes . FAILED_TX_B_REFUND , str_error , session )
bid . xmr_b_lock_tx . spend_txid = txid
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_NOSCRIPT_TX_RECOVERED )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
def sendXmrBidCoinALockSpendTxMsg ( self , bid_id , session ) :
# Send MSG4F L -> F
self . log . debug ( ' Sending coin A lock spend tx msg for xmr bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBidFromSession ( session , bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOfferFromSession ( session , bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ci_from = self . ci ( offer . coin_from )
msg_buf = XmrBidLockSpendTxMessage (
bid_msg_id = bid_id ,
a_lock_spend_tx = xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx ,
kal_sig = xmr_swap . kal_sig )
msg_bytes = msg_buf . SerializeToString ( )
payload_hex = str . format ( ' {:02x} ' , MessageTypes . XMR_BID_LOCK_SPEND_TX_LF ) + msg_bytes . hex ( )
msg_valid = self . getActiveBidMsgValidTime ( )
xmr_swap . coin_a_lock_refund_spend_tx_msg_id = self . sendSmsg ( offer . addr_from , bid . bid_addr , payload_hex , msg_valid )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_MSG_SCRIPT_LOCK_SPEND_TX )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap , save_in_progress = offer )
def processXmrBidCoinALockSigs ( self , msg ) :
# Leader processing MSG3L
self . log . debug ( ' Processing xmr coin a follower lock sigs msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
msg_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
msg_data = XmrBidLockTxSigsMessage ( )
msg_data . ParseFromString ( msg_bytes )
ensure ( len ( msg_data . bid_msg_id ) == 28 , ' Bad bid_msg_id length ' )
bid_id = msg_data . bid_msg_id
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( msg [ ' to ' ] == offer . addr_from , ' Received on incorrect address ' )
ensure ( msg [ ' from ' ] == bid . bid_addr , ' Sent from incorrect address ' )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
coin_to = Coins ( offer . coin_to )
ci_from = self . ci ( coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( coin_to )
try :
allowed_states = [ BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED , ]
if bid . was_sent and offer . was_sent :
allowed_states . append ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_MSG_SCRIPT_LOCK_TX_SIGS )
ensure ( bid . state in allowed_states , ' Invalid state for bid {} ' . format ( bid . state ) )
xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_esig = msg_data . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_esig
xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_tx_sig = msg_data . af_lock_refund_tx_sig
for_ed25519 = True if ci_to . curve_type ( ) == Curves . ed25519 else False
kbsl = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KBSL , for_ed25519 )
kal = self . getPathKey ( coin_from , coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KAL )
xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_sig = ci_from . decryptOtVES ( kbsl , xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_esig )
prevout_amount = ci_from . getLockRefundTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
al_lock_refund_spend_tx_sig = ci_from . signTx ( kal , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script , prevout_amount )
self . log . debug ( ' Setting lock refund spend tx sigs ' )
witness_stack = [
b ' ' ,
al_lock_refund_spend_tx_sig ,
xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_sig ,
bytes ( ( 1 , ) ) ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script ,
signed_tx = ci_from . setTxSignature ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx , witness_stack )
ensure ( signed_tx , ' setTxSignature failed ' )
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx = signed_tx
v = ci_from . verifyTxSig ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_spend_tx , xmr_swap . af_lock_refund_spend_tx_sig , xmr_swap . pkaf , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script , prevout_amount )
ensure ( v , ' Invalid signature for lock refund spend txn ' )
xmr_swap_1 . addLockRefundSigs ( self , xmr_swap , ci_from )
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Sending coin A lock tx for xmr bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createAction ( delay , ActionTypes . SEND_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_A , bid_id )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_MSG_SCRIPT_LOCK_TX_SIGS )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
except Exception as ex :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
self . setBidError ( bid_id , bid , str ( ex ) )
def processXmrBidLockSpendTx ( self , msg ) :
# Follower receiving MSG4F
self . log . debug ( ' Processing xmr bid lock spend tx msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
msg_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
msg_data = XmrBidLockSpendTxMessage ( )
msg_data . ParseFromString ( msg_bytes )
ensure ( len ( msg_data . bid_msg_id ) == 28 , ' Bad bid_msg_id length ' )
bid_id = msg_data . bid_msg_id
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( msg [ ' to ' ] == bid . bid_addr , ' Received on incorrect address ' )
ensure ( msg [ ' from ' ] == offer . addr_from , ' Sent from incorrect address ' )
ci_from = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_from ) )
ci_to = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_to ) )
try :
xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx = msg_data . a_lock_spend_tx
xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx_id = ci_from . getTxid ( xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx )
xmr_swap . kal_sig = msg_data . kal_sig
ci_from . verifySCLockSpendTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . dest_af , xmr_offer . a_fee_rate , xmr_swap . vkbv )
ci_from . verifyCompactSig ( xmr_swap . pkal , ' proof key owned for swap ' , xmr_swap . kal_sig )
if bid . state == BidStates . XMR_SWAP_MSG_SCRIPT_LOCK_TX_SIGS :
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_HAVE_SCRIPT_COIN_SPEND_TX )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_MSG_SCRIPT_LOCK_SPEND_TX )
else :
self . log . warning ( ' processXmrBidLockSpendTx bid {} unexpected state {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) , bid . state ) )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
except Exception as ex :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
self . setBidError ( bid_id , bid , str ( ex ) )
# Update copy of bid in swaps_in_progress
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] = ( bid , offer )
def processXmrSplitMessage ( self , msg ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Processing xmr split msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
msg_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
msg_data = XmrSplitMessage ( )
msg_data . ParseFromString ( msg_bytes )
# Validate data
ensure ( len ( msg_data . msg_id ) == 28 , ' Bad msg_id length ' )
if msg_data . msg_type == XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID or msg_data . msg_type == XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID_ACCEPT :
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x \' {} \' AND msg_type = {} AND msg_sequence = {} ' . format ( msg_data . msg_id . hex ( ) , msg_data . msg_type , msg_data . sequence ) ) . first ( )
num_exists = q [ 0 ]
if num_exists > 0 :
self . log . warning ( ' Ignoring duplicate xmr_split_data entry: ( {} , {} , {} ) ' . format ( msg_data . msg_id . hex ( ) , msg_data . msg_type , msg_data . sequence ) )
dbr = XmrSplitData ( )
dbr . addr_from = msg [ ' from ' ]
dbr . addr_to = msg [ ' to ' ]
dbr . bid_id = msg_data . msg_id
dbr . msg_type = msg_data . msg_type
dbr . msg_sequence = msg_data . sequence
dbr . dleag = msg_data . dleag
dbr . created_at = now
session . add ( dbr )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
def processXmrLockReleaseMessage ( self , msg ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Processing xmr secret msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
msg_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ 2 : - 2 ] )
msg_data = XmrBidLockReleaseMessage ( )
msg_data . ParseFromString ( msg_bytes )
# Validate data
ensure ( len ( msg_data . bid_msg_id ) == 28 , ' Bad msg_id length ' )
bid_id = msg_data . bid_msg_id
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_swap , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( bid . offer_id , sent = False )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( xmr_offer , ' XMR offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( msg [ ' to ' ] == bid . bid_addr , ' Received on incorrect address ' )
ensure ( msg [ ' from ' ] == offer . addr_from , ' Sent from incorrect address ' )
ci_from = self . ci ( Coins ( offer . coin_from ) )
xmr_swap . al_lock_spend_tx_esig = msg_data . al_lock_spend_tx_esig
try :
prevout_amount = ci_from . getLockTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
v = ci_from . verifyTxOtVES (
xmr_swap . a_lock_spend_tx , xmr_swap . al_lock_spend_tx_esig ,
xmr_swap . pkal , xmr_swap . pkasf , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_tx_script , prevout_amount )
ensure ( v , ' verifyTxOtVES failed for chain a lock tx leader esig ' )
except Exception as ex :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
self . setBidError ( bid_id , bid , str ( ex ) )
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] = ( bid , offer )
delay = random . randrange ( self . min_delay_event , self . max_delay_event )
self . log . info ( ' Redeeming coin A lock tx for xmr bid %s in %d seconds ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , delay )
self . createAction ( delay , ActionTypes . REDEEM_XMR_SWAP_LOCK_TX_A , bid_id )
bid . setState ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_LOCK_RELEASED )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid_id ] = ( bid , offer )
def processMsg ( self , msg ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
msg_type = int ( msg [ ' hex ' ] [ : 2 ] , 16 )
rv = None
if msg_type == MessageTypes . OFFER :
self . processOffer ( msg )
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . OFFER_REVOKE :
self . processOfferRevoke ( msg )
# TODO: When changing from wallet keys (encrypted/locked) handle swap messages while locked
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . BID :
self . processBid ( msg )
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . BID_ACCEPT :
self . processBidAccept ( msg )
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . XMR_BID_FL :
self . processXmrBid ( msg )
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . XMR_BID_ACCEPT_LF :
self . processXmrBidAccept ( msg )
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . XMR_BID_TXN_SIGS_FL :
self . processXmrBidCoinALockSigs ( msg )
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . XMR_BID_LOCK_SPEND_TX_LF :
self . processXmrBidLockSpendTx ( msg )
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . XMR_BID_SPLIT :
self . processXmrSplitMessage ( msg )
elif msg_type == MessageTypes . XMR_BID_LOCK_RELEASE_LF :
self . processXmrLockReleaseMessage ( msg )
except InactiveCoin as ex :
self . log . info ( ' Ignoring message involving inactive coin {} , type {} ' . format ( Coins ( ex . coinid ) . name , MessageTypes ( msg_type ) . name ) )
except Exception as ex :
self . log . error ( ' processMsg %s ' , str ( ex ) )
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
self . logEvent ( Concepts . NETWORK_MESSAGE ,
bytes . fromhex ( msg [ ' msgid ' ] ) ,
EventLogTypes . ERROR ,
str ( ex ) ,
None )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def processZmqSmsg ( self ) :
message = self . zmqSubscriber . recv ( )
clear = self . zmqSubscriber . recv ( )
if message [ 0 ] == 3 : # Paid smsg
return # TODO: Switch to paid?
msg_id = message [ 2 : ]
options = { ' encoding ' : ' hex ' , ' setread ' : True }
num_tries = 5
for i in range ( num_tries + 1 ) :
try :
msg = self . callrpc ( ' smsg ' , [ msg_id . hex ( ) , options ] )
except Exception as e :
if ' Unknown message id ' in str ( e ) and i < num_tries :
time . sleep ( 1 )
else :
raise e
self . processMsg ( msg )
def update ( self ) :
try :
if self . _read_zmq_queue :
message = self . zmqSubscriber . recv ( flags = zmq . NOBLOCK )
if message == b ' smsg ' :
self . processZmqSmsg ( )
except zmq . Again as ex :
except Exception as ex :
self . logException ( f ' smsg zmq { ex } ' )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
# TODO: Wait for blocks / txns, would need to check multiple coins
now : int = self . getTime ( )
if now - self . _last_checked_progress > = self . check_progress_seconds :
to_remove = [ ]
for bid_id , v in self . swaps_in_progress . items ( ) :
try :
if self . checkBidState ( bid_id , v [ 0 ] , v [ 1 ] ) is True :
to_remove . append ( ( bid_id , v [ 0 ] , v [ 1 ] ) )
except Exception as ex :
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( ' checkBidState %s ' , traceback . format_exc ( ) )
if self . is_transient_error ( ex ) :
self . log . warning ( ' checkBidState %s %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) )
self . logBidEvent ( bid_id , EventLogTypes . SYSTEM_WARNING , ' No connection to daemon ' , session = None )
else :
self . log . error ( ' checkBidState %s %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) )
self . setBidError ( bid_id , v [ 0 ] , str ( ex ) )
for bid_id , bid , offer in to_remove :
self . deactivateBid ( None , offer , bid )
self . _last_checked_progress = now
if now - self . _last_checked_watched > = self . check_watched_seconds :
for k , c in self . coin_clients . items ( ) :
if k == Coins . PART_ANON or k == Coins . PART_BLIND :
if len ( c [ ' watched_outputs ' ] ) > 0 :
self . checkForSpends ( k , c )
self . _last_checked_watched = now
if now - self . _last_checked_expired > = self . check_expired_seconds :
self . expireMessages ( )
self . checkAcceptedBids ( )
self . _last_checked_expired = now
if now - self . _last_checked_actions > = self . check_actions_seconds :
self . checkQueuedActions ( )
self . _last_checked_actions = now
if now - self . _last_checked_xmr_swaps > = self . check_xmr_swaps_seconds :
self . checkXmrSwaps ( )
self . _last_checked_xmr_swaps = now
except Exception as ex :
self . logException ( f ' update { ex } ' )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def manualBidUpdate ( self , bid_id , data ) :
self . log . info ( ' Manually updating bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
bid , offer = self . getBidAndOffer ( bid_id )
ensure ( bid , ' Bid not found {} ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
ensure ( offer , ' Offer not found {} ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
has_changed = False
if bid . state != data [ ' bid_state ' ] :
bid . setState ( data [ ' bid_state ' ] )
self . log . debug ( ' Set state to %s ' , strBidState ( bid . state ) )
has_changed = True
if bid . debug_ind != data [ ' debug_ind ' ] :
if bid . debug_ind is None and data [ ' debug_ind ' ] == - 1 :
pass # Already unset
else :
self . log . debug ( ' Bid %s Setting debug flag: %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , data [ ' debug_ind ' ] )
bid . debug_ind = data [ ' debug_ind ' ]
has_changed = True
if data [ ' kbs_other ' ] is not None :
return xmr_swap_1 . recoverNoScriptTxnWithKey ( self , bid_id , data [ ' kbs_other ' ] )
if has_changed :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
try :
activate_bid = False
if bid . state and isActiveBidState ( bid . state ) :
activate_bid = True
if activate_bid :
self . activateBid ( session , bid )
else :
self . deactivateBid ( session , offer , bid )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' No changes ' )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def editGeneralSettings ( self , data ) :
self . log . info ( ' Updating general settings ' )
settings_changed = False
suggest_reboot = False
settings_copy = copy . deepcopy ( self . settings )
with self . mxDB :
if ' debug ' in data :
new_value = data [ ' debug ' ]
ensure ( type ( new_value ) == bool , ' New debug value not boolean ' )
if settings_copy . get ( ' debug ' , False ) != new_value :
self . debug = new_value
settings_copy [ ' debug ' ] = new_value
settings_changed = True
if ' debug_ui ' in data :
new_value = data [ ' debug_ui ' ]
ensure ( type ( new_value ) == bool , ' New debug_ui value not boolean ' )
if settings_copy . get ( ' debug_ui ' , False ) != new_value :
self . debug_ui = new_value
settings_copy [ ' debug_ui ' ] = new_value
settings_changed = True
if ' show_chart ' in data :
new_value = data [ ' show_chart ' ]
ensure ( type ( new_value ) == bool , ' New show_chart value not boolean ' )
if settings_copy . get ( ' show_chart ' , True ) != new_value :
settings_copy [ ' show_chart ' ] = new_value
settings_changed = True
if ' chart_api_key ' in data :
new_value = data [ ' chart_api_key ' ]
ensure ( type ( new_value ) == str , ' New chart_api_key value not a string ' )
ensure ( len ( new_value ) < = 128 , ' New chart_api_key value too long ' )
if all ( c in string . hexdigits for c in new_value ) :
if settings_copy . get ( ' chart_api_key ' , ' ' ) != new_value :
settings_copy [ ' chart_api_key ' ] = new_value
if ' chart_api_key_enc ' in settings_copy :
settings_copy . pop ( ' chart_api_key_enc ' )
settings_changed = True
else :
# Encode value as hex to avoid escaping
new_value = new_value . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) . hex ( )
if settings_copy . get ( ' chart_api_key_enc ' , ' ' ) != new_value :
settings_copy [ ' chart_api_key_enc ' ] = new_value
if ' chart_api_key ' in settings_copy :
settings_copy . pop ( ' chart_api_key ' )
settings_changed = True
if settings_changed :
settings_path = os . path . join ( self . data_dir , cfg . CONFIG_FILENAME )
settings_path_new = settings_path + ' .new '
shutil . copyfile ( settings_path , settings_path + ' .last ' )
with open ( settings_path_new , ' w ' ) as fp :
json . dump ( settings_copy , fp , indent = 4 )
shutil . move ( settings_path_new , settings_path )
self . settings = settings_copy
return settings_changed , suggest_reboot
def editSettings ( self , coin_name , data ) :
self . log . info ( f ' Updating settings { coin_name } ' )
settings_changed = False
suggest_reboot = False
settings_copy = copy . deepcopy ( self . settings )
with self . mxDB :
settings_cc = settings_copy [ ' chainclients ' ] [ coin_name ]
if ' lookups ' in data :
if settings_cc . get ( ' chain_lookups ' , ' local ' ) != data [ ' lookups ' ] :
settings_changed = True
settings_cc [ ' chain_lookups ' ] = data [ ' lookups ' ]
for coin , cc in self . coin_clients . items ( ) :
if cc [ ' name ' ] == coin_name :
cc [ ' chain_lookups ' ] = data [ ' lookups ' ]
for setting in ( ' manage_daemon ' , ' rpchost ' , ' rpcport ' , ' automatically_select_daemon ' ) :
if setting not in data :
if settings_cc . get ( setting ) != data [ setting ] :
settings_changed = True
suggest_reboot = True
settings_cc [ setting ] = data [ setting ]
if ' remotedaemonurls ' in data :
remotedaemonurls_in = data [ ' remotedaemonurls ' ] . split ( ' \n ' )
remotedaemonurls = set ( )
for url in remotedaemonurls_in :
if url . count ( ' : ' ) > 0 :
remotedaemonurls . add ( url . strip ( ) )
if set ( settings_cc . get ( ' remote_daemon_urls ' , [ ] ) ) != remotedaemonurls :
settings_cc [ ' remote_daemon_urls ' ] = list ( remotedaemonurls )
settings_changed = True
suggest_reboot = True
if ' fee_priority ' in data :
new_fee_priority = data [ ' fee_priority ' ]
ensure ( new_fee_priority > = 0 and new_fee_priority < 4 , ' Invalid priority ' )
if settings_cc . get ( ' fee_priority ' , 0 ) != new_fee_priority :
settings_changed = True
settings_cc [ ' fee_priority ' ] = new_fee_priority
for coin , cc in self . coin_clients . items ( ) :
if cc [ ' name ' ] == coin_name :
cc [ ' fee_priority ' ] = new_fee_priority
if self . isCoinActive ( coin ) :
self . ci ( coin ) . setFeePriority ( new_fee_priority )
if ' conf_target ' in data :
new_conf_target = data [ ' conf_target ' ]
ensure ( new_conf_target > = 1 and new_conf_target < 33 , ' Invalid conf_target ' )
if settings_cc . get ( ' conf_target ' , 2 ) != new_conf_target :
settings_changed = True
settings_cc [ ' conf_target ' ] = new_conf_target
for coin , cc in self . coin_clients . items ( ) :
if cc [ ' name ' ] == coin_name :
cc [ ' conf_target ' ] = new_conf_target
if self . isCoinActive ( coin ) :
self . ci ( coin ) . setConfTarget ( new_conf_target )
if ' anon_tx_ring_size ' in data :
new_anon_tx_ring_size = data [ ' anon_tx_ring_size ' ]
ensure ( new_anon_tx_ring_size > = 3 and new_anon_tx_ring_size < 33 , ' Invalid anon_tx_ring_size ' )
if settings_cc . get ( ' anon_tx_ring_size ' , 12 ) != new_anon_tx_ring_size :
settings_changed = True
settings_cc [ ' anon_tx_ring_size ' ] = new_anon_tx_ring_size
for coin , cc in self . coin_clients . items ( ) :
if cc [ ' name ' ] == coin_name :
cc [ ' anon_tx_ring_size ' ] = new_anon_tx_ring_size
if self . isCoinActive ( coin ) :
self . ci ( coin ) . setAnonTxRingSize ( new_anon_tx_ring_size )
if settings_changed :
settings_path = os . path . join ( self . data_dir , cfg . CONFIG_FILENAME )
settings_path_new = settings_path + ' .new '
shutil . copyfile ( settings_path , settings_path + ' .last ' )
with open ( settings_path_new , ' w ' ) as fp :
json . dump ( settings_copy , fp , indent = 4 )
shutil . move ( settings_path_new , settings_path )
self . settings = settings_copy
return settings_changed , suggest_reboot
def enableCoin ( self , coin_name ) :
self . log . info ( ' Enabling coin %s ' , coin_name )
coin_id = self . getCoinIdFromName ( coin_name )
if coin_id in ( Coins . PART , Coins . PART_BLIND , Coins . PART_ANON ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid coin ' )
settings_cc = self . settings [ ' chainclients ' ] [ coin_name ]
if ' connection_type_prev ' not in settings_cc :
raise ValueError ( ' Can \' t find previous value. ' )
settings_cc [ ' connection_type ' ] = settings_cc [ ' connection_type_prev ' ]
del settings_cc [ ' connection_type_prev ' ]
if ' manage_daemon_prev ' in settings_cc :
settings_cc [ ' manage_daemon ' ] = settings_cc [ ' manage_daemon_prev ' ]
del settings_cc [ ' manage_daemon_prev ' ]
if ' manage_wallet_daemon_prev ' in settings_cc :
settings_cc [ ' manage_wallet_daemon ' ] = settings_cc [ ' manage_wallet_daemon_prev ' ]
del settings_cc [ ' manage_wallet_daemon_prev ' ]
settings_path = os . path . join ( self . data_dir , cfg . CONFIG_FILENAME )
shutil . copyfile ( settings_path , settings_path + ' .last ' )
with open ( settings_path , ' w ' ) as fp :
json . dump ( self . settings , fp , indent = 4 )
# Client must be restarted
def disableCoin ( self , coin_name ) :
self . log . info ( ' Disabling coin %s ' , coin_name )
coin_id = self . getCoinIdFromName ( coin_name )
if coin_id in ( Coins . PART , Coins . PART_BLIND , Coins . PART_ANON ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid coin ' )
settings_cc = self . settings [ ' chainclients ' ] [ coin_name ]
if settings_cc [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
raise ValueError ( ' Already disabled. ' )
settings_cc [ ' manage_daemon_prev ' ] = settings_cc [ ' manage_daemon ' ]
settings_cc [ ' manage_daemon ' ] = False
settings_cc [ ' connection_type_prev ' ] = settings_cc [ ' connection_type ' ]
settings_cc [ ' connection_type ' ] = ' none '
if ' manage_wallet_daemon ' in settings_cc :
settings_cc [ ' manage_wallet_daemon_prev ' ] = settings_cc [ ' manage_wallet_daemon ' ]
settings_cc [ ' manage_wallet_daemon ' ] = False
settings_path = os . path . join ( self . data_dir , cfg . CONFIG_FILENAME )
shutil . copyfile ( settings_path , settings_path + ' .last ' )
with open ( settings_path , ' w ' ) as fp :
json . dump ( self . settings , fp , indent = 4 )
# Client must be restarted
def getSummary ( self , opts = None ) :
num_watched_outputs = 0
for c , v in self . coin_clients . items ( ) :
if c in ( Coins . PART_ANON , Coins . PART_BLIND ) :
num_watched_outputs + = len ( v [ ' watched_outputs ' ] )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
q_str = ''' SELECT
COUNT ( CASE WHEN b . was_sent THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS count_sent ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN b . was_sent AND b . state = { } AND b . expire_at > { } AND o . expire_at > { } THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS count_sent_active ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN b . was_received THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS count_received ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN b . was_received AND b . state = { } AND b . expire_at > { } AND o . expire_at > { } THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS count_available
FROM bids b
JOIN offers o ON b . offer_id = o . offer_id
WHERE b . active_ind = 1 ''' .format(BidStates.BID_RECEIVED, now, now, BidStates.BID_RECEIVED, now, now)
q = self . engine . execute ( q_str ) . first ( )
bids_sent = q [ 0 ]
bids_sent_active = q [ 1 ]
bids_received = q [ 2 ]
bids_available = q [ 3 ]
q_str = ''' SELECT
COUNT ( CASE WHEN expire_at > { } THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS count_active ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN was_sent THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS count_sent ,
COUNT ( CASE WHEN was_sent AND expire_at > { } THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS count_sent_active
FROM offers WHERE active_ind = 1 ''' .format(now, now)
q = self . engine . execute ( q_str ) . first ( )
num_offers = q [ 0 ]
num_sent_offers = q [ 1 ]
num_sent_active_offers = q [ 2 ]
rv = {
' network ' : self . chain ,
' num_swapping ' : len ( self . swaps_in_progress ) ,
' num_network_offers ' : num_offers ,
' num_sent_offers ' : num_sent_offers ,
' num_sent_active_offers ' : num_sent_active_offers ,
' num_recv_bids ' : bids_received ,
' num_sent_bids ' : bids_sent ,
' num_sent_active_bids ' : bids_sent_active ,
' num_available_bids ' : bids_available ,
' num_watched_outputs ' : num_watched_outputs ,
return rv
def getBlockchainInfo ( self , coin ) :
ci = self . ci ( coin )
try :
blockchaininfo = ci . getBlockchainInfo ( )
rv = {
' version ' : self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' core_version ' ] ,
' name ' : ci . coin_name ( ) ,
' blocks ' : blockchaininfo [ ' blocks ' ] ,
' synced ' : ' {:.2f} ' . format ( round ( 100 * blockchaininfo [ ' verificationprogress ' ] , 2 ) ) ,
if ' known_block_count ' in blockchaininfo :
rv [ ' known_block_count ' ] = blockchaininfo [ ' known_block_count ' ]
if ' bootstrapping ' in blockchaininfo :
rv [ ' bootstrapping ' ] = blockchaininfo [ ' bootstrapping ' ]
return rv
except Exception as e :
self . log . warning ( ' getWalletInfo failed with: %s ' , str ( e ) )
def getWalletInfo ( self , coin ) :
ci = self . ci ( coin )
try :
walletinfo = ci . getWalletInfo ( )
scale = chainparams [ coin ] [ ' decimal_places ' ]
rv = {
' deposit_address ' : self . getCachedAddressForCoin ( coin ) ,
' balance ' : format_amount ( make_int ( walletinfo [ ' balance ' ] , scale ) , scale ) ,
' unconfirmed ' : format_amount ( make_int ( walletinfo . get ( ' unconfirmed_balance ' ) , scale ) , scale ) ,
' expected_seed ' : ci . knownWalletSeed ( ) ,
' encrypted ' : walletinfo [ ' encrypted ' ] ,
' locked ' : walletinfo [ ' locked ' ] ,
if coin == Coins . PART :
rv [ ' stealth_address ' ] = self . getCachedStealthAddressForCoin ( Coins . PART )
rv [ ' anon_balance ' ] = walletinfo [ ' anon_balance ' ]
rv [ ' anon_pending ' ] = walletinfo [ ' unconfirmed_anon ' ] + walletinfo [ ' immature_anon_balance ' ]
rv [ ' blind_balance ' ] = walletinfo [ ' blind_balance ' ]
rv [ ' blind_unconfirmed ' ] = walletinfo [ ' unconfirmed_blind ' ]
elif coin == Coins . XMR :
rv [ ' main_address ' ] = self . getCachedMainWalletAddress ( ci )
return rv
except Exception as e :
self . log . warning ( ' getWalletInfo failed with: %s ' , str ( e ) )
def addWalletInfoRecord ( self , coin , info_type , wi ) :
coin_id = int ( coin )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
now : int = self . getTime ( )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
session . add ( Wallets ( coin_id = coin , balance_type = info_type , wallet_data = json . dumps ( wi ) , created_at = now ) )
query_str = f ' DELETE FROM wallets WHERE (coin_id = { coin_id } AND balance_type = { info_type } ) AND record_id NOT IN (SELECT record_id FROM wallets WHERE coin_id = { coin_id } AND balance_type = { info_type } ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 3 ) '
session . execute ( query_str )
session . commit ( )
except Exception as e :
self . log . error ( f ' addWalletInfoRecord { e } ' )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def updateWalletInfo ( self , coin ) - > None :
# Store wallet info to db so it's available after startup
try :
bi = self . getBlockchainInfo ( coin )
if bi :
self . addWalletInfoRecord ( coin , 0 , bi )
# monero-wallet-rpc is slow/unresponsive while syncing
wi = self . getWalletInfo ( coin )
if wi :
self . addWalletInfoRecord ( coin , 1 , wi )
except Exception as e :
self . log . error ( f ' updateWalletInfo { e } ' )
finally :
self . _updating_wallets_info [ int ( coin ) ] = False
def updateWalletsInfo ( self , force_update = False , only_coin = None , wait_for_complete = False ) :
now : int = self . getTime ( )
if not force_update and now - self . _last_updated_wallets_info < 30 :
for c in Coins :
if only_coin is not None and c != only_coin :
if c not in chainparams :
cc = self . coin_clients [ c ]
if cc [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' rpc ' :
if not force_update and now - cc . get ( ' last_updated_wallet_info ' , 0 ) < 30 :
cc [ ' last_updated_wallet_info ' ] = self . getTime ( )
self . _updating_wallets_info [ int ( c ) ] = True
handle = self . thread_pool . submit ( self . updateWalletInfo , c )
if wait_for_complete :
try :
handle . result ( timeout = 10 )
except Exception as e :
self . log . error ( f ' updateWalletInfo { e } ' )
def getWalletsInfo ( self , opts = None ) :
rv = { }
for c in self . activeCoins ( ) :
key = chainparams [ c ] [ ' ticker ' ] if opts . get ( ' ticker_key ' , False ) else c
try :
rv [ key ] = self . getWalletInfo ( c )
rv [ key ] . update ( self . getBlockchainInfo ( c ) )
except Exception as ex :
rv [ key ] = { ' name ' : getCoinName ( c ) , ' error ' : str ( ex ) }
return rv
def getCachedWalletsInfo ( self , opts = None ) :
rv = { }
# Requires? self.mxDB.acquire()
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
where_str = ' '
if opts is not None and ' coin_id ' in opts :
where_str = ' WHERE coin_id = {} ' . format ( opts [ ' coin_id ' ] )
inner_str = f ' SELECT coin_id, balance_type, MAX(created_at) as max_created_at FROM wallets { where_str } GROUP BY coin_id, balance_type '
query_str = ' SELECT a.coin_id, a.balance_type, wallet_data, created_at FROM wallets a, ( {} ) b WHERE a.coin_id = b.coin_id AND a.balance_type = b.balance_type AND a.created_at = b.max_created_at ' . format ( inner_str )
q = session . execute ( query_str )
for row in q :
coin_id = row [ 0 ]
if self . coin_clients [ coin_id ] [ ' connection_type ' ] != ' rpc ' :
# Skip cached info if coin was disabled
wallet_data = json . loads ( row [ 2 ] )
if row [ 1 ] == 1 :
wallet_data [ ' lastupdated ' ] = row [ 3 ]
wallet_data [ ' updating ' ] = self . _updating_wallets_info . get ( coin_id , False )
# Ensure the latest deposit address is displayed
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT value FROM kv_string WHERE key = " receive_addr_ {} " ' . format ( chainparams [ coin_id ] [ ' name ' ] ) )
for row in q :
wallet_data [ ' deposit_address ' ] = row [ 0 ]
if coin_id in rv :
rv [ coin_id ] . update ( wallet_data )
else :
rv [ coin_id ] = wallet_data
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
if opts is not None and ' coin_id ' in opts :
return rv
for c in self . activeCoins ( ) :
coin_id = int ( c )
if coin_id not in rv :
rv [ coin_id ] = {
' name ' : getCoinName ( c ) ,
' no_data ' : True ,
' updating ' : self . _updating_wallets_info . get ( coin_id , False ) ,
return rv
def countAcceptedBids ( self , offer_id = None ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
if offer_id :
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {} AND offer_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED , offer_id . hex ( ) ) ) . first ( )
else :
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {} ' . format ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED ) ) . first ( )
return q [ 0 ]
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def listOffers ( self , sent = False , filters = { } , with_bid_info = False ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
rv = [ ]
now : int = self . getTime ( )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
if with_bid_info :
subquery = session . query ( sa . func . sum ( Bid . amount ) . label ( ' completed_bid_amount ' ) ) . filter ( sa . and_ ( Bid . offer_id == Offer . offer_id , Bid . state == BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED ) ) . correlate ( Offer ) . scalar_subquery ( )
q = session . query ( Offer , subquery )
else :
q = session . query ( Offer )
if sent :
q = q . filter ( Offer . was_sent == True ) # noqa: E712
active_state = filters . get ( ' active ' , ' any ' )
if active_state == ' active ' :
q = q . filter ( Offer . expire_at > now , Offer . active_ind == 1 )
elif active_state == ' expired ' :
q = q . filter ( Offer . expire_at < = now )
elif active_state == ' revoked ' :
q = q . filter ( Offer . active_ind != 1 )
else :
q = q . filter ( sa . and_ ( Offer . expire_at > now , Offer . active_ind == 1 ) )
filter_offer_id = filters . get ( ' offer_id ' , None )
if filter_offer_id is not None :
q = q . filter ( Offer . offer_id == filter_offer_id )
filter_coin_from = filters . get ( ' coin_from ' , None )
if filter_coin_from and filter_coin_from > - 1 :
q = q . filter ( Offer . coin_from == int ( filter_coin_from ) )
filter_coin_to = filters . get ( ' coin_to ' , None )
if filter_coin_to and filter_coin_to > - 1 :
q = q . filter ( Offer . coin_to == int ( filter_coin_to ) )
filter_include_sent = filters . get ( ' include_sent ' , None )
if filter_include_sent is not None and filter_include_sent is not True :
q = q . filter ( Offer . was_sent == False ) # noqa: E712
order_dir = filters . get ( ' sort_dir ' , ' desc ' )
order_by = filters . get ( ' sort_by ' , ' created_at ' )
if order_by == ' created_at ' :
q = q . order_by ( Offer . created_at . desc ( ) if order_dir == ' desc ' else Offer . created_at . asc ( ) )
elif order_by == ' rate ' :
q = q . order_by ( Offer . rate . desc ( ) if order_dir == ' desc ' else Offer . rate . asc ( ) )
limit = filters . get ( ' limit ' , None )
if limit is not None :
q = q . limit ( limit )
offset = filters . get ( ' offset ' , None )
if offset is not None :
q = q . offset ( offset )
for row in q :
offer = row [ 0 ] if with_bid_info else row
# Show offers for enabled coins only
try :
ci_from = self . ci ( offer . coin_from )
ci_to = self . ci ( offer . coin_to )
except Exception as e :
if with_bid_info :
rv . append ( ( offer , 0 if row [ 1 ] is None else row [ 1 ] ) )
else :
rv . append ( offer )
return rv
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def activeBidsQueryStr ( self , now : int , offer_table : str = ' offers ' , bids_table : str = ' bids ' ) :
offers_inset = f ' AND { offer_table } .expire_at > { now } ' if offer_table != ' ' else ' '
inactive_states_str = ' , ' . join ( [ str ( int ( s ) ) for s in inactive_states ] )
return f ' ( { bids_table } .state NOT IN ( { inactive_states_str } ) AND ( { bids_table } .state > { BidStates . BID_RECEIVED } OR ( { bids_table } .expire_at > { now } { offers_inset } ))) '
def listBids ( self , sent = False , offer_id = None , for_html = False , filters = { } ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
rv = [ ]
now : int = self . getTime ( )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
query_str = ' SELECT bids.created_at, bids.expire_at, bids.bid_id, bids.offer_id, bids.amount, bids.state, bids.was_received, tx1.state, tx2.state, offers.coin_from, bids.rate, bids.bid_addr FROM bids ' + \
' LEFT JOIN offers ON offers.offer_id = bids.offer_id ' + \
' LEFT JOIN transactions AS tx1 ON tx1.bid_id = bids.bid_id AND tx1.tx_type = {} ' . format ( TxTypes . ITX ) + \
' LEFT JOIN transactions AS tx2 ON tx2.bid_id = bids.bid_id AND tx2.tx_type = {} ' . format ( TxTypes . PTX )
query_str + = ' WHERE bids.active_ind = 1 '
filter_bid_id = filters . get ( ' bid_id ' , None )
if filter_bid_id is not None :
query_str + = ' AND bids.bid_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( filter_bid_id . hex ( ) )
if offer_id is not None :
query_str + = ' AND bids.offer_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( offer_id . hex ( ) )
elif sent :
query_str + = ' AND bids.was_sent = 1 '
else :
query_str + = ' AND bids.was_received = 1 '
bid_state_ind = filters . get ( ' bid_state_ind ' , - 1 )
if bid_state_ind != - 1 :
query_str + = ' AND bids.state = {} ' . format ( bid_state_ind )
with_available_or_active = filters . get ( ' with_available_or_active ' , False )
with_expired = filters . get ( ' with_expired ' , True )
if with_available_or_active :
query_str + = ' AND ' + self . activeBidsQueryStr ( now )
else :
if with_expired is not True :
query_str + = ' AND bids.expire_at > {} AND offers.expire_at > {} ' . format ( now , now )
sort_dir = filters . get ( ' sort_dir ' , ' DESC ' ) . upper ( )
sort_by = filters . get ( ' sort_by ' , ' created_at ' )
query_str + = f ' ORDER BY bids. { sort_by } { sort_dir } '
limit = filters . get ( ' limit ' , None )
if limit is not None :
query_str + = f ' LIMIT { limit } '
offset = filters . get ( ' offset ' , None )
if offset is not None :
query_str + = f ' OFFSET { offset } '
q = session . execute ( query_str )
for row in q :
rv . append ( row )
return rv
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def listSwapsInProgress ( self , for_html = False ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
rv = [ ]
for k , v in self . swaps_in_progress . items ( ) :
rv . append ( ( k , v [ 0 ] . offer_id . hex ( ) , v [ 0 ] . state , v [ 0 ] . getITxState ( ) , v [ 0 ] . getPTxState ( ) ) )
return rv
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def listWatchedOutputs ( self ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
rv = [ ]
rv_heights = [ ]
for c , v in self . coin_clients . items ( ) :
if c in ( Coins . PART_ANON , Coins . PART_BLIND ) : # exclude duplicates
if self . coin_clients [ c ] [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' rpc ' :
rv_heights . append ( ( c , v [ ' last_height_checked ' ] ) )
for o in v [ ' watched_outputs ' ] :
rv . append ( ( c , o . bid_id , o . txid_hex , o . vout , o . tx_type ) )
return ( rv , rv_heights )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def listAllSMSGAddresses ( self , filters = { } ) :
query_str = ' SELECT addr_id, addr, use_type, active_ind, created_at, note, pubkey FROM smsgaddresses '
query_str + = ' WHERE active_ind = 1 '
query_data = { }
if ' addr_id ' in filters :
query_str + = ' AND addr_id = :addr_id '
query_data [ ' addr_id ' ] = filters [ ' addr_id ' ]
if ' addressnote ' in filters :
query_str + = ' AND note LIKE :note '
query_data [ ' note ' ] = ' % ' + filters [ ' addressnote ' ] + ' % '
if ' addr_type ' in filters and filters [ ' addr_type ' ] > - 1 :
query_str + = ' AND use_type = :addr_type '
query_data [ ' addr_type ' ] = filters [ ' addr_type ' ]
sort_dir = filters . get ( ' sort_dir ' , ' DESC ' ) . upper ( )
sort_by = filters . get ( ' sort_by ' , ' created_at ' )
query_str + = f ' ORDER BY { sort_by } { sort_dir } '
limit = filters . get ( ' limit ' , None )
if limit is not None :
query_str + = f ' LIMIT { limit } '
offset = filters . get ( ' offset ' , None )
if offset is not None :
query_str + = f ' OFFSET { offset } '
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
rv = [ ]
q = session . execute ( query_str , query_data )
for row in q :
rv . append ( {
' id ' : row [ 0 ] ,
' addr ' : row [ 1 ] ,
' type ' : row [ 2 ] ,
' active_ind ' : row [ 3 ] ,
' created_at ' : row [ 4 ] ,
' note ' : row [ 5 ] ,
' pubkey ' : row [ 6 ] ,
} )
return rv
finally :
self . closeSession ( session , commit = False )
def listSmsgAddresses ( self , use_type_str ) :
if use_type_str == ' offer_send_from ' :
use_type = AddressTypes . OFFER
elif use_type_str == ' offer_send_to ' :
use_type = AddressTypes . SEND_OFFER
elif use_type_str == ' bid ' :
use_type = AddressTypes . BID
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Unknown address type ' )
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
rv = [ ]
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT sa.addr, ki.label FROM smsgaddresses AS sa LEFT JOIN knownidentities AS ki ON sa.addr = ki.address WHERE sa.use_type = {} AND sa.active_ind = 1 ORDER BY sa.addr_id DESC ' . format ( use_type ) )
for row in q :
rv . append ( ( row [ 0 ] , row [ 1 ] ) )
return rv
finally :
self . closeSession ( session , commit = False )
def listAutomationStrategies ( self , filters = { } ) :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
rv = [ ]
query_str = ' SELECT strats.record_id, strats.label, strats.type_ind FROM automationstrategies AS strats '
query_str + = ' WHERE strats.active_ind = 1 '
type_ind = filters . get ( ' type_ind ' , None )
if type_ind is not None :
query_str + = f ' AND strats.type_ind = { type_ind } '
sort_dir = filters . get ( ' sort_dir ' , ' DESC ' ) . upper ( )
sort_by = filters . get ( ' sort_by ' , ' created_at ' )
query_str + = f ' ORDER BY strats. { sort_by } { sort_dir } '
limit = filters . get ( ' limit ' , None )
if limit is not None :
query_str + = f ' LIMIT { limit } '
offset = filters . get ( ' offset ' , None )
if offset is not None :
query_str + = f ' OFFSET { offset } '
q = session . execute ( query_str )
for row in q :
rv . append ( row )
return rv
finally :
self . closeSession ( session , commit = False )
def getAutomationStrategy ( self , strategy_id : int ) :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
return session . query ( AutomationStrategy ) . filter_by ( record_id = strategy_id ) . first ( )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session , commit = False )
def updateAutomationStrategy ( self , strategy_id : int , data , note : str ) - > None :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
strategy = session . query ( AutomationStrategy ) . filter_by ( record_id = strategy_id ) . first ( )
strategy . data = json . dumps ( data ) . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
strategy . note = note
session . add ( strategy )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def getLinkedStrategy ( self , linked_type : int , linked_id ) :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
query_str = ' SELECT links.strategy_id, strats.label FROM automationlinks links ' + \
' LEFT JOIN automationstrategies strats ON strats.record_id = links.strategy_id ' + \
' WHERE links.linked_type = {} AND links.linked_id = x \' {} \' AND links.active_ind = 1 ' . format ( int ( linked_type ) , linked_id . hex ( ) )
q = session . execute ( query_str ) . first ( )
return q
finally :
self . closeSession ( session , commit = False )
def newSMSGAddress ( self , use_type = AddressTypes . RECV_OFFER , addressnote = None , session = None ) :
now : int = self . getTime ( )
try :
use_session = self . openSession ( session )
v = use_session . query ( DBKVString ) . filter_by ( key = ' smsg_chain_id ' ) . first ( )
if not v :
smsg_account = self . callrpc ( ' extkey ' , [ ' deriveAccount ' , ' smsg keys ' , ' 78900 ' ] )
smsg_account_id = smsg_account [ ' account ' ]
self . log . info ( f ' Creating smsg keys account { smsg_account_id } ' )
extkey = self . callrpc ( ' extkey ' )
# Disable receiving on all chains
smsg_chain_id = None
extkey = self . callrpc ( ' extkey ' , [ ' account ' , smsg_account_id ] )
for c in extkey [ ' chains ' ] :
rv = self . callrpc ( ' extkey ' , [ ' options ' , c [ ' id ' ] , ' receive_on ' , ' false ' ] )
if c [ ' function ' ] == ' active_external ' :
smsg_chain_id = c [ ' id ' ]
if not smsg_chain_id :
raise ValueError ( ' External chain not found. ' )
use_session . add ( DBKVString (
key = ' smsg_chain_id ' ,
value = smsg_chain_id ) )
else :
smsg_chain_id = v . value
smsg_chain = self . callrpc ( ' extkey ' , [ ' key ' , smsg_chain_id ] )
num_derives = int ( smsg_chain [ ' num_derives ' ] )
new_addr = self . callrpc ( ' deriverangekeys ' , [ num_derives , num_derives , smsg_chain_id , False , True ] ) [ 0 ]
num_derives + = 1
rv = self . callrpc ( ' extkey ' , [ ' options ' , smsg_chain_id , ' num_derives ' , str ( num_derives ) ] )
addr_info = self . callrpc ( ' getaddressinfo ' , [ new_addr ] )
self . callrpc ( ' smsgaddlocaladdress ' , [ new_addr ] ) # Enable receiving smsgs
self . callrpc ( ' smsglocalkeys ' , [ ' anon ' , ' - ' , new_addr ] )
use_session . add ( SmsgAddress ( addr = new_addr , use_type = use_type , active_ind = 1 , created_at = now , note = addressnote , pubkey = addr_info [ ' pubkey ' ] ) )
return new_addr , addr_info [ ' pubkey ' ]
finally :
if session is None :
self . closeSession ( use_session )
def addSMSGAddress ( self , pubkey_hex : str , addressnote : str = None ) - > None :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
now : int = self . getTime ( )
ci = self . ci ( Coins . PART )
add_addr = ci . pubkey_to_address ( bytes . fromhex ( pubkey_hex ) )
self . callrpc ( ' smsgaddaddress ' , [ add_addr , pubkey_hex ] )
self . callrpc ( ' smsglocalkeys ' , [ ' anon ' , ' - ' , add_addr ] )
session . add ( SmsgAddress ( addr = add_addr , use_type = AddressTypes . SEND_OFFER , active_ind = 1 , created_at = now , note = addressnote , pubkey = pubkey_hex ) )
session . commit ( )
return add_addr
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def editSMSGAddress ( self , address : str , active_ind : int , addressnote : str ) - > None :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
mode = ' - ' if active_ind == 0 else ' + '
self . callrpc ( ' smsglocalkeys ' , [ ' recv ' , mode , address ] )
session . execute ( ' UPDATE smsgaddresses SET active_ind = :active_ind, note = :note WHERE addr = :addr ' , { ' active_ind ' : active_ind , ' note ' : addressnote , ' addr ' : address } )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def createCoinALockRefundSwipeTx ( self , ci , bid , offer , xmr_swap , xmr_offer ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Creating %s lock refund swipe tx ' , ci . coin_name ( ) )
pkh_dest = ci . decodeAddress ( self . getReceiveAddressForCoin ( ci . coin_type ( ) ) )
spend_tx = ci . createSCLockRefundSpendToFTx (
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script ,
pkh_dest ,
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate , xmr_swap . vkbv )
vkaf = self . getPathKey ( offer . coin_from , offer . coin_to , bid . created_at , xmr_swap . contract_count , KeyTypes . KAF )
prevout_amount = ci . getLockRefundTxSwapOutputValue ( bid , xmr_swap )
sig = ci . signTx ( vkaf , spend_tx , 0 , xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script , prevout_amount )
witness_stack = [
sig ,
b ' ' ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx_script ,
xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_swipe_tx = ci . setTxSignature ( spend_tx , witness_stack )
def setBidDebugInd ( self , bid_id , debug_ind ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Bid %s Setting debug flag: %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) , debug_ind )
bid = self . getBid ( bid_id )
bid . debug_ind = debug_ind
# Update in memory copy. TODO: Improve
bid_in_progress = self . swaps_in_progress . get ( bid_id , None )
if bid_in_progress :
bid_in_progress [ 0 ] . debug_ind = debug_ind
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
def storeOfferRevoke ( self , offer_id , sig ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Storing revoke request for offer: %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
for pair in self . _possibly_revoked_offers :
if offer_id == pair [ 0 ] :
return False
self . _possibly_revoked_offers . appendleft ( ( offer_id , sig ) )
return True
def isOfferRevoked ( self , offer_id , offer_addr_from ) :
for pair in self . _possibly_revoked_offers :
if offer_id == pair [ 0 ] :
signature_enc = base64 . b64encode ( pair [ 1 ] ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
passed = self . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' verifymessage ' , [ offer_addr_from , signature_enc , offer_id . hex ( ) + ' _revoke ' ] )
return True if passed is True else False # _possibly_revoked_offers should not contain duplicates
return False
def updateBidInProgress ( self , bid ) :
swap_in_progress = self . swaps_in_progress . get ( bid . bid_id , None )
if swap_in_progress is None :
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid . bid_id ] = ( bid , swap_in_progress [ 1 ] )
def getAddressLabel ( self , addresses ) :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
rv = [ ]
for a in addresses :
v = session . query ( KnownIdentity ) . filter_by ( address = a ) . first ( )
rv . append ( ' ' if ( not v or not v . label ) else v . label )
return rv
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def add_connection ( self , host , port , peer_pubkey ) :
self . log . info ( ' add_connection %s %d %s ' , host , port , peer_pubkey . hex ( ) )
self . _network . add_connection ( host , port , peer_pubkey )
def get_network_info ( self ) :
if not self . _network :
return { ' Error ' : ' Not Initialised ' }
return self . _network . get_info ( )
def getLockedState ( self ) :
if self . _is_encrypted is None or self . _is_locked is None :
self . _is_encrypted , self . _is_locked = self . ci ( Coins . PART ) . isWalletEncryptedLocked ( )
return self . _is_encrypted , self . _is_locked
def lookupRates ( self , coin_from , coin_to , output_array = False ) :
self . log . debug ( ' lookupRates {} , {} ' . format ( coin_from , coin_to ) )
rate_sources = self . settings . get ( ' rate_sources ' , { } )
ci_from = self . ci ( int ( coin_from ) )
ci_to = self . ci ( int ( coin_to ) )
name_from = ci_from . chainparams ( ) [ ' name ' ]
name_to = ci_to . chainparams ( ) [ ' name ' ]
exchange_name_from = ci_from . getExchangeName ( ' coingecko.com ' )
exchange_name_to = ci_to . getExchangeName ( ' coingecko.com ' )
ticker_from = ci_from . chainparams ( ) [ ' ticker ' ]
ticker_to = ci_to . chainparams ( ) [ ' ticker ' ]
headers = { ' Connection ' : ' close ' }
rv = { }
if rate_sources . get ( ' coingecko.com ' , True ) :
try :
url = ' https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids= {} , {} &vs_currencies=usd,btc ' . format ( exchange_name_from , exchange_name_to )
self . log . debug ( f ' lookupRates: { url } ' )
start = time . time ( )
js = json . loads ( self . readURL ( url , timeout = 10 , headers = headers ) )
js [ ' time_taken ' ] = time . time ( ) - start
rate = float ( js [ exchange_name_from ] [ ' usd ' ] ) / float ( js [ exchange_name_to ] [ ' usd ' ] )
js [ ' rate_inferred ' ] = ci_to . format_amount ( rate , conv_int = True , r = 1 )
rv [ ' coingecko ' ] = js
except Exception as e :
rv [ ' coingecko_error ' ] = str ( e )
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
if exchange_name_from != name_from :
js [ name_from ] = js [ exchange_name_from ]
js . pop ( exchange_name_from )
if exchange_name_to != name_to :
js [ name_to ] = js [ exchange_name_to ]
js . pop ( exchange_name_to )
if rate_sources . get ( ' bittrex.com ' , True ) :
bittrex_api_v3 = ' https://api.bittrex.com/v3 '
try :
exchange_ticker_to = ci_to . getExchangeTicker ( ' bittrex.com ' )
exchange_ticker_from = ci_from . getExchangeTicker ( ' bittrex.com ' )
USDT_coins = ( Coins . FIRO , )
# TODO: How to compare USDT pairs with BTC pairs
if ci_from . coin_type ( ) in USDT_coins :
raise ValueError ( ' No BTC pair ' )
if ci_to . coin_type ( ) in USDT_coins :
raise ValueError ( ' No BTC pair ' )
if ci_from . coin_type ( ) == Coins . BTC :
pair = f ' { exchange_ticker_to } - { exchange_ticker_from } '
url = f ' { bittrex_api_v3 } /markets/ { pair } /ticker '
self . log . debug ( f ' lookupRates: { url } ' )
start = time . time ( )
js = json . loads ( self . readURL ( url , timeout = 10 , headers = headers ) )
js [ ' time_taken ' ] = time . time ( ) - start
js [ ' pair ' ] = pair
try :
rate_inverted = ci_from . make_int ( 1.0 / float ( js [ ' lastTradeRate ' ] ) , r = 1 )
js [ ' rate_inferred ' ] = ci_to . format_amount ( rate_inverted )
except Exception as e :
self . log . warning ( ' lookupRates error: %s ' , str ( e ) )
js [ ' rate_inferred ' ] = ' error '
js [ ' from_btc ' ] = 1.0
js [ ' to_btc ' ] = js [ ' lastTradeRate ' ]
rv [ ' bittrex ' ] = js
elif ci_to . coin_type ( ) == Coins . BTC :
pair = f ' { exchange_ticker_from } - { exchange_ticker_to } '
url = f ' { bittrex_api_v3 } /markets/ { pair } /ticker '
self . log . debug ( f ' lookupRates: { url } ' )
start = time . time ( )
js = json . loads ( self . readURL ( url , timeout = 10 , headers = headers ) )
js [ ' time_taken ' ] = time . time ( ) - start
js [ ' pair ' ] = pair
js [ ' rate_last ' ] = js [ ' lastTradeRate ' ]
js [ ' from_btc ' ] = js [ ' lastTradeRate ' ]
js [ ' to_btc ' ] = 1.0
rv [ ' bittrex ' ] = js
else :
pair = f ' { exchange_ticker_from } -BTC '
url = f ' { bittrex_api_v3 } /markets/ { pair } /ticker '
self . log . debug ( f ' lookupRates: { url } ' )
start = time . time ( )
js_from = json . loads ( self . readURL ( url , timeout = 10 , headers = headers ) )
js_from [ ' time_taken ' ] = time . time ( ) - start
js_from [ ' pair ' ] = pair
pair = f ' { exchange_ticker_to } -BTC '
url = f ' { bittrex_api_v3 } /markets/ { pair } /ticker '
self . log . debug ( f ' lookupRates: { url } ' )
start = time . time ( )
js_to = json . loads ( self . readURL ( url , timeout = 10 , headers = headers ) )
js_to [ ' time_taken ' ] = time . time ( ) - start
js_to [ ' pair ' ] = pair
try :
rate_inferred = float ( js_from [ ' lastTradeRate ' ] ) / float ( js_to [ ' lastTradeRate ' ] )
rate_inferred = ci_to . format_amount ( rate , conv_int = True , r = 1 )
except Exception as e :
rate_inferred = ' error '
rv [ ' bittrex ' ] = {
' from ' : js_from ,
' to ' : js_to ,
' rate_inferred ' : rate_inferred ,
' from_btc ' : js_from [ ' lastTradeRate ' ] ,
' to_btc ' : js_to [ ' lastTradeRate ' ]
except Exception as e :
rv [ ' bittrex_error ' ] = str ( e )
if self . debug :
self . log . error ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
if output_array :
def format_float ( f ) :
return ' {:.12f} ' . format ( f ) . rstrip ( ' 0 ' ) . rstrip ( ' . ' )
rv_array = [ ]
if ' coingecko_error ' in rv :
rv_array . append ( ( ' coingecko.com ' , ' error ' , rv [ ' coingecko_error ' ] ) )
if ' coingecko ' in rv :
js = rv [ ' coingecko ' ]
rv_array . append ( (
' coingecko.com ' ,
ticker_from ,
ticker_to ,
format_float ( float ( js [ name_from ] [ ' usd ' ] ) ) ,
format_float ( float ( js [ name_to ] [ ' usd ' ] ) ) ,
format_float ( float ( js [ name_from ] [ ' btc ' ] ) ) ,
format_float ( float ( js [ name_to ] [ ' btc ' ] ) ) ,
format_float ( float ( js [ ' rate_inferred ' ] ) ) ,
) )
if ' bittrex_error ' in rv :
rv_array . append ( ( ' bittrex.com ' , ' error ' , rv [ ' bittrex_error ' ] ) )
if ' bittrex ' in rv :
js = rv [ ' bittrex ' ]
rate = js [ ' rate_last ' ] if ' rate_last ' in js else js [ ' rate_inferred ' ]
rv_array . append ( (
' bittrex.com ' ,
ticker_from ,
ticker_to ,
' ' ,
' ' ,
format_float ( float ( js [ ' from_btc ' ] ) ) ,
format_float ( float ( js [ ' to_btc ' ] ) ) ,
format_float ( float ( rate ) )
) )
return rv_array
return rv
def setFilters ( self , prefix , filters ) :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
key_str = ' saved_filters_ ' + prefix
value_str = json . dumps ( filters )
self . setStringKV ( key_str , value_str , session )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )
def getFilters ( self , prefix ) :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
key_str = ' saved_filters_ ' + prefix
value_str = self . getStringKV ( key_str , session )
return None if not value_str else json . loads ( value_str )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session , commit = False )
def clearFilters ( self , prefix ) :
try :
session = self . openSession ( )
key_str = ' saved_filters_ ' + prefix
query_str = ' DELETE FROM kv_string WHERE key = :key_str '
session . execute ( query_str , { ' key_str ' : key_str } )
finally :
self . closeSession ( session )