@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ TEST_ONION_LINK = toBool(os.getenv('TEST_ONION_LINK', 'false'))
BITCOIN_FASTSYNC_URL = os . getenv ( ' BITCOIN_FASTSYNC_URL ' , ' http://utxosets.blob.core.windows.net/public/ ' )
BITCOIN_FASTSYNC_FILE = os . getenv ( ' BITCOIN_FASTSYNC_FILE ' , ' utxo-snapshot-bitcoin-mainnet-720179.tar ' )
# Set to false when running individual docker container s
START_DAEMONS = toBool ( os . getenv ( ' START_DAEMONS ' , ' true ') )
# Encrypt new wallets with this password, must match the Particl wallet password when adding coin s
use_tor_proxy = False
@ -933,14 +933,49 @@ def finalise_daemon(d):
fp . close ( )
def test_particl_encryption ( data_dir , settings , chain , use_tor_proxy ) :
swap_client = None
daemons = [ ]
daemon_args = [ ' -noconnect ' , ' -nodnsseed ' , ' -nofindpeers ' , ' -nostaking ' ]
if not use_tor_proxy :
# Cannot set -bind or -whitebind together with -listen=0
daemon_args . append ( ' -nolisten ' )
with open ( os . path . join ( data_dir , ' basicswap.log ' ) , ' a ' ) as fp :
try :
swap_client = BasicSwap ( fp , data_dir , settings , chain )
c = Coins . PART
coin_name = ' particl '
coin_settings = settings [ ' chainclients ' ] [ coin_name ]
if coin_settings [ ' manage_daemon ' ] :
filename = coin_name + ' d ' + ( ' .exe ' if os . name == ' nt ' else ' ' )
daemons . append ( startDaemon ( coin_settings [ ' datadir ' ] , coin_settings [ ' bindir ' ] , filename , daemon_args ) )
swap_client . setDaemonPID ( c , daemons [ - 1 ] . pid )
swap_client . setCoinRunParams ( c )
swap_client . createCoinInterface ( c )
if swap_client . ci ( c ) . isWalletEncrypted ( ) :
logger . info ( ' Particl Wallet is encrypted ' )
raise ValueError ( ' Must set WALLET_ENCRYPTION_PWD to add coin when Particl wallet is encrypted ' )
swap_client . ci ( c ) . unlockWallet ( WALLET_ENCRYPTION_PWD )
finally :
if swap_client :
swap_client . finalise ( )
del swap_client
for d in daemons :
finalise_daemon ( d )
def initialise_wallets ( particl_wallet_mnemonic , with_coins , data_dir , settings , chain , use_tor_proxy ) :
swap_client = None
daemons = [ ]
daemon_args = [ ' -noconnect ' , ' -nodnsseed ' ]
if not use_tor_proxy :
# Cannot set -bind or -whitebind together with -listen=0
daemon_args . append ( ' -nolisten ' )
try :
with open ( os . path . join ( data_dir , ' basicswap.log ' ) , ' a ' ) as fp :
with open ( os . path . join ( data_dir , ' basicswap.log ' ) , ' a ' ) as fp :
try :
swap_client = BasicSwap ( fp , data_dir , settings , chain )
# Always start Particl, it must be running to initialise a wallet in addcoin mode
@ -950,20 +985,19 @@ def initialise_wallets(particl_wallet_mnemonic, with_coins, data_dir, settings,
coin_settings = settings [ ' chainclients ' ] [ coin_name ]
c = swap_client . getCoinIdFromName ( coin_name )
if c == Coins . XMR :
if coin_settings [ ' manage_wallet_daemon ' ] :
daemons . append ( startXmrWalletDaemon ( coin_settings [ ' datadir ' ] , coin_settings [ ' bindir ' ] , ' monero-wallet-rpc ' ) )
else :
if coin_settings [ ' manage_daemon ' ] :
filename = coin_name + ' d ' + ( ' .exe ' if os . name == ' nt ' else ' ' )
coin_args = [ ' -nofindpeers ' , ' -nostaking ' ] if c == Coins . PART else [ ]
if c == Coins . XMR :
if coin_settings [ ' manage_wallet_daemon ' ] :
daemons . append ( startXmrWalletDaemon ( coin_settings [ ' datadir ' ] , coin_settings [ ' bindir ' ] , ' monero-wallet-rpc ' ) )
else :
if coin_settings [ ' manage_daemon ' ] :
filename = coin_name + ' d ' + ( ' .exe ' if os . name == ' nt ' else ' ' )
coin_args = [ ' -nofindpeers ' , ' -nostaking ' ] if c == Coins . PART else [ ]
if c == Coins . FIRO :
coin_args + = [ ' -hdseed= {} ' . format ( swap_client . getWalletKey ( Coins . FIRO , 1 ) . hex ( ) ) ]
if c == Coins . FIRO :
coin_args + = [ ' -hdseed= {} ' . format ( swap_client . getWalletKey ( Coins . FIRO , 1 ) . hex ( ) ) ]
daemons . append ( startDaemon ( coin_settings [ ' datadir ' ] , coin_settings [ ' bindir ' ] , filename , daemon_args + coin_args ) )
swap_client . setDaemonPID ( c , daemons [ - 1 ] . pid )
daemons . append ( startDaemon ( coin_settings [ ' datadir ' ] , coin_settings [ ' bindir ' ] , filename , daemon_args + coin_args ) )
swap_client . setDaemonPID ( c , daemons [ - 1 ] . pid )
swap_client . setCoinRunParams ( c )
swap_client . createCoinInterface ( c )
@ -975,16 +1009,22 @@ def initialise_wallets(particl_wallet_mnemonic, with_coins, data_dir, settings,
logger . info ( ' Creating wallet.dat for {} . ' . format ( getCoinName ( c ) ) )
if c == Coins . BTC :
# wallet_name, wallet_name , blank, passphrase, avoid_reuse, descriptors
# wallet_name, disable_private_keys , blank, passphrase, avoid_reuse, descriptors
swap_client . callcoinrpc ( c , ' createwallet ' , [ ' wallet.dat ' , False , True , ' ' , False , False ] )
else :
swap_client . callcoinrpc ( c , ' createwallet ' , [ ' wallet.dat ' ] )
if ' particl ' in with_coins and c == Coins . PART :
logger . info ( ' Loading Particl mnemonic ' )
if particl_wallet_mnemonic is None :
particl_wallet_mnemonic = swap_client . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' mnemonic ' , [ ' new ' ] ) [ ' mnemonic ' ]
swap_client . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkeyimportmaster ' , [ particl_wallet_mnemonic ] )
if c == Coins . PART :
if ' particl ' in with_coins :
logger . info ( ' Loading Particl mnemonic ' )
if particl_wallet_mnemonic is None :
particl_wallet_mnemonic = swap_client . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' mnemonic ' , [ ' new ' ] ) [ ' mnemonic ' ]
swap_client . callcoinrpc ( Coins . PART , ' extkeyimportmaster ' , [ particl_wallet_mnemonic ] )
swap_client . ci ( c ) . changeWalletPassword ( ' ' , WALLET_ENCRYPTION_PWD )
# Particl wallet must be unlocked to call getWalletKey
swap_client . ci ( c ) . unlockWallet ( WALLET_ENCRYPTION_PWD )
for coin_name in with_coins :
c = swap_client . getCoinIdFromName ( coin_name )
@ -992,12 +1032,15 @@ def initialise_wallets(particl_wallet_mnemonic, with_coins, data_dir, settings,
swap_client . waitForDaemonRPC ( c )
swap_client . initialiseWallet ( c )
swap_client . ci ( c ) . changeWalletPassword ( ' ' , WALLET_ENCRYPTION_PWD )
swap_client . finalise ( )
del swap_client
finally :
for d in daemons :
finalise_daemon ( d )
finally :
if swap_client :
swap_client . finalise ( )
del swap_client
for d in daemons :
finalise_daemon ( d )
if particl_wallet_mnemonic is not None :
if particl_wallet_mnemonic :
@ -1369,6 +1412,9 @@ def main():
logger . info ( ' Adding coin: %s ' , add_coin )
settings = load_config ( config_path )
# Ensure Particl wallet is unencrypted or correct password is supplied
test_particl_encryption ( data_dir , settings , chain , use_tor_proxy )
if add_coin in settings [ ' chainclients ' ] :
coin_settings = settings [ ' chainclients ' ] [ add_coin ]
if coin_settings [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' none ' and coin_settings [ ' manage_daemon ' ] is False :