@ -436,6 +436,8 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self . min_delay_retry = self . settings . get ( ' min_delay_retry ' , 60 )
self . max_delay_retry = self . settings . get ( ' max_delay_retry ' , 5 * 60 )
self . _bid_expired_leeway = 5
self . swaps_in_progress = dict ( )
if self . chain == ' regtest ' :
@ -896,11 +898,36 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if ptx_state is not None and ptx_state != TxStates . TX_REFUNDED :
self . returnAddressToPool ( bid . bid_id , TxTypes . PTX_REFUND )
# Remove any delayed events
if self . debug :
session . execute ( ' UPDATE eventqueue SET active_ind = 2 WHERE linked_id = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id ) )
else :
session . execute ( ' DELETE FROM eventqueue WHERE linked_id = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id ) )
use_session = None
try :
if session :
use_session = session
else :
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
use_session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
# Remove any delayed events
if self . debug :
use_session . execute ( ' UPDATE eventqueue SET active_ind = 2 WHERE linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
else :
use_session . execute ( ' DELETE FROM eventqueue WHERE linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
# Unlock locked inputs (TODO)
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_swap = use_session . query ( XmrSwap ) . filter_by ( bid_id = bid . bid_id ) . first ( )
if xmr_swap :
try :
self . ci ( offer . coin_from ) . unlockInputs ( xmr_swap . a_lock_tx )
except Exception as e :
if self . debug :
self . log . info ( ' unlockInputs failed {} ' . format ( str ( e ) ) )
pass # Invalid parameter, unknown transaction
finally :
if session is None :
use_session . commit ( )
use_session . close ( )
use_session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def loadFromDB ( self ) :
self . log . info ( ' Loading data from db ' )
@ -1370,7 +1397,6 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
return self . _contract_count
def getProofOfFunds ( self , coin_type , amount_for ) :
@ -1486,7 +1512,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eventlog WHERE linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x \' {} \' AND event_type = {} ' . format ( int ( TableTypes . BID ) , bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , int ( event_type ) ) ) . first ( )
return q [ 0 ]
def postBid ( self , offer_id , amount , addr_send_from = None ) :
def postBid ( self , offer_id , amount , addr_send_from = None , extra_options = { } ) :
# Bid to send bid.amount * offer.rate of coin_to in exchange for bid.amount of coin_from
self . log . debug ( ' postBid %s %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) , format8 ( amount ) )
@ -1501,7 +1527,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
try :
msg_buf = BidMessage ( )
msg_buf . offer_msg_id = offer_id
msg_buf . time_valid = 60 * 10
msg_buf . time_valid = extra_options . get ( ' time_valid ' , 60 * 10 )
msg_buf . amount = int ( amount ) # amount of coin_from
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
@ -2855,7 +2881,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if bid . initiate_tx is None and \
bid . state_time + INITIATE_TX_TIMEOUT < int ( time . time ( ) ) :
self . log . info ( ' Swap timed out waiting for initiate tx for bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_TIMEDOUT )
bid . setState ( BidStates . SWAP_TIMEDOUT , ' Timed out waiting for initiate tx ' )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid )
return True # Mark bid for archiving
elif state == BidStates . SWAP_INITIATED :
@ -3553,7 +3579,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
assert ( offer ) , ' Offer not found ' + bid . offer_id . hex ( )
coin_from = Coins ( offer . coin_from )
# assert(bid.expire_at > now), 'Bid expired' # How much time over to accept
assert ( bid . expire_at > now + self . _bid_expired_leeway ) , ' Bid expired '
if bid . state > = BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED :
if bid . was_received : # Sent to self