@ -440,12 +440,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self . swaps_in_progress = dict ( )
if self . chain == ' regtest ' :
self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_DAY = 600
self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 60 * 2
else :
self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400
self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 60 * 60
self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 60 * 2 if self . chain == ' regtest ' else 60 * 60
# Encode key to match network
wif_prefix = chainparams [ Coins . PART ] [ self . chain ] [ ' key_prefix ' ]
@ -579,7 +574,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' connection_type ' ] == ' rpc ' :
if coin == Coins . XMR :
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' walletrpchost ' ] = chain_client_settings . get ( ' walletrpchost ' , ' localhost ' )
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' walletrpchost ' ] = chain_client_settings . get ( ' walletrpchost ' , ' ' )
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' walletrpcport ' ] = chain_client_settings . get ( ' walletrpcport ' , chainparams [ coin ] [ self . chain ] [ ' walletrpcport ' ] )
if ' walletrpcpassword ' in chain_client_settings :
self . coin_clients [ coin ] [ ' walletrpcauth ' ] = ( chain_client_settings [ ' walletrpcuser ' ] , chain_client_settings [ ' walletrpcpassword ' ] )
@ -803,9 +798,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
kv . value = int_val
session . add ( kv )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def setStringKV ( self , str_key , str_val ) :
@ -819,9 +814,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
kv . value = str_val
session . add ( kv )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def getStringKV ( self , str_key ) :
@ -963,12 +958,15 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self . loadFromDB ( )
# Scan inbox
options = { ' encoding ' : ' hex ' }
# TODO: Redundant? small window for zmq messages to go unnoticed during startup?
# options = {'encoding': 'hex'}
options = { ' encoding ' : ' none ' }
ro = self . callrpc ( ' smsginbox ' , [ ' unread ' , ' ' , options ] )
nm = 0
for msg in ro [ ' messages ' ] :
msg [ ' hex ' ] + = ' 00 ' # Add nullbtye to match output from 'smsg' cmd - TODO: make consistent
self . processMsg ( msg )
# TODO: Remove workaround for smsginbox bug
get_msg = self . callrpc ( ' smsg ' , [ msg [ ' msgid ' ] , { ' encoding ' : ' hex ' , ' setread ' : True } ] )
self . processMsg ( get_msg )
nm + = 1
self . log . info ( ' Scanned %d unread messages. ' , nm )
@ -1024,6 +1022,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self . validateOfferLockValue ( coin_from_t , coin_to_t , lock_type , lock_value )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
session = None
try :
self . checkSynced ( coin_from_t , coin_to_t )
# TODO: require proof of funds on offers?
@ -1123,9 +1122,11 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if addr_send_from is None :
session . add ( SmsgAddress ( addr = offer_addr , use_type = MessageTypes . OFFER ) )
session . commit ( )
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
if session :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
self . log . info ( ' Sent OFFER %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
return offer_id
@ -1262,9 +1263,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
addr = record . addr
session . add ( record )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
return addr
@ -1280,9 +1281,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session . commit ( )
except Exception as ex :
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def getReceiveAddressForCoin ( self , coin_type ) :
@ -1380,9 +1381,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
value = addr
) )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
return addr
@ -1391,11 +1392,11 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
try :
self . _contract_count + = 1
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . engine . execute ( ' UPDATE kv_int SET value = {} WHERE KEY= " contract_count " ' . format ( self . _contract_count ) )
session . execute ( ' UPDATE kv_int SET value = {} WHERE KEY= " contract_count " ' . format ( self . _contract_count ) )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
return self . _contract_count
@ -1458,9 +1459,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def saveToDB ( self , db_record ) :
@ -1469,9 +1470,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
session . add ( db_record )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def createEventInSession ( self , delay , event_type , linked_id , session ) :
@ -1492,9 +1493,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . createEventInSession ( delay , event_type , linked_id , session )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def logBidEvent ( self , bid , event_type , event_msg , session ) :
@ -1577,13 +1578,15 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_SENT )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session )
if addr_send_from is None :
session . add ( SmsgAddress ( addr = bid_addr , use_type = MessageTypes . BID ) )
session . commit ( )
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session )
if addr_send_from is None :
session . add ( SmsgAddress ( addr = bid_addr , use_type = MessageTypes . BID ) )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . log . info ( ' Sent BID %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
return bid_id
@ -1712,17 +1715,16 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self . mxDB . release ( )
def list_bid_events ( self , bid_id , session ) :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
query_str = ' SELECT created_at, event_type, event_msg FROM eventlog ' + \
' WHERE active_ind = 1 AND linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( TableTypes . BID , bid_id . hex ( ) )
q = self . engine . execute ( query_str )
q = session . execute ( query_str )
events = [ ]
for row in q :
events . append ( { ' at ' : row [ 0 ] , ' desc ' : describeEventEntry ( row [ 1 ] , row [ 2 ] ) } )
query_str = ' SELECT created_at, trigger_at FROM eventqueue ' + \
' WHERE active_ind = 1 AND linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) )
q = self . engine . execute ( query_str )
q = session . execute ( query_str )
events = [ ]
for row in q :
events . append ( { ' at ' : row [ 0 ] , ' desc ' : ' Delaying until: {} ' . format ( format_timestamp ( row [ 1 ] ) ) } )
@ -1736,13 +1738,13 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
assert ( bid ) , ' Bid not found '
assert ( offer ) , ' Offer not found '
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
return self . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
# Ensure bid is still valid
now = int ( time . time ( ) )
assert ( bid . expire_at > now ) , ' Bid expired '
assert ( bid . state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVED ) , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( BidStates ( bid . state ) )
assert ( bid . state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVED ) , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
return self . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
if bid . contract_count is None :
bid . contract_count = self . getNewContractId ( )
@ -1934,13 +1936,15 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_SENT )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( xmr_swap . bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
if addr_send_from is None :
session . add ( SmsgAddress ( addr = bid_addr , use_type = MessageTypes . BID ) )
session . commit ( )
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( xmr_swap . bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
if addr_send_from is None :
session . add ( SmsgAddress ( addr = bid_addr , use_type = MessageTypes . BID ) )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . log . info ( ' Sent XMR_BID_FL %s ' , xmr_swap . bid_id . hex ( ) )
return xmr_swap . bid_id
@ -1957,7 +1961,8 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
bid , xmr_swap = self . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( bid ) , ' Bid not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) )
assert ( xmr_swap ) , ' XMR swap not found: {} . ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) )
assert ( bid . expire_at > now ) , ' Offer has expired '
assert ( bid . expire_at > now ) , ' Bid expired '
assert ( bid . state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVED ) , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) )
offer , xmr_offer = self . getXmrOffer ( bid . offer_id )
assert ( offer ) , ' Offer not found: {} . ' . format ( bid . offer_id . hex ( ) )
@ -2066,11 +2071,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
self . saveBidInSession ( bid_id , bid , session , xmr_swap )
session . commit ( )
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . saveBid ( bid_id , bid , xmr_swap = xmr_swap )
# Add to swaps_in_progress only when waiting on txns
self . log . info ( ' Sent XMR_BID_ACCEPT_LF %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
@ -3182,7 +3183,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self . initiateTxnSpent ( watched_output . bid_id , spend_txid_hex , spend_n , spend_txn )
def checkForSpends ( self , coin_type , c ) :
# assert(self.mxDB.locked()) self.log.debug('checkForSpends %s', coin_type)
# assert(self.mxDB.locked())
self . log . debug ( ' checkForSpends %s ' , coin_type )
if coin_type == Coins . PART and self . coin_clients [ coin_type ] [ ' have_spent_index ' ] :
@ -3236,11 +3237,18 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
now = int ( time . time ( ) )
options = { ' encoding ' : ' none ' }
ro = self . callrpc ( ' smsginbox ' , [ ' all ' , ' ' , options ] )
num_messages = 0
num_removed = 0
for msg in ro [ ' messages ' ] :
expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + msg [ ' daysretention ' ] * self . SMSG_SECONDS_IN_DAY
num_messages + = 1
expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + msg [ ' ttl ' ]
if expire_at < now :
options = { ' encoding ' : ' none ' , ' delete ' : True }
del_msg = self . callrpc ( ' smsg ' , [ msg [ ' msgid ' ] , options ] )
num_removed + = 1
if num_messages + num_removed > 0 :
logging . info ( ' Expired {} / {} messages. ' . format ( num_removed , num_messages ) )
logging . debug ( ' TODO: Expire records from db ' )
@ -3303,7 +3311,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
q = session . query ( Bid ) . filter ( Bid . state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVING )
for bid in q :
q = self . engine . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x \' {} \' AND msg_type = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID ) ) . first ( )
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x \' {} \' AND msg_type = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID ) ) . first ( )
num_segments = q [ 0 ]
if num_segments > 1 :
try :
@ -3321,7 +3329,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
q = session . query ( Bid ) . filter ( Bid . state == BidStates . BID_RECEIVING_ACC )
for bid in q :
q = self . engine . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x \' {} \' AND msg_type = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID_ACCEPT ) ) . first ( )
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x \' {} \' AND msg_type = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID_ACCEPT ) ) . first ( )
num_segments = q [ 0 ]
if num_segments > 1 :
try :
@ -3330,6 +3338,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self . log . info ( ' Verify xmr bid accept {} failed: {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , ' Failed accept validation: ' + str ( ex ) )
session . add ( bid )
self . updateBidInProgress ( bid )
if bid . created_at + ttl_xmr_split_messages < now :
self . log . debug ( ' Expiring partially received bid accept: {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
@ -3388,49 +3397,51 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
raise ValueError ( ' Offer has been revoked {} . ' . format ( offer_id . hex ( ) ) )
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
# Check for sent
existing_offer = self . getOffer ( offer_id )
if existing_offer is None :
offer = Offer (
offer_id = offer_id ,
active_ind = 1 ,
coin_from = offer_data . coin_from ,
coin_to = offer_data . coin_to ,
amount_from = offer_data . amount_from ,
rate = offer_data . rate ,
min_bid_amount = offer_data . min_bid_amount ,
time_valid = offer_data . time_valid ,
lock_type = int ( offer_data . lock_type ) ,
lock_value = offer_data . lock_value ,
swap_type = offer_data . swap_type ,
addr_from = msg [ ' from ' ] ,
created_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] ,
expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + offer_data . time_valid ,
was_sent = False )
offer . setState ( OfferStates . OFFER_RECEIVED )
session . add ( offer )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_offer = XmrOffer ( )
xmr_offer . offer_id = offer_id
xmr_offer . lock_time_1 = getExpectedSequence ( offer_data . lock_type , offer_data . lock_value , coin_from )
xmr_offer . lock_time_2 = getExpectedSequence ( offer_data . lock_type , offer_data . lock_value , coin_from )
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate = offer_data . fee_rate_from
xmr_offer . b_fee_rate = offer_data . fee_rate_to
session . add ( xmr_offer )
self . log . debug ( ' Received new offer %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
else :
existing_offer . setState ( OfferStates . OFFER_RECEIVED )
session . add ( existing_offer )
session . commit ( )
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
try :
# Check for sent
existing_offer = self . getOffer ( offer_id )
if existing_offer is None :
offer = Offer (
offer_id = offer_id ,
active_ind = 1 ,
coin_from = offer_data . coin_from ,
coin_to = offer_data . coin_to ,
amount_from = offer_data . amount_from ,
rate = offer_data . rate ,
min_bid_amount = offer_data . min_bid_amount ,
time_valid = offer_data . time_valid ,
lock_type = int ( offer_data . lock_type ) ,
lock_value = offer_data . lock_value ,
swap_type = offer_data . swap_type ,
addr_from = msg [ ' from ' ] ,
created_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] ,
expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + offer_data . time_valid ,
was_sent = False )
offer . setState ( OfferStates . OFFER_RECEIVED )
session . add ( offer )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
xmr_offer = XmrOffer ( )
xmr_offer . offer_id = offer_id
xmr_offer . lock_time_1 = getExpectedSequence ( offer_data . lock_type , offer_data . lock_value , coin_from )
xmr_offer . lock_time_2 = getExpectedSequence ( offer_data . lock_type , offer_data . lock_value , coin_from )
xmr_offer . a_fee_rate = offer_data . fee_rate_from
xmr_offer . b_fee_rate = offer_data . fee_rate_to
session . add ( xmr_offer )
self . log . debug ( ' Received new offer %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
else :
existing_offer . setState ( OfferStates . OFFER_RECEIVED )
session . add ( existing_offer )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
def processOfferRevoke ( self , msg ) :
assert ( msg [ ' to ' ] == self . network_addr ) , ' Message received on wrong address '
@ -3540,6 +3551,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
was_received = True ,
else :
assert ( bid . state == BidStates . BID_SENT ) , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) )
bid . created_at = msg [ ' sent ' ]
bid . expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + bid_data . time_valid
bid . was_received = True
@ -3585,7 +3597,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if bid . was_received : # Sent to self
self . log . info ( ' Received valid bid accept %s for bid %s sent to self ' , bid . accept_msg_id . hex ( ) , bid_id . hex ( ) )
raise ValueError ( ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) ) )
raise ValueError ( ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) ) ) ) )
use_csv = True if offer . lock_type < ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS else False
@ -3784,6 +3796,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
xmr_swap . b_restore_height = ci_to . _restore_height
self . log . warning ( ' XMR swap restore height clamped to {} ' . format ( ci_to . _restore_height ) )
else :
assert ( bid . state == BidStates . BID_SENT ) , ' Wrong bid state: {} ' . format ( str ( BidStates ( bid . state ) ) )
bid . created_at = msg [ ' sent ' ]
bid . expire_at = msg [ ' sent ' ] + bid_data . time_valid
bid . was_received = True
@ -4336,13 +4349,25 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
assert ( len ( msg_data . msg_id ) == 28 ) , ' Bad msg_id length '
if msg_data . msg_type == XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID or msg_data . msg_type == XmrSplitMsgTypes . BID_ACCEPT :
dbr = XmrSplitData ( )
dbr . bid_id = msg_data . msg_id
dbr . msg_type = msg_data . msg_type
dbr . msg_sequence = msg_data . sequence
dbr . dleag = msg_data . dleag
dbr . created_at = now
self . saveToDB ( dbr )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x \' {} \' AND msg_type = {} AND msg_sequence = {} ' . format ( msg_data . msg_id . hex ( ) , msg_data . msg_type , msg_data . sequence ) ) . first ( )
num_exists = q [ 0 ]
if num_exists > 0 :
self . log . warning ( ' Ignoring duplicate xmr_split_data entry: ( {} , {} , {} ) ' . format ( msg_data . msg_id . hex ( ) , msg_data . msg_type , msg_data . sequence ) )
dbr = XmrSplitData ( )
dbr . bid_id = msg_data . msg_id
dbr . msg_type = msg_data . msg_type
dbr . msg_sequence = msg_data . sequence
dbr . dleag = msg_data . dleag
dbr . created_at = now
session . add ( dbr )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
def processXmrLockReleaseMessage ( self , msg ) :
self . log . debug ( ' Processing xmr secret msg %s ' , msg [ ' msgid ' ] )
@ -4640,9 +4665,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
if offer_id :
q = self . engine . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {} AND offer_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED , offer_id . hex ( ) ) ) . first ( )
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {} AND offer_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED , offer_id . hex ( ) ) ) . first ( )
else :
q = self . engine . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {} ' . format ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED ) ) . first ( )
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {} ' . format ( BidStates . BID_ACCEPTED ) ) . first ( )
return q [ 0 ]
finally :
session . close ( )
@ -4712,7 +4737,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
query_str + = ' WHERE bids.was_received = 1 '
query_str + = ' ORDER BY bids.created_at DESC '
q = self . engine . execute ( query_str )
q = session . execute ( query_str )
for row in q :
rv . append ( row )
return rv
@ -4751,7 +4776,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
rv = [ ]
q = self . engine . execute ( ' SELECT addr FROM smsgaddresses WHERE use_type = {} ORDER BY addr_id DESC ' . format ( use_type ) )
q = session . execute ( ' SELECT addr FROM smsgaddresses WHERE use_type = {} ORDER BY addr_id DESC ' . format ( use_type ) )
for row in q :
rv . append ( row [ 0 ] )
return rv