@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 tecnovert
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from .util import (
pubkeyToAddress ,
format8 ,
format_amount ,
format_timestamp ,
encodeAddress ,
decodeAddress ,
DeserialiseNum ,
@ -895,6 +896,12 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if ptx_state is not None and ptx_state != TxStates . TX_REFUNDED :
self . returnAddressToPool ( bid . bid_id , TxTypes . PTX_REFUND )
# Remove any delayed events
if self . debug :
session . execute ( ' UPDATE eventqueue SET active_ind = 2 WHERE linked_id = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id ) )
else :
session . execute ( ' DELETE FROM eventqueue WHERE linked_id = {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id ) )
def loadFromDB ( self ) :
self . log . info ( ' Loading data from db ' )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
@ -955,7 +962,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def validateOfferLockValue ( self , coin_from , coin_to , lock_type , lock_value ) :
if lock_type == OfferMessage . SEQUENCE_LOCK_TIME :
assert ( lock_value > = 2 * 60 * 60 and lock_value < = 96 * 60 * 60 ) , ' Invalid lock_value time '
assert ( lock_value > = 1 * 60 * 60 and lock_value < = 96 * 60 * 60 ) , ' Invalid lock_value time '
assert ( self . coin_clients [ coin_from ] [ ' use_csv ' ] and self . coin_clients [ coin_to ] [ ' use_csv ' ] ) , ' Both coins need CSV activated. '
elif lock_type == OfferMessage . SEQUENCE_LOCK_BLOCKS :
assert ( lock_value > = 5 and lock_value < = 1000 ) , ' Invalid lock_value blocks '
@ -1681,11 +1688,19 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def list_bid_events ( self , bid_id , session ) :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
query_str = ' SELECT created_at, event_type, event_msg FROM eventlog ' + \
' WHERE linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( TableTypes . BID , bid_id . hex ( ) )
' WHERE active_ind = 1 AND linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( TableTypes . BID , bid_id . hex ( ) )
q = self . engine . execute ( query_str )
events = [ ]
for row in q :
events . append ( { ' at ' : row [ 0 ] , ' desc ' : describeEventEntry ( row [ 1 ] , row [ 2 ] ) } )
query_str = ' SELECT created_at, trigger_at FROM eventqueue ' + \
' WHERE active_ind = 1 AND linked_id = x \' {} \' ' . format ( bid_id . hex ( ) )
q = self . engine . execute ( query_str )
events = [ ]
for row in q :
events . append ( { ' at ' : row [ 0 ] , ' desc ' : ' Delaying until: {} ' . format ( format_timestamp ( row [ 1 ] ) ) } )
return events
def acceptBid ( self , bid_id ) :
@ -2037,24 +2052,6 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
finally :
self . mxDB . release ( )
def abandonOffer ( self , offer_id ) :
self . log . info ( ' Abandoning Offer %s ' , offer_id . hex ( ) )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
try :
session = scoped_session ( self . session_factory )
offer = session . query ( Offer ) . filter_by ( offer_id = offer_id ) . first ( )
assert ( offer ) , ' Offer not found '
# TODO: abandon linked bids?
# Mark bid as abandoned, no further processing will be done
offer . setState ( OfferStates . OFFER_ABANDONED )
session . commit ( )
finally :
session . close ( )
session . remove ( )
self . mxDB . release ( )
def abandonBid ( self , bid_id ) :
self . log . info ( ' Abandoning Bid %s ' , bid_id . hex ( ) )
self . mxDB . acquire ( )
@ -3289,6 +3286,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self . log . info ( ' Verify xmr bid {} failed: {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) , str ( ex ) ) )
bid . setState ( BidStates . BID_ERROR , ' Failed validation: ' + str ( ex ) )
session . add ( bid )
self . updateBidInProgress ( bid )
if bid . created_at + ttl_xmr_split_messages < now :
self . log . debug ( ' Expiring partially received bid: {} ' . format ( bid . bid_id . hex ( ) ) )
@ -4500,7 +4498,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
else :
self . log . debug ( ' TODO - determine in-progress for manualBidUpdate ' )
if offer . swap_type == SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP :
if bid . state and bid . state in ( BidStates . XMR_SWAP_HAVE_SCRIPT_COIN_SPEND_TX , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_LOCK_RELEASED , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_NOSCRIPT_TX_REDEEMED ) :
activate_bid = True
if activate_bid :
@ -4792,6 +4790,12 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
return True if passed is True else False # _possibly_revoked_offers should not contain duplicates
return False
def updateBidInProgress ( self , bid ) :
swap_in_progress = self . swaps_in_progress . get ( bid . bid_id , None )
if swap_in_progress is None :
self . swaps_in_progress [ bid . bid_id ] = ( bid , swap_in_progress [ 1 ] )
def add_connection ( self , host , port , peer_pubkey ) :
self . log . info ( ' add_connection %s %d %s ' , host , port , peer_pubkey . hex ( ) )
self . _network . add_connection ( host , port , peer_pubkey )