Commit Graph

  • 0cd721909b On branch master Changes to be committed: modified: master Mike Holloway 2021-06-28 21:08:17 -0400
  • 315aa55ab7 On branch master Changes to be committed: modified: Markdown adjustments for legibility Mike Holloway 2021-06-28 21:06:26 -0400
  • 4d180a1212 On branch master Changes to be committed: new file: new file: README deleted: main Mike Holloway 2021-06-28 20:59:23 -0400
  • 3c420dc3db Whoops, > -> < pseudocode Mike Holloway 2021-06-28 00:15:21 -0400
  • 54b52273da On branch pseudocode Changes to be committed: modified: main.go Due tomorrow, only a few hours found for this project, so the choice to flesh out ideas in pseudocode was made. Mike Holloway 2021-06-28 00:11:40 -0400
  • 93fd6f916b On branch timer Changes to be committed: modified: main.go Arrays for each line of the tcp file. Mike Holloway 2021-06-26 17:11:23 -0400
  • 8e2f4e3db8 On branch timer Changes to be committed: modified: main.go Adding use of time package directly modified: timer/timer.go Simplifying this away. Mike Holloway 2021-06-26 17:07:48 -0400
  • bb77957ed4 On branch master Changes to be committed: modified: main.go Adding '_' to characters ignored by regex replace. Mike Holloway 2021-06-26 13:00:58 -0400
  • a46c855960 On branch timer Changes to be committed: modified: main.go Add call to timer new file: timer/timer.go New 10 second timer timer Mike Holloway 2021-06-25 00:20:30 -0400
  • 0ea14fd132 On branch fix-colons Changes to be committed: modified: main.go No longer replacing colons with ',' fix-colons Mike Holloway 2021-06-24 23:01:12 -0400
  • 7020adee58 On branch hexadecimal-and-fields Changes to be committed: modified: .gitignore Added binary file hexadecimal-and-fields Mike Holloway 2021-06-24 22:26:52 -0400
  • 828a0193aa On branch read-file-error-check Changes to be committed: modified: .gitignore new file: main.go New Functions: Inelegant hex->dot-decimal address translation solution read-file-error-check Mike Holloway 2021-06-24 22:23:14 -0400
  • 399459c744 modified: main.go Functions: hexadecimal handling whitespace management csv-like interpolation Next steps: Create map of key-value pairs using column headers Iterate hex conversion fucntions across values Track changes every 10 minutes using loop with timestamp Report changes to the console Mike Holloway 2021-06-24 22:14:25 -0400
  • b4b01a5cf4 On branch read-file-error-check Changes to be committed: new file: main Perhaps add this to gitignore next time? Is it generally bad form? new file: main.go Mike Holloway 2021-06-17 01:50:06 -0400
  • 173e354269 Initial commit Mike Holloway 2021-06-17 01:49:04 -0400