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Update basicswap version


First ensure that docker is running. If docker ps returns an error try:

sudo systemctl start docker

Update only the code (prepend sudo to each docker command if necessary):

basicswap]$ git pull
cd docker
(Probably export COINDATA_PATH=/var/data/coinswaps)
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

If the dependencies have changed the container must be built with --no-cache:

basicswap]$ git pull
cd docker
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up

Update core versions

After updating the code and rebuilding the container run:

basicswap/docker]$ export COINDATA_PATH=[PATH_TO]
$ docker-compose run --rm swapclient \
    basicswap-prepare --datadir=/coindata --preparebinonly --withcoins=monero,bitcoin

Specify all required coins after --withcoins=, separated by commas. If updating from versions below 0.21, you may need to add wallet=wallet.dat to the core config files.

If installed through pip:

$ export SWAP_DATADIR=/Users/$USER/coinswaps
$ . $SWAP_DATADIR/venv/bin/activate && python -V
$ cd $SWAP_DATADIR/basicswap
$ git pull
$ pip3 install .

Update core versions

basicswap-prepare --datadir=$SWAP_DATADIR -preparebinonly --withcoins=monero,bitcoin