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Monero remote private node without ssh tunneling

Example connecting a basicswap instance running on a local node to a private remote monero node running at with rpc username and password: test_user:test_pwd

Set the following in basicswap.json:

In chainclients.monero:

  • connection_type - rpc
  • manage_daemon - false
  • manage_wallet_daemon - true
  • rpchost - ip of remote monero node (
  • rpcport - rpcport that monero is listening on remote node (18081)
  • rpcuser - test_user
  • rpcpassword - test_pwd

Edit monerod.conf on the remote node:


Start the remote monerod binary with --confirm-external-bind

Remember to open port 18081 in the remote machine's firewall if necessary.

You can debug the connection using curl (from the local node)

curl -u test_user:test_pwd --digest -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_info"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Monero remote private node with ssh tunneling

Example connecting to a private remote monero node running at

Set the following in basicswap.json:

In chainclients.monero:

  • connection_type - rpc
  • manage_daemon - false
  • manage_wallet_daemon - true
  • rpchost - localhost
  • rpcport - rpcport that monero is listening on remote node (18081)

On the remote machine open an ssh tunnel to port 18081:

ssh -N -R 18081:localhost:18081 user@LOCAL_NODE_IP

And start monerod

SSH Tunnel to Remote BasicSwap Node

While basicswap can be configured to host on an external interface:

If not using docker by changing 'htmlhost' and 'wshost' in basicswap.json For docker change 'HTML_PORT' and 'WS_PORT' in the .env file in the same dir as docker-compose.yml

A better solution is to use ssh to forward the required ports from the machine running bascswap to the client.

ssh -N -L 5555:localhost:12700 -L 11700:localhost:11700 BASICSWAP_HOST

Run from the client machine (not running basicswap) will forward the basicswap ui on port 12700 to port 5555 on the local machine and also the websocket port at 11700. The ui port on the client machine can be anything but the websocket port must match 'wsport' in basicswap.json.

Installing on Windows Natively

This is not a supported installation method!

Install prerequisites:

In the start menu find Git / Git Bash Right click Git Bash -> More -> run as administrator

Create and activate a venv

python -m venv c:\bsx_venv

Install coincurve

git clone -b bsx_windows
cd coincurve/
pip3 install .

Install basicswap

git clone
cd basicswap
pip3 install .


basicswap-prepare.exe --help

Run One Test

pytest -v -s tests/basicswap/

Private Offers

To send a private offer:

  1. Recipient creates a new address to receive offers on.
  2. Recipient sends the pubkey for the newly created address to the offerer.
  3. Offerer imports the recipient's pubkey.
  4. Offerer sends a new offer to the recipients key instead of the public network.

Nodes will ignore offers sent on keys other than the network key or keys created for offer-receiving.


Features still required (of many):

  • Cached addresses must be regenerated after use.
  • Option to lookup data from public explorers / nodes.
  • Ability to swap coin-types without running nodes for all coin-types
  • More swap protocols
  • Manual method to set wallet seeds from particl mnemonic
    • prepare script tries to load seeds automatically, btc versions < 0.21 require a fully synced chain