Set PIVX_PARAMSDIR automatically when usecontainers is set. Fix PIVX wallet encryption when added.
4.2 KiB
4.2 KiB
Split container setup
This will setup Basicswap so that each coin runs in it's own container.
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install basez docker-compose
Copy and edit .env config:
cp example.env .env
Optionally set random RPC passwords:
for KEY in $(grep -o '^.*_RPC_PWD' .env)
echo "Replacing: $KEY"
NEW_PWD=$(cat /dev/random | base16 | head -c 48)
sed -i "s/${KEY}=.*$/${KEY}=${NEW_PWD}/g" .env
Set the latest Monero chain height, or the height your wallet must restore from:
echo "DEFAULT_XMR_RESTORE_HEIGHT=$(curl https://localmonero.co/blocks/api/get_stats | jq .height)" >> .env
Create docker-compose config:
# Using the helper script:
./scripts/build_yml_files.py -c bitcoin monero
# Or
cat compose-fragments/0_start.yml > docker-compose.yml
# Add the relevant coin fragments
cat compose-fragments/1_bitcoin.yml >> docker-compose.yml
cat compose-fragments/1_litecoin.yml >> docker-compose.yml
cat compose-fragments/1_monero-wallet.yml >> docker-compose.yml
cat compose-fragments/1_pivx.yml >> docker-compose.yml
cat compose-fragments/1_dash.yml >> docker-compose.yml
cat compose-fragments/1_firo.yml >> docker-compose.yml
# Copy for prepare script config
cp docker-compose.yml docker-compose-prepare.yml
cat compose-fragments/9_swapprepare.yml >> docker-compose-prepare.yml
# Add the Monero daemon if required (should not go in docker-compose-prepare.yml)
cat compose-fragments/8_monero-daemon.yml >> docker-compose.yml
# Add the swapclient
cat compose-fragments/8_swapclient.yml >> docker-compose.yml
Create the docker network, with a specific subnet (for optional tor use):
docker network create coinswap_network --subnet=""
Build the swapclient container:
docker-compose build swapclient
Build the monero container, if required:
docker-compose build monero_daemon
Build the remaining coin containers:
docker-compose build
Build the prepare-only containers:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml build
Create config files:
# Select relevant coins:
export WITH_COINS=bitcoin,litecoin,monero
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml run --rm swapprepare \
basicswap-prepare --nocores --usecontainers --withcoins=${WITH_COINS} --htmlhost="" --particl_mnemonic=none
Start coin cores only:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml up -d --scale swapprepare=0
Initialise wallets:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml run --rm swapprepare \
basicswap-prepare --initwalletsonly
Stop cores:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml stop
Start BasicSwap:
docker-compose up
Update code
docker-compose stop
pushd .
cd ../../
git pull
docker-compose build monero_daemon
docker-compose build
docker-compose build --no-cache swapclient
docker-compose up
Add a coin
Stop all running containers
docker-compose stop
Update docker-compose config:
Rebuild using the helper script (must list all enabled coins):
./scripts/build_yml_files.py -c bitcoin monero
cat compose-fragments/1_monero-wallet.yml >> docker-compose.yml
cat compose-fragments/1_monero-wallet.yml >> docker-compose-prepare.yml
# Add the Monero daemon if required (should not go in docker-compose-prepare.yml)
cat compose-fragments/8_monero-daemon.yml >> docker-compose.yml
Prepare config files:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml build swapprepare
export ADD_COIN=monero
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml run --rm swapprepare \
basicswap-prepare --nocores --usecontainers --addcoin=${ADD_COIN} --htmlhost="" --particl_mnemonic=none
Prepare wallet:
docker-compose build monero_daemon
docker-compose build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml up -d --scale swapprepare=0
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml run -e WALLET_ENCRYPTION_PWD=walletpass \
--rm swapprepare \
basicswap-prepare --initwalletsonly --withoutcoin=particl --withcoin=monero
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prepare.yml stop
docker-compose up