@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 tecnovert
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
export TEST_RELOAD_PATH = / tmp / test_basicswap
mkdir - p $ { TEST_RELOAD_PATH } / bin / { particl , monero }
cp ~ / tmp / particl - 0.19 .1 .2 - x86_64 - linux - gnu . tar . gz $ { TEST_RELOAD_PATH } / bin / particl
cp ~ / tmp / monero - 0 .17.1 .9 - x86_64 - linux - gnu . tar . gz $ { TEST_RELOAD_PATH } / bin / monero
cp ~ / tmp / monero - linux - x64 - v0 .17 .1 .9 . tar . bz2 $ { TEST_RELOAD_PATH } / bin / monero / monero - 0.17 .1 .9 - x86_64 - linux - gnu . tar . bz2
export PYTHONPATH = $ ( pwd )
python tests / basicswap / test_reload_xmr . py
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ python tests/basicswap/test_reload_xmr.py
import os
import sys
import json
import time
import shutil
import signal
import logging
import unittest
import traceback
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ XMR_BASE_P2P_PORT = 17792
stop_test = False
delay_event = threading . Event ( )
logger = logging . getLogger ( )
logger . level = logging . DEBUG
@ -54,47 +54,64 @@ if not len(logger.handlers):
logger . addHandler ( logging . StreamHandler ( sys . stdout ) )
def waitForServer ( port ) :
for i in range ( 20 ) :
def waitForServer ( port , wait_for = 20 ) :
for i in range ( wait_for ) :
if delay_event . is_set ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Test stopped. ' )
try :
time . sleep ( 1 )
delay_event . wait ( 1 )
summary = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost: {} /json ' . format ( port ) ) . read ( ) )
except Exception :
traceback . print_exc ( )
raise ValueError ( ' waitForServer failed ' )
def waitForNumOffers ( port , offers ) :
for i in range ( 20 ) :
def waitForNumOffers ( port , offers , wait_for = 20 ) :
for i in range ( wait_for ) :
if delay_event . is_set ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Test stopped. ' )
summary = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost: {} /json ' . format ( port ) ) . read ( ) )
if summary [ ' num_network_offers ' ] > = offers :
time . sleep ( 1 )
delay_event . wait ( 1 )
raise ValueError ( ' waitForNumOffers failed ' )
def waitForNumBids ( port , bids ) :
for i in range ( 20 ) :
def waitForNumBids ( port , bids , wait_for = 20 ) :
for i in range ( wait_for ) :
if delay_event . is_set ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Test stopped. ' )
summary = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost: {} /json ' . format ( port ) ) . read ( ) )
if summary [ ' num_recv_bids ' ] > = bids :
time . sleep ( 1 )
delay_event . wait ( 1 )
raise ValueError ( ' waitForNumBids failed ' )
def waitForNumSwapping ( port , bids ) :
for i in range ( 20 ) :
def waitForNumSwapping ( port , bids , wait_for = 60 ) :
for i in range ( wait_for ) :
if delay_event . is_set ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Test stopped. ' )
summary = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost: {} /json ' . format ( port ) ) . read ( ) )
if summary [ ' num_swapping ' ] > = bids :
time . sleep ( 1 )
delay_event . wait ( 1 )
raise ValueError ( ' waitForNumSwapping failed ' )
def updateThread ( xmr_addr ) :
while not stop_test :
while not delay_event . is_set ( ) :
try :
callrpc_xmr_na ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' generateblocks ' , { ' wallet_address ' : xmr_addr , ' amount_of_blocks ' : 1 } )
time . sleep ( 5 )
except Exception as e :
print ( ' updateThread error ' , str ( e ) )
delay_event . wait ( 2 )
def signal_handler ( sig , frame ) :
logging . info ( ' signal {} detected. ' . format ( sig ) )
delay_event . set ( )
class Test ( unittest . TestCase ) :
@ -102,6 +119,9 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( Test , cls ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . update_thread = None
cls . processes = [ ]
for i in range ( 3 ) :
client_path = os . path . join ( test_path , ' client {} ' . format ( i ) )
config_path = os . path . join ( client_path , cfg . CONFIG_FILENAME )
@ -115,7 +135,10 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
' -bindir= " {} " ' . format ( os . path . join ( test_path , ' bin ' ) ) ,
' -portoffset= {} ' . format ( i ) ,
' -particl_mnemonic= " {} " ' . format ( mnemonics [ i ] ) ,
' -regtest ' , ' -withcoin=monero ' ]
' -regtest ' ,
' -withcoin=monero ' ,
' -noextractover ' ,
' -xmrrestoreheight=0 ' ]
with patch . object ( sys , ' argv ' , testargs ) :
prepareSystem . main ( )
@ -140,7 +163,22 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
if ip != i :
fp . write ( ' add-exclusive-node= {} \n ' . format ( XMR_BASE_P2P_PORT + ip ) )
assert ( os . path . exists ( config_path ) )
with open ( config_path ) as fs :
settings = json . load ( fs )
settings [ ' min_delay_event ' ] = 1
settings [ ' max_delay_event ' ] = 4
settings [ ' check_progress_seconds ' ] = 5
settings [ ' check_watched_seconds ' ] = 5
settings [ ' check_expired_seconds ' ] = 60
settings [ ' check_events_seconds ' ] = 5
settings [ ' check_xmr_swaps_seconds ' ] = 5
with open ( config_path , ' w ' ) as fp :
json . dump ( settings , fp , indent = 4 )
signal . signal ( signal . SIGINT , signal_handler )
def run_thread ( self , client_id ) :
client_path = os . path . join ( test_path , ' client {} ' . format ( client_id ) )
@ -148,14 +186,12 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
with patch . object ( sys , ' argv ' , testargs ) :
runSystem . main ( )
def test_reload ( self ) :
global stop_test
update_thread = None
processes = [ ]
def start_processes ( self ) :
delay_event . clear ( )
for i in range ( 3 ) :
processes . append ( multiprocessing . Process ( target = self . run_thread , args = ( i , ) ) )
processes [ - 1 ] . start ( )
self . processes . append ( multiprocessing . Process ( target = self . run_thread , args = ( i , ) ) )
self . processes [ - 1 ] . start ( )
try :
waitForServer ( 12701 )
@ -163,12 +199,38 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
wallets = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost:12701/json/wallets ' ) . read ( ) )
xmr_addr1 = wallets [ ' 6 ' ] [ ' deposit_address ' ]
num_blocks = 5 00
num_blocks = 1 00
logging . info ( ' Mining %d Monero blocks. ' , num_blocks )
if callrpc_xmr_na ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' get_block_count ' ) [ ' count ' ] < num_blocks :
logging . info ( ' Mining {} Monero blocks to {} . ' . format ( num_blocks , xmr_addr1 ) )
callrpc_xmr_na ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' generateblocks ' , { ' wallet_address ' : xmr_addr1 , ' amount_of_blocks ' : num_blocks } )
rv = callrpc_xmr_na ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' get_block_count ' )
logging . info ( ' XMR blocks: %d ' , rv [ ' count ' ] )
logging . info ( ' XMR blocks: %d ' , callrpc_xmr_na ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' get_block_count ' ) [ ' count ' ] )
self . update_thread = threading . Thread ( target = updateThread , args = ( xmr_addr1 , ) )
self . update_thread . start ( )
except Exception :
traceback . print_exc ( )
def stop_processes ( self ) :
logger . info ( ' Stopping test ' )
delay_event . set ( )
if self . update_thread :
self . update_thread . join ( )
for p in self . processes :
p . terminate ( )
for p in self . processes :
p . join ( )
self . update_thread = None
self . processes = [ ]
def test_01_reload ( self ) :
self . start_processes ( )
try :
waitForServer ( 12700 )
waitForServer ( 12701 )
wallets1 = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost:12701/json/wallets ' ) . read ( ) )
assert ( float ( wallets1 [ ' 6 ' ] [ ' balance ' ] ) > 0.0 )
data = parse . urlencode ( {
' addr_from ' : ' -1 ' ,
@ -201,7 +263,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
bid = bids [ 0 ]
if bid [ ' bid_state ' ] == ' Received ' :
time . sleep ( 1 )
delay_event . wait ( 1 )
data = parse . urlencode ( {
' accept ' : True
@ -212,39 +274,48 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
waitForNumSwapping ( 12701 , 1 )
logger . info ( ' Restarting client ' )
c1 = processes [ 1 ]
c1 = self . processes [ 1 ]
c1 . terminate ( )
c1 . join ( )
processes [ 1 ] = multiprocessing . Process ( target = self . run_thread , args = ( 1 , ) )
processes [ 1 ] . start ( )
self . processes [ 1 ] = multiprocessing . Process ( target = self . run_thread , args = ( 1 , ) )
self . processes [ 1 ] . start ( )
waitForServer ( 12701 )
rv = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost:12701/json ' ) . read ( ) )
assert ( rv [ ' num_swapping ' ] == 1 )
update_thread = threading . Thread ( target = updateThread , args = ( xmr_addr1 , ) )
update_thread . start ( )
logger . info ( ' Completing swap ' )
for i in range ( 240 ) :
time . sleep ( 5 )
if delay_event . is_set ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Test stopped. ' )
delay_event . wait ( 4 )
rv = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost:12700/json/bids/ {} ' . format ( bid [ ' bid_id ' ] ) ) . read ( ) )
print ( rv )
if rv [ ' bid_state ' ] == ' Completed ' :
assert ( rv [ ' bid_state ' ] == ' Completed ' )
except Exception :
except Exception as e :
traceback . print_exc ( )
raise ( e )
finally :
self . stop_processes ( )
logger . info ( ' Stopping test ' )
stop_test = True
if update_thread :
update_thread . join ( )
for p in processes :
p . terminate ( )
for p in processes :
p . join ( )
def test_02_bids_offline ( self ) :
# Start multiple bids while offering node is offline
self . start_processes ( )
try :
waitForServer ( 12700 )
waitForServer ( 12701 )
wallets1 = json . loads ( urlopen ( ' http://localhost:12701/json/wallets ' ) . read ( ) )
print ( ' wallets 1 ' , json . dumps ( wallets1 , indent = 4 ) )
assert ( float ( wallets1 [ ' 6 ' ] [ ' balance ' ] ) > 0.0 )
except Exception as e :
traceback . print_exc ( )
raise ( e )
finally :
self . stop_processes ( )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :