@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
{% include 'header.html' %}
< div class = "container mx-auto" >
< section class = "bg-white p-5 mt-5" >
< section class = "p-5 mt-5" >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap items-center -m-2" >
< div class = "w-full md:w-1/2 p-2" >
< ul class = "flex flex-wrap items-center gap-x-3 mb-2" >
< li >
< a class = "flex font-medium text-xs text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-700" href = "/" >
< a class = "flex font-medium text-xs text-coolGray-500 dark:text-gray-3 00 hover:text-coolGray-700" href = "/" >
< p > Home< / p >
< / a >
< / li >
@ -14,45 +14,53 @@
< path d = "M5.34 0.671999L2.076 14.1H0.732L3.984 0.671999H5.34Z" fill = "#BBC3CF" > < / path >
< / svg >
< / li >
< li > < a class = "flex font-medium text-xs text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-700" href = "#" > Offer< / a > < / li >
< li >
< a class = "flex font-medium text-xs text-coolGray-500 dark:text-gray-300 hover:text-coolGray-700" href = "#" > Offer< / a >
< / li >
< li >
< svg width = "6" height = "15" viewBox = "0 0 6 15" fill = "none" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
< path d = "M5.34 0.671999L2.076 14.1H0.732L3.984 0.671999H5.34Z" fill = "#BBC3CF" > < / path >
< / svg >
< / li >
< li > < a class = "flex font-medium text-xs text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-700" href = "{{ offer_id }}" > OFFER ID: {{ offer_id }}< / a > < / li >
< li >
< a class = "flex font-medium text-xs text-coolGray-500 dark:text-gray-300 hover:text-coolGray-700" href = "{{ offer_id }}" > OFFER ID: {{ offer_id }}< / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< section class = "py-4" >
< div class = "container px-4 mx-auto" >
< div class = "relative py-11 px-16 bg-coolGray-900 rounded-md overflow-hidden" >
< div class = "relative py-11 px-16 bg-coolGray-900 dark:bg-blue-5 00 rounded-md overflow-hidden" >
< img class = "absolute z-10 left-4 top-4" src = "/static/images/elements/dots-red.svg" alt = "" >
< img class = "absolute z-10 right-4 bottom-4" src = "/static/images/elements/dots-red.svg" alt = "" >
< img class = "absolute h-64 left-1/2 top-1/2 transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 object-cover" src = "/static/images/elements/wave.svg" alt = "" >
< div class = "relative z-20 flex flex-wrap items-center -m-3" >
< div class = "w-full md:w-1/2 p-3" >
< h2 class = "mb-6 text-4xl font-bold text-white tracking-tighter" > Offer (normal)< / h2 >
< p class = "font-semibold text-coolGray-200 " > Offer ID: {{ offer_id }}< / p >
< p class = "font-normal text-coolGray-200 dark:text-white " > Offer ID: {{ offer_id }}< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "w-full md:w-1/2 p-3 p-6 container flex flex-wrap items-center justify-end items-center mx-auto" >
{% if refresh %}
< a id = "refresh" href = "/offer/{{ offer_id }}" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center px-5 py-4 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 font-medium text-sm text-white border border-blue-5 00 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< a id = "refresh" href = "/offer/{{ offer_id }}" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center px-5 py-4 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 font-medium text-sm text-white border dark:text-white dark:hover:text-white dark:bg-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:border-gray-6 00 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g fill = "#ffffff" >
< path fill = "#ffffff" d = "M12,3c1.989,0,3.873,0.65,5.43,1.833l-3.604,3.393l9.167,0.983L22.562,0l-3.655,3.442 C16.957,1.862,14.545,1,12,1C5.935,1,1,5.935,1,12h2C3,7.037,7.037,3,12,3z" > < / path >
< path data-color = "color-2" d = "M12,21c-1.989,0-3.873-0.65-5.43-1.833l3.604-3.393l-9.167-0.983L1.438,24l3.655-3.442 C7.043,22.138,9.455,23,12,23c6.065,0,11-4.935,11-11h-2C21,16.963,16.963,21,12,21z" > < / path >
< / g >
< / svg > < span > Refresh {{ refresh }} seconds< / span > < / a >
< / svg >
< span > Refresh {{ refresh }} seconds< / span >
< / a >
{% else %}
< a id = "refresh" href = "/offer/{{ offer_id }}" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center px-5 py-4 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 font-medium text-sm text-white border border-blue-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< a id = "refresh" href = "/offer/{{ offer_id }}" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center px-5 py-4 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 font-medium text-sm text-white borderdark:text-white dark:hover:text-white dark:bg-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:border-gray-600 border-blue-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g fill = "#ffffff" >
< path fill = "#ffffff" d = "M12,3c1.989,0,3.873,0.65,5.43,1.833l-3.604,3.393l9.167,0.983L22.562,0l-3.655,3.442 C16.957,1.862,14.545,1,12,1C5.935,1,1,5.935,1,12h2C3,7.037,7.037,3,12,3z" > < / path >
< path data-color = "color-2" d = "M12,21c-1.989,0-3.873-0.65-5.43-1.833l3.604-3.393l-9.167-0.983L1.438,24l3.655-3.442 C7.043,22.138,9.455,23,12,23c6.065,0,11-4.935,11-11h-2C21,16.963,16.963,21,12,21z" > < / path >
< / g >
< / svg > < span > Refresh< / span > < / a >
< / svg >
< span > Refresh< / span >
< / a >
{% endif %}
< / div >
< / div >
@ -73,7 +81,10 @@
< / svg >
< / div >
< div class = "flex-1 p-1" >
< h3 class = "font-medium text-sm text-green-900" > < a href = "/bid/{{ sent_bid_id }}" > Sent Bid {{ sent_bid_id }}< / a > < / h3 > < / div >
< h3 class = "font-medium text-sm text-green-900" >
< a href = "/bid/{{ sent_bid_id }}" > Sent Bid {{ sent_bid_id }}< / a >
< / h3 >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "w-auto p-2" >
@ -88,103 +99,124 @@
< / div >
< / section >
{% endif %}
< section class = "bg-white" >
< div class = "pl-6 pr-6 pt-0 pb-0 mt-5 h-full overflow-hidden bg-white " >
< section >
< div class = "pl-6 pr-6 pt-0 pb-0 mt-5 h-full overflow-hidden" >
< div class = "pb-6 border-coolGray-100" >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between -m-2" >
< div class = "w-full pt-2" >
< div class = "container px-0 mx-auto mt-5" >
< div class = "overflow-x-auto relative border sm:rounded-lg" >
< table class = "w-full text-sm text-left text-gray-500 outline-none border-gray-300" >
< thead class = "text-xs text-gray-700 border-b uppercase bg-gray-50 outline-none border-gray-300" >
< tr >
< th scope = "col" class = "py-3 px-6" > Details< / th >
< th scope = "col" > < / th >
< div class = "container mt-5 mx-auto" >
< div class = "pt-6 pb-8 bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-500 rounded-xl" >
< div class = "px-6" >
< div class = "w-full mt-6 pb-6 overflow-x-auto" >
< table class = "w-full min-w-max text-sm" >
< thead class = "uppercase" >
< tr class = "text-left" >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 rounded-tl-xl bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Options< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 rounded-tr-xl bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Details< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Offer State< / td >
< td > {{ data.state }}< / td >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-60 0" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Offer State< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.state }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Swap Type< / td >
< td > {{ data.swap_type }}< / td >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-60 0" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Swap Type< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.swap_type }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > {% if data.sent %}You Send{% else %}You Get{% endif %}< / td >
< td > < span class = "inline-flex align-middle items-center justify-center w-9 h-10 bg-white-50 rounded" >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > {% if data.sent %}You Send{% else %}You Get{% endif %}< / td >
< td class = "px-6" >
< span class = "inline-flex align-middle items-center justify-center w-9 h-10 bg-white-50 rounded" >
< img class = "h-7" src = "/static/images/coins/{{ data.coin_from }}.png" alt = "{{ data.coin_from }}" >
< / span > {{ data.coin_from }} < / td >
< / span > {{ data.coin_from }}
< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > {% if data.sent %}You Get{% else %}You Send{% endif %}< / td >
< td > < span class = "inline-flex align-middle items-center justify-center w-9 h-10 bg-white-50 rounded" >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > {% if data.sent %}You Get{% else %}You Send{% endif %}< / td >
< td class = "px-6" >
< span class = "inline-flex align-middle items-center justify-center w-9 h-10 bg-white-50 rounded" >
< img class = "h-7" src = "/static/images/coins/{{ data.coin_to }}.png" alt = "{{ data.coin_to }}" >
< / span > {{ data.coin_to }} < / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Amount Offerer Sends< / td >
< td class = "bold" > {{ data.amt_from }} {{ data.tla_from }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Amount Bidder Sends< / td >
< td class = "bold" > {{ data.amt_to }} {{ data.tla_to }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Minimum Bid Amount< / td >
< td > {{ data.amt_bid_min }} {{ data.tla_from }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Rate< / td >
< td > {{ data.rate }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" title = "Total coin-from value of completed bids, that this node is involved in" > Amount Swapped< / td >
< td > {{ data.amt_swapped }} {{ data.tla_from }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" title = "If bids can be sent with a different amount" > Amount Variable< / td >
< td > {{ data.amount_negotiable }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" title = "If bids can be sent with a different amount" > Rate Variable< / td >
< td > {{ data.rate_negotiable }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Script Lock Type< / td >
< td > {{ data.lock_type }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Script Lock Value< / td >
< td > {{ data.lock_value }} {{ data.lock_value_hr }}< / td >
< / tr > {% if data.addr_to == "Public" %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Address To< / td >
< td > {{ data.addr_to }}< / td >
< / tr > {% else %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Address To< / td >
< td > < a class = "monospace bold" href = "/identity/{{ data.addr_to }}" > {{ data.addr_to }}< / a > {{ data.addr_to_label }}< / td >
< / tr > {% endif %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Address From< / td >
< td > < a class = "monospace bold" href = "/identity/{{ data.addr_from }}" > {{ data.addr_from }}< / a > {{ data.addr_from_label }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< / span > {{ data.coin_to }}
< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Amount Offerer Sends< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > {{ data.amt_from }} {{ data.tla_from }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Amount Bidder Sends< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > {{ data.amt_to }} {{ data.tla_to }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Minimum Bid Amount< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.amt_bid_min }} {{ data.tla_from }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Rate< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.rate }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" title = "Total coin-from value of completed bids, that this node is involved in" > Amount Swapped< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.amt_swapped }} {{ data.tla_from }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" title = "If bids can be sent with a different amount" > Amount Variable< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.amount_negotiable }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" title = "If bids can be sent with a different amount" > Rate Variable< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.rate_negotiable }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Script Lock Type< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.lock_type }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Script Lock Value< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.lock_value }} {{ data.lock_value_hr }}< / td >
< / tr >
{% if data.addr_to == "Public" %}
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Address To< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.addr_to }}< / td >
< / tr >
{% else %}
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Address To< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" >
< a class = "monospace bold" href = "/identity/{{ data.addr_to }}" > {{ data.addr_to }}< / a > {{ data.addr_to_label }}
< / td >
< / tr >
{% endif %}
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Address From< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" >
< a class = "monospace bold" href = "/identity/{{ data.addr_from }}" > {{ data.addr_from }}< / a > {{ data.addr_from_label }}
< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td scope = "row" class = "flex items-center px-46 whitespace-nowrap" >
< svg alt = "" class = "w-5 h-5 rounded-full ml-5" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "20" width = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#6b7280" stroke-linejoin = "round" >
< g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#3B82F6 " stroke-linejoin = "round" >
< circle cx = "12" cy = "12" r = "11" > < / circle >
< polyline points = " 12,6 12,12 18,12 " stroke = "#6b7280" > < / polyline >
< polyline points = " 12,6 12,12 18,12 " stroke = "#3B82F6 " > < / polyline >
< / g >
< / svg >
< div class = "py-4 pl-2 bold" >
< div > Created At< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td > {{ data.created_at | formatts }}< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.created_at | formatts }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-5 0" >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-60 0" >
< td scope = "row" class = "flex items-center px-46 whitespace-nowrap" >
< svg alt = "" class = "w-5 h-5 rounded-full ml-5" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "20" width = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#6b7280" stroke-linejoin = "round" >
@ -196,134 +228,216 @@
< div > Expired At< / div >
< / div >
< / td >
< td > {{ data.expired_at | formatts }}< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.expired_at | formatts }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-5 0" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Sent< / td >
< td > {{ data.sent }}< / td >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-60 0" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Sent< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.sent }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-5 0" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Revoked< / td >
< td > {{ data.was_revoked }}< / td >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-60 0" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Revoked< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.was_revoked }}< / td >
< / tr >
{% if data.sent %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Auto Accept Strategy< / td >
< td >
{% if data.automation_strat_id == -1 %} None {% else %}< a class = "monospace" href = "/automationstrategy/{{ data.automation_strat_id }}" > {{ data.automation_strat_label }}< / a > {% endif %}
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Auto Accept Strategy< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" >
{% if data.automation_strat_id == -1 %} None {% else %}
< a href = "/automationstrategy/{{ data.automation_strat_id }}" > {{ data.automation_strat_label }}< / a >
{% endif %}
< / td >
< / tr >
{% endif %}
{% if data.xmr_type == true %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Chain A offer fee rate< / td >
< td > {{ data.a_fee_rate }}< / td >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Chain A offer fee rate< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.a_fee_rate }}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Chain A local fee rate< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ data.a_fee_rate_verify }} (Fee source: {{ data.a_fee_rate_verify_src }}{% if data.a_fee_warn == true %} WARNING{% endif %})< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Chain A local fee rate< / td >
< td > {{ data.a_fee_rate_verify }} (Fee source: {{ data.a_fee_rate_verify_src }}{% if data.a_fee_warn == true %} WARNING{% endif %})< / td >
< / tr > {% endif %} < / table >
{% endif %}
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< section class = "bg-white p-6" >
< / section >
< section class = "p-6 bg-body dark:bg-gray-700" >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap items-center" >
< div class = "w-full" >
< h4 class = "font-semibold text-black text-2xl" > Bids< / h4 > < / div >
< h4 class = "font-semibold text-black dark:text-white text-2xl" > Bids< / h4 >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< section >
< div class = "pl-6 pr-6 pt-0 pb-6 mt-5 h-full overflow-hidden" >
< div class = "container px-0 mx-auto" >
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< thead class = "text-xs text-gray-700 border-b uppercase bg-gray-50 outline-none border-gray-300" >
< tr >
< th scope = "col" class = "py-3 px-6" > Bid ID< / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "py-3 px-6" > Bid Amount< / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "py-3 px-6" > Bid Rate< / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "py-3 px-6" > Bid Status< / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "py-3 px-6" > Identity From< / th >
< div class = "pt-6 pb-6 bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-500 rounded-xl" >
< div class = "px-6" >
< div class = "w-full mt-6 pb-6 overflow-x-auto" >
< table class = "w-full min-w-max text-sm" >
< thead class = "uppercase" >
< tr class = "text-left" >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 rounded-tl-xl bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Bid ID< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Bid Amount< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Bid Rate< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Bid Status< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 rounded-tr-xl bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Identity From< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
{% for b in bids %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6" > < a class = "monospace" href = /bid/{{ b [ 0 ] } } > {{ b[0] }}< / a > < / td >
< td class = "py-4 px-6" > {{ b[1] }}< / td >
< td class = "py-4 px-6" > {{ b[3] }}< / td >
< td class = "py-4 px-6" > {{ b[2] }}< / td >
< td class = "py-4 px-6" > < a class = "monospace" href = /identity/{{ b [ 4 ] } } > {{ b[4] }}< / a > < / td >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" >
< a class = "monospace" href = /bid/{{ b [ 0 ] } } > {{ b[0] }}< / a >
< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ b[1] }}< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ b[3] }}< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > {{ b[2] }}< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" >
< a class = "monospace" href = /identity/{{ b [ 4 ] } } > {{ b[4] }}< / a >
< / td >
< / tr >
{% endfor %}
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< form method = "post" >
< / section >
{% if data.show_edit_form %}
< section class = "bg-white p-6" >
< section class = "p-6 bg-body dark:bg-gray-700 " >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap items-center" >
< div class = "w-full" >
< h4 class = "font-semibold text-black text-2xl" > Edit Offer< / h4 > < / div >
< h4 class = "font-semibold text-black dark:text-white text-2xl" > Edit Offer< / h4 >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< section >
< div class = "pl-6 pr-6 pt-0 pb-0 mt-5 h-full overflow-hidden" >
< div class = "container px-0 mx-auto" >
< div class = "overflow-x-auto relative border sm:rounded-lg" >
< table class = "w-full text-sm text-left text-gray-500 outline-none border-gray-300" >
< tr >
< td class = "pr-2 bold" > Auto Accept Strategy:< / td >
< td >
< select name = "automation_strat_id" class = "pl-10 appearance-none pr-10 bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5" >
< div class = "pt-6 pb-8 bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-500 rounded-xl" >
< div class = "px-6" >
< div class = "w-full mt-6 pb-6 overflow-x-auto" >
< table class = "w-full min-w-max text-sm" >
< thead class = "uppercase" >
< tr class = "text-left" >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 rounded-tl-xl bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Options< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 rounded-tr-xl bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Settings< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "pr-3 px-6 bold" > Auto Accept Strategy:< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" >
< div class = "relative" >
< svg class = "absolute right-4 top-1/2 transform -translate-y-1/2" width = "16" height = "16" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" fill = "none" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
< path d = "M11.3333 6.1133C11.2084 5.98913 11.0395 5.91943 10.8633 5.91943C10.6872 5.91943 10.5182 5.98913 10.3933 6.1133L8.00001 8.47329L5.64001 6.1133C5.5151 5.98913 5.34613 5.91943 5.17001 5.91943C4.99388 5.91943 4.82491 5.98913 4.70001 6.1133C4.63752 6.17527 4.58792 6.249 4.55408 6.33024C4.52023 6.41148 4.50281 6.49862 4.50281 6.58663C4.50281 6.67464 4.52023 6.76177 4.55408 6.84301C4.58792 6.92425 4.63752 6.99799 4.70001 7.05996L7.52667 9.88663C7.58865 9.94911 7.66238 9.99871 7.74362 10.0326C7.82486 10.0664 7.912 10.0838 8.00001 10.0838C8.08801 10.0838 8.17515 10.0664 8.25639 10.0326C8.33763 9.99871 8.41136 9.94911 8.47334 9.88663L11.3333 7.05996C11.3958 6.99799 11.4454 6.92425 11.4793 6.84301C11.5131 6.76177 11.5305 6.67464 11.5305 6.58663C11.5305 6.49862 11.5131 6.41148 11.4793 6.33024C11.4454 6.249 11.3958 6.17527 11.3333 6.1133Z" fill = "#8896AB" > < / path >
< / svg >
< select name = "automation_strat_id" class = "bg-gray-50 text-gray-900 appearance-none pr-10 dark:bg-gray-500 dark:text-white border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-400 dark:text-gray-50 dark:placeholder-gray-50 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 focus:ring-0" >
< option value = "-1" { % if data . automation_strat_id = =-1 % } selected { % endif % } > None< / option >
{% for a in data.automation_strategies %}
< option value = "{{ a[0] }}" { % if data . automation_strat_id = =a[0] % } selected { % endif % } > {{ a[1] }}< / option >
{% endfor %}
< / select >
< / div >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "p-6 pt-10 bg-white bg-opacity-60 rounded-b-md" >
< div class = "rounded-b-md" >
< div class = "w-full md:w-0/12" >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap justify-end -m-1.5" >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5 ml-2" >
< button name = "edit_offer_cancel" value = "Cancel" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-red-500 hover:text-red-600 border border-red-400 hover:border-red-500 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#ef5844" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < line x1 = "16" y1 = "8" x2 = "8" y2 = "16" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / line > < line x1 = "16" y1 = "16" x2 = "8" y2 = "8" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / line > < circle cx = "12" cy = "12" r = "11" > < / circle > < / g > < / svg > Cancel < / button >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap justify-end pt-6 pr-6 border-t border-gray-100 dark:border-gray-400" >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5" >
< button name = "edit_offer_submit" value = "Submit" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 font-medium text-sm text-white border border-blue-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > Send Bid< / button >
< / div >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5" >
< button name = "edit_offer_submit" value = "Submit" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#556987" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < line x1 = "2" y1 = "23" x2 = "22" y2 = "23" stroke = "#556987" > < / line > < line data-cap = "butt" x1 = "13" y1 = "5" x2 = "17" y2 = "9" > < / line > < polygon points = "8 18 3 19 4 14 16 2 20 6 8 18" > < / polygon > < / g > < / svg > Submit Edit < / button >
< button name = "edit_offer_cancel" value = "Cancel " type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-white hover:text-red border border-red-500 hover:border-red-500 hover:bg-red-600 bg-red-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > Cancel< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
{% elif data.show_bid_form %}
< section class = "bg-white p-6" >
< section class = "p-6 bg-body dark:bg-gray-700 " >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap items-center" >
< div class = "w-full" >
< h4 class = "font-semibold text-black text-2xl" > New Bid< / h4 > < / div >
< h4 class = "font-semibold text-black dark:text-white text-2xl" > New Bid< / h4 >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< div class = "container px-0 mx-auto" >
< div class = "overflow-x-auto relative border sm:rounded-lg" >
< table class = "w-full text-sm text-left text-gray-500 outline-none border-gray-300" >
< thead class = "text-xs text-gray-700 border-b uppercase bg-gray-50 outline-none border-gray-300" >
< tr >
< th scope = "col" class = "py-3 px-6 w-1/2" > Details< / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "w-1/2" > < / th >
< section >
< div class = "pl-6 pr-6 pt-0 pb-0 mt-5 h-full overflow-hidden" >
< div class = "pt-6 pb-6 bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-500 rounded-xl" >
< div class = "px-6" >
< div class = "w-full mt-6 pb-6 overflow-x-auto" >
< table class = "w-full min-w-max text-sm" >
< thead class = "uppercase" >
< tr class = "text-left" >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 rounded-tl-xl bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Options< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< th class = "p-0" >
< div class = "py-3 px-6 rounded-tr-xl bg-coolGray-200 dark:bg-gray-600" >
< span class = "text-xs text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 font-semibold" > Settings< / span >
< / div >
< / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 " > Amount you will get < span class = "bold" id = "bid_amt_from" > {{ data.amt_from }}< / span > {{ data.tla_from }} {% if data.xmr_type == true %} (excluding {{ data.amt_from_lock_spend_tx_fee }} {{ data.tla_from }} in tx fees). {% else %} (excluding a tx fee). {% endif %}< / td >
< td class = "" > Amount you will send < span class = "bold" id = "bid_amt_to" > {{ data.amt_to }}< / span > {{ data.tla_to }}< / td >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600 h-20" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > Amount you will get < span class = "bold" id = "bid_amt_from" > {{ data.amt_from }}< / span > {{ data.tla_from }}
{% if data.xmr_type == true %} (excluding {{ data.amt_from_lock_spend_tx_fee }} {{ data.tla_from }} in tx fees).
{% else %} (excluding a tx fee).
{% endif %}< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > Amount you will send < span class = "bold" id = "bid_amt_to" > {{ data.amt_to }}< / span > {{ data.tla_to }}
< / td >
< / tr >
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold bold" > Send From Address< / td >
< td class = "py-4 pr-5" >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-60 0" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Send From Address< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 " >
< div class = "w-full md:flex-1" >
< div class = "relative" >
< svg class = "absolute right-4 top-1/2 transform -translate-y-1/2" width = "16" height = "16" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" fill = "none" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
< path d = "M11.3333 6.1133C11.2084 5.98913 11.0395 5.91943 10.8633 5.91943C10.6872 5.91943 10.5182 5.98913 10.3933 6.1133L8.00001 8.47329L5.64001 6.1133C5.5151 5.98913 5.34613 5.91943 5.17001 5.91943C4.99388 5.91943 4.82491 5.98913 4.70001 6.1133C4.63752 6.17527 4.58792 6.249 4.55408 6.33024C4.52023 6.41148 4.50281 6.49862 4.50281 6.58663C4.50281 6.67464 4.52023 6.76177 4.55408 6.84301C4.58792 6.92425 4.63752 6.99799 4.70001 7.05996L7.52667 9.88663C7.58865 9.94911 7.66238 9.99871 7.74362 10.0326C7.82486 10.0664 7.912 10.0838 8.00001 10.0838C8.08801 10.0838 8.17515 10.0664 8.25639 10.0326C8.33763 9.99871 8.41136 9.94911 8.47334 9.88663L11.3333 7.05996C11.3958 6.99799 11.4454 6.92425 11.4793 6.84301C11.5131 6.76177 11.5305 6.67464 11.5305 6.58663C11.5305 6.49862 11.5131 6.41148 11.4793 6.33024C11.4454 6.249 11.3958 6.17527 11.3333 6.1133Z" fill = "#8896AB" > < / path >
< / svg >
< select class = "appearance-none bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5" name = "addr_from" > {% for a in addrs %}
< option value = "{{ a[0] }}" { % if data . nb_addr_from = =a[0] % } selected { % endif % } > {{ a[0] }} {{ a[1] }}< / option > {% endfor %}
< select class = "bg-gray-50 text-gray-900 appearance-none pr-10 dark:bg-gray-500 dark:text-white border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-400 dark:text-gray-50 dark:placeholder-gray-50 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 focus:ring-0" name = "addr_from" >
{% for a in addrs %}
< option value = "{{ a[0] }}" { % if data . nb_addr_from = =a[0] % } selected { % endif % } > {{ a[0] }} {{ a[1] }}< / option >
{% endfor %}
< option value = "-1" { % if data . nb_addr_from = ="-1" % } selected { % endif % } > New Address< / option >
< / select >
< / div >
@ -331,36 +445,36 @@
< / td >
< / tr >
{% if data.amount_negotiable == true %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-5 0" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Amount< / td >
< td class = "py-4 px-6" >
< input type = "text" class = "appearance-none bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-90 0 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block p-2.5" id = "bid_amount" name = "bid_amount" value = "{{ data.bid_amount }}" onchange = "updateBidParams('amount');" >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-60 0" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Amount< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" >
< input type = "text" class = "bg-gray-50 text-gray-900 appearance-none pr-10 dark:bg-gray-500 dark:text-white border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-400 dark:text-gray-50 dark:placeholder-gray-5 0 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 focus:ring-0 " id = "bid_amount" name = "bid_amount" value = "{{ data.bid_amount }}" onchange = "updateBidParams('amount');" >
< / td >
< / tr >
{% endif %}
{% if data.rate_negotiable == true %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Rate< / td >
< td class = "py-4" >
< input type = "text" class = "appearance-none bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block p-2.5" id = "bid_rate" name = "bid_rate" value = "{{ data.bid_rate }}" onchange = "updateBidParams('rate');" >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Rate< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" > < input type = "text" class = "bg-gray-50 text-gray-900 appearance-none pr-10 dark:bg-gray-500 dark:text-white border border-gray-100 dark:border-gray-400 dark:text-gray-50 dark:placeholder-gray-50 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 focus:ring-0" id = "bid_rate" name = "bid_rate" value = "{{ data.bid_rate }}" onchange = "updateBidParams('rate');" >
< / td >
< / tr >
{% endif %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-50" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Minutes valid< / td >
< td class = "py-4" >
< input type = "number" class = "appearance-none bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-900 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block p-2.5" name = "validmins" min = "10" max = "1440" value = "{{ data.nb_validmins }}" > < / td >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-600" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Minutes valid< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6" >
< input type = "number" class = "bg-gray-50 text-gray-900 appearance-none pr-10 dark:bg-gray-500 dark:text-white border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-400 dark:text-gray-50 dark:placeholder-gray-50 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 focus:ring-0" name = "validmins" min = "10" max = "1440" value = "{{ data.nb_validmins }}" >
< / td >
< / tr >
{% if data.debug_ui == true %}
< tr class = "bg-white border-t hover:bg-gray-5 0" >
< td class = "py-4 px-6 bold" > Debug Option:< / td >
< td class = "py-4 pr-5 " >
< tr class = "opacity-100 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-100 hover:bg-coolGray-200 dark:hover:bg-gray-60 0" >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 bold" > Debug Option:< / td >
< td class = "py-3 px-6 " >
< div class = "w-full md:flex-1" >
< div class = "relative" >
< svg class = "absolute right-4 top-1/2 transform -translate-y-1/2" width = "16" height = "16" viewBox = "0 0 16 16" fill = "none" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" >
< path d = "M11.3333 6.1133C11.2084 5.98913 11.0395 5.91943 10.8633 5.91943C10.6872 5.91943 10.5182 5.98913 10.3933 6.1133L8.00001 8.47329L5.64001 6.1133C5.5151 5.98913 5.34613 5.91943 5.17001 5.91943C4.99388 5.91943 4.82491 5.98913 4.70001 6.1133C4.63752 6.17527 4.58792 6.249 4.55408 6.33024C4.52023 6.41148 4.50281 6.49862 4.50281 6.58663C4.50281 6.67464 4.52023 6.76177 4.55408 6.84301C4.58792 6.92425 4.63752 6.99799 4.70001 7.05996L7.52667 9.88663C7.58865 9.94911 7.66238 9.99871 7.74362 10.0326C7.82486 10.0664 7.912 10.0838 8.00001 10.0838C8.08801 10.0838 8.17515 10.0664 8.25639 10.0326C8.33763 9.99871 8.41136 9.94911 8.47334 9.88663L11.3333 7.05996C11.3958 6.99799 11.4454 6.92425 11.4793 6.84301C11.5131 6.76177 11.5305 6.67464 11.5305 6.58663C11.5305 6.49862 11.5131 6.41148 11.4793 6.33024C11.4454 6.249 11.3958 6.17527 11.3333 6.1133Z" fill = "#8896AB" > < / path >
< / svg >
< select class = "appearance-none bg-gray-50 border border-gray-300 text-gray-90 0 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5" name = "debugind" >
< select class = "bg-gray-50 text-gray-900 appearance-none pr-10 dark:bg-gray-500 dark:text-white border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-400 dark:text-gray-50 dark:placeholder-gray-5 0 text-sm rounded-lg outline-none focus:ring-blue-500 focus:border-blue-500 block w-full p-2.5 focus:ring-0 " name = "debugind" >
< option { % if data . debug_ind = ="-1" % } selected { % endif % } value = "-1" > None< / option >
{% for a in data.debug_options %}
< option { % if data . debug_ind = =a[0] % } selected { % endif % } value = "{{ a[0] }}" > {{ a[1] }}< / option >
@ -374,94 +488,70 @@
< / table >
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< div class = "flex flex-wrap justify-end pt-6 pr-6 border-t border-gray-100 dark:border-gray-400 " >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5 ml-2" >
< button name = "sendbid" value = "Send Bid" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 font-medium text-sm text-white border border-blue-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#ffffff" stroke-linejoin = "round" >
< circle cx = "5" cy = "5" r = "4" > < / circle >
< circle cx = "19" cy = "19" r = "4" > < / circle >
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< polyline points = " 16,2 13,5 16,8 " stroke = "#ffffff" > < / polyline >
< polyline points = " 8,16 11,19 8,22 " stroke = "#ffffff" > < / polyline >
< / g >
< / svg > Send Bid< / button >
< button name = "sendbid" value = "Send Bid" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 font-medium text-sm text-white border border-blue-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > Send Bid< / button >
< / div >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5" >
< button name = "cancel" value = "Cancel" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-red-500 hover:text-red-600 border border-red-400 hover:border-red-500 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > < svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#ef5844" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < line x1 = "16" y1 = "8" x2 = "8" y2 = "16" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / line > < line x1 = "16" y1 = "16" x2 = "8" y2 = "8" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / line > < circle cx = "12" cy = "12" r = "11" > < / circle > < / g > < / svg > Cancel < / button >
< button name = "cancel" value = "Cancel" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-white hover:text-red border border-red-500 hover:border-red-500 hover:bg-red-600 bg-red-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > Cancel< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
<!-- TODO:
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5 ml-2" >
< button name = "check_rates" value = "Lookup Rates" type = "button" onclick = 'lookup_rates();' class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "20" width = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g fill = "#556987" >
< path fill = "#556987" d = "M12,3c1.989,0,3.873,0.65,5.43,1.833l-3.604,3.393l9.167,0.983L22.562,0l-3.655,3.442 C16.957,1.862,14.545,1,12,1C5.935,1,1,5.935,1,12h2C3,7.037,7.037,3,12,3z" > < / path >
< path data-color = "#556987" d = "M12,21c-1.989,0-3.873-0.65-5.43-1.833l3.604-3.393l-9.167-0.983L1.438,24l3.655-3.442 C7.043,22.138,9.455,23,12,23c6.065,0,11-4.935,11-11h-2C21,16.963,16.963,21,12,21z" > < / path >
< / g >
< / svg > < span > Lookup Rates< / span > < / button >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5 ml-2" > < button name = "check_rates" value = "Lookup Rates" type = "button" onclick = 'lookup_rates();' class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > < svg class = "mr-2"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24">< g fill = "#556987" > < path fill = "#556987" d = "M12,3c1.989,0,3.873,0.65,5.43,1.833l-3.604,3.393l9.167,0.983L22.562,0l-3.655,3.442 C16.957,1.862,14.545,1,12,1C5.935,1,1,5.935,1,12h2C3,7.037,7.037,3,12,3z" > < / path > < path data-color = "#556987" d = "M12,21c-1.989,0-3.873-0.65-5.43-1.833l3.604-3.393l-9.167-0.983L1.438,24l3.655-3.442 C7.043,22.138,9.455,23,12,23c6.065,0,11-4.935,11-11h-2C21,16.963,16.963,21,12,21z" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > < span > Lookup Rates< / span > < / button > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
-->< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
{% else %}
< div class = "p-6 pt-10 bg-white bg-opacity-60 rounded-b-md" >
< section >
< div class = "pl-6 pr-6 pt-0 pb-0 mt-5 h-full overflow-hidden" >
< div class = "pt-6 pb-6 bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-500 rounded-xl" >
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< div class = "w-full overflow-x-auto" >
< div class = "rounded-b-md" >
< div class = "w-full md:w-0/12" >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap justify-end -m-1.5" >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5 ml-2" >
< button name = "newbid" value = "New Bid" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 font-medium text-sm text-white border border-blue-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#ffffff" stroke-linejoin = "round" >
< circle cx = "5" cy = "5" r = "4" > < / circle >
< circle cx = "19" cy = "19" r = "4" > < / circle >
< polyline data-cap = "butt" points = "13,5 21,5 21,11 " stroke = "#ffffff" > < / polyline >
< polyline data-cap = "butt" points = "11,19 3,19 3,13 " stroke = "#ffffff" > < / polyline >
< polyline points = " 16,2 13,5 16,8 " stroke = "#ffffff" > < / polyline >
< polyline points = " 8,16 11,19 8,22 " stroke = "#ffffff" > < / polyline >
< / g >
< / svg > New Bid< / button >
< / div >
{% if data.sent %}
< div class = "flex flex-wrap justify-end" >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5" >
< button name = "repeat_offer" value = "Repeat Offer" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "20" width = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g fill = "#556987" >
< path fill = "#556987" d = "M12,3c1.989,0,3.873,0.65,5.43,1.833l-3.604,3.393l9.167,0.983L22.562,0l-3.655,3.442 C16.957,1.862,14.545,1,12,1C5.935,1,1,5.935,1,12h2C3,7.037,7.037,3,12,3z" > < / path >
< path data-color = "#556987" d = "M12,21c-1.989,0-3.873-0.65-5.43-1.833l3.604-3.393l-9.167-0.983L1.438,24l3.655-3.442 C7.043,22.138,9.455,23,12,23c6.065,0,11-4.935,11-11h-2C21,16.963,16.963,21,12,21z" > < / path >
< / g >
< / svg > < span > Repeat Offer< / span > < / button >
< button name = "newbid" value = "New Bid" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none dark:text-white dark:hover:text-white dark:bg-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:border-gray-600" > New Bid< / button >
< / div >
{% if data.was_revoked != true %}
{% if data.sent %}
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5" >
< button name = "revoke_offer" value = "Revoke Offer" type = "submit" onclick = "return confirmPopup();" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-red-500 hover:text-red-600 border border-red-400 hover:border-red-500 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > < svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#ef5844" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < line x1 = "16" y1 = "8" x2 = "8" y2 = "16" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / line > < line x1 = "16" y1 = "16" x2 = "8" y2 = "8" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / line > < circle cx = "12" cy = "12" r = "11" > < / circle > < / g > < / svg > Revoke Offer < / button >
< button name = "repeat_offer" value = "Repeat Offer" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none dark:text-white dark:hover:text-white dark:bg-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:border-gray-600" > Repeat Offer< / button >
< / div >
{% endif %}
<!-- todo icon -->
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5" >
< button name = "edit_offer" value = "Edit Offer" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-red-500 hover:text-red-600 border border-red-400 hover:border-red-5 00 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > Edit Offer< / button >
< button name = "edit_offer" value = "Edit Offer" type = "submit" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none dark:text-white dark:hover:text-white dark:bg-gray-600 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:border-gray-600 dark:hover:border-gray-600" > Edit Offer< / button >
< / div >
<!-- todo
{% if data.active_ind == 1 %}
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5" > < button name = "archive_offer" value = "Archive Offer" type = "submit" onclick = "return confirmPopup();" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-red-500 hover:text-red-600 border border-red-400 hover:border-red-500 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > < svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">< g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#ef5844" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < polyline data-cap = "butt" points = "23 15 16 15 16 18 8 18 8 15 1 15" > < / polyline > < line data-cap = "butt" x1 = "12" y1 = "1" x2 = "12" y2 = "11" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / line > < path d = "M18.558,6a2,2,0,0,1,1.9,1.368L23,15v6a2,2,0,0,1-2,2H3a2,2,0,0,1-2-2V15L3.544,7.368A2,2,0,0,1,5.442,6" > < / path > < polyline points = "15 8 12 11 9 8" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / polyline > < / g > < / svg > Archive Offer< / button > < / div >
{% endif %}
{% if data.was_revoked != true %}
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5" >
< button name = "archive_offer" value = "Archive Offer" type = "submit" onclick = "return confirmPopup();" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-red-500 hover:text-red-600 border border-red-400 hover:border-red-500 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > < svg class = "text-gray-500 w-5 h-5 mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "24" width = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" > < g stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-width = "2" fill = "none" stroke = "#ef5844" stroke-linejoin = "round" > < polyline data-cap = "butt" points = "23 15 16 15 16 18 8 18 8 15 1 15" > < / polyline > < line data-cap = "butt" x1 = "12" y1 = "1" x2 = "12" y2 = "11" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / line > < path d = "M18.558,6a2,2,0,0,1,1.9,1.368L23,15v6a2,2,0,0,1-2,2H3a2,2,0,0,1-2-2V15L3.544,7.368A2,2,0,0,1,5.442,6" > < / path > < polyline points = "15 8 12 11 9 8" stroke = "#ef5844" > < / polyline > < / g > < / svg > Archive Offer< / button >
< button name = "revoke_offer" value = "Revok e Offer" type = "submit" onclick = "return confirmPopup();" class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-white hover:text-red border border-red-500 hover:border-red-500 hover:bg-red-600 bg-red-500 rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > Revok e Offer< / button >
< / div >
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- todo
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5 ml-2" >
< button name = "check_rates" type = "button" value = "Lookup Rates" onclick = 'lookup_rates();' class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" >
< svg class = "mr-2" xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height = "20" width = "20" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" >
< g fill = "#556987" >
< path fill = "#556987" d = "M12,3c1.989,0,3.873,0.65,5.43,1.833l-3.604,3.393l9.167,0.983L22.562,0l-3.655,3.442 C16.957,1.862,14.545,1,12,1C5.935,1,1,5.935,1,12h2C3,7.037,7.037,3,12,3z" > < / path >
< path data-color = "#556987" d = "M12,21c-1.989,0-3.873-0.65-5.43-1.833l3.604-3.393l-9.167-0.983L1.438,24l3.655-3.442 C7.043,22.138,9.455,23,12,23c6.065,0,11-4.935,11-11h-2C21,16.963,16.963,21,12,21z" > < / path >
< / g >
< / svg > < span > Lookup Rates< / span > < / button >
< div class = "w-full md:w-auto p-1.5 ml-2" > < button name = "check_rates" type = "button" value = "Lookup Rates" onclick = 'lookup_rates();' class = "flex flex-wrap justify-center w-full px-4 py-2.5 font-medium text-sm text-coolGray-500 hover:text-coolGray-600 border border-coolGray-200 hover:border-coolGray-300 bg-white rounded-md shadow-button focus:ring-0 focus:outline-none" > < svg class = "mr-2"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24">< g fill = "#556987" > < path fill = "#556987" d = "M12,3c1.989,0,3.873,0.65,5.43,1.833l-3.604,3.393l9.167,0.983L22.562,0l-3.655,3.442 C16.957,1.862,14.545,1,12,1C5.935,1,1,5.935,1,12h2C3,7.037,7.037,3,12,3z" > < / path > < path data-color = "#556987" d = "M12,21c-1.989,0-3.873-0.65-5.43-1.833l3.604-3.393l-9.167-0.983L1.438,24l3.655-3.442 C7.043,22.138,9.455,23,12,23c6.065,0,11-4.935,11-11h-2C21,16.963,16.963,21,12,21z" > < / path > < / g > < / svg > < span > Lookup Rates< / span > < / button > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
-->< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
{% endif %}
< input type = "hidden" id = "coin_from" value = "{{ data.coin_from_ind }}" >
< input type = "hidden" id = "coin_to" value = "{{ data.coin_to_ind }}" >
@ -469,13 +559,16 @@
< input type = "hidden" id = "rate_var" value = "{{ data.rate_negotiable }}" >
< input type = "hidden" id = "amount_from" value = "{{ data.amt_from }}" >
< input type = "hidden" id = "offer_rate" value = "{{ data.rate }}" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "formid" value = "{{ form_id }}" > < / form >
< input type = "hidden" name = "formid" value = "{{ form_id }}" >
< / form >
< p id = "rates_display" > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< / div >
{% include 'footer.html' %}
< script >
const xhr_rates = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr_rates.onload = () => {
@ -538,7 +631,5 @@
return confirm("Are you sure?");
< / script >
< / div >
{% include 'footer.html' %}
< / body >
< / html >