#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import os
import json
import time
import random
import shutil
import signal
import logging
import unittest
import traceback
import threading
import subprocess
import basicswap . config as cfg
from basicswap . db import (
Concepts ,
from basicswap . basicswap import (
Coins ,
BasicSwap ,
BidStates ,
SwapTypes ,
DebugTypes ,
from basicswap . basicswap_util import (
TxLockTypes ,
EventLogTypes ,
from basicswap . util import (
make_int ,
format_amount ,
from basicswap . util . address import (
toWIF ,
from basicswap . rpc import (
callrpc ,
callrpc_cli ,
waitForRPC ,
from basicswap . rpc_xmr import (
callrpc_xmr ,
from basicswap . interface . xmr import (
from basicswap . contrib . key import (
ECKey ,
from basicswap . http_server import (
HttpThread ,
from tests . basicswap . util import (
make_boolean ,
post_json_req ,
from tests . basicswap . util import (
read_json_api ,
from tests . basicswap . common import (
prepareDataDir ,
make_rpc_func ,
checkForks ,
stopDaemons ,
wait_for_bid ,
wait_for_event ,
wait_for_offer ,
wait_for_no_offer ,
wait_for_none_active ,
wait_for_balance ,
wait_for_unspent ,
compare_bid_states ,
extract_states_from_xu_file ,
from bin . basicswap_run import startDaemon , startXmrDaemon
logger = logging . getLogger ( )
test_delay_event = threading . Event ( )
RESET_TEST = make_boolean ( os . getenv ( ' RESET_TEST ' , ' true ' ) )
def prepareXmrDataDir ( datadir , node_id , conf_file ) :
node_dir = os . path . join ( datadir , ' xmr_ ' + str ( node_id ) )
if not os . path . exists ( node_dir ) :
os . makedirs ( node_dir )
cfg_file_path = os . path . join ( node_dir , conf_file )
if os . path . exists ( cfg_file_path ) :
with open ( cfg_file_path , ' w+ ' ) as fp :
fp . write ( ' regtest=1 \n ' )
fp . write ( ' keep-fakechain=1 \n ' )
fp . write ( ' data-dir= {} \n ' . format ( node_dir ) )
fp . write ( ' fixed-difficulty=1 \n ' )
# fp.write('offline=1\n')
fp . write ( ' p2p-bind-port= {} \n ' . format ( XMR_BASE_P2P_PORT + node_id ) )
fp . write ( ' rpc-bind-port= {} \n ' . format ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + node_id ) )
fp . write ( ' p2p-bind-ip= \n ' )
fp . write ( ' rpc-bind-ip= \n ' )
fp . write ( ' prune-blockchain=1 \n ' )
fp . write ( ' zmq-rpc-bind-port= {} \n ' . format ( XMR_BASE_ZMQ_PORT + node_id ) )
fp . write ( ' zmq-rpc-bind-ip= \n ' )
for i in range ( 0 , NUM_XMR_NODES ) :
if node_id == i :
fp . write ( ' add-exclusive-node= {} \n ' . format ( XMR_BASE_P2P_PORT + i ) )
def startXmrWalletRPC ( node_dir , bin_dir , wallet_bin , node_id , opts = [ ] ) :
daemon_bin = os . path . expanduser ( os . path . join ( bin_dir , wallet_bin ) )
data_dir = os . path . expanduser ( node_dir )
args = [ daemon_bin ]
args + = [ ' --non-interactive ' ]
args + = [ ' --daemon-address= {} ' . format ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + node_id ) ]
args + = [ ' --no-dns ' ]
args + = [ ' --rpc-bind-port= {} ' . format ( XMR_BASE_WALLET_RPC_PORT + node_id ) ]
args + = [ ' --wallet-dir= {} ' . format ( os . path . join ( data_dir , ' wallets ' ) ) ]
args + = [ ' --log-file= {} ' . format ( os . path . join ( data_dir , ' wallet.log ' ) ) ]
args + = [ ' --rpc-login=test {0} :test_pass {0} ' . format ( node_id ) ]
args + = [ ' --shared-ringdb-dir= {} ' . format ( os . path . join ( data_dir , ' shared-ringdb ' ) ) ]
args + = [ ' --allow-mismatched-daemon-version ' ]
args + = opts
logging . info ( ' Starting daemon {} --wallet-dir= {} ' . format ( daemon_bin , node_dir ) )
wallet_stdout = open ( os . path . join ( data_dir , ' wallet_stdout.log ' ) , ' w ' )
wallet_stderr = open ( os . path . join ( data_dir , ' wallet_stderr.log ' ) , ' w ' )
return subprocess . Popen ( args , stdin = subprocess . PIPE , stdout = wallet_stdout , stderr = wallet_stderr , cwd = data_dir )
def prepare_swapclient_dir ( datadir , node_id , network_key , network_pubkey , with_coins = set ( ) , cls = None ) :
basicswap_dir = os . path . join ( datadir , ' basicswap_ ' + str ( node_id ) )
if not os . path . exists ( basicswap_dir ) :
os . makedirs ( basicswap_dir )
settings_path = os . path . join ( basicswap_dir , cfg . CONFIG_FILENAME )
settings = {
' debug ' : True ,
' zmqhost ' : ' tcp:// ' ,
' zmqport ' : BASE_ZMQ_PORT + node_id ,
' htmlhost ' : ' ' ,
' htmlport ' : TEST_HTTP_PORT + node_id ,
' network_key ' : network_key ,
' network_pubkey ' : network_pubkey ,
' chainclients ' : {
' particl ' : {
' connection_type ' : ' rpc ' ,
' manage_daemon ' : False ,
' rpcport ' : BASE_RPC_PORT + node_id ,
' rpcuser ' : ' test ' + str ( node_id ) ,
' rpcpassword ' : ' test_pass ' + str ( node_id ) ,
' datadir ' : os . path . join ( datadir , ' part_ ' + str ( node_id ) ) ,
' bindir ' : cfg . PARTICL_BINDIR ,
' blocks_confirmed ' : 2 , # Faster testing
' anon_tx_ring_size ' : 5 , # Faster testing
} ,
' bitcoin ' : {
' connection_type ' : ' rpc ' ,
' manage_daemon ' : False ,
' rpcport ' : BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT + node_id ,
' rpcuser ' : ' test ' + str ( node_id ) ,
' rpcpassword ' : ' test_pass ' + str ( node_id ) ,
' datadir ' : os . path . join ( datadir , ' btc_ ' + str ( node_id ) ) ,
' bindir ' : cfg . BITCOIN_BINDIR ,
' use_segwit ' : True ,
} ,
' check_progress_seconds ' : 2 ,
' check_watched_seconds ' : 4 ,
' check_expired_seconds ' : 60 ,
' check_events_seconds ' : 1 ,
' check_xmr_swaps_seconds ' : 1 ,
' min_delay_event ' : 1 ,
' max_delay_event ' : 5 ,
' min_delay_event_short ' : 1 ,
' max_delay_event_short ' : 5 ,
' min_delay_retry ' : 2 ,
' max_delay_retry ' : 10 ,
' debug_ui ' : True ,
' restrict_unknown_seed_wallets ' : False ,
if Coins . XMR in with_coins :
settings [ ' chainclients ' ] [ ' monero ' ] = {
' connection_type ' : ' rpc ' ,
' manage_daemon ' : False ,
' rpcport ' : XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + node_id ,
' walletrpcport ' : XMR_BASE_WALLET_RPC_PORT + node_id ,
' walletrpcuser ' : ' test ' + str ( node_id ) ,
' walletrpcpassword ' : ' test_pass ' + str ( node_id ) ,
' walletfile ' : ' testwallet ' ,
' datadir ' : os . path . join ( datadir , ' xmr_ ' + str ( node_id ) ) ,
' bindir ' : cfg . XMR_BINDIR ,
if Coins . LTC in with_coins :
settings [ ' chainclients ' ] [ ' litecoin ' ] = {
' connection_type ' : ' rpc ' ,
' manage_daemon ' : False ,
' rpcport ' : LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT + node_id ,
' rpcuser ' : ' test ' + str ( node_id ) ,
' rpcpassword ' : ' test_pass ' + str ( node_id ) ,
' datadir ' : os . path . join ( datadir , ' ltc_ ' + str ( node_id ) ) ,
' bindir ' : cfg . LITECOIN_BINDIR ,
' use_segwit ' : True ,
if cls :
cls . addCoinSettings ( settings , datadir , node_id )
with open ( settings_path , ' w ' ) as fp :
json . dump ( settings , fp , indent = 4 )
def btcCli ( cmd , node_id = 0 ) :
return callrpc_cli ( cfg . BITCOIN_BINDIR , os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' btc_ ' + str ( node_id ) ) , ' regtest ' , cmd , cfg . BITCOIN_CLI )
def ltcCli ( cmd , node_id = 0 ) :
return callrpc_cli ( cfg . LITECOIN_BINDIR , os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' ltc_ ' + str ( node_id ) ) , ' regtest ' , cmd , cfg . LITECOIN_CLI )
def signal_handler ( sig , frame ) :
logging . info ( ' signal {} detected. ' . format ( sig ) )
test_delay_event . set ( )
def waitForXMRNode ( rpc_offset , max_tries = 7 ) :
for i in range ( max_tries + 1 ) :
try :
callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + rpc_offset , ' get_block_count ' )
except Exception as ex :
if i < max_tries :
logging . warning ( ' Can \' t connect to XMR RPC: %s . Retrying in %d second/s. ' , str ( ex ) , ( i + 1 ) )
time . sleep ( i + 1 )
raise ValueError ( ' waitForXMRNode failed ' )
def waitForXMRWallet ( rpc_offset , auth , max_tries = 7 ) :
for i in range ( max_tries + 1 ) :
try :
callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_WALLET_RPC_PORT + rpc_offset , ' get_languages ' , auth = auth )
except Exception as ex :
if i < max_tries :
logging . warning ( ' Can \' t connect to XMR wallet RPC: %s . Retrying in %d second/s. ' , str ( ex ) , ( i + 1 ) )
time . sleep ( i + 1 )
raise ValueError ( ' waitForXMRWallet failed ' )
def callnoderpc ( node_id , method , params = [ ] , wallet = None , base_rpc_port = BASE_RPC_PORT ) :
auth = ' test {0} :test_pass {0} ' . format ( node_id )
return callrpc ( base_rpc_port + node_id , auth , method , params , wallet )
pause_event = threading . Event ( )
def run_coins_loop ( cls ) :
while not test_delay_event . is_set ( ) :
pause_event . wait ( )
try :
cls . coins_loop ( )
except Exception as e :
logging . warning ( ' run_coins_loop ' + str ( e ) )
test_delay_event . wait ( 1.0 )
def run_loop ( cls ) :
while not test_delay_event . is_set ( ) :
for c in cls . swap_clients :
c . update ( )
test_delay_event . wait ( 1.0 )
class BaseTest ( unittest . TestCase ) :
__test__ = False
update_thread = None
coins_update_thread = None
http_threads = [ ]
swap_clients = [ ]
part_daemons = [ ]
btc_daemons = [ ]
ltc_daemons = [ ]
xmr_daemons = [ ]
xmr_wallet_auth = [ ]
restore_instance = False
start_ltc_nodes = False
start_xmr_nodes = True
has_segwit = True
xmr_addr = None
btc_addr = None
ltc_addr = None
def getRandomPubkey ( cls ) :
eckey = ECKey ( )
eckey . generate ( )
return eckey . get_pubkey ( ) . get_bytes ( )
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
random . seed ( time . time ( ) )
logger . propagate = False
logger . handlers = [ ]
logger . setLevel ( logging . INFO ) # DEBUG shows many messages from requests.post
formatter = logging . Formatter ( ' %(asctime)s %(levelname)s : %(message)s ' )
stream_stdout = logging . StreamHandler ( )
stream_stdout . setFormatter ( formatter )
logger . addHandler ( stream_stdout )
diagrams_dir = ' doc/protocols/sequence_diagrams '
cls . states_bidder = extract_states_from_xu_file ( os . path . join ( diagrams_dir , ' xmr.bidder.alt.xu ' ) , ' B ' )
cls . states_offerer = extract_states_from_xu_file ( os . path . join ( diagrams_dir , ' xmr.offerer.alt.xu ' ) , ' O ' )
if os . path . isdir ( TEST_DIR ) :
logging . info ( ' Removing ' + TEST_DIR )
for name in os . listdir ( TEST_DIR ) :
if name == ' pivx-params ' :
fullpath = os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , name )
if os . path . isdir ( fullpath ) :
shutil . rmtree ( fullpath )
else :
os . remove ( fullpath )
else :
logging . info ( ' Restoring instance from ' + TEST_DIR )
cls . restore_instance = True
if not os . path . exists ( TEST_DIR ) :
os . makedirs ( TEST_DIR )
cls . stream_fp = logging . FileHandler ( os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' test.log ' ) )
cls . stream_fp . setFormatter ( formatter )
logger . addHandler ( cls . stream_fp )
try :
logging . info ( ' Preparing coin nodes. ' )
for i in range ( NUM_NODES ) :
if not cls . restore_instance :
data_dir = prepareDataDir ( TEST_DIR , i , ' particl.conf ' , ' part_ ' )
if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( cfg . PARTICL_BINDIR , ' particl-wallet ' ) ) :
try :
callrpc_cli ( cfg . PARTICL_BINDIR , data_dir , ' regtest ' , ' -wallet=wallet.dat -legacy create ' , ' particl-wallet ' )
except Exception as e :
logging . warning ( ' particl-wallet create failed, retrying without -legacy ' )
callrpc_cli ( cfg . PARTICL_BINDIR , data_dir , ' regtest ' , ' -wallet=wallet.dat create ' , ' particl-wallet ' )
cls . part_daemons . append ( startDaemon ( os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' part_ ' + str ( i ) ) , cfg . PARTICL_BINDIR , cfg . PARTICLD ) )
logging . info ( ' Started %s %d ' , cfg . PARTICLD , cls . part_daemons [ - 1 ] . pid )
if not cls . restore_instance :
for i in range ( NUM_NODES ) :
# Load mnemonics after all nodes have started to avoid staking getting stuck in TryToSync
rpc = make_rpc_func ( i )
waitForRPC ( rpc )
if i == 0 :
rpc ( ' extkeyimportmaster ' , [ ' abandon baby cabbage dad eager fabric gadget habit ice kangaroo lab absorb ' ] )
elif i == 1 :
rpc ( ' extkeyimportmaster ' , [ ' pact mammal barrel matrix local final lecture chunk wasp survey bid various book strong spread fall ozone daring like topple door fatigue limb olympic ' , ' ' , ' true ' ] )
rpc ( ' getnewextaddress ' , [ ' lblExtTest ' ] )
rpc ( ' rescanblockchain ' )
else :
rpc ( ' extkeyimportmaster ' , [ rpc ( ' mnemonic ' , [ ' new ' ] ) [ ' master ' ] ] )
# Lower output split threshold for more stakeable outputs
rpc ( ' walletsettings ' , [ ' stakingoptions ' , { ' stakecombinethreshold ' : 100 , ' stakesplitthreshold ' : 200 } ] )
rpc ( ' reservebalance ' , [ False ] )
for i in range ( NUM_BTC_NODES ) :
if not cls . restore_instance :
data_dir = prepareDataDir ( TEST_DIR , i , ' bitcoin.conf ' , ' btc_ ' , base_p2p_port = BTC_BASE_PORT , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( cfg . BITCOIN_BINDIR , ' bitcoin-wallet ' ) ) :
try :
callrpc_cli ( cfg . BITCOIN_BINDIR , data_dir , ' regtest ' , ' -wallet=wallet.dat -legacy create ' , ' bitcoin-wallet ' )
except Exception as e :
logging . warning ( ' bitcoin-wallet create failed, retrying without -legacy ' )
callrpc_cli ( cfg . BITCOIN_BINDIR , data_dir , ' regtest ' , ' -wallet=wallet.dat create ' , ' bitcoin-wallet ' )
cls . btc_daemons . append ( startDaemon ( os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' btc_ ' + str ( i ) ) , cfg . BITCOIN_BINDIR , cfg . BITCOIND ) )
logging . info ( ' Started %s %d ' , cfg . BITCOIND , cls . part_daemons [ - 1 ] . pid )
waitForRPC ( make_rpc_func ( i , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT ) )
if cls . start_ltc_nodes :
for i in range ( NUM_LTC_NODES ) :
if not cls . restore_instance :
data_dir = prepareDataDir ( TEST_DIR , i , ' litecoin.conf ' , ' ltc_ ' , base_p2p_port = LTC_BASE_PORT , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( cfg . LITECOIN_BINDIR , ' litecoin-wallet ' ) ) :
callrpc_cli ( cfg . LITECOIN_BINDIR , data_dir , ' regtest ' , ' -wallet=wallet.dat create ' , ' litecoin-wallet ' )
cls . ltc_daemons . append ( startDaemon ( os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' ltc_ ' + str ( i ) ) , cfg . LITECOIN_BINDIR , cfg . LITECOIND ) )
logging . info ( ' Started %s %d ' , cfg . LITECOIND , cls . part_daemons [ - 1 ] . pid )
waitForRPC ( make_rpc_func ( i , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT ) )
if cls . start_xmr_nodes :
for i in range ( NUM_XMR_NODES ) :
if not cls . restore_instance :
prepareXmrDataDir ( TEST_DIR , i , ' monerod.conf ' )
cls . xmr_daemons . append ( startXmrDaemon ( os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' xmr_ ' + str ( i ) ) , cfg . XMR_BINDIR , cfg . XMRD ) )
logging . info ( ' Started %s %d ' , cfg . XMRD , cls . xmr_daemons [ - 1 ] . pid )
waitForXMRNode ( i )
cls . xmr_daemons . append ( startXmrWalletRPC ( os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' xmr_ ' + str ( i ) ) , cfg . XMR_BINDIR , cfg . XMR_WALLET_RPC , i ) )
for i in range ( NUM_XMR_NODES ) :
cls . xmr_wallet_auth . append ( ( ' test {0} ' . format ( i ) , ' test_pass {0} ' . format ( i ) ) )
logging . info ( ' Creating XMR wallet %i ' , i )
waitForXMRWallet ( i , cls . xmr_wallet_auth [ i ] )
if not cls . restore_instance :
cls . callxmrnodewallet ( cls , i , ' create_wallet ' , { ' filename ' : ' testwallet ' , ' language ' : ' English ' } )
cls . callxmrnodewallet ( cls , i , ' open_wallet ' , { ' filename ' : ' testwallet ' } )
for i in range ( NUM_NODES ) :
# Hook for descendant classes
cls . prepareExtraDataDir ( i )
logging . info ( ' Preparing swap clients. ' )
if not cls . restore_instance :
eckey = ECKey ( )
eckey . generate ( )
cls . network_key = toWIF ( PREFIX_SECRET_KEY_REGTEST , eckey . get_bytes ( ) )
cls . network_pubkey = eckey . get_pubkey ( ) . get_bytes ( ) . hex ( )
for i in range ( NUM_NODES ) :
start_nodes = set ( )
if cls . start_ltc_nodes :
start_nodes . add ( Coins . LTC )
if cls . start_xmr_nodes :
start_nodes . add ( Coins . XMR )
if not cls . restore_instance :
prepare_swapclient_dir ( TEST_DIR , i , cls . network_key , cls . network_pubkey , start_nodes , cls )
basicswap_dir = os . path . join ( os . path . join ( TEST_DIR , ' basicswap_ ' + str ( i ) ) )
settings_path = os . path . join ( basicswap_dir , cfg . CONFIG_FILENAME )
with open ( settings_path ) as fs :
settings = json . load ( fs )
if cls . restore_instance and i == 1 :
cls . network_key = settings [ ' network_key ' ]
cls . network_pubkey = settings [ ' network_pubkey ' ]
fp = open ( os . path . join ( basicswap_dir , ' basicswap.log ' ) , ' w ' )
sc = BasicSwap ( fp , basicswap_dir , settings , ' regtest ' , log_name = ' BasicSwap {} ' . format ( i ) )
sc . setDaemonPID ( Coins . BTC , cls . btc_daemons [ i ] . pid )
sc . setDaemonPID ( Coins . PART , cls . part_daemons [ i ] . pid )
if cls . start_ltc_nodes :
sc . setDaemonPID ( Coins . LTC , cls . ltc_daemons [ i ] . pid )
cls . addPIDInfo ( sc , i )
sc . start ( )
if cls . start_xmr_nodes :
# Set XMR main wallet address
xmr_ci = sc . ci ( Coins . XMR )
sc . setStringKV ( ' main_wallet_addr_ ' + xmr_ci . coin_name ( ) . lower ( ) , xmr_ci . getMainWalletAddress ( ) )
cls . swap_clients . append ( sc )
t = HttpThread ( cls . swap_clients [ i ] . fp , TEST_HTTP_HOST , TEST_HTTP_PORT + i , False , cls . swap_clients [ i ] )
cls . http_threads . append ( t )
t . start ( )
# Set future block rewards to nowhere (a random address), so wallet amounts stay constant
void_block_rewards_pubkey = cls . getRandomPubkey ( )
if cls . restore_instance :
cls . btc_addr = cls . swap_clients [ 0 ] . ci ( Coins . BTC ) . pubkey_to_segwit_address ( void_block_rewards_pubkey )
if cls . start_ltc_nodes :
cls . ltc_addr = cls . swap_clients [ 0 ] . ci ( Coins . LTC ) . pubkey_to_address ( void_block_rewards_pubkey )
if cls . start_xmr_nodes :
cls . xmr_addr = cls . callxmrnodewallet ( cls , 1 , ' get_address ' ) [ ' address ' ]
else :
cls . btc_addr = callnoderpc ( 0 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' mining_addr ' , ' bech32 ' ] , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
num_blocks = 400 # Mine enough to activate segwit
logging . info ( ' Mining %d Bitcoin blocks to %s ' , num_blocks , cls . btc_addr )
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ num_blocks , cls . btc_addr ] , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
btc_addr1 = callnoderpc ( 1 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' initial addr ' ] , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
for i in range ( 5 ) :
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' sendtoaddress ' , [ btc_addr1 , 100 ] , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
# Switch addresses so wallet amounts stay constant
num_blocks = 100
cls . btc_addr = cls . swap_clients [ 0 ] . ci ( Coins . BTC ) . pubkey_to_segwit_address ( void_block_rewards_pubkey )
logging . info ( ' Mining %d Bitcoin blocks to %s ' , num_blocks , cls . btc_addr )
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ num_blocks , cls . btc_addr ] , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
major_version = int ( str ( callnoderpc ( 0 , ' getnetworkinfo ' , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT ) [ ' version ' ] ) [ : 2 ] )
if major_version > = 23 :
checkForks ( callnoderpc ( 0 , ' getdeploymentinfo ' , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT ) )
else :
checkForks ( callnoderpc ( 0 , ' getblockchaininfo ' , base_rpc_port = BTC_BASE_RPC_PORT ) )
if cls . start_ltc_nodes :
num_blocks = 400
cls . ltc_addr = callnoderpc ( 0 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' mining_addr ' , ' bech32 ' ] , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
logging . info ( ' Mining %d Litecoin blocks to %s ' , num_blocks , cls . ltc_addr )
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ num_blocks , cls . ltc_addr ] , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
num_blocks = 31
cls . ltc_addr = cls . swap_clients [ 0 ] . ci ( Coins . LTC ) . pubkey_to_address ( void_block_rewards_pubkey )
logging . info ( ' Mining %d Litecoin blocks to %s ' , num_blocks , cls . ltc_addr )
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ num_blocks , cls . ltc_addr ] , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
# https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin/issues/807
# Block 432 is when MWEB activates. It requires a peg-in. You'll need to generate an mweb address and send some coins to it. Then it will allow you to mine the next block.
mweb_addr = callnoderpc ( 2 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' mweb_addr ' , ' mweb ' ] , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' sendtoaddress ' , [ mweb_addr , 1 ] , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
ltc_addr1 = callnoderpc ( 1 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' initial addr ' ] , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
for i in range ( 5 ) :
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' sendtoaddress ' , [ ltc_addr1 , 100 ] , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
num_blocks = 69
cls . ltc_addr = cls . swap_clients [ 0 ] . ci ( Coins . LTC ) . pubkey_to_address ( void_block_rewards_pubkey )
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ num_blocks , cls . ltc_addr ] , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT )
checkForks ( callnoderpc ( 0 , ' getblockchaininfo ' , base_rpc_port = LTC_BASE_RPC_PORT ) )
num_blocks = 100
if cls . start_xmr_nodes :
cls . xmr_addr = cls . callxmrnodewallet ( cls , 1 , ' get_address ' ) [ ' address ' ]
if callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' get_block_count ' ) [ ' count ' ] < num_blocks :
logging . info ( ' Mining %d Monero blocks to %s . ' , num_blocks , cls . xmr_addr )
callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' generateblocks ' , { ' wallet_address ' : cls . xmr_addr , ' amount_of_blocks ' : num_blocks } )
logging . info ( ' XMR blocks: %d ' , callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' get_block_count ' ) [ ' count ' ] )
logging . info ( ' Adding anon outputs ' )
outputs = [ ]
for i in range ( 8 ) :
sx_addr = callnoderpc ( 1 , ' getnewstealthaddress ' )
outputs . append ( { ' address ' : sx_addr , ' amount ' : 0.5 } )
for i in range ( 6 ) :
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' sendtypeto ' , [ ' part ' , ' anon ' , outputs ] )
part_addr1 = callnoderpc ( 1 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' initial addr ' ] )
part_addr2 = callnoderpc ( 1 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' initial addr 2 ' ] )
callnoderpc ( 0 , ' sendtypeto ' , [ ' part ' , ' part ' , [ { ' address ' : part_addr1 , ' amount ' : 100 } , { ' address ' : part_addr2 , ' amount ' : 100 } ] ] )
cls . prepareExtraCoins ( )
logging . info ( ' Starting update thread. ' )
signal . signal ( signal . SIGINT , signal_handler )
cls . update_thread = threading . Thread ( target = run_loop , args = ( cls , ) )
cls . update_thread . start ( )
pause_event . set ( )
cls . coins_update_thread = threading . Thread ( target = run_coins_loop , args = ( cls , ) )
cls . coins_update_thread . start ( )
except Exception :
traceback . print_exc ( )
Test . tearDownClass ( )
raise ValueError ( ' setUpClass() failed. ' )
def tearDownClass ( cls ) :
logging . info ( ' Finalising ' )
test_delay_event . set ( )
if cls . update_thread is not None :
try :
cls . update_thread . join ( )
except Exception :
logging . info ( ' Failed to join update_thread ' )
if cls . coins_update_thread is not None :
try :
cls . coins_update_thread . join ( )
except Exception :
logging . info ( ' Failed to join coins_update_thread ' )
for t in cls . http_threads :
t . stop ( )
t . join ( )
for c in cls . swap_clients :
c . finalise ( )
c . fp . close ( )
stopDaemons ( cls . xmr_daemons )
stopDaemons ( cls . part_daemons )
stopDaemons ( cls . btc_daemons )
stopDaemons ( cls . ltc_daemons )
super ( BaseTest , cls ) . tearDownClass ( )
def addCoinSettings ( cls , settings , datadir , node_id ) :
def prepareExtraDataDir ( cls , i ) :
def addPIDInfo ( cls , sc , i ) :
def prepareExtraCoins ( cls ) :
def coins_loop ( cls ) :
if cls . btc_addr is not None :
btcCli ( ' generatetoaddress 1 {} ' . format ( cls . btc_addr ) )
if cls . ltc_addr is not None :
ltcCli ( ' generatetoaddress 1 {} ' . format ( cls . ltc_addr ) )
if cls . xmr_addr is not None :
callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' generateblocks ' , { ' wallet_address ' : cls . xmr_addr , ' amount_of_blocks ' : 1 } )
def waitForParticlHeight ( cls , num_blocks , node_id = 0 ) :
logging . info ( f ' Waiting for Particl chain height { num_blocks } ' , )
for i in range ( 60 ) :
if test_delay_event . is_set ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Test stopped. ' )
particl_blocks = callnoderpc ( 0 , ' getblockcount ' )
print ( ' particl_blocks ' , particl_blocks )
if particl_blocks > = num_blocks :
test_delay_event . wait ( 1 )
logging . info ( ' PART blocks: %d ' , callnoderpc ( 0 , ' getblockcount ' ) )
assert particl_blocks > = num_blocks
def callxmrnodewallet ( self , node_id , method , params = None ) :
return callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_WALLET_RPC_PORT + node_id , method , params , auth = self . xmr_wallet_auth [ node_id ] )
def getXmrBalance ( self , js_wallets ) :
return float ( js_wallets [ Coins . XMR . name ] [ ' unconfirmed ' ] ) + float ( js_wallets [ Coins . XMR . name ] [ ' balance ' ] )
class Test ( BaseTest ) :
__test__ = True
def notest_00_delay ( self ) :
test_delay_event . wait ( 100000 )
def test_01_part_xmr ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test PART to XMR ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
start_xmr_amount = self . getXmrBalance ( read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets ' ) )
js_1 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets ' )
assert ( self . getXmrBalance ( js_1 ) > 0.0 )
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , 100 * COIN , 0.11 * XMR_COIN , 100 * COIN , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offers = swap_clients [ 1 ] . listOffers ( filters = { ' offer_id ' : offer_id } )
assert ( len ( offers ) == 1 )
offer = offers [ 0 ]
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
bid , xmr_swap = swap_clients [ 0 ] . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( xmr_swap )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
js_0_end = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets ' )
end_xmr_amount = self . getXmrBalance ( js_0_end )
xmr_amount_diff = end_xmr_amount - start_xmr_amount
assert ( xmr_amount_diff > 10.9 and xmr_amount_diff < 11.0 )
bid_id_hex = bid_id . hex ( )
path = f ' bids/ { bid_id_hex } /states '
offerer_states = read_json_api ( 1800 , path )
bidder_states = read_json_api ( 1801 , path )
assert ( compare_bid_states ( offerer_states , self . states_offerer [ 0 ] ) is True )
assert ( compare_bid_states ( bidder_states , self . states_bidder [ 0 ] ) is True )
def test_011_smsgaddresses ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test address management and private offers ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
js_1 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' smsgaddresses ' )
post_json = {
' addressnote ' : ' testing ' ,
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' ' , post_json ) )
new_address = json_rv [ ' new_address ' ]
new_address_pk = json_rv [ ' pubkey ' ]
js_2 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' smsgaddresses ' )
assert ( len ( js_2 ) == len ( js_1 ) + 1 )
found = False
for addr in js_2 :
if addr [ ' addr ' ] == new_address :
assert ( addr [ ' note ' ] == ' testing ' )
found = True
assert ( found is True )
found = False
lks = callnoderpc ( 1 , ' smsglocalkeys ' )
for key in lks [ ' wallet_keys ' ] :
if key [ ' address ' ] == new_address :
assert ( key [ ' receive ' ] == ' 1 ' )
found = True
assert ( found is True )
# Disable
post_json = {
' address ' : new_address ,
' addressnote ' : ' testing2 ' ,
' active_ind ' : ' 0 ' ,
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' ' , post_json ) )
assert ( json_rv [ ' edited_address ' ] == new_address )
js_3 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' smsgaddresses ' )
found = False
for addr in js_3 :
if addr [ ' addr ' ] == new_address :
assert ( addr [ ' note ' ] == ' testing2 ' )
assert ( addr [ ' active_ind ' ] == 0 )
found = True
assert ( found is True )
found = False
lks = callnoderpc ( 1 , ' smsglocalkeys ' )
for key in lks [ ' wallet_keys ' ] :
if key [ ' address ' ] == new_address :
found = True
assert ( found is False )
# Re-enable
post_json = {
' address ' : new_address ,
' active_ind ' : ' 1 ' ,
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' ' , post_json ) )
assert ( json_rv [ ' edited_address ' ] == new_address )
found = False
lks = callnoderpc ( 1 , ' smsglocalkeys ' )
for key in lks [ ' wallet_keys ' ] :
if key [ ' address ' ] == new_address :
assert ( key [ ' receive ' ] == ' 1 ' )
found = True
assert ( found is True )
post_json = {
' addresspubkey ' : new_address_pk ,
' addressnote ' : ' testing_add_addr ' ,
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' ' , post_json ) )
assert ( json_rv [ ' added_address ' ] == new_address )
post_json = {
' addr_to ' : new_address ,
' addr_from ' : - 1 ,
' coin_from ' : 1 ,
' coin_to ' : 6 ,
' amt_from ' : 1 ,
' amt_to ' : 1 ,
' lockhrs ' : 24 }
rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' ' , post_json ) )
offer_id_hex = rv [ ' offer_id ' ]
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bytes . fromhex ( offer_id_hex ) )
rv = read_json_api ( 1801 , f ' offers/ { offer_id_hex } ' )
assert ( rv [ 0 ] [ ' addr_to ' ] == new_address )
rv = read_json_api ( 1800 , f ' offers/ { offer_id_hex } ' )
assert ( rv [ 0 ] [ ' addr_to ' ] == new_address )
def test_02_leader_recover_a_lock_tx ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test PART to XMR leader recovers coin a lock tx ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer (
Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , 101 * COIN , 0.12 * XMR_COIN , 101 * COIN , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP ,
lock_type = TxLockTypes . SEQUENCE_LOCK_BLOCKS , lock_value = 12 )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offer = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer_id )
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
bid , xmr_swap = swap_clients [ 0 ] . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( xmr_swap )
swap_clients [ 1 ] . setBidDebugInd ( bid_id , DebugTypes . BID_STOP_AFTER_COIN_A_LOCK )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , [ BidStates . BID_STALLED_FOR_TEST , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED ] , sent = True )
bid_id_hex = bid_id . hex ( )
path = f ' bids/ { bid_id_hex } /states '
offerer_states = read_json_api ( 1800 , path )
assert ( compare_bid_states ( offerer_states , self . states_offerer [ 1 ] ) is True )
def test_03_follower_recover_a_lock_tx ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test PART to XMR follower recovers coin a lock tx ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer (
Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , 101 * COIN , 0.13 * XMR_COIN , 101 * COIN , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP ,
lock_type = TxLockTypes . SEQUENCE_LOCK_BLOCKS , lock_value = 12 )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offer = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer_id )
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
bid , xmr_swap = swap_clients [ 0 ] . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( xmr_swap )
swap_clients [ 1 ] . setBidDebugInd ( bid_id , DebugTypes . BID_STOP_AFTER_COIN_A_LOCK )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . setBidDebugInd ( bid_id , DebugTypes . BID_DONT_SPEND_COIN_A_LOCK_REFUND )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_STALLED_FOR_TEST , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_SWIPED , wait_for = 80 , sent = True )
wait_for_none_active ( test_delay_event , 1800 )
wait_for_none_active ( test_delay_event , 1801 )
bid_id_hex = bid_id . hex ( )
path = f ' bids/ { bid_id_hex } /states '
bidder_states = read_json_api ( 1801 , path )
bidder_states = [ s for s in bidder_states if s [ 1 ] != ' Bid Stalled (debug) ' ]
assert ( compare_bid_states ( bidder_states , self . states_bidder [ 2 ] ) is True )
def test_04_follower_recover_b_lock_tx ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test PART to XMR follower recovers coin b lock tx ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer (
Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , 101 * COIN , 0.14 * XMR_COIN , 101 * COIN , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP ,
lock_type = TxLockTypes . SEQUENCE_LOCK_BLOCKS , lock_value = 28 )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offer = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer_id )
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
bid , xmr_swap = swap_clients [ 0 ] . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( xmr_swap )
swap_clients [ 1 ] . setBidDebugInd ( bid_id , DebugTypes . CREATE_INVALID_COIN_B_LOCK )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED , sent = True )
bid_id_hex = bid_id . hex ( )
path = f ' bids/ { bid_id_hex } /states '
offerer_states = read_json_api ( 1800 , path )
bidder_states = read_json_api ( 1801 , path )
assert ( compare_bid_states ( offerer_states , self . states_offerer [ 1 ] ) is True )
assert ( compare_bid_states ( bidder_states , self . states_bidder [ 1 ] ) is True )
def test_05_btc_xmr ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test BTC to XMR ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . BTC , Coins . XMR , 10 * COIN , 100 * XMR_COIN , 10 * COIN , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offers = swap_clients [ 1 ] . listOffers ( filters = { ' offer_id ' : offer_id } )
offer = offers [ 0 ]
swap_clients [ 1 ] . ci ( Coins . XMR ) . setFeePriority ( 3 )
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
bid , xmr_swap = swap_clients [ 0 ] . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( xmr_swap )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
swap_clients [ 1 ] . ci ( Coins . XMR ) . setFeePriority ( 0 )
def test_06_multiple_swaps ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test Multiple concurrent swaps ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
js_w0_before = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets ' )
js_w1_before = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets ' )
amt_1 = make_int ( random . uniform ( 0.001 , 49.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
amt_2 = make_int ( random . uniform ( 0.001 , 49.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
rate_1 = make_int ( random . uniform ( 80.0 , 110.0 ) , scale = 12 , r = 1 )
rate_2 = make_int ( random . uniform ( 0.01 , 0.5 ) , scale = 12 , r = 1 )
logging . info ( ' amt_1 {} , rate_1 {} ' . format ( amt_1 , rate_1 ) )
logging . info ( ' amt_2 {} , rate_2 {} ' . format ( amt_2 , rate_2 ) )
offer1_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . BTC , Coins . XMR , amt_1 , rate_1 , amt_1 , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
offer2_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , amt_2 , rate_2 , amt_2 , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer1_id )
offer1 = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer1_id )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer2_id )
offer2 = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer2_id )
bid1_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer1_id , offer1 . amount_from )
bid2_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer2_id , offer2 . amount_from )
offer3_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , 11 * COIN , 0.15 * XMR_COIN , 11 * COIN , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid1_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid1_id )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer3_id )
offer3 = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer3_id )
bid3_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer3_id , offer3 . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid2_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid2_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid3_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid3_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid1_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid1_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid2_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 120 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid2_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid3_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 120 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid3_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
wait_for_none_active ( test_delay_event , 1800 )
wait_for_none_active ( test_delay_event , 1801 )
js_w0_after = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets ' )
js_w1_after = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets ' )
assert ( make_int ( js_w1_after [ ' BTC ' ] [ ' balance ' ] , scale = 8 , r = 1 ) - ( make_int ( js_w1_before [ ' BTC ' ] [ ' balance ' ] , scale = 8 , r = 1 ) + amt_1 ) < 1000 )
def test_07_revoke_offer ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test offer revocaction ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . BTC , Coins . XMR , 10 * COIN , 100 * XMR_COIN , 10 * COIN , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . revokeOffer ( offer_id )
wait_for_no_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
def test_08_withdraw ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test XMR withdrawals ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
js_0 = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets ' )
address_to = js_0 [ Coins . XMR . name ] [ ' deposit_address ' ]
js_1 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets ' )
assert ( float ( js_1 [ Coins . XMR . name ] [ ' balance ' ] ) > 0.0 )
post_json = {
' value ' : 0.001 ,
' address ' : address_to ,
' subfee ' : True ,
rv = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets/xmr/withdraw ' , post_json )
assert ( ' Withdraw value must be close to total to use subfee ' in rv [ ' error ' ] )
post_json [ ' value ' ] = 1000000000.0
rv = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets/xmr/withdraw ' , post_json )
assert ( ' Withdraw value must be close to total to use subfee ' in rv [ ' error ' ] )
post_json = {
' value ' : 1.1 ,
' address ' : address_to ,
' subfee ' : False ,
rv = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets/xmr/withdraw ' , post_json )
assert ( len ( rv [ ' txid ' ] ) == 64 )
def test_09_auto_accept ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test BTC to XMR auto accept ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
amt_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 0.01 , 11.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
rate_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 10.0 , 101.0 ) , scale = 12 , r = 1 )
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . BTC , Coins . XMR , amt_swap , rate_swap , amt_swap , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP , auto_accept_bids = True )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offer = swap_clients [ 1 ] . listOffers ( filters = { ' offer_id ' : offer_id } ) [ 0 ]
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
def test_09_1_auto_accept_multiple ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test BTC to XMR auto accept multiple bids ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
amt_swap = make_int ( 10 , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
rate_swap = make_int ( 100 , scale = 12 , r = 1 )
min_bid = make_int ( 1 , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
extra_options = {
' amount_negotiable ' : True ,
' automation_id ' : 1 ,
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . BTC , Coins . XMR , amt_swap , rate_swap , min_bid , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP , extra_options = extra_options )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offer = swap_clients [ 1 ] . listOffers ( filters = { ' offer_id ' : offer_id } ) [ 0 ]
below_min_bid = min_bid - 1
# Ensure bids below the minimum amount fails on sender and recipient.
try :
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postBid ( offer_id , below_min_bid )
except Exception as e :
assert ( ' Bid amount below minimum ' in str ( e ) )
extra_bid_options = {
' debug_skip_validation ' : True ,
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postBid ( offer_id , below_min_bid , extra_options = extra_bid_options )
event = wait_for_event ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , Concepts . NETWORK_MESSAGE , bid_id )
assert ( ' Bid amount below minimum ' in event . event_msg )
bid_ids = [ ]
for i in range ( 5 ) :
bid_ids . append ( swap_clients [ 1 ] . postBid ( offer_id , min_bid ) )
# Should fail > max concurrent
test_delay_event . wait ( 1.0 )
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postBid ( offer_id , min_bid )
event = wait_for_event ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , Concepts . AUTOMATION , bid_id )
assert ( ' Already have 5 bids to complete ' in event . event_msg )
for bid_id in bid_ids :
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
amt_bid = make_int ( 5 , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
# Should fail > total value
amt_bid + = 1
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postBid ( offer_id , amt_bid )
event = wait_for_event ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , Concepts . AUTOMATION , bid_id )
assert ( ' Over remaining offer value ' in event . event_msg )
# Should pass
amt_bid - = 1
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postBid ( offer_id , amt_bid )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
def test_10_locked_refundtx ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test Refund tx is locked ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . BTC , Coins . XMR , 10 * COIN , 100 * XMR_COIN , 10 * COIN , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offers = swap_clients [ 1 ] . listOffers ( filters = { ' offer_id ' : offer_id } )
offer = offers [ 0 ]
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
bid , xmr_swap = swap_clients [ 0 ] . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( xmr_swap )
swap_clients [ 1 ] . setBidDebugInd ( bid_id , DebugTypes . BID_STOP_AFTER_COIN_A_LOCK )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED , wait_for = 180 )
bid , xmr_swap = swap_clients [ 0 ] . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( xmr_swap )
try :
swap_clients [ 0 ] . ci ( Coins . BTC ) . publishTx ( xmr_swap . a_lock_refund_tx )
assert ( False ) , ' Lock refund tx should be locked '
except Exception as e :
assert ( ' non-BIP68-final ' in str ( e ) )
def test_11_particl_anon ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test Particl anon transactions ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
js_0 = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets/part ' )
assert ( float ( js_0 [ ' anon_balance ' ] ) == 0.0 )
node0_anon_before = js_0 [ ' anon_balance ' ] + js_0 [ ' anon_pending ' ]
wait_for_balance ( test_delay_event , ' ' , ' balance ' , 200.0 )
js_1 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets/part ' )
assert ( float ( js_1 [ ' balance ' ] ) > 200.0 )
node1_anon_before = js_1 [ ' anon_balance ' ] + js_1 [ ' anon_pending ' ]
callnoderpc ( 1 , ' reservebalance ' , [ True , 1000000 ] ) # Stop staking to avoid conflicts (input used by tx->anon staked before tx gets in the chain)
post_json = {
' value ' : 100 ,
' address ' : js_1 [ ' stealth_address ' ] ,
' subfee ' : False ,
' type_to ' : ' anon ' ,
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' ' , post_json ) )
assert ( len ( json_rv [ ' txid ' ] ) == 64 )
logging . info ( ' Waiting for anon balance ' )
wait_for_balance ( test_delay_event , ' ' , ' anon_balance ' , 100.0 + node1_anon_before )
js_1 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets/part ' )
node1_anon_before = js_1 [ ' anon_balance ' ] + js_1 [ ' anon_pending ' ]
callnoderpc ( 1 , ' reservebalance ' , [ False ] )
post_json = {
' value ' : 10 ,
' address ' : js_0 [ ' stealth_address ' ] ,
' subfee ' : True ,
' type_from ' : ' anon ' ,
' type_to ' : ' blind ' ,
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' ' , post_json ) )
assert ( len ( json_rv [ ' txid ' ] ) == 64 )
logging . info ( ' Waiting for blind balance ' )
wait_for_balance ( test_delay_event , ' ' , ' blind_balance ' , 9.8 )
if float ( js_0 [ ' blind_balance ' ] ) > = 10.0 :
raise ValueError ( ' Expect blind balance < 10 ' )
amt_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 0.1 , 2.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
rate_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 2.0 , 20.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . BTC , Coins . PART_ANON , amt_swap , rate_swap , amt_swap , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offers = swap_clients [ 0 ] . listOffers ( filters = { ' offer_id ' : offer_id } )
offer = offers [ 0 ]
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
bid , xmr_swap = swap_clients [ 0 ] . getXmrBid ( bid_id )
assert ( xmr_swap )
amount_to = float ( format_amount ( bid . amount_to , 8 ) )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
js_1 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets/part ' )
assert ( js_1 [ ' anon_balance ' ] < node1_anon_before - amount_to )
js_0 = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets/part ' )
assert ( js_0 [ ' anon_balance ' ] + js_0 [ ' anon_pending ' ] > node0_anon_before + ( amount_to - 0.05 ) )
def test_12_particl_blind ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test Particl blind transactions ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
js_0 = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets/part ' )
node0_blind_before = js_0 [ ' blind_balance ' ] + js_0 [ ' blind_unconfirmed ' ]
wait_for_balance ( test_delay_event , ' ' , ' balance ' , 200.0 )
js_1 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets/part ' )
assert ( float ( js_1 [ ' balance ' ] ) > 200.0 )
node1_blind_before = js_1 [ ' blind_balance ' ] + js_1 [ ' blind_unconfirmed ' ]
post_json = {
' value ' : 100 ,
' address ' : js_0 [ ' stealth_address ' ] ,
' subfee ' : False ,
' type_to ' : ' blind ' ,
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' ' , post_json ) )
assert ( len ( json_rv [ ' txid ' ] ) == 64 )
logging . info ( ' Waiting for blind balance ' )
wait_for_balance ( test_delay_event , ' ' , ' blind_balance ' , 100.0 + node0_blind_before )
js_0 = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets/part ' )
node0_blind_before = js_0 [ ' blind_balance ' ] + js_0 [ ' blind_unconfirmed ' ]
amt_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 0.1 , 2.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
rate_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 2.0 , 20.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . PART_BLIND , Coins . XMR , amt_swap , rate_swap , amt_swap , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offers = swap_clients [ 0 ] . listOffers ( filters = { ' offer_id ' : offer_id } )
offer = offers [ 0 ]
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True )
amount_from = float ( format_amount ( amt_swap , 8 ) )
js_1 = read_json_api ( 1801 , ' wallets/part ' )
node1_blind_after = js_1 [ ' blind_balance ' ] + js_1 [ ' blind_unconfirmed ' ]
assert ( node1_blind_after > node1_blind_before + ( amount_from - 0.05 ) )
js_0 = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets/part ' )
node0_blind_after = js_0 [ ' blind_balance ' ] + js_0 [ ' blind_unconfirmed ' ]
assert ( node0_blind_after < node0_blind_before - amount_from )
def test_13_locked_xmr ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test PART to XMR leader recovers coin a lock tx ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
amt_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 0.1 , 10.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
rate_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 2.0 , 20.0 ) , scale = 12 , r = 1 )
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , amt_swap , rate_swap , amt_swap , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offer = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer_id )
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
swap_clients [ 1 ] . setBidDebugInd ( bid_id , DebugTypes . SEND_LOCKED_XMR )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_event ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , Concepts . BID , bid_id , event_type = EventLogTypes . LOCK_TX_B_INVALID , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED , wait_for = 180 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED , sent = True )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . abandonBid ( bid_id )
swap_clients [ 1 ] . abandonBid ( bid_id )
def test_14_sweep_balance ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test sweep balance offer ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
# Disable staking
walletsettings = callnoderpc ( 2 , ' walletsettings ' , [ ' stakingoptions ' , ] )
walletsettings [ ' enabled ' ] = False
walletsettings = callnoderpc ( 2 , ' walletsettings ' , [ ' stakingoptions ' , walletsettings ] )
walletsettings = callnoderpc ( 2 , ' walletsettings ' , [ ' stakingoptions ' , ] )
assert ( walletsettings [ ' stakingoptions ' ] [ ' enabled ' ] is False )
# Prepare balance
js_w2 = read_json_api ( 1802 , ' wallets ' )
if float ( js_w2 [ ' PART ' ] [ ' balance ' ] ) < 100.0 :
post_json = {
' value ' : 100 ,
' address ' : js_w2 [ ' PART ' ] [ ' deposit_address ' ] ,
' subfee ' : False ,
json_rv = read_json_api ( TEST_HTTP_PORT + 0 , ' wallets/part/withdraw ' , post_json )
assert ( len ( json_rv [ ' txid ' ] ) == 64 )
wait_for_balance ( test_delay_event , ' ' , ' balance ' , 100.0 )
js_w2 = read_json_api ( 1802 , ' wallets ' )
assert ( float ( js_w2 [ ' PART ' ] [ ' balance ' ] ) > = 100.0 )
js_w2 = read_json_api ( 1802 , ' wallets ' )
post_json = {
' value ' : float ( js_w2 [ ' PART ' ] [ ' balance ' ] ) ,
' address ' : read_json_api ( 1802 , ' wallets/part/nextdepositaddr ' ) ,
' subfee ' : True ,
json_rv = read_json_api ( TEST_HTTP_PORT + 2 , ' wallets/part/withdraw ' , post_json )
wait_for_balance ( test_delay_event , ' ' , ' balance ' , 10.0 )
assert ( len ( json_rv [ ' txid ' ] ) == 64 )
# Create prefunded ITX
ci = swap_clients [ 2 ] . ci ( Coins . PART )
pi = swap_clients [ 2 ] . pi ( SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP )
js_w2 = read_json_api ( 1802 , ' wallets ' )
swap_value = ci . make_int ( js_w2 [ ' PART ' ] [ ' balance ' ] )
itx = pi . getFundedInitiateTxTemplate ( ci , swap_value , True )
itx_decoded = ci . describeTx ( itx . hex ( ) )
n = pi . findMockVout ( ci , itx_decoded )
value_after_subfee = ci . make_int ( itx_decoded [ ' vout ' ] [ n ] [ ' value ' ] )
assert ( value_after_subfee < swap_value )
swap_value = value_after_subfee
wait_for_unspent ( test_delay_event , ci , swap_value )
extra_options = { ' prefunded_itx ' : itx }
offer_id = swap_clients [ 2 ] . postOffer ( Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , swap_value , 2 * COIN , swap_value , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP , extra_options = extra_options )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offer = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer_id )
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 2 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
swap_clients [ 2 ] . acceptBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 2 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , wait_for = 120 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . SWAP_COMPLETED , sent = True , wait_for = 120 )
# Verify expected inputs were used
bid , _ , _ , _ , _ = swap_clients [ 2 ] . getXmrBidAndOffer ( bid_id )
assert ( bid . xmr_a_lock_tx )
wtx = ci . rpc_callback ( ' gettransaction ' , [ bid . xmr_a_lock_tx . txid . hex ( ) , ] )
itx_after = ci . describeTx ( wtx [ ' hex ' ] )
assert ( len ( itx_after [ ' vin ' ] ) == len ( itx_decoded [ ' vin ' ] ) )
for i , txin in enumerate ( itx_decoded [ ' vin ' ] ) :
assert ( txin [ ' txid ' ] == itx_after [ ' vin ' ] [ i ] [ ' txid ' ] )
assert ( txin [ ' vout ' ] == itx_after [ ' vin ' ] [ i ] [ ' vout ' ] )
def test_15_missed_xmr_send ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test PART to XMR B lock tx is lost ' )
swap_clients = self . swap_clients
amt_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 0.1 , 10.0 ) , scale = 8 , r = 1 )
rate_swap = make_int ( random . uniform ( 2.0 , 20.0 ) , scale = 12 , r = 1 )
offer_id = swap_clients [ 0 ] . postOffer ( Coins . PART , Coins . XMR , amt_swap , rate_swap , amt_swap , SwapTypes . XMR_SWAP ,
lock_type = TxLockTypes . SEQUENCE_LOCK_BLOCKS , lock_value = 28 )
wait_for_offer ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , offer_id )
offer = swap_clients [ 1 ] . getOffer ( offer_id )
bid_id = swap_clients [ 1 ] . postXmrBid ( offer_id , offer . amount_from )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . BID_RECEIVED )
swap_clients [ 1 ] . setBidDebugInd ( bid_id , DebugTypes . B_LOCK_TX_MISSED_SEND )
swap_clients [ 0 ] . acceptXmrBid ( bid_id )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 0 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED , wait_for = 1800 )
wait_for_bid ( test_delay_event , swap_clients [ 1 ] , bid_id , BidStates . XMR_SWAP_FAILED_REFUNDED , wait_for = 1800 , sent = True )
def test_98_withdraw_all ( self ) :
logging . info ( ' ---------- Test XMR withdrawal all ' )
try :
logging . info ( ' Disabling XMR mining ' )
pause_event . clear ( )
js_0 = read_json_api ( 1800 , ' wallets ' )
address_to = js_0 [ Coins . XMR . name ] [ ' deposit_address ' ]
wallets1 = read_json_api ( TEST_HTTP_PORT + 1 , ' wallets ' )
xmr_total = float ( wallets1 [ Coins . XMR . name ] [ ' balance ' ] )
assert ( xmr_total > 10 )
post_json = {
' value ' : 10 ,
' address ' : address_to ,
' subfee ' : True ,
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' {} /json/wallets/xmr/withdraw ' . format ( TEST_HTTP_PORT + 1 ) , post_json ) )
assert ( json_rv [ ' error ' ] == ' Withdraw value must be close to total to use subfee/sweep_all. ' )
post_json [ ' value ' ] = xmr_total
json_rv = json . loads ( post_json_req ( ' {} /json/wallets/xmr/withdraw ' . format ( TEST_HTTP_PORT + 1 ) , post_json ) )
assert ( len ( json_rv [ ' txid ' ] ) == 64 )
finally :
logging . info ( ' Restoring XMR mining ' )
pause_event . set ( )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
unittest . main ( )