* Hit a bug where a server's definition file was written to disk while not being valid. Added logging in case it happens again, and additional safe-guards to help avoid it from recurring.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated DRBD->manage_resource() to set allow-two-primaries=no when up'ing a resource (as no migration can be in progress during an up command).
* Updated scan-drbd to look for StandAlone resources and call DRBD->manage_resource({task = 'up'}) if a connection to a peer node is StandAlone or if the local disk state is detached.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Cluster->recover_server() to set the desired recovery state before calling the crm_resource refresh.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated DRBD->get_status() to attempt to recompile the drbd kernel module if the drbdsetup status fails. If it continues to fail, it exits gracefully now.
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to test access over a given IP before calling Server->find to avoid timeouts when the peer is down. Also updated it to set the constraints to keep the server on the new host when the old host returns to the cluster.
* Fixed a bug in scan-cluster where a server that is FAILED but not running is now properly recovered.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated (not not yet completed) scan-cluster's check_resources() function to check if a FAILED server is ready to try to recover.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug where servers protected by DR hosts aren't deleted when the server itself is deleted.
* Updated DRBD->delete_resource() to remove the server's XML file if the host is a DR host.
* Updated anvil-version-change and anvil.sql to enable update_audits and the audits table.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated anvil-manage-server-storage to the point where it can now insert and eject optical disks!
* Updated System->call to log parameters if 'shell_call' isn't set.
* Fixed a bug in anvil-manage-server process_interactive where an $anvil->data reference was being scoped.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Created DRBD->parse_resource() to pass a specific DRBD resource's XML data.
* Fixed a bug in Get->available_resources() so that if the threads is lower than CPU cores, the cores are used as the total available to VMs.
* Fixed bugs in Get->server_from_switch() where it just wasn't working properly.
* Updated scan_drbd to not reset a resource's size to 0-bytes when a resource goes offline.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* In Cluster->parse_cib(), added parsers for node attributes and resource rules. Also stored the existence of and details of each under the server resources for easier referencing.
* Updated scan-server to check for / add DRBD fence rules as needed.
Scancore APC agent bugs;
* For clarity, converted all '#!no_value!#' and '#!no_connection!#' to use '!!' instead in APC scan agents.
* Fixed a bug to set/clear alerts related to phases disappearing to deal with concurrent logins from different hosts triggering false phase loss alerts.
* Fixed missing variables not being passed to alerts/log entries.
Started more work on anvil-manage-server, but on hold again while the DRBD fencing work is completed.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created DRBD->check_proxy_license() to do (some level of) sanity checks on the DRBD proxy license file.
* Updated DRBD->gather_data() to parse out the inside and outside ports for resource configs using proxy.
* Reworked DRBD->get_next_resource() to return 1, 3 or 7 TCP ports depending, with the new long_throw_ports parameter triggering the 7 ports.
* Added 'tcpdump' to the anvil-core requires list.
* Reworked scan-drbd to record the ports used in proxy configs. This required adding a check to change the 'scan_drbd_peer_tcp_port' column type to 'text' to support CSVs.
* Reworked anvil-manage-dr (needs testing!) to support "long-throw" DR configs.
* Updated anvil-safe-stop to check if the nodes are in the cluster before trying to migrate.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Reworked Network->bridge_info() to use 'ip' to get the list of bridges, and 'bridge' to find interfaces connected to the bridge.
* Added 'test' messages to Words->string().
* Fixed a bug in scan-lvm where mdadm based PVs didn't read the sector size properly.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug in scancore-agents/Makefile.am where scan-network was missing.
* Started work on anvil-delete-server.8. Incomplete at this time.
* Updated Network->get_ips() to record the interface status.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Added multiple new private methods to Network that help in managing the firewall.
* Updated Server->boot_server to manage the firewall after the server boots. Updated ->migrate_server to create a job, if a database connection exists, for the migration target to update it's firewall as soon after the server appears as possible.
* Updated ocf:server:alteeve to manage the firewall when called post-migration, in case there was no DB connection and the job above didn't run. Fixed a bug where the disk state wasn't being evaluated properly.
* Updated scan-server to check that the firewall is managed when a server state has changed.
* Updated anvil-daemon to run Network->manage_firewall on startup.
* Heavily reworked 'anvil-manage-server' to either just run 'Network->manage_firewall', or if passed '--server X', to wait for the server to appear for up to 1 minute, then to check that the firewall is managed (to capture servers being migrated to the host.)
* Removed firewall management from striker-prep-database.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated scan-drbd to purge peer records that no longer have corresponding LVM data.
* Updated System->{en,dis}able-service to take the 'now' paramter which, when passed, causes the action to take immediate effect.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Database->get_host_from_uuid() to cache results.
* Fixed a bug in Database->get_storage_group_data where a DELETE wasn't deleting from the history schema as well.
* In Database->resync_databases(), references to the old 'host_uuid' that we used to use to resync just the local host's data was removed. Added also a check where two or more entries in a given history schema had the same modified_date and, when found, the newest entry is preserved and the rest are deleted. Before this, a resync where two+ records had the same modified_time would only sync the last record, leaving a mismatch in history schema entries triggering repeated resyncs.
* Fixed a bug in Email->send_alerts() where the 'alerts' table was being updated without a modified_date being set.
* Fixed a bug in System->test_ipmi() where the 'hosts' table was being updated without a modified_date being set.
* Updated scan-network to clear up old deleted ip_addresses, bonds and bridges. Also fixed bugs where public schema records were being deleted without history records being deleted.
* Updated anvil-update-states to fix bugs where DELETEs were happening without setting the modified_date.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Network->load_ips() to load extra information about the interfaces.
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to not check libvirtd daemon state on server start.
* Updated scan-hardware to check for duplicate entries and purge if found.
* Updated scan-network to check for the 'default' virbr0 interface by checking if the config file exists instead of calling virsh.
* Updated scan-server to have better logging.
* Created the new (and incomplete) anvil-test-alerts tool
* Updated scancore to support --purge to pass to all agents and then exit.
* Updated ScanCore->call_scan_agents() to no longer use 'timeout' as it was causing issues with virsh calls.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Database->get_anvils() to make it possible to translate a file name to a file UUID.
* Updated System->test_ipmi() to quote passwords properly. Also dropped the timeouts to 2 seconds.
* Updated anvil-provision-server to support pure CLI switch server provisioning using the --ci-test (and optional --options {--machine}) to allow CI tests.
* Continued work of anvil-manage-server.
* Fixed a bug in striker-prep-database to fix a bug in writing the pg_hba.conf file.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to always try to bring up the peer's DRBD resource, even when the local resource is up.
* Fixed a bug in scan-network where purging duplicate bridges failed in some cases.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated scan_network to properly mark virtio network interfaces as being full duplex. Also updated it to purge interfaces flagged as 'DELETED'.
* Updated the VM OS list.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated anvil-daemon to check for files in /mnt/shared/incoming on striker dashboards and add them to the media library if needed.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>