More progress on anvil-configure-host

* Now working on the reconfiguring of interfaces.

Signed-off-by: digimer <>
digimer 12 months ago
parent cad524db9d
commit ef89a79162
  1. 1
  2. 435

@ -752,6 +752,7 @@ The XML that failed sanity check was:
<key name="error_0477">[ Error ] - The requested number of cores: [#!variable!requested_cores!#] (sockets: [#!variable!new_sockets!], cores per socket: [#!variable!new_cores!#], threads per core: [#!variable!new_threads!#]).</key>
<key name="error_0478">[ Error ] - This program must be run on a subnode.</key>
<key name="error_0479">[ Error ] - This subnode is not in the cluster (failed to parse the CIB). Exiting.</key>
<key name="error_0480">[ Error ] - The wanted interface: [#!variable!interface_name!#] which should have the MAC address: [#!variable!mac_address!#] was not found in Network Manager. Unable to proceed.</key>
<!-- Files templates -->
<!-- NOTE: Translating these files requires an understanding of which lines are translatable -->

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ pickup_job_details($anvil);
# Set maintenance mode
$anvil->System->maintenance_mode({set => 1});
#$anvil->System->maintenance_mode({set => 1});
# Reconfigure the network.
@ -327,10 +327,10 @@ sub reconfigure_network
# Read the local network manager data.
$anvil->Network->read_nmcli({debug => 2});
#$anvil->Network->read_nmcli({debug => 2});
# Get the current list of IPs and MAC addresses.
$anvil->Network->get_ips({debug => 2});
#$anvil->Network->get_ips({debug => 2});
# If we're a striker, check apache's config.
if ($type eq "striker")
@ -478,6 +478,9 @@ ORDER BY
# We'll set this to '1' if we reconfigure the network
$anvil->data->{sys}{reboot} = 0;
# Read the existing network data
$anvil->Network->collect_data({debug => 2});
# This will be set to '1' if we make a change.
my $changes = 0;
my $new_interfaces = [];
@ -491,7 +494,7 @@ ORDER BY
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { network_type => $network_type }});
# This is the old type of network config
configure_ifcfg_network($anvil, $network_type);
#configure_ifcfg_network($anvil, $network_type);
@ -502,6 +505,7 @@ ORDER BY
# If we should reset, do so now.
if ($anvil->data->{sys}{reboot})
@ -657,39 +661,227 @@ ORDER BY
sub reconfigure_bridges
my ($anvil) = @_;
sub reconfigure_bonds
my ($anvil) = @_;
sub reconfigure_ip_addresses
my ($anvil) = @_;
sub reconfigure_interfaces
my ($anvil) = @_;
my $reboot_needed = 0;
my $local_host = $anvil->Get->short_host_name();
my $prefix = $anvil->data->{config}{prefix};
my $sequence = $anvil->data->{config}{sequence};
my $domain = $anvil->data->{config}{domain};
my $bcn_count = $anvil->data->{config}{bcn_count};
my $ifn_count = $anvil->data->{config}{ifn_count};
my $sn_count = $anvil->data->{config}{sn_count};
my $mn_count = $anvil->data->{config}{mn_count};
my $type = $anvil->Get->host_type();
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
local_host => $local_host,
prefix => $prefix,
sequence => $sequence,
domain => $domain,
type => $type,
foreach my $network_type ("bcn", "sn", "mn", "ifn")
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { network_type => $network_type }});
my $count = 0;
if ($network_type eq "bcn") { $count = $bcn_count; }
elsif ($network_type eq "sn") { $count = $sn_count; }
elsif ($network_type eq "ifn") { $count = $ifn_count; }
elsif ($network_type eq "mn") { $count = $mn_count; }
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { count => $count }});
# This is the old type of network config
configure_ifcfg_network($anvil, $network_type);
foreach my $i (1..$count)
my $link1_mac_key = $network_type.$i."_link1_mac_to_set";
my $link2_mac_key = $network_type.$i."_link2_mac_to_set";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
i => $i,
link1_mac_key => $link1_mac_key,
link2_mac_key => $link2_mac_key,
my $wanted_link1_name = $network_type.$i."_link1";
my $wanted_link1_mac = $anvil->data->{config}{$link1_mac_key};
my $wanted_link2_name = $network_type.$i."_link2";
my $wanted_link2_mac = exists $anvil->data->{config}{$link2_mac_key} ? $anvil->data->{config}{$link2_mac_key} : "";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
wanted_link1_name => $wanted_link1_name,
wanted_link1_mac => $wanted_link1_mac,
wanted_link2_name => $wanted_link2_name,
wanted_link2_mac => $wanted_link2_mac,
# Loop through our interfaces to see if we can find this interface.
my $link1_nm_uuid = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{mac_address}{$wanted_link1_mac}{uuid};
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { link1_nm_uuid => $link1_nm_uuid }});
# Get the Network Manager UUIDs.
if (not $link1_nm_uuid)
progress => 100,
message => "error_0480",
log_leve => 1,
'print' => 1,
job_uuid => $anvil->data->{job}{uuid},
variables => {
mac_address => $wanted_link1_mac,
interface_name => $wanted_link1_name,
$anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1});
rename_interface($anvil, $wanted_link1_name, $link1_nm_uuid);
my $link2_nm_uuid = "";
if ($link2_nm_uuid)
$link2_nm_uuid = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{mac_address}{$wanted_link1_mac}{uuid};
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { link2_nm_uuid => $link2_nm_uuid }});
if (not $link2_nm_uuid)
progress => 100,
message => "error_0480",
log_leve => 1,
'print' => 1,
job_uuid => $anvil->data->{job}{uuid},
variables => {
mac_address => $wanted_link2_mac,
interface_name => $wanted_link2_name,
$anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1});
rename_interface($anvil, $wanted_link1_name, $link1_nm_uuid);
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::device = 'connection.interface-name', or 'GENERAL.DEVICES'. See note below
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::type = interface, bond, bridge, etc
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::active = 1,0
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::state = activated,activating,etc
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::<variable> = all 'variable: value' pairs returned by 'nmcli connection show <uuid>'
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::mac_address = MAC address (in lower case)
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::connected = 0 is down, unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) of when it connected if up.
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::mtu = This is the MTU (maximum transimssion unit in bytes) of the interface.
To make it easier to map a device by name or MAC address to a UUID, this lookup hash is provided. Note that 'device' is 'connection.interface-name' when available, falling back to 'GENERAL.DEVICES' otherwise.
B<< NOTE >>: An inactive interface will not report the 'connection.interface-name', and the bios device name will be returned (which is what is stored in 'GENERAL.DEVICES'. If you're trying to find a device, and the expected name doesn't exist, look up the device by MAC address. If that's not found, then the old GENERAL.DEVICES name can help you identify a replaced interface.
* nmcli::device::<device>::uuid = interface name (or device name)
* nmcli::mac_address::<mac_address>::uuid = MAC address (lower case)
foreach my $wanted_interface (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{network_manager}{reconfigure}})
Given that a single interface can have multiple IP addresses and routes, the IPs on a given interface are stored using a sequence number <1, 2, 3 ... n>. To make it easier to find what device has an IP, the IPs are stored with a quick access hash.
* nmcli::ipv4::<ip_address>::on_uuid = interface UUID
* nmcli::ipv4::<ip_address>::sequence = sequence number
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::ipv{4,6}::ip::<sequence>::ip_address = IP address
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::ipv{4,6}::ip::<sequence>::subnet_mask = subnet mask (CIDR notation)
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::ipv{4,6}::dns = comma-separated list of DNS IP addresses
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::ipv{4,6}::gateway = comma-separated list of DNS IP addresses
* nmcli::uuid::<uuid>::ipv{4,6}::route::<sequence> = Route info (ie: 'dst =, nh =, mt = 428', or 'dst =, nh =, mt = 428'.)
Bond data is stored in these hashes;
* nmcli::bond::<bond_device>::uuid = The UUID on the bond
* nmcli::bond::<bond_device>::carrier = 1,0 - indicates if the bond has a connection or not.
* nmcli::bond::<bond_device>::operstate = 1,0 - indicates if the bond is operational or not.
* nmcli::bond::<bond_device>::up = 1,0 - indicates if the bond up up or not.
* nmcli::bond::<bond_device>::interface::<interface>::up = 1,0 - indicates if the child interface is up or not.
Bridge data is simple, but also made easy to find. The only real data is the hash references for the interfaces connected to the bridge.
* nmcli::bridge::<device>::uuid = The UUID of the bridge
* nmcli::bridge::<device>::interface::<interface>::status = This is the link data for the connected interface (ie: 'BROADCAST,MULTICAST,MASTER,UP,LOWER_UP').
To make it easier to find interfaces, the following look up hash is available.
* nmcli::interface::<device>::uuid = The UUID of the interface
* nmcli::mac_address::<mac_address>::uuid = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{mac_address}{$mac_address}{uuid},
bcn1_ip: []
bcn1_link1_mac_to_set: [52:54:00:84:b3:2c]
bcn1_subnet_mask: []
bcn_count: [1]
dns: [,]
domain: []
gateway: []
gateway_interface: [ifn1]
host_name: []
mn_count: [0]
organization: [Alteeve]
prefix: [an9]
sequence: [1]
sn_count: [0]
striker_password: [Initial1]
striker_user: [admin]
foreach my $variable (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{config}})
my $uuid = $anvil->data->{network_manager}{reconfigure}{$wanted_interface}{from_uuid};
my $old_device = $anvil->data->{interface}{uuid}{$uuid}{device};
my $name = $anvil->data->{interface}{uuid}{$uuid}{''};
my $mac_address = $anvil->data->{interface}{uuid}{$uuid}{mac_address};
my $type = $anvil->data->{interface}{uuid}{$uuid}{type};
print $variable.": [".$anvil->data->{config}{$variable}."]\n";
sub rename_interface
my ($anvil, $wanted_link_name, $nm_uuid) = @_;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
's1:wanted_interface' => $wanted_interface,
's2:uuid' => $uuid,
wanted_link_name => $wanted_link_name,
nm_uuid => $nm_uuid,
my $old_device = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{uuid}{$nm_uuid}{device};
my $name = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{uuid}{$nm_uuid}{''};
my $mac_address = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{uuid}{$nm_uuid}{mac_address};
my $type = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{uuid}{$nm_uuid}{type};
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
's1:wanted_link_name' => $wanted_link_name,
's2:nm_uuid' => $nm_uuid,
's3:old_device' => $old_device,
's4:name' => $name,
's5:mac_address' => $mac_address,
's6:type' => $type,
print "Renaming old device/name: [".$old_device."/".$name."] with MAC: [".$mac_address."] to: [".$wanted_interface."] using UUID: [".$uuid."]\n";
print "Renaming old device/name: [".$old_device."/".$name."] with MAC: [".$mac_address."] to: [".$wanted_link_name."] using UUID: [".$nm_uuid."]\n";
# Read persistent-net and see if it needs to be updated.
my $new_persistent_net = "";
@ -702,13 +894,13 @@ sub reconfigure_interfaces
foreach my $line (split/\n/, $old_persistent_net)
# If this MAC or device name exists already, delete the line.
if (($line =~ /"$mac_address"/) or ($line =~ /"$wanted_interface"/))
if (($line =~ /"$mac_address"/) or ($line =~ /"$wanted_link_name"/))
$new_persistent_net .= $line."\n";
$new_persistent_net .= "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\",ACTION==\"add\",ATTR{address}==\"".$mac_address."\",ATTR{type}==\"".$type."\",NAME=\"".$wanted_interface."\"\n";
$new_persistent_net .= "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\",ACTION==\"add\",ATTR{address}==\"".$mac_address."\",ATTR{type}==\"".$type."\",NAME=\"".$wanted_link_name."\"\n";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { new_persistent_net => $new_persistent_net }});
my $difference = diff \$old_persistent_net, \$new_persistent_net, { STYLE => 'Unified' };
@ -736,12 +928,12 @@ sub reconfigure_interfaces
# Update the connection.interface-name
my $connection_interface_name = $anvil->data->{interface}{uuid}{$uuid}{'connection.interface-name'} ? $anvil->data->{interface}{uuid}{$uuid}{'connection.interface-name'} : "";
my $connection_interface_name = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{uuid}{$nm_uuid}{'connection.interface-name'} ? $anvil->data->{nmcli}{uuid}{$nm_uuid}{'connection.interface-name'} : "";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { connection_interface_name => $connection_interface_name }});
if ($connection_interface_name)
print "- Removing the old 'connection.interface-name': [".$connection_interface_name."]\n";
my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." connection modify ".$uuid." connection.interface-name \"\"";
my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." connection modify ".$nm_uuid." connection.interface-name \"\"";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
@ -749,7 +941,7 @@ sub reconfigure_interfaces
return_code => $return_code,
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." --get-values connection.interface-name connection show ".$uuid;
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." --get-values connection.interface-name connection show ".$nm_uuid;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
@ -766,12 +958,12 @@ sub reconfigure_interfaces
# We'll log what it was, and change it anyway
my $match_interface_name = $anvil->data->{interface}{uuid}{$uuid}{'match.interface-name'} ? $anvil->data->{interface}{uuid}{$uuid}{'match.interface-name'} : "";
my $match_interface_name = $anvil->data->{nmcli}{uuid}{$nm_uuid}{'match.interface-name'} ? $anvil->data->{nmcli}{uuid}{$nm_uuid}{'match.interface-name'} : "";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { match_interface_name => $match_interface_name }});
if (1)
print "- Matching the new interface name: [".$wanted_interface."] to the bios device name: [".$old_device."]\n";
my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." connection modify ".$uuid." match.interface-name \"".$wanted_interface." ".$old_device."\"";
print "- Matching the new interface name: [".$wanted_link_name."] to the bios device name: [".$old_device."]\n";
my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." connection modify ".$nm_uuid." match.interface-name \"".$wanted_link_name." ".$old_device."\"";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
@ -780,7 +972,7 @@ sub reconfigure_interfaces
# Read it back
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." --get-values match.interface-name connection show ".$uuid;
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." --get-values match.interface-name connection show ".$nm_uuid;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
@ -788,16 +980,16 @@ sub reconfigure_interfaces
return_code => $return_code,
if (($output ne $wanted_interface.",".$old_device) && ($output ne $old_device.",".$wanted_interface))
if (($output ne $wanted_link_name.",".$old_device) && ($output ne $old_device.",".$wanted_link_name))
# This should have been blank
print "[ Error ] - Failed to create the 'match.interface-name' value. Expected: [".$wanted_interface.",".$old_device."], got: [".$output."], aborting!\n";
print "[ Error ] - Failed to create the 'match.interface-name' value. Expected: [".$wanted_link_name.",".$old_device."], got: [".$output."], aborting!\n";
$anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1});
# Set the to the old name.
print "- Setting the to the bios device name: [".$old_device."]\n";
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." connection modify ".$uuid." \"".$old_device."\"";
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." connection modify ".$nm_uuid." \"".$old_device."\"";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
@ -806,7 +998,7 @@ sub reconfigure_interfaces
# Read it back
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." --get-values connection show ".$uuid;
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{nmcli}." --get-values connection show ".$nm_uuid;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
@ -818,44 +1010,7 @@ sub reconfigure_interfaces
# Set the reboot flag.
$anvil->data->{sys}{reboot_needed} = 1;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "sys::reboot_needed" => $anvil->data->{sys}{reboot_needed} }});
if ($anvil->data->{sys}{reboot_needed})
print "Reboot needed.\n";
print "- Regenerating dracute initrd image, this can take a moment...\n";
my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{dracut}." --force";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
output => $output,
return_code => $return_code,
print "- New initrd image created.\n";
print "[ Note ] - Reboot needed. Re-run this after the reboot to complete setup.\n";
print "- Rebooting in 60 seconds (press 'ctrl + c' to abort).\n";
my $timeout = 60;
if ($timeout % 10)
print "."
print $timeout;
sleep 1;
print "0\n";
print "Rebooting NOW!\n";
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{systemctl}." reboot";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code }});
@ -865,13 +1020,16 @@ sub configure_ifcfg_network
my ($anvil, $network_type) = @_;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { network_type => $network_type }});
my $count = 0;
if ($network_type eq "bcn") { $count = $bcn_count; }
elsif ($network_type eq "sn") { $count = $sn_count; }
elsif ($network_type eq "ifn") { $count = $ifn_count; }
elsif ($network_type eq "mn") { $count = $mn_count; }
my $localhost = $anvil->Get->short_host_name();
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { count => $count }});
next if not $count;
foreach my $network_count (1..$count)
@ -1727,88 +1885,89 @@ sub configure_ifcfg_network
# This renames a network interface
sub rename_interface
my ($anvil, $old_link_name, $new_link_name) = @_;
$anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, 'print' => 1, key => "log_0465", variables => {
old_interface => $old_link_name,
new_interface => $new_link_name,
# Take the old name down.
my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{ip}." link set ".$old_link_name." down";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
output => $output,
return_code => $return_code,
# Rename
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{ip}." link set ".$old_link_name." name ".$new_link_name;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
output => $output,
return_code => $return_code,
# Bring up the new interface
$shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{ip}." link set ".$new_link_name." up";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
output => $output,
return_code => $return_code,
# sub rename_interface
# {
# my ($anvil, $old_link_name, $new_link_name) = @_;
# $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, 'print' => 1, key => "log_0465", variables => {
# old_interface => $old_link_name,
# new_interface => $new_link_name,
# }});
# # Take the old name down.
# my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{ip}." link set ".$old_link_name." down";
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
# my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call});
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
# output => $output,
# return_code => $return_code,
# }});
# # Rename
# $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{ip}." link set ".$old_link_name." name ".$new_link_name;
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
# ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call});
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
# output => $output,
# return_code => $return_code,
# }});
# # Bring up the new interface
# $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{ip}." link set ".$new_link_name." up";
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }});
# ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call});
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
# output => $output,
# return_code => $return_code,
# }});
# return(0);
# }
# This will read a network interface file and return the UUID="x" value. If the file doesn't exist or the
# UUID was not found, a new UUID is generated and returned.
sub get_uuid_from_interface_file
my ($anvil, $file) = @_;
$anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, 'print' => 1, key => "log_0131", variables => { function => "get_uuid_from_interface_file" }});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { file => $file }});
my $uuid = "";
if (-e $file)
my $body = $anvil->Storage->read_file({file => $file});
foreach my $line (split/\n/, $body)
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { line => $line }});
$line =~ s/#.*//;
if ($line =~ /UUID=\"(.*?)\"/)
my $test_uuid = $1;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { test_uuid => $test_uuid }});
if ($anvil->Validate->uuid({uuid => $test_uuid}))
$uuid = $test_uuid;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { uuid => $uuid }});
if (not $uuid)
$uuid = $anvil->Get->uuid();
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { uuid => $uuid }});
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { uuid => $uuid }});
# sub get_uuid_from_interface_file
# {
# my ($anvil, $file) = @_;
# $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, 'print' => 1, key => "log_0131", variables => { function => "get_uuid_from_interface_file" }});
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { file => $file }});
# my $uuid = "";
# if (-e $file)
# {
# my $body = $anvil->Storage->read_file({file => $file});
# foreach my $line (split/\n/, $body)
# {
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { line => $line }});
# $line =~ s/#.*//;
# if ($line =~ /UUID=\"(.*?)\"/)
# {
# my $test_uuid = $1;
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { test_uuid => $test_uuid }});
# if ($anvil->Validate->uuid({uuid => $test_uuid}))
# {
# $uuid = $test_uuid;
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { uuid => $uuid }});
# }
# last;
# }
# }
# }
# if (not $uuid)
# {
# $uuid = $anvil->Get->uuid();
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { uuid => $uuid }});
# }
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { uuid => $uuid }});
# return($uuid);
# }
# This will pick up the job, or exit.
sub pickup_job_details
