anvil-delete-server \- This program deletes a server from an Anvil! sub-cluster.
\fI\,<command> \/\fR[\fI\,options\/\fR]
This deletes a server, running or stopped, from an Anvil! subcluster. The resource allocated to this server are removed and returned to the resource pool as well.
This deletes a server, running or stopped, from an Anvil! sub-cluster. The resource allocated to this server are removed and returned to the resource pool as well.
This action is permanent!
@ -23,9 +23,17 @@ When logging, record sensitive data, like passwords.
Set the log level to 1, 2 or 3 respectively. Be aware that level 3 generates a significant amount of log data.
\fB\-\-job-uuid\fR <name>
\fB\-\-job-uuid\fR <UUID>
The program is normally run as a job, with data on how to configure the host defined in the job. This switch allows the running of a specific job. If this is not set, the program will search for a job that has not yet been picked up by another process. If found, that job UUID is used automatically.
When used with \fB\-\-server\fR, no confirmation prompt will be shown. Use this with caution!
\fB\-\-server\fR <name or UUID>
This is the server to be deleted. It can either be the name or UUID. If not provided, a list of servers on the Anvil! node this command is run from will be shown where you can select the one to delete.
Written by Madison Kelly, Alteeve staff and the Anvil! project contributors.
<keyname="header_0106">MN link #!variable!number!#</key>
<keyname="header_0107">Charge %</key>
<keyname="header_0108">On Battery</key>
<keyname="header_0109">Estimated Runtime</key>
<keyname="header_0110">Last Updated</key>
<!-- Strings used by jobs -->
<keyname="job_0001">Configure Network</key>
@ -2384,6 +2388,7 @@ The file: [#!variable!file!#] needs to be updated. The difference is:
<keyname="log_0735">The DR host: [#!variable!host!#] as been _unlinked_ to the Anvil! node: [#!variable!anvil!#].</key>
<keyname="log_0736">The DR host: [#!variable!host!#] was not linked to the Anvil! node: [#!variable!anvil!#], nothing to do.</key>
<keyname="log_0737">The job: [#!variable!command!#] (with job UUID: [#!variable!job_uuid!#]) is being skipped for now, already started a job (started job_uuid: [#!variable!started_job!#]) with this command on this loop.</key>
<keyname="log_0738">There are no databases available at this time.</key>
<!-- Messages for users (less technical than log entries), though sometimes used for logs, too. -->
<keyname="message_0001">The host name: [#!variable!target!#] does not resolve to an IP address.</key>