@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ my $THIS_FILE = "Storage.pm";
# find
# get_file_stats
# get_storage_group_details
# get_storage_group_from_path
# make_directory
# manage_lvm_conf
# move_file
@ -1739,6 +1740,352 @@ AND
= head2 get_storage_group_from_path
This method takes a block device path and returns the C << storage_group_uuid >> is belongs to , if any . On success , C << storage_group_uuid >> is returned . If the path is not found to exist on any storage group , an empty string is returned . If there is a problem , C << ! ! error ! ! >> is returned .
B << Note >> : If there are multiple results , the first found will be returned . If the results span multiple Anvil ! systems , this could be a problem . If this is a concern , specifify either the C << host_uuid >> or C << anvil_uuid >> parameters .
Parameters ;
= head3 anvil_uuid ( optional )
In the case of an ambiguous path ( a path found on multiple Anvil ! systems ) , this can be set to specify which Anvil ! we ' re searching for .
= head3 host_uuid ( optional )
In the case of an ambiguous path ( a path found on multiple hosts ) , this can be set to specify which host we ' re searching for .
= head3 path ( required )
This is the full block device path .
= cut
sub get_storage_group_from_path
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "Storage->get_storage_group_from_path()" } } ) ;
my $ anvil_uuid = defined $ parameter - > { anvil_uuid } ? $ parameter - > { anvil_uuid } : "" ;
my $ host_uuid = defined $ parameter - > { host_uuid } ? $ parameter - > { host_uuid } : "" ;
my $ path = defined $ parameter - > { path } ? $ parameter - > { path } : "" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
anvil_uuid = > $ anvil_uuid ,
host_uuid = > $ host_uuid ,
path = > $ path ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ path )
# No source passed.
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 0 , priority = > "err" , key = > "log_0020" , variables = > { method = > "Storage->get_storage_group_from_path()" , parameter = > "path" } } ) ;
return ( '!!error!!' ) ;
# Is this a DRBD path?
my $ logical_volume = "" ;
if ( $ path !~ /drbd/ )
$ logical_volume = $ path ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { logical_volume = > $ logical_volume } } ) ;
# Looks like it. If the device path is '/dev/drbd/by-res/...' we'll need to pull out the
# resource name (server name) and volume number as the path only actually exists when DRBD is
# up and isn't referenced in the config file.
my $ resource = "" ;
my $ volume = "" ;
$ anvil - > DRBD - > gather_data ( { debug = > $ debug } ) ;
if ( $ path =~ /\/dev\/drbd\/by-res\/(.*)\/(\d+)$/ )
$ resource = $ 1 ;
$ volume = $ 2 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
resource = > $ resource ,
volume = > $ volume ,
} } ) ;
elsif ( $ path =~ /\/dev\/drbd_(.*)_(\d+)$/ )
$ resource = $ 1 ;
$ volume = $ 2 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
resource = > $ resource ,
volume = > $ volume ,
} } ) ;
elsif ( $ path =~ /\/dev\/drbd(\d+)$/ )
# This is a direct path to a minor device, we'll need to find it in the config.
my $ minor = $ 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { minor = > $ minor } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Database - > get_anvils ( { debug = > $ debug } ) ;
my $ local_host_uuid = $ anvil - > Get - > host_uuid ( { debug = > $ debug } ) ;
my $ local_anvil_uuid = $ anvil - > Cluster - > get_anvil_uuid ( { debug = > $ debug } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { local_anvil_uuid = > $ local_anvil_uuid } } ) ;
my $ node1_host_uuid = "" ;
my $ node2_host_uuid = "" ;
my $ dr1_host_uuid = "" ;
if ( $ anvil_uuid )
$ node1_host_uuid = $ anvil - > data - > { anvils } { anvil_uuid } { $ anvil_uuid } { anvil_node1_host_uuid } ;
$ node2_host_uuid = $ anvil - > data - > { anvils } { anvil_uuid } { $ anvil_uuid } { anvil_node2_host_uuid } ;
$ dr1_host_uuid = $ anvil - > data - > { anvils } { anvil_uuid } { $ anvil_uuid } { anvil_dr1_host_uuid } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
node1_host_uuid = > $ node1_host_uuid ,
node1_host_uuid = > $ node2_host_uuid ,
dr1_host_uuid = > $ dr1_host_uuid ,
} } ) ;
# If we were passed an anvil_uuid but not a host_uuid, don't use this machine's host UUID
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_uuid = > $ host_uuid } } ) ;
# These will be set if multiple options are found in the database.
foreach my $ this_resource ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { this_resource = > $ this_resource } } ) ;
foreach my $ this_host_name ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ this_resource } { host } } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { this_host_name = > $ this_host_name } } ) ;
foreach my $ this_volume ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ this_resource } { host } { $ this_host_name } { volume } } )
my $ this_minor = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ this_resource } { host } { $ this_host_name } { volume } { $ this_volume } { device_minor } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
this_volume = > $ this_volume ,
this_minor = > $ this_minor ,
} } ) ;
next if $ this_minor ne $ minor ;
my $ this_host_uuid = $ anvil - > Get - > host_uuid_from_name ( { host_name = > $ this_host_name } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { this_host_uuid = > $ this_host_uuid } } ) ;
next if not $ this_host_uuid ;
# Sorry, this is a bit of a mess. Logic is; If we're given a
# host_uuid, and it matches, use it. Otherwise, if an
# anvil_uuid is passed, and either node 1 or 2's UUID, or if
# there is a DR host, if it's host UUID matches, then we can
# use this.
if (
( $ host_uuid ) && ( $ host_uuid eq $ this_host_uuid )
( $ anvil_uuid ) &&
( $ this_host_uuid eq $ node1_host_uuid ) or
( $ this_host_uuid eq $ node2_host_uuid ) or
( $ dr1_host_uuid ) &&
( $ this_host_uuid eq $ dr1_host_uuid )
# This is a node in the requested cluster.
$ resource = $ this_resource ;
$ volume = $ this_volume ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
resource = > $ resource ,
volume = > $ volume ,
} } ) ;
last ;
if ( not $ host_uuid )
$ host_uuid = $ this_host_uuid ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_uuid = > $ host_uuid } } ) ;
# Did I find the resource and volume?
if ( $ resource )
my $ query = "
scan_drbd_resource_host_uuid ,
scan_drbd_resource_xml ,
scan_drbd_resource_name = " . $ anvil - > Database - > quote ( $ resource ) ;
if ( $ host_uuid )
$ query . = "
scan_drbd_resource_host_uuid = " . $ anvil - > Database - > quote ( $ host_uuid ) ;
$ query . = "
modified_date DESC
; " ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { query = > $ query } } ) ;
my $ results = $ anvil - > Database - > query ( { query = > $ query , source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ } ) ;
my $ count = @ { $ results } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
results = > $ results ,
count = > $ count ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ count )
# Group not found.
return ( "" ) ;
my $ scan_drbd_resource_host_uuid = $ results - > [ 0 ] - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ scan_drbd_resource_xml = $ results - > [ 0 ] - > [ 1 ] ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
scan_drbd_resource_host_uuid = > $ scan_drbd_resource_host_uuid ,
scan_drbd_resource_xml = > $ scan_drbd_resource_xml ,
} } ) ;
$ anvil - > DRBD - > gather_data ( {
debug = > 3 ,
xml = > $ scan_drbd_resource_xml ,
} ) ;
# Dig out the LV behind the volume.
foreach my $ this_host_name ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host } } )
my $ this_host_uuid = $ anvil - > Get - > host_uuid_from_name ( { host_name = > $ this_host_name } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:this_host_name" = > $ this_host_name ,
"s2:this_host_uuid" = > $ this_host_uuid ,
} } ) ;
next if ( ( $ host_uuid ) && ( $ this_host_uuid ne $ host_uuid ) ) ;
my $ device_path = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host } { $ this_host_name } { volume } { $ volume } { device_path } ;
my $ backing_disk = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host } { $ this_host_name } { volume } { $ volume } { backing_disk } ;
my $ device_minor = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host } { $ this_host_name } { volume } { $ volume } { device_minor } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s3:device_path" = > $ device_path ,
"s4:backing_disk" = > $ backing_disk ,
"s5:device_minor" = > $ device_minor ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ host_uuid )
$ host_uuid = $ scan_drbd_resource_host_uuid ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_uuid = > $ host_uuid } } ) ;
$ logical_volume = $ backing_disk ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { logical_volume = > $ logical_volume } } ) ;
last ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { logical_volume = > $ logical_volume } } ) ;
if ( $ logical_volume )
### NOTE: We're pulling more columns than we need to help with logging.
# Verify this is an LV and, if so, what VG is it on?
my $ query = "
a . scan_lvm_lv_name ,
a . scan_lvm_lv_on_vg ,
b . scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid
scan_lvm_lvs a ,
scan_lvm_vgs b
a . scan_lvm_lv_host_uuid = b . scan_lvm_vg_host_uuid
a . scan_lvm_lv_on_vg = b . scan_lvm_vg_name
a . scan_lvm_lv_path = " . $ anvil - > Database - > quote ( $ logical_volume ) ;
if ( $ host_uuid )
$ query . = "
scan_lvm_lv_host_uuid = " . $ anvil - > Database - > quote ( $ host_uuid ) ;
$ query . = "
; " ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { query = > $ query } } ) ;
my $ results = $ anvil - > Database - > query ( { query = > $ query , source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ } ) ;
my $ count = @ { $ results } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
results = > $ results ,
count = > $ count ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ count )
# LV not found.
return ( "" ) ;
my $ scan_lvm_lv_name = $ results - > [ 0 ] - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ scan_lvm_lv_on_vg = $ results - > [ 0 ] - > [ 1 ] ;
my $ scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid = $ results - > [ 0 ] - > [ 2 ] ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
scan_lvm_lv_name = > $ scan_lvm_lv_name ,
scan_lvm_lv_on_vg = > $ scan_lvm_lv_on_vg ,
scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid = > $ scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid ,
} } ) ;
$ query = "
a . storage_group_uuid ,
a . storage_group_name
storage_groups a ,
storage_group_members b
a . storage_group_uuid = b . storage_group_member_storage_group_uuid
b . storage_group_member_vg_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid)."
; " ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { query = > $ query } } ) ;
$ results = $ anvil - > Database - > query ( { query = > $ query , source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ } ) ;
$ count = @ { $ results } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
results = > $ results ,
count = > $ count ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ count )
# Storage group not found.
return ( "" ) ;
my $ storage_group_uuid = $ results - > [ 0 ] - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ storage_group_name = $ results - > [ 0 ] - > [ 1 ] ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
storage_group_uuid = > $ storage_group_uuid ,
storage_group_name = > $ storage_group_name ,
} } ) ;
# Done!
return ( $ storage_group_uuid ) ;
return ( "" ) ;
= head2 make_directory
This creates a directory ( and any parent directories ) .