@ -33,232 +33,11 @@ print "Connecting to the database(s);\n";
$ anvil - > Database - > connect ( { debug = > 3 } ) ;
$ anvil - > Database - > connect ( { debug = > 3 } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , 'print' = > 1 , level = > 2 , secure = > 0 , key = > "log_0132" } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , 'print' = > 1 , level = > 2 , secure = > 0 , key = > "log_0132" } ) ;
# These packages can't be downloaded on RHEL Striker dashboads as they usually are not entitled to
my $ agent = "scan-apc-ups" ;
$ anvil - > data - > { ha_packages } = {
my $ schema_file = $ anvil - > data - > { path } { directories } { scan_agents } . "/" . $ agent . "/" . $ agent . ".sql" ;
c = > [
my $ tables = $ anvil - > Database - > get_tables_from_schema ( { debug = > 2 , schema_file = > $ schema_file } ) ;
"corosync.x86_64" ,
print "Schema file: [" . $ schema_file . "]\n" ;
"corosynclib.x86_64" ,
foreach my $ table ( @ { $ tables } )
] ,
l = > [
"libknet1.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-compress-bzip2-plugin.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-compress-lz4-plugin.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-compress-lzma-plugin.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-compress-lzo2-plugin.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-compress-plugins-all.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-compress-zlib-plugin.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-crypto-nss-plugin.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-crypto-openssl-plugin.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-crypto-plugins-all.x86_64" ,
"libknet1-plugins-all.x86_64" ,
"libnozzle1.x86_64" ,
] ,
p = > [
"pacemaker.x86_64" ,
"pacemaker-cli.x86_64" ,
"pacemaker-cluster-libs.x86_64" ,
"pacemaker-libs.x86_64" ,
"pacemaker-schemas.noarch" ,
] ,
r = > [
"resource-agents.x86_64" ,
] ,
} ;
my $ use_node_name = "" ;
my $ use_node_ip = "" ;
my $ use_password = "" ;
my ( $ os_type , $ os_arch ) = $ anvil - > Get - > os_type ( ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_type } = $ os_type ;
$ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_arch } = $ os_arch ;
if ( $ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_type } eq "rhel8" )
my $ local_short_host_name = $ anvil - > Get - > short_host_name ;
print "- " . $ table . "\n" ;
$ anvil - > Network - > load_ips ( {
debug = > 3 ,
host = > $ local_short_host_name ,
} ) ;
print "My OS is: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_type } . "], [" . $ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_arch } . "]\n" ;
my $ query = "
a . host_uuid ,
a . host_name ,
b . anvil_password
hosts a ,
anvils b
a . host_type = 'node'
a . host_uuid = b . anvil_node1_host_uuid
a . host_uuid = b . anvil_node2_host_uuid
a . host_name ASC
; " ;
my $ results = $ anvil - > Database - > query ( { query = > $ query , source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ } ) ;
my $ count = @ { $ results } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 2 , list = > {
results = > $ results ,
count = > $ count ,
} } ) ;
foreach my $ row ( @ { $ results } )
my $ host_uuid = $ row - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ host_name = $ row - > [ 1 ] ;
my $ anvil_password = $ row - > [ 2 ] ;
my $ short_host_name = $ host_name ;
$ short_host_name =~ s/\..*$// ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 2 , list = > {
host_uuid = > $ host_uuid ,
host_name = > $ host_name ,
anvil_password = > $ anvil - > Log - > is_secure ( $ anvil_password ) ,
short_host_name = > $ short_host_name ,
} } ) ;
$ anvil - > Network - > load_ips ( {
debug = > 3 ,
host_uuid = > $ host_uuid ,
host = > $ short_host_name ,
} ) ;
my $ access = 0 ;
my ( $ match ) = $ anvil - > Network - > find_matches ( {
debug = > 3 ,
first = > $ local_short_host_name ,
second = > $ short_host_name ,
} ) ;
my $ keys = keys % { $ match } ;
print "Node: [" . $ host_name . "]\n" ;
print "- match: [" . $ match . "], keys: [" . $ keys . "]\n" ;
if ( $ keys )
foreach my $ interface ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ match - > { $ short_host_name } } )
my $ remote_ip = $ match - > { $ short_host_name } { $ interface } { ip } ;
print "- Should be able to reach: [" . $ short_host_name . "] at the IP: [" . $ remote_ip . "]\n" ;
my $ pinged = $ anvil - > Network - > ping ( {
ping = > $ remote_ip ,
count = > 1 ,
} ) ;
if ( $ pinged )
print "- The node is pingable, checking access.\n" ;
my $ access = $ anvil - > Remote - > test_access ( {
target = > $ remote_ip ,
password = > $ anvil_password ,
} ) ;
if ( $ access )
print "- Accessed! Testing Internet...\n" ;
my $ internet = $ anvil - > Network - > check_internet ( {
debug = > 3 ,
target = > $ remote_ip ,
password = > $ anvil_password ,
} ) ;
if ( $ internet )
print "- Has Internet access! Checking OS...\n" ;
my ( $ os_type , $ os_arch ) = $ anvil - > Get - > os_type ( {
debug = > 3 ,
target = > $ remote_ip ,
password = > $ anvil_password ,
} ) ;
print "- The host OS is: [" . $ os_type . "], [" . $ os_arch . "]\n" ;
if ( ( $ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_type } eq $ os_type ) && ( $ os_arch eq $ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_arch } ) )
print "- Found a match!\n" ;
$ use_node_name = $ host_name ;
$ use_node_ip = $ remote_ip ;
$ use_password = $ anvil_password ;
last ;
print "- Unable to connect.\n" ;
print "- Unable to ping, skipping.\n" ;
if ( $ use_node_ip )
print "Will download RPMs via: [" . $ use_node_name . "] via IP: [" . $ use_node_ip . "]\n" ;
foreach my $ letter ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { ha_packages } } )
my $ download_path = "/tmp/Packages/" . $ letter ;
my $ local_path = "/var/www/html/" . $ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_type } . "/" . $ anvil - > data - > { host_os } { os_arch } . "/os/Packages/" . $ letter ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 2 , list = > {
letter = > $ letter ,
download_path = > $ download_path ,
local_path = > $ local_path ,
} } ) ;
# This is the directory we'll download the packages to on the node.
$ anvil - > Storage - > make_directory ( {
debug = > 3 ,
directory = > $ download_path ,
target = > $ use_node_ip ,
password = > $ use_password ,
mode = > "0775" ,
} ) ;
my $ packages = "" ;
my $ shell_call = $ anvil - > data - > { path } { exe } { dnf } . " download --destdir " . $ download_path . " " ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 3 , list = > { shell_call = > $ shell_call } } ) ;
foreach my $ package ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } @ { $ anvil - > data - > { ha_packages } { $ letter } } )
# Append the package to the active shell call.
$ packages . = $ package . " " ;
$ packages =~ s/ $// ;
$ shell_call . = " " . $ packages ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 2 , list = > { shell_call = > $ shell_call } } ) ;
# None of the HA packages are large os it's not worth trying to monitor the downlaods
# in real time. As such, we'll make a standard remote call.
my ( $ output , $ error , $ return_code ) = $ anvil - > Remote - > call ( {
debug = > 3 ,
target = > $ use_node_ip ,
password = > $ use_password ,
shell_call = > $ shell_call ,
} ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 2 , list = > {
output = > $ output ,
error = > $ error ,
return_code = > $ return_code ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ return_code )
# Success! Copy the files.
my $ failed = $ anvil - > Storage - > rsync ( {
debug = > 2 ,
source = > "root\@" . $ use_node_ip . ":" . $ download_path . "/*" ,
destination = > $ local_path . "/" ,
password = > $ use_password ,
} ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 2 , list = > { failed = > $ failed } } ) ;
print "No nodes are available to try to download HA packages from.\n"