4 changed files with 144 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
import assert from 'assert'; |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import { REP_PEACEFUL_STRING } from '../../consts'; |
import { getFenceSpec, timestamp, write } from '../../accessModule'; |
import { sanitize } from '../../sanitize'; |
import { stderr, stdoutVar, uuid } from '../../shell'; |
const MAP_TO_VAR_TYPE: Record< |
AnvilDataFenceParameterType, |
'boolean' | 'number' | 'string' |
> = { |
boolean: 'boolean', |
integer: 'number', |
second: 'number', |
select: 'string', |
string: 'string', |
}; |
export const createFence: RequestHandler< |
{ uuid?: string }, |
undefined, |
{ |
agent: string; |
name: string; |
parameters: { [parameterId: string]: boolean | number | string }; |
} |
> = async (request, response) => { |
const { |
body: { agent: rAgent, name: rName, parameters: rParameters }, |
params: { uuid: rUuid }, |
} = request; |
let fenceSpec: AnvilDataFenceHash; |
try { |
fenceSpec = await getFenceSpec(); |
} catch (error) { |
stderr(`Failed to get fence devices specification; CAUSE: ${error}`); |
return response.status(500).send(); |
} |
const agent = sanitize(rAgent, 'string'); |
const name = sanitize(rName, 'string'); |
const fenceUuid = sanitize(rUuid, 'string', { fallback: uuid() }); |
const { [agent]: agentSpec } = fenceSpec; |
try { |
assert.ok(agentSpec, `Agent is unknown to spec; got [${agent}]`); |
assert( |
`Name must be a peaceful string; got [${name}]`, |
); |
const rParamsType = typeof rParameters; |
assert( |
rParamsType === 'object', |
`Parameters must be an object; got type [${rParamsType}]`, |
); |
} catch (error) { |
assert( |
`Failed to assert value when working with fence device; CAUSE: ${error}`, |
); |
return response.status(400).send(); |
} |
const { parameters: agentSpecParams } = agentSpec; |
const args = Object.entries(agentSpecParams) |
.reduce<string[]>((previous, [paramId, paramSpec]) => { |
const { content_type: paramType, default: paramDefault } = paramSpec; |
const { [paramId]: rParamValue } = rParameters; |
if ( |
[paramDefault, '', null, undefined].some((bad) => rParamValue === bad) |
) |
return previous; |
// TODO: add SQL modifier after finding a way to escape single quotes
const paramValue = sanitize(rParamValue, MAP_TO_VAR_TYPE[paramType]); |
previous.push(`${paramId}="${paramValue}"`); |
return previous; |
}, []) |
.join(' '); |
stdoutVar( |
{ agent, args, name }, |
`Proceed to record fence device (${fenceUuid}): `, |
); |
const modifiedDate = timestamp(); |
try { |
const wcode = await write( |
fences ( |
fence_uuid, |
fence_name, |
fence_agent, |
fence_arguments, |
modified_date |
) VALUES ( |
'${fenceUuid}', |
'${name}', |
'${agent}', |
'${args}', |
'${modifiedDate}' |
) ON CONFLICT (fence_uuid) |
fence_name = '${name}', |
fence_agent = '${agent}', |
fence_arguments = '${args}', |
modified_date = '${modifiedDate}';`,
); |
assert(wcode === 0, `Write exited with code ${wcode}`); |
} catch (error) { |
stderr(`Failed to write fence record; CAUSE: ${error}`); |
return response.status(500).send(); |
} |
const scode = rUuid ? 201 : 200; |
return response.status(scode).send(); |
}; |
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ |
export * from './createFence'; |
export * from './deleteFence'; |
export * from './deleteFence'; |
export * from './getFence'; |
export * from './getFence'; |
export * from './getFenceTemplate'; |
export * from './getFenceTemplate'; |
export * from './updateFence'; |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
import { createFence } from './createFence'; |
export const updateFence = createFence; |
Reference in new issue