@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use Proc::Simple ;
use NetAddr::IP ;
use JSON ;
use Text::Diff ;
our $ VERSION = "3.0.0" ;
my $ THIS_FILE = "System.pm" ;
@ -26,13 +27,9 @@ my $THIS_FILE = "System.pm";
# disable_daemon
# enable_daemon
# find_matching_ip
# get_bridges
# get_free_memory
# get_host_type
# get_uptime
# get_os_type
# host_name
# maintenance_mode
# manage_authorized_keys
# manage_firewall
# read_ssh_config
# reload_daemon
@ -615,6 +612,373 @@ sub check_memory
return ( $ used_ram ) ;
= head2 check_ssh_keys
This method does several things ;
1 . This makes sure the users on this system have SSH keys , and creates the keys if needed .
2 . It records the user ' s keys in the C << ssh_keys >> table .
3 . For the dashboard machines it uses , it adds their host machine public key ( SSH fingerprint ) to C << ~ /.ssh/ known_hosts >> .
4 . If this machine is a node or DR host , it sets up passwordless SSH between the other machines in the same Anvil ! system .
This works on the C << admin >> and C << root >> users . If the host is a node , it will also work on the c << hacluster >> user .
B << Note >> : If a machine 's fingerprint changes, this method will NOT update C<< ~/.ssh/known_hosts >>! You will see an alert on the Striker dashboard prompting you to clear the bad keys (or, if that wasn' t expected , find the "man in the middle" attacker ) .
This method takes no parameters .
= cut
sub check_ssh_keys
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->check_memory()" } } ) ;
# We do a couple things here. First we make sure our user's keys are up to date and stored in the
# 'ssh_keys' table. Then we look through the 'trusts' table for any other users@hosts we're supposed
# to trust. For each, we make sure that they're in the appropriate local user's authorized_keys file.
my $ users = $ anvil - > Get - > host_type eq "node" ? [ "root" , "admin" , "hacluster" ] : [ "root" , "admin" ] ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { users = > \ @ { $ users } } } ) ;
# Get a list of machine host keys and user public keys from other machines.
# Users to check:
foreach my $ user ( @ { $ users } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { user = > $ user } } ) ;
my $ user_home = $ anvil - > Get - > users_home ( { user = > $ user } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { user_home = > $ user_home } } ) ;
# If the user doesn't exist, their home directory won't either, so skip.
next if not $ user_home ;
next if not - d $ user_home ;
# If the user's ~/.ssh directory doesn't exist, we need to create it.
my $ ssh_directory = $ user_home . "/.ssh" ;
$ ssh_directory =~ s/\/\//\//g ;
if ( not - e $ ssh_directory )
# Create it.
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , key = > "log_0272" , variables = > { user = > $ user , directory = > $ ssh_directory } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Storage - > make_directory ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
directory = > $ ssh_directory ,
user = > $ user ,
group = > $ user ,
mode = > "0700" ,
} ) ;
if ( not - e $ ssh_directory )
# Failed ?
next ;
my $ ssh_private_key_file = $ user_home . "/.ssh/id_rsa" ;
my $ ssh_public_key_file = $ user_home . "/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
ssh_public_key_file = > $ ssh_public_key_file ,
ssh_private_key_file = > $ ssh_private_key_file ,
} } ) ;
if ( not - e $ ssh_public_key_file )
# Generate the SSH keys.
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , key = > "log_0270" , variables = > { user = > $ user } } ) ;
my ( $ output , $ return_code ) = $ anvil - > System - > call ( { shell_call = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { exe } { 'ssh-keygen' } . " -t rsa -N \"\" -b 8191 -f " . $ ssh_private_key_file } ) ;
if ( - e $ ssh_public_key_file )
# Success!
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , key = > "log_0271" , variables = > { user = > $ user , output = > $ output } } ) ;
# Failed?
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , priority = > "alert" , key = > "error_0057" , variables = > { user = > $ user , output = > $ output } } ) ;
next ;
# Now read in the key.
my $ users_public_key = $ anvil - > Storage - > read_file ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
file = > $ ssh_public_key_file ,
} ) ;
$ users_public_key =~ s/\n$// ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { users_public_key = > $ users_public_key } } ) ;
# Now store the key in the 'ssh_key' table, if needed.
my $ ssh_key_uuid = $ anvil - > Database - > insert_or_update_ssh_keys ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
ssh_key_host_uuid = > $ anvil - > Get - > host_uuid ,
ssh_key_public_key = > $ users_public_key ,
ssh_key_user_name = > $ user ,
} ) ;
# Read in the existing 'known_hosts' file, if it exists. The 'old' and 'new' variables will
# be used when looking for needed changes.
my $ known_hosts_file_body = "" ;
my $ known_hosts_old_body = "" ;
my $ known_hosts_new_body = "" ;
my $ known_hosts_file = $ ssh_directory . "/known_hosts" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { known_hosts_file = > $ known_hosts_file } } ) ;
if ( - e $ known_hosts_file )
$ known_hosts_file_body = $ anvil - > Storage - > read_file ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
file = > $ known_hosts_file ,
} ) ;
$ known_hosts_old_body = $ known_hosts_file_body ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { known_hosts_file_body = > $ known_hosts_file_body } } ) ;
# Read in the existing 'authorized_keys' file, if it exists.
my $ authorized_keys_file_body = "" ;
my $ authorized_keys_old_body = "" ;
my $ authorized_keys_new_body = "" ;
my $ authorized_keys_file = $ ssh_directory . "/authorized_keys" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { authorized_keys_file = > $ authorized_keys_file } } ) ;
if ( - e $ authorized_keys_file )
$ authorized_keys_file_body = $ anvil - > Storage - > read_file ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
file = > $ authorized_keys_file ,
} ) ;
$ authorized_keys_old_body = $ authorized_keys_file_body ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { authorized_keys_file_body = > $ authorized_keys_file_body } } ) ;
### Walk through each host we now know of. As we we do, loop through the old file body to see
### if it exists. If it does, and the key has changed, update the line with the new key. If
### it isn't found, add it. Once we check the old body for this entry, change the "old" body
### to the new one, then repeat the process.
# Look at all the hosts I know about (other than myself) and see if any of the machine or
# user keys either don't exist or have changed.
my $ update_known_hosts = 0 ;
my $ update_authorized_keys = 0 ;
my $ known_hosts_new_lines = "" ;
my $ authorized_keys_new_lines = "" ;
# Check for changes to known_hosts
foreach my $ host_uuid ( keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { peers } { ssh_keys } } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_uuid = > $ host_uuid } } ) ;
foreach my $ host_name ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { peers } { ssh_keys } { $ host_uuid } { host } } )
my $ key = $ anvil - > data - > { peers } { ssh_keys } { $ host_uuid } { host } { $ host_name } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
's1:host_name' = > $ host_name ,
's2:key' = > $ key ,
} } ) ;
# Is this in the file and, if so, has it changed?
my $ found = 0 ;
my $ test_line = $ host_name . " " . $ key ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { test_line = > $ test_line } } ) ;
foreach my $ line ( split /\n/ , $ known_hosts_old_body )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { line = > $ line } } ) ;
if ( $ line eq $ test_line )
# No change needed, key is the same.
$ found = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { found = > $ found } } ) ;
elsif ( $ line =~ /^$host_name / )
# Key has changed, update.
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , key = > "log_0274" , variables = > {
machine = > $ host_name ,
old_key = > $ line ,
new_key = > $ test_line ,
} } ) ;
$ found = 1 ;
$ line = $ test_line ;
$ update_known_hosts = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
found = > $ found ,
line = > $ line ,
update_known_hosts = > $ update_known_hosts ,
} } ) ;
$ known_hosts_new_body . = $ line . "\n" ;
# If we didn't find the key, add it.
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { found = > $ found } } ) ;
if ( not $ found )
$ update_known_hosts = 1 ;
$ known_hosts_new_lines . = $ test_line . "\n" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
's1:update_known_hosts' = > $ update_known_hosts ,
's2:known_hosts_new_lines' = > $ known_hosts_new_lines ,
} } ) ;
# Move the new body over to the old body (even though it may not have
# changed) and then clear the new body to prepare for the next pass.
$ known_hosts_old_body = $ known_hosts_new_body ;
$ known_hosts_new_body = "" ;
# Lastly, copy the last version of the old body to the new body,
$ known_hosts_new_body = $ known_hosts_old_body . $ known_hosts_new_lines ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
's1:update_known_hosts' = > $ update_known_hosts ,
's2:known_hosts_file_body' = > $ known_hosts_file_body ,
's3:known_hosts_new_body' = > $ known_hosts_new_body ,
's4:difference' = > diff \ $ known_hosts_file_body , \ $ known_hosts_new_body , { STYLE = > 'Unified' } ,
} } ) ;
### TODO: Change this to not use all hosts, but on dashboards we use, plus if we're in an Anvil!, those machines.
= cut
# Check for changes to authorized_keys
foreach my $ host_uuid ( keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { peers } { ssh_keys } } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_uuid = > $ host_uuid } } ) ;
foreach my $ ssh_key_user_name ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { peers } { ssh_keys } { $ host_uuid } { user } } )
my $ ssh_key_public_key = $ anvil - > data - > { peers } { ssh_keys } { $ host_uuid } { user } { $ ssh_key_user_name } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
's1:ssh_key_user_name' = > $ ssh_key_user_name ,
's2:ssh_key_public_key' = > $ ssh_key_public_key ,
} } ) ;
# The key in the file might have a different trailing suffix (user@host_name)
# and doesn't really matter. So we search by the key type and public key to
# see if it exists already.
my $ found = 0 ;
my $ test_line = ( $ ssh_key_public_key =~ /^(ssh-.*? .*?) / ) [ 0 ] ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { test_line = > $ test_line } } ) ;
foreach my $ line ( split /\n/ , $ authorized_keys_old_body )
# NOTE: Use '\Q...\E' so that the '+' characters in the key aren't
# evaluated as part of the regex.
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { line = > $ line } } ) ;
if ( $ line =~ /^\Q$test_line\E/ )
# No change needed, key is the same.
$ found = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { found = > $ found } } ) ;
# We don't look for changes (yet). Might be worth looking for stale
# keys by ckecking of the host at the end matches an entry in the
# database and then verifying the keys haven't changed, but that's
# for another day.
$ authorized_keys_new_body . = $ line . "\n" ;
# If we didn't find the key, add it.
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { found = > $ found } } ) ;
if ( not $ found )
$ update_authorized_keys = 1 ;
$ authorized_keys_new_lines . = $ ssh_key_public_key . "\n" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
's1:update_authorized_keys' = > $ update_authorized_keys ,
's2:authorized_keys_new_lines' = > $ authorized_keys_new_lines ,
} } ) ;
# Move the new body over to the old body (even though it may not have
# changed) and then clear the new body to prepare for the next pass.
$ authorized_keys_old_body = $ authorized_keys_new_body ;
$ authorized_keys_new_body = "" ;
# Lastly, copy the last version of the old body to the new body,
$ authorized_keys_new_body = $ authorized_keys_old_body . $ authorized_keys_new_lines ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
's1:update_authorized_keys' = > $ update_authorized_keys ,
's2:authorized_keys_file_body' = > $ authorized_keys_file_body ,
's3:authorized_keys_new_body' = > $ authorized_keys_new_body ,
's4:difference' = > diff \ $ authorized_keys_file_body , \ $ authorized_keys_new_body , { STYLE = > 'Unified' } ,
} } ) ;
= cut
# Update the known_hosts files, if needed.
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { update_known_hosts = > $ update_known_hosts } } ) ;
if ( $ update_known_hosts )
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , key = > "log_0273" , variables = > { user = > $ user , file = > $ known_hosts_file } } ) ;
if ( - e $ known_hosts_file )
my $ backup_file = $ anvil - > Storage - > backup ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
fatal = > 1 ,
file = > $ known_hosts_file ,
} ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { backup_file = > $ backup_file } } ) ;
if ( - e $ backup_file )
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , key = > "log_0154" , variables = > { source_file = > $ known_hosts_file , target_file = > $ backup_file } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , priority = > "alert" , key = > "error_0058" , variables = > { file = > $ known_hosts_file } } ) ;
my $ failed = $ anvil - > Storage - > write_file ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
overwrite = > 1 ,
file = > $ known_hosts_file ,
body = > $ known_hosts_new_body ,
user = > $ user ,
group = > $ user ,
mode = > "0644" ,
} ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { failed = > $ failed } } ) ;
# Update the authorized_keys files, if needed.
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { update_authorized_keys = > $ update_authorized_keys } } ) ;
if ( $ update_authorized_keys )
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0273" , variables = > { user = > $ user , file = > $ authorized_keys_file } } ) ;
if ( - e $ authorized_keys_file )
my $ backup_file = $ anvil - > Storage - > backup ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
fatal = > 1 ,
file = > $ authorized_keys_file ,
} ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { backup_file = > $ backup_file } } ) ;
if ( - e $ backup_file )
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0154" , variables = > { source_file = > $ authorized_keys_file , target_file = > $ backup_file } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , priority = > "alert" , key = > "error_0058" , variables = > { file = > $ authorized_keys_file } } ) ;
my $ failed = $ anvil - > Storage - > write_file ( {
debug = > $ debug ,
overwrite = > 1 ,
file = > $ authorized_keys_file ,
body = > $ authorized_keys_new_body ,
user = > $ user ,
group = > $ user ,
mode = > "0644" ,
} ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { failed = > $ failed } } ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
= head2 check_storage
Thic gathers LVM data from the local system .
@ -1240,139 +1604,6 @@ sub generate_state_json
return ( 0 ) ;
= head2 get_bridges
This finds a list of bridges on the host . Bridges that are found are stored is '
= cut
sub get_bridges
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->get_bridges()" } } ) ;
my ( $ output , $ return_code ) = $ anvil - > System - > call ( { shell_call = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { exe } { bridge } . " -json -details link show" } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
output = > $ output ,
return_code = > $ return_code ,
} } ) ;
# Delete any previously known data
if ( exists $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } )
delete $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } ;
} ;
my $ json = JSON - > new - > allow_nonref ;
my $ bridge_data = $ json - > decode ( $ output ) ;
#print Dumper $bridge_data;
foreach my $ hash_ref ( @ { $ bridge_data } )
# If the ifname and master are the same, it's a bridge.
my $ type = "interface" ;
my $ interface = $ hash_ref - > { ifname } ;
my $ master_bridge = $ hash_ref - > { master } ;
if ( $ interface eq $ master_bridge )
$ type = "bridge" ;
$ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { bridge } { $ interface } { found } = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"local::network::bridges::bridge::${interface}::found" = > $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { bridge } { $ interface } { found } ,
} } ) ;
# Store this interface under the bridge.
$ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { bridge } { $ master_bridge } { connected_interface } { $ interface } = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"local::network::bridges::bridge::${master_bridge}::connected_interface::${interface}" = > $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { bridge } { $ master_bridge } { connected_interface } { $ interface } ,
} } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
interface = > $ interface ,
master_bridge = > $ master_bridge ,
type = > $ type ,
} } ) ;
foreach my $ key ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ hash_ref } )
if ( ref ( $ hash_ref - > { $ key } ) eq "ARRAY" )
$ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { $ type } { $ interface } { $ key } = [] ;
foreach my $ value ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } @ { $ hash_ref - > { $ key } } )
push @ { $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { $ type } { $ interface } { $ key } } , $ value ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < @ { $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { $ type } { $ interface } { $ key } } ; $ i + + )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"local::network::bridges::${type}::${interface}::${key}->[$i]" = > $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { $ type } { $ interface } { $ key } - > [ $ i ] ,
} } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { $ type } { $ interface } { $ key } = $ hash_ref - > { $ key } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"local::network::bridges::${type}::${interface}::${key}" = > $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { $ type } { $ interface } { $ key } ,
} } ) ;
# Summary of found bridges.
foreach my $ interface ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { bridge } } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"local::network::bridges::bridge::${interface}::found" = > $ anvil - > data - > { 'local' } { network } { bridges } { bridge } { $ interface } { found } ,
} } ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
= head2 get_free_memory
This returns , in bytes , host much free memory is available on the local system .
= cut
### TODO: Make this work on remote systems.
sub get_free_memory
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->get_free_memory()" } } ) ;
my $ available = 0 ;
my ( $ free_output , $ free_rc ) = $ anvil - > System - > call ( { shell_call = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { exe } { free } . " --bytes" } ) ;
foreach my $ line ( split /\n/ , $ free_output )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 3 , list = > { line = > $ line } } ) ;
if ( $ line =~ /Mem:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/ )
my $ total = $ 1 ;
my $ used = $ 2 ;
my $ free = $ 3 ;
my $ shared = $ 4 ;
my $ cache = $ 5 ;
$ available = $ 6 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
total = > $ total . " (" . $ anvil - > Convert - > bytes_to_human_readable ( { 'bytes' = > $ total } ) . "})" ,
used = > $ used . " (" . $ anvil - > Convert - > bytes_to_human_readable ( { 'bytes' = > $ used } ) . "})" ,
free = > $ free . " (" . $ anvil - > Convert - > bytes_to_human_readable ( { 'bytes' = > $ free } ) . "})" ,
shared = > $ shared . " (" . $ anvil - > Convert - > bytes_to_human_readable ( { 'bytes' = > $ shared } ) . "})" ,
cache = > $ cache . " (" . $ anvil - > Convert - > bytes_to_human_readable ( { 'bytes' = > $ cache } ) . "})" ,
available = > $ available . " (" . $ anvil - > Convert - > bytes_to_human_readable ( { 'bytes' = > $ available } ) . "})" ,
} } ) ;
return ( $ available ) ;
= head2 enable_daemon
This method enables a daemon ( so that it starts when the OS boots ) . The return code from the start request will be returned .
@ -1492,175 +1723,6 @@ sub find_matching_ip
return ( $ local_ip ) ;
= head2 get_host_type
This method tries to determine the host type and returns a value suitable for use is the C << hosts >> table .
my $ type = $ anvil - > System - > get_host_type ( ) ;
First , it looks to see if C << sys:: host_type >> is set and , if so , uses that string as it is .
If that isn ' t set , it then looks to see if the file C << /etc/ anvil / type . X >> exists , where C << X >> is C << node >> , C << dashboard >> or C << dr >> . If found , the appropriate type is returned .
If that file doesn ' t exist , then it looks at the short host name . The following rules are used , in order ;
1 . If the host name ends in C << n <digits> >> or C << node <digits> >> , C << node >> is returned .
2 . If the host name ends in C << striker <digits> >> or C << dashboard <digits> >> , C << dashboard >> is returned .
3 . If the host name ends in C << dr <digits> >> , C << dr >> is returned .
= cut
sub get_host_type
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->get_host_type()" } } ) ;
my $ host_type = "" ;
my $ host_name = $ anvil - > _short_host_name ;
$ host_type = "unknown" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
host_type = > $ host_type ,
host_name = > $ host_name ,
"sys::host_type" = > $ anvil - > data - > { sys } { host_type } ,
} } ) ;
if ( $ anvil - > data - > { sys } { host_type } )
$ host_type = $ anvil - > data - > { sys } { host_type } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_type = > $ host_type } } ) ;
# Can I determine it by seeing a file?
if ( - e $ anvil - > data - > { path } { configs } { 'type.node' } )
$ host_type = "node" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_type = > $ host_type } } ) ;
elsif ( - e $ anvil - > data - > { path } { configs } { 'type.dashboard' } )
$ host_type = "dashboard" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_type = > $ host_type } } ) ;
elsif ( - e $ anvil - > data - > { path } { configs } { 'type.dr' } )
$ host_type = "dr" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_type = > $ host_type } } ) ;
elsif ( ( $ host_name =~ /n\d+$/ ) or ( $ host_name =~ /node\d+$/ ) or ( $ host_name =~ /new-node+$/ ) )
$ host_type = "node" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_type = > $ host_type } } ) ;
elsif ( ( $ host_name =~ /striker\d+$/ ) or ( $ host_name =~ /dashboard\d+$/ ) )
$ host_type = "dashboard" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_type = > $ host_type } } ) ;
elsif ( ( $ host_name =~ /dr\d+$/ ) or ( $ host_name =~ /new-dr$/ ) )
$ host_type = "dr" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_type = > $ host_type } } ) ;
return ( $ host_type ) ;
= head2 get_uptime
This returns , in seconds , how long the host has been up and running for .
This method takes no parameters .
= cut
sub get_uptime
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->get_uptime()" } } ) ;
my $ uptime = $ anvil - > Storage - > read_file ( {
force_read = > 1 ,
cache = > 0 ,
file = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { proc } { uptime } ,
} ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { uptime = > $ uptime } } ) ;
# Clean it up. We'll have gotten two numbers, the uptime in seconds (to two decimal places) and the
# total idle time. We only care about the int number.
$ uptime =~ s/^(\d+)\..*$/$1/ ;
$ uptime =~ s/\n//gs ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { uptime = > $ uptime } } ) ;
return ( $ uptime ) ;
= head2 get_os_type
This returns the operating system type and the system architecture as two separate string variables .
# Run on RHEL 8, on a 64-bit system
my ( $ os_type , $ os_arch ) = $ anvil - > System - > get_os_type ( ) ;
# '$os_type' holds 'rhel8' ('rhel' or 'centos' + release version)
# '$os_arch' holds 'x86_64' (specifically, 'uname --hardware-platform')
If either can not be determined , C << unknown >> will be returned .
This method takes no parameters .
= cut
sub get_os_type
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->get_os_type()" } } ) ;
my $ os_type = "unknown" ;
my $ os_arch = "unknown" ;
### NOTE: Examples;
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.0 Beta (Ootpa)
# Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5 (Maipo)
# CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
# Read in the /etc/redhat-release file
my $ release = $ anvil - > Storage - > read_file ( { file = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { data } { 'redhat-release' } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { release = > $ release } } ) ;
if ( $ release =~ /Red Hat Enterprise Linux .* (\d+)\./ )
# RHEL, with the major version number appended
$ os_type = "rhel" . $ 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { os_type = > $ os_type } } ) ;
elsif ( $ release =~ /CentOS .*? (\d+)\./ )
# CentOS, with the major version number appended
$ os_type = "centos" . $ 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { os_type = > $ os_type } } ) ;
my ( $ output , $ return_code ) = $ anvil - > System - > call ( { shell_call = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { exe } { uname } . " --hardware-platform" } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { output = > $ output , return_code = > $ return_code } } ) ;
if ( $ output )
$ os_arch = $ output ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { os_arch = > $ os_arch } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
os_type = > $ os_type ,
os_arch = > $ os_arch ,
} } ) ;
return ( $ os_type , $ os_arch ) ;
= head2 host_name
Get or set the local host name . The current ( or new ) "static" ( traditional ) host name and the "pretty" ( descriptive ) host names are returned .
@ -1967,7 +2029,7 @@ sub check_firewall
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->manage _firewall()" } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->check _firewall()" } } ) ;
# Show live or permanent rules? Permanent is default
my $ permanent = defined $ parameter - > { permanent } ? $ parameter - > { permanent } : 1 ;
@ -2086,6 +2148,70 @@ sub check_firewall
return ( 0 ) ;
= head2 manage_authorized_keys
This takes a host ' s UUID and will adds or removes their ssh public key to the target host user ( or users ) . On success , C << 0 >> is returned . Otherwise , C << 1 >> is returned .
Parameters ;
= head3 host_uuid ( required )
This is the C << hosts >> - > C << host_uuid >> whose key we ' re adding or removing . When adding , the C <<
= head3 password ( optional )
This is the password to use when connecting to a remote machine . If not set , but C << target >> is , an attempt to connect without a password will be made .
= head3 port ( optional )
This is the TCP port to use when connecting to a remote machine . If not set , but C << target >> is , C << 22 >> will be used .
= head3 remote_user ( optional , default root )
If C << target >> is set , this will be the user we connect to the remote machine as .
= head3 target ( optional , default 'local' )
This is the IP or host name of the machine to manage keys on . If not passed , the keys on the local machine will be managed .
= head3 users ( optional )
This is a comma separated list of users whose keys are being managed . If not set , the default on Striker and DR Hosts is C << root , admin >> and on nodes it is C << root , admin , hacluster >> .
= cut
sub manage_authorized_keys
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "System->manage_authorized_keys()" } } ) ;
my $ host_uuid = defined $ parameter - > { host_uuid } ? $ parameter - > { host_uuid } : "" ;
my $ password = defined $ parameter - > { password } ? $ parameter - > { password } : "" ;
my $ port = defined $ parameter - > { port } ? $ parameter - > { port } : "" ;
my $ remote_user = defined $ parameter - > { remote_user } ? $ parameter - > { remote_user } : "root" ;
my $ target = defined $ parameter - > { target } ? $ parameter - > { target } : "" ;
my $ users = defined $ parameter - > { users } ? $ parameter - > { users } : "" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
target = > $ target ,
port = > $ port ,
remote_user = > $ remote_user ,
password = > $ anvil - > Log - > is_secure ( $ password ) ,
users = > $ users ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ users )
$ users = $ anvil - > Striker - > get_host_type eq "node" ? "root,admin,hacluster" : "root,admin" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { users = > $ users } } ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
= head2 manage_firewall
This method manages a firewalld firewall .