11 changed files with 3 additions and 1087 deletions
@ -1,334 +0,0 @@ |
import { Box, Checkbox, checkboxClasses } from '@mui/material'; |
import { AxiosResponse } from 'axios'; |
import { |
FormEventHandler, |
MouseEventHandler, |
useEffect, |
useState, |
} from 'react'; |
import API_BASE_URL from '../../lib/consts/API_BASE_URL'; |
import { GREY, RED, TEXT } from '../../lib/consts/DEFAULT_THEME'; |
import api from '../../lib/api'; |
import ConfirmDialog from '../ConfirmDialog'; |
import ContainedButton from '../ContainedButton'; |
import FileInfo from './FileInfo'; |
import Spinner from '../Spinner'; |
import fetchJSON from '../../lib/fetchers/fetchJSON'; |
type ReducedFileLocation = Partial< |
Pick<FileLocation, 'fileLocationUUID' | 'isFileLocationActive'> |
>; |
type EditRequestContent = Partial< |
Pick<FileDetailMetadata, 'fileName' | 'fileType' | 'fileUUID'> |
> & { |
fileLocations: ReducedFileLocation[]; |
}; |
type FileEditProps = { |
filesOverview: FileOverviewMetadata[]; |
onEditFilesComplete?: () => void; |
onPurgeFilesComplete?: () => void; |
}; |
type FileToEdit = FileDetailMetadata & { |
dataIncompleteError?: unknown; |
isSelected?: boolean; |
}; |
onEditFilesComplete: undefined, |
onPurgeFilesComplete: undefined, |
}; |
const FileEditForm = ( |
{ |
filesOverview, |
onEditFilesComplete, |
onPurgeFilesComplete, |
}: FileEditProps = FILE_EDIT_FORM_DEFAULT_PROPS as FileEditProps, |
): JSX.Element => { |
const [editRequestContents, setEditRequestContents] = useState< |
EditRequestContent[] |
>([]); |
const [filesToEdit, setFilesToEdit] = useState<FileToEdit[]>([]); |
const [isLoadingFilesToEdit, setIsLoadingFilesToEdit] = |
useState<boolean>(false); |
const [isOpenPurgeConfirmDialog, setIsOpenConfirmPurgeDialog] = |
useState<boolean>(false); |
const [selectedFilesCount, setSelectedFilesCount] = useState<number>(0); |
const purgeButtonStyleOverride = { |
backgroundColor: RED, |
color: TEXT, |
'&:hover': { backgroundColor: RED }, |
}; |
const generateFileInfoChangeHandler = |
(fileIndex: number): FileInfoChangeHandler => |
(inputValues, { fileLocationIndex } = {}) => { |
if (fileLocationIndex !== undefined) { |
editRequestContents[fileIndex].fileLocations[fileLocationIndex] = { |
...editRequestContents[fileIndex].fileLocations[fileLocationIndex], |
...inputValues, |
}; |
} else { |
editRequestContents[fileIndex] = { |
...editRequestContents[fileIndex], |
...inputValues, |
}; |
} |
}; |
const editFiles: FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement> = (event) => { |
event.preventDefault(); |
setIsLoadingFilesToEdit(true); |
const editPromises = editRequestContents.reduce<Promise<AxiosResponse>[]>( |
( |
reducedEditPromises, |
{ fileLocations, fileName, fileType, fileUUID }, |
) => { |
const editRequestContent: Partial<EditRequestContent> = {}; |
if (fileName !== undefined) { |
editRequestContent.fileName = fileName; |
} |
if (fileType !== undefined) { |
editRequestContent.fileType = fileType; |
} |
const changedFileLocations = fileLocations.reduce< |
ReducedFileLocation[] |
>( |
( |
reducedFileLocations, |
{ fileLocationUUID, isFileLocationActive }, |
) => { |
if (isFileLocationActive !== undefined) { |
reducedFileLocations.push({ |
fileLocationUUID, |
isFileLocationActive, |
}); |
} |
return reducedFileLocations; |
}, |
[], |
); |
if (changedFileLocations.length > 0) { |
editRequestContent.fileLocations = changedFileLocations; |
} |
if (Object.keys(editRequestContent).length > 0) { |
reducedEditPromises.push( |
api.put(`/file/${fileUUID}`, editRequestContent), |
); |
} |
return reducedEditPromises; |
}, |
[], |
); |
Promise.all(editPromises) |
.then(() => { |
setIsLoadingFilesToEdit(false); |
}) |
.then(onEditFilesComplete); |
}; |
const purgeFiles: MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> = () => { |
setIsOpenConfirmPurgeDialog(false); |
setIsLoadingFilesToEdit(true); |
const purgePromises = filesToEdit |
.filter(({ isSelected }) => isSelected) |
.map(({ fileUUID }) => api.delete(`/file/${fileUUID}`)); |
Promise.all(purgePromises) |
.then(() => { |
setIsLoadingFilesToEdit(false); |
}) |
.then(onPurgeFilesComplete); |
}; |
const cancelPurge: MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> = () => { |
setIsOpenConfirmPurgeDialog(false); |
}; |
const confirmPurge: MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> = () => { |
// We need this local variable because setState functions are async; the
// changes won't reflect until the next render cycle.
// In this case, the user would have to click on the purge button twice to
// trigger the confirmation dialog without using this local variable.
const localSelectedFilesCount = filesToEdit.filter( |
({ isSelected }) => isSelected, |
).length; |
setSelectedFilesCount(localSelectedFilesCount); |
if (localSelectedFilesCount > 0) { |
setIsOpenConfirmPurgeDialog(true); |
} |
}; |
useEffect(() => { |
setIsLoadingFilesToEdit(true); |
Promise.all( |
|||||| (fileOverview: FileOverviewMetadata) => { |
const fileToEdit: FileToEdit = { |
...fileOverview, |
fileLocations: [], |
}; |
try { |
const data = await fetchJSON<string[][]>( |
`${API_BASE_URL}/file/${fileOverview.fileUUID}`, |
); |
fileToEdit.fileLocations =<FileLocation>( |
({ |
5: fileLocationUUID, |
6: fileLocationActive, |
7: anvilUUID, |
8: anvilName, |
9: anvilDescription, |
10: hostUUID, |
11: hostName, |
}) => ({ |
anvilDescription, |
anvilName, |
anvilUUID, |
fileLocationUUID, |
hostName, |
hostUUID, |
isFileLocationActive: parseInt(fileLocationActive, 10) === 1, |
}), |
); |
} catch (fetchError) { |
fileToEdit.dataIncompleteError = fetchError; |
} |
return fileToEdit; |
}), |
).then((fetchedFilesDetail) => { |
setFilesToEdit(fetchedFilesDetail); |
const initialEditRequestContents: EditRequestContent[] = []; |
for ( |
let fileIndex = 0; |
fileIndex < fetchedFilesDetail.length; |
fileIndex += 1 |
) { |
const fetchedFileDetail = fetchedFilesDetail[fileIndex]; |
initialEditRequestContents.push({ |
fileUUID: fetchedFileDetail.fileUUID, |
fileLocations: |
({ fileLocationUUID }) => ({ |
fileLocationUUID, |
}), |
), |
}); |
} |
setEditRequestContents(initialEditRequestContents); |
setIsLoadingFilesToEdit(false); |
}); |
}, [filesOverview]); |
return ( |
<> |
{isLoadingFilesToEdit ? ( |
<Spinner /> |
) : ( |
<form onSubmit={editFiles}> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'column', |
'& > :not(:first-child)': { marginTop: '1em' }, |
}} |
> |
{ |
({ fileName, fileLocations, fileType, fileUUID }, fileIndex) => ( |
<Box |
key={`file-edit-${fileUUID}`} |
sx={{ |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'row', |
'& > :last-child': { |
flexGrow: 1, |
}, |
}} |
> |
<Box sx={{ marginTop: '.4em' }}> |
<Checkbox |
onChange={({ target: { checked } }) => { |
filesToEdit[fileIndex].isSelected = checked; |
}} |
sx={{ |
color: GREY, |
[`&.${checkboxClasses.checked}`]: { |
color: TEXT, |
}, |
}} |
/> |
</Box> |
<FileInfo |
{...{ fileName, fileType, fileLocations }} |
onChange={generateFileInfoChangeHandler(fileIndex)} |
/> |
</Box> |
), |
)} |
{filesToEdit.length > 0 && ( |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'row', |
justifyContent: 'flex-end', |
'& > :not(:last-child)': { |
marginRight: '.5em', |
}, |
}} |
> |
<ContainedButton |
onClick={confirmPurge} |
sx={purgeButtonStyleOverride} |
> |
Purge |
</ContainedButton> |
<ContainedButton type="submit">Update</ContainedButton> |
</Box> |
)} |
</Box> |
<ConfirmDialog |
actionProceedText="Purge" |
content={`${selectedFilesCount} files will be removed from the system. You cannot undo this purge.`} |
dialogProps={{ open: isOpenPurgeConfirmDialog }} |
onCancelAppend={cancelPurge} |
onProceedAppend={purgeFiles} |
proceedButtonProps={{ sx: purgeButtonStyleOverride }} |
titleText={`Are you sure you want to purge ${selectedFilesCount} selected files? `} |
/> |
</form> |
)} |
</> |
); |
}; |
FileEditForm.defaultProps = FILE_EDIT_FORM_DEFAULT_PROPS; |
export default FileEditForm; |
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ |
import { |
Checkbox, |
checkboxClasses, |
FormControl, |
FormControlLabel, |
FormGroup, |
Grid, |
styled, |
} from '@mui/material'; |
import { |
Sync as SyncIcon, |
SyncDisabled as SyncDisabledIcon, |
} from '@mui/icons-material'; |
import { ReactElement, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; |
import { BLUE, RED, TEXT } from '../../lib/consts/DEFAULT_THEME'; |
import { UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES_ARRAY } from '../../lib/consts/UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES'; |
import List from '../List'; |
import MenuItem from '../MenuItem'; |
import OutlinedInput from '../OutlinedInput'; |
import OutlinedInputLabel from '../OutlinedInputLabel'; |
import { ExpandablePanel, InnerPanelBody } from '../Panels'; |
import Select from '../Select'; |
type FileInfoProps = Pick<FileDetailMetadata, 'fileName' | 'fileLocations'> & |
Partial<Pick<FileDetailMetadata, 'fileType'>> & { |
isReadonly?: boolean; |
onChange?: FileInfoChangeHandler; |
}; |
const FILE_INFO_DEFAULT_PROPS: Partial<FileInfoProps> = { |
isReadonly: undefined, |
onChange: undefined, |
}; |
const FileLocationActiveCheckbox = styled(Checkbox)({ |
color: RED, |
[`&.${checkboxClasses.checked}`]: { |
color: BLUE, |
}, |
}); |
const FileInfo = ( |
{ |
fileName, |
fileType, |
fileLocations, |
isReadonly, |
onChange, |
}: FileInfoProps = FILE_INFO_DEFAULT_PROPS as FileInfoProps, |
): JSX.Element => { |
const idExtension = uuidv4(); |
const fileNameElementId = `file-name-${idExtension}`; |
const fileNameElementLabel = 'File name'; |
const fileTypeElementId = `file-type-${idExtension}`; |
const fileTypeElementLabel = 'File type'; |
const anFileLocations = useMemo( |
() => |
fileLocations.reduce< |
Record< |
string, |
Pick<FileLocation, 'anvilDescription' | 'anvilName' | 'anvilUUID'> & { |
flocs: FileLocation[]; |
} |
> |
>((previous, fileLocation) => { |
const { anvilDescription, anvilName, anvilUUID } = fileLocation; |
if (!previous[anvilUUID]) { |
previous[anvilUUID] = { |
anvilDescription, |
anvilName, |
anvilUUID, |
flocs: [], |
}; |
} |
previous[anvilUUID].flocs.push(fileLocation); |
return previous; |
}, {}), |
[fileLocations], |
); |
return ( |
<FormGroup sx={{ '> :not(:first-child)': { marginTop: '1em' } }}> |
<FormControl> |
<OutlinedInputLabel htmlFor={fileNameElementId}> |
{fileNameElementLabel} |
</OutlinedInputLabel> |
<OutlinedInput |
defaultValue={fileName} |
disabled={isReadonly} |
id={fileNameElementId} |
label={fileNameElementLabel} |
onChange={({ target: { value } }) => { |
onChange?.call(null, { |
fileName: value === fileName ? undefined : value, |
}); |
}} |
/> |
</FormControl> |
{fileType && ( |
<FormControl> |
<OutlinedInputLabel htmlFor={fileTypeElementId}> |
{fileTypeElementLabel} |
</OutlinedInputLabel> |
<Select |
defaultValue={fileType} |
disabled={isReadonly} |
id={fileTypeElementId} |
input={<OutlinedInput label={fileTypeElementLabel} />} |
onChange={({ target: { value } }) => { |
onChange?.call(null, { |
fileType: value === fileType ? undefined : (value as FileType), |
}); |
}} |
> |
{ |
([fileTypeKey, [, fileTypeDisplayString]]) => ( |
<MenuItem key={fileTypeKey} value={fileTypeKey}> |
{fileTypeDisplayString} |
</MenuItem> |
), |
)} |
</Select> |
</FormControl> |
)} |
<List |
listItems={anFileLocations} |
listProps={{ dense: true, disablePadding: true }} |
renderListItem={(anvilUUID, { anvilDescription, anvilName, flocs }) => ( |
<ExpandablePanel |
header={`${anvilName}: ${anvilDescription}`} |
panelProps={{ padding: 0, width: '100%' }} |
> |
<InnerPanelBody> |
<Grid |
columns={{ xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3, lg: 4, xl: 5 }} |
columnSpacing="1em" |
container |
direction="row" |
> |
{<ReactElement>( |
({ |
fileLocationUUID: flocUUID, |
hostName, |
hostUUID, |
isFileLocationActive, |
}) => ( |
<Grid item key={`floc-${anvilUUID}-${hostUUID}`} xs={1}> |
<FormControlLabel |
control={ |
<FileLocationActiveCheckbox |
checkedIcon={<SyncIcon />} |
defaultChecked={isFileLocationActive} |
disabled={isReadonly} |
edge="start" |
icon={<SyncDisabledIcon />} |
onChange={({ target: { checked } }) => { |
onChange?.call( |
null, |
{ |
isFileLocationActive: |
checked === isFileLocationActive |
? undefined |
: checked, |
}, |
{ |
fileLocationIndex: fileLocations.findIndex( |
({ fileLocationUUID }) => |
flocUUID === fileLocationUUID, |
), |
}, |
); |
}} |
/> |
} |
label={hostName} |
sx={{ color: TEXT }} |
value={`${hostUUID}-sync`} |
/> |
</Grid> |
), |
)} |
</Grid> |
</InnerPanelBody> |
</ExpandablePanel> |
)} |
/> |
</FormGroup> |
); |
}; |
FileInfo.defaultProps = FILE_INFO_DEFAULT_PROPS; |
export default FileInfo; |
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ |
import { Box, Divider, List, ListItem } from '@mui/material'; |
import * as prettyBytes from 'pretty-bytes'; |
import { DIVIDER } from '../../lib/consts/DEFAULT_THEME'; |
import { UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES } from '../../lib/consts/UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES'; |
import { BodyText } from '../Text'; |
type FileListProps = { |
filesOverview: FileOverviewMetadata[]; |
}; |
const FileList = ({ filesOverview }: FileListProps): JSX.Element => ( |
<List> |
{ |
({ fileChecksum, fileName, fileSizeInBytes, fileType, fileUUID }) => { |
const fileSize: string = prettyBytes.default(fileSizeInBytes, { |
binary: true, |
}); |
return ( |
<ListItem key={fileUUID} sx={{ padding: '.6em 0' }}> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: { xs: 'column', md: 'row' }, |
width: '100%', |
}} |
> |
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'row', |
}} |
> |
<BodyText |
sx={{ |
fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro', |
fontWeight: 400, |
}} |
text={fileName} |
/> |
<Divider |
flexItem |
orientation="vertical" |
sx={{ |
backgroundColor: DIVIDER, |
marginLeft: '.5em', |
marginRight: '.5em', |
}} |
/> |
<BodyText text={UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES.get(fileType)?.[1] ?? ''} /> |
</Box> |
<BodyText text={fileSize} /> |
</Box> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
alignItems: 'center', |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'row', |
}} |
> |
<BodyText |
sx={{ |
fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro', |
fontWeight: 400, |
}} |
text={fileChecksum} |
/> |
</Box> |
</Box> |
</ListItem> |
); |
}, |
)} |
</List> |
); |
export default FileList; |
@ -1,296 +0,0 @@ |
import { Box, Input, InputLabel } from '@mui/material'; |
import EventEmitter from 'events'; |
import { |
ChangeEventHandler, |
FormEventHandler, |
ReactElement, |
useEffect, |
useRef, |
useState, |
} from 'react'; |
import { UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES } from '../../lib/consts/UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES'; |
import api from '../../lib/api'; |
import { ProgressBar } from '../Bars'; |
import ContainedButton from '../ContainedButton'; |
import FileInfo from './FileInfo'; |
import MessageBox from '../MessageBox'; |
import { BodyText } from '../Text'; |
type FileUploadFormProps = { |
onFileUploadComplete?: () => void; |
eventEmitter?: EventEmitter; |
}; |
type SelectedFile = Pick< |
FileDetailMetadata, |
'fileName' | 'fileLocations' | 'fileType' |
> & { |
file: File; |
}; |
type InUploadFile = Pick<FileDetailMetadata, 'fileName'> & { |
progressValue: number; |
}; |
const FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_DEFAULT_PROPS: Partial<FileUploadFormProps> = { |
onFileUploadComplete: undefined, |
eventEmitter: undefined, |
}; |
const FileUploadForm = ( |
{ |
onFileUploadComplete, |
eventEmitter, |
}: FileUploadFormProps = FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_DEFAULT_PROPS as FileUploadFormProps, |
): JSX.Element => { |
const selectFileRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(); |
const [selectedFiles, setSelectedFiles] = useState<SelectedFile[]>([]); |
const [inUploadFiles, setInUploadFiles] = useState< |
(InUploadFile | undefined)[] |
>([]); |
const convertMIMETypeToFileTypeKey = (fileMIMEType: string): FileType => { |
const fileTypesIterator = UPLOAD_FILE_TYPES.entries(); |
let fileType: FileType | undefined; |
do { |
const fileTypesResult =; |
if (fileTypesResult.value) { |
const [fileTypeKey, [mimeTypeToUse]] = fileTypesResult.value; |
if (fileMIMEType === mimeTypeToUse) { |
fileType = fileTypeKey; |
} |
} else { |
fileType = 'other'; |
} |
} while (!fileType); |
return fileType; |
}; |
const autocompleteAfterSelectFile: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = ({ |
target: { files }, |
}) => { |
if (files) { |
setSelectedFiles( |
Array.from(files).map( |
(file): SelectedFile => ({ |
file, |
fileName:, |
fileLocations: [], |
fileType: convertMIMETypeToFileTypeKey(file.type), |
}), |
), |
); |
} |
}; |
const generateFileInfoOnChangeHandler = |
(fileIndex: number): FileInfoChangeHandler => |
(inputValues) => { |
selectedFiles[fileIndex] = { |
...selectedFiles[fileIndex], |
...inputValues, |
}; |
}; |
const uploadFiles: FormEventHandler<HTMLFormElement> = (event) => { |
event.preventDefault(); |
while (selectedFiles.length > 0) { |
const selectedFile = selectedFiles.shift(); |
if (selectedFile) { |
const { file, fileName } = selectedFile; |
const fileFormData = new FormData(); |
fileFormData.append('file', new File([file], fileName, { ...file })); |
// Re-add when the back-end tools can support changing file type on file upload.
// Note: get file type from destructuring selectedFile.
// fileFormData.append('file-type', fileType);
const inUploadFile: InUploadFile = { fileName, progressValue: 0 }; |
inUploadFiles.push(inUploadFile); |
api |
.post('/file', fileFormData, { |
headers: { |
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data', |
}, |
onUploadProgress: ( |
(fName: string) => |
({ loaded, total }) => { |
setInUploadFiles((previous) => { |
const fInfo = previous.find((f) => f?.fileName === fName); |
if (!fInfo) return previous; |
/** |
* Use 99 as upper limit because progress event doesn't |
* represent the "bytes out of total" written to the remote |
* disk. The write completes when the request completes. |
*/ |
fInfo.progressValue = Math.round( |
(loaded / total) * FILE_UPLOAD_PERCENT_MAX, |
); |
return [...previous]; |
}); |
} |
)(fileName), |
}) |
.then( |
((fName: string) => () => { |
setInUploadFiles((previous) => { |
const fInfo = previous.find((f) => f?.fileName === fName); |
if (!fInfo) return previous; |
fInfo.progressValue = 100; |
return [...previous]; |
}); |
setTimeout(() => { |
setInUploadFiles((previous) => { |
const fIndex = previous.findIndex( |
(f) => f?.fileName === fName, |
); |
if (fIndex === -1) return previous; |
delete previous[fIndex]; |
return [...previous]; |
}); |
}, 5000); |
onFileUploadComplete?.call(null); |
})(fileName), |
); |
} |
} |
// Clears "staging area" (selected files) and populates "in-progress area" (in-upload files).
setSelectedFiles([]); |
setInUploadFiles([...inUploadFiles]); |
}; |
useEffect(() => { |
eventEmitter?.addListener('openFilePicker', () => { |
selectFileRef.current?.click(); |
}); |
eventEmitter?.addListener('clearSelectedFiles', () => { |
setSelectedFiles([]); |
}); |
}, [eventEmitter]); |
return ( |
<form onSubmit={uploadFiles}> |
<InputLabel htmlFor="select-file"> |
<Input |
id="select-file" |
inputProps={{ multiple: true }} |
onChange={autocompleteAfterSelectFile} |
ref={selectFileRef} |
sx={{ display: 'none' }} |
type="file" |
/> |
</InputLabel> |
<Box sx={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}> |
{inUploadFiles.reduce<ReactElement[]>((previous, upFile) => { |
if (!upFile) return previous; |
const { fileName, progressValue } = upFile; |
previous.push( |
<Box |
key={`in-upload-${fileName}`} |
sx={{ |
alignItems: { md: 'center' }, |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: { xs: 'column', md: 'row' }, |
'& > :first-child': { |
minWidth: 100, |
overflow: 'hidden', |
overflowWrap: 'normal', |
textOverflow: 'ellipsis', |
whiteSpace: 'nowrap', |
width: { xs: '100%', md: 200 }, |
wordBreak: 'keep-all', |
}, |
'& > :last-child': { flexGrow: 1 }, |
}} |
> |
<BodyText text={fileName} /> |
<ProgressBar progressPercentage={progressValue} /> |
</Box>, |
); |
return previous; |
}, [])} |
</Box> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'column', |
'& > :not(:first-child)': { marginTop: '1em' }, |
}} |
> |
{selectedFiles.length > 0 && ( |
<MessageBox type="info"> |
Uploaded files will be listed automatically, but it may take a while |
for larger files to finish uploading and appear on the list. |
</MessageBox> |
)} |
{ |
( |
{ |
file: { name: originalFileName }, |
fileName, |
// Re-add when the back-end tools can support changing file type on file upload.
// Note: file type must be supplied to FileInfo.
// fileType,
fileLocations, |
}, |
fileIndex, |
) => ( |
<FileInfo |
{...{ fileName, fileLocations }} |
// Use a non-changing key to prevent recreating the component.
// fileName holds the string from the file-name input, thus it changes when users makes a change.
key={`selected-${originalFileName}`} |
onChange={generateFileInfoOnChangeHandler(fileIndex)} |
/> |
), |
)} |
{selectedFiles.length > 0 && ( |
<Box |
sx={{ |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'row', |
justifyContent: 'flex-end', |
}} |
> |
<ContainedButton type="submit">Upload</ContainedButton> |
</Box> |
)} |
</Box> |
</form> |
); |
}; |
FileUploadForm.defaultProps = FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_DEFAULT_PROPS; |
export default FileUploadForm; |
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@ |
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; |
import { Box } from '@mui/material'; |
import { |
Add as AddIcon, |
Check as CheckIcon, |
Edit as EditIcon, |
} from '@mui/icons-material'; |
import EventEmitter from 'events'; |
import API_BASE_URL from '../../lib/consts/API_BASE_URL'; |
import { BLUE } from '../../lib/consts/DEFAULT_THEME'; |
import FileEditForm from './FileEditForm'; |
import FileList from './FileList'; |
import FileUploadForm from './FileUploadForm'; |
import IconButton from '../IconButton'; |
import { Panel } from '../Panels'; |
import MessageBox from '../MessageBox'; |
import Spinner from '../Spinner'; |
import { HeaderText } from '../Text'; |
import fetchJSON from '../../lib/fetchers/fetchJSON'; |
import periodicFetch from '../../lib/fetchers/periodicFetch'; |
const FILES_ENDPOINT_URL = `${API_BASE_URL}/file`; |
const Files = (): JSX.Element => { |
const [rawFilesOverview, setRawFilesOverview] = useState<string[][]>([]); |
const [fetchRawFilesError, setFetchRawFilesError] = useState<string>(); |
const [isLoadingRawFilesOverview, setIsLoadingRawFilesOverview] = |
useState<boolean>(false); |
const [isEditMode, setIsEditMode] = useState<boolean>(false); |
const fileUploadFormEventEmitter: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); |
const onAddFileButtonClick = () => { |
fileUploadFormEventEmitter.emit('openFilePicker'); |
}; |
const onEditFileButtonClick = () => { |
fileUploadFormEventEmitter.emit('clearSelectedFiles'); |
setIsEditMode(!isEditMode); |
}; |
const fetchRawFilesOverview = async () => { |
setIsLoadingRawFilesOverview(true); |
try { |
const data = await fetchJSON<string[][]>(FILES_ENDPOINT_URL); |
setRawFilesOverview(data); |
} catch (fetchError) { |
setFetchRawFilesError('Failed to get files due to a network issue.'); |
} |
setIsLoadingRawFilesOverview(false); |
}; |
const buildFileList = (): JSX.Element => { |
let elements: JSX.Element; |
if (isLoadingRawFilesOverview) { |
elements = <Spinner />; |
} else { |
const filesOverview: FileOverviewMetadata[] = |
([fileUUID, fileName, fileSizeInBytes, fileType, fileChecksum]) => ({ |
fileChecksum, |
fileName, |
fileSizeInBytes: parseInt(fileSizeInBytes, 10), |
fileType: fileType as FileType, |
fileUUID, |
}), |
); |
elements = isEditMode ? ( |
<FileEditForm |
{...{ filesOverview }} |
onEditFilesComplete={fetchRawFilesOverview} |
onPurgeFilesComplete={fetchRawFilesOverview} |
/> |
) : ( |
<FileList {...{ filesOverview }} /> |
); |
} |
return elements; |
}; |
/** |
* Check for new files periodically and update the file list. |
* |
* We need this because adding new files is done async; adding the file may |
* not finish before the request returns. |
* |
* We don't care about edit because database updates are done before the |
* edit request returns. |
*/ |
periodicFetch<string[][]>(FILES_ENDPOINT_URL, { |
onSuccess: (periodicFilesOverview) => { |
if (periodicFilesOverview.length !== rawFilesOverview.length) { |
setRawFilesOverview(periodicFilesOverview); |
} |
}, |
}); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!isEditMode) { |
fetchRawFilesOverview(); |
} |
}, [isEditMode]); |
return ( |
<Panel> |
<Box |
sx={{ |
alignItems: 'center', |
display: 'flex', |
flexDirection: 'row', |
marginBottom: '1em', |
width: '100%', |
'& > :first-child': { flexGrow: 1 }, |
'& > :not(:first-child, :last-child)': { |
marginRight: '.3em', |
}, |
}} |
> |
<HeaderText text="Files" /> |
{!isEditMode && ( |
<IconButton onClick={onAddFileButtonClick}> |
<AddIcon /> |
</IconButton> |
)} |
<IconButton onClick={onEditFileButtonClick}> |
{isEditMode ? <CheckIcon sx={{ color: BLUE }} /> : <EditIcon />} |
</IconButton> |
</Box> |
{fetchRawFilesError && ( |
<MessageBox text={fetchRawFilesError} type="error" /> |
)} |
<FileUploadForm |
{...{ eventEmitter: fileUploadFormEventEmitter }} |
onFileUploadComplete={fetchRawFilesOverview} |
/> |
{buildFileList()} |
</Panel> |
); |
}; |
export default Files; |
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ |
import Files from './Files'; |
import ManageFilePanel from './ManageFilePanel'; |
export default Files; |
export default ManageFilePanel; |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
type FileDetailMetadata = FileOverviewMetadata & { |
fileLocations: FileLocation[]; |
}; |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
type FileInfoChangeHandler = ( |
inputValues: Partial<FileDetailMetadata> | Partial<FileLocation>, |
options?: { fileLocationIndex?: number }, |
) => void; |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
type FileLocation = { |
anvilName: string; |
anvilDescription: string; |
anvilUUID: string; |
fileLocationUUID: string; |
hostName: string; |
hostUUID: string; |
isFileLocationActive: boolean; |
}; |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
type FileOverviewMetadata = { |
fileChecksum: string; |
fileName: string; |
fileSizeInBytes: number; |
fileType: FileType; |
fileUUID: string; |
}; |
Reference in new issue