* Updated how bad keys are removed. No longer are speciifc lines removed by number, but now all entries for the given target in the known_hosts file is removed.
* Updated the pxe.txt file to now write a caller for anvil-update-issue in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ifup-local to have the /etc/issue file is updated as soon as the network is brought up, before the GDM login prompt is shown.
* Fixed a couple bugs in tools/anvil-manage-keys, including to ensure that the permissions are retained when a file is updated.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
die"$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; Infinite loop detected while processing the string: [".$string."] from the key: [$key] in language: [$language], exiting.\n"if$loops>$limit;
die"$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; Infinite loop detected while processing the string: [".$string."] from the key: [$key] in language: [$language], exiting.\n"if$loops>$limit;
print$THIS_FILE." ".__LINE__."; [ Error ] - The method Words->string() was asked to process the string: [".$string."] which has insertion variables, but nothing was passed to the 'variables' parameter.\n"if$test;
my$error="[ Error ] - The method Words->string() was asked to process the string: [".$string."] which has insertion variables, but nothing was passed to the 'variables' parameter.";
print$THIS_FILE." ".__LINE__."; $error\n"if$test;
# We set the 'loop' variable to '1' and check it at the end of each pass. This is done
# We set the 'loop' variable to '1' and check it at the end of each pass. This is done
@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ Here we will inject 't_0006', which injects 't_0001' which has a variable: [#!st
<keyname="header_0015">On Host</key>
<!-- General strings shown in Striker -->
<!-- General strings shown in Striker -->
<keyname="striker_0001">Welcome! Lets setup your #!string!brand_0003!# dashboard...</key>
<keyname="striker_0001">Welcome! Lets setup your #!string!brand_0003!# dashboard...</key>
@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ Failure! The return code: [#!variable!return_code!#] was received ('0' was expec
<keyname="job_0050">[ Error ] - The known hosts file: [#!variable!file!#] was not found. Skipping it.</key>
<keyname="job_0050">[ Error ] - The known hosts file: [#!variable!file!#] was not found. Skipping it.</key>
<keyname="job_0052">[ Error ] - There was a problem reading the known hosts file: [#!variable!file!#]. Skipping it.</key>
<keyname="job_0052">[ Error ] - There was a problem reading the known hosts file: [#!variable!file!#]. Skipping it.</key>
<keyname="job_0053">Found the offending line, removing it.</key>
<keyname="job_0053">Found an entry for the target at line: [#!variable!line!#], removing it.</key>
<keyname="job_0054">[ Error ] - The line number: [#!variable!line!#] in: [#!variable!file!#] does not appear to be for the target: [#!variable!target!#]. Has the file already been updated? Skipping it.</key>
<keyname="job_0054">[ Error ] - The line number: [#!variable!line!#] in: [#!variable!file!#] does not appear to be for the target: [#!variable!target!#]. Has the file already been updated? Skipping it.</key>
@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ Failure! The return code: [#!variable!return_code!#] was received ('0' was expec
<keyname="striker_warning_0010">The IP address is not a valid IPv4 address</key>
<keyname="striker_warning_0010">The IP address is not a valid IPv4 address</key>
<keyname="striker_warning_0011">The SSH port is not a valid (usually it is 22, but it has to be between 1 ~ 65536)</key>
<keyname="striker_warning_0011">The SSH port is not a valid (usually it is 22, but it has to be between 1 ~ 65536)</key>
<keyname="striker_warning_0012">Failed to log into the host. Is the IP or root user's password right?</key>
<keyname="striker_warning_0012">Failed to log into the host. Is the IP or root user's password right?</key>
<keyname="striker_warning_0013">The target's host key has changed. If the target has been rebuilt, or the target IP reused, the old key will need to be removed. Problem file: [#!variable!file!#:#!variable!line!#].</key>
<keyname="striker_warning_0013"><![CDATA[The target's host key has changed. If the target has been rebuilt, or the target IP reused, the old key will need to be removed. <a href="?striker=true&task=keys" target="_new">Click here</a> to resolve.]]></key>
<!-- Errors -->
<!-- Errors -->
<keyname="error_0001">There are not enough network interfaces on this machine. You have: [#!variable!interface_count!#] interface(s), and you need at least: [#!variable!required_interfaces_for_single!#] interfaces to connect to the requested networks (one for Back-Channel and one for each Internet-Facing network).</key>
<keyname="error_0001">There are not enough network interfaces on this machine. You have: [#!variable!interface_count!#] interface(s), and you need at least: [#!variable!required_interfaces_for_single!#] interfaces to connect to the requested networks (one for Back-Channel and one for each Internet-Facing network).</key>