@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ our $VERSION = "3.0.0"; |
our $THIS_FILE = "Tools.t"; |
# Call in the test module, telling it how many tests to expect to run. |
use Test::More tests => 62; |
use Test::More tests => 121; |
# Load my module via 'use_ok' test. |
@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ like($an->Get->host_uuid, qr/^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a |
### TODO: How to test Get->switches? |
### AN::Tools::Log tests |
# entry is tested at the start of this test suite. |
# language |
is($an->Log->language, "en_CA", "Verifying the default log language is 'en_CA'."); |
$an->Log->language({set => "jp"}); |
@ -167,7 +168,38 @@ $an->Log->level({set => "foo"}); |
is($an->Log->level, "4", "Verifying the log level stayed at '4' with bad input."); |
$an->Log->level({set => 1}); |
is($an->Log->level, "1", "Verifying the log level changed back to '1'."); |
# We're simulating switches to test Log->_adjust_log_level |
# secure |
is($an->Log->secure, "0", "Verifying that logging secure messages is disabled by default."); |
$an->Log->secure({set => "foo"}); |
is($an->Log->secure, "0", "Verifying that logging secure messages stayed disabled on bad input."); |
$an->Log->secure({set => 1}); |
is($an->Log->secure, "1", "Verifying that logging secure messages was enabled."); |
$an->Log->secure({set => 0}); |
is($an->Log->secure, "0", "Verifying that logging secure messages was disabled again."); |
# variables |
$an->Log->variables({level => 0, list => { a => "1" }}); |
my $list_a = $an->System->call({shell_call => $an->data->{path}{exe}{journalctl}." -t an-tools --lines 1 --full --output cat --no-pager"}); |
is($list_a, "a: [1]", "Verified that we could log a list of variables (1 entry)."); |
$an->Log->variables({level => 0, list => { a => "1", b => "2" }}); |
my $list_b = $an->System->call({shell_call => $an->data->{path}{exe}{journalctl}." -t an-tools --lines 1 --full --output cat --no-pager"}); |
is($list_b, "a: [1], b: [2]", "Verified that we could log a list of variables (2 entries)."); |
$an->Log->variables({level => 0, list => { a => "1", b => "2", c => "3" }}); |
my $list_c = $an->System->call({shell_call => $an->data->{path}{exe}{journalctl}." -t an-tools --lines 1 --full --output cat --no-pager"}); |
is($list_c, "a: [1], b: [2], c: [3]", "Verified that we could log a list of variables (3 entries)."); |
$an->Log->variables({level => 0, list => { a => "1", b => "2", c => "3", d => "4" }}); |
my $list_d = $an->System->call({shell_call => $an->data->{path}{exe}{journalctl}." -t an-tools --lines 1 --full --output cat --no-pager"}); |
is($list_d, "a: [1], b: [2], c: [3], d: [4]", "Verified that we could log a list of variables (4 entries)."); |
$an->Log->variables({level => 0, list => { a => "1", b => "2", c => "3", d => "4", e => "5" }}); |
my $list_e = $an->System->call({shell_call => $an->data->{path}{exe}{journalctl}." -t an-tools --lines 1 --full --output cat --no-pager"}); |
my $say_variables = $an->Words->key({key => "log_0019"}); |
my $expect_e = "$say_variables |
|- a: [1] |
|- b: [2] |
|- c: [3] |
|- d: [4] |
\\- e: [5]"; |
is($list_e, $expect_e, "Verified that we could log a list of variables (5 entries, line wrapping)."); |
# _adjust_log_level - We're simulating switches to test Log->_adjust_log_level |
$an->data->{switches}{V} = "#!set!#"; |
$an->data->{switches}{v} = ""; |
$an->data->{switches}{vv} = ""; |
@ -195,18 +227,11 @@ $an->data->{switches}{vvvv} = ""; |
$an->data->{switches}{v} = "#!set!#"; |
$an->Log->_adjust_log_level; |
is($an->Log->level, "1", "Verifying the log level was set back to '1' with Log->_adjust_log_leve() with 'v' switch set."); |
# Test Log->secure |
is($an->Log->secure, "0", "Verifying that logging secure messages is disabled by default."); |
$an->Log->secure({set => "foo"}); |
is($an->Log->secure, "0", "Verifying that logging secure messages stayed disabled on bad input."); |
$an->Log->secure({set => 1}); |
is($an->Log->secure, "1", "Verifying that logging secure messages was enabled."); |
$an->Log->secure({set => 0}); |
is($an->Log->secure, "0", "Verifying that logging secure messages was disabled again."); |
die; |
### AN::Tools::Storage tests |
### AN::Tools::Storage tests - These happen a little out of order. |
# Write a file /tmp/foo |
# |
die; |