@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ my $THIS_FILE = "DRBD.pm";
# allow_two_primaries
# check_if_syncsource
# check_if_synctarget
# check_proxy_license
# delete_resource
# gather_data
# get_devices
@ -347,6 +348,144 @@ sub check_if_synctarget
= head2 check_proxy_license
This method checks to see if the DRBD Proxy license file exists and _appears_ correct . If things look good , C << 0 >> is returned . If there is a problem , C << 1 >> is returned .
= cut
sub check_proxy_license
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "DRBD->check_proxy_license()" } } ) ;
if ( not - e $ anvil - > data - > { path } { configs } { 'drbd-proxy.license' } )
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0728" } ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
# Read in the file.
my $ wildcard_mac = 0 ;
my $ problem = 0 ;
my $ owner = "" ;
my $ expiry_date = 0 ;
my $ mac_addresses = [] ;
my $ features = "" ;
my $ signature = "" ;
my $ license_body = $ anvil - > Storage - > read_file ( { file = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { configs } { 'drbd-proxy.license' } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { license_body = > $ license_body } } ) ;
foreach my $ line ( split /\n/ , $ license_body )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { line = > $ line } } ) ;
if ( $ line =~ /^owner: (.*)$/ )
$ owner = $ 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { owner = > $ owner } } ) ;
next ;
if ( $ line =~ /^expiry-date: (.*)$/ )
$ expiry_date = $ 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { expiry_date = > $ expiry_date } } ) ;
next ;
if ( $ line =~ /^mac-address: (.*)$/ )
my $ this_mac = $ 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { this_mac = > $ this_mac } } ) ;
if ( $ this_mac eq "00:00:00:00:00:00" )
$ wildcard_mac = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { wildcard_mac = > $ wildcard_mac } } ) ;
push @ { $ mac_addresses } , $ this_mac ;
next ;
if ( $ line =~ /^features: (.*)$/ )
$ features = $ 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { features = > $ features } } ) ;
next ;
if ( $ line =~ /^signature: (.*)$/ )
$ signature = $ 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { signature = > $ signature } } ) ;
next ;
if ( ( not $ owner ) or
( not $ expiry_date ) or
( not $ signature ) )
# Appears to not be a valid license file.
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0731" } ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
if ( time >= $ expiry_date )
# The license has expired.
$ problem = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0729" } ) ;
if ( not $ wildcard_mac )
# Loop through all MACs on this system and see if one matches the license.
my $ match = 0 ;
my $ host = $ anvil - > Get - > short_host_name ( ) ;
my $ mac_count = @ { $ mac_addresses } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
host = > $ host ,
mac_count = > $ mac_count ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ mac_count )
foreach my $ in_iface ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { network } { $ host } { interface } } )
my $ mac_address = $ anvil - > data - > { network } { $ host } { interface } { $ in_iface } { mac_address } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
's1:in_iface' = > $ in_iface ,
's2:mac_address' = > $ mac_address ,
} } ) ;
foreach my $ licensed_mac ( @ { $ mac_addresses } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { licensed_mac = > $ licensed_mac } } ) ;
if ( lc ( $ mac_address ) eq lc ( $ licensed_mac ) )
$ match = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { match = > $ match } } ) ;
last ;
last if $ match ;
if ( not $ match )
# MACs don't match.
$ problem = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0730" } ) ;
return ( $ problem ) ;
= head2 delete_resource
This method deletes an entire resource . It does this by looping through the volumes configured in a resource and deleting them one after the other ( even if there is only one volume ) .
@ -578,6 +717,13 @@ sub gather_data
my $ local_host_name = $ anvil - > Get - > host_name ;
my $ local_short_host_name = $ anvil - > Get - > short_host_name ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
local_host_name = > $ local_host_name ,
local_short_host_name = > $ local_short_host_name ,
} } ) ;
local $@ ;
my $ dom = eval { XML::LibXML - > load_xml ( string = > $ xml ) ; } ;
if ( $@ )
@ -598,13 +744,6 @@ sub gather_data
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { scan_drbd } { scan_drbd_flush_md } = 1 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { scan_drbd } { scan_drbd_timeout } = 6 ; # Default is '60', 6 seconds
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { scan_drbd } { scan_drbd_total_sync_speed } = 0 ;
my $ local_host_name = $ anvil - > Get - > host_name ;
my $ local_short_host_name = $ anvil - > Get - > short_host_name ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
local_host_name = > $ local_host_name ,
local_short_host_name = > $ local_short_host_name ,
} } ) ;
foreach my $ name ( $ dom - > findnodes ( '/config/common/section' ) )
my $ section = $ name - > { name } ;
@ -755,6 +894,37 @@ sub gather_data
"s3:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host2_ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_ip_address } ,
"s4:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host2_tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_tcp_port } ,
} } ) ;
foreach my $ proxy ( $ host - > findnodes ( './proxy' ) )
my $ host_name = $ proxy - > { hostname } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host_name = > $ host_name } } ) ;
# This should always be the target, but lets be safe/careful
next if $ host_name ne $ host2_name ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_inside_ip_address } = $ proxy - > findvalue ( './inside' ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_inside_tcp_port } = $ proxy - > findvalue ( './inside/@port' ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_outside_ip_address } = $ proxy - > findvalue ( './outside' ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_outside_tcp_port } = $ proxy - > findvalue ( './outside/@port' ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host2_inside_ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_inside_ip_address } ,
"s2:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host2_inside_tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_inside_tcp_port } ,
"s3:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host2_outside_ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_outside_ip_address } ,
"s4:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host2_outside_tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_outside_tcp_port } ,
} } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host_name } { inside } { ip_address } = $ proxy - > findvalue ( './inside' ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host_name } { inside } { tcp_port } = $ proxy - > findvalue ( './inside/@port' ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host_name } { outside } { ip_address } = $ proxy - > findvalue ( './outside' ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host_name } { outside } { tcp_port } = $ proxy - > findvalue ( './outside/@port' ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"new::resource::${resource}::proxy::${host_name}::inside::ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host_name } { inside } { ip_address } ,
"new::resource::${resource}::proxy::${host_name}::inside::tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host_name } { inside } { tcp_port } ,
"new::resource::${resource}::proxy::${host_name}::outside::ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host_name } { outside } { ip_address } ,
"new::resource::${resource}::proxy::${host_name}::outside::tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host_name } { outside } { tcp_port } ,
} } ) ;
# $peer = $this_host_name;
@ -1017,6 +1187,127 @@ sub gather_data
"new::scan_drbd::scan_drbd_total_sync_speed" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { scan_drbd } { scan_drbd_total_sync_speed } . " (" . $ anvil - > Convert - > bytes_to_human_readable ( { 'bytes' = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { scan_drbd } { scan_drbd_total_sync_speed } } ) . ")" ,
} } ) ;
# For resources using drbd-proxy, the host1_to_host2 will be using the internal IP, which we want to
# switch to the 'outside' IP. Also, the ports will need to be concatenated together as a CSV list.
foreach my $ resource ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { resource = > $ resource } } ) ;
foreach my $ host1_name ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host1_name = > $ host1_name } } ) ;
foreach my $ host2_name ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } } )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { host2_name = > $ host2_name } } ) ;
my $ host1_ip_address = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host1_ip_address } ;
my $ host1_tcp_port = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host1_tcp_port } ;
my $ host2_ip_address = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_ip_address } ;
my $ host2_tcp_port = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_tcp_port } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:host1_ip_address" = > $ host1_ip_address ,
"s2:host1_tcp_port" = > $ host1_tcp_port ,
"s3:host2_ip_address" = > $ host2_ip_address ,
"s4:host2_tcp_port" = > $ host2_tcp_port ,
} } ) ;
my $ host1_tcp_ports = $ host1_tcp_port . "," ;
my $ host2_tcp_ports = $ host2_tcp_port . "," ;
my $ proxy_found = 0 ;
if ( exists $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host1_name } )
$ proxy_found = 1 ;
my $ host1_inside_ip_address = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host1_name } { inside } { ip_address } ;
my $ host1_inside_tcp_port = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host1_name } { inside } { tcp_port } ;
my $ host1_outside_ip_address = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host1_name } { outside } { ip_address } ;
my $ host1_outside_tcp_port = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host1_name } { outside } { tcp_port } ;
$ host1_tcp_ports . = $ host1_inside_tcp_port . "," . $ host1_outside_tcp_port ;
$ host1_ip_address = $ host1_outside_ip_address ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:proxy_found" = > $ proxy_found ,
"s2:host1_inside_ip_address" = > $ host1_inside_ip_address ,
"s3:host1_inside_tcp_port" = > $ host1_inside_tcp_port ,
"s4:host1_outside_ip_address" = > $ host1_outside_ip_address ,
"s5:host1_outside_tcp_port" = > $ host1_outside_tcp_port ,
"s6:host1_tcp_ports" = > $ host1_tcp_ports ,
"s7:host1_ip_address" = > $ host1_ip_address ,
} } ) ;
if ( exists $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host2_name } )
$ proxy_found = 1 ;
my $ host2_inside_ip_address = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host2_name } { inside } { ip_address } ;
my $ host2_inside_tcp_port = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host2_name } { inside } { tcp_port } ;
my $ host2_outside_ip_address = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host2_name } { outside } { ip_address } ;
my $ host2_outside_tcp_port = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { proxy } { $ host2_name } { outside } { tcp_port } ;
$ host2_tcp_ports . = $ host2_inside_tcp_port . "," . $ host2_outside_tcp_port ;
$ host2_ip_address = $ host2_outside_ip_address ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:proxy_found" = > $ proxy_found ,
"s2:host2_inside_ip_address" = > $ host2_inside_ip_address ,
"s3:host2_inside_tcp_port" = > $ host2_inside_tcp_port ,
"s4:host2_outside_ip_address" = > $ host2_outside_ip_address ,
"s5:host2_outside_tcp_port" = > $ host2_outside_tcp_port ,
"s6:host2_tcp_ports" = > $ host2_tcp_ports ,
"s7:host2_ip_address" = > $ host2_ip_address ,
} } ) ;
next if not $ proxy_found ;
# Save the new info.
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host1_ip_address } = $ host1_ip_address ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host1_tcp_port } = $ host1_tcp_ports ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_ip_address } = $ host2_ip_address ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_tcp_port } = $ host2_tcp_ports ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host1_ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host1_ip_address } ,
"s2:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host1_tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host1_tcp_port } ,
"s3:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host2_ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_ip_address } ,
"s4:new::resource::${resource}::host1_to_host2::${host1_name}::${host2_name}::host2_tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { host1_to_host2 } { $ host1_name } { $ host2_name } { host2_tcp_port } ,
} } ) ;
my $ peer = "" ;
if ( ( $ host1_name eq $ local_short_host_name ) or ( $ host1_name eq $ local_host_name ) )
# Our peer is host2. Is the protocol C? If so, this can't be proxy.
$ peer = $ host2_name ;
my $ peer_protocol = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { protocol } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:peer" = > $ peer ,
"s2:peer_protocol" = > $ peer_protocol ,
} } ) ;
next if uc ( $ peer_protocol ) eq "C" ;
# Still here? Then this is a proxy connection, update the ports and IP
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { peer_ip_address } = $ host2_ip_address ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { tcp_port } = $ host1_tcp_ports ; # Store our ports.
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:new::resource::${resource}::peer::${peer}::peer_ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { peer_ip_address } ,
"s2:new::resource::${resource}::peer::${peer}::tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { tcp_port } ,
} } ) ;
# Our peer is host1, Is the protocol C? If so, this can't be proxy.
$ peer = $ host1_name ;
my $ peer_protocol = $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { protocol } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:peer" = > $ peer ,
"s2:peer_protocol" = > $ peer_protocol ,
} } ) ;
next if uc ( $ peer_protocol ) eq "C" ;
# Still here? Then this is a proxy connection, update the ports and IP
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { peer_ip_address } = $ host1_ip_address ;
$ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { tcp_port } = $ host2_tcp_ports ; # Store out ports
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"s1:new::resource::${resource}::peer::${peer}::peer_ip_address" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { peer_ip_address } ,
"s2:new::resource::${resource}::peer::${peer}::tcp_port" = > $ anvil - > data - > { new } { resource } { $ resource } { peer } { $ peer } { tcp_port } ,
} } ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
@ -1399,6 +1690,10 @@ This is the Anvil! in which we're looking for the next free resources. It's requ
If set , the 'free_port' returned will be a comma - separated pair of TCP ports . This is meant to help find two TCP ports needed to connect a resource from both nodes to a DR host .
= head3 long_throw_ports ( optional , default '0' )
If set , the 'free_port' returned will be a comma - separated list of seven TCP ports needed for a full B << Long Throw >> configuration .
= head3 resource_name ( optional )
If this is set , and the resource is found to already exist , the first DRBD minor number and first used TCP port are returned . Alternatively , if C << force_unique >> is set to C << 1 >> , and the resource is found to exist , empty strings are returned .
@ -1416,13 +1711,18 @@ sub get_next_resource
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "DRBD->get_next_resource()" } } ) ;
### TODO: Cache results in the states or variables table and don't reuse ports given out for five
### minutes. If the user batches a series of calls, TCP ports / minor numbers could be offered
### multiple times.
my $ anvil_uuid = defined $ parameter - > { anvil_uuid } ? $ parameter - > { anvil_uuid } : "" ;
my $ dr_tcp_ports = defined $ parameter - > { dr_tcp_ports } ? $ parameter - > { dr_tcp_ports } : "" ;
my $ long_throw_ports = defined $ parameter - > { long_throw_ports } ? $ parameter - > { long_throw_ports } : "" ;
my $ resource_name = defined $ parameter - > { resource_name } ? $ parameter - > { resource_name } : "" ;
my $ force_unique = defined $ parameter - > { force_unique } ? $ parameter - > { force_unique } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
anvil_uuid = > $ anvil_uuid ,
dr_tcp_ports = > $ dr_tcp_ports ,
long_throw_ports = > $ long_throw_ports ,
resource_name = > $ resource_name ,
force_unique = > $ force_unique ,
} } ) ;
@ -1449,8 +1749,6 @@ sub get_next_resource
# Read in the resource information from both nodes. They _should_ be identical, but that's not 100%
# certain.
my $ free_minor = "" ;
my $ free_port = "" ;
my $ node1_host_uuid = $ anvil - > data - > { anvils } { anvil_uuid } { $ anvil_uuid } { anvil_node1_host_uuid } ;
my $ node2_host_uuid = $ anvil - > data - > { anvils } { anvil_uuid } { $ anvil_uuid } { anvil_node2_host_uuid } ;
my $ dr1_host_uuid = $ anvil - > data - > { anvils } { anvil_uuid } { $ anvil_uuid } { anvil_dr1_host_uuid } ;
@ -1545,12 +1843,20 @@ ORDER BY
} } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { minor } { $ scan_drbd_volume_device_minor } { used } = 1 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { tcp_port } { $ scan_drbd_peer_tcp_port } { used } = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"drbd::used_resources::minor::${scan_drbd_volume_device_minor}::used" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { minor } { $ scan_drbd_volume_device_minor } { used } ,
"drbd::used_resources::tcp_port::${scan_drbd_peer_tcp_port}::used" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { tcp_port } { $ scan_drbd_peer_tcp_port } { used } ,
} } ) ;
# DRBD proxy uses three ports per connection. This handles that, and still works fine for
# single TCP ports.
foreach my $ tcp_port ( split /,/ , $ scan_drbd_peer_tcp_port )
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { tcp_port } { $ tcp_port } { used } = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"drbd::used_resources::tcp_port::${tcp_port}::used" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { tcp_port } { $ tcp_port } { used } ,
} } ) ;
if ( ( $ resource_name ) && ( $ scan_drbd_resource_name eq $ resource_name ) )
# Found the resource the user was asking for.
@ -1568,10 +1874,9 @@ ORDER BY
# If I'm here, I need to find the next free TCP port. We'll look for the next minor number for this
# host.
# If I'm here, We'll look for the next minor number for this host.
my $ looking = 1 ;
$ free_minor = 0 ;
my $ free_minor = 0 ;
while ( $ looking )
if ( exists $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { minor } { $ free_minor } )
@ -1586,60 +1891,62 @@ ORDER BY
# I need to find the next free TCP port.
$ looking = 1 ;
$ free_port = 7788 ;
my $ check_port = 7788 ;
my $ free_ports = "" ;
my $ tcp_pair = "" ;
while ( $ looking )
my $ proxy_list = "" ;
my $ port_count = 0 ;
my $ neeed_ports = 1 ;
if ( $ long_throw_ports )
if ( ( exists $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { tcp_port } { $ free_port } ) &&
( $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { tcp_port } { $ free_port } { used } ) )
$ neeed_ports = 7 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { neeed_ports = > $ neeed_ports } } ) ;
elsif ( $ dr_tcp_ports )
$ free_port + + ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { free_port = > $ free_port } } ) ;
$ neeed_ports = 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { neeed_ports = > $ neeed_ports } } ) ;
while ( $ looking )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { free_port = > $ free_port } } ) ;
if ( $ dr_tcp_ports )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { check_port = > $ check_port } } ) ;
if ( ( exists $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { tcp_port } { $ check_port } ) &&
( $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { used_resources } { tcp_port } { $ check_port } { used } ) )
if ( not $ tcp_pair )
$ check_port + + ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { check_port = > $ check_port } } ) ;
next ;
$ tcp_pair = $ free_port ;
$ free_port + + ;
# This is a free port.
$ free_ports . = $ check_port . "," ;
$ port_count + + ;
$ check_port + + ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
tcp_pair = > $ tcp_pair ,
free_por t = > $ free_port ,
free_ports = > $ free_ports ,
port_coun t = > $ port_count ,
} } ) ;
els if ( $ tcp_pair !~ /,/ )
if ( $ port_count >= $ neeed_ports )
$ tcp_pair . = "," . $ free_port ;
$ looking = 0 ;
$ free_ports =~ s/,$// ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
tcp_pair = > $ tcp_pair ,
looking = > $ looking ,
free_ports = > $ free_ports ,
} } ) ;
$ looking = 0 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { looking = > $ looking } } ) ;
if ( $ dr_tcp_ports )
$ free_port = $ tcp_pair ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { free_port = > $ free_port } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
free_minor = > $ free_minor ,
free_port = > $ free_port ,
free_ports = > $ free_ports ,
} } ) ;
return ( $ free_minor , $ free_port ) ;
return ( $ free_minor , $ free_ports ) ;