* Added a 'test' parameter to Log->entry, Storage->make_directory and Words->key to help debug in places that Log->x may not be usable.
* Converted many $anvil->Log->x calls to print if $test to help prevent recursive loops, but not all fixed yet.
* Added the new 'host_keys' database table to the schema for a possible new feature of removing passwords in favour if machines adding peers' public keys to their authorized_hosts file.
* Cleaned up the opening calls to $anvil->Tools->new() in most tools.
* Cleaned up some variables in tools/anvil-update-states after reading their values from files (clean trailing newlines).
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
$anvil->Log->entry({source=>$THIS_FILE,line=>__LINE__,level=>0,priority=>"err",raw=>"[ Error ] - Anvil::Tools::Words->key()' called without a key name to read."});
print$THIS_FILE." ".__LINE__."; [ Error ] - Anvil::Tools::Words->key()' called without a key name to read.\n"if$test;
$anvil->Log->entry({source=>$THIS_FILE,line=>__LINE__,level=>0,priority=>"err",raw=>"[ Error ] - Anvil::Tools::Words->key()' called without a language, and 'defaults::languages::output' is not set."});
print$THIS_FILE." ".__LINE__."; [ Error ] - Anvil::Tools::Words->key()' called without a language, and 'defaults::languages::output' is not set.\n"if$test;
# We've got a string and variables from the caller, so inject them as needed.
# We've got a string and variables from the caller, so inject them as needed.
@ -555,7 +562,7 @@ sub string
die"$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; Infinite loop detected while processing the string: [".$string."] from the key: [$key] in language: [$language], exiting.\n"if$loops>$limit;
die"$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; Infinite loop detected while processing the string: [".$string."] from the key: [$key] in language: [$language], exiting.\n"if$loops>$limit;
print$THIS_FILE." ".__LINE__."; [ Error ] - The method Words->string() was asked to process the string: [".$string."] which has insertion variables, but nothing was passed to the 'variables' parameter.\n"if$test;
-- Note that is all permissions are left false, the user can still interact with the Anvil! doing safe things, like changing optical media, perform migrations, start servers (but not stop them), etc.
-- Note that is all permissions are left false, the user can still interact with the Anvil! doing safe things, like changing optical media, perform migrations, start servers (but not stop them), etc.
my $duplex = -e $full_path."/duplex" ? $anvil->Storage->read_file({file => $full_path."/duplex"}) : "unknown"; # full or half?
my $duplex = -e $full_path."/duplex" ? $anvil->Storage->read_file({file => $full_path."/duplex"}) : "unknown"; # full or half?
my $operational = -e $full_path."/operstate" ? $anvil->Storage->read_file({file => $full_path."/operstate"}) : "unknown"; # up or down
my $operational = -e $full_path."/operstate" ? $anvil->Storage->read_file({file => $full_path."/operstate"}) : "unknown"; # up or down
my $speed = $link_state ? $anvil->Storage->read_file({debug => 3, file => $full_path."/speed"}) : 0; # Mbps (ie: 1000 = Gbps), gives a very high number for unplugged link
my $speed = $link_state ? $anvil->Storage->read_file({file => $full_path."/speed"}) : 0; # Mbps (ie: 1000 = Gbps), gives a very high number for unplugged link
my $media = "unknown";
my $media = "unknown";
my $type = "interface";
my $type = "interface";
# Clean up some newlines.
$mac_address =~ s/\n$//;
$link_state =~ s/\n$//;
$mtu =~ s/\n$//;
$duplex =~ s/\n$//;
$operational =~ s/\n$//;
$speed =~ s/\n$//;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
interface => $interface,
speed => $speed,
mac_address => $mac_address,
# These are variables that will be needed if this is a bond interface.
# These are variables that will be needed if this is a bond interface.