A collection of implementations for managing a simple security portfolio centered around SICP 6.001.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
2.3 KiB

(import :std/format)
;; Units
(define is-units? (lambda (object);;; Inspector
(cond ((eq? 'units (car object)) #t)
(else #f) ) ))
(define make-units (lambda (units);;; Constructor
(cond ((not (zero? units)) (cons 'units units))
(else (error "(Argument 1) Unsigned 8 bit exact non-zero INTEGER expected")) ) ))
;; Asset
(define is-asset? (lambda (object);;; Inspector
(cond ((eq? 'asset (car object)) #t)
(else #f) ) ))
;; New make-asset
(define asset-types (vector "ETF" "Stock" "Mutual Fund"))
(define make-asset (lambda (asset asset-type)
(let loop
((vector-index (- (vector-length asset-types) 1)))
;(display (format "Evaluates ~a = ~a .\n" (vector-ref asset-types vector-index) asset-type))
;(display (equal? (vector-ref asset-types vector-index) asset-type))
(cond ((> 0 vector-index)
(error `"(Argument 2) defined ASSET-TYPE expected. Is ,asset-type defined?"))
((equal? (vector-ref asset-types vector-index) asset-type)
(list 'asset asset asset-type) )
(else (loop (- vector-index 1))) ) ) ))
;(define make-asset (lambda (asset);;; Constructor
; (cond ((string? asset) (cons 'asset asset))
; (else (error "(Argument 1) STRING expected")) ) ))
(define is-holding? (lambda (object);;; Inspector
(cond ((eq? 'holding (car object)) #t)
(else #f) ) ))
(define make-holding (lambda (asset units);;; Constructor
(cond ((and (is-asset? asset) (is-units? units)) (list 'holding asset units))
(else (error "Type Error")) ) ))
(define get-units (lambda (holding);;; Selector->Units
(cond ((is-holding? holding) (caddr holding))
(else (error "(Argument 1) HOLDING expected")) ) ))
(define get-asset (lambda (holding);;; Selector->Asset
(cond ((is-holding? holding) (cadr holding))
(else (error "(Argument 1) HOLDING expected")) ) ))
(define get-asset-type (lambda (holding);;; Selector->Asset
(cond ((is-holding? holding) (list-ref (cadr holding) 2))
(else (error "(Argument 1) HOLDING expected")) ) ))
(define print-holding (lambda (holding);;; Print
(cond ((is-holding? holding)
(printf (format "(~a)[~d]\n"
(cadr (get-asset holding)) (cdr (get-units holding)) )) )
(else (error "(Argument 1) HOLDING expected")) ) ))
;; Database functions