Revert "Add `-Wl,-rpath-link` for secondary dependencies"

This reverts commit 7b9c348102.

Closes #6027.
Jussi Pakkanen 5年前
コミット 2a73517e08
  1. 53
  2. 39
  3. 4
      test cases/unit/67 rpath-link secondary/app/app.c
  4. 5
      test cases/unit/67 rpath-link secondary/app/
  5. 1
      test cases/unit/67 rpath-link secondary/libA/liba.c
  6. 1
      test cases/unit/67 rpath-link secondary/libA/liba.h
  7. 14
      test cases/unit/67 rpath-link secondary/libA/
  8. 3
      test cases/unit/67 rpath-link secondary/libB/libb.c
  9. 1
      test cases/unit/67 rpath-link secondary/libB/libb.h
  10. 16
      test cases/unit/67 rpath-link secondary/libB/

@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ from .. import mesonlib
from ..compilers import clib_langs
from ..environment import BinaryTable, Environment, MachineInfo
from ..cmake import CMakeExecutor, CMakeTraceParser, CMakeException
from ..linkers import GnuLikeDynamicLinkerMixin
from ..mesonlib import MachineChoice, MesonException, OrderedSet, PerMachine
from ..mesonlib import Popen_safe, version_compare_many, version_compare, listify, stringlistify, extract_as_list, split_args
from ..mesonlib import Version, LibType
@ -748,18 +747,16 @@ class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency):
(, err))
self.compile_args = self._convert_mingw_paths(self._split_args(out))
def _search_libs(self, out, out_raw, out_all):
def _search_libs(self, out, out_raw):
@out: PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS=1 pkg-config --libs
@out_raw: pkg-config --libs
@out_all: pkg-config --libs --static
We always look for the file ourselves instead of depending on the
compiler to find it with -lfoo or foo.lib (if possible) because:
1. We want to be able to select static or shared
2. We need the full path of the library to calculate RPATH values
3. De-dup of libraries is easier when we have absolute paths
4. We need to find the directories in which secondary dependencies reside
Libraries that are provided by the toolchain or are not found by
find_library() will be added with -L -l pairs.
@ -793,18 +790,6 @@ class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency):
if arg.startswith('-L') and arg[2:] not in prefix_libpaths:
# collect all secondary library paths
secondary_libpaths = OrderedSet()
all_args = self._convert_mingw_paths(shlex.split(out_all))
for arg in all_args:
if arg.startswith('-L') and not arg.startswith(('-L-l', '-L-L')):
path = arg[2:]
if not os.path.isabs(path):
# Resolve the path as a compiler in the build directory would
path = os.path.join(self.env.get_build_dir(), path)
if path not in prefix_libpaths and path not in system_libpaths:
# Use this re-ordered path list for library resolution
libpaths = list(prefix_libpaths) + list(system_libpaths)
# Track -lfoo libraries to avoid duplicate work
@ -812,12 +797,8 @@ class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency):
# Track not-found libraries to know whether to add library paths
libs_notfound = []
libtype = LibType.STATIC if self.static else LibType.PREFER_SHARED
# Generate link arguments for this library, by
# first appending secondary link arguments for ld
# Generate link arguments for this library
link_args = []
if self.clib_compiler and self.clib_compiler.linker and isinstance(self.clib_compiler.linker, GnuLikeDynamicLinkerMixin):
link_args = ['-Wl,-rpath-link,' + p for p in secondary_libpaths]
for lib in full_args:
if lib.startswith(('-L-l', '-L-L')):
# These are D language arguments, add them as-is
@ -887,26 +868,6 @@ class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency):
libcmd = [, '--libs']
if self.static:
# We need to find *all* secondary dependencies of a library
# Say we have, located in /non/standard/dir1/, and
#, located in /non/standard/dir2/, which links to
# Now when linking exeC to, the linker will
# walk the complete symbol tree to determine that all undefined
# symbols can be resolved. Because lives in a directory
# not known to the linker by default, you will get errors like
# ld: warning:, needed by /non/standard/dir2/,
# not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
# ld: /non/standard/dir2/ undefined reference to `foo()'
# To solve this, we load the -L paths of *all* dependencies, by
# relying on --static to provide us with a complete picture. All
# -L paths that are found via a --static lookup but that are not
# contained in the normal lookup have to originate from secondary
# dependencies. See also:
libcmd_all = [, '--libs', '--static']
# Force pkg-config to output -L fields even if they are system
# paths so we can do manual searching with cc.find_library() later.
env = os.environ.copy()
@ -920,13 +881,9 @@ class PkgConfigDependency(ExternalDependency):
# gnome.generate_gir + gnome.gtkdoc which need -L -l arguments.
ret, out_raw, err_raw = self._call_pkgbin(libcmd)
if ret != 0:
raise DependencyException('Could not generate libs for %s:\n%s\n' %
(, err_raw))
ret, out_all, err_all = self._call_pkgbin(libcmd_all)
if ret != 0:
mlog.warning('Could not determine complete list of dependencies for %s:\n%s\n' %
(, err_all))
self.link_args, self.raw_link_args = self._search_libs(out, out_raw, out_all)
raise DependencyException('Could not generate libs for %s:\n\n%s' %
(, out_raw))
self.link_args, self.raw_link_args = self._search_libs(out, out_raw)
def get_pkgconfig_variable(self, variable_name, kwargs):
options = ['--variable=' + variable_name,]

@ -5465,45 +5465,6 @@ class LinuxlikeTests(BasePlatformTests):
override_envvars={'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': pkg_dir})
def test_pkgconfig_secondary_dependencies(self):
Check that Meson gets -Wl,-rpath-link right for secondary dependencies
This test requires at least two libraries, as -Wl,-rpath-link is only
required for dependencies of dependencies (i.e. secondary dependencies).
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdirname:
testdirbase = os.path.join(self.unit_test_dir, '67 rpath-link secondary')
# build libA
testdirlibA = os.path.join(testdirbase, 'libA')
testlibAprefix = os.path.join(tempdirname, 'libAprefix')
self.init(testdirlibA, extra_args=['--prefix=' + testlibAprefix,
'--default-library=shared'], default_args=False)
# build libB (uses libA)
pkg_dir = [os.path.join(testlibAprefix, 'lib/pkgconfig')]
testdirlibB = os.path.join(testdirbase, 'libB')
testlibBprefix = os.path.join(tempdirname, 'libBprefix')
self.init(testdirlibB, extra_args=['--prefix=' + testlibBprefix,
'--default-library=shared'], default_args=False,
override_envvars={'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': ':'.join(pkg_dir)})
# build executable (uses libB, secondary dependency on libA)
pkg_dir.append(os.path.join(testlibBprefix, 'lib/pkgconfig'))
self.init(os.path.join(testdirbase, 'app'),
override_envvars={'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': ':'.join(pkg_dir)})
def test_static_archive_stripping(self):

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libb.h>
int main() { printf("The answer is: %d\n", libB_func()); }

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
project('app', ['c'])
b = dependency('test-b')
executable('app', 'app.c', dependencies : [b])

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
project('lib', ['c'])
a = library('test-a', 'liba.c', install: true)
version: '0.0',
description: 'test library',
filebase: 'test-a',
name: 'test library',
subdirs: ['.']

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#include <liba.h>
int libB_func() { return libA_func(); }

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
project('lib', ['c'])
libA_dep = dependency('test-a')
b = library('test-b', 'libb.c', install: true, dependencies : libA_dep)
version: '0.0',
description: 'test library',
filebase: 'test-b',
name: 'test library',
subdirs: ['.']