docs: major revamp of the Wrap format description [skip ci]

The current state of this manual can best be described as... confusing.
The flow of the page jumps from one topic to the next without ever
actually telling you what you can do, so it's almost impossible to keep
track of what is supported, while instead going into involved derails
about why you'd want to use a wrap, and scattering some (but not all)
information throughout the promo material.

The most important changes this rewrite does (aside from turning
supported keys into a list of bullet points) is adding documentation for
the lead_directory_missing property, and mentioning that wrap-hg and
wrap-svn exist. I had to find out all of this by reading the source code
implementation, so let's try to save other people the effort.

Other miscellania: as per @jpakkane's comment, take the opportunity to
point out that wrap dependencies are also useful on Linux, in cases
where your distro doesn't have a new enough version of "$dependency".
It's a fairly common problem outside of select rolling-release distros,
so well worth mentioning.
Eli Schwartz 5 years ago committed by Jussi Pakkanen
parent 74151ead9a
commit 1238b16c8e
  1. 156

@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
One of the major problems of multiplatform development is wrangling
all your dependencies. This is easy on Linux where you can use system
packages but awkward on other platforms. Most of those do not have a
package manager at all. This has been worked around by having third
party package managers. They are not really a solution for end user
deployment, because you can't tell them to install a package manager
just to use your app. On these platforms you must produce
self-contained applications.
packages (and happen to know that your target distribution provides a
recent enough version of the dependency) but awkward on other
platforms. Most of those do not have a package manager at all. This
has been worked around by having third party package managers. They
are not really a solution for end user deployment, because you can't
tell them to install a package manager just to use your app. On these
platforms you must produce self-contained applications.
The traditional approach to this has been to bundle dependencies
inside your own project. Either as prebuilt libraries and headers or
@ -36,15 +37,18 @@ subproject embedding extremely easy.
All wrap files must have a name of `<project_name>.wrap` form and be in `subprojects` dir.
Currently Meson has three kinds of wraps:
Currently Meson has four kinds of wraps:
- wrap-file
- wrap-file with Meson build patch
- wrap-git
- wrap-hg
- wrap-svn
## wrap-file
## wrap format
An example wrap file for `libfoobar` would have a name `libfoobar.wrap`
and would look like this:
Wrap files are written in ini format, with a single header containing the type
of wrap, followed by properties describing how to obtain the sources, validate
them, and modify them if needed. An example wrap-file for the wrap named
`libfoobar` would have a filename `libfoobar.wrap` and would look like this:
@ -55,38 +59,60 @@ source_filename = foobar-1.0.tar.gz
source_hash = 5ebeea0dfb75d090ea0e7ff84799b2a7a1550db3fe61eb5f6f61c2e971e57663
`source_hash` is *sha256sum* of `source_filename`.
An example wrap-git will look like this:
Since *0.49.0* if `source_filename` is found in project's
`subprojects/packagecache` directory, it will be used instead of downloading the
source, even if `--wrap-mode` option is set to `nodownload`. The file's hash will
be checked.
url =
revision = head
## Accepted configuration properties for wraps
- `directory` - name of the subproject root directory, defaults to the name of the wrap.
### Specific to wrap-file
- `source_url` - download url to retrieve the wrap-file source archive
- `source_filename` - filename of the downloaded source archive
- `source_hash` - sha256 checksum of the downloaded source archive
- `patch_url` - download url to retrieve an optional overlay archive
- `patch_filename` - filename of the downloaded overlay archive
- `patch_hash` - sha256 checksum of the downloaded overlay archive
- `lead_directory_missing` - for `wrap-file` create the leading
directory name. Needed when the source file does not have a leading
Since *0.49.0* if `source_filename` or `patch_filename` is found in the
project's `subprojects/packagecache` directory, it will be used instead
of downloading the file, even if `--wrap-mode` option is set to
`nodownload`. The file's hash will be checked.
### Specific to VCS-based wraps
- `url` - name of the wrap-git repository to clone. Required.
- `revision` - name of the revision to checkout. Must be either: a
valid value (such as a git tag) for the VCS's `checkout` command, or
(for git) `head` to track upstream's default branch. Required.
## Specific to wrap-git
- `depth` - shallowly clone the repository to X number of commits. Note
that git always allow shallowly cloning branches, but in order to
clone commit ids shallowly, the server must support
`uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant=true`. *(since 0.52.0)*
- `push-url` - alternative url to configure as a git push-url. Useful if
the subproject will be developed and changes pushed upstream.
*(since 0.37.0)*
- `clone-recursive` - also clone submodules of the repository
*(since 0.48.0)*
## wrap-file with Meson build patch
Unfortunately most software projects in the world do not build with
Meson. Because of this Meson allows you to specify a patch URL. This
works in much the same way as Debian's distro patches. That is, they
are downloaded and automatically applied to the subproject. These
files contain a Meson build definition for the given subproject.
Meson. Because of this Meson allows you to specify a patch URL.
A wrap file with an additional patch URL would look like this:
directory = libfoobar-1.0
source_url =
source_filename = foobar-1.0.tar.gz
source_hash = 5ebeea0dfb75d090ea0e7ff84799b2a7a1550db3fe61eb5f6f61c2e971e57663
patch_url =
patch_filename = libfoobar-meson.tar.gz
patch_hash = 8c9d00702d5fe4a6bf25a36b821a332f6b2dfd117c66fe818b88b23d604635e9
In this example the Wrap manager would download the patch and unzip it
in libfoobar's directory.
For historic reasons this is called a "patch", however, it serves as an
overlay to add or replace files rather than modifying them. The file
must be an archive; it is downloaded and automatically extracted into
the subproject. The extracted files will include a meson build
definition for the given subproject.
This approach makes it extremely simple to embed dependencies that
require build system changes. You can write the Meson build definition
@ -96,60 +122,8 @@ thousands of lines of code. Once you have a working build definition,
just zip up the Meson build files (and others you have changed) and
put them somewhere where you can download them.
Since *0.49.0* if `patch_filename` is found in project's
`subprojects/packagecache` directory, it will be used instead of downloading the
patch, even if `--wrap-mode` option is set to `nodownload`. The file's hash will
be checked.
## wrap-git
This type of wrap allows branching subprojects directly from git.
The above mentioned scheme assumes that your subproject is working off
packaged files. Sometimes you want to check code out directly from
Git. Meson supports this natively. All you need to do is to write a
slightly different wrap file.
directory = samplesubproject
url =
revision = head
The format is straightforward. The only thing to note is the revision
element that can have one of two values. The first is `head` which
will cause Meson to track the master head (doing a repull whenever the
build definition is altered). The second type is a commit hash or a
tag. In this case Meson will use the commit specified (with `git
checkout [hash/tag id]`).
Note that in this case you cannot specify an extra patch file to
use. The git repo must contain all necessary Meson build definitions.
Usually you would use subprojects as read only. However in some cases
you want to do commits to subprojects and push them upstream. For
these cases you can specify the upload URL by adding the following at
the end of your wrap file:
push-url = # Supported since version 0.37.0
If the git repo contains submodules, you can tell Meson to clone them
automatically by adding the following *(since 0.48.0)*:
clone-recursive = true
Setting the clone depth is supported using the `depth` directive *(since 0.52.0)*.
Note that git always allow shallowly cloning branches, but in order to clone commit ids
shallowly, the server must support `uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant=true`.
depth = 1
Meson build patches are only supported for wrap-file mode. When using
wrap-git, the repository must contain all Meson build definitions.
## Using wrapped projects
