Commit Graph

  • b1db7f1a68 Changes to be committed: modified: mdlspipe Adding defaults to script to support bot .env and nomadic usage. master v0.1.2 Michael Holloway 2022-03-29 22:14:29 -0400
  • 86a47efc6e On branch output-file Changes to be committed: renamed: hash-files -> mdlspipe v0.1.1 Michael Holloway 2022-03-29 21:48:32 -0400
  • 9ffd223048 On branch docs-minimal Changes to be committed: new file: LICENSE bsd-2clause new file: Basics like summary and usage guidance. Michael Holloway 2022-03-29 21:41:27 -0400
  • cd281ef461 On branch cleanup-function Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Add cleanup step for removing temp csv file cleanup-function Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 21:21:08 -0400
  • b069d30fa9 On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. v0.1.0 rewrite-2022-03-26 Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:44:40 -0400
  • a889f1ff6f On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:42:50 -0400
  • fb29201bcd Line 42 - Is this where the redundant mdls properties output comes from? Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:36:31 -0400
  • 01faecccda On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:33:41 -0400
  • ddc61edccd On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:28:20 -0400
  • 33e88fba83 modified: hash-files Passing mdls_value to mdls_properties as a list instead of string variable Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:26:52 -0400
  • 0ece9167c0 modified: hash-files Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:25:59 -0400
  • 55be94f26a modified: hash-files Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:23:47 -0400
  • ac974fff80 Still troubleshooting output Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:22:36 -0400
  • bbc65490d3 Can we add the IFS work now? Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:19:24 -0400
  • f52295c6ee Adding echo in main to print rather than call.. whoops Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:17:56 -0400
  • 320d899e95 Printing via function to debug main. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:16:36 -0400
  • 008de3f44c Export post-invocation of mdls_per_file function should be enough Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:14:33 -0400
  • 652e775164 Changing where array invocation is done, still sorting out array output. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:13:14 -0400
  • 6a57064a74 echo vs printf for proper delimiter? Let's find out Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:09:52 -0400
  • fb583285e5 Even more IFS-array finagling Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:07:41 -0400
  • f71987d044 More IFS-in-array finagling Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:06:45 -0400
  • 528bb7def0 IFS work for comma delimited arrays Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:05:24 -0400
  • 16a6db49d9 whoops wrong bracket type. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:03:12 -0400
  • 2f5be070c8 On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 19:02:17 -0400
  • e21989a5c3 On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:57:58 -0400
  • 60568fe7a8 Changing how mdls_properties is passed to output. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:56:41 -0400
  • 021d7c695a Deref'd when I should have ref'd. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:55:01 -0400
  • 316f57e41f On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:54:09 -0400
  • 8d391800d6 Using the wrong array reference syntax? Let's find out Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:49:33 -0400
  • d602c76796 ....? Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:48:08 -0400
  • dbfe55872f Do I have it? Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:47:02 -0400
  • 1fd34742fe Still getting duplicate keys. Investigating. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:45:56 -0400
  • 3ac7a29917 Teasing out duplicate key... Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:43:44 -0400
  • 018d832456 Further clarification of mdls_properties list. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:41:50 -0400
  • 7d82f754db Debugging duplicate MDLS Column names Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:40:31 -0400
  • 6f6fedcb95 Reintroducing filter Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:37:40 -0400
  • 191d690603 Investigating main for loop and evocation of mdls_per_file Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:34:55 -0400
  • 71e228c6c2 Iteration errors? Getting duplicate MDLS property column names? Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:33:22 -0400
  • 2a491037a0 Improving debug output for mdls values as prepared for csv lines Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:30:54 -0400
  • 05c46480fa On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:28:28 -0400
  • 329f3a71ff On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:27:17 -0400
  • 986aada28f Passing arguments to write_per_file Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:26:02 -0400
  • 30d39a1060 Whoops, then I forgot I need dummy output for write_per_file! Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:23:37 -0400
  • bbc0007917 Whoops, empty function. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:22:02 -0400
  • c9d13e3a25 On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/rewrite-2022-03-26'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:21:04 -0400
  • f32e7b9242 On branch rewrite-2022-03-26 Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Removing functions, refactoring, testing Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 18:16:38 -0400
  • 271b922f1d On branch parse-mdls Your branch is up to date with 'origin/parse-mdls'. parse-mdls Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 17:34:56 -0400
  • 1b6e51ef70 More do-nothing function fixes Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 17:14:38 -0400
  • 7d671bccc0 Whoops, do-nothing function called. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 17:13:21 -0400
  • e012a9b50f On branch parse-mdls Your branch is up to date with 'origin/parse-mdls'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 17:11:58 -0400
  • fe2d738b42 On branch parse-mdls Your branch is up to date with 'origin/parse-mdls'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 17:04:02 -0400
  • 5b81d72b2b On branch parse-mdls Your branch is up to date with 'origin/parse-mdls'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 16:54:13 -0400
  • d6bc8b84b3 On branch parse-mdls Your branch is up to date with 'origin/parse-mdls'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 16:27:00 -0400
  • 2729af8349 Making carriage-return IFS global rather than subfunction specific Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 16:17:47 -0400
  • 2da31a5355 Debugging mdls_files filter functionality Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 15:22:42 -0400
  • bf5ad573a2 Re-arranging grep in mdls_files if statement Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 15:21:33 -0400
  • e6e16d19cd Whoops, wrong brackets; changed '{}' to '()' Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 15:20:10 -0400
  • fc2dae9e56 On branch parse-mdls Your branch is up to date with 'origin/parse-mdls'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 15:18:18 -0400
  • 8a9f48481f On branch parse-mdls Your branch is up to date with 'origin/parse-mdls'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 15:09:22 -0400
  • 62f093dd89 Superflous k issue debugged - output is direct from `mdls` where 'k' is introduced Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 15:06:00 -0400
  • 6d20ec3a3c Debugging superflouous 'k' in output. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 15:01:43 -0400
  • 9c1dbe5860 Trying to eliminate superfluous 'k' before mdls_key variable output Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 14:36:14 -0400
  • 9ad239a3dd Adding variables to printf command Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 14:34:21 -0400
  • 2d210310b7 On branch parse-mdls Your branch is up to date with 'origin/parse-mdls'. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 14:33:05 -0400
  • 16ba557fd6 Whoops - `cut` not `split` Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 14:25:17 -0400
  • 119db85b3a Add `cut` command using '=' as delimiter. Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 14:24:09 -0400
  • 9c02331baa Setting IFS for proper loop output Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 14:22:50 -0400
  • 4f391a62bd for loop echoing mdls output Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 14:21:45 -0400
  • 9b0f67d81a On branch parse-mdls Changes to be committed: new file: mdls-parse Bash subfunction to parse mdls data and produce data for SQL tables Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 14:07:49 -0400
  • c4ef2b10ca Typo in mdls_files function fixed. introduce-mdls Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 13:57:45 -0400
  • 04abb84277 On branch introduce-mdls Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Added pretty-print before mdls debug output Mike Holloway 2022-03-26 13:55:59 -0400
  • daceb4ddbc On branch introduce-mdls Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Add variables for bin paths to eventually switch based on detected OS. Mike Holloway 2022-03-22 00:18:08 -0400
  • f2ebaa2e87 On branch introduce-mdls Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Added mdls_files function - very basic - to print mdls info per file. Mike Holloway 2022-03-21 19:50:31 -0400
  • af56608bc2 On branch master Changes to be committed: renamed: .env -> .env.default Tracking only default changes in git for .env files modified: .gitignore Added local .env file Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 01:33:58 -0500
  • 8797006c5a On branch master Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Source .rnv file after default variable values are set to allow user override Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 01:27:44 -0500
  • 60c400231b Added log file support for non-systemd systems Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 00:30:06 -0500
  • 8f631b6adb Add program name to log output Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 00:23:10 -0500
  • bdf06eb77f Removing redundant cleanup call. Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 00:22:06 -0500
  • 8d63203ca1 Whoops - no line breka Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 00:20:53 -0500
  • 916dddcf07 Using printf for logging. Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 00:20:25 -0500
  • 0125bef486 Using standard field delimiters from Fri Mar 4 00:18:11 EST 2022 command for DateTimestamp write-to-logfile Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 00:18:11 -0500
  • 7c5ba30bf7 On branch write-to-logfile Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Log file writes - using hyphen-substitution sed command for DateTimeStamp Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 00:16:40 -0500
  • b772285a81 On branch create-csv Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Added functionality for csv creation and writing to temp file for virtual memory persistence. Final write function may do some validation checks and then write the temp file to its permanent output path. create-csv Mike Holloway 2022-03-04 00:07:11 -0500
  • 7745cd6152 Dropping redundant path from hash output hash-each-file Mike Holloway 2022-03-03 23:46:21 -0500
  • eb629b225c On branch master Changes to be committed: modified: hash-files Added functionality to create file list Added cleanup function and trap call Mike Holloway 2022-03-03 23:37:15 -0500
  • 1e9b217612 Putting find arguments in order. Mike Holloway 2022-03-03 23:28:39 -0500
  • 7141e0dcc0 On branch master Mike Holloway 2022-03-03 23:26:39 -0500