tecnovert deb71856e8
Poll chainstates.
Litecoin download link changed.
Fix fee comparison tx weight difference.
Remove format8.
New stalled for test bid state.
Moved sequence code to coin interfaces.
Display estimated time lock refund tx will be valid.
2021-02-03 16:01:27 +02:00

933 lines
35 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or
import time
import base64
import hashlib
import logging
from io import BytesIO
from basicswap.contrib.test_framework import segwit_addr
from .util import (
from coincurve.keys import (
from coincurve.dleag import (
from coincurve.ecdsaotves import (
from .ecc_util import (
G, ep,
pointToCPK, CPKToPoint,
b2h, i2b, b2i, i2h)
from .contrib.test_framework.messages import (
from .contrib.test_framework.script import (
from .types import (
from .chainparams import CoinInterface, Coins, chainparams
from .rpc import make_rpc_func
def findOutput(tx, script_pk):
for i in range(len(tx.vout)):
if tx.vout[i].scriptPubKey == script_pk:
return i
return None
class BTCInterface(CoinInterface):
def coin_type():
return Coins.BTC
def COIN():
return COIN
def exp():
return 8
def nbk():
return 32
def nbK(): # No. of bytes requires to encode a public key
return 33
def witnessScaleFactor():
return 4
def txVersion():
return 2
def getTxOutputValue(tx):
rv = 0
for output in tx.vout:
rv += output.nValue
return rv
def compareFeeRates(a, b):
return abs(a - b) < 20
def xmr_swap_alock_spend_tx_vsize():
return 147
def txoType():
return CTxOut
def getExpectedSequence(lockType, lockVal):
assert(lockVal >= 1), 'Bad lockVal'
return lockVal
if lockType == SEQUENCE_LOCK_TIME:
secondsLocked = lockVal
# Ensure the locked time is never less than lockVal
if secondsLocked % (1 << SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) != 0:
return secondsLocked | SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG
raise ValueError('Unknown lock type')
def decodeSequence(lock_value):
# Return the raw value
return lock_value & SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK
def __init__(self, coin_settings, network, swap_client=None):
rpc_host = coin_settings.get('rpchost', '')
self.rpc_callback = make_rpc_func(coin_settings['rpcport'], coin_settings['rpcauth'], host=rpc_host)
self._network = network
self.blocks_confirmed = coin_settings['blocks_confirmed']
self._sc = swap_client
self._log = self._sc.log if self._sc and self._sc.log else logging
def setConfTarget(self, new_conf_target):
assert(new_conf_target >= 1 and new_conf_target < 33), 'Invalid conf_target value'
self._conf_target = new_conf_target
def testDaemonRPC(self):
self.rpc_callback('getwalletinfo', [])
def getDaemonVersion(self):
return self.rpc_callback('getnetworkinfo')['version']
def getBlockchainInfo(self):
return self.rpc_callback('getblockchaininfo')
def getChainHeight(self):
return self.rpc_callback('getblockchaininfo')['blocks']
def getMempoolTx(self, txid):
return self.rpc_callback('getrawtransaction', [txid.hex()])
def getBlockHeaderFromHeight(self, height):
block_hash = self.rpc_callback('getblockhash', [height])
return self.rpc_callback('getblockheader', [block_hash])
def getBlockHeader(self, block_hash):
return self.rpc_callback('getblockheader', [block_hash])
def initialiseWallet(self, key_bytes):
wif_prefix = chainparams[self.coin_type()][self._network]['key_prefix']
key_wif = toWIF(wif_prefix, key_bytes)
self.rpc_callback('sethdseed', [True, key_wif])
except Exception as e:
# < 0.21: Cannot set a new HD seed while still in Initial Block Download.
self._log.error('sethdseed failed: {}'.format(str(e)))
def getWalletInfo(self):
return self.rpc_callback('getwalletinfo')
def getWalletSeedID(self):
return self.rpc_callback('getwalletinfo')['hdseedid']
def getNewAddress(self, use_segwit):
args = ['swap_receive']
if use_segwit:
return self.rpc_callback('getnewaddress', args)
def get_fee_rate(self, conf_target=2):
return self.rpc_callback('estimatesmartfee', [conf_target])['feerate'], 'estimatesmartfee'
except Exception:
fee_rate = self.rpc_callback('getwalletinfo')['paytxfee'], 'paytxfee'
assert(fee_rate > 0.0), '0 feerate'
return fee_rate
except Exception:
return self.rpc_callback('getnetworkinfo')['relayfee'], 'relayfee'
def decodeAddress(self, address):
bech32_prefix = chainparams[self.coin_type()][self._network]['hrp']
if address.startswith(bech32_prefix):
return bytes(segwit_addr.decode(bech32_prefix, address)[1])
return decodeAddress(address)[1:]
def getNewSecretKey(self):
return getSecretInt()
def pubkey(self, key):
return G * key
def getPubkey(self, privkey):
return PublicKey.from_secret(privkey).format()
def getAddressHashFromKey(self, key):
pk = self.getPubkey(key)
return hash160(pk)
def verifyKey(self, k):
i = b2i(k)
return(i < ep.o and i > 0)
def verifyPubkey(self, pubkey_bytes):
return verify_secp256k1_point(pubkey_bytes)
def encodePubkey(self, pk):
return pointToCPK(pk)
def decodePubkey(self, pke):
return CPKToPoint(pke)
def decodeKey(self, k):
i = b2i(k)
assert(i < ep.o)
return i
def sumKeys(self, ka, kb):
return (ka + kb) % ep.o
def sumPubkeys(self, Ka, Kb):
return Ka + Kb
def getScriptForPubkeyHash(self, pkh):
return CScript([OP_0, pkh])
def extractScriptLockScriptValues(self, script_bytes):
script_len = len(script_bytes)
assert_cond(script_len == 71, 'Bad script length')
o = 0
assert_cond(script_bytes[o] == OP_2)
assert_cond(script_bytes[o + 1] == 33)
o += 2
pk1 = script_bytes[o: o + 33]
o += 33
assert_cond(script_bytes[o] == 33)
o += 1
pk2 = script_bytes[o: o + 33]
o += 33
assert_cond(script_bytes[o] == OP_2)
assert_cond(script_bytes[o + 1] == OP_CHECKMULTISIG)
return pk1, pk2
def genScriptLockTxScript(self, Kal, Kaf):
Kal_enc = Kal if len(Kal) == 33 else self.encodePubkey(Kal)
Kaf_enc = Kaf if len(Kaf) == 33 else self.encodePubkey(Kaf)
return CScript([2, Kal_enc, Kaf_enc, 2, CScriptOp(OP_CHECKMULTISIG)])
def createScriptLockTx(self, value, Kal, Kaf):
script = self.genScriptLockTxScript(Kal, Kaf)
tx = CTransaction()
tx.nVersion = self.txVersion()
tx.vout.append(self.txoType()(value, self.getScriptDest(script)))
return tx.serialize(), script
def extractScriptLockRefundScriptValues(self, script_bytes):
script_len = len(script_bytes)
assert_cond(script_len > 73, 'Bad script length')
assert_cond(script_bytes[0] == OP_IF)
assert_cond(script_bytes[1] == OP_2)
assert_cond(script_bytes[2] == 33)
pk1 = script_bytes[3: 3 + 33]
assert_cond(script_bytes[36] == 33)
pk2 = script_bytes[37: 37 + 33]
assert_cond(script_bytes[70] == OP_2)
assert_cond(script_bytes[71] == OP_CHECKMULTISIG)
assert_cond(script_bytes[72] == OP_ELSE)
o = 73
csv_val, nb = decodeScriptNum(script_bytes, o)
o += nb
assert_cond(script_len == o + 5 + 33, 'Bad script length') # Fails if script too long
assert_cond(script_bytes[o] == OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY)
o += 1
assert_cond(script_bytes[o] == OP_DROP)
o += 1
assert_cond(script_bytes[o] == 33)
o += 1
pk3 = script_bytes[o: o + 33]
o += 33
assert_cond(script_bytes[o] == OP_CHECKSIG)
o += 1
assert_cond(script_bytes[o] == OP_ENDIF)
return pk1, pk2, csv_val, pk3
def genScriptLockRefundTxScript(self, Kal, Kaf, csv_val):
Kal_enc = Kal if len(Kal) == 33 else self.encodePubkey(Kal)
Kaf_enc = Kaf if len(Kaf) == 33 else self.encodePubkey(Kaf)
return CScript([
2, Kal_enc, Kaf_enc, 2, CScriptOp(OP_CHECKMULTISIG),
Kaf_enc, CScriptOp(OP_CHECKSIG),
def createScriptLockRefundTx(self, tx_lock_bytes, script_lock, Kal, Kaf, lock1_value, csv_val, tx_fee_rate):
tx_lock = CTransaction()
tx_lock = FromHex(tx_lock, tx_lock_bytes.hex())
output_script = CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(script_lock).digest()])
locked_n = findOutput(tx_lock, output_script)
assert_cond(locked_n is not None, 'Output not found in tx')
locked_coin = tx_lock.vout[locked_n].nValue
tx_lock_hash_int = tx_lock.sha256
refund_script = self.genScriptLockRefundTxScript(Kal, Kaf, csv_val)
tx = CTransaction()
tx.nVersion = self.txVersion(), locked_n), nSequence=lock1_value))
tx.vout.append(self.txoType()(locked_coin, CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(refund_script).digest()])))
witness_bytes = len(script_lock)
witness_bytes += 74 * 2 # 2 signatures (72 + 1 byte sighashtype + 1 byte size) - Use maximum txn size for estimate
witness_bytes += 2 # 2 empty witness stack values
witness_bytes += getCompactSizeLen(witness_bytes)
vsize = self.getTxVSize(tx, add_witness_bytes=witness_bytes)
pay_fee = int(tx_fee_rate * vsize / 1000)
tx.vout[0].nValue = locked_coin - pay_fee
tx.rehash()'createScriptLockRefundTx %s:\n fee_rate, vsize, fee: %ld, %ld, %ld.',
i2h(tx.sha256), tx_fee_rate, vsize, pay_fee)
return tx.serialize(), refund_script, tx.vout[0].nValue
def createScriptLockRefundSpendTx(self, tx_lock_refund_bytes, script_lock_refund, pkh_refund_to, tx_fee_rate):
# Returns the coinA locked coin to the leader
# The follower will sign the multisig path with a signature encumbered by the leader's coinB spend pubkey
# If the leader publishes the decrypted signature the leader's coinB spend privatekey will be revealed to the follower
tx_lock_refund = self.loadTx(tx_lock_refund_bytes)
output_script = CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(script_lock_refund).digest()])
locked_n = findOutput(tx_lock_refund, output_script)
assert_cond(locked_n is not None, 'Output not found in tx')
locked_coin = tx_lock_refund.vout[locked_n].nValue
tx_lock_refund_hash_int = tx_lock_refund.sha256
tx = CTransaction()
tx.nVersion = self.txVersion(), locked_n), nSequence=0))
tx.vout.append(self.txoType()(locked_coin, self.getScriptForPubkeyHash(pkh_refund_to)))
witness_bytes = len(script_lock_refund)
witness_bytes += 74 * 2 # 2 signatures (72 + 1 byte sighashtype + 1 byte size) - Use maximum txn size for estimate
witness_bytes += 4 # 1 empty, 1 true witness stack values
witness_bytes += getCompactSizeLen(witness_bytes)
vsize = self.getTxVSize(tx, add_witness_bytes=witness_bytes)
pay_fee = int(tx_fee_rate * vsize / 1000)
tx.vout[0].nValue = locked_coin - pay_fee
tx.rehash()'createScriptLockRefundSpendTx %s:\n fee_rate, vsize, fee: %ld, %ld, %ld.',
i2h(tx.sha256), tx_fee_rate, vsize, pay_fee)
return tx.serialize()
def createScriptLockRefundSpendToFTx(self, tx_lock_refund_bytes, script_lock_refund, pkh_dest, tx_fee_rate):
# Sends the coinA locked coin to the follower
tx_lock_refund = self.loadTx(tx_lock_refund_bytes)
output_script = CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(script_lock_refund).digest()])
locked_n = findOutput(tx_lock_refund, output_script)
assert_cond(locked_n is not None, 'Output not found in tx')
locked_coin = tx_lock_refund.vout[locked_n].nValue
A, B, lock2_value, C = self.extractScriptLockRefundScriptValues(script_lock_refund)
tx_lock_refund_hash_int = tx_lock_refund.sha256
tx = CTransaction()
tx.nVersion = self.txVersion(), locked_n), nSequence=lock2_value))
tx.vout.append(self.txoType()(locked_coin, self.getScriptForPubkeyHash(pkh_dest)))
witness_bytes = len(script_lock_refund)
witness_bytes += 74 # 2 signatures (72 + 1 byte sighashtype + 1 byte size) - Use maximum txn size for estimate
witness_bytes += 1 # 1 empty stack value
witness_bytes += getCompactSizeLen(witness_bytes)
vsize = self.getTxVSize(tx, add_witness_bytes=witness_bytes)
pay_fee = int(tx_fee_rate * vsize / 1000)
tx.vout[0].nValue = locked_coin - pay_fee
tx.rehash()'createScriptLockRefundSpendToFTx %s:\n fee_rate, vsize, fee: %ld, %ld, %ld.',
i2h(tx.sha256), tx_fee_rate, vsize, pay_fee)
return tx.serialize()
def createScriptLockSpendTx(self, tx_lock_bytes, script_lock, pkh_dest, tx_fee_rate):
tx_lock = self.loadTx(tx_lock_bytes)
output_script = CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(script_lock).digest()])
locked_n = findOutput(tx_lock, output_script)
assert_cond(locked_n is not None, 'Output not found in tx')
locked_coin = tx_lock.vout[locked_n].nValue
tx_lock_hash_int = tx_lock.sha256
tx = CTransaction()
tx.nVersion = self.txVersion(), locked_n)))
tx.vout.append(self.txoType()(locked_coin, self.getScriptForPubkeyHash(pkh_dest)))
witness_bytes = len(script_lock)
witness_bytes += 33 # sv, size
witness_bytes += 74 * 2 # 2 signatures (72 + 1 byte sighashtype + 1 byte size) - Use maximum txn size for estimate
witness_bytes += 4 # 1 empty, 1 true witness stack values
witness_bytes += getCompactSizeLen(witness_bytes)
vsize = self.getTxVSize(tx, add_witness_bytes=witness_bytes)
pay_fee = int(tx_fee_rate * vsize / 1000)
tx.vout[0].nValue = locked_coin - pay_fee
tx.rehash()'createScriptLockSpendTx %s:\n fee_rate, vsize, fee: %ld, %ld, %ld.',
i2h(tx.sha256), tx_fee_rate, vsize, pay_fee)
return tx.serialize()
def verifyLockTx(self, tx_bytes, script_out,
Kal, Kaf,
# Verify:
# Not necessary to check the lock txn is mineable, as protocol will wait for it to confirm
# However by checking early we can avoid wasting time processing unmineable txns
# Check fee is reasonable
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
tx_hash = self.getTxHash(tx)'Verifying lock tx: {}.'.format(b2h(tx_hash)))
assert_cond(tx.nVersion == self.txVersion(), 'Bad version')
assert_cond(tx.nLockTime == 0, 'Bad nLockTime')
script_pk = CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(script_out).digest()])
locked_n = findOutput(tx, script_pk)
assert_cond(locked_n is not None, 'Output not found in tx')
locked_coin = tx.vout[locked_n].nValue
assert_cond(locked_coin == swap_value, 'Bad locked value')
# Check script and values
A, B = self.extractScriptLockScriptValues(script_out)
assert_cond(A == Kal, 'Bad script pubkey')
assert_cond(B == Kaf, 'Bad script pubkey')
if check_lock_tx_inputs:
# Check that inputs are unspent and verify fee rate
inputs_value = 0
add_bytes = 0
add_witness_bytes = getCompactSizeLen(len(
for pi in
ptx = self.rpc_callback('getrawtransaction', [i2h(pi.prevout.hash), True])
prevout = ptx['vout'][pi.prevout.n]
inputs_value += make_int(prevout['value'])
prevout_type = prevout['scriptPubKey']['type']
if prevout_type == 'witness_v0_keyhash':
add_witness_bytes += 107 # sig 72, pk 33 and 2 size bytes
add_witness_bytes += getCompactSizeLen(107)
# Assume P2PKH, TODO more types
add_bytes += 107 # OP_PUSH72 <ecdsa_signature> OP_PUSH33 <public_key>
outputs_value = 0
for txo in tx.vout:
outputs_value += txo.nValue
fee_paid = inputs_value - outputs_value
assert(fee_paid > 0)
vsize = self.getTxVSize(tx, add_bytes, add_witness_bytes)
fee_rate_paid = fee_paid * 1000 / vsize'tx amount, vsize, feerate: %ld, %ld, %ld', locked_coin, vsize, fee_rate_paid)
if not self.compareFeeRates(fee_rate_paid, feerate):
self._log.warning('feerate paid doesn\'t match expected: %ld, %ld', fee_rate_paid, feerate)
# TODO: Display warning to user
return tx_hash, locked_n
def verifyLockRefundTx(self, tx_bytes, script_out,
prevout_id, prevout_n, prevout_seq, prevout_script,
Kal, Kaf, csv_val_expect, swap_value, feerate):
# Verify:
# Must have only one input with correct prevout and sequence
# Must have only one output to the p2wsh of the lock refund script
# Output value must be locked_coin - lock tx fee
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
tx_hash = self.getTxHash(tx)'Verifying lock refund tx: {}.'.format(b2h(tx_hash)))
assert_cond(tx.nVersion == self.txVersion(), 'Bad version')
assert_cond(tx.nLockTime == 0, 'nLockTime not 0')
assert_cond(len( == 1, 'tx doesn\'t have one input')
assert_cond([0].nSequence == prevout_seq, 'Bad input nSequence')
assert_cond(len([0].scriptSig) == 0, 'Input scriptsig not empty')
assert_cond([0].prevout.hash == b2i(prevout_id) and[0].prevout.n == prevout_n, 'Input prevout mismatch')
assert_cond(len(tx.vout) == 1, 'tx doesn\'t have one output')
script_pk = CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(script_out).digest()])
locked_n = findOutput(tx, script_pk)
assert_cond(locked_n is not None, 'Output not found in tx')
locked_coin = tx.vout[locked_n].nValue
# Check script and values
A, B, csv_val, C = self.extractScriptLockRefundScriptValues(script_out)
assert_cond(A == Kal, 'Bad script pubkey')
assert_cond(B == Kaf, 'Bad script pubkey')
assert_cond(csv_val == csv_val_expect, 'Bad script csv value')
assert_cond(C == Kaf, 'Bad script pubkey')
fee_paid = swap_value - locked_coin
assert(fee_paid > 0)
witness_bytes = len(prevout_script)
witness_bytes += 74 * 2 # 2 signatures (72 + 1 byte sighashtype + 1 byte size) - Use maximum txn size for estimate
witness_bytes += 2 # 2 empty witness stack values
witness_bytes += getCompactSizeLen(witness_bytes)
vsize = self.getTxVSize(tx, add_witness_bytes=witness_bytes)
fee_rate_paid = fee_paid * 1000 / vsize'tx amount, vsize, feerate: %ld, %ld, %ld', locked_coin, vsize, fee_rate_paid)
if not self.compareFeeRates(fee_rate_paid, feerate):
raise ValueError('Bad fee rate, expected: {}'.format(feerate))
return tx_hash, locked_coin
def verifyLockRefundSpendTx(self, tx_bytes,
lock_refund_tx_id, prevout_script,
prevout_value, feerate):
# Verify:
# Must have only one input with correct prevout (n is always 0) and sequence
# Must have only one output sending lock refund tx value - fee to leader's address, TODO: follower shouldn't need to verify destination addr
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
tx_hash = self.getTxHash(tx)'Verifying lock refund spend tx: {}.'.format(b2h(tx_hash)))
assert_cond(tx.nVersion == self.txVersion(), 'Bad version')
assert_cond(tx.nLockTime == 0, 'nLockTime not 0')
assert_cond(len( == 1, 'tx doesn\'t have one input')
assert_cond([0].nSequence == 0, 'Bad input nSequence')
assert_cond(len([0].scriptSig) == 0, 'Input scriptsig not empty')
assert_cond([0].prevout.hash == b2i(lock_refund_tx_id) and[0].prevout.n == 0, 'Input prevout mismatch')
assert_cond(len(tx.vout) == 1, 'tx doesn\'t have one output')
# Destination doesn't matter to the follower
p2wpkh = CScript([OP_0, hash160(Kal)])
locked_n = findOutput(tx, p2wpkh)
assert_cond(locked_n is not None, 'Output not found in lock refund spend tx')
tx_value = tx.vout[0].nValue
fee_paid = prevout_value - tx_value
assert(fee_paid > 0)
witness_bytes = len(prevout_script)
witness_bytes += 74 * 2 # 2 signatures (72 + 1 byte sighashtype + 1 byte size) - Use maximum txn size for estimate
witness_bytes += 4 # 1 empty, 1 true witness stack values
witness_bytes += getCompactSizeLen(witness_bytes)
vsize = self.getTxVSize(tx, add_witness_bytes=witness_bytes)
fee_rate_paid = fee_paid * 1000 / vsize'tx amount, vsize, feerate: %ld, %ld, %ld', tx_value, vsize, fee_rate_paid)
if not self.compareFeeRates(fee_rate_paid, feerate):
raise ValueError('Bad fee rate, expected: {}'.format(feerate))
return True
def verifyLockSpendTx(self, tx_bytes,
lock_tx_bytes, lock_tx_script,
a_pkhash_f, feerate):
# Verify:
# Must have only one input with correct prevout (n is always 0) and sequence
# Must have only one output with destination and amount
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
tx_hash = self.getTxHash(tx)'Verifying lock spend tx: {}.'.format(b2h(tx_hash)))
assert_cond(tx.nVersion == self.txVersion(), 'Bad version')
assert_cond(tx.nLockTime == 0, 'nLockTime not 0')
assert_cond(len( == 1, 'tx doesn\'t have one input')
lock_tx = self.loadTx(lock_tx_bytes)
lock_tx_id = self.getTxHash(lock_tx)
output_script = CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(lock_tx_script).digest()])
locked_n = findOutput(lock_tx, output_script)
assert_cond(locked_n is not None, 'Output not found in tx')
locked_coin = lock_tx.vout[locked_n].nValue
assert_cond([0].nSequence == 0, 'Bad input nSequence')
assert_cond(len([0].scriptSig) == 0, 'Input scriptsig not empty')
assert_cond([0].prevout.hash == b2i(lock_tx_id) and[0].prevout.n == locked_n, 'Input prevout mismatch')
assert_cond(len(tx.vout) == 1, 'tx doesn\'t have one output')
p2wpkh = self.getScriptForPubkeyHash(a_pkhash_f)
assert_cond(tx.vout[0].scriptPubKey == p2wpkh, 'Bad output destination')
fee_paid = locked_coin - tx.vout[0].nValue
assert(fee_paid > 0)
witness_bytes = len(lock_tx_script)
witness_bytes += 33 # sv, size
witness_bytes += 74 * 2 # 2 signatures (72 + 1 byte sighashtype + 1 byte size) - Use maximum txn size for estimate
witness_bytes += 4 # 1 empty, 1 true witness stack values
witness_bytes += getCompactSizeLen(witness_bytes)
vsize = self.getTxVSize(tx, add_witness_bytes=witness_bytes)
fee_rate_paid = fee_paid * 1000 / vsize'tx amount, vsize, feerate: %ld, %ld, %ld', tx.vout[0].nValue, vsize, fee_rate_paid)
if not self.compareFeeRates(fee_rate_paid, feerate):
raise ValueError('Bad fee rate, expected: {}'.format(feerate))
return True
def signTx(self, key_bytes, tx_bytes, prevout_n, prevout_script, prevout_value):
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
sig_hash = SegwitV0SignatureHash(prevout_script, tx, prevout_n, SIGHASH_ALL, prevout_value)
eck = PrivateKey(key_bytes)
return eck.sign(sig_hash, hasher=None) + bytes((SIGHASH_ALL,))
def signTxOtVES(self, key_sign, pubkey_encrypt, tx_bytes, prevout_n, prevout_script, prevout_value):
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
sig_hash = SegwitV0SignatureHash(prevout_script, tx, prevout_n, SIGHASH_ALL, prevout_value)
return ecdsaotves_enc_sign(key_sign, pubkey_encrypt, sig_hash)
def verifyTxOtVES(self, tx_bytes, ct, Ks, Ke, prevout_n, prevout_script, prevout_value):
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
sig_hash = SegwitV0SignatureHash(prevout_script, tx, prevout_n, SIGHASH_ALL, prevout_value)
return ecdsaotves_enc_verify(Ks, Ke, sig_hash, ct)
def decryptOtVES(self, k, esig):
return ecdsaotves_dec_sig(k, esig) + bytes((SIGHASH_ALL,))
def verifyTxSig(self, tx_bytes, sig, K, prevout_n, prevout_script, prevout_value):
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
sig_hash = SegwitV0SignatureHash(prevout_script, tx, prevout_n, SIGHASH_ALL, prevout_value)
pubkey = PublicKey(K)
return pubkey.verify(sig[: -1], sig_hash, hasher=None) # Pop the hashtype byte
def verifySig(self, pubkey, signed_hash, sig):
pubkey = PublicKey(pubkey)
return pubkey.verify(sig, signed_hash, hasher=None)
def fundTx(self, tx, feerate):
feerate_str = format_amount(feerate, self.exp())
# TODO: unlock unspents if bid cancelled
options = {
'lockUnspents': True,
'feeRate': feerate_str,
rv = self.rpc_callback('fundrawtransaction', [tx.hex(), options])
return bytes.fromhex(rv['hex'])
def unlockInputs(self, tx_bytes):
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
inputs = []
for pi in
inputs.append({'txid': i2h(pi.prevout.hash), 'vout': pi.prevout.n})
self.rpc_callback('lockunspent', [True, inputs])
def signTxWithWallet(self, tx):
rv = self.rpc_callback('signrawtransactionwithwallet', [tx.hex()])
return bytes.fromhex(rv['hex'])
def publishTx(self, tx):
return self.rpc_callback('sendrawtransaction', [tx.hex()])
def encodeTx(self, tx):
return tx.serialize()
def loadTx(self, tx_bytes):
# Load tx from bytes to internal representation
tx = CTransaction()
return tx
def getTxHash(self, tx):
if isinstance(tx, bytes):
tx = self.loadTx(tx)
return i2b(tx.sha256)
def getTxOutputPos(self, tx, script):
if isinstance(tx, bytes):
tx = self.loadTx(tx)
script_pk = CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(script).digest()])
return findOutput(tx, script_pk)
def getPubkeyHash(self, K):
return hash160(self.encodePubkey(K))
def getScriptDest(self, script):
return CScript([OP_0, hashlib.sha256(script).digest()])
def getPkDest(self, K):
return self.getScriptForPubkeyHash(self.getPubkeyHash(K))
def scanTxOutset(self, dest):
return self.rpc_callback('scantxoutset', ['start', ['raw({})'.format(dest.hex())]])
def getTransaction(self, txid):
return bytes.fromhex(self.rpc_callback('getrawtransaction', [txid.hex()]))
except Exception as ex:
# TODO: filter errors
return None
def getWalletTransaction(self, txid):
return bytes.fromhex(self.rpc_callback('gettransaction', [txid.hex()]))
except Exception as ex:
# TODO: filter errors
return None
def setTxSignature(self, tx_bytes, stack):
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
tx.wit.vtxinwit[0].scriptWitness.stack = stack
return tx.serialize()
def extractLeaderSig(self, tx_bytes):
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
return tx.wit.vtxinwit[0].scriptWitness.stack[1]
def extractFollowerSig(self, tx_bytes):
tx = self.loadTx(tx_bytes)
return tx.wit.vtxinwit[0].scriptWitness.stack[2]
def createBLockTx(self, Kbs, output_amount):
tx = CTransaction()
tx.nVersion = self.txVersion()
p2wpkh = self.getPkDest(Kbs)
tx.vout.append(self.txoType()(output_amount, p2wpkh))
return tx.serialize()
def publishBLockTx(self, Kbv, Kbs, output_amount, feerate):
b_lock_tx = self.createBLockTx(Kbs, output_amount)
b_lock_tx = self.fundTx(b_lock_tx, feerate)
b_lock_tx_id = self.getTxHash(b_lock_tx)
b_lock_tx = self.signTxWithWallet(b_lock_tx)
return self.publishTx(b_lock_tx)
def recoverEncKey(self, esig, sig, K):
return ecdsaotves_rec_enc_key(K, esig, sig[:-1]) # Strip sighash type
def getTxVSize(self, tx, add_bytes=0, add_witness_bytes=0):
wsf = self.witnessScaleFactor()
len_full = len(tx.serialize_with_witness()) + add_bytes + add_witness_bytes
len_nwit = len(tx.serialize_without_witness()) + add_bytes
weight = len_nwit * (wsf - 1) + len_full
return (weight + wsf - 1) // wsf
def findTxB(self, kbv, Kbs, cb_swap_value, cb_block_confirmed, restore_height):
raw_dest = self.getPkDest(Kbs)
rv = self.scanTxOutset(raw_dest)
print('scanTxOutset', dumpj(rv))
for utxo in rv['unspents']:
if 'height' in utxo and utxo['height'] > 0 and rv['height'] - utxo['height'] > cb_block_confirmed:
if self.make_int(utxo['amount']) != cb_swap_value:
self._log.warning('Found output to lock tx pubkey of incorrect value: %s', str(utxo['amount']))
return {'txid': utxo['txid'], 'vout': utxo['vout'], 'amount': utxo['amount'], 'height': utxo['height']}
return None
def waitForLockTxB(self, kbv, Kbs, cb_swap_value, cb_block_confirmed):
raw_dest = self.getPkDest(Kbs)
for i in range(20):
rv = self.scanTxOutset(raw_dest)
print('scanTxOutset', dumpj(rv))
for utxo in rv['unspents']:
if 'height' in utxo and utxo['height'] > 0 and rv['height'] - utxo['height'] > cb_block_confirmed:
if self.make_int(utxo['amount']) != cb_swap_value:
self._log.warning('Found output to lock tx pubkey of incorrect value: %s', str(utxo['amount']))
return True
return False
def spendBLockTx(self, address_to, kbv, kbs, cb_swap_value, b_fee, restore_height):
print('TODO: spendBLockTx')
def getOutput(self, txid, dest_script, expect_value):
# TODO: Use getrawtransaction if txindex is active
utxos = self.rpc_callback('scantxoutset', ['start', ['raw({})'.format(dest_script.hex())]])
chain_height = utxos['height']
rv = []
for utxo in utxos['unspents']:
if txid and txid.hex() != utxo['txid']:
if expect_value != self.make_int(utxo['amount']):
'depth': 0 if 'height' not in utxo else (chain_height - utxo['height']) + 1,
'height': 0 if 'height' not in utxo else utxo['height'],
'amount': self.make_int(utxo['amount']),
'txid': utxo['txid'],
'vout': utxo['vout']})
return rv, chain_height
def withdrawCoin(self, value, addr_to, subfee):
params = [addr_to, value, '', '', subfee, True, self._conf_target]
return self.rpc_callback('sendtoaddress', params)
def signCompact(self, k, message):
message_hash = hashlib.sha256(bytes(message, 'utf-8')).digest()
privkey = PrivateKey(k)
return privkey.sign_recoverable(message_hash, hasher=None)[:64]
def verifyCompact(self, K, message, sig):
message_hash = hashlib.sha256(bytes(message, 'utf-8')).digest()
pubkey = PublicKey(K)
rv = pubkey.verify_compact(sig, message_hash, hasher=None)
assert(rv is True)
def verifyMessage(self, address, message, signature, message_magic=None):
if message_magic is None:
message_magic = chainparams[self.coin_type()]['message_magic']
message_bytes = SerialiseNumCompact(len(message_magic)) + bytes(message_magic, 'utf-8') + SerialiseNumCompact(len(message)) + bytes(message, 'utf-8')
message_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(message_bytes).digest()).digest()
signature_bytes = base64.b64decode(signature)
rec_id = (signature_bytes[0] - 27) & 3
signature_bytes = signature_bytes[1:] + bytes((rec_id,))
pubkey = PublicKey.from_signature_and_message(signature_bytes, message_hash, hasher=None)
except Exception as e:'verifyMessage failed: ' + str(e))
return False
address_hash = self.decodeAddress(address)
pubkey_hash = hash160(pubkey.format())
return True if address_hash == pubkey_hash else False
def testBTCInterface():
if __name__ == "__main__":