- Dash icon and Coin icon updates. - Removed withids. - ui: Notification drop-down update. - ui: Global GUI layout and bug fixes/features. - ui: Updated New Offer templates. - ui: Fixed close on messages/error messages. - ui: Start on new settings page. - ui: Removed TV chart. - ui: Drop-down filter with Coin icons.
1015 lines
47 KiB
1015 lines
47 KiB
/*! For license information please see dd.min.js.LICENSE.txt */
(() => {
"use strict";
let e = null;
class t {
constructor(e, t) {
this.ele = e, this._settings = {
byJson: {
data: null,
selectedIndex: 0,
name: null,
size: 0,
multiple: !1,
width: 250
mainCss: "ms-dd",
rowHeight: null,
visibleRows: null,
showIcon: !0,
zIndex: 9999,
event: "click",
style: "",
childWidth: null,
childHeight: null,
enableCheckbox: !1,
checkboxNameSuffix: "_mscheck",
showPlusItemCounter: !0,
enableAutoFilter: !1,
showFilterAlways: !1,
showListCounter: !1,
imagePosition: "left",
errorMessage: "Please select an item from this list",
on: {
create: null,
open: null,
close: null,
add: null,
remove: null,
change: null,
blur: null,
click: null,
dblclick: null,
mousemove: null,
mouseover: null,
mouseout: null,
focus: null,
mousedown: null,
mouseup: null
}, this._css = {}, this._onDocumentClick = null, this._onDocumentKeyDown = null, this._onDocumentKeyUp = null, this._isOpen = !1, this._DOWN_ARROW = 40, this._UP_ARROW = 38, this._LEFT_ARROW = 37, this._RIGHT_ARROW = 39, this._ESCAPE = 27, this._ENTER = 13, this._ALPHABETS_START = 47, this._SHIFT = 16, this._CONTROL = 17, this._MAC_CONTROL = 91, this._BACKSPACE = 8, this._DELETE = 46, this._SPACE = 32, this._shiftHolded = !1, this._controlHolded = !1, this._isFirstTime = !0, this._cacheEle = {}, this._isMouseDown = !1, this._itemsArr = [], this._css = {
dd: this._settings.mainCss + " ms-pr blaat",
wrapperDisabled: "disabled",
headerA: "ms-list-option option-selected ",
header: "ms-dd-header ",
headerMiddleContent: "ms-header-middle-content ",
arrow: "ms-dd-arrow",
arrowDown: "ms-dd-pointer-down",
arrowUp: "ms-dd-pointer-up",
headerCounter: "ms-header-counter",
listOfItems: "ms-options ",
itemContent: "ms-dd-option-content",
item: "ms-list-option ",
itemSpan: "ms-middle",
itemSpanOpt: "ms-optgroup-padding",
itemLabel: "ms-dd-label",
itemImage: "ms-dd-option-image",
itemDesc: "ms-dd-desc",
itemSelected: "option-selected",
itemDisabled: "disabled",
itemEnabled: "enabled",
optgroup: "ms-optgroup",
listCounter: "ms-list-counter",
valueInput: "ms-value-input",
checkbox: "ms-checkbox",
imageRight: "ico-align-right"
}, this._wrapper = {}, this._createByJson(), this._checkDataSettings(), this._isList = this.ele.size > 1, this._isMultiple = this.ele.multiple, this._enableCheckbox = this._settings.enableCheckbox, (this._isList || "true" === this._enableCheckbox.toString()) && (this._isMultiple = this.ele.multiple = !0), this._isFilterApplied = !1, this._nexPrevCounter = 0, this._init()
_init() {
this._makeLayout(), this._updateUiAndValueByIndex(this.selectedIndex), this.ele.size > 1 && (this._makeUiAsList(!0, this.ele.size), this._scrollToItem()), null !== this._settings.childWidth && (this._wrapper.listOfItems.style.width = this._settings.childWidth), this._showHideOriginal(!1), "true" === this._settings.showFilterAlways.toString() && (this._settings.enableAutoFilter = !0, this._showHideFilterBox(!0)), this.ele.autofocus ? (this._wrapper.holder.focus(), this._wrapper.filterInput.focus()) : this._wrapper.filterInput.blur(), this.updateUiAndValue(), this._fireLocalEventIfExist("create"), this._fireEventIfExist("onCreate")
_showHideOriginal(e = !0) {
e ? this._show(this.ele) : this._hide(this.ele)
_checkDataSettings() {
let e = this._getDataSet(this.ele),
t = this._settings;
t.mainCss = e?.mainCss || t.mainCss, t.showIcon = e?.showIcon || t.showIcon, t.event = e?.event || t.event, t.childWidth = e?.childWidth || t.childWidth, t.childHeight = e?.childHeight || t.childHeight, t.enableCheckbox = e?.enableCheckbox || t.enableCheckbox, t.checkboxNameSuffix = e?.checkboxNameSuffix || t.checkboxNameSuffix, t.enableAutoFilter = e?.enableAutoFilter || t.enableAutoFilter, t.visibleRows = e?.visibleRows || t.visibleRows, t.showPlusItemCounter = e?.showPlusItemCounter || t.showPlusItemCounter, t.errorMessage = e?.errorMessage || t.errorMessage, t.showFilterAlways = e?.showFilterAlways || t.showFilterAlways, t.showListCounter = e?.showListCounter || t.showListCounter, t.imagePosition = e?.imagePosition || t.imagePosition, this._settings = {
setSettingAttribute(e, t) {
this._settings[e] = t
_createByJson() {
if (this._settings.byJson.data) try {
let e = this._settings.byJson,
t = {};
t.name = e.name || this.ele.id || "", e.size > 0 && (t.size = e.size), e.multiple && (t.multiple = e.multiple);
let s = this._createEle("select", t),
i = e.data.length;
for (let t = 0; t < i; t++) {
let i = e.data[t],
l = new Option(i.text, i.value);
i.disabled && (l.disabled = !0);
for (let e in i)
if (i.hasOwnProperty(e) && "text" !== e.toLowerCase()) {
let t = `data-${e}`;
t = t.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(), l.setAttribute(t, i[e])
} s.options[t] = l
this.ele.appendChild(s), s.selectedIndex = e.selectedIndex, e.width && (this.ele.style.width = e.width + "px"), this.ele = s
} catch (e) {
throw "There is an error in json data."
_scrollToItem(e, t = "smooth") {
(e = e || this.uiData.ui) && (e = e.length > 1 ? e[0] : e, this._scrollToIfNeeded(e))
_showHideFilterBox(e = !0) {
e ? (this._show(this._wrapper.filterHolder), this._wrapper.filterInput.focus(), "false" === this._settings.showFilterAlways.toString() && this._hide(this._wrapper.headerA)) : (this._wrapper.filterInput.value = "", this._hide(this._wrapper.filterHolder), this._show(this._wrapper.headerA))
_applyFilters(e) {
let t = this._wrapper.filterInput.value;
if (0 === t.length) this._show(this._wrapper.headerA), this._makeChildren(), this._isFilterApplied = !1;
else {
"false" === this._settings.showFilterAlways.toString() && this._hide(this._wrapper.headerA), this._isOpen || this.open(null);
let e = [...this.options].filter((function(e) {
return "OPTGROUP" !== e.nodeName && !1 === e.disabled && e.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(t.toLowerCase()) >= 0
this._makeChildren(e), this._isFilterApplied = !0, this._nexPrevCounter = -1, this._scrollToIfNeeded(null, 0)
_makeFilterBox() {
let e = this._createEle("div", {
className: "ms-filter-box"
t = this._createEle("input", {
type: "text"
return e.appendChild(t), this._wrapper.filterInput = t, this._wrapper.filterHolder = e, this._bindEvents(t, "input", (e => {
})), e
_makeHeader() {
let e = this._css,
t = this._createEle("div", {
className: e.header
s = this._createEle("a", {
className: e.headerA
i = this._createEle("span", {
className: e.headerMiddleContent
l = this._createEle("span", {
className: e.arrow + " " + e.arrowDown
return s.appendChild(l), s.appendChild(i), t.appendChild(s), this._wrapper.header = t, this._wrapper.headerA = s, this._wrapper.headerContent = i, this._wrapper.arrow = l, "left" !== this._settings.imagePosition && s.classList.add(e.imageRight), this._bindEvents(t, this._settings.event, (e => {
})), t
_makeChildren(e = null) {
let t, s = this._css,
i = "true" === this._enableCheckbox.toString(),
l = this,
n = function(e, t) {
let n = {};
return n = l._parseOption(e), {
opt: n,
itemObj: {
label: {
text: n.text,
css: s.itemLabel
img: {
src: n.image,
css: s.itemImage
desc: {
text: n.description,
css: s.itemDesc
isDisabled: e.disabled || !1,
isSelected: e.selected || !1,
isCheckbox: i,
value: n.value,
title: n.title,
imageCss: `${n.imageCss} ${n.className}`,
counter: t + 1,
isOptGroup: "OPTGROUP" === e.nodeName,
innerSpanCss: s.itemContent
r = function(e, t) {
t.isDisabled || (l._bindEvents(e, "mouseup", (e => {
l._isMouseDown = !1, i && "INPUT" === e.target.nodeName || l._isList || l.close(e)
})), l._bindEvents(e, "mousedown", (t => {
if (l._isMouseDown = !0, i && "INPUT" === t.target.nodeName) l._setSelectedByItemToggle(e._refCheckbox, e);
else if (l._shiftHolded && l._isMultiple) {
let t = l.selectedIndex,
s = e.index;
l._setSelectedByIndexFromTo(t, s)
} else l._controlHolded && l._isMultiple ? l._setSelectedByItem(e, !1, !1) : l._setSelectedByItem(e)
})), l._bindEvents(e, "mouseover", (t => {
l._isMouseDown && l._isMultiple && l._setSelectedByItem(e, !1, !1)
this._wrapper.listOfItems ? t = this._wrapper.listOfItems : (t = this._createEle("ul", {
className: s.listOfItems,
zIndex: this._settings.zIndex
}), this._wrapper.listOfItems = t), t.innerHTML = "";
let a = null === e ? this.ele.children : e,
h = a.length;
for (let e = 0; e < h; e++) {
let i = a[e],
l = n(i, e),
h = l.opt,
d = l.itemObj,
o = this._createRow(d);
if ("" !== h.className && (o.className = o.className + " " + h.className), "" !== h.internalStyle && (o.style = h.internalStyle), o.index = h.index, o.setAttribute("data-ms-index", h.index), d.isOptGroup) {
let e = i.children,
t = e.length,
l = this._createEle("ul");
for (let i = 0; i < t; i++) {
let t = n(e[i], i),
a = t.opt,
h = t.itemObj,
d = this._createRow(h);
"" !== a.className && (d.className = d.className + " " + a.className), "" !== a.internalStyle && (d.style = a.internalStyle), d.index = a.index, d.setAttribute("data-ms-index", a.index), h.isSelected && this._setSelectedByItem(d, !0), r(d, h), "left" !== this._settings.imagePosition && d.classList.add(s.imageRight), l.appendChild(d)
d.isOptGroup || r(o, d), "left" !== this._settings.imagePosition && o.classList.add(s.imageRight), t.appendChild(o), d.isSelected && this._setSelectedByItem(o, !0)
return null !== this._settings.childHeight && (t.style.maxHeight = this._settings.childHeight + "px"), t
_makeLayout() {
this.ele.tabIndex = -1;
let t = this._css,
s = this._createEle("div", {
tabIndex: 0,
className: t.dd
i = this.ele.name,
l = this.ele.required,
n = this._createEle("input", {
tabIndex: -1,
name: i,
type: "text",
className: this._css.valueInput,
required: l
s.appendChild(n), this.ele.required = !1, this.ele.name = "";
let r = this._createEle("div", {
className: "more",
style: "display:none"
s.appendChild(r), this._wrapper.valueBox = n, this._wrapper.moreValueBox = r;
let a = this._makeHeader(),
h = this._makeFilterBox();
a.appendChild(h), this._showHideFilterBox(!1);
let d = this._makeChildren();
s.appendChild(a), s.appendChild(d), this._wrapper.holder = s, this._insertAfter(s, this.ele), this._hide(d), this.disabled && s.classList.add(t.wrapperDisabled);
let o = this._getInternalStyle(this.ele);
s.setAttribute("style", o), null !== this._settings.byJson.data && s.setAttribute("style", `width:${this._settings.byJson.width}px`);
let u = this._createEle("div", {
style: "clear:both"
s.appendChild(u), this._bindEvents(this._wrapper.holder, "focus", (t => {
this._isList ? this._bindDocumentEvents(null, !1, !0) : (e && (e.close(null), e = null), this._bindDocumentEvents(null, !0, !0), e = this), this._fireLocalEventIfExist("focus"), this._fireEventIfExist("focus")
})), this._bindEvents(this._wrapper.holder, "blur", (e => {
this._isList && this._unbindDocumentEvents(), this._fireLocalEventIfExist("blur"), this._fireEventIfExist("blur")
})), this._bindEvents(this._wrapper.holder, "dblclick", (e => {
this._fireLocalEventIfExist("blur"), this._fireEventIfExist("blur")
})), this._bindEvents(n, "invalid", (e => {
e.target.setCustomValidity(""), e.target.validity.valid || e.target.setCustomValidity(this._settings.errorMessage)
})), this._bindEvents(n, "input", (e => {
let _ = ["click", "dblclick", "mousemove", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mousedown", "mouseup"];
for (let e = 0, t = _.length; e < t; e++) {
let t = _[e];
this._bindEvents(this._wrapper.holder, t, (e => {
this._fireLocalEventIfExist(t), this._fireEventIfExist(t)
return s
_createRow(e) {
let t = e.isOptGroup ? this._css.optgroup : this._css.item,
s = this._createEle("li", {
className: t
if (e.isCheckbox && !e.isOptGroup) {
let t = this._createEle("input", {
tabIndex: -1,
className: this._css.checkbox,
type: "checkbox",
disabled: e.isDisabled,
checked: !1,
value: e.value,
name: this._wrapper.valueBox.name + this._settings.checkboxNameSuffix + "[]"
s.appendChild(t), s._refCheckbox = t
let i = e.isOptGroup ? " " + this._css.itemSpanOpt : "",
l = this._createEle("span", {
className: this._css.itemSpan + i
n = "true" === this._settings.showListCounter.toString() ? `<span class='${this._css.listCounter}'>${e.counter}</span> ${e.label.text}` : e.label.text,
r = this._createEle("span", {
className: e.label.css
}, n),
a = this._createEle("span", {
className: e.innerSpanCss
if (a.appendChild(r), null !== e.img.src) {
let t = this._createEle("img", {
className: e.img.css,
src: e.img.src
if (null === e.img.src && "" !== e.imageCss.replace(/\s/g, "")) {
let t = this._createEle("span", {
className: e.img.css + " " + e.imageCss
}, " ");
if (null !== e.desc.text) {
let t = this._createEle("span", {
className: e.desc.css
}, e.desc.text);
return l.appendChild(a), s.appendChild(l), e.isDisabled ? s.classList.add(this._css.itemDisabled) : e.isOptGroup || s.classList.add(this._css.itemEnabled), "" !== e.title && (s.title = e.title), s
_parseOption(e) {
let t, s, i, l = null,
n = "",
r = "",
a = "",
h = "",
d = "",
o = "",
u = -1;
if (void 0 !== e) {
let _ = e.nodeName,
p = e.dataset;
"OPTGROUP" === _ ? h = e.label : (h = e.text, a = e.value || h), u = e.index, t = e.selected, s = e.disabled, d = e.className || "", n = p.title || "", r = p.description || "", l = p.image || l, o = p.imageCss || "", i = this._getInternalStyle(e)
return {
image: l,
title: n,
description: r,
value: a,
text: h,
className: d,
imageCss: o,
index: u,
selected: t,
disabled: s,
internalStyle: i
_removeOldSelected() {
let e = this._getAllEle("ul li." + this._css.itemSelected, this._wrapper.holder);
for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t].classList.remove(this._css.itemSelected), this._isMultiple && "true" === this._enableCheckbox.toString() && (e[t]._refCheckbox.checked = !1)
_setSelectedByIndexFromTo(e, t) {
let s = Math.min(e, t),
i = Math.max(e, t),
l = this.optionsUI;
for (let e = s; e <= i; e++) this._setSelectedByItem(l[e], !1, !1)
_setSelectedByItemToggle(e, t) {
let s = !e.checked,
i = t.index;
s ? (t.classList.add(this._css.itemSelected), this.ele.options[i].selected = !0) : (t.classList.remove(this._css.itemSelected), this.ele.options[i].selected = !1), this.updateUiAndValue()
_setSelectedByItem(e, t = !1, s = !0) {
if (t && e) e.classList.add(this._css.itemSelected);
else {
let t = e.index;
!0 === s ? (this._removeOldSelected(), this.ele.selectedIndex = t) : this.ele.options[t].selected = !0, e?.classList?.add(this._css.itemSelected), this.updateUiAndValue()
"true" === this._enableCheckbox.toString() && e?._refCheckbox && (e._refCheckbox.checked = !0), !1 === this._isFirstTime && (this._fireLocalEventIfExist("change"), this._fireEventIfExist("change")), this._isFirstTime = !1
_setSelectedByOptionItem(e, t = !1) {
let s = e.index,
i = this._getDataAndUI(s);
this._setSelectedByItem(i.ui, t)
_updateHeaderUI(e = null, t = null) {
let s = null === e ? this.uiData : e,
i = this._isArray(s.index) ? s.ui[0].innerHTML : null;
this._wrapper.headerContent.innerHTML = null !== t ? t : i || s?.ui?.innerHTML || " ";
let l = this._getEle("." + this._css.itemLabel, this._wrapper.headerContent);
if ("true" === this._settings.showPlusItemCounter.toString() && null !== s.ui && s.ui.length > 1 && (l.innerHTML = l.innerHTML + `<span class="${this._css.headerCounter}"> (+${s.ui.length-1})</span>`), "false" === this._settings.showIcon.toString()) {
let e = this._getEle("img", this._wrapper.headerContent);
e && this._hide(e)
_findElementByIndexProp(e) {
let t = this._getAllEle(`ul li.${this._css.item}`, this._wrapper.holder),
s = t.length;
for (let i = 0; i < s; i++)
if (t[i].index === e) return t[i];
return null
_getDataAndUI(e = null) {
let t, s, i, l = this.ele,
n = null,
r = -1,
a = this,
h = !1,
d = function(e) {
let t = l.options[e],
s = e;
return {
option: t,
data: a._parseOption(t),
index: s,
ui: a._findElementByIndexProp(s)
if (null !== e) i = d(e), n = i.option, t = i.data, r = i.index, s = i.ui;
else if (s = this._getAllEle("ul li." + this._css.itemSelected, this._wrapper.holder), s.length > 1) {
let e = [],
l = [],
a = [],
o = [];
for (let t = 0; t < s.length; t++) i = d(s[t].index), e.push(i.data), l.push(i.option), a.push(i.index), o.push(i.ui);
t = e, n = l, r = a, s = o, h = !0
} else i = d(s[0]?.index || this.selectedIndex), n = i.option || null, t = i.data || null, r = i.index || -1, s = i.ui || null;
return {
data: t,
ui: s,
index: r,
option: n,
isArray: h
_isArray = function(e) {
return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)
updateUiAndValue(e = null) {
let t = null === e ? this.uiData : e;
let s = this._wrapper.valueBox;
if (s.value = this.ele.value, this._isMultiple && "[]" === s.name.substr(s.name.length - 2, s.name.length)) {
this._wrapper.moreValueBox.innerHTML = "";
for (let e = 1; e < t.data.length; e++) {
let i = this._createEle("input", {
type: "hidden",
name: s.name,
value: t.data[e].value
_updateUiAndValueByIndex(e) {
let t = this._getDataAndUI(e);
_createEle(e, t, s) {
let i = document.createElement(e);
if (t)
for (let e in t) "style" === e ? i.style.cssText = t[e] : i[e] = t[e];
return s && (i.innerHTML = s), i
_getEle(e, t = null) {
return null === t ? document.querySelector(e) : t.querySelector(e)
_getAllEle(e, t = null) {
return null === t ? document.querySelectorAll(e) : t.querySelectorAll(e)
_getInternalStyle(e) {
return void 0 === e.style ? "" : e.style.cssText
_toggleShow(e) {
e.style.display = "none" === e.style.display || "" === e.style.display ? "inherit" : "none"
_show(e, t = "block") {
e.style.display = t
_hide(e) {
e.style.display = "none"
_insertAfter(e, t) {
return t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t.nextSibling)
_insertBefore(e, t) {
return t.insertBefore(e, t)
_getIndex(e) {
return [...this._getAllEle("ul li", this._wrapper.holder)].indexOf(e)
_getProp(e, t) {
let s = {};
for (let i = 0; i < e.attributes.length; i++) {
let l = e.attributes[i].nodeName,
n = e.attributes[i].nodeValue;
if (t === l) return n;
s[l] = n
return void 0 === t ? s : null
_getDataSet(e, t = null) {
return null === t ? e.dataset : e.dataset[t] || null
_bindEvents(e, t, s) {
e.addEventListener(t, s)
_unbindEvents(e, t, s) {
e.removeEventListener(t, s)
_adjustChildHeight(e = null) {
if (null !== (e = null === e ? parseInt(this._settings.visibleRows) : e)) {
let t = this._getEle("li[data-ms-index='0']", this._wrapper.listOfItems),
s = null !== this._settings.rowHeight ? this._settings.rowHeight : t.clientHeight;
this._wrapper.listOfItems.style.height = e * s + "px"
_setTitleMinHeight(e = !0) {
let t = 0;
if (!0 === e) {
let e = this._getAllEle("li", this._wrapper.listOfItems),
s = e.length;
for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) {
let s = e[i];
t = s.clientHeight > t ? s.clientHeight : t
} else t = this._wrapper.headerA.clientHeight;
this._wrapper.header.style.minHeight = t + "px"
_makeUiAsList(e, t) {
!0 === e ? (this._hide(this._wrapper.header), this.open(null, !0), this._adjustChildHeight(t), this._wrapper.listOfItems.style.position = "relative", this._wrapper.listOfItems.style.display = "inline-block", this._wrapper.listOfItems.style.zIndex = 0, this._wrapper.holder.style.zIndex = 0, this._isList = !0) : (this._show(this._wrapper.header), this._wrapper.listOfItems.style.height = null, this._wrapper.listOfItems.style.position = "absolute", this._wrapper.listOfItems.style.zIndex = this._settings.zIndex, this._wrapper.holder.style.zIndex = 0, this._isList = !1, this.close(null))
_bindDocumentEvents(e, t = !0, s = !0) {
this._unbindDocumentEvents(), this._onDocumentClick = e => {
let t = this._wrapper.listOfItems.getBoundingClientRect(),
s = this._wrapper.header.getBoundingClientRect(),
i = t.left + t.width,
l = s.top + t.height + s.height;
(e.clientX < t.left || e.clientX > i || e.clientY < s.y || e.clientY > l) && this.close(e)
}, this._onDocumentKeyDown = e => {
switch (e.keyCode) {
case this._DOWN_ARROW:
case this._RIGHT_ARROW:
e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), this._show(this._wrapper.listOfItems), this._isOpen = !0, this.next();
case this._UP_ARROW:
case this._LEFT_ARROW:
e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), this.previous();
case this._ESCAPE:
case this._ENTER:
e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), this.close(null);
case this._SHIFT:
this._shiftHolded = !0;
case this._CONTROL:
case this._MAC_CONTROL:
this._controlHolded = !0;
case this._SPACE:
this._show(this._wrapper.listOfItems), this._isOpen = !0;
e.keyCode >= this._ALPHABETS_START && !1 === this._isList && "true" === this._settings.enableAutoFilter.toString() && this._showHideFilterBox(!0), this._shiftHolded = !1, this._controlHolded = !1
}, this._onDocumentKeyUp = e => {
this._shiftHolded = !1, this._controlHolded = !1
}, !0 === t && this._bindEvents(document, "mouseup", this._onDocumentClick), !0 === s && (this._bindEvents(document, "keydown", this._onDocumentKeyDown), this._bindEvents(document, "keyup", this._onDocumentKeyUp))
_unbindDocumentEvents() {
null !== this._onDocumentClick && this._unbindEvents(document, "mouseup", this._onDocumentClick), null !== this._onDocumentKeyDown && this._unbindEvents(document, "keydown", this._onDocumentKeyDown), null !== this._onDocumentKeyUp && this._unbindEvents(document, "keyup", this._onDocumentKeyUp), this._onDocumentClick = null, this._onDocumentKeyDown = null, this._onDocumentKeyUp = null
_scrollToIfNeeded(e = null, t = null, s = "next") {
let i = this._wrapper.listOfItems;
if (i.getBoundingClientRect(), null === e && null !== t && (i.scrollTop = t), e = void 0 !== e ? e : this._getEle("li." + this._css.itemSelected)) {
let t = e.offsetTop,
l = i.clientHeight,
n = e.clientHeight;
t + n - i.scrollTop > l && "next" === s ? i.scrollTop = t + n - l : t - i.scrollTop < 0 && "previous" === s && (i.scrollTop = t)
_fireLocalEventIfExist(e, t = null) {
if ("function" == typeof this._settings.on[e]) {
let s = null === t ? this._getDataAndUI() : t,
i = this._settings.on[e];
try {
} catch (e) {
_fireEventIfExist(e) {
if (this.ele.dataset[e]) {
let t = new Function(this.ele.dataset[e]);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (this._has_handler(e).hasEvent) {
if (this._has_handler(e).byElement) try {
} catch (t) {
try {
this.ele["on" + e]()
} catch (e) {}
} else if (this._has_handler(e).byJQuery) switch (e) {
case "keydown":
case "keyup":
try {
"undefined" != typeof jQuery && jQuery(this.ele).triggerHandler(e)
} catch (e) {}
return !1
_has_handler(e) {
let t = {
byElement: !1,
local: !1,
byJQuery: !1,
hasEvent: !1
null !== this._settings.on[e] && (t.hasEvent = !0, t.local = !0);
try {
null !== this._getProp(this.ele, "on" + e) && (t.hasEvent = !0, t.byElement = !0)
} catch (e) {}
if ("undefined" != typeof jQuery) {
let s, i = jQuery(this.ele);
s = "function" == typeof jQuery?._data ? jQuery?._data(this.ele, "events") : i.data("events"), s && s[e] && (t.hasEvent = !0, t.byJQuery = !0)
return t
add(e, t = null) {
let s, i, l, n, r, a, h;
e instanceof HTMLOptionElement ? h = e : "string" == typeof e ? (s = i = e, h = new Option(s, i)) : e instanceof Object && (s = e.text || "", i = e.value || s, l = e.title || "", n = e.image || "", a = e.imageCss || "", r = e.description || "", h = new Option(s, i), h.setAttribute("data-description", r), h.setAttribute("data-image", n), h.setAttribute("data-title", l), h.setAttribute("data-image-css", a)), this.ele.add(h, t), this._makeChildren(), this._fireLocalEventIfExist("add")
remove(e) {
let t = this._getDataAndUI(e);
return this.ele.remove(e), this._makeChildren(), this._fireLocalEventIfExist("remove", t), t
next() {
let e, t = this,
s = this.optionsUI,
i = s.length;
if (e = this._isFilterApplied ? this._nexPrevCounter : this.selectedIndex, i > 0) {
let l = function() {
let l = e;
for (; l < i; l++) {
let e = l + 1;
if (e = e >= i ? i - 1 : e, t._nexPrevCounter++, !s[e].classList.contains(t._css.itemDisabled)) return s[e]
return null
l && (this._setSelectedByItem(l, !1, !0), this._scrollToIfNeeded(l))
previous() {
let e, t = this,
s = this.optionsUI;
if (s.length, e = this._isFilterApplied ? this._nexPrevCounter : this.selectedIndex, s.length > 0) {
let i = function(i) {
let l = e;
for (; l > 0; l--) {
let e = l - 1;
if (e = e >= 0 ? e : 0, t._nexPrevCounter--, !s[e].classList.contains(t._css.itemDisabled)) return s[e]
return null
i && (this._setSelectedByItem(i, !1, !0), this._scrollToIfNeeded(i, null, "previous"))
open(e, t = !1) {
this.disabled || (this._isOpen ? this.close(null) : (this._isOpen = !0, this._show(this._wrapper.listOfItems), !1 === t && this._bindDocumentEvents(e), this._wrapper.arrow.classList.remove(this._css.arrowDown), this._wrapper.arrow.classList.add(this._css.arrowUp), this._adjustChildHeight(), this._scrollToItem(), this._fireLocalEventIfExist("open")))
close(e) {
let t = this._isList,
s = !1;
if (null !== e) {
let t = e.target.closest("li");
s = null !== t && t.classList.contains("disabled")
this.disabled || t || s || (this._scrollToIfNeeded(null, 0), this._hide(this._wrapper.listOfItems), this._wrapper.arrow.classList.add(this._css.arrowDown), this._wrapper.arrow.classList.remove(this._css.arrowUp), this._isOpen = !1, this._isMouseDown = !1, this._shiftHolded = !1, this._controlHolded = !1, this._isFilterApplied = !1, this._wrapper.filterInput.value = "", this._wrapper.filterInput.blur(), "false" === this._settings.showFilterAlways.toString() && this._showHideFilterBox(!1), this._applyFilters(), this._unbindDocumentEvents(), this._updateHeaderUI(), this.ele.length !== this._getAllEle(`li.${this._css.item}`, this._wrapper.listOfItems).length && (this._makeChildren(), this.updateUiAndValue()), this._fireLocalEventIfExist("close"))
namedItem(e, t = !1) {
let s = null,
i = this.ele.querySelector(`option[name='${e}']`);
if (i && t) {
s = {};
let e = this._parseOption(i);
s.option = i, s.data = e
} else s = i;
return s
item(e, t = !1) {
let s = null,
i = this.ele.options[e];
if (i && t) {
s = {};
let e = this._parseOption(i);
s.option = i, s.data = e
} else s = i;
return s
visible(e = null) {
if (!0 === e ? this._show(this._wrapper.holder, "inline-block") : !1 === e && this._hide(this._wrapper.holder), null === e) return "none" !== this._wrapper.holder.style.display
showRows(e) {
this._settings.visibleRows = e > this.length ? this.length : e, this._adjustChildHeight()
visibleRows(e) {
on(e, t) {
this._settings.on[e] = t
off(e, t) {
this._settings.on[e] = null
refresh() {
this._makeChildren(), this.updateUiAndValue()
destroy() {
this._show(this.ele), this.ele.required = this._wrapper.valueBox.required, this.ele.name = this._wrapper.valueBox.name, this._wrapper.holder.parentNode.removeChild(this._wrapper.holder)
get selectedIndex() {
return this.ele.selectedIndex
set selectedIndex(e) {
let t = this,
s = function(e) {
t.ele.selectedIndex = e, -1 === e ? (t._updateHeaderUI(null, ""), t._removeOldSelected()) : t._setSelectedByOptionItem(t.ele.options[e])
if (e < this.length && !this._isArray(e)) s(e);
else if (this._isMultiple && this._isArray(e)) {
for (let t = 0, s = e.length; t < s; t++) e[t] < this.length && -1 !== e[t] && this._setSelectedByOptionItem(this.ele.options[e[t]], t > 0);
} else s(e)
get options() {
return this.ele.options
set options(e) {
e instanceof HTMLOptionElement ? (this.ele.add(e), this._makeChildren(), this.updateUiAndValue()) : "number" == typeof e && (this.ele.length = e, this._makeChildren(), this.updateUiAndValue())
get optionsUI() {
return this._cacheEle.allItems, this._cacheEle.allItems = this._getAllEle(`li.${this._css.item}`, this._wrapper.listOfItems)
get length() {
return this.ele.length
set length(e) {
this.ele.options.length = e, this._makeChildren(), this.updateUiAndValue()
get value() {
return this.ele.value
set value(e) {
this.ele.value = e, this.selectedIndex = this.ele.selectedIndex
get selectedText() {
return this.selectedIndex >= 0 ? this.ele.options[this.selectedIndex].text : ""
get disabled() {
return this.ele.hasAttribute("disabled")
set disabled(e) {
e ? (this.ele.setAttribute("disabled", ""), this._wrapper.holder.classList.add(this._css.wrapperDisabled)) : (this.ele.removeAttribute("disabled"), this._wrapper.holder.classList.remove(this._css.wrapperDisabled))
get form() {
return this.ele.form
get multiple() {
return this.ele.multiple
set multiple(e) {
e ? (this.ele.setAttribute("multiple", ""), this._enableCheckbox = this._settings.enableCheckbox) : this.ele.removeAttribute("multiple"), this._isMultiple = e, e || (this.selectedIndex = this.ele.selectedIndex, this._enableCheckbox = !1), this._makeChildren()
get name() {
return this._wrapper?.valueBox ? this._wrapper.valueBox.name || "" : this.ele.name
set name(e) {
this._wrapper?.valueBox ? this._wrapper.valueBox.name = e : this.ele.name = e
get required() {
return this._wrapper.valueBox.required
set required(e) {
e ? this._wrapper.valueBox.setAttribute("required", !0) : this._wrapper.valueBox.removeAttribute("required")
get size() {
return this.ele.size
set size(e) {
this.ele.size = e, this._makeUiAsList(e > 1, e)
get selectedOptions() {
let e = null;
if (this.selectedIndex >= 0 && (e = this.ele.options[this.selectedIndex], this.multiple)) {
e = [];
let t = this.options,
s = t.length;
for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) t[i].selected && e.push(t[i]);
e = 1 === e.length ? e[0] : e
return e
get children() {
return this.ele.children
get uiData() {
return this._getDataAndUI()
get version() {
return "4.0.3"
class s {
constructor(e, i) {
"string" == typeof e ? document.querySelectorAll(e).forEach((e => {
new s(e, i)
})) : (e.msDropdown = this, this._ddMaker = new t(e, i))
setSettingAttribute(e, t, s = !1) {
this._ddMaker.setSettingAttribute(e, t), s && this._ddMaker.refresh()
add(e, t) {
this._ddMaker.add(e, t)
remove(e) {
return this._ddMaker.remove(e)
next() {
previous() {
open() {
this._ddMaker.open(null, !1)
close() {
namedItem(e, t = !1) {
return this._ddMaker.namedItem(e, t)
item(e, t = !1) {
return this._ddMaker.item(e, t)
visible(e = null) {
return this._ddMaker.visible(e)
showRows(e) {
visibleRows(e) {
on(e, t) {
this._ddMaker.on(e, t)
off(e, t) {
this._ddMaker.off(e, t)
updateUiAndValue() {
refresh() {
destroy() {
get selectedIndex() {
return this._ddMaker.selectedIndex
set selectedIndex(e) {
this._ddMaker.selectedIndex = e
get options() {
return this._ddMaker.options
set options(e) {
this._ddMaker.options = e
get optionsUI() {
return this._ddMaker.optionsUI
get length() {
return this._ddMaker.length
set length(e) {
this._ddMaker.length = e
get value() {
return this._ddMaker.value
set value(e) {
this._ddMaker.value = e
get selectedText() {
return this._ddMaker.selectedText
get disabled() {
return this._ddMaker.disabled
set disabled(e) {
this._ddMaker.disabled = e
get form() {
return this._ddMaker.form
get multiple() {
return this._ddMaker.multiple
set multiple(e) {
this._ddMaker.multiple = e
get name() {
return this._ddMaker.name
set name(e) {
this._ddMaker.name = e
get required() {
return this._ddMaker.required
set required(e) {
this._ddMaker.required = e
get size() {
return this._ddMaker.size
set size(e) {
this._ddMaker.size = e
get selectedOptions() {
return this._ddMaker.selectedOptions
get children() {
return this._ddMaker.children
get uiData() {
return this._ddMaker.uiData
static make(e, t) {
if (!e.msDropdown) try {
let i = new s(e, t);
return e.addEventListener("change", (() => {
e.multiple ? e.msDropdown.refresh() : e.msDropdown.selectedIndex = current.selectedIndex
})), i
} catch (e) {
static get version() {
return "4.0.3"
static get author() {
return "Marghoob Suleman"
class i extends HTMLSelectElement {
constructor(e, t) {
connectedCallback() {
setTimeout((() => {
this.msDropdown || (this.msDropdown = new s(this));
try {
this.addEventListener("change", (e => {
this.multiple ? this.msDropdown.refresh() : this.msDropdown.selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex
} catch (e) {
}), 1)
disconnectedCallback() {}
adoptedCallback() {}
attributeChangedCallback(e, t, s) {
if (this.msDropdown && -1 !== e.indexOf("data-")) {
let t = (e = e.replace("data-", "")).toLowerCase().split("-");
for (let e = 1; e < t.length; e++) t[e] = t[e].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t[e].substring(1);
this.msDropdown.setSettingAttribute(t.join(""), s, !0)
static get observedAttributes() {
return ["data-main-css", "data-show-icon", "data-event", "data-child-width", "data-child-height", "data-enable-checkbox", "data-checkbox-name-suffix", "data-enable-auto-filter", "data-visible-rows", "data-show-plus-item-counter", "data-error-message", "data-show-filter-always", "data-show-list-counter", "data-image-position"]
customElements.define("ms-dropdown", i, {
extends: "select"
}), window.MsDropdown = s, navigator.vendor && navigator.vendor.indexOf("Apple") > -1 && navigator.userAgent && -1 == navigator.userAgent.indexOf("CriOS") && -1 == navigator.userAgent.indexOf("FxiOS") && s.make("select[is='ms-dropdown']")
})(); |