Host-customized fork of
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

326 lines
8.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or
import json
import time
import struct
import decimal
import hashlib
from .script import OpCodes
from .contrib.segwit_addr import bech32_decode, convertbits, bech32_encode
COIN = 100000000
decimal_ctx = decimal.Context()
decimal_ctx.prec = 20
def assert_cond(v, err='Bad opcode'):
if not v:
raise ValueError(err)
def toBool(s):
return s.lower() in ["1", "true"]
def jsonDecimal(obj):
if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
return str(obj)
raise TypeError
def dumpj(jin, indent=4):
return json.dumps(jin, indent=indent, default=jsonDecimal)
def dumpje(jin):
return json.dumps(jin, default=jsonDecimal).replace('"', '\\"')
__b58chars = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def b58decode(v, length=None):
long_value = 0
for (i, c) in enumerate(v[::-1]):
ofs = __b58chars.find(c)
if ofs < 0:
return None
long_value += ofs * (58**i)
result = bytes()
while long_value >= 256:
div, mod = divmod(long_value, 256)
result = bytes((mod,)) + result
long_value = div
result = bytes((long_value,)) + result
nPad = 0
for c in v:
if c == __b58chars[0]:
nPad += 1
pad = bytes((0,)) * nPad
result = pad + result
if length is not None and len(result) != length:
return None
return result
def b58encode(v):
long_value = 0
for (i, c) in enumerate(v[::-1]):
long_value += (256**i) * c
result = ''
while long_value >= 58:
div, mod = divmod(long_value, 58)
result = __b58chars[mod] + result
long_value = div
result = __b58chars[long_value] + result
# leading 0-bytes in the input become leading-1s
nPad = 0
for c in v:
if c == 0:
nPad += 1
return (__b58chars[0] * nPad) + result
def decodeWif(network_key):
key = b58decode(network_key)[1:-4]
if len(key) == 33:
return key[:-1]
return key
def toWIF(prefix_byte, b, compressed=True):
b = bytes((prefix_byte,)) + b
if compressed:
b += bytes((0x01,))
b += hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(b).digest()).digest()[:4]
return b58encode(b)
def bech32Decode(hrp, addr):
hrpgot, data = bech32_decode(addr)
if hrpgot != hrp:
return None
decoded = convertbits(data, 5, 8, False)
if decoded is None or len(decoded) < 2 or len(decoded) > 40:
return None
return bytes(decoded)
def bech32Encode(hrp, data):
ret = bech32_encode(hrp, convertbits(data, 8, 5))
if bech32Decode(hrp, ret) is None:
return None
return ret
def decodeAddress(address_str):
b58_addr = b58decode(address_str)
if b58_addr is not None:
address = b58_addr[:-4]
checksum = b58_addr[-4:]
assert(hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(address).digest()).digest()[:4] == checksum), 'Checksum mismatch'
return b58_addr[:-4]
return None
def encodeAddress(address):
checksum = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(address).digest()).digest()
return b58encode(address + checksum[0:4])
def getKeyID(bytes):
data = hashlib.sha256(bytes).digest()
return"ripemd160", data).digest()
def pubkeyToAddress(prefix, pubkey):
return encodeAddress(bytes((prefix,)) + getKeyID(pubkey))
def SerialiseNum(n):
if n == 0:
return bytes((0x00,))
if n > 0 and n <= 16:
return bytes((0x50 + n,))
rv = bytearray()
neg = n < 0
absvalue = -n if neg else n
rv.append(absvalue & 0xff)
absvalue >>= 8
if rv[-1] & 0x80:
rv.append(0x80 if neg else 0)
elif neg:
rv[-1] |= 0x80
return bytes((len(rv),)) + rv
def DeserialiseNum(b, o=0):
if b[o] == 0:
return 0
if b[o] > 0x50 and b[o] <= 0x50 + 16:
return b[o] - 0x50
v = 0
nb = b[o]
o += 1
for i in range(0, nb):
v |= b[o + i] << (8 * i)
# If the input vector's most significant byte is 0x80, remove it from the result's msb and return a negative.
if b[o + nb - 1] & 0x80:
return -(v & ~(0x80 << (8 * (nb - 1))))
return v
def decodeScriptNum(script_bytes, o):
v = 0
num_len = script_bytes[o]
if num_len >= OpCodes.OP_1 and num_len <= OpCodes.OP_16:
return((num_len - OpCodes.OP_1) + 1, 1)
if num_len > 4:
raise ValueError('Bad scriptnum length') # Max 4 bytes
if num_len + o >= len(script_bytes):
raise ValueError('Bad script length')
o += 1
for i in range(num_len):
b = script_bytes[o + i]
# Negative flag set in last byte, if num is positive and > 0x80 an extra 0x00 byte will be appended
if i == num_len - 1 and b & 0x80:
b &= (~(0x80) & 0xFF)
v += int(b) << 8 * i
v *= -1
v += int(b) << 8 * i
return(v, 1 + num_len)
def getCompactSizeLen(v):
# Compact Size
if v < 253:
return 1
if v <= 0xffff: # USHRT_MAX
return 3
if v <= 0xffffffff: # UINT_MAX
return 5
if v <= 0xffffffffffffffff: # UINT_MAX
return 9
raise ValueError('Value too large')
def SerialiseNumCompact(v):
if v < 253:
return bytes((v,))
if v <= 0xffff: # USHRT_MAX
return struct.pack("<BH", 253, v)
if v <= 0xffffffff: # UINT_MAX
return struct.pack("<BI", 254, v)
if v <= 0xffffffffffffffff: # UINT_MAX
return struct.pack("<BQ", 255, v)
raise ValueError('Value too large')
def float_to_str(f):
d1 = decimal_ctx.create_decimal(repr(f))
return format(d1, 'f')
def make_int(v, scale=8, r=0): # r = 0, no rounding, fail, r > 0 round up, r < 0 floor
if type(v) == float:
v = float_to_str(v)
elif type(v) == int:
return v * 10 ** scale
ep = 10 ** scale
have_dp = False
rv = 0
for c in v:
if c == '.':
rv *= ep
have_dp = True
if not c.isdigit():
raise ValueError('Invalid char: ' + c)
if have_dp:
ep //= 10
if ep <= 0:
if r == 0:
raise ValueError('Mantissa too long')
if r > 0:
# Round up
if int(c) > 4:
rv += 1
rv += ep * int(c)
rv = rv * 10 + int(c)
if not have_dp:
rv *= ep
return rv
def validate_amount(amount, scale=8):
str_amount = float_to_str(amount) if type(amount) == float else str(amount)
has_decimal = False
for c in str_amount:
if c == '.' and not has_decimal:
has_decimal = True
if not c.isdigit():
raise ValueError('Invalid amount')
ar = str_amount.split('.')
if len(ar) > 1 and len(ar[1]) > scale:
raise ValueError('Too many decimal places in amount {}'.format(str_amount))
return True
def format_amount(i, display_scale, scale=None):
if not isinstance(i, int):
raise ValueError('Amount must be an integer.') # Raise error instead of converting as amounts should always be integers
if scale is None:
scale = display_scale
ep = 10 ** scale
n = abs(i)
quotient = n // ep
remainder = n % ep
if display_scale != scale:
remainder %= (10 ** display_scale)
rv = '{}.{:0>{scale}}'.format(quotient, remainder, scale=display_scale)
if i < 0:
rv = '-' + rv
return rv
def format_timestamp(value, with_seconds=False):
str_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
if with_seconds:
str_format += ':%S'
return time.strftime(str_format, time.localtime(value))
def getP2SHScriptForHash(p2sh):
return bytes((OpCodes.OP_HASH160, 0x14)) \
+ p2sh \
+ bytes((OpCodes.OP_EQUAL,))
def getP2WSH(script):
return bytes((OpCodes.OP_0, 0x20)) + hashlib.sha256(script).digest()