Shared view key is for the chain B lock tx. To find the view key for the lock spend tx: http://localhost:12700/rpc Monero Wallet getaddress query_key {"key_type":"view_key"}
502 lines
20 KiB
502 lines
20 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or
import json
import logging
import basicswap.contrib.ed25519_fast as edf
import basicswap.ed25519_fast_util as edu
import basicswap.util_xmr as xmr_util
from coincurve.ed25519 import (
from coincurve.keys import PrivateKey
from coincurve.dleag import (
from basicswap.util import (
from basicswap.rpc_xmr import (
from basicswap.util import (
b2i, b2h)
from basicswap.chainparams import XMR_COIN, CoinInterface, Coins
class XMRInterface(CoinInterface):
def coin_type():
return Coins.XMR
def COIN():
return XMR_COIN
def exp() -> int:
return 12
def nbk() -> int:
return 32
def nbK() -> int: # No. of bytes requires to encode a public key
return 32
def depth_spendable() -> int:
return 10
def __init__(self, coin_settings, network, swap_client=None):
self.rpc_cb = make_xmr_rpc_func(coin_settings['rpcport'], host=coin_settings.get('rpchost', ''))
self.rpc_cb2 = make_xmr_rpc2_func(coin_settings['rpcport'], host=coin_settings.get('rpchost', '')) # non-json endpoint
self.rpc_wallet_cb = make_xmr_wallet_rpc_func(coin_settings['walletrpcport'], coin_settings['walletrpcauth'], host=coin_settings.get('walletrpchost', ''))
self.blocks_confirmed = coin_settings['blocks_confirmed']
self._restore_height = coin_settings.get('restore_height', 0)
self.setFeePriority(coin_settings.get('fee_priority', 0))
self._sc = swap_client
self._log = self._sc.log if self._sc and self._sc.log else logging
def setFeePriority(self, new_priority):
ensure(new_priority >= 0 and new_priority < 4, 'Invalid fee_priority value')
self._fee_priority = new_priority
def setWalletFilename(self, wallet_filename):
self._wallet_filename = wallet_filename
def initialiseWallet(self, key_view, key_spend, restore_height=None):
with self._mx_wallet:
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
# TODO: Check address
return # Wallet exists
except Exception as e:
Kbv = self.getPubkey(key_view)
Kbs = self.getPubkey(key_spend)
address_b58 = xmr_util.encode_address(Kbv, Kbs)
params = {
'filename': self._wallet_filename,
'address': address_b58,
'viewkey': b2h(key_view[::-1]),
'spendkey': b2h(key_spend[::-1]),
'restore_height': self._restore_height,
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('generate_from_keys', params)
|'generate_from_keys %s', dumpj(rv))
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
def ensureWalletExists(self):
with self._mx_wallet:
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
def testDaemonRPC(self, with_wallet=True):
def getDaemonVersion(self):
return self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_version')['version']
def getBlockchainInfo(self):
get_height = self.rpc_cb2('get_height', timeout=30)
rv = {
'blocks': get_height['height'],
'verificationprogress': 0.0,
# get_block_count.block_count is how many blocks are in the longest chain known to the node.
# get_block_count returns "Internal error" if bootstrap-daemon is active
if get_height['untrusted'] is True:
rv['bootstrapping'] = True
get_info = self.rpc_cb2('get_info', timeout=30)
if 'height_without_bootstrap' in get_info:
rv['blocks'] = get_info['height_without_bootstrap']
rv['known_block_count'] = get_info['height']
if rv['known_block_count'] > rv['blocks']:
rv['verificationprogress'] = rv['blocks'] / rv['known_block_count']
rv['known_block_count'] = self.rpc_cb('get_block_count', timeout=30)['count']
rv['verificationprogress'] = rv['blocks'] / rv['known_block_count']
except Exception as e:
self._log.warning('XMR get_block_count failed with: %s', str(e))
rv['verificationprogress'] = 0.0
return rv
def getChainHeight(self):
return self.rpc_cb2('get_height', timeout=30)['height']
def getWalletInfo(self):
with self._mx_wallet:
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
rv = {}
balance_info = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_balance')
rv['balance'] = self.format_amount(balance_info['unlocked_balance'])
rv['unconfirmed_balance'] = self.format_amount(balance_info['balance'] - balance_info['unlocked_balance'])
return rv
def walletRestoreHeight(self):
return self._restore_height
def getMainWalletAddress(self):
with self._mx_wallet:
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
return self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_address')['address']
def getNewAddress(self, placeholder):
with self._mx_wallet:
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
return self.rpc_wallet_cb('create_address', {'account_index': 0})['address']
def get_fee_rate(self, conf_target=2):
self._log.warning('TODO - estimate fee rate?')
return 0.0, 'unused'
def getNewSecretKey(self):
return edu.get_secret()
def pubkey(self, key):
return edf.scalarmult_B(key)
def encodeKey(self, vk):
return vk[::-1].hex()
def decodeKey(self, k_hex):
return bytes.fromhex(k_hex)[::-1]
def encodePubkey(self, pk):
return edu.encodepoint(pk)
def decodePubkey(self, pke):
return edf.decodepoint(pke)
def getPubkey(self, privkey):
return ed25519_get_pubkey(privkey)
def getAddressFromKeys(self, key_view, key_spend):
pk_view = self.getPubkey(key_view)
pk_spend = self.getPubkey(key_spend)
return xmr_util.encode_address(pk_view, pk_spend)
def verifyKey(self, k):
i = b2i(k)
return (i < edf.l and i > 8)
def verifyPubkey(self, pubkey_bytes):
# Calls ed25519_decode_check_point() in secp256k1
# Checks for small order
return verify_ed25519_point(pubkey_bytes)
def proveDLEAG(self, key):
privkey = PrivateKey(key)
return dleag_prove(privkey)
def verifyDLEAG(self, dleag_bytes):
return dleag_verify(dleag_bytes)
def lengthDLEAG(self):
return dleag_proof_len()
def sumKeys(self, ka, kb):
return ed25519_scalar_add(ka, kb)
def sumPubkeys(self, Ka, Kb):
return ed25519_add(Ka, Kb)
def encodeSharedAddress(self, Kbv, Kbs):
return xmr_util.encode_address(Kbv, Kbs)
def publishBLockTx(self, Kbv, Kbs, output_amount, feerate, delay_for=10):
with self._mx_wallet:
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
shared_addr = xmr_util.encode_address(Kbv, Kbs)
params = {'destinations': [{'amount': output_amount, 'address': shared_addr}]}
if self._fee_priority > 0:
params['priority'] = self._fee_priority
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('transfer', params)
|'publishBLockTx %s to address_b58 %s', rv['tx_hash'], shared_addr)
tx_hash = bytes.fromhex(rv['tx_hash'])
if self._sc.debug:
i = 0
while not self._sc.delay_event.is_set():
params = {'out': True, 'pending': True, 'failed': True, 'pool': True, }
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_transfers', params)
self._log.debug('get_transfers {}'.format(dumpj(rv)))
if 'pending' not in rv:
if i >= delay_for:
return tx_hash
def findTxB(self, kbv, Kbs, cb_swap_value, cb_block_confirmed, restore_height, bid_sender):
with self._mx_wallet:
Kbv = self.getPubkey(kbv)
address_b58 = xmr_util.encode_address(Kbv, Kbs)
except Exception as e:
self._log.warning('close_wallet failed %s', str(e))
kbv_le = kbv[::-1]
params = {
'restore_height': restore_height,
'filename': address_b58,
'address': address_b58,
'viewkey': b2h(kbv_le),
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': address_b58})
except Exception as e:
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('generate_from_keys', params)
|'generate_from_keys %s', dumpj(rv))
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': address_b58})
self.rpc_wallet_cb('refresh', timeout=600)
# Debug
current_height = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_height')['height']
|'findTxB XMR current_height %d\nAddress: %s', current_height, address_b58)
except Exception as e:
|'rpc_cb failed %s', str(e))
current_height = None # If the transfer is available it will be deep enough
# and (current_height is None or current_height - transfer['block_height'] > cb_block_confirmed):
params = {'transfer_type': 'available'}
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('incoming_transfers', params)
if 'transfers' in rv:
for transfer in rv['transfers']:
if transfer['amount'] == cb_swap_value:
return {'txid': transfer['tx_hash'], 'amount': transfer['amount'], 'height': 0 if 'block_height' not in transfer else transfer['block_height']}
self._log.warning('Incorrect amount detected for coin b lock txn: {}'.format(transfer['tx_hash']))
return -1
return None
def waitForLockTxB(self, kbv, Kbs, cb_swap_value, cb_block_confirmed, restore_height):
with self._mx_wallet:
Kbv_enc = self.encodePubkey(self.pubkey(kbv))
address_b58 = xmr_util.encode_address(Kbv_enc, self.encodePubkey(Kbs))
except Exception as e:
self._log.warning('close_wallet failed %s', str(e))
params = {
'filename': address_b58,
'address': address_b58,
'viewkey': b2h(kbv[::-1]),
'restore_height': restore_height,
self.rpc_wallet_cb('generate_from_keys', params)
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': address_b58})
# For a while after opening the wallet rpc cmds return empty data
num_tries = 40
for i in range(num_tries + 1):
current_height = self.rpc_cb2('get_height')['height']
print('current_height', current_height)
except Exception as e:
self._log.warning('rpc_cb failed %s', str(e))
current_height = None # If the transfer is available it will be deep enough
# TODO: Make accepting current_height == None a user selectable option
# Or look for all transfers and check height
params = {'transfer_type': 'available'}
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('incoming_transfers', params)
print('rv', rv)
if 'transfers' in rv:
for transfer in rv['transfers']:
if transfer['amount'] == cb_swap_value \
and (current_height is None or current_height - transfer['block_height'] > cb_block_confirmed):
return True
# TODO: Is it necessary to check the address?
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_balance')
print('get_balance', rv)
if 'per_subaddress' in rv:
for sub_addr in rv['per_subaddress']:
if sub_addr['address'] == address_b58:
if i >= num_tries:
raise ValueError('Balance not confirming on node')
if self._sc.delay_event.is_set():
raise ValueError('Stopped')
return False
def findTxnByHash(self, txid):
with self._mx_wallet:
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
current_height = self.rpc_cb2('get_height', timeout=30)['height']
|'findTxnByHash XMR current_height %d\nhash: %s', current_height, txid)
except Exception as e:
|'rpc_cb failed %s', str(e))
current_height = None # If the transfer is available it will be deep enough
params = {'transfer_type': 'available'}
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('incoming_transfers', params)
if 'transfers' in rv:
for transfer in rv['transfers']:
if transfer['tx_hash'] == txid \
and (current_height is None or current_height - transfer['block_height'] > self.blocks_confirmed):
return {'txid': transfer['tx_hash'], 'amount': transfer['amount'], 'height': transfer['block_height']}
return None
def spendBLockTx(self, chain_b_lock_txid, address_to, kbv, kbs, cb_swap_value, b_fee_rate, restore_height, spend_actual_balance=False):
with self._mx_wallet:
Kbv = self.getPubkey(kbv)
Kbs = self.getPubkey(kbs)
address_b58 = xmr_util.encode_address(Kbv, Kbs)
except Exception as e:
self._log.warning('close_wallet failed %s', str(e))
wallet_filename = address_b58 + '_spend'
params = {
'filename': wallet_filename,
'address': address_b58,
'viewkey': b2h(kbv[::-1]),
'spendkey': b2h(kbs[::-1]),
'restore_height': restore_height,
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': wallet_filename})
except Exception as e:
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('generate_from_keys', params)
|'generate_from_keys %s', dumpj(rv))
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': wallet_filename})
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_balance')
if rv['balance'] < cb_swap_value:
self._log.warning('Balance is too low, checking for existing spend.')
txns = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_transfers', {'out': True})
if 'out' in txns:
txns = txns['out']
if len(txns) > 0:
txid = txns[0]['txid']
self._log.warning(f'spendBLockTx detected spending tx: {txid}.')
if txns[0]['address'] == address_b58:
return bytes.fromhex(txid)
self._log.error('wallet {} balance {}, expected {}'.format(wallet_filename, rv['balance'], cb_swap_value))
if not spend_actual_balance:
raise TemporaryError('Invalid balance')
if spend_actual_balance and rv['balance'] != cb_swap_value:
self._log.warning('Spending actual balance {}, not swap value {}.'.format(rv['balance'], cb_swap_value))
cb_swap_value = rv['balance']
if rv['unlocked_balance'] < cb_swap_value:
self._log.error('wallet {} balance {}, expected {}, blocks_to_unlock {}'.format(wallet_filename, rv['unlocked_balance'], cb_swap_value, rv['blocks_to_unlock']))
raise TemporaryError('Invalid unlocked_balance')
params = {'address': address_to}
if self._fee_priority > 0:
params['priority'] = self._fee_priority
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('sweep_all', params)
self._log.debug('sweep_all {}'.format(json.dumps(rv)))
return bytes.fromhex(rv['tx_hash_list'][0])
def withdrawCoin(self, value, addr_to, subfee):
with self._mx_wallet:
value_sats = make_int(value, self.exp())
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
if subfee:
balance = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_balance')
if balance['unlocked_balance'] - value_sats <= 10:
|'subfee enabled and value close to total, using sweep_all.')
params = {'address': addr_to}
if self._fee_priority > 0:
params['priority'] = self._fee_priority
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('sweep_all', params)
return rv['tx_hash_list'][0]
raise ValueError('Withdraw value must be close to total to use subfee/sweep_all.')
params = {'destinations': [{'amount': value_sats, 'address': addr_to}]}
if self._fee_priority > 0:
params['priority'] = self._fee_priority
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('transfer', params)
return rv['tx_hash']
def showLockTransfers(self, Kbv, Kbs):
with self._mx_wallet:
address_b58 = xmr_util.encode_address(Kbv, Kbs)
wallet_file = address_b58 + '_spend'
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': wallet_file})
except Exception:
wallet_file = address_b58
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': wallet_file})
rv = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_transfers', {'in': True, 'out': True, 'pending': True, 'failed': True})
rv['filename'] = wallet_file
return rv
except Exception as e:
return {'error': str(e)}
def getSpendableBalance(self):
with self._mx_wallet:
self.rpc_wallet_cb('open_wallet', {'filename': self._wallet_filename})
balance_info = self.rpc_wallet_cb('get_balance')
return balance_info['unlocked_balance']