2022-10-11 12:29:51 +02:00

1100 lines
60 KiB
Raw Blame History

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EventsWidget: function (e) {
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IdeasStreamWidget: function (e) {
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(this._ready_handlers = []),
IdeaWidget: function (e) {
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fixSize: function (e) {
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o +
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i +
(l.ChatWidgetEmbed.prototype = {
createWidget: function () {
var e = this.widgetCode();
(e =, e)), h(e, this.options.container);
widgetCode: function () {
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createWidget: function () {
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h(e, this.options.container);
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o = document.getElementById(;
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function (e) { === && ( = e.height + "px");
widgetCode: function () {
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getSymbol: function (e) {
this.postMessage.on("symbolInfo", e);
(l.EventsWidget.prototype = {
createWidget: function () {
var e = this.widgetCode();
h(e, this.options.container);
widgetCode: function () {
var e = l.createUrlParams({ currency: this.options.currency, importance: this.options.importance });
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'" width="' +
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'"' +
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(l.IdeasStreamWidget.prototype = {
createWidget: function () {
var e = this.widgetCode();
h(e, this.options.container);
var t = this,
o = document.getElementById(;
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createWidget: function () {
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c = [
p = "",
g = c.length - 1;
g >= 0;
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this.options.symbols[b] && (e += (e ? "&" : "") + encodeURIComponent(b) + "=" + y(this.options.symbols[b]));
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this.options.customer && (i = "/" + this.options.customer + i);
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'<iframe id="' + +
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v +
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this.options.width +
'"' +
(this.options.height ? ' height="' + this.options.height + '"' : "") +
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(l.MediumWidget.prototype = {
createWidget: function () {
var e = this.widgetCode();
h(e, this.options.container);
widgetCode: function () {
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"symbols=" +
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var n = t[i];
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o.push(r), 2 === n.length && (e += "&" + r + "=" + s);
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o = "&width=" + encodeURIComponent(this.options.width),
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n = "&colorTheme=" + encodeURIComponent(this.options.colorTheme);
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a = "",
d = s.length - 1;
d >= 0;
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c = this.options[h];
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this.options.customer && (b = "/" + this.options.customer + b);
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'<iframe id="' + +
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f +
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(this.options.width ? "width: " + this.options.width + "; " : "") +
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create: function () {
this.options.type = this.options.fundamental ? "fundamental" : "chart";
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this.options.noLogoOverlay || (e =, e)), h(e, this.options.container);
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