205 lines
6.5 KiB
205 lines
6.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2024 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import copy
from enum import IntEnum
from basicswap.util.crypto import blake256
from basicswap.util.integer import decode_compactsize, encode_compactsize
class TxSerializeType(IntEnum):
Full = 0
NoWitness = 1
OnlyWitness = 2
class SigHashType(IntEnum):
SigHashAll = 0x1
SigHashNone = 0x2
SigHashSingle = 0x3
SigHashAnyOneCanPay = 0x80
SigHashMask = 0x1f
class SignatureType(IntEnum):
STEcdsaSecp256k1 = 0
STEd25519 = 1
STSchnorrSecp256k1 = 2
class COutPoint:
__slots__ = ('hash', 'n', 'tree')
def __init__(self, hash=0, n=0, tree=0):
self.hash = hash
self.n = n
self.tree = tree
def get_hash(self) -> bytes:
return self.hash.to_bytes(32, 'big')
class CTxIn:
__slots__ = ('prevout', 'sequence',
'value_in', 'block_height', 'block_index', 'signature_script') # Witness
def __init__(self, prevout=COutPoint(), sequence=0):
self.prevout = prevout
self.sequence = sequence
self.value_in = -1
self.block_height = 0
self.block_index = 0xffffffff
self.signature_script = bytes()
class CTxOut:
__slots__ = ('value', 'version', 'script_pubkey')
def __init__(self, value=0, script_pubkey=bytes()):
self.value = value
self.version = 0
self.script_pubkey = script_pubkey
class CTransaction:
__slots__ = ('hash', 'version', 'vin', 'vout', 'locktime', 'expiry')
def __init__(self, tx=None):
if tx is None:
self.version = 1
self.vin = []
self.vout = []
self.locktime = 0
self.expiry = 0
self.version = tx.version
self.vin = copy.deepcopy(tx.vin)
self.vout = copy.deepcopy(tx.vout)
self.locktime = tx.locktime
self.expiry = tx.expiry
def deserialize(self, data: bytes) -> None:
version = int.from_bytes(data[:4], 'little')
self.version = version & 0xffff
ser_type: int = version >> 16
o = 4
if ser_type == TxSerializeType.Full or ser_type == TxSerializeType.NoWitness:
num_txin, nb = decode_compactsize(data, o)
o += nb
for i in range(num_txin):
txi = CTxIn()
txi.prevout = COutPoint()
txi.prevout.hash = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 32], 'little')
o += 32
txi.prevout.n = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 4], 'little')
o += 4
txi.prevout.tree = data[o]
o += 1
txi.sequence = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 4], 'little')
o += 4
num_txout, nb = decode_compactsize(data, o)
o += nb
for i in range(num_txout):
txo = CTxOut()
txo.value = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 8], 'little')
o += 8
txo.version = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 2], 'little')
o += 2
script_bytes, nb = decode_compactsize(data, o)
o += nb
txo.script_pubkey = data[o:o + script_bytes]
o += script_bytes
self.locktime = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 4], 'little')
o += 4
self.expiry = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 4], 'little')
o += 4
if ser_type == TxSerializeType.NoWitness:
num_wit_scripts, nb = decode_compactsize(data, o)
o += nb
if ser_type == TxSerializeType.OnlyWitness:
self.vin = [CTxIn() for _ in range(num_wit_scripts)]
if num_wit_scripts != len(self.vin):
raise ValueError('non equal witness and prefix txin quantities')
for i in range(num_wit_scripts):
txi = self.vin[i]
txi.value_in = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 8], 'little')
o += 8
txi.block_height = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 4], 'little')
o += 4
txi.block_index = int.from_bytes(data[o:o + 4], 'little')
o += 4
script_bytes, nb = decode_compactsize(data, o)
o += nb
txi.signature_script = data[o:o + script_bytes]
o += script_bytes
def serialize(self, ser_type=TxSerializeType.Full) -> bytes:
data = bytes()
version = (self.version & 0xffff) | (ser_type << 16)
data += version.to_bytes(4, 'little')
if ser_type == TxSerializeType.Full or ser_type == TxSerializeType.NoWitness:
data += encode_compactsize(len(self.vin))
for txi in self.vin:
data += txi.prevout.hash.to_bytes(32, 'little')
data += txi.prevout.n.to_bytes(4, 'little')
data += txi.prevout.tree.to_bytes(1, 'little')
data += txi.sequence.to_bytes(4, 'little')
data += encode_compactsize(len(self.vout))
for txo in self.vout:
data += txo.value.to_bytes(8, 'little')
data += txo.version.to_bytes(2, 'little')
data += encode_compactsize(len(txo.script_pubkey))
data += txo.script_pubkey
data += self.locktime.to_bytes(4, 'little')
data += self.expiry.to_bytes(4, 'little')
if ser_type == TxSerializeType.Full or ser_type == TxSerializeType.OnlyWitness:
data += encode_compactsize(len(self.vin))
for txi in self.vin:
tc_value_in = txi.value_in & 0xffffffffffffffff # Convert negative values
data += tc_value_in.to_bytes(8, 'little')
data += txi.block_height.to_bytes(4, 'little')
data += txi.block_index.to_bytes(4, 'little')
data += encode_compactsize(len(txi.signature_script))
data += txi.signature_script
return data
def TxHash(self) -> bytes:
return blake256(self.serialize(TxSerializeType.NoWitness))[::-1]
def TxHashWitness(self) -> bytes:
raise ValueError('todo')
def TxHashFull(self) -> bytes:
raise ValueError('todo')
def findOutput(tx, script_pk: bytes):
for i in range(len(tx.vout)):
if tx.vout[i].script_pubkey == script_pk:
return i
return None