162 lines
5.4 KiB
162 lines
5.4 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
import json
import time
import urllib.parse
from .util import format8
from .basicswap import (
from .ui import (
def js_error(self, error_str):
error_str_json = json.dumps({'error': error_str})
return bytes(error_str_json, 'UTF-8')
def js_wallets(self, url_split, post_string):
return bytes(json.dumps(self.server.swap_client.getWalletsInfo()), 'UTF-8')
def js_offers(self, url_split, post_string, sent=False):
if len(url_split) > 3:
if url_split[3] == 'new':
if post_string == '':
raise ValueError('No post data')
form_data = urllib.parse.parse_qs(post_string)
offer_id = self.postNewOffer(form_data)
rv = {'offer_id': offer_id.hex()}
return bytes(json.dumps(rv), 'UTF-8')
offer_id = bytes.fromhex(url_split[3])
filters = {
'coin_from': -1,
'coin_to': -1,
'page_no': 1,
'limit': PAGE_LIMIT,
'sort_by': 'created_at',
'sort_dir': 'desc',
if post_string != '':
post_data = urllib.parse.parse_qs(post_string)
filters['coin_from'] = setCoinFilter(form_data, b'coin_from')
filters['coin_to'] = setCoinFilter(form_data, b'coin_to')
if b'sort_by' in post_data:
sort_by = post_data[b'sort_by'][0].decode('utf-8')
assert(sort_by in ['created_at', 'rate']), 'Invalid sort by'
filters['sort_by'] = sort_by
if b'sort_dir' in post_data:
sort_dir = post_data[b'sort_dir'][0].decode('utf-8')
assert(sort_dir in ['asc', 'desc']), 'Invalid sort dir'
filters['sort_dir'] = sort_dir
if b'offset' in post_data:
filters['offset'] = int(post_data[b'offset'][0])
if b'limit' in post_data:
filters['limit'] = int(post_data[b'limit'][0])
assert(filters['limit'] > 0 and filters['limit'] <= PAGE_LIMIT), 'Invalid limit'
offers = self.server.swap_client.listOffers(sent, filters)
rv = []
for o in offers:
ci_from = self.server.swap_client.ci(o.coin_from)
ci_to = self.server.swap_client.ci(o.coin_to)
'offer_id': o.offer_id.hex(),
'created_at': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(o.created_at)),
'coin_from': ci_from.coin_name(),
'coin_to': ci_to.coin_name(),
'amount_from': ci_from.format_amount(o.amount_from),
'amount_to': ci_to.format_amount((o.amount_from * o.rate) // ci_from.COIN()),
'rate': ci_to.format_amount(o.rate)
return bytes(json.dumps(rv), 'UTF-8')
def js_sentoffers(self, url_split, post_string):
return self.js_offers(url_split, post_string, True)
def js_bids(self, url_split, post_string):
swap_client = self.server.swap_client
if len(url_split) > 3:
if url_split[3] == 'new':
if post_string == '':
raise ValueError('No post data')
post_data = urllib.parse.parse_qs(post_string)
offer_id = bytes.fromhex(post_data[b'offer_id'][0].decode('utf-8'))
assert(len(offer_id) == 28)
offer = swap_client.getOffer(offer_id)
assert(offer), 'Offer not found.'
ci_from = swap_client.ci(offer.coin_from)
amount_from = inputAmount(post_data[b'amount_from'][0].decode('utf-8'), ci_from)
addr_from = None
if b'addr_from' in post_data:
addr_from = post_data[b'addr_from'][0].decode('utf-8')
if addr_from == '-1':
addr_from = None
if offer.swap_type == SwapTypes.XMR_SWAP:
bid_id = swap_client.postXmrBid(offer_id, amount_from, addr_send_from=addr_from).hex()
bid_id = swap_client.postBid(offer_id, amount_from, addr_send_from=addr_from).hex()
rv = {'bid_id': bid_id}
return bytes(json.dumps(rv), 'UTF-8')
bid_id = bytes.fromhex(url_split[3])
assert(len(bid_id) == 28)
if post_string != '':
post_data = urllib.parse.parse_qs(post_string)
if b'accept' in post_data:
bid, xmr_swap, offer, xmr_offer, events = swap_client.getXmrBidAndOffer(bid_id)
assert(bid), 'Unknown bid ID'
edit_bid = False
show_txns = False
data = describeBid(swap_client, bid, xmr_swap, offer, xmr_offer, events, edit_bid, show_txns)
return bytes(json.dumps(data), 'UTF-8')
bids = swap_client.listBids()
return bytes(json.dumps([{
'bid_id': b[1].hex(),
'offer_id': b[2].hex(),
'created_at': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(b[0])),
'amount_from': format8(b[3]),
'bid_state': strBidState(b[4])
} for b in bids]), 'UTF-8')
def js_sentbids(self, url_split, post_string):
return bytes(json.dumps(self.server.swap_client.listBids(sent=True)), 'UTF-8')
def js_network(self, url_split, post_string):
return bytes(json.dumps(self.server.swap_client.get_network_info()), 'UTF-8')
def js_index(self, url_split, post_string):
return bytes(json.dumps(self.server.swap_client.getSummary()), 'UTF-8')