# Author: Johan Hanssen Seferidis # License: MIT import sys import struct import ssl from base64 import b64encode from hashlib import sha1 import logging from socket import error as SocketError import errno import threading from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer, StreamRequestHandler from .thread import WebsocketServerThread logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig() ''' +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length | |I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) | |N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) | | |1|2|3| |K| | | +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+ | Payload Data continued ... | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ''' FIN = 0x80 OPCODE = 0x0f MASKED = 0x80 PAYLOAD_LEN = 0x7f PAYLOAD_LEN_EXT16 = 0x7e PAYLOAD_LEN_EXT64 = 0x7f OPCODE_CONTINUATION = 0x0 OPCODE_TEXT = 0x1 OPCODE_BINARY = 0x2 OPCODE_CLOSE_CONN = 0x8 OPCODE_PING = 0x9 OPCODE_PONG = 0xA CLOSE_STATUS_NORMAL = 1000 DEFAULT_CLOSE_REASON = bytes('', encoding='utf-8') class API(): def run_forever(self, threaded=False): return self._run_forever(threaded) def new_client(self, client, server): pass def client_left(self, client, server): pass def message_received(self, client, server, message): pass def set_fn_new_client(self, fn): self.new_client = fn def set_fn_client_left(self, fn): self.client_left = fn def set_fn_message_received(self, fn): self.message_received = fn def send_message(self, client, msg): self._unicast(client, msg) def send_message_to_all(self, msg): self._multicast(msg) def deny_new_connections(self, status=CLOSE_STATUS_NORMAL, reason=DEFAULT_CLOSE_REASON): self._deny_new_connections(status, reason) def allow_new_connections(self): self._allow_new_connections() def shutdown_gracefully(self, status=CLOSE_STATUS_NORMAL, reason=DEFAULT_CLOSE_REASON): self._shutdown_gracefully(status, reason) def shutdown_abruptly(self): self._shutdown_abruptly() def disconnect_clients_gracefully(self, status=CLOSE_STATUS_NORMAL, reason=DEFAULT_CLOSE_REASON): self._disconnect_clients_gracefully(status, reason) def disconnect_clients_abruptly(self): self._disconnect_clients_abruptly() class WebsocketServer(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer, API): """ A websocket server waiting for clients to connect. Args: port(int): Port to bind to host(str): Hostname or IP to listen for connections. By default is being used. To accept connections from any client, you should use loglevel: Logging level from logging module to use for logging. By default warnings and errors are being logged. Properties: clients(list): A list of connected clients. A client is a dictionary like below. { 'id' : id, 'handler' : handler, 'address' : (addr, port) } """ allow_reuse_address = True daemon_threads = True # comment to keep threads alive until finished def __init__(self, host='', port=0, loglevel=logging.WARNING, key=None, cert=None): logger.setLevel(loglevel) TCPServer.__init__(self, (host, port), WebSocketHandler) self.host = host self.port = self.socket.getsockname()[1] self.url = f'ws://{self.host}:{self.port}/' self.key = key self.cert = cert self.clients = [] self.id_counter = 0 self.thread = None self._deny_clients = False def _run_forever(self, threaded): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ try: logger.info("Listening on port %d for clients.." % self.port) if threaded: self.daemon = True self.thread = WebsocketServerThread(target=super().serve_forever, daemon=True, logger=logger) if sys.version_info[0] > 3 or (sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 10): logger.info(f"Starting {cls_name} on thread {self.thread.name}.") else: logger.info(f"Starting {cls_name} on thread {self.thread.getName()}.") self.thread.start() else: self.thread = threading.current_thread() logger.info(f"Starting {cls_name} on main thread.") super().serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.server_close() logger.info("Server terminated.") except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True) sys.exit(1) def _message_received_(self, handler, msg): self.message_received(self.handler_to_client(handler), self, msg) def _ping_received_(self, handler, msg): handler.send_pong(msg) def _pong_received_(self, handler, msg): pass def _new_client_(self, handler): if self._deny_clients: status = self._deny_clients["status"] reason = self._deny_clients["reason"] handler.send_close(status, reason) self._terminate_client_handler(handler) return self.id_counter += 1 client = { 'id': self.id_counter, 'handler': handler, 'address': handler.client_address } self.clients.append(client) self.new_client(client, self) def _client_left_(self, handler): client = self.handler_to_client(handler) self.client_left(client, self) if client in self.clients: self.clients.remove(client) def _unicast(self, receiver_client, msg): receiver_client['handler'].send_message(msg) def _multicast(self, msg): for client in self.clients: self._unicast(client, msg) def handler_to_client(self, handler): for client in self.clients: if client['handler'] == handler: return client def _terminate_client_handler(self, handler): handler.keep_alive = False handler.finish() handler.connection.close() def _terminate_client_handlers(self): """ Ensures request handler for each client is terminated correctly """ for client in self.clients: self._terminate_client_handler(client["handler"]) def _shutdown_gracefully(self, status=CLOSE_STATUS_NORMAL, reason=DEFAULT_CLOSE_REASON): """ Send a CLOSE handshake to all connected clients before terminating server """ self.keep_alive = False self._disconnect_clients_gracefully(status, reason) self.server_close() self.shutdown() def _shutdown_abruptly(self): """ Terminate server without sending a CLOSE handshake """ self.keep_alive = False self._disconnect_clients_abruptly() self.server_close() self.shutdown() def _disconnect_clients_gracefully(self, status=CLOSE_STATUS_NORMAL, reason=DEFAULT_CLOSE_REASON): """ Terminate clients gracefully without shutting down the server """ for client in self.clients: client["handler"].send_close(status, reason) self._terminate_client_handlers() def _disconnect_clients_abruptly(self): """ Terminate clients abruptly (no CLOSE handshake) without shutting down the server """ self._terminate_client_handlers() def _deny_new_connections(self, status, reason): self._deny_clients = { "status": status, "reason": reason, } def _allow_new_connections(self): self._deny_clients = False class WebSocketHandler(StreamRequestHandler): def __init__(self, socket, addr, server): self.server = server self.timeout = 1000 # Must set a timeout or rfile.read timesout in the tests assert not hasattr(self, "_send_lock"), "_send_lock already exists" self._send_lock = threading.Lock() if server.key and server.cert: try: socket = ssl.wrap_socket(socket, server_side=True, certfile=server.cert, keyfile=server.key) except: # Not sure which exception it throws if the key/cert isn't found logger.warning("SSL not available (are the paths {} and {} correct for the key and cert?)".format(server.key, server.cert)) StreamRequestHandler.__init__(self, socket, addr, server) def setup(self): StreamRequestHandler.setup(self) self.keep_alive = True self.handshake_done = False self.valid_client = False def handle(self): while self.keep_alive: if not self.handshake_done: self.handshake() elif self.valid_client: self.read_next_message() def read_bytes(self, num): return self.rfile.read(num) def read_next_message(self): try: b1, b2 = self.read_bytes(2) except TimeoutError: return except SocketError as e: # to be replaced with ConnectionResetError for py3 if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: logger.info("Client closed connection.") self.keep_alive = 0 return b1, b2 = 0, 0 except ValueError as e: b1, b2 = 0, 0 fin = b1 & FIN opcode = b1 & OPCODE masked = b2 & MASKED payload_length = b2 & PAYLOAD_LEN if opcode == OPCODE_CLOSE_CONN: logger.info("Client asked to close connection.") self.keep_alive = 0 return if not masked: logger.warning("Client must always be masked.") self.keep_alive = 0 return if opcode == OPCODE_CONTINUATION: logger.warning("Continuation frames are not supported.") return elif opcode == OPCODE_BINARY: logger.warning("Binary frames are not supported.") return elif opcode == OPCODE_TEXT: opcode_handler = self.server._message_received_ elif opcode == OPCODE_PING: opcode_handler = self.server._ping_received_ elif opcode == OPCODE_PONG: opcode_handler = self.server._pong_received_ else: logger.warning("Unknown opcode %#x." % opcode) self.keep_alive = 0 return if payload_length == 126: payload_length = struct.unpack(">H", self.rfile.read(2))[0] elif payload_length == 127: payload_length = struct.unpack(">Q", self.rfile.read(8))[0] masks = self.read_bytes(4) message_bytes = bytearray() for message_byte in self.read_bytes(payload_length): message_byte ^= masks[len(message_bytes) % 4] message_bytes.append(message_byte) opcode_handler(self, message_bytes.decode('utf8')) def send_message(self, message): self.send_text(message) def send_pong(self, message): self.send_text(message, OPCODE_PONG) def send_close(self, status=CLOSE_STATUS_NORMAL, reason=DEFAULT_CLOSE_REASON): """ Send CLOSE to client Args: status: Status as defined in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455#section-7.4.1 reason: Text with reason of closing the connection """ if status < CLOSE_STATUS_NORMAL or status > 1015: raise Exception(f"CLOSE status must be between 1000 and 1015, got {status}") header = bytearray() payload = struct.pack('!H', status) + reason payload_length = len(payload) assert payload_length <= 125, "We only support short closing reasons at the moment" # Send CLOSE with status & reason header.append(FIN | OPCODE_CLOSE_CONN) header.append(payload_length) with self._send_lock: self.request.send(header + payload) def send_text(self, message, opcode=OPCODE_TEXT): """ Important: Fragmented(=continuation) messages are not supported since their usage cases are limited - when we don't know the payload length. """ # Validate message if isinstance(message, bytes): message = try_decode_UTF8(message) # this is slower but ensures we have UTF-8 if not message: logger.warning("Can\'t send message, message is not valid UTF-8") return False elif not isinstance(message, str): logger.warning('Can\'t send message, message has to be a string or bytes. Got %s' % type(message)) return False header = bytearray() payload = encode_to_UTF8(message) payload_length = len(payload) # Normal payload if payload_length <= 125: header.append(FIN | opcode) header.append(payload_length) # Extended payload elif payload_length >= 126 and payload_length <= 65535: header.append(FIN | opcode) header.append(PAYLOAD_LEN_EXT16) header.extend(struct.pack(">H", payload_length)) # Huge extended payload elif payload_length < 18446744073709551616: header.append(FIN | opcode) header.append(PAYLOAD_LEN_EXT64) header.extend(struct.pack(">Q", payload_length)) else: raise Exception("Message is too big. Consider breaking it into chunks.") return with self._send_lock: self.request.send(header + payload) def read_http_headers(self): headers = {} # first line should be HTTP GET http_get = self.rfile.readline().decode().strip() assert http_get.upper().startswith('GET') # remaining should be headers while True: header = self.rfile.readline().decode().strip() if not header: break head, value = header.split(':', 1) headers[head.lower().strip()] = value.strip() return headers def handshake(self): headers = self.read_http_headers() try: assert headers['upgrade'].lower() == 'websocket' except AssertionError: self.keep_alive = False return try: key = headers['sec-websocket-key'] except KeyError: logger.warning("Client tried to connect but was missing a key") self.keep_alive = False return response = self.make_handshake_response(key) with self._send_lock: self.handshake_done = self.request.send(response.encode()) self.valid_client = True self.server._new_client_(self) @classmethod def make_handshake_response(cls, key): return \ 'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n'\ 'Upgrade: websocket\r\n' \ 'Connection: Upgrade\r\n' \ 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: %s\r\n' \ '\r\n' % cls.calculate_response_key(key) @classmethod def calculate_response_key(cls, key): GUID = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11' hash = sha1(key.encode() + GUID.encode()) response_key = b64encode(hash.digest()).strip() return response_key.decode('ASCII') def finish(self): self.server._client_left_(self) def encode_to_UTF8(data): try: return data.encode('UTF-8') except UnicodeEncodeError as e: logger.error("Could not encode data to UTF-8 -- %s" % e) return False except Exception as e: raise(e) return False def try_decode_UTF8(data): try: return data.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return False except Exception as e: raise(e)