* Skipped minification because the original files appears to be already minified.
* Do NOT use SRI with dynamically generated files! More information: https://www.jsdelivr.com/using-sri-with-dynamic-files
var CryptoCharts = (function (t) {
var e = {};
function i(a) {
if (e[a]) return e[a].exports;
var s = (e[a] = { i: a, l: !1, exports: {} });
return t[a].call(s.exports, s, s.exports, i), (s.l = !0), s.exports;
return (
(i.m = t),
(i.c = e),
(i.d = function (t, e, a) {
i.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: a });
(i.r = function (t) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
(i.t = function (t, e) {
if ((1 & e && (t = i(t)), 8 & e)) return t;
if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t;
var a = Object.create(null);
if ((i.r(a), Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t))
for (var s in t)
function (e) {
return t[e];
}.bind(null, s)
return a;
(i.n = function (t) {
var e =
t && t.__esModule
? function () {
return t.default;
: function () {
return t;
return i.d(e, "a", e), e;
(i.o = function (t, e) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e);
(i.p = ""),
i((i.s = 106))
function (t, e, i) {
(function (e) {
var i = "object",
a = function (t) {
return t && t.Math == Math && t;
t.exports = a(typeof globalThis == i && globalThis) || a(typeof window == i && window) || a(typeof self == i && self) || a(typeof e == i && e) || Function("return this")();
}.call(this, i(23)));
function (t, e, i) {
var a = i(0),
s = i(16),
n = i(40),
r = i(59),
o = a.Symbol,
l = s("wks");
t.exports = function (t) {
return l[t] || (l[t] = (r && o[t]) || (r ? o : n)("Symbol." + t));
function (t, e, i) {
"use strict";
(function (t, a) {
* ApexCharts v3.8.0
* (c) 2018-2019 Juned Chhipa
* Released under the MIT License.
function s(t) {
return (s =
"function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator
? function (t) {
return typeof t;
: function (t) {
return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
function n(t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function r(t, e) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
var a = e[i];
(a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1), (a.configurable = !0), "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, a.key, a);
function o(t, e, i) {
return e && r(t.prototype, e), i && r(t, i), t;
function l(t, e, i) {
return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (t[e] = i), t;
function h(t) {
for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
var i = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {},
a = Object.keys(i);
"function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
(a = a.concat(
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(i).filter(function (t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, t).enumerable;
a.forEach(function (e) {
l(t, e, i[e]);
return t;
function c(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
(t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), e && u(t, e);
function d(t) {
return (d = Object.setPrototypeOf
? Object.getPrototypeOf
: function (t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
function u(t, e) {
return (u =
Object.setPrototypeOf ||
function (t, e) {
return (t.__proto__ = e), t;
})(t, e);
function f(t, e) {
return !e || ("object" != typeof e && "function" != typeof e)
? (function (t) {
if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
: e;
function g(t) {
return (
(function (t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var e = 0, i = new Array(t.length); e < t.length; e++) i[e] = t[e];
return i;
})(t) ||
(function (t) {
if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t)) return Array.from(t);
})(t) ||
(function () {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
var p = (function () {
function t() {
n(this, t);
return (
key: "shadeRGBColor",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = e.split(","),
a = t < 0 ? 0 : 255,
s = t < 0 ? -1 * t : t,
n = parseInt(i[0].slice(4)),
r = parseInt(i[1]),
o = parseInt(i[2]);
return "rgb(" + (Math.round((a - n) * s) + n) + "," + (Math.round((a - r) * s) + r) + "," + (Math.round((a - o) * s) + o) + ")";
key: "shadeHexColor",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = parseInt(e.slice(1), 16),
a = t < 0 ? 0 : 255,
s = t < 0 ? -1 * t : t,
n = i >> 16,
r = (i >> 8) & 255,
o = 255 & i;
return "#" + (16777216 + 65536 * (Math.round((a - n) * s) + n) + 256 * (Math.round((a - r) * s) + r) + (Math.round((a - o) * s) + o)).toString(16).slice(1);
key: "shadeColor",
value: function (t, e) {
return e.length > 7 ? this.shadeRGBColor(t, e) : this.shadeHexColor(t, e);
key: "bind",
value: function (t, e) {
return function () {
return t.apply(e, arguments);
key: "isObject",
value: function (t) {
return t && "object" === s(t) && !Array.isArray(t) && null != t;
key: "listToArray",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = [];
for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) i[e] = t[e];
return i;
key: "extend",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this;
"function" != typeof Object.assign &&
(Object.assign = function (t) {
if (null == t) throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
for (var e = Object(t), i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var a = arguments[i];
if (null != a) for (var s in a) a.hasOwnProperty(s) && (e[s] = a[s]);
return e;
var a = Object.assign({}, t);
return (
this.isObject(t) &&
this.isObject(e) &&
Object.keys(e).forEach(function (s) {
i.isObject(e[s]) && s in t ? (a[s] = i.extend(t[s], e[s])) : Object.assign(a, l({}, s, e[s]));
key: "extendArray",
value: function (e, i) {
var a = [];
return (
e.map(function (e) {
a.push(t.extend(i, e));
(e = a)
key: "monthMod",
value: function (t) {
return t % 12;
key: "addProps",
value: function (t, e, i) {
"string" == typeof e && (e = e.split(".")), (t[e[0]] = t[e[0]] || {});
var a = t[e[0]];
return e.length > 1 ? (e.shift(), this.addProps(a, e, i)) : (t[e[0]] = i), t;
key: "clone",
value: function (t) {
if ("[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t)) {
for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) e[i] = this.clone(t[i]);
return e;
if ("object" === s(t)) {
var a = {};
for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (a[n] = this.clone(t[n]));
return a;
return t;
key: "log10",
value: function (t) {
return Math.log(t) / Math.LN10;
key: "roundToBase10",
value: function (t) {
return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log10(t)));
key: "roundToBase",
value: function (t, e) {
return Math.pow(e, Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.log(e)));
key: "parseNumber",
value: function (t) {
return null === t ? t : parseFloat(t);
key: "noExponents",
value: function (t) {
var e = String(t).split(/[eE]/);
if (1 == e.length) return e[0];
var i = "",
a = t < 0 ? "-" : "",
s = e[0].replace(".", ""),
n = Number(e[1]) + 1;
if (n < 0) {
for (i = a + "0."; n++; ) i += "0";
return i + s.replace(/^\-/, "");
for (n -= s.length; n--; ) i += "0";
return s + i;
key: "getDimensions",
value: function (t) {
var e = getComputedStyle(t),
i = [],
a = t.clientHeight,
s = t.clientWidth;
return (a -= parseFloat(e.paddingTop) + parseFloat(e.paddingBottom)), (s -= parseFloat(e.paddingLeft) + parseFloat(e.paddingRight)), i.push(s), i.push(a), i;
key: "getBoundingClientRect",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.getBoundingClientRect();
return { top: e.top, right: e.right, bottom: e.bottom, left: e.left, width: e.width, height: e.height, x: e.x, y: e.y };
key: "hexToRgba",
value: function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "#999999",
e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0.6;
"#" !== t.substring(0, 1) && (t = "#999999");
var i = t.replace("#", "");
i = i.match(new RegExp("(.{" + i.length / 3 + "})", "g"));
for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) i[a] = parseInt(1 === i[a].length ? i[a] + i[a] : i[a], 16);
return void 0 !== e && i.push(e), "rgba(" + i.join(",") + ")";
key: "getOpacityFromRGBA",
value: function (t) {
return (t = t.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i))[3];
key: "rgb2hex",
value: function (t) {
return (t = t.match(/^rgba?[\s+]?\([\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?,[\s+]?(\d+)[\s+]?/i)) && 4 === t.length
? "#" + ("0" + parseInt(t[1], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(t[2], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ("0" + parseInt(t[3], 10).toString(16)).slice(-2)
: "";
key: "isColorHex",
value: function (t) {
return /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(t);
key: "polarToCartesian",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = ((a - 90) * Math.PI) / 180;
return { x: t + i * Math.cos(s), y: e + i * Math.sin(s) };
key: "escapeString",
value: function (t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "x",
i = t.toString().slice();
return (i = i.replace(/[` ~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, e));
key: "negToZero",
value: function (t) {
return t < 0 ? 0 : t;
key: "moveIndexInArray",
value: function (t, e, i) {
if (i >= t.length) for (var a = i - t.length + 1; a--; ) t.push(void 0);
return t.splice(i, 0, t.splice(e, 1)[0]), t;
key: "extractNumber",
value: function (t) {
return parseFloat(t.replace(/[^\d\.]*/g, ""));
key: "randomString",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = "", i = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", a = 0; a < t; a++) e += i.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * i.length));
return e;
key: "findAncestor",
value: function (t, e) {
for (; (t = t.parentElement) && !t.classList.contains(e); );
return t;
key: "setELstyles",
value: function (t, e) {
for (var i in e) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t.style.key = e[i]);
key: "isNumber",
value: function (t) {
return !isNaN(t) && parseFloat(Number(t)) === t && !isNaN(parseInt(t, 10));
key: "isFloat",
value: function (t) {
return Number(t) === t && t % 1 != 0;
key: "isSafari",
value: function () {
return /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
key: "isFirefox",
value: function () {
return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1;
key: "isIE11",
value: function () {
if (-1 !== window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") || window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Trident/") > -1) return !0;
key: "isIE",
value: function () {
var t = window.navigator.userAgent,
e = t.indexOf("MSIE ");
if (e > 0) return parseInt(t.substring(e + 5, t.indexOf(".", e)), 10);
if (t.indexOf("Trident/") > 0) {
var i = t.indexOf("rv:");
return parseInt(t.substring(i + 3, t.indexOf(".", i)), 10);
var a = t.indexOf("Edge/");
return a > 0 && parseInt(t.substring(a + 5, t.indexOf(".", a)), 10);
x = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "getDefaultFilter",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
new window.SVG.Filter().size("120%", "180%", "-5%", "-40%"),
"none" !== i.config.states.normal.filter
? this.applyFilter(t, e, i.config.states.normal.filter.type, i.config.states.normal.filter.value)
: i.config.chart.dropShadow.enabled && this.dropShadow(t, i.config.chart.dropShadow, e);
key: "addNormalFilter",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
i.config.chart.dropShadow.enabled && this.dropShadow(t, i.config.chart.dropShadow, e);
key: "addLightenFilter",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this,
s = this.w,
n = i.intensity;
if (!p.isFirefox()) {
var r = new window.SVG.Filter();
r.size("120%", "180%", "-5%", "-40%"),
t.filter(function (t) {
var i = s.config.chart.dropShadow;
(r = i.enabled ? a.addShadow(t, e, i) : t).componentTransfer({ rgb: { type: "linear", slope: 1.5, intercept: n } });
t.filterer.node.setAttribute("filterUnits", "userSpaceOnUse");
key: "addDarkenFilter",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this,
s = this.w,
n = i.intensity;
if (!p.isFirefox()) {
var r = new window.SVG.Filter();
r.size("120%", "180%", "-5%", "-40%"),
t.filter(function (t) {
var i = s.config.chart.dropShadow;
(r = i.enabled ? a.addShadow(t, e, i) : t).componentTransfer({ rgb: { type: "linear", slope: n } });
t.filterer.node.setAttribute("filterUnits", "userSpaceOnUse");
key: "applyFilter",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0.5;
switch (i) {
case "none":
this.addNormalFilter(t, e);
case "lighten":
this.addLightenFilter(t, e, { intensity: a });
case "darken":
this.addDarkenFilter(t, e, { intensity: a });
key: "addShadow",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = i.blur,
s = i.top,
n = i.left,
r = i.color,
o = i.opacity,
l = t
.flood(Array.isArray(r) ? r[e] : r, o)
.composite(t.sourceAlpha, "in")
.offset(n, s)
return t.blend(t.source, l);
key: "dropShadow",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0,
a = e.top,
s = e.left,
n = e.blur,
r = e.color,
o = e.opacity,
l = e.noUserSpaceOnUse;
return (
(r = Array.isArray(r) ? r[i] : r),
new window.SVG.Filter().size("120%", "180%", "-5%", "-40%"),
t.filter(function (t) {
var e = null;
(e =
p.isSafari() || p.isFirefox() || p.isIE()
? t.flood(r, o).composite(t.sourceAlpha, "in").offset(s, a).gaussianBlur(n)
: t.flood(r, o).composite(t.sourceAlpha, "in").offset(s, a).gaussianBlur(n).merge(t.source)),
t.blend(t.source, e);
l || t.filterer.node.setAttribute("filterUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"),
key: "setSelectionFilter",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w;
if (void 0 !== a.globals.selectedDataPoints[e] && a.globals.selectedDataPoints[e].indexOf(i) > -1) {
t.node.setAttribute("selected", !0);
var s = a.config.states.active.filter;
"none" !== s && this.applyFilter(t, e, s.type, s.value);
v = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), this.setEasingFunctions();
return (
o(t, [
key: "setEasingFunctions",
value: function () {
var t;
switch (this.w.config.chart.animations.easing) {
case "linear":
t = "-";
case "easein":
t = "<";
case "easeout":
t = ">";
case "easeinout":
t = "<>";
case "swing":
t = function (t) {
var e = 1.70158;
return (t -= 1) * t * ((e + 1) * t + e) + 1;
case "bounce":
t = function (t) {
return t < 1 / 2.75
? 7.5625 * t * t
: t < 2 / 2.75
? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + 0.75
: t < 2.5 / 2.75
? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + 0.9375
: 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + 0.984375;
case "elastic":
t = function (t) {
return t === !!t ? t : Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin(((t - 0.075) * (2 * Math.PI)) / 0.3) + 1;
t = "<>";
this.w.globals.easing = t;
key: "animateLine",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
key: "animateCircleRadius",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s) {
e || (e = 0), t.attr({ r: e }).animate(a, s).attr({ r: i });
key: "animateCircle",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s) {
t.attr({ r: e.r, cx: e.cx, cy: e.cy }).animate(a, s).attr({ r: i.r, cx: i.cx, cy: i.cy });
key: "animateRect",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s) {
.afterAll(function () {
key: "animatePathsGradually",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.el,
i = t.j,
a = t.pathFrom,
s = t.pathTo,
n = t.speed,
r = t.delay,
o = t.strokeWidth,
l = this.w,
h = 0;
l.config.chart.animations.animateGradually.enabled && (h = l.config.chart.animations.animateGradually.delay),
l.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled && l.globals.dataChanged && (h = 0),
this.morphSVG(e, i, a, s, n, o, r * h);
key: "showDelayedElements",
value: function () {
this.w.globals.delayedElements.forEach(function (t) {
key: "morphSVG",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n, r) {
var o = this,
l = this.w;
i || (i = t.attr("pathFrom")),
a || (a = t.attr("pathTo")),
(!i || i.indexOf("undefined") > -1 || i.indexOf("NaN") > -1) && ((i = "M 0 ".concat(l.globals.gridHeight)), (s = 1)),
(a.indexOf("undefined") > -1 || a.indexOf("NaN") > -1) && ((a = "M 0 ".concat(l.globals.gridHeight)), (s = 1)),
l.globals.shouldAnimate || (s = 1),
.animate(1, l.globals.easing, r)
.animate(s, l.globals.easing, r)
.afterAll(function () {
? e === l.globals.series[l.globals.maxValsInArrayIndex].length - 2 && l.globals.shouldAnimate && (l.globals.animationEnded = !0)
: l.globals.shouldAnimate && ((l.globals.animationEnded = !0), "function" == typeof l.config.chart.events.animationEnd && l.config.chart.events.animationEnd(o.ctx, l)),
m = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
key: "drawLine",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : "#a8a8a8",
n = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 0,
r = arguments.length > 6 && void 0 !== arguments[6] ? arguments[6] : null;
return this.w.globals.dom.Paper.line().attr({ x1: t, y1: e, x2: i, y2: a, stroke: s, "stroke-dasharray": n, "stroke-width": r });
key: "drawRect",
value: function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0,
e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0,
i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0,
a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0,
s = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 0,
n = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : "#fefefe",
r = arguments.length > 6 && void 0 !== arguments[6] ? arguments[6] : 1,
o = arguments.length > 7 && void 0 !== arguments[7] ? arguments[7] : null,
l = arguments.length > 8 && void 0 !== arguments[8] ? arguments[8] : null,
h = arguments.length > 9 && void 0 !== arguments[9] ? arguments[9] : 0,
c = this.w.globals.dom.Paper.rect();
return (
c.attr({ x: t, y: e, width: i > 0 ? i : 0, height: a > 0 ? a : 0, rx: s, ry: s, fill: n, opacity: r, "stroke-width": null !== o ? o : 0, stroke: null !== l ? l : "none", "stroke-dasharray": h }),
key: "drawPolygon",
value: function (t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "#e1e1e1",
i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "none";
return this.w.globals.dom.Paper.polygon(t).attr({ fill: i, stroke: e });
key: "drawCircle",
value: function (t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null,
i = this.w.globals.dom.Paper.circle(2 * t);
return null !== e && i.attr(e), i;
key: "drawPath",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.d,
i = void 0 === e ? "" : e,
a = t.stroke,
s = void 0 === a ? "#a8a8a8" : a,
n = t.strokeWidth,
r = void 0 === n ? 1 : n,
o = t.fill,
l = t.fillOpacity,
h = void 0 === l ? 1 : l,
c = t.strokeOpacity,
d = void 0 === c ? 1 : c,
u = t.classes,
f = t.strokeLinecap,
g = void 0 === f ? null : f,
p = t.strokeDashArray,
x = void 0 === p ? 0 : p,
v = this.w;
return (
null === g && (g = v.config.stroke.lineCap),
(i.indexOf("undefined") > -1 || i.indexOf("NaN") > -1) && (i = "M 0 ".concat(v.globals.gridHeight)),
v.globals.dom.Paper.path(i).attr({ fill: o, "fill-opacity": h, stroke: s, "stroke-opacity": d, "stroke-linecap": g, "stroke-width": r, "stroke-dasharray": x, class: u })
key: "group",
value: function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : null,
e = this.w.globals.dom.Paper.group();
return null !== t && e.attr(t), e;
key: "move",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = ["M", t, e].join(" ");
return i;
key: "line",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null,
a = null;
return null === i ? (a = ["L", t, e].join(" ")) : "H" === i ? (a = ["H", t].join(" ")) : "V" === i && (a = ["V", e].join(" ")), a;
key: "curve",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n) {
var r = ["C", t, e, i, a, s, n].join(" ");
return r;
key: "quadraticCurve",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
return ["Q", t, e, i, a].join(" ");
key: "arc",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n, r) {
var o = "A";
arguments.length > 7 && void 0 !== arguments[7] && arguments[7] && (o = "a");
var l = [o, t, e, i, a, s, n, r].join(" ");
return l;
key: "renderPaths",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = t.i,
a = t.j,
s = t.realIndex,
n = t.pathFrom,
r = t.pathTo,
o = t.stroke,
l = t.strokeWidth,
c = t.strokeLinecap,
d = t.fill,
u = t.animationDelay,
f = t.initialSpeed,
g = t.dataChangeSpeed,
p = t.className,
m = t.id,
b = t.shouldClipToGrid,
y = void 0 === b || b,
w = t.bindEventsOnPaths,
k = void 0 === w || w,
S = t.drawShadow,
A = void 0 === S || S,
C = this.w,
L = new x(this.ctx),
E = new v(this.ctx),
P = this.w.config.chart.animations.enabled,
T = P && this.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled,
M = !!((P && !C.globals.resized) || (T && C.globals.dataChanged && C.globals.shouldAnimate));
M ? (e = n) : ((e = r), (this.w.globals.animationEnded = !0));
var z = C.config.stroke.dashArray,
I = 0;
I = Array.isArray(z) ? z[s] : C.config.stroke.dashArray;
var X = this.drawPath({ d: e, stroke: o, strokeWidth: l, fill: d, fillOpacity: 1, classes: p, strokeLinecap: c, strokeDashArray: I });
if ((X.attr("id", "".concat(m, "-").concat(i)), X.attr("index", s), y && X.attr({ "clip-path": "url(#gridRectMask".concat(C.globals.cuid, ")") }), "none" !== C.config.states.normal.filter.type))
L.getDefaultFilter(X, s);
else if (
C.config.chart.dropShadow.enabled &&
A &&
(!C.config.chart.dropShadow.enabledSeries || (C.config.chart.dropShadow.enabledSeries && -1 !== C.config.chart.dropShadow.enabledSeries.indexOf(s)))
) {
var F = C.config.chart.dropShadow;
L.dropShadow(X, F, s);
k &&
(X.node.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.pathMouseEnter.bind(this, X)),
X.node.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.pathMouseLeave.bind(this, X)),
X.node.addEventListener("mousedown", this.pathMouseDown.bind(this, X))),
X.attr({ pathTo: r, pathFrom: n });
var Y = { el: X, j: a, pathFrom: n, pathTo: r, strokeWidth: l };
return (
!P || C.globals.resized || C.globals.dataChanged ? (!C.globals.resized && C.globals.dataChanged) || E.showDelayedElements() : E.animatePathsGradually(h({}, Y, { speed: f, delay: u })),
C.globals.dataChanged && T && M && E.animatePathsGradually(h({}, Y, { speed: g })),
key: "drawPattern",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : "#a8a8a8",
s = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 0;
return this.w.globals.dom.Paper.pattern(e, i, function (n) {
"horizontalLines" === t
? n.line(0, 0, i, 0).stroke({ color: a, width: s + 1 })
: "verticalLines" === t
? n.line(0, 0, 0, e).stroke({ color: a, width: s + 1 })
: "slantedLines" === t
? n.line(0, 0, e, i).stroke({ color: a, width: s })
: "squares" === t
? n.rect(e, i).fill("none").stroke({ color: a, width: s })
: "circles" === t && n.circle(e).fill("none").stroke({ color: a, width: s });
key: "drawGradient",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s) {
var n,
r = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : null,
o = arguments.length > 6 && void 0 !== arguments[6] ? arguments[6] : null,
l = arguments.length > 7 && void 0 !== arguments[7] ? arguments[7] : null,
h = arguments.length > 8 && void 0 !== arguments[8] ? arguments[8] : 0,
c = this.w;
(e = p.hexToRgba(e, a)), (i = p.hexToRgba(i, s));
var d = 0,
u = 1,
f = 1,
g = null;
null !== o && ((d = void 0 !== o[0] ? o[0] / 100 : 0), (u = void 0 !== o[1] ? o[1] / 100 : 1), (f = void 0 !== o[2] ? o[2] / 100 : 1), (g = void 0 !== o[3] ? o[3] / 100 : null));
var x = !("donut" !== c.config.chart.type && "pie" !== c.config.chart.type && "bubble" !== c.config.chart.type);
if (
((n =
null === l || 0 === l.length
? c.globals.dom.Paper.gradient(x ? "radial" : "linear", function (t) {
t.at(d, e, a), t.at(u, i, s), t.at(f, i, s), null !== g && t.at(g, e, a);
: c.globals.dom.Paper.gradient(x ? "radial" : "linear", function (t) {
(Array.isArray(l[h]) ? l[h] : l).forEach(function (e) {
t.at(e.offset / 100, e.color, e.opacity);
) {
var v = c.globals.gridWidth / 2,
m = c.globals.gridHeight / 2;
"bubble" !== c.config.chart.type ? n.attr({ gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse", cx: v, cy: m, r: r }) : n.attr({ cx: 0.5, cy: 0.5, r: 0.8, fx: 0.2, fy: 0.2 });
} else "vertical" === t ? n.from(0, 0).to(0, 1) : "diagonal" === t ? n.from(0, 0).to(1, 1) : "horizontal" === t ? n.from(0, 1).to(1, 1) : "diagonal2" === t && n.from(0, 1).to(2, 2);
return n;
key: "drawText",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = this.w,
a = t.x,
s = t.y,
n = t.text,
r = t.textAnchor,
o = t.fontSize,
l = t.fontFamily,
h = t.foreColor,
c = t.opacity;
return (
void 0 === n && (n = ""),
r || (r = "start"),
h || (h = i.config.chart.foreColor),
(l = l || i.config.chart.fontFamily),
(e = Array.isArray(n)
? i.globals.dom.Paper.text(function (t) {
for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) t.tspan(n[e]);
: i.globals.dom.Paper.plain(n)).attr({ x: a, y: s, "text-anchor": r, "dominant-baseline": "auto", "font-size": o, "font-family": l, fill: h, class: t.cssClass }),
(e.node.style.fontFamily = l),
(e.node.style.opacity = c),
key: "addTspan",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = t.tspan(e);
i || (i = this.w.config.chart.fontFamily), (a.node.style.fontFamily = i);
key: "drawMarker",
value: function (t, e, i) {
t = t || 0;
var a = i.pSize || 0,
s = null;
if ("square" === i.shape) {
var n = void 0 === i.pRadius ? a / 2 : i.pRadius;
null === e && ((a = 0), (n = 0));
var r = 1.2 * a + n,
o = this.drawRect(r, r, r, r, n);
x: t - r / 2,
y: e - r / 2,
cx: t,
cy: e,
class: i.class ? i.class : "",
fill: i.pointFillColor,
"fill-opacity": i.pointFillOpacity ? i.pointFillOpacity : 1,
stroke: i.pointStrokeColor,
"stroke-width": i.pWidth ? i.pWidth : 0,
"stroke-opacity": i.pointStrokeOpacity ? i.pointStrokeOpacity : 1,
(s = o);
} else
"circle" === i.shape &&
(p.isNumber(e) || ((a = 0), (e = 0)),
(s = this.drawCircle(a, {
cx: t,
cy: e,
class: i.class ? i.class : "",
stroke: i.pointStrokeColor,
fill: i.pointFillColor,
"fill-opacity": i.pointFillOpacity ? i.pointFillOpacity : 1,
"stroke-width": i.pWidth ? i.pWidth : 0,
"stroke-opacity": i.pointStrokeOpacity ? i.pointStrokeOpacity : 1,
return s;
key: "pathMouseEnter",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new x(this.ctx),
s = parseInt(t.node.getAttribute("index")),
n = parseInt(t.node.getAttribute("j"));
if (
("function" == typeof i.config.chart.events.dataPointMouseEnter && i.config.chart.events.dataPointMouseEnter(e, this.ctx, { seriesIndex: s, dataPointIndex: n, w: i }),
this.ctx.fireEvent("dataPointMouseEnter", [e, this.ctx, { seriesIndex: s, dataPointIndex: n, w: i }]),
("none" === i.config.states.active.filter.type || "true" !== t.node.getAttribute("selected")) &&
"none" !== i.config.states.hover.filter.type &&
"none" !== i.config.states.active.filter.type &&
) {
var r = i.config.states.hover.filter;
a.applyFilter(t, s, r.type, r.value);
key: "pathMouseLeave",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new x(this.ctx),
s = parseInt(t.node.getAttribute("index")),
n = parseInt(t.node.getAttribute("j"));
"function" == typeof i.config.chart.events.dataPointMouseLeave && i.config.chart.events.dataPointMouseLeave(e, this.ctx, { seriesIndex: s, dataPointIndex: n, w: i }),
this.ctx.fireEvent("dataPointMouseLeave", [e, this.ctx, { seriesIndex: s, dataPointIndex: n, w: i }]),
("none" !== i.config.states.active.filter.type && "true" === t.node.getAttribute("selected")) || ("none" !== i.config.states.hover.filter.type && a.getDefaultFilter(t, s));
key: "pathMouseDown",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new x(this.ctx),
s = parseInt(t.node.getAttribute("index")),
n = parseInt(t.node.getAttribute("j")),
r = "false";
if ("true" === t.node.getAttribute("selected")) {
if ((t.node.setAttribute("selected", "false"), i.globals.selectedDataPoints[s].indexOf(n) > -1)) {
var o = i.globals.selectedDataPoints[s].indexOf(n);
i.globals.selectedDataPoints[s].splice(o, 1);
} else {
if (!i.config.states.active.allowMultipleDataPointsSelection && i.globals.selectedDataPoints.length > 0) {
i.globals.selectedDataPoints = [];
var l = i.globals.dom.Paper.select(".apexcharts-series path").members,
h = i.globals.dom.Paper.select(".apexcharts-series circle, .apexcharts-series rect").members;
l.forEach(function (t) {
t.node.setAttribute("selected", "false"), a.getDefaultFilter(t, s);
h.forEach(function (t) {
t.node.setAttribute("selected", "false"), a.getDefaultFilter(t, s);
t.node.setAttribute("selected", "true"), (r = "true"), void 0 === i.globals.selectedDataPoints[s] && (i.globals.selectedDataPoints[s] = []), i.globals.selectedDataPoints[s].push(n);
if ("true" === r) {
var c = i.config.states.active.filter;
"none" !== c && a.applyFilter(t, s, c.type, c.value);
} else "none" !== i.config.states.active.filter.type && a.getDefaultFilter(t, s);
"function" == typeof i.config.chart.events.dataPointSelection &&
i.config.chart.events.dataPointSelection(e, this.ctx, { selectedDataPoints: i.globals.selectedDataPoints, seriesIndex: s, dataPointIndex: n, w: i }),
e && this.ctx.fireEvent("dataPointSelection", [e, this.ctx, { selectedDataPoints: i.globals.selectedDataPoints, seriesIndex: s, dataPointIndex: n, w: i }]);
key: "rotateAroundCenter",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.getBBox();
return { x: e.x + e.width / 2, y: e.y + e.height / 2 };
key: "getTextRects",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = !(arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4]) || arguments[4],
n = this.w,
r = this.drawText({ x: -200, y: -200, text: t, textAnchor: "start", fontSize: e, fontFamily: i, foreColor: "#fff", opacity: 0 });
a && r.attr("transform", a), n.globals.dom.Paper.add(r);
var o = r.bbox();
return s || (o = r.node.getBoundingClientRect()), r.remove(), { width: o.width, height: o.height };
key: "placeTextWithEllipsis",
value: function (t, e, i) {
if (((t.textContent = e), e.length > 0 && t.getComputedTextLength() >= i)) {
for (var a = e.length - 3; a > 0; a -= 3) if (t.getSubStringLength(0, a) <= i) return void (t.textContent = e.substring(0, a) + "...");
t.textContent = "...";
key: "setAttrs",
value: function (t, e) {
for (var i in e) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && t.setAttribute(i, e[i]);
var b = {
name: "en",
options: {
months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
shortMonths: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
shortDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
toolbar: {
exportToSVG: "Download SVG",
exportToPNG: "Download PNG",
menu: "Menu",
selection: "Selection",
selectionZoom: "Selection Zoom",
zoomIn: "Zoom In",
zoomOut: "Zoom Out",
pan: "Panning",
reset: "Reset Zoom",
y = (function () {
function t() {
n(this, t),
(this.yAxis = {
show: !0,
showAlways: !1,
seriesName: void 0,
opposite: !1,
reversed: !1,
logarithmic: !1,
tickAmount: void 0,
forceNiceScale: !1,
max: void 0,
min: void 0,
floating: !1,
decimalsInFloat: void 0,
labels: { show: !0, minWidth: 0, maxWidth: 160, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, align: void 0, rotate: 0, padding: 20, style: { colors: [], fontSize: "11px", fontFamily: void 0, cssClass: "" }, formatter: void 0 },
axisBorder: { show: !1, color: "#78909C", offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 },
axisTicks: { show: !1, color: "#78909C", width: 6, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 },
title: { text: void 0, rotate: 90, offsetY: 0, offsetX: 0, style: { color: void 0, fontSize: "11px", fontFamily: void 0, cssClass: "" } },
tooltip: { enabled: !1, offsetX: 0 },
crosshairs: { show: !0, position: "front", stroke: { color: "#b6b6b6", width: 1, dashArray: 0 } },
(this.xAxisAnnotation = {
x: 0,
x2: null,
strokeDashArray: 1,
fillColor: "#c2c2c2",
borderColor: "#c2c2c2",
opacity: 0.3,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
label: {
borderColor: "#c2c2c2",
borderWidth: 1,
text: void 0,
textAnchor: "middle",
orientation: "vertical",
position: "top",
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
style: { background: "#fff", color: void 0, fontSize: "11px", fontFamily: void 0, cssClass: "", padding: { left: 5, right: 5, top: 2, bottom: 2 } },
(this.yAxisAnnotation = {
y: 0,
y2: null,
strokeDashArray: 1,
fillColor: "#c2c2c2",
borderColor: "#c2c2c2",
opacity: 0.3,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
yAxisIndex: 0,
label: {
borderColor: "#c2c2c2",
borderWidth: 1,
text: void 0,
textAnchor: "end",
position: "right",
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: -3,
style: { background: "#fff", color: void 0, fontSize: "11px", fontFamily: void 0, cssClass: "", padding: { left: 5, right: 5, top: 0, bottom: 2 } },
(this.pointAnnotation = {
x: 0,
y: null,
yAxisIndex: 0,
seriesIndex: 0,
marker: { size: 0, fillColor: "#fff", strokeWidth: 2, strokeColor: "#333", shape: "circle", offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, radius: 2, cssClass: "" },
label: {
borderColor: "#c2c2c2",
borderWidth: 1,
text: void 0,
textAnchor: "middle",
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: -15,
style: { background: "#fff", color: void 0, fontSize: "11px", fontFamily: void 0, cssClass: "", padding: { left: 5, right: 5, top: 0, bottom: 2 } },
customSVG: { SVG: void 0, cssClass: void 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 },
return (
o(t, [
key: "init",
value: function () {
return {
annotations: { position: "front", yaxis: [this.yAxisAnnotation], xaxis: [this.xAxisAnnotation], points: [this.pointAnnotation] },
chart: {
animations: { enabled: !0, easing: "easeinout", speed: 800, animateGradually: { delay: 150, enabled: !0 }, dynamicAnimation: { enabled: !0, speed: 350 } },
background: "transparent",
locales: [b],
defaultLocale: "en",
dropShadow: { enabled: !1, enabledSeries: void 0, top: 2, left: 2, blur: 4, color: "#000", opacity: 0.35 },
events: {
animationEnd: void 0,
beforeMount: void 0,
mounted: void 0,
updated: void 0,
click: void 0,
legendClick: void 0,
markerClick: void 0,
selection: void 0,
dataPointSelection: void 0,
dataPointMouseEnter: void 0,
dataPointMouseLeave: void 0,
beforeZoom: void 0,
zoomed: void 0,
scrolled: void 0,
foreColor: "#373d3f",
fontFamily: "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
height: "auto",
parentHeightOffset: 15,
id: void 0,
group: void 0,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
selection: {
enabled: !1,
type: "x",
fill: { color: "#24292e", opacity: 0.1 },
stroke: { width: 1, color: "#24292e", opacity: 0.4, dashArray: 3 },
xaxis: { min: void 0, max: void 0 },
yaxis: { min: void 0, max: void 0 },
sparkline: { enabled: !1 },
brush: { enabled: !1, autoScaleYaxis: !0, target: void 0 },
stacked: !1,
stackType: "normal",
toolbar: { show: !0, tools: { download: !0, selection: !0, zoom: !0, zoomin: !0, zoomout: !0, pan: !0, reset: !0, customIcons: [] }, autoSelected: "zoom" },
type: "line",
width: "100%",
zoom: { enabled: !0, type: "x", autoScaleYaxis: !1, zoomedArea: { fill: { color: "#90CAF9", opacity: 0.4 }, stroke: { color: "#0D47A1", opacity: 0.4, width: 1 } } },
plotOptions: {
bar: {
horizontal: !1,
columnWidth: "70%",
barHeight: "70%",
distributed: !1,
endingShape: "flat",
colors: { ranges: [], backgroundBarColors: [], backgroundBarOpacity: 1 },
dataLabels: { maxItems: 100, hideOverflowingLabels: !0, position: "top" },
candlestick: { colors: { upward: "#00B746", downward: "#EF403C" }, wick: { useFillColor: !0 } },
heatmap: { radius: 2, enableShades: !0, shadeIntensity: 0.5, reverseNegativeShade: !0, distributed: !1, colorScale: { inverse: !1, ranges: [], min: void 0, max: void 0 } },
radialBar: {
size: void 0,
inverseOrder: !1,
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: 360,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
hollow: {
margin: 5,
size: "50%",
background: "transparent",
image: void 0,
imageWidth: 150,
imageHeight: 150,
imageOffsetX: 0,
imageOffsetY: 0,
imageClipped: !0,
position: "front",
dropShadow: { enabled: !1, top: 0, left: 0, blur: 3, color: "#000", opacity: 0.5 },
track: {
show: !0,
startAngle: void 0,
endAngle: void 0,
background: "#f2f2f2",
strokeWidth: "97%",
opacity: 1,
margin: 5,
dropShadow: { enabled: !1, top: 0, left: 0, blur: 3, color: "#000", opacity: 0.5 },
dataLabels: {
show: !0,
name: { show: !0, fontSize: "16px", fontFamily: void 0, color: void 0, offsetY: 0 },
value: {
show: !0,
fontSize: "14px",
fontFamily: void 0,
color: void 0,
offsetY: 16,
formatter: function (t) {
return t + "%";
total: {
show: !1,
label: "Total",
color: void 0,
formatter: function (t) {
return (
t.globals.seriesTotals.reduce(function (t, e) {
return t + e;
}, 0) /
t.globals.series.length +
rangeBar: {},
pie: {
size: void 0,
customScale: 1,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
expandOnClick: !0,
dataLabels: { offset: 0, minAngleToShowLabel: 10 },
donut: {
size: "65%",
background: "transparent",
labels: {
show: !1,
name: { show: !0, fontSize: "16px", fontFamily: void 0, color: void 0, offsetY: -10 },
value: {
show: !0,
fontSize: "20px",
fontFamily: void 0,
color: void 0,
offsetY: 10,
formatter: function (t) {
return t;
total: {
show: !1,
label: "Total",
color: void 0,
formatter: function (t) {
return t.globals.seriesTotals.reduce(function (t, e) {
return t + e;
}, 0);
radar: { size: void 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, polygons: { strokeColors: "#e8e8e8", connectorColors: "#e8e8e8", fill: { colors: void 0 } } },
colors: void 0,
dataLabels: {
enabled: !0,
enabledOnSeries: void 0,
formatter: function (t) {
return null !== t ? t : "";
textAnchor: "middle",
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
style: { fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: void 0, colors: void 0 },
dropShadow: { enabled: !1, top: 1, left: 1, blur: 1, color: "#000", opacity: 0.45 },
fill: {
type: "solid",
colors: void 0,
opacity: 0.85,
gradient: { shade: "dark", type: "horizontal", shadeIntensity: 0.5, gradientToColors: void 0, inverseColors: !0, opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 50, 100], colorStops: [] },
image: { src: [], width: void 0, height: void 0 },
pattern: { style: "sqaures", width: 6, height: 6, strokeWidth: 2 },
grid: {
show: !0,
borderColor: "#e0e0e0",
strokeDashArray: 0,
position: "back",
xaxis: { lines: { show: !1, animate: !1 } },
yaxis: { lines: { show: !0, animate: !1 } },
row: { colors: void 0, opacity: 0.5 },
column: { colors: void 0, opacity: 0.5 },
padding: { top: 0, right: 10, bottom: 0, left: 12 },
labels: [],
legend: {
show: !0,
showForSingleSeries: !1,
showForNullSeries: !0,
showForZeroSeries: !0,
floating: !1,
position: "bottom",
horizontalAlign: "center",
fontSize: "12px",
fontFamily: void 0,
width: void 0,
height: void 0,
formatter: void 0,
offsetX: -20,
offsetY: 0,
labels: { colors: void 0, useSeriesColors: !1 },
markers: { width: 12, height: 12, strokeWidth: 0, strokeColor: "#fff", radius: 12, customHTML: void 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, onClick: void 0 },
itemMargin: { horizontal: 0, vertical: 5 },
onItemClick: { toggleDataSeries: !0 },
onItemHover: { highlightDataSeries: !0 },
markers: {
discrete: [],
size: 0,
colors: void 0,
strokeColors: "#fff",
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeOpacity: 0.9,
fillOpacity: 1,
shape: "circle",
radius: 2,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
hover: { size: void 0, sizeOffset: 3 },
noData: { text: void 0, align: "center", verticalAlign: "middle", offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, style: { color: void 0, fontSize: "14px", fontFamily: void 0 } },
responsive: [],
series: void 0,
states: {
normal: { filter: { type: "none", value: 0 } },
hover: { filter: { type: "lighten", value: 0.15 } },
active: { allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: !1, filter: { type: "darken", value: 0.65 } },
title: { text: void 0, align: "left", margin: 10, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, floating: !1, style: { fontSize: "14px", fontFamily: void 0, color: void 0 } },
subtitle: { text: void 0, align: "left", margin: 10, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 30, floating: !1, style: { fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: void 0, color: void 0 } },
stroke: { show: !0, curve: "smooth", lineCap: "butt", width: 2, colors: void 0, dashArray: 0 },
tooltip: {
enabled: !0,
enabledOnSeries: void 0,
shared: !0,
followCursor: !1,
intersect: !1,
inverseOrder: !1,
custom: void 0,
fillSeriesColor: !1,
theme: "light",
style: { fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: void 0 },
onDatasetHover: { highlightDataSeries: !1 },
x: { show: !0, format: "dd MMM", formatter: void 0 },
y: {
formatter: void 0,
title: {
formatter: function (t) {
return t;
z: { formatter: void 0, title: "Size: " },
marker: { show: !0 },
items: { display: "flex" },
fixed: { enabled: !1, position: "topRight", offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 },
xaxis: {
type: "category",
categories: [],
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
labels: {
show: !0,
rotate: -45,
rotateAlways: !1,
hideOverlappingLabels: !0,
trim: !0,
minHeight: void 0,
maxHeight: 120,
showDuplicates: !0,
style: { colors: [], fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: void 0, cssClass: "" },
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
format: void 0,
formatter: void 0,
datetimeFormatter: { year: "yyyy", month: "MMM 'yy", day: "dd MMM", hour: "HH:mm", minute: "HH:mm:ss" },
axisBorder: { show: !0, color: "#78909C", width: "100%", height: 1, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 },
axisTicks: { show: !0, color: "#78909C", height: 6, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 },
tickAmount: void 0,
tickPlacement: "on",
min: void 0,
max: void 0,
range: void 0,
floating: !1,
position: "bottom",
title: { text: void 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, style: { color: void 0, fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: void 0, cssClass: "" } },
crosshairs: {
show: !0,
width: 1,
position: "back",
opacity: 0.9,
stroke: { color: "#b6b6b6", width: 1, dashArray: 3 },
fill: { type: "solid", color: "#B1B9C4", gradient: { colorFrom: "#D8E3F0", colorTo: "#BED1E6", stops: [0, 100], opacityFrom: 0.4, opacityTo: 0.5 } },
dropShadow: { enabled: !1, left: 0, top: 0, blur: 1, opacity: 0.4 },
tooltip: { enabled: !0, offsetY: 0, formatter: void 0, style: { fontSize: "12px", fontFamily: void 0 } },
yaxis: this.yAxis,
theme: { mode: "light", palette: "palette1", monochrome: { enabled: !1, color: "#008FFB", shadeTo: "light", shadeIntensity: 0.65 } },
w = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.graphics = new m(this.ctx)), this.w.globals.isBarHorizontal && (this.invertAxis = !0), (this.xDivision = this.w.globals.gridWidth / this.w.globals.dataPoints);
return (
o(t, [
key: "drawAnnotations",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
if (t.globals.axisCharts) {
for (
var e = this.drawYAxisAnnotations(), i = this.drawXAxisAnnotations(), a = this.drawPointAnnotations(), s = t.config.chart.animations.enabled, n = [e, i, a], r = [i.node, e.node, a.node], o = 0;
o < 3;
t.globals.dom.elGraphical.add(n[o]), !s || t.globals.resized || t.globals.dataChanged || r[o].classList.add("hidden"), t.globals.delayedElements.push({ el: r[o], index: 0 });
key: "getStringX",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = t,
a = e.globals.labels.indexOf(t),
s = e.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-xaxis-texts-g text:nth-child(" + (a + 1) + ")");
return s && (i = parseFloat(s.getAttribute("x"))), i;
key: "addXaxisAnnotation",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w,
s = this.invertAxis ? a.globals.minY : a.globals.minX,
n = this.invertAxis ? a.globals.yRange[0] : a.globals.xRange,
r = (t.x - s) / (n / a.globals.gridWidth),
o = t.label.text;
("category" !== a.config.xaxis.type && !a.config.xaxis.convertedCatToNumeric) || this.invertAxis || (r = this.getStringX(t.x));
var l = t.strokeDashArray;
if (!(r < 0 || r > a.globals.gridWidth)) {
if (null === t.x2) {
var h = this.graphics.drawLine(r + t.offsetX, 0 + t.offsetY, r + t.offsetX, a.globals.gridHeight + t.offsetY, t.borderColor, l);
} else {
var c = (t.x2 - s) / (n / a.globals.gridWidth);
if ((("category" !== a.config.xaxis.type && !a.config.xaxis.convertedCatToNumeric) || this.invertAxis || (c = this.getStringX(t.x2)), c < r)) {
var d = r;
(r = c), (c = d);
if (o) {
var u = this.graphics.drawRect(r + t.offsetX, 0 + t.offsetY, c - r, a.globals.gridHeight + t.offsetY, 0, t.fillColor, t.opacity, 1, t.borderColor, l);
var f = "top" === t.label.position ? -3 : a.globals.gridHeight,
g = this.graphics.drawText({
x: r + t.label.offsetX,
y: f + t.label.offsetY,
text: o,
textAnchor: t.label.textAnchor,
fontSize: t.label.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: t.label.style.fontFamily,
foreColor: t.label.style.color,
cssClass: "apexcharts-xaxis-annotation-label " + t.label.style.cssClass,
g.attr({ rel: i }), e.appendChild(g.node), this.setOrientations(t, i);
key: "drawXAxisAnnotations",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w,
i = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-xaxis-annotations" });
return (
e.config.annotations.xaxis.map(function (e, a) {
t.addXaxisAnnotation(e, i.node, a);
key: "addYaxisAnnotation",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a,
n = this.w,
r = t.strokeDashArray;
if (this.invertAxis) {
var o = n.globals.labels.indexOf(t.y),
l = n.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-yaxis-texts-g text:nth-child(" + (o + 1) + ")");
l && (a = parseFloat(l.getAttribute("y")));
} else
(a = n.globals.gridHeight - (t.y - n.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (n.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / n.globals.gridHeight)),
n.config.yaxis[t.yAxisIndex] && n.config.yaxis[t.yAxisIndex].reversed && (a = (t.y - n.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (n.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / n.globals.gridHeight));
var h = t.label.text;
if (null === t.y2) {
var c = this.graphics.drawLine(0 + t.offsetX, a + t.offsetY, n.globals.gridWidth + t.offsetX, a + t.offsetY, t.borderColor, r);
} else {
if (this.invertAxis) {
var d = n.globals.labels.indexOf(t.y2),
u = n.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-yaxis-texts-g text:nth-child(" + (d + 1) + ")");
u && (s = parseFloat(u.getAttribute("y")));
} else
(s = n.globals.gridHeight - (t.y2 - n.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (n.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / n.globals.gridHeight)),
n.config.yaxis[t.yAxisIndex] && n.config.yaxis[t.yAxisIndex].reversed && (s = (t.y2 - n.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (n.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / n.globals.gridHeight));
if (s > a) {
var f = a;
(a = s), (s = f);
if (h) {
var g = this.graphics.drawRect(0 + t.offsetX, s + t.offsetY, n.globals.gridWidth + t.offsetX, a - s, 0, t.fillColor, t.opacity, 1, t.borderColor, r);
var p = "right" === t.label.position ? n.globals.gridWidth : 0,
x = this.graphics.drawText({
x: p + t.label.offsetX,
y: (s || a) + t.label.offsetY - 3,
text: h,
textAnchor: t.label.textAnchor,
fontSize: t.label.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: t.label.style.fontFamily,
foreColor: t.label.style.color,
cssClass: "apexcharts-yaxis-annotation-label " + t.label.style.cssClass,
x.attr({ rel: i }), e.appendChild(x.node);
key: "drawYAxisAnnotations",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w,
i = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-yaxis-annotations" });
return (
e.config.annotations.yaxis.map(function (e, a) {
t.addYaxisAnnotation(e, i.node, a);
key: "clearAnnotations",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-yaxis-annotations, .apexcharts-xaxis-annotations, .apexcharts-point-annotations");
(e = p.listToArray(e)).forEach(function (t) {
for (; t.firstChild; ) t.removeChild(t.firstChild);
key: "addPointAnnotation",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w,
s = 0,
n = 0,
r = 0;
if ((this.invertAxis && console.warn("Point annotation is not supported in horizontal bar charts."), "string" == typeof t.x)) {
var o = a.globals.labels.indexOf(t.x),
l = a.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-xaxis-texts-g text:nth-child(" + (o + 1) + ")");
s = parseFloat(l.getAttribute("x"));
var h = t.y;
null === t.y && (h = a.globals.series[t.seriesIndex][o]),
(n = a.globals.gridHeight - (h - a.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (a.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / a.globals.gridHeight) - parseInt(t.label.style.fontSize) - t.marker.size),
(r = a.globals.gridHeight - (h - a.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (a.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / a.globals.gridHeight)),
a.config.yaxis[t.yAxisIndex] &&
a.config.yaxis[t.yAxisIndex].reversed &&
((n = (h - a.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (a.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / a.globals.gridHeight) + parseInt(t.label.style.fontSize) + t.marker.size),
(r = (h - a.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (a.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / a.globals.gridHeight)));
} else
(s = (t.x - a.globals.minX) / (a.globals.xRange / a.globals.gridWidth)),
(n = a.globals.gridHeight - (parseFloat(t.y) - a.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (a.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / a.globals.gridHeight) - parseInt(t.label.style.fontSize) - t.marker.size),
(r = a.globals.gridHeight - (t.y - a.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (a.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / a.globals.gridHeight)),
a.config.yaxis[t.yAxisIndex] &&
a.config.yaxis[t.yAxisIndex].reversed &&
((n = (parseFloat(t.y) - a.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (a.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / a.globals.gridHeight) - parseInt(t.label.style.fontSize) - t.marker.size),
(r = (t.y - a.globals.minYArr[t.yAxisIndex]) / (a.globals.yRange[t.yAxisIndex] / a.globals.gridHeight)));
if (!(s < 0 || s > a.globals.gridWidth)) {
var c = {
pSize: t.marker.size,
pWidth: t.marker.strokeWidth,
pointFillColor: t.marker.fillColor,
pointStrokeColor: t.marker.strokeColor,
shape: t.marker.shape,
radius: t.marker.radius,
class: "apexcharts-point-annotation-marker " + t.marker.cssClass,
d = this.graphics.drawMarker(s + t.marker.offsetX, r + t.marker.offsetY, c);
var u = t.label.text ? t.label.text : "",
f = this.graphics.drawText({
x: s + t.label.offsetX,
y: n + t.label.offsetY,
text: u,
textAnchor: t.label.textAnchor,
fontSize: t.label.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: t.label.style.fontFamily,
foreColor: t.label.style.color,
cssClass: "apexcharts-point-annotation-label " + t.label.style.cssClass,
if ((f.attr({ rel: i }), e.appendChild(f.node), t.customSVG.SVG)) {
var g = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-point-annotations-custom-svg " + t.customSVG.cssClass });
g.attr({ transform: "translate(".concat(s + t.customSVG.offsetX, ", ").concat(n + t.customSVG.offsetY, ")") }), (g.node.innerHTML = t.customSVG.SVG), e.appendChild(g.node);
key: "drawPointAnnotations",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w,
i = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-point-annotations" });
return (
e.config.annotations.points.map(function (e, a) {
t.addPointAnnotation(e, i.node, a);
key: "setOrientations",
value: function (t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null,
i = this.w;
if ("vertical" === t.label.orientation) {
var a = null !== e ? e : 0,
s = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-xaxis-annotations .apexcharts-xaxis-annotation-label[rel='".concat(a, "']"));
if (null !== s) {
var n = s.getBoundingClientRect();
s.setAttribute("x", parseFloat(s.getAttribute("x")) - n.height + 4),
"top" === t.label.position ? s.setAttribute("y", parseFloat(s.getAttribute("y")) + n.width) : s.setAttribute("y", parseFloat(s.getAttribute("y")) - n.width);
var r = this.graphics.rotateAroundCenter(s),
o = r.x,
l = r.y;
s.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(-90 ".concat(o, " ").concat(l, ")"));
key: "addBackgroundToAnno",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
if (!e.label.text || (e.label.text && !e.label.text.trim())) return null;
var a = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-grid").getBoundingClientRect(),
s = t.getBoundingClientRect(),
n = e.label.style.padding.left,
r = e.label.style.padding.right,
o = e.label.style.padding.top,
l = e.label.style.padding.bottom;
"vertical" === e.label.orientation && ((o = e.label.style.padding.left), (l = e.label.style.padding.right), (n = e.label.style.padding.top), (r = e.label.style.padding.bottom));
var h = s.left - a.left - n,
c = s.top - a.top - o;
return this.graphics.drawRect(h, c, s.width + n + r, s.height + o + l, 0, e.label.style.background, 1, e.label.borderWidth, e.label.borderColor, 0);
key: "annotationsBackground",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w,
i = function (i, a, s) {
var n = e.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-".concat(s, "-annotations .apexcharts-").concat(s, "-annotation-label[rel='").concat(a, "']"));
if (n) {
var r = n.parentNode,
o = t.addBackgroundToAnno(n, i);
o && r.insertBefore(o.node, n);
e.config.annotations.xaxis.map(function (t, e) {
i(t, e, "xaxis");
e.config.annotations.yaxis.map(function (t, e) {
i(t, e, "yaxis");
e.config.annotations.points.map(function (t, e) {
i(t, e, "point");
key: "addText",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = t.x,
s = t.y,
n = t.text,
r = t.textAnchor,
o = t.appendTo,
l = void 0 === o ? ".apexcharts-inner" : o,
h = t.foreColor,
c = t.fontSize,
d = t.fontFamily,
u = t.cssClass,
f = t.backgroundColor,
g = t.borderWidth,
p = t.strokeDashArray,
x = t.radius,
v = t.borderColor,
m = t.paddingLeft,
b = void 0 === m ? 4 : m,
y = t.paddingRight,
w = void 0 === y ? 4 : y,
k = t.paddingBottom,
S = void 0 === k ? 2 : k,
A = t.paddingTop,
C = void 0 === A ? 2 : A,
L = i,
E = L.w,
P = E.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(l),
T = this.graphics.drawText({ x: a, y: s, text: n, textAnchor: r || "start", fontSize: c || "12px", fontFamily: d || E.config.chart.fontFamily, foreColor: h || E.config.chart.foreColor, cssClass: u });
var M = T.bbox();
if (n) {
var z = this.graphics.drawRect(M.x - b, M.y - C, M.width + b + w, M.height + S + C, x, f, 1, g, v, p);
return (
e &&
context: L,
method: L.addText,
params: {
x: a,
y: s,
text: n,
textAnchor: r,
appendTo: l,
foreColor: h,
fontSize: c,
cssClass: u,
backgroundColor: f,
borderWidth: g,
strokeDashArray: p,
radius: x,
borderColor: v,
paddingLeft: b,
paddingRight: w,
paddingBottom: S,
paddingTop: C,
key: "addPointAnnotationExternal",
value: function (t, e, i) {
return (
void 0 === this.invertAxis && (this.invertAxis = i.w.globals.isBarHorizontal),
this.addAnnotationExternal({ params: t, pushToMemory: e, context: i, type: "point", contextMethod: i.addPointAnnotation }),
key: "addYaxisAnnotationExternal",
value: function (t, e, i) {
return this.addAnnotationExternal({ params: t, pushToMemory: e, context: i, type: "yaxis", contextMethod: i.addYaxisAnnotation }), i;
key: "addXaxisAnnotationExternal",
value: function (t, e, i) {
return this.addAnnotationExternal({ params: t, pushToMemory: e, context: i, type: "xaxis", contextMethod: i.addXaxisAnnotation }), i;
key: "addAnnotationExternal",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.params,
i = t.pushToMemory,
a = t.context,
s = t.type,
n = t.contextMethod,
r = a,
o = r.w,
l = o.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-".concat(s, "-annotations")),
h = l.childNodes.length + 1,
c = new y(),
d = Object.assign({}, "xaxis" === s ? c.xAxisAnnotation : "yaxis" === s ? c.yAxisAnnotation : c.pointAnnotation),
u = p.extend(d, e);
switch (s) {
case "xaxis":
this.addXaxisAnnotation(u, l, h);
case "yaxis":
this.addYaxisAnnotation(u, l, h);
case "point":
this.addPointAnnotation(u, l, h);
var f = o.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-".concat(s, "-annotations .apexcharts-").concat(s, "-annotation-label[rel='").concat(h, "']")),
g = this.addBackgroundToAnno(f, u);
return g && l.insertBefore(g.node, f), i && o.globals.memory.methodsToExec.push({ context: r, method: n, params: e }), a;
k = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.months31 = [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]), (this.months30 = [2, 4, 6, 9, 11]), (this.daysCntOfYear = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334]);
return (
o(t, [
key: "isValidDate",
value: function (t) {
return !isNaN(this.parseDate(t));
key: "getUTCTimeStamp",
value: function (t) {
return Date.parse(t) ? new Date(new Date(t).toISOString().substr(0, 25)).getTime() : t;
key: "parseDate",
value: function (t) {
var e = Date.parse(t);
if (!isNaN(e)) return this.getUTCTimeStamp(t);
var i = Date.parse(t.replace(/-/g, "/").replace(/[a-z]+/gi, " "));
return (i = this.getUTCTimeStamp(i));
key: "treatAsUtc",
value: function (t) {
var e = new Date(t);
return e.setMinutes(e.getMinutes() - e.getTimezoneOffset()), e;
key: "formatDate",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = !(arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]) || arguments[2],
a = !(arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]) || arguments[3],
s = this.w.globals.locale,
n = ["\0"].concat(g(s.months)),
r = [""].concat(g(s.shortMonths)),
o = [""].concat(g(s.days)),
l = [""].concat(g(s.shortDays));
function h(t, e) {
var i = t + "";
for (e = e || 2; i.length < e; ) i = "0" + i;
return i;
a && (t = this.treatAsUtc(t));
var c = i ? t.getUTCFullYear() : t.getFullYear();
e = (e = (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])yyyy+/g, "$1" + c)).replace(/(^|[^\\])yy/g, "$1" + c.toString().substr(2, 2))).replace(/(^|[^\\])y/g, "$1" + c);
var d = (i ? t.getUTCMonth() : t.getMonth()) + 1;
e = (e = (e = (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])MMMM+/g, "$1" + n[0])).replace(/(^|[^\\])MMM/g, "$1" + r[0])).replace(/(^|[^\\])MM/g, "$1" + h(d))).replace(/(^|[^\\])M/g, "$1" + d);
var u = i ? t.getUTCDate() : t.getDate();
e = (e = (e = (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])dddd+/g, "$1" + o[0])).replace(/(^|[^\\])ddd/g, "$1" + l[0])).replace(/(^|[^\\])dd/g, "$1" + h(u))).replace(/(^|[^\\])d/g, "$1" + u);
var f = i ? t.getUTCHours() : t.getHours(),
p = f > 12 ? f - 12 : 0 === f ? 12 : f;
e = (e = (e = (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])HH+/g, "$1" + h(f))).replace(/(^|[^\\])H/g, "$1" + f)).replace(/(^|[^\\])hh+/g, "$1" + h(p))).replace(/(^|[^\\])h/g, "$1" + p);
var x = i ? t.getUTCMinutes() : t.getMinutes();
e = (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])mm+/g, "$1" + h(x))).replace(/(^|[^\\])m/g, "$1" + x);
var v = i ? t.getUTCSeconds() : t.getSeconds();
e = (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])ss+/g, "$1" + h(v))).replace(/(^|[^\\])s/g, "$1" + v);
var m = i ? t.getUTCMilliseconds() : t.getMilliseconds();
(e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])fff+/g, "$1" + h(m, 3))), (m = Math.round(m / 10)), (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])ff/g, "$1" + h(m))), (m = Math.round(m / 10));
var b = f < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
e = (e = (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])f/g, "$1" + m)).replace(/(^|[^\\])TT+/g, "$1" + b)).replace(/(^|[^\\])T/g, "$1" + b.charAt(0));
var y = b.toLowerCase();
e = (e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])tt+/g, "$1" + y)).replace(/(^|[^\\])t/g, "$1" + y.charAt(0));
var w = -t.getTimezoneOffset(),
k = i || !w ? "Z" : w > 0 ? "+" : "-";
if (!i) {
var S = (w = Math.abs(w)) % 60;
k += h(Math.floor(w / 60)) + ":" + h(S);
e = e.replace(/(^|[^\\])K/g, "$1" + k);
var A = (i ? t.getUTCDay() : t.getDay()) + 1;
return (e = (e = (e = (e = (e = e.replace(new RegExp(o[0], "g"), o[A])).replace(new RegExp(l[0], "g"), l[A])).replace(new RegExp(n[0], "g"), n[d])).replace(new RegExp(r[0], "g"), r[d])).replace(
key: "getTimeUnitsfromTimestamp",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
void 0 !== i.config.xaxis.min && (t = i.config.xaxis.min), void 0 !== i.config.xaxis.max && (e = i.config.xaxis.max);
var a = new Date(t).getFullYear(),
s = new Date(e).getFullYear(),
n = new Date(t).getMonth(),
r = new Date(e).getMonth(),
o = new Date(t).getDate(),
l = new Date(e).getDate(),
h = new Date(t).getHours(),
c = new Date(e).getHours();
return { minMinute: new Date(t).getMinutes(), maxMinute: new Date(e).getMinutes(), minHour: h, maxHour: c, minDate: o, maxDate: l, minMonth: n, maxMonth: r, minYear: a, maxYear: s };
key: "isLeapYear",
value: function (t) {
return (t % 4 == 0 && t % 100 != 0) || t % 400 == 0;
key: "calculcateLastDaysOfMonth",
value: function (t, e, i) {
return this.determineDaysOfMonths(t, e) - i;
key: "determineDaysOfYear",
value: function (t) {
var e = 365;
return this.isLeapYear(t) && (e = 366), e;
key: "determineRemainingDaysOfYear",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.daysCntOfYear[e] + i;
return e > 1 && this.isLeapYear() && a++, a;
key: "determineDaysOfMonths",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = 30;
switch (((t = p.monthMod(t)), !0)) {
case this.months30.indexOf(t) > -1:
2 === t && (i = this.isLeapYear(e) ? 29 : 28);
case this.months31.indexOf(t) > -1:
i = 31;
return i;
S = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.opts = e);
return (
key: "line",
value: function () {
return {
chart: { animations: { easing: "swing" } },
dataLabels: { enabled: !1 },
stroke: { width: 5, curve: "straight" },
markers: { size: 0, hover: { sizeOffset: 6 } },
xaxis: { crosshairs: { width: 1 } },
key: "sparkline",
value: function (t) {
(this.opts.yaxis[0].labels.show = !1), (this.opts.yaxis[0].floating = !0);
return p.extend(t, {
grid: { show: !1, padding: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 } },
legend: { show: !1 },
xaxis: { labels: { show: !1 }, tooltip: { enabled: !1 }, axisBorder: { show: !1 } },
chart: { toolbar: { show: !1 }, zoom: { enabled: !1 } },
dataLabels: { enabled: !1 },
key: "bar",
value: function () {
return {
chart: { stacked: !1, animations: { easing: "swing" } },
plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { position: "center" } } },
dataLabels: { style: { colors: ["#fff"] } },
stroke: { width: 0 },
fill: { opacity: 0.85 },
legend: { markers: { shape: "square", radius: 2, size: 8 } },
tooltip: { shared: !1 },
xaxis: { tooltip: { enabled: !1 }, crosshairs: { width: "barWidth", position: "back", fill: { type: "gradient" }, dropShadow: { enabled: !1 }, stroke: { width: 0 } } },
key: "candlestick",
value: function () {
return {
stroke: { width: 1, colors: ["#333"] },
dataLabels: { enabled: !1 },
tooltip: {
shared: !0,
custom: function (t) {
var e = t.seriesIndex,
i = t.dataPointIndex,
a = t.w;
return (
states: { active: { filter: { type: "none" } } },
xaxis: { crosshairs: { width: 1 } },
key: "rangeBar",
value: function () {
return {
stroke: { width: 0 },
plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { position: "center" } } },
dataLabels: {
enabled: !1,
formatter: function (t, e) {
var i = e.seriesIndex,
a = e.dataPointIndex,
s = e.w,
n = s.globals.seriesRangeStart[i][a];
return s.globals.seriesRangeEnd[i][a] - n;
style: { colors: ["#fff"] },
tooltip: {
shared: !1,
followCursor: !0,
custom: function (t) {
var e = t.ctx,
i = t.seriesIndex,
a = t.dataPointIndex,
s = t.w,
n = s.globals.seriesRangeStart[i][a],
r = s.globals.seriesRangeEnd[i][a],
o = "",
l = "",
h = s.globals.colors[i];
if (void 0 === s.config.tooltip.x.formatter)
if ("datetime" === s.config.xaxis.type) {
var c = new k(e);
(o = c.formatDate(new Date(n), s.config.tooltip.x.format, !0, !0)), (l = c.formatDate(new Date(r), s.config.tooltip.x.format, !0, !0));
} else (o = n), (l = r);
else (o = s.config.tooltip.x.formatter(n)), (l = s.config.tooltip.x.formatter(r));
var d = s.globals.labels[a];
return (
xaxis: { tooltip: { enabled: !1 }, crosshairs: { stroke: { width: 0 } } },
key: "area",
value: function () {
return {
stroke: { width: 4 },
fill: { type: "gradient", gradient: { inverseColors: !1, shade: "light", type: "vertical", opacityFrom: 0.65, opacityTo: 0.5, stops: [0, 100, 100] } },
markers: { size: 0, hover: { sizeOffset: 6 } },
tooltip: { followCursor: !1 },
key: "brush",
value: function (t) {
return p.extend(t, {
chart: { toolbar: { autoSelected: "selection", show: !1 }, zoom: { enabled: !1 } },
dataLabels: { enabled: !1 },
stroke: { width: 1 },
tooltip: { enabled: !1 },
xaxis: { tooltip: { enabled: !1 } },
key: "stacked100",
value: function () {
var t = this;
(this.opts.dataLabels = this.opts.dataLabels || {}), (this.opts.dataLabels.formatter = this.opts.dataLabels.formatter || void 0);
var e = this.opts.dataLabels.formatter;
this.opts.yaxis.forEach(function (e, i) {
(t.opts.yaxis[i].min = 0), (t.opts.yaxis[i].max = 100);
"bar" === this.opts.chart.type &&
(this.opts.dataLabels.formatter =
e ||
function (t) {
return "number" == typeof t && t ? t.toFixed(0) + "%" : t;
key: "bubble",
value: function () {
return {
dataLabels: { style: { colors: ["#fff"] } },
tooltip: { shared: !1, intersect: !0 },
xaxis: { crosshairs: { width: 0 } },
fill: { type: "solid", gradient: { shade: "light", inverse: !0, shadeIntensity: 0.55, opacityFrom: 0.4, opacityTo: 0.8 } },
key: "scatter",
value: function () {
return { dataLabels: { enabled: !1 }, tooltip: { shared: !1, intersect: !0 }, markers: { size: 6, strokeWidth: 2, hover: { sizeOffset: 2 } } };
key: "heatmap",
value: function () {
return {
chart: { stacked: !1, zoom: { enabled: !1 } },
fill: { opacity: 1 },
dataLabels: { style: { colors: ["#fff"] } },
stroke: { colors: ["#fff"] },
tooltip: { followCursor: !0, marker: { show: !1 }, x: { show: !1 } },
legend: { position: "top", markers: { shape: "square", size: 10, offsetY: 2 } },
grid: { padding: { right: 20 } },
key: "pie",
value: function () {
return {
chart: { toolbar: { show: !1 } },
plotOptions: { pie: { donut: { labels: { show: !1 } } } },
dataLabels: {
formatter: function (t) {
return t.toFixed(1) + "%";
style: { colors: ["#fff"] },
dropShadow: { enabled: !0 },
stroke: { colors: ["#fff"] },
fill: { opacity: 1, gradient: { shade: "dark", shadeIntensity: 0.35, inverseColors: !1, stops: [0, 100, 100] } },
padding: { right: 0, left: 0 },
tooltip: { theme: "dark", fillSeriesColor: !0 },
legend: { position: "right" },
key: "donut",
value: function () {
return {
chart: { toolbar: { show: !1 } },
dataLabels: {
formatter: function (t) {
return t.toFixed(1) + "%";
style: { colors: ["#fff"] },
dropShadow: { enabled: !0 },
stroke: { colors: ["#fff"] },
fill: { opacity: 1, gradient: { shade: "dark", shadeIntensity: 0.4, inverseColors: !1, type: "vertical", opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [70, 98, 100] } },
padding: { right: 0, left: 0 },
tooltip: { theme: "dark", fillSeriesColor: !0 },
legend: { position: "right" },
key: "radar",
value: function () {
return (
(this.opts.yaxis[0].labels.style.fontSize = "13px"),
(this.opts.yaxis[0].labels.offsetY = 6),
dataLabels: { enabled: !0, style: { colors: ["#a8a8a8"], fontSize: "11px" } },
stroke: { width: 2 },
markers: { size: 3, strokeWidth: 1, strokeOpacity: 1 },
fill: { opacity: 0.2 },
tooltip: { shared: !1, intersect: !0, followCursor: !0 },
grid: { show: !1 },
xaxis: { tooltip: { enabled: !1 }, crosshairs: { show: !1 } },
key: "radialBar",
value: function () {
return {
chart: { animations: { dynamicAnimation: { enabled: !0, speed: 800 } }, toolbar: { show: !1 } },
fill: { gradient: { shade: "dark", shadeIntensity: 0.4, inverseColors: !1, type: "diagonal2", opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [70, 98, 100] } },
padding: { right: 0, left: 0 },
legend: { show: !1, position: "right" },
tooltip: { enabled: !1, fillSeriesColor: !0 },
key: "convertCatToNumeric",
value: function (t) {
(t.xaxis.type = "numeric"),
(t.xaxis.convertedCatToNumeric = !0),
(t.xaxis.labels = t.xaxis.labels || {}),
(t.xaxis.labels.formatter =
t.xaxis.labels.formatter ||
function (t) {
return t;
(t.chart = t.chart || {}),
(t.chart.zoom = t.chart.zoom || (window.Apex.chart && window.Apex.chart.zoom) || {});
var e = t.xaxis.labels.formatter,
i = t.xaxis.categories && t.xaxis.categories.length ? t.xaxis.categories : t.labels;
return (
i &&
i.length &&
(t.xaxis.labels.formatter = function (t) {
return e(i[t - 1]);
(t.xaxis.categories = []),
(t.labels = []),
(t.chart.zoom.enabled = t.chart.zoom.enabled || !1),
A = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
key: "getStackedSeriesTotals",
value: function () {
for (var t = this.w, e = [], i = 0; i < t.globals.series[t.globals.maxValsInArrayIndex].length; i++) {
for (var a = 0, s = 0; s < t.globals.series.length; s++) a += t.globals.series[s][i];
return (t.globals.stackedSeriesTotals = e), e;
key: "getSeriesTotalByIndex",
value: function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : null;
return null === t
? this.w.config.series.reduce(function (t, e) {
return t + e;
}, 0)
: this.w.globals.series[t].reduce(function (t, e) {
return t + e;
}, 0);
key: "isSeriesNull",
value: function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : null;
return (
0 ===
(null === t
? this.w.config.series.filter(function (t) {
return null !== t;
: this.w.globals.series[t].filter(function (t) {
return null !== t;
key: "seriesHaveSameValues",
value: function (t) {
return this.w.globals.series[t].every(function (t, e, i) {
return t === i[0];
key: "getLargestSeries",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
t.globals.maxValsInArrayIndex = t.globals.series
.map(function (t) {
return t.length;
t.globals.series.map(function (t) {
return t.length;
key: "getLargestMarkerSize",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = 0;
return (
t.globals.markers.size.forEach(function (t) {
e = Math.max(e, t);
(t.globals.markers.largestSize = e),
key: "getSeriesTotals",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
t.globals.seriesTotals = t.globals.series.map(function (t, e) {
var i = 0;
if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) i += t[a];
else i += t;
return i;
key: "getSeriesTotalsXRange",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
return i.globals.series.map(function (a, s) {
for (var n = 0, r = 0; r < a.length; r++) i.globals.seriesX[s][r] > t && i.globals.seriesX[s][r] < e && (n += a[r]);
return n;
key: "getPercentSeries",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
t.globals.seriesPercent = t.globals.series.map(function (e, i) {
var a = [];
if (Array.isArray(e))
for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
var n = t.globals.stackedSeriesTotals[s],
r = (100 * e[s]) / n;
else {
var o =
(100 * e) /
t.globals.seriesTotals.reduce(function (t, e) {
return t + e;
}, 0);
return a;
key: "getCalculatedRatios",
value: function () {
var t,
n = this.w.globals,
r = [],
o = [],
l = 0.1,
h = 0;
if (((n.yRange = []), n.isMultipleYAxis)) for (var c = 0; c < n.minYArr.length; c++) n.yRange.push(Math.abs(n.minYArr[c] - n.maxYArr[c])), o.push(0);
else n.yRange.push(Math.abs(n.minY - n.maxY));
(n.xRange = Math.abs(n.maxX - n.minX)), (n.zRange = Math.abs(n.maxZ - n.minZ));
for (var d = 0; d < n.yRange.length; d++) r.push(n.yRange[d] / n.gridHeight);
if (
((e = n.xRange / n.gridWidth),
(i = Math.abs(n.initialmaxX - n.initialminX) / n.gridWidth),
(t = n.yRange / n.gridWidth),
(a = n.xRange / n.gridHeight),
(s = (n.zRange / n.gridHeight) * 16),
n.minY !== Number.MIN_VALUE && 0 !== Math.abs(n.minY) && (n.hasNegs = !0),
) {
o = [];
for (var u = 0; u < r.length; u++) o.push(-n.minYArr[u] / r[u]);
} else o.push(-n.minY / r[0]), n.minY !== Number.MIN_VALUE && 0 !== Math.abs(n.minY) && ((l = -n.minY / t), (h = n.minX / e));
return { yRatio: r, invertedYRatio: t, zRatio: s, xRatio: e, initialXRatio: i, invertedXRatio: a, baseLineInvertedY: l, baseLineY: o, baseLineX: h };
key: "getLogSeries",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
return (
(e.globals.seriesLog = t.map(function (t, i) {
return e.config.yaxis[i] && e.config.yaxis[i].logarithmic
? t.map(function (t) {
return null === t ? null : (Math.log(t) - Math.log(e.globals.minYArr[i])) / (Math.log(e.globals.maxYArr[i]) - Math.log(e.globals.minYArr[i]));
: t;
key: "getLogYRatios",
value: function (t) {
var e = this,
i = this.w,
a = this.w.globals;
return (
(a.yLogRatio = t.slice()),
(a.logYRange = a.yRange.map(function (t, s) {
if (i.config.yaxis[s] && e.w.config.yaxis[s].logarithmic) {
var n,
r = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
o = Number.MIN_VALUE;
return (
a.seriesLog.forEach(function (t, e) {
t.forEach(function (t) {
i.config.yaxis[e] && i.config.yaxis[e].logarithmic && ((r = Math.max(t, r)), (o = Math.min(t, o)));
(n = Math.pow(a.yRange[s], Math.abs(o - r) / a.yRange[s])),
(a.yLogRatio[s] = n / a.gridHeight),
key: "checkComboSeries",
value: function (t) {
var e = !1,
i = !1;
return (
t.length &&
void 0 !== t[0].type &&
((e = !0),
t.forEach(function (t) {
("bar" !== t.type && "column" !== t.type) || (i = !0);
{ comboCharts: e, comboChartsHasBars: i }
key: "extendArrayProps",
value: function (t, e) {
return (
e.yaxis && (e = t.extendYAxis(e)),
e.annotations && (e.annotations.yaxis && (e = t.extendYAxisAnnotations(e)), e.annotations.xaxis && (e = t.extendXAxisAnnotations(e)), e.annotations.points && (e = t.extendPointAnnotations(e))),
C = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.opts = e);
return (
o(t, [
key: "init",
value: function () {
var t = this.opts,
e = new y(),
i = new S(t);
(this.chartType = t.chart.type),
"histogram" === this.chartType && ((t.chart.type = "bar"), (t = p.extend({ plotOptions: { bar: { columnWidth: "99.99%" } } }, t))),
(t.series = this.checkEmptySeries(t.series)),
(t = this.extendYAxis(t)),
(t = this.extendAnnotations(t));
var a = e.init(),
n = {};
if (t && "object" === s(t)) {
var r = {};
switch (this.chartType) {
case "line":
r = i.line();
case "area":
r = i.area();
case "bar":
r = i.bar();
case "candlestick":
r = i.candlestick();
case "rangeBar":
r = i.rangeBar();
case "histogram":
r = i.bar();
case "bubble":
r = i.bubble();
case "scatter":
r = i.scatter();
case "heatmap":
r = i.heatmap();
case "pie":
r = i.pie();
case "donut":
r = i.donut();
case "radar":
r = i.radar();
case "radialBar":
r = i.radialBar();
r = i.line();
t.chart.brush && t.chart.brush.enabled && (r = i.brush(r)),
t.chart.stacked && "100%" === t.chart.stackType && i.stacked100(),
(t.xaxis = t.xaxis || window.Apex.xaxis || {});
var o = A.checkComboSeries(t.series);
("line" !== t.chart.type && "area" !== t.chart.type && "scatter" !== t.chart.type) ||
o.comboChartsHasBars ||
"datetime" === t.xaxis.type ||
"numeric" === t.xaxis.type ||
"between" === t.xaxis.tickPlacement ||
(t = S.convertCatToNumeric(t)),
((t.chart.sparkline && t.chart.sparkline.enabled) || (window.Apex.chart && window.Apex.chart.sparkline && window.Apex.chart.sparkline.enabled)) && (r = i.sparkline(r)),
(n = p.extend(a, r));
var l = p.extend(n, window.Apex);
return (a = p.extend(l, t)), (a = this.handleUserInputErrors(a));
key: "extendYAxis",
value: function (t) {
var e = new y();
return (
void 0 === t.yaxis && (t.yaxis = {}),
t.yaxis.constructor !== Array && window.Apex.yaxis && window.Apex.yaxis.constructor !== Array && (t.yaxis = p.extend(t.yaxis, window.Apex.yaxis)),
t.yaxis.constructor !== Array ? (t.yaxis = [p.extend(e.yAxis, t.yaxis)]) : (t.yaxis = p.extendArray(t.yaxis, e.yAxis)),
key: "extendAnnotations",
value: function (t) {
return (
void 0 === t.annotations && ((t.annotations = {}), (t.annotations.yaxis = []), (t.annotations.xaxis = []), (t.annotations.points = [])),
(t = this.extendYAxisAnnotations(t)),
(t = this.extendXAxisAnnotations(t)),
(t = this.extendPointAnnotations(t))
key: "extendYAxisAnnotations",
value: function (t) {
var e = new y();
return (t.annotations.yaxis = p.extendArray(void 0 !== t.annotations.yaxis ? t.annotations.yaxis : [], e.yAxisAnnotation)), t;
key: "extendXAxisAnnotations",
value: function (t) {
var e = new y();
return (t.annotations.xaxis = p.extendArray(void 0 !== t.annotations.xaxis ? t.annotations.xaxis : [], e.xAxisAnnotation)), t;
key: "extendPointAnnotations",
value: function (t) {
var e = new y();
return (t.annotations.points = p.extendArray(void 0 !== t.annotations.points ? t.annotations.points : [], e.pointAnnotation)), t;
key: "checkForDarkTheme",
value: function (t) {
t.theme &&
"dark" === t.theme.mode &&
(t.tooltip || (t.tooltip = {}), "light" !== t.tooltip.theme && (t.tooltip.theme = "dark"), t.chart.foreColor || (t.chart.foreColor = "#f6f7f8"), t.theme.palette || (t.theme.palette = "palette4"));
key: "checkEmptySeries",
value: function (t) {
return 0 === t.length ? [{ data: [] }] : t;
key: "handleUserInputErrors",
value: function (t) {
var e = t;
if (e.tooltip.shared && e.tooltip.intersect) throw new Error("tooltip.shared cannot be enabled when tooltip.intersect is true. Turn off any other option by setting it to false.");
if (
(e.chart.scroller && console.warn("Scroller has been deprecated since v2.0.0. Please remove the configuration for chart.scroller"),
("bar" === e.chart.type || "rangeBar" === e.chart.type) && e.plotOptions.bar.horizontal)
) {
if (e.yaxis.length > 1) throw new Error("Multiple Y Axis for bars are not supported. Switch to column chart by setting plotOptions.bar.horizontal=false");
e.yaxis[0].reversed && (e.yaxis[0].opposite = !0), (e.xaxis.tooltip.enabled = !1), (e.yaxis[0].tooltip.enabled = !1), (e.chart.zoom.enabled = !1);
return (
("bar" !== e.chart.type && "rangeBar" !== e.chart.type) ||
(e.tooltip.shared &&
("barWidth" === e.xaxis.crosshairs.width &&
e.series.length > 1 &&
(console.warn('crosshairs.width = "barWidth" is only supported in single series, not in a multi-series barChart.'), (e.xaxis.crosshairs.width = "tickWidth")),
e.plotOptions.bar.horizontal && ((e.states.hover.type = "none"), (e.tooltip.shared = !1)),
e.tooltip.followCursor ||
(console.warn("followCursor option in shared columns cannot be turned off. Please set %ctooltip.followCursor: true", "color: blue;"), (e.tooltip.followCursor = !0)))),
"candlestick" === e.chart.type && e.yaxis[0].reversed && (console.warn("Reversed y-axis in candlestick chart is not supported."), (e.yaxis[0].reversed = !1)),
e.chart.group &&
0 === e.yaxis[0].labels.minWidth &&
console.warn("It looks like you have multiple charts in synchronization. You must provide yaxis.labels.minWidth which must be EQUAL for all grouped charts to prevent incorrect behaviour."),
Array.isArray(e.stroke.width) &&
"line" !== e.chart.type &&
"area" !== e.chart.type &&
(console.warn("stroke.width option accepts array only for line and area charts. Reverted back to Number"), (e.stroke.width = e.stroke.width[0])),
L = (function () {
function t() {
n(this, t);
return (
o(t, [
key: "globalVars",
value: function (t) {
return {
chartID: null,
cuid: null,
events: { beforeMount: [], mounted: [], updated: [], clicked: [], selection: [], dataPointSelection: [], zoomed: [], scrolled: [] },
colors: [],
clientX: null,
clientY: null,
fill: { colors: [] },
stroke: { colors: [] },
dataLabels: { style: { colors: [] } },
radarPolygons: { fill: { colors: [] } },
markers: { colors: [], size: t.markers.size, largestSize: 0 },
animationEnded: !1,
isTouchDevice: "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints,
isDirty: !1,
isExecCalled: !1,
initialConfig: null,
lastXAxis: [],
lastYAxis: [],
series: [],
seriesRangeStart: [],
seriesRangeEnd: [],
seriesPercent: [],
seriesTotals: [],
stackedSeriesTotals: [],
seriesX: [],
seriesZ: [],
labels: [],
timelineLabels: [],
invertedTimelineLabels: [],
seriesNames: [],
noLabelsProvided: !1,
allSeriesCollapsed: !1,
collapsedSeries: [],
collapsedSeriesIndices: [],
ancillaryCollapsedSeries: [],
ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices: [],
risingSeries: [],
dataFormatXNumeric: !1,
selectedDataPoints: [],
ignoreYAxisIndexes: [],
padHorizontal: 0,
maxValsInArrayIndex: 0,
radialSize: 0,
zoomEnabled: "zoom" === t.chart.toolbar.autoSelected && t.chart.toolbar.tools.zoom && t.chart.zoom.enabled,
panEnabled: "pan" === t.chart.toolbar.autoSelected && t.chart.toolbar.tools.pan,
selectionEnabled: "selection" === t.chart.toolbar.autoSelected && t.chart.toolbar.tools.selection,
yaxis: null,
minY: Number.MIN_VALUE,
maxY: -Number.MAX_VALUE,
minYArr: [],
maxYArr: [],
maxX: -Number.MAX_VALUE,
initialmaxX: -Number.MAX_VALUE,
minX: Number.MIN_VALUE,
initialminX: Number.MIN_VALUE,
minZ: Number.MIN_VALUE,
maxZ: -Number.MAX_VALUE,
minXDiff: Number.MAX_VALUE,
mousedown: !1,
lastClientPosition: {},
visibleXRange: void 0,
yRange: [],
zRange: 0,
xRange: 0,
yValueDecimal: 0,
total: 0,
SVGNS: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
svgWidth: 0,
svgHeight: 0,
noData: !1,
locale: {},
dom: {},
memory: { methodsToExec: [] },
shouldAnimate: !0,
skipLastTimelinelabel: !1,
delayedElements: [],
axisCharts: !0,
isXNumeric: !1,
isDataXYZ: !1,
resized: !1,
resizeTimer: null,
comboCharts: !1,
comboChartsHasBars: !1,
dataChanged: !1,
previousPaths: [],
seriesXvalues: [],
seriesYvalues: [],
seriesCandleO: [],
seriesCandleH: [],
seriesCandleL: [],
seriesCandleC: [],
allSeriesHasEqualX: !0,
dataPoints: 0,
pointsArray: [],
dataLabelsRects: [],
lastDrawnDataLabelsIndexes: [],
hasNullValues: !1,
easing: null,
zoomed: !1,
gridWidth: 0,
gridHeight: 0,
yAxisScale: [],
xAxisScale: null,
xAxisTicksPositions: [],
timescaleTicks: [],
rotateXLabels: !1,
defaultLabels: !1,
xLabelFormatter: void 0,
yLabelFormatters: [],
xaxisTooltipFormatter: void 0,
ttKeyFormatter: void 0,
ttVal: void 0,
ttZFormatter: void 0,
xAxisLabelsHeight: 0,
yAxisLabelsWidth: 0,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
translateYAxisX: [],
yLabelsCoords: [],
yTitleCoords: [],
yAxisWidths: [],
translateXAxisY: 0,
translateXAxisX: 0,
tooltip: null,
tooltipOpts: null,
key: "init",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.globalVars(t);
return (
(e.initialConfig = p.extend({}, t)),
(e.initialSeries = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.initialConfig.series))),
(e.lastXAxis = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.initialConfig.xaxis))),
(e.lastYAxis = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.initialConfig.yaxis))),
E = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.opts = e);
return (
o(t, [
key: "init",
value: function () {
var t = new C(this.opts).init();
return { config: t, globals: new L().init(t) };
P = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.opts = null), (this.seriesIndex = 0);
return (
o(t, [
key: "clippedImgArea",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = e.config,
a = parseInt(e.globals.gridWidth),
s = parseInt(e.globals.gridHeight),
n = a > s ? a : s,
r = t.image,
o = 0,
l = 0;
void 0 === t.width && void 0 === t.height
? void 0 !== i.fill.image.width && void 0 !== i.fill.image.height
? ((o = i.fill.image.width + 1), (l = i.fill.image.height))
: ((o = n + 1), (l = n))
: ((o = t.width), (l = t.height));
var h = document.createElementNS(e.globals.SVGNS, "pattern");
m.setAttrs(h, { id: t.patternID, patternUnits: t.patternUnits ? t.patternUnits : "userSpaceOnUse", width: o + "px", height: l + "px" });
var c = document.createElementNS(e.globals.SVGNS, "image");
c.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", r),
m.setAttrs(c, { x: 0, y: 0, preserveAspectRatio: "none", width: o + "px", height: l + "px" }),
(c.style.opacity = t.opacity),
key: "getSeriesIndex",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
return (
("bar" === e.config.chart.type && e.config.plotOptions.bar.distributed) || "heatmap" === e.config.chart.type
? (this.seriesIndex = t.seriesNumber)
: (this.seriesIndex = t.seriesNumber % e.globals.series.length),
key: "fillPath",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
this.opts = t;
var i,
n = this.w.config;
this.seriesIndex = this.getSeriesIndex(t);
var r = this.getFillColors(),
o = r[this.seriesIndex];
"function" == typeof o && (o = o({ seriesIndex: this.seriesIndex, value: t.value, w: e }));
var l = this.getFillType(this.seriesIndex),
h = Array.isArray(n.fill.opacity) ? n.fill.opacity[this.seriesIndex] : n.fill.opacity,
c = o;
return (
t.color && (o = t.color),
-1 === o.indexOf("rgb") ? (c = p.hexToRgba(o, h)) : o.indexOf("rgba") > -1 && (h = "0." + p.getOpacityFromRGBA(r[this.seriesIndex])),
"pattern" === l && (a = this.handlePatternFill(a, o, h, c)),
"gradient" === l && (s = this.handleGradientFill(s, o, h, this.seriesIndex)),
n.fill.image.src.length > 0 && "image" === l
? t.seriesNumber < n.fill.image.src.length
? (this.clippedImgArea({ opacity: h, image: n.fill.image.src[t.seriesNumber], patternUnits: t.patternUnits, patternID: "pattern".concat(e.globals.cuid).concat(t.seriesNumber + 1) }),
(i = "url(#pattern".concat(e.globals.cuid).concat(t.seriesNumber + 1, ")")))
: (i = c)
: (i = "gradient" === l ? s : "pattern" === l ? a : c),
t.solid && (i = c),
key: "getFillType",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
return Array.isArray(e.config.fill.type) ? e.config.fill.type[t] : e.config.fill.type;
key: "getFillColors",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.config,
i = this.opts,
a = [];
return (
? "line" === t.config.series[this.seriesIndex].type
? t.globals.stroke.colors instanceof Array
? (a = t.globals.stroke.colors)
: a.push(t.globals.stroke.colors)
: t.globals.fill.colors instanceof Array
? (a = t.globals.fill.colors)
: a.push(t.globals.fill.colors)
: "line" === e.chart.type
? t.globals.stroke.colors instanceof Array
? (a = t.globals.stroke.colors)
: a.push(t.globals.stroke.colors)
: t.globals.fill.colors instanceof Array
? (a = t.globals.fill.colors)
: a.push(t.globals.fill.colors),
void 0 !== i.fillColors && ((a = []), i.fillColors instanceof Array ? (a = i.fillColors.slice()) : a.push(i.fillColors)),
key: "handlePatternFill",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = this.w.config,
n = this.opts,
r = new m(this.ctx),
o =
void 0 === s.fill.pattern.strokeWidth
? Array.isArray(s.stroke.width)
? s.stroke.width[this.seriesIndex]
: s.stroke.width
: Array.isArray(s.fill.pattern.strokeWidth)
? s.fill.pattern.strokeWidth[this.seriesIndex]
: s.fill.pattern.strokeWidth,
l = e;
s.fill.pattern.style instanceof Array
? (t = void 0 !== s.fill.pattern.style[n.seriesNumber] ? r.drawPattern(s.fill.pattern.style[n.seriesNumber], s.fill.pattern.width, s.fill.pattern.height, l, o, i) : a)
: (t = r.drawPattern(s.fill.pattern.style, s.fill.pattern.width, s.fill.pattern.height, l, o, i));
return t;
key: "handleGradientFill",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s,
r = this.w.config,
o = this.opts,
l = new m(this.ctx),
h = new p(),
c = r.fill.gradient.type,
d = void 0 === r.fill.gradient.opacityFrom ? i : Array.isArray(r.fill.gradient.opacityFrom) ? r.fill.gradient.opacityFrom[a] : r.fill.gradient.opacityFrom,
u = void 0 === r.fill.gradient.opacityTo ? i : Array.isArray(r.fill.gradient.opacityTo) ? r.fill.gradient.opacityTo[a] : r.fill.gradient.opacityTo;
if (
((s = e),
(n =
void 0 === r.fill.gradient.gradientToColors || 0 === r.fill.gradient.gradientToColors.length
? "dark" === r.fill.gradient.shade
? h.shadeColor(-1 * parseFloat(r.fill.gradient.shadeIntensity), e)
: h.shadeColor(parseFloat(r.fill.gradient.shadeIntensity), e)
: r.fill.gradient.gradientToColors[o.seriesNumber]),
) {
var f = s;
(s = n), (n = f);
return l.drawGradient(c, s, n, d, u, o.size, r.fill.gradient.stops, r.fill.gradient.colorStops, a);
T = (function () {
function t(e, i) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "setGlobalMarkerSize",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
if (((t.globals.markers.size = Array.isArray(t.config.markers.size) ? t.config.markers.size : [t.config.markers.size]), t.globals.markers.size.length > 0)) {
if (t.globals.markers.size.length < t.globals.series.length + 1)
for (var e = 0; e <= t.globals.series.length; e++) void 0 === t.globals.markers.size[e] && t.globals.markers.size.push(t.globals.markers.size[0]);
} else
t.globals.markers.size = t.config.series.map(function (e) {
return t.config.markers.size;
key: "plotChartMarkers",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a,
s = this,
n = this.w,
r = e,
o = t,
l = null,
h = new m(this.ctx);
if ((n.globals.markers.size[e] > 0 && (l = h.group({ class: "apexcharts-series-markers" })).attr("clip-path", "url(#gridRectMarkerMask".concat(n.globals.cuid, ")")), o.x instanceof Array))
for (
var c = function (t) {
var c = i;
1 === i && 0 === t && (c = 0), 1 === i && 1 === t && (c = 1);
var d = "apexcharts-marker";
if (
(("line" !== n.config.chart.type && "area" !== n.config.chart.type) || n.globals.comboCharts || n.config.tooltip.intersect || (d += " no-pointer-events"),
Array.isArray(n.config.markers.size) ? n.globals.markers.size[e] > 0 : n.config.markers.size > 0)
) {
p.isNumber(o.y[t]) ? (d += " w".concat((Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(4))) : (d = "apexcharts-nullpoint");
var u = s.getMarkerConfig(d, e);
n.config.markers.discrete.map(function (t) {
t.seriesIndex === e && t.dataPointIndex === c && ((u.pointStrokeColor = t.strokeColor), (u.pointFillColor = t.fillColor), (u.pSize = t.size));
n.config.series[r].data[i] &&
(n.config.series[r].data[i].fillColor && (u.pointFillColor = n.config.series[r].data[i].fillColor),
n.config.series[r].data[i].strokeColor && (u.pointStrokeColor = n.config.series[r].data[i].strokeColor)),
(a = h.drawMarker(o.x[t], o.y[t], u)).attr("rel", c),
a.attr("j", c),
a.attr("index", e),
a.node.setAttribute("default-marker-size", u.pSize),
new x(s.ctx).setSelectionFilter(a, e, c),
l && l.add(a);
} else void 0 === n.globals.pointsArray[e] && (n.globals.pointsArray[e] = []), n.globals.pointsArray[e].push([o.x[t], o.y[t]]);
d = 0;
d < o.x.length;
return l;
key: "getMarkerConfig",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = this.getMarkerStyle(e);
return {
pSize: i.globals.markers.size[e],
pRadius: i.config.markers.radius,
pWidth: i.config.markers.strokeWidth,
pointStrokeColor: a.pointStrokeColor,
pointFillColor: a.pointFillColor,
shape: i.config.markers.shape instanceof Array ? i.config.markers.shape[e] : i.config.markers.shape,
class: t,
pointStrokeOpacity: i.config.markers.strokeOpacity,
pointFillOpacity: i.config.markers.fillOpacity,
seriesIndex: e,
key: "addEvents",
value: function (t) {
var e = new m(this.ctx);
t.node.addEventListener("mouseenter", e.pathMouseEnter.bind(this.ctx, t)),
t.node.addEventListener("mouseleave", e.pathMouseLeave.bind(this.ctx, t)),
t.node.addEventListener("mousedown", e.pathMouseDown.bind(this.ctx, t)),
t.node.addEventListener("touchstart", e.pathMouseDown.bind(this.ctx, t), { passive: !0 });
key: "getMarkerStyle",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = e.globals.markers.colors,
a = e.config.markers.strokeColor || e.config.markers.strokeColors;
return { pointStrokeColor: a instanceof Array ? a[t] : a, pointFillColor: i instanceof Array ? i[t] : i };
M = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t),
(this.ctx = e),
(this.w = e.w),
(this.initialAnim = this.w.config.chart.animations.enabled),
(this.dynamicAnim = this.initialAnim && this.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled),
(this.radiusSizes = []);
return (
o(t, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w,
s = new m(this.ctx),
n = i.realIndex,
r = i.pointsPos,
o = i.zRatio,
l = i.elParent,
h = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-series-markers apexcharts-series-".concat(a.config.chart.type) });
if ((h.attr("clip-path", "url(#gridRectMarkerMask".concat(a.globals.cuid, ")")), r.x instanceof Array))
for (var c = 0; c < r.x.length; c++) {
var d = e + 1,
u = !0;
0 === e && 0 === c && (d = 0), 0 === e && 1 === c && (d = 1);
var f = 0,
g = a.globals.markers.size[n];
o !== 1 / 0 && ((g = a.globals.seriesZ[n][d] / o), void 0 === this.radiusSizes[n] && this.radiusSizes.push([]), this.radiusSizes[n].push(g)), a.config.chart.animations.enabled || (f = g);
var p = r.x[c],
x = r.y[c];
if (((f = f || 0), ((0 === p && 0 === x) || null === x || void 0 === a.globals.series[n][d]) && (u = !1), u)) {
var v = this.drawPoint(p, x, f, g, n, d, e);
key: "drawPoint",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n, r) {
var o = this.w,
l = s,
h = new v(this.ctx),
c = new x(this.ctx),
d = new P(this.ctx),
u = new T(this.ctx),
f = new m(this.ctx),
g = u.getMarkerConfig("apexcharts-marker", l),
p = d.fillPath({ seriesNumber: s, patternUnits: "objectBoundingBox", value: o.globals.series[s][r] }),
b = f.drawCircle(i);
if (
(o.config.series[l].data[n] && o.config.series[l].data[n].fillColor && (p = o.config.series[l].data[n].fillColor),
b.attr({ cx: t, cy: e, fill: p, stroke: g.pointStrokeColor, strokeWidth: g.pWidth }),
) {
var y = o.config.chart.dropShadow;
c.dropShadow(b, y, s);
if (this.initialAnim && !o.globals.dataChanged) {
var w = 1;
o.globals.resized || (w = o.config.chart.animations.speed), h.animateCircleRadius(b, 0, a, w, o.globals.easing);
if (o.globals.dataChanged)
if (this.dynamicAnim) {
var k,
L = o.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.speed;
null != (C = o.globals.previousPaths[s] && o.globals.previousPaths[s][r]) && ((k = C.x), (S = C.y), (A = void 0 !== C.r ? C.r : a));
for (var E = 0; E < o.globals.collapsedSeries.length; E++) o.globals.collapsedSeries[E].index === s && ((L = 1), (a = 0));
0 === t && 0 === e && (a = 0), h.animateCircle(b, { cx: k, cy: S, r: A }, { cx: t, cy: e, r: a }, L, o.globals.easing);
} else b.attr({ r: a });
return b.attr({ rel: n, j: n, index: s, "default-marker-size": a }), c.setSelectionFilter(b, s, n), u.addEvents(b), b.node.classList.add("apexcharts-marker"), b;
key: "centerTextInBubble",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
return { y: (t += parseInt(e.config.dataLabels.style.fontSize) / 4) };
z = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "dataLabelsCorrection",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n, r) {
var o = this.w,
l = !1,
h = new m(this.ctx).getTextRects(i, r),
c = h.width,
d = h.height;
void 0 === o.globals.dataLabelsRects[a] && (o.globals.dataLabelsRects[a] = []), o.globals.dataLabelsRects[a].push({ x: t, y: e, width: c, height: d });
var u = o.globals.dataLabelsRects[a].length - 2,
f = void 0 !== o.globals.lastDrawnDataLabelsIndexes[a] ? o.globals.lastDrawnDataLabelsIndexes[a][o.globals.lastDrawnDataLabelsIndexes[a].length - 1] : 0;
if (void 0 !== o.globals.dataLabelsRects[a][u]) {
var g = o.globals.dataLabelsRects[a][f];
(t > g.x + g.width + 2 || e > g.y + g.height + 2 || t + c < g.x) && (l = !0);
return (0 === s || n) && (l = !0), { x: t, y: e, drawnextLabel: l };
key: "drawDataLabel",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : "top",
s = this.w,
n = new m(this.ctx),
r = s.config.dataLabels,
o = 0,
l = 0,
h = i,
c = null;
if (!r.enabled || t.x instanceof Array != !0) return c;
(c = n.group({ class: "apexcharts-data-labels" })).attr("clip-path", "url(#gridRectMarkerMask".concat(s.globals.cuid, ")"));
for (var d = 0; d < t.x.length; d++)
if (((o = t.x[d] + r.offsetX), (l = t.y[d] + r.offsetY - s.globals.markers.size[e] - 5), "bottom" === a && (l = l + 2 * s.globals.markers.size[e] + 1.4 * parseInt(r.style.fontSize)), !isNaN(o))) {
1 === i && 0 === d && (h = 0), 1 === i && 1 === d && (h = 1);
var u = s.globals.series[e][h],
f = "";
if ("bubble" === s.config.chart.type) (f = s.globals.seriesZ[e][h]), (l = t.y[d] + s.config.dataLabels.offsetY), (l = new M(this.ctx).centerTextInBubble(l, e, h).y);
else void 0 !== u && (f = s.config.dataLabels.formatter(u, { ctx: this.ctx, seriesIndex: e, dataPointIndex: h, w: s }));
this.plotDataLabelsText({ x: o, y: l, text: f, i: e, j: h, parent: c, offsetCorrection: !0, dataLabelsConfig: s.config.dataLabels });
return c;
key: "plotDataLabelsText",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = t.x,
s = t.y,
n = t.i,
r = t.j,
o = t.text,
l = t.textAnchor,
h = t.parent,
c = t.dataLabelsConfig,
d = t.alwaysDrawDataLabel,
u = t.offsetCorrection;
if (!(Array.isArray(e.config.dataLabels.enabledOnSeries) && e.config.dataLabels.enabledOnSeries.indexOf(n) > -1)) {
var f = { x: a, y: s, drawnextLabel: !0 };
if ((u && (f = this.dataLabelsCorrection(a, s, o, n, r, d, parseInt(c.style.fontSize))), e.globals.zoomed || ((a = f.x), (s = f.y)), f.drawnextLabel)) {
var g = i.drawText({
width: 100,
height: parseInt(c.style.fontSize),
x: a,
y: s,
foreColor: e.globals.dataLabels.style.colors[n],
textAnchor: l || c.textAnchor,
text: o,
fontSize: c.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: c.style.fontFamily,
if ((g.attr({ class: "apexcharts-datalabel", cx: a, cy: s }), c.dropShadow.enabled)) {
var p = c.dropShadow;
new x(this.ctx).dropShadow(g, p);
h.add(g), void 0 === e.globals.lastDrawnDataLabelsIndexes[n] && (e.globals.lastDrawnDataLabelsIndexes[n] = []), e.globals.lastDrawnDataLabelsIndexes[n].push(r);
I = (function () {
function t(e, i) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
var a = this.w;
(this.barOptions = a.config.plotOptions.bar),
(this.isHorizontal = this.barOptions.horizontal),
(this.strokeWidth = a.config.stroke.width),
(this.isNullValue = !1),
(this.xyRatios = i),
null !== this.xyRatios &&
((this.xRatio = i.xRatio),
(this.yRatio = i.yRatio),
(this.invertedXRatio = i.invertedXRatio),
(this.invertedYRatio = i.invertedYRatio),
(this.baseLineY = i.baseLineY),
(this.baseLineInvertedY = i.baseLineInvertedY)),
(this.yaxisIndex = 0),
(this.seriesLen = 0);
return (
o(t, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new m(this.ctx),
s = new A(this.ctx, i);
(t = s.getLogSeries(t)), (this.series = t), (this.yRatio = s.getLogYRatios(this.yRatio)), this.initVariables(t);
var n = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-bar-series apexcharts-plot-series" });
i.config.dataLabels.enabled &&
this.totalItems > i.config.plotOptions.bar.dataLabels.maxItems &&
console.warn("WARNING: DataLabels are enabled but there are too many to display. This may cause performance issue when rendering.");
for (var r = 0, o = 0; r < t.length; r++, o++) {
var l,
u = void 0,
f = void 0,
g = void 0,
x = void 0,
v = [],
b = [],
y = i.globals.comboCharts ? e[r] : r,
w = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-series", rel: r + 1, seriesName: p.escapeString(i.globals.seriesNames[y]), "data:realIndex": y });
this.ctx.series.addCollapsedClassToSeries(w, y), t[r].length > 0 && (this.visibleI = this.visibleI + 1);
var k = 0,
S = 0,
C = 0;
this.yRatio.length > 1 && (this.yaxisIndex = y), (this.isReversed = i.config.yaxis[this.yaxisIndex] && i.config.yaxis[this.yaxisIndex].reversed);
var L = this.initialPositions();
(x = L.y), (S = L.barHeight), (h = L.yDivision), (d = L.zeroW), (g = L.x), (C = L.barWidth), (l = L.xDivision), (c = L.zeroH), this.horizontal || b.push(g + C / 2);
for (var E = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-datalabels" }), P = 0, T = i.globals.dataPoints; P < i.globals.dataPoints; P++, T--) {
void 0 === this.series[r][P] || null === t[r][P] ? (this.isNullValue = !0) : (this.isNullValue = !1),
i.config.stroke.show && (k = this.isNullValue ? 0 : Array.isArray(this.strokeWidth) ? this.strokeWidth[y] : this.strokeWidth);
var M = null;
? ((M = this.drawBarPaths({ indexes: { i: r, j: P, realIndex: y, bc: o }, barHeight: S, strokeWidth: k, pathTo: u, pathFrom: f, zeroW: d, x: g, y: x, yDivision: h, elSeries: w })),
(C = this.series[r][P] / this.invertedYRatio))
: ((M = this.drawColumnPaths({ indexes: { i: r, j: P, realIndex: y, bc: o }, x: g, y: x, xDivision: l, pathTo: u, pathFrom: f, barWidth: C, zeroH: c, strokeWidth: k, elSeries: w })),
(S = this.series[r][P] / this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex])),
(u = M.pathTo),
(f = M.pathFrom),
(x = M.y),
(g = M.x),
P > 0 && b.push(g + C / 2),
var z = this.getPathFillColor(t, r, P, y);
w = this.renderSeries({
realIndex: y,
pathFill: z,
j: P,
i: r,
pathFrom: f,
pathTo: u,
strokeWidth: k,
elSeries: w,
x: g,
y: x,
series: t,
barHeight: S,
barWidth: C,
elDataLabelsWrap: E,
visibleSeries: this.visibleI,
type: "bar",
(i.globals.seriesXvalues[y] = b), (i.globals.seriesYvalues[y] = v), n.add(w);
return n;
key: "getPathFillColor",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = this.w,
n = new P(this.ctx),
r = null,
o = this.barOptions.distributed ? i : e;
this.barOptions.colors.ranges.length > 0 &&
this.barOptions.colors.ranges.map(function (a) {
t[e][i] >= a.from && t[e][i] <= a.to && (r = a.color);
return (
s.config.series[e].data[i] && s.config.series[e].data[i].fillColor && (r = s.config.series[e].data[i].fillColor),
n.fillPath({ seriesNumber: this.barOptions.distributed ? o : a, color: r, value: t[e][i] })
key: "renderSeries",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.realIndex,
i = t.pathFill,
a = t.lineFill,
s = t.j,
n = t.i,
r = t.pathFrom,
o = t.pathTo,
l = t.strokeWidth,
h = t.elSeries,
c = t.x,
d = t.y,
u = t.series,
f = t.barHeight,
g = t.barWidth,
p = t.elDataLabelsWrap,
v = t.visibleSeries,
b = t.type,
y = this.w,
w = new m(this.ctx);
a || (a = this.barOptions.distributed ? y.globals.stroke.colors[s] : y.globals.stroke.colors[e]),
y.config.series[n].data[s] && y.config.series[n].data[s].strokeColor && (a = y.config.series[n].data[s].strokeColor),
this.isNullValue && (i = "none");
var k = ((s / y.config.chart.animations.animateGradually.delay) * (y.config.chart.animations.speed / y.globals.dataPoints)) / 2.4,
S = w.renderPaths({
i: n,
j: s,
realIndex: e,
pathFrom: r,
pathTo: o,
stroke: a,
strokeWidth: l,
strokeLineCap: y.config.stroke.lineCap,
fill: i,
animationDelay: k,
initialSpeed: y.config.chart.animations.speed,
dataChangeSpeed: y.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.speed,
className: "apexcharts-".concat(b, "-area"),
id: "apexcharts-".concat(b, "-area"),
S.attr("clip-path", "url(#gridRectMask".concat(y.globals.cuid, ")")), new x(this.ctx).setSelectionFilter(S, e, s), h.add(S);
var A = this.calculateDataLabelsPos({ x: c, y: d, i: n, j: s, series: u, realIndex: e, barHeight: f, barWidth: g, renderedPath: S, visibleSeries: v });
return null !== A && p.add(A), h.add(p), h;
key: "initVariables",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
(this.series = t), (this.totalItems = 0), (this.seriesLen = 0), (this.visibleI = -1), (this.visibleItems = 1);
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
if ((t[i].length > 0 && ((this.seriesLen = this.seriesLen + 1), (this.totalItems += t[i].length)), e.globals.isXNumeric))
for (var a = 0; a < t[i].length; a++) e.globals.seriesX[i][a] > e.globals.minX && e.globals.seriesX[i][a] < e.globals.maxX && this.visibleItems++;
else this.visibleItems = e.globals.dataPoints;
0 === this.seriesLen && (this.seriesLen = 1);
key: "initialPositions",
value: function () {
var t,
l = this.w;
return (
? ((s = (i = l.globals.gridHeight / l.globals.dataPoints) / this.seriesLen),
l.globals.isXNumeric && (s = (i = l.globals.gridHeight / this.totalItems) / this.seriesLen),
(s = (s * parseInt(this.barOptions.barHeight)) / 100),
(o = this.baseLineInvertedY + l.globals.padHorizontal + (this.isReversed ? l.globals.gridWidth : 0) - (this.isReversed ? 2 * this.baseLineInvertedY : 0)),
(e = (i - s * this.seriesLen) / 2))
: ((n = (((a = l.globals.gridWidth / this.visibleItems) / this.seriesLen) * parseInt(this.barOptions.columnWidth)) / 100),
l.globals.isXNumeric && (n = (((a = l.globals.minXDiff / this.xRatio) / this.seriesLen) * parseInt(this.barOptions.columnWidth)) / 100),
(r = l.globals.gridHeight - this.baseLineY[this.yaxisIndex] - (this.isReversed ? l.globals.gridHeight : 0) + (this.isReversed ? 2 * this.baseLineY[this.yaxisIndex] : 0)),
(t = l.globals.padHorizontal + (a - n * this.seriesLen) / 2)),
{ x: t, y: e, yDivision: i, xDivision: a, barHeight: s, barWidth: n, zeroH: r, zeroW: o }
key: "drawBarPaths",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.indexes,
i = t.barHeight,
a = t.strokeWidth,
s = t.pathTo,
n = t.pathFrom,
r = t.zeroW,
o = t.x,
l = t.y,
h = t.yDivision,
c = t.elSeries,
d = this.w,
u = new m(this.ctx),
f = e.i,
g = e.j,
p = e.realIndex,
x = e.bc;
d.globals.isXNumeric && (l = (d.globals.seriesX[f][g] - d.globals.minX) / this.invertedXRatio - i);
var v = l + i * this.visibleI;
(s = u.move(r, v)), (n = u.move(r, v)), d.globals.previousPaths.length > 0 && (n = this.getPathFrom(p, g));
var b = {
barHeight: i,
strokeWidth: a,
barYPosition: v,
x: (o = void 0 === this.series[f][g] || null === this.series[f][g] ? r : r + this.series[f][g] / this.invertedYRatio - 2 * (this.isReversed ? this.series[f][g] / this.invertedYRatio : 0)),
zeroW: r,
y = this.barEndingShape(d, b, this.series, f, g);
if (
((s = s + u.line(y.newX, v) + y.path + u.line(r, v + i - a) + u.line(r, v)),
(n = n + u.line(r, v) + y.ending_p_from + u.line(r, v + i - a) + u.line(r, v + i - a) + u.line(r, v)),
d.globals.isXNumeric || (l += h),
this.barOptions.colors.backgroundBarColors.length > 0 && 0 === f)
) {
x >= this.barOptions.colors.backgroundBarColors.length && (x = 0);
var w = this.barOptions.colors.backgroundBarColors[x],
k = u.drawRect(0, v - i * this.visibleI, d.globals.gridWidth, i * this.seriesLen, 0, w, this.barOptions.colors.backgroundBarOpacity);
c.add(k), k.node.classList.add("apexcharts-backgroundBar");
return { pathTo: s, pathFrom: n, x: o, y: l, barYPosition: v };
key: "drawColumnPaths",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.indexes,
i = t.x,
a = t.y,
s = t.xDivision,
n = t.pathTo,
r = t.pathFrom,
o = t.barWidth,
l = t.zeroH,
h = t.strokeWidth,
c = t.elSeries,
d = this.w,
u = new m(this.ctx),
f = e.i,
g = e.j,
p = e.realIndex,
x = e.bc;
d.globals.isXNumeric && (i = (d.globals.seriesX[f][g] - d.globals.minX) / this.xRatio - o / 2);
var v = i + o * this.visibleI;
(n = u.move(v, l)), (r = u.move(v, l)), d.globals.previousPaths.length > 0 && (r = this.getPathFrom(p, g));
var b = {
barWidth: o,
strokeWidth: h,
barXPosition: v,
y: (a =
void 0 === this.series[f][g] || null === this.series[f][g]
? l
: l - this.series[f][g] / this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex] + 2 * (this.isReversed ? this.series[f][g] / this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex] : 0)),
zeroH: l,
y = this.barEndingShape(d, b, this.series, f, g);
if (
((n = n + u.line(v, y.newY) + y.path + u.line(v + o - h, l) + u.line(v - h / 2, l)),
(r = r + u.line(v, l) + y.ending_p_from + u.line(v + o - h, l) + u.line(v + o - h, l) + u.line(v - h / 2, l)),
d.globals.isXNumeric || (i += s),
this.barOptions.colors.backgroundBarColors.length > 0 && 0 === f)
) {
x >= this.barOptions.colors.backgroundBarColors.length && (x = 0);
var w = this.barOptions.colors.backgroundBarColors[x],
k = u.drawRect(v - o * this.visibleI, 0, o * this.seriesLen, d.globals.gridHeight, 0, w, this.barOptions.colors.backgroundBarOpacity);
c.add(k), k.node.classList.add("apexcharts-backgroundBar");
return { pathTo: n, pathFrom: r, x: i, y: a, barXPosition: v };
key: "getPathFrom",
value: function (t, e) {
for (var i, a = this.w, s = 0; s < a.globals.previousPaths.length; s++) {
var n = a.globals.previousPaths[s];
n.paths.length > 0 && parseInt(n.realIndex) === parseInt(t) && void 0 !== a.globals.previousPaths[s].paths[e] && (i = a.globals.previousPaths[s].paths[e].d);
return i;
key: "calculateDataLabelsPos",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.x,
i = t.y,
a = t.i,
s = t.j,
n = t.realIndex,
r = t.series,
o = t.barHeight,
l = t.barWidth,
h = t.visibleSeries,
c = t.renderedPath,
d = this.w,
u = new m(this.ctx),
f = Array.isArray(this.strokeWidth) ? this.strokeWidth[n] : this.strokeWidth,
g = e + parseFloat(l * h),
p = i + parseFloat(o * h);
d.globals.isXNumeric && !d.globals.isBarHorizontal && ((g = e + parseFloat(l * (h + 1)) - f), (p = i + parseFloat(o * (h + 1)) - f));
var x = e,
v = i,
b = {},
y = d.config.dataLabels,
w = this.barOptions.dataLabels,
k = y.offsetX,
S = y.offsetY,
A = { width: 0, height: 0 };
return (
d.config.dataLabels.enabled && (A = u.getTextRects(d.globals.yLabelFormatters[0](d.globals.maxY), parseInt(y.style.fontSize))),
(b = this.isHorizontal
? this.calculateBarsDataLabelsPosition({
x: e,
y: i,
i: a,
j: s,
renderedPath: c,
bcy: p,
barHeight: o,
barWidth: l,
textRects: A,
strokeWidth: f,
dataLabelsX: x,
dataLabelsY: v,
barDataLabelsConfig: w,
offX: k,
offY: S,
: this.calculateColumnsDataLabelsPosition({
x: e,
y: i,
i: a,
j: s,
renderedPath: c,
realIndex: n,
bcx: g,
bcy: p,
barHeight: o,
barWidth: l,
textRects: A,
strokeWidth: f,
dataLabelsY: v,
barDataLabelsConfig: w,
offX: k,
offY: S,
c.attr({ cy: b.bcy, cx: b.bcx, j: s, val: r[a][s], barHeight: o, barWidth: l }),
this.drawCalculatedDataLabels({ x: b.dataLabelsX, y: b.dataLabelsY, val: r[a][s], i: n, j: s, barWidth: l, barHeight: o, textRects: A, dataLabelsConfig: y })
key: "calculateColumnsDataLabelsPosition",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = this.w,
a = t.i,
s = t.j,
n = t.y,
r = t.bcx,
o = t.barWidth,
l = t.barHeight,
h = t.textRects,
c = t.dataLabelsY,
d = t.barDataLabelsConfig,
u = t.strokeWidth,
f = t.offX,
g = t.offY,
p = i.globals.gridWidth / i.globals.dataPoints;
(r -= u / 2), (e = i.globals.isXNumeric ? r - o / 2 + f : r - p + o / 2 + f);
var x = this.series[a][s] <= 0;
switch ((this.isReversed && (n -= l), d.position)) {
case "center":
c = x ? n + l / 2 + h.height / 2 + g : n + l / 2 + h.height / 2 - g;
case "bottom":
c = x ? n + l + h.height + u + g : n + l - h.height / 2 + u - g;
case "top":
c = x ? n - h.height / 2 - g : n + h.height + g;
return i.config.chart.stacked || (c < 0 ? (c = 0 + u) : c + h.height / 3 > i.globals.gridHeight && (c = i.globals.gridHeight - u)), { bcx: r, bcy: n, dataLabelsX: e, dataLabelsY: c };
key: "calculateBarsDataLabelsPosition",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = t.x,
a = t.i,
s = t.j,
n = t.bcy,
r = t.barHeight,
o = t.barWidth,
l = t.textRects,
h = t.dataLabelsX,
c = t.strokeWidth,
d = t.barDataLabelsConfig,
u = t.offX,
f = t.offY,
g = n - e.globals.gridHeight / e.globals.dataPoints + r / 2 + l.height / 2 + f - 3,
p = this.series[a][s] <= 0;
switch ((this.isReversed && (i += o), d.position)) {
case "center":
h = p ? i - o / 2 - u : i - o / 2 + u;
case "bottom":
h = p ? i - o - c - Math.round(l.width / 2) - u : i - o + c + Math.round(l.width / 2) + u;
case "top":
h = p ? i - c + Math.round(l.width / 2) - u : i - c - Math.round(l.width / 2) + u;
return e.config.chart.stacked || (h < 0 ? (h = h + l.width + c) : h + l.width / 2 > e.globals.gridWidth && (h = e.globals.gridWidth - l.width - c)), { bcx: i, bcy: n, dataLabelsX: h, dataLabelsY: g };
key: "drawCalculatedDataLabels",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.x,
i = t.y,
a = t.val,
s = t.i,
n = t.j,
r = t.textRects,
o = t.barHeight,
l = t.barWidth,
h = t.dataLabelsConfig,
c = this.w,
d = new z(this.ctx),
u = new m(this.ctx),
f = h.formatter,
g = null,
p = c.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(s) > -1;
if (h.enabled && !p) {
g = u.group({ class: "apexcharts-data-labels" });
var x = "";
void 0 !== a && (x = f(a, { seriesIndex: s, dataPointIndex: n, w: c })),
0 === a && c.config.chart.stacked && (x = ""),
c.config.chart.stacked &&
this.barOptions.dataLabels.hideOverflowingLabels &&
? ((l = this.series[s][n] / this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex]), r.width / 1.6 > l && (x = ""))
: ((o = this.series[s][n] / this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex]), r.height / 1.6 > o && (x = ""))),
d.plotDataLabelsText({ x: e, y: i, text: x, i: s, j: n, parent: g, dataLabelsConfig: h, alwaysDrawDataLabel: !0, offsetCorrection: !0 });
return g;
key: "barEndingShape",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s) {
var n = new m(this.ctx);
if (this.isHorizontal) {
var r = null,
o = e.x;
if (void 0 !== i[a][s] || null !== i[a][s]) {
var l = i[a][s] < 0,
h = e.barHeight / 2 - e.strokeWidth;
switch ((l && (h = -e.barHeight / 2 - e.strokeWidth), t.config.chart.stacked || ("rounded" === this.barOptions.endingShape && (o = e.x - h / 2)), this.barOptions.endingShape)) {
case "flat":
r = n.line(o, e.barYPosition + e.barHeight - e.strokeWidth);
case "rounded":
r = n.quadraticCurve(o + h, e.barYPosition + (e.barHeight - e.strokeWidth) / 2, o, e.barYPosition + e.barHeight - e.strokeWidth);
return { path: r, ending_p_from: "", newX: o };
var c = null,
d = e.y;
if (void 0 !== i[a][s] || null !== i[a][s]) {
var u = i[a][s] < 0,
f = e.barWidth / 2 - e.strokeWidth;
switch ((u && (f = -e.barWidth / 2 - e.strokeWidth), t.config.chart.stacked || ("rounded" === this.barOptions.endingShape && (d += f / 2)), this.barOptions.endingShape)) {
case "flat":
c = n.line(e.barXPosition + e.barWidth - e.strokeWidth, d);
case "rounded":
c = n.quadraticCurve(e.barXPosition + (e.barWidth - e.strokeWidth) / 2, d - f, e.barXPosition + e.barWidth - e.strokeWidth, d);
return { path: c, ending_p_from: "", newY: d };
X = (function (t) {
function e() {
return n(this, e), f(this, d(e).apply(this, arguments));
return (
c(e, I),
o(e, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
(this.graphics = new m(this.ctx)), (this.fill = new P(this.ctx)), (this.bar = new I(this.ctx, this.xyRatios));
var a = new A(this.ctx, i);
(t = a.getLogSeries(t)),
(this.yRatio = a.getLogYRatios(this.yRatio)),
"100%" === i.config.chart.stackType && (t = i.globals.seriesPercent.slice()),
(this.series = t),
(this.totalItems = 0),
(this.prevY = []),
(this.prevX = []),
(this.prevYF = []),
(this.prevXF = []),
(this.prevYVal = []),
(this.prevXVal = []),
(this.xArrj = []),
(this.xArrjF = []),
(this.xArrjVal = []),
(this.yArrj = []),
(this.yArrjF = []),
(this.yArrjVal = []);
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++) t[s].length > 0 && (this.totalItems += t[s].length);
for (var n = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-bar-series apexcharts-plot-series" }), r = 0, o = 0, l = 0, h = 0; l < t.length; l++, h++) {
var c = void 0,
d = void 0,
u = void 0,
f = void 0,
g = void 0,
x = void 0,
v = [],
b = [],
y = i.globals.comboCharts ? e[l] : l;
this.yRatio.length > 1 && (this.yaxisIndex = y), (this.isReversed = i.config.yaxis[this.yaxisIndex] && i.config.yaxis[this.yaxisIndex].reversed);
var w = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-series", seriesName: p.escapeString(i.globals.seriesNames[y]), rel: l + 1, "data:realIndex": y }),
k = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-datalabels" }),
S = 0,
C = 0,
L = 0,
E = this.initialPositions(r, o, u, f, g, x);
(o = E.y),
(C = E.barHeight),
(f = E.yDivision),
(x = E.zeroW),
(r = E.x),
(L = E.barWidth),
(u = E.xDivision),
(g = E.zeroH),
(this.yArrj = []),
(this.yArrjF = []),
(this.yArrjVal = []),
(this.xArrj = []),
(this.xArrjF = []),
(this.xArrjVal = []);
for (var T = 0; T < i.globals.dataPoints; T++) {
i.config.stroke.show && (S = this.isNullValue ? 0 : Array.isArray(this.strokeWidth) ? this.strokeWidth[y] : this.strokeWidth);
var M = null;
? ((M = this.drawBarPaths({ indexes: { i: l, j: T, realIndex: y, bc: h }, barHeight: C, strokeWidth: S, pathTo: c, pathFrom: d, zeroW: x, x: r, y: o, yDivision: f, elSeries: w })),
(L = this.series[l][T] / this.invertedYRatio))
: ((M = this.drawColumnPaths({ indexes: { i: l, j: T, realIndex: y, bc: h }, x: r, y: o, xDivision: u, pathTo: c, pathFrom: d, barWidth: L, zeroH: g, strokeWidth: S, elSeries: w })),
(C = this.series[l][T] / this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex])),
(c = M.pathTo),
(d = M.pathFrom),
(o = M.y),
(r = M.x),
var z = this.bar.getPathFillColor(t, l, T, y);
w = this.renderSeries({
realIndex: y,
pathFill: z,
j: T,
i: l,
pathFrom: d,
pathTo: c,
strokeWidth: S,
elSeries: w,
x: r,
y: o,
series: t,
barHeight: C,
barWidth: L,
elDataLabelsWrap: k,
type: "bar",
visibleSeries: 0,
(i.globals.seriesXvalues[y] = v),
(i.globals.seriesYvalues[y] = b),
return n;
key: "initialPositions",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n) {
var r,
l = this.w;
return (
? ((r = ((r = a = l.globals.gridHeight / l.globals.dataPoints) * parseInt(l.config.plotOptions.bar.barHeight)) / 100),
(n = this.baseLineInvertedY + l.globals.padHorizontal + (this.isReversed ? l.globals.gridWidth : 0) - (this.isReversed ? 2 * this.baseLineInvertedY : 0)),
(e = (a - r) / 2))
: ((o = i = l.globals.gridWidth / l.globals.dataPoints),
(o = l.globals.isXNumeric ? ((i = l.globals.minXDiff / this.xRatio) * parseInt(this.barOptions.columnWidth)) / 100 : (o * parseInt(l.config.plotOptions.bar.columnWidth)) / 100),
(s = this.baseLineY[this.yaxisIndex] + (this.isReversed ? l.globals.gridHeight : 0) - (this.isReversed ? 2 * this.baseLineY[this.yaxisIndex] : 0)),
(t = l.globals.padHorizontal + (i - o) / 2)),
{ x: t, y: e, yDivision: a, xDivision: i, barHeight: r, barWidth: o, zeroH: s, zeroW: n }
key: "drawBarPaths",
value: function (t) {
for (
var e,
i = t.indexes,
a = t.barHeight,
s = t.strokeWidth,
n = t.pathTo,
r = t.pathFrom,
o = t.zeroW,
l = t.x,
h = t.y,
c = t.yDivision,
d = t.elSeries,
u = this.w,
f = h,
g = i.i,
p = i.j,
x = i.realIndex,
v = i.bc,
m = 0,
b = 0;
b < this.prevXF.length;
m += this.prevXF[b][p];
if (g > 0) {
var y = o;
this.prevXVal[g - 1][p] < 0
? (y = this.series[g][p] >= 0 ? this.prevX[g - 1][p] + m - 2 * (this.isReversed ? m : 0) : this.prevX[g - 1][p])
: this.prevXVal[g - 1][p] >= 0 && (y = this.series[g][p] >= 0 ? this.prevX[g - 1][p] : this.prevX[g - 1][p] - m + 2 * (this.isReversed ? m : 0)),
(e = y);
} else e = o;
l = null === this.series[g][p] ? e : e + this.series[g][p] / this.invertedYRatio - 2 * (this.isReversed ? this.series[g][p] / this.invertedYRatio : 0);
var w = { barHeight: a, strokeWidth: s, invertedYRatio: this.invertedYRatio, barYPosition: f, x: l },
k = this.bar.barEndingShape(u, w, this.series, g, p);
if (
(this.series.length > 1 && g !== this.endingShapeOnSeriesNumber && (k.path = this.graphics.line(k.newX, f + a - s)),
this.xArrjF.push(Math.abs(e - k.newX)),
(n = this.graphics.move(e, f)),
(r = this.graphics.move(e, f)),
u.globals.previousPaths.length > 0 && (r = this.bar.getPathFrom(x, p, !1)),
(n = n + this.graphics.line(k.newX, f) + k.path + this.graphics.line(e, f + a - s) + this.graphics.line(e, f)),
(r = r + this.graphics.line(e, f) + this.graphics.line(e, f + a - s) + this.graphics.line(e, f + a - s) + this.graphics.line(e, f + a - s) + this.graphics.line(e, f)),
u.config.plotOptions.bar.colors.backgroundBarColors.length > 0 && 0 === g)
) {
v >= u.config.plotOptions.bar.colors.backgroundBarColors.length && (v = 0);
var S = u.config.plotOptions.bar.colors.backgroundBarColors[v],
A = this.graphics.drawRect(0, f, u.globals.gridWidth, a, 0, S, u.config.plotOptions.bar.colors.backgroundBarOpacity);
d.add(A), A.node.classList.add("apexcharts-backgroundBar");
return { pathTo: n, pathFrom: r, x: l, y: (h += c) };
key: "drawColumnPaths",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.indexes,
i = t.x,
a = t.y,
s = t.xDivision,
n = t.pathTo,
r = t.pathFrom,
o = t.barWidth,
l = t.zeroH,
h = t.strokeWidth,
c = t.elSeries,
d = this.w,
u = e.i,
f = e.j,
g = e.realIndex,
p = e.bc;
if (d.globals.isXNumeric) {
var x = d.globals.seriesX[u][f];
x || (x = 0), (i = (x - d.globals.minX) / this.xRatio - o / 2);
for (var v, m = i, b = 0, y = 0; y < this.prevYF.length; y++) b += this.prevYF[y][f];
if ((u > 0 && !d.globals.isXNumeric) || (u > 0 && d.globals.isXNumeric && d.globals.seriesX[u - 1][f] === d.globals.seriesX[u][f])) {
var w = this.prevY[u - 1][f];
v = this.prevYVal[u - 1][f] < 0 ? (this.series[u][f] >= 0 ? w - b + 2 * (this.isReversed ? b : 0) : w) : this.series[u][f] >= 0 ? w : w + b - 2 * (this.isReversed ? b : 0);
} else v = d.globals.gridHeight - l;
a = v - this.series[u][f] / this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex] + 2 * (this.isReversed ? this.series[u][f] / this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex] : 0);
var k = { barWidth: o, strokeWidth: h, yRatio: this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex], barXPosition: m, y: a },
S = this.bar.barEndingShape(d, k, this.series, u, f);
if (
this.yArrjF.push(Math.abs(v - S.newY)),
(n = this.graphics.move(m, v)),
(r = this.graphics.move(m, v)),
d.globals.previousPaths.length > 0 && (r = this.bar.getPathFrom(g, f, !1)),
(n = n + this.graphics.line(m, S.newY) + S.path + this.graphics.line(m + o - h, v) + this.graphics.line(m - h / 2, v)),
(r = r + this.graphics.line(m, v) + this.graphics.line(m + o - h, v) + this.graphics.line(m + o - h, v) + this.graphics.line(m + o - h, v) + this.graphics.line(m - h / 2, v)),
d.config.plotOptions.bar.colors.backgroundBarColors.length > 0 && 0 === u)
) {
p >= d.config.plotOptions.bar.colors.backgroundBarColors.length && (p = 0);
var A = d.config.plotOptions.bar.colors.backgroundBarColors[p],
C = this.graphics.drawRect(m, 0, o, d.globals.gridHeight, 0, A, d.config.plotOptions.bar.colors.backgroundBarOpacity);
c.add(C), C.node.classList.add("apexcharts-backgroundBar");
return (i += s), { pathTo: n, pathFrom: r, x: d.globals.isXNumeric ? i - s : i, y: a };
key: "checkZeroSeries",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = t.series, i = this.w, a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
for (var s = 0, n = 0; n < e[i.globals.maxValsInArrayIndex].length; n++) s += e[a][n];
0 === s && this.zeroSerieses.push(a);
for (var r = e.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) this.zeroSerieses.indexOf(r) > -1 && r === this.endingShapeOnSeriesNumber && (this.endingShapeOnSeriesNumber -= 1);
F = (function (t) {
function e() {
return n(this, e), f(this, d(e).apply(this, arguments));
return (
c(e, I),
o(e, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new m(this.ctx),
s = new P(this.ctx);
this.candlestickOptions = this.w.config.plotOptions.candlestick;
var n = new A(this.ctx, i);
(t = n.getLogSeries(t)), (this.series = t), (this.yRatio = n.getLogYRatios(this.yRatio)), this.initVariables(t);
for (var r = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-candlestick-series apexcharts-plot-series" }), o = 0, l = 0; o < t.length; o++, l++) {
var h,
d = void 0,
u = void 0,
f = void 0,
g = void 0,
x = [],
v = [],
b = i.globals.comboCharts ? e[o] : o,
y = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-series", seriesName: p.escapeString(i.globals.seriesNames[b]), rel: o + 1, "data:realIndex": b });
t[o].length > 0 && (this.visibleI = this.visibleI + 1);
var w,
S = 0;
this.yRatio.length > 1 && (this.yaxisIndex = b);
var C = this.initialPositions();
(g = C.y), (w = C.barHeight), (f = C.x), (k = C.barWidth), (h = C.xDivision), (c = C.zeroH), v.push(f + k / 2);
for (var L = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-datalabels" }), E = 0, T = i.globals.dataPoints; E < i.globals.dataPoints; E++, T--) {
void 0 === this.series[o][E] || null === t[o][E] ? (this.isNullValue = !0) : (this.isNullValue = !1),
i.config.stroke.show && (S = this.isNullValue ? 0 : Array.isArray(this.strokeWidth) ? this.strokeWidth[b] : this.strokeWidth);
var M,
z = this.drawCandleStickPaths({ indexes: { i: o, j: E, realIndex: b, bc: l }, x: f, y: g, xDivision: h, pathTo: d, pathFrom: u, barWidth: k, zeroH: c, strokeWidth: S, elSeries: y });
(d = z.pathTo), (u = z.pathFrom), (g = z.y), (f = z.x), (M = z.color), E > 0 && v.push(f + k / 2), x.push(g);
var I = s.fillPath({ seriesNumber: b, color: M, value: t[o][E] }),
X = this.candlestickOptions.wick.useFillColor ? M : void 0;
y = this.renderSeries({
realIndex: b,
pathFill: I,
lineFill: X,
j: E,
i: o,
pathFrom: u,
pathTo: d,
strokeWidth: S,
elSeries: y,
x: f,
y: g,
series: t,
barHeight: w,
barWidth: k,
elDataLabelsWrap: L,
visibleSeries: this.visibleI,
type: "candlestick",
(i.globals.seriesXvalues[b] = v), (i.globals.seriesYvalues[b] = x), r.add(y);
return r;
key: "drawCandleStickPaths",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.indexes,
i = t.x,
a = (t.y, t.xDivision),
s = t.pathTo,
n = t.pathFrom,
r = t.barWidth,
o = t.zeroH,
l = t.strokeWidth,
h = this.w,
c = new m(this.ctx),
d = e.i,
u = e.j,
f = !0,
g = h.config.plotOptions.candlestick.colors.upward,
p = h.config.plotOptions.candlestick.colors.downward,
x = this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex],
v = e.realIndex,
b = this.getOHLCValue(v, u),
y = o,
w = o;
b.o > b.c && (f = !1);
var k = Math.min(b.o, b.c),
S = Math.max(b.o, b.c);
h.globals.isXNumeric && (i = (h.globals.seriesX[d][u] - h.globals.minX) / this.xRatio - r / 2);
var A = i + r * this.visibleI;
return (
void 0 === this.series[d][u] || null === this.series[d][u] ? (k = o) : ((k = o - k / x), (S = o - S / x), (y = o - b.h / x), (w = o - b.l / x)),
c.move(A, o),
(n = c.move(A, k)),
h.globals.previousPaths.length > 0 && (n = this.getPathFrom(v, u, !0)),
(s =
c.move(A, S) +
c.line(A + r / 2, S) +
c.line(A + r / 2, y) +
c.line(A + r / 2, S) +
c.line(A + r, S) +
c.line(A + r, k) +
c.line(A + r / 2, k) +
c.line(A + r / 2, w) +
c.line(A + r / 2, k) +
c.line(A, k) +
c.line(A, S - l / 2)),
(n += c.move(A, k)),
h.globals.isXNumeric || (i += a),
{ pathTo: s, pathFrom: n, x: i, y: S, barXPosition: A, color: f ? g : p }
key: "getOHLCValue",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
return { o: i.globals.seriesCandleO[t][e], h: i.globals.seriesCandleH[t][e], l: i.globals.seriesCandleL[t][e], c: i.globals.seriesCandleC[t][e] };
Y = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "drawXCrosshairs",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = new m(this.ctx),
i = new x(this.ctx),
a = t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.fill.gradient,
s = t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.dropShadow,
n = t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.fill.type,
r = a.colorFrom,
o = a.colorTo,
l = a.opacityFrom,
h = a.opacityTo,
c = a.stops,
d = s.enabled,
u = s.left,
f = s.top,
g = s.blur,
v = s.color,
b = s.opacity,
y = t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.fill.color;
if (t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.show) {
"gradient" === n && (y = e.drawGradient("vertical", r, o, l, h, null, c, null));
var w = e.drawRect();
1 === t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width && (w = e.drawLine()),
class: "apexcharts-xcrosshairs",
x: 0,
y: 0,
y2: t.globals.gridHeight,
width: p.isNumber(t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width) ? t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width : 0,
height: t.globals.gridHeight,
fill: y,
filter: "none",
"fill-opacity": t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.opacity,
stroke: t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.stroke.color,
"stroke-width": t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.stroke.width,
"stroke-dasharray": t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.stroke.dashArray,
d && (w = i.dropShadow(w, { left: u, top: f, blur: g, color: v, opacity: b })),
key: "drawYCrosshairs",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = new m(this.ctx),
i = t.config.yaxis[0].crosshairs;
if (t.config.yaxis[0].crosshairs.show) {
var a = e.drawLine(0, 0, t.globals.gridWidth, 0, i.stroke.color, i.stroke.dashArray, i.stroke.width);
a.attr({ class: "apexcharts-ycrosshairs" }), t.globals.dom.elGraphical.add(a);
var s = e.drawLine(0, 0, t.globals.gridWidth, 0, i.stroke.color, 0, 0);
s.attr({ class: "apexcharts-ycrosshairs-hidden" }), t.globals.dom.elGraphical.add(s);
O = (function () {
function t(e, i) {
n(this, t),
(this.ctx = e),
(this.w = e.w),
(this.xRatio = i.xRatio),
(this.yRatio = i.yRatio),
(this.negRange = !1),
(this.dynamicAnim = this.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation),
(this.rectRadius = this.w.config.plotOptions.heatmap.radius),
(this.strokeWidth = this.w.config.stroke.width);
return (
o(t, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-heatmap" });
a.attr("clip-path", "url(#gridRectMask".concat(e.globals.cuid, ")"));
var s = e.globals.gridWidth / e.globals.dataPoints,
n = e.globals.gridHeight / e.globals.series.length,
r = 0,
o = !1;
var l = t.slice();
e.config.yaxis[0].reversed && ((o = !0), l.reverse());
for (var h = o ? 0 : l.length - 1; o ? h < l.length : h >= 0; o ? h++ : h--) {
var c = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-series apexcharts-heatmap-series", seriesName: p.escapeString(e.globals.seriesNames[h]), rel: h + 1, "data:realIndex": h });
if (e.config.chart.dropShadow.enabled) {
var d = e.config.chart.dropShadow;
new x(this.ctx).dropShadow(c, d, h);
for (var u = 0, f = 0; f < l[h].length; f++) {
var g = 1,
v = this.determineHeatColor(h, f);
if (e.globals.hasNegs || this.negRange) {
var b = e.config.plotOptions.heatmap.shadeIntensity;
g = e.config.plotOptions.heatmap.reverseNegativeShade
? v.percent < 0
? (v.percent / 100) * (1.25 * b)
: (1 - v.percent / 100) * (1.25 * b)
: v.percent < 0
? 1 - (1 + v.percent / 100) * b
: (1 - v.percent / 100) * b;
} else g = 1 - v.percent / 100;
var y = v.color;
if (e.config.plotOptions.heatmap.enableShades) {
var w = new p();
y = p.hexToRgba(w.shadeColor(g, v.color), e.config.fill.opacity);
var k = this.rectRadius,
S = i.drawRect(u, r, s, n, k);
if (
(S.attr({ cx: u, cy: r }),
S.attr({ fill: y, i: h, index: h, j: f, val: l[h][f], "stroke-width": this.strokeWidth, stroke: e.globals.stroke.colors[0], color: y }),
S.node.addEventListener("mouseenter", i.pathMouseEnter.bind(this, S)),
S.node.addEventListener("mouseleave", i.pathMouseLeave.bind(this, S)),
S.node.addEventListener("mousedown", i.pathMouseDown.bind(this, S)),
e.config.chart.animations.enabled && !e.globals.dataChanged)
) {
var A = 1;
e.globals.resized || (A = e.config.chart.animations.speed), this.animateHeatMap(S, u, r, s, n, A);
if (e.globals.dataChanged) {
var C = 1;
if (this.dynamicAnim.enabled && e.globals.shouldAnimate) {
C = this.dynamicAnim.speed;
var L = e.globals.previousPaths[h] && e.globals.previousPaths[h][f] && e.globals.previousPaths[h][f].color;
L || (L = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"), this.animateHeatColor(S, p.isColorHex(L) ? L : p.rgb2hex(L), p.isColorHex(y) ? y : p.rgb2hex(y), C);
var E = this.calculateHeatmapDataLabels({ x: u, y: r, i: h, j: f, series: l, rectHeight: n, rectWidth: s });
null !== E && c.add(E), (u += s);
(r += n), a.add(c);
var P = e.globals.yAxisScale[0].result.slice();
e.config.yaxis[0].reversed ? P.unshift("") : P.push(""), (e.globals.yAxisScale[0].result = P);
var T = e.globals.gridHeight / e.globals.series.length;
return (e.config.yaxis[0].labels.offsetY = -T / 2), a;
key: "checkColorRange",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w.config.plotOptions.heatmap;
e.colorScale.ranges.length > 0 &&
e.colorScale.ranges.map(function (e, i) {
e.from < 0 && (t.negRange = !0);
key: "determineHeatColor",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = i.globals.series[t][e],
s = i.config.plotOptions.heatmap,
n = s.colorScale.inverse ? e : t,
r = i.globals.colors[n],
o = Math.min.apply(Math, g(i.globals.series[t])),
l = Math.max.apply(Math, g(i.globals.series[t]));
s.distributed || ((o = i.globals.minY), (l = i.globals.maxY)),
void 0 !== s.colorScale.min && ((o = s.colorScale.min < i.globals.minY ? s.colorScale.min : i.globals.minY), (l = s.colorScale.max > i.globals.maxY ? s.colorScale.max : i.globals.maxY));
var h = Math.abs(l) + Math.abs(o),
c = (100 * a) / (0 === h ? h - 1e-6 : h);
s.colorScale.ranges.length > 0 &&
s.colorScale.ranges.map(function (t, e) {
if (a >= t.from && a <= t.to) {
(r = t.color), (o = t.from), (l = t.to);
var i = Math.abs(l) + Math.abs(o);
c = (100 * a) / (0 === i ? i - 1e-6 : i);
return { color: r, percent: c };
key: "calculateHeatmapDataLabels",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.x,
i = t.y,
a = t.i,
s = t.j,
n = (t.series, t.rectHeight),
r = t.rectWidth,
o = this.w,
l = o.config.dataLabels,
h = new m(this.ctx),
c = new z(this.ctx),
d = l.formatter,
u = null;
if (l.enabled) {
u = h.group({ class: "apexcharts-data-labels" });
var f = l.offsetX,
g = l.offsetY,
p = e + r / 2 + f,
x = i + n / 2 + parseInt(l.style.fontSize) / 3 + g,
v = d(o.globals.series[a][s], { seriesIndex: a, dataPointIndex: s, w: o });
c.plotDataLabelsText({ x: p, y: x, text: v, i: a, j: s, parent: u, dataLabelsConfig: l });
return u;
key: "animateHeatMap",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n) {
var r = this;
new v(this.ctx).animateRect(t, { x: e + a / 2, y: i + s / 2, width: 0, height: 0 }, { x: e, y: i, width: a, height: s }, n, function () {
r.w.globals.animationEnded = !0;
key: "animateHeatColor",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
t.attr({ fill: e }).animate(a).attr({ fill: i });
R = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t),
(this.ctx = e),
(this.w = e.w),
(this.chartType = this.w.config.chart.type),
(this.initialAnim = this.w.config.chart.animations.enabled),
(this.dynamicAnim = this.initialAnim && this.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled),
(this.animBeginArr = [0]),
(this.animDur = 0),
(this.donutDataLabels = this.w.config.plotOptions.pie.donut.labels);
var i = this.w;
(this.lineColorArr = void 0 !== i.globals.stroke.colors ? i.globals.stroke.colors : i.globals.colors),
(this.defaultSize = i.globals.svgHeight < i.globals.svgWidth ? i.globals.svgHeight - 35 : i.globals.gridWidth),
(this.centerY = this.defaultSize / 2),
(this.centerX = i.globals.gridWidth / 2),
(this.fullAngle = 360),
(this.donutSize = 0),
(this.sliceLabels = []),
(this.prevSectorAngleArr = []);
return (
o(t, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-pie" });
if (e.globals.noData) return a;
for (var s = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) s += p.negToZero(t[n]);
var r = [],
o = i.group();
0 === s && (s = 1e-5);
for (var l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
var h = (this.fullAngle * p.negToZero(t[l])) / s;
if (e.globals.dataChanged) {
for (var c, d = 0, u = 0; u < e.globals.previousPaths.length; u++) d += p.negToZero(e.globals.previousPaths[u]);
for (var f = 0; f < e.globals.previousPaths.length; f++) (c = (this.fullAngle * p.negToZero(e.globals.previousPaths[f])) / d), this.prevSectorAngleArr.push(c);
(e.globals.radialSize = this.defaultSize / 2.05 - e.config.stroke.width - e.config.chart.dropShadow.blur),
void 0 !== e.config.plotOptions.pie.size && (e.globals.radialSize = e.config.plotOptions.pie.size),
(this.donutSize = (e.globals.radialSize * parseInt(e.config.plotOptions.pie.donut.size)) / 100),
this.donutSize < 0 && (this.donutSize = 0);
var g = e.config.plotOptions.pie.customScale,
x = e.globals.gridWidth / 2,
v = e.globals.gridHeight / 2,
b = x - (e.globals.gridWidth / 2) * g,
y = v - (e.globals.gridHeight / 2) * g;
if (this.donutDataLabels.show) {
var w = this.renderInnerDataLabels(this.donutDataLabels, {
hollowSize: this.donutSize,
centerX: this.centerX,
centerY: this.centerY,
opacity: this.donutDataLabels.show,
translateX: b,
translateY: y,
if ("donut" === e.config.chart.type) {
var k = i.drawCircle(this.donutSize);
k.attr({ cx: this.centerX, cy: this.centerY, fill: e.config.plotOptions.pie.donut.background }), o.add(k);
var S = this.drawArcs(r, t);
return (
this.sliceLabels.forEach(function (t) {
transform: "translate("
.concat(b, ", ")
.concat(y - 5, ") scale(")
.concat(g, ")"),
a.attr({ "data:innerTranslateX": b, "data:innerTranslateY": y - 25 }),
key: "drawArcs",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new x(this.ctx),
s = new m(this.ctx),
n = new P(this.ctx),
r = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-slices" }),
o = 0,
l = 0,
h = 0,
c = 0;
this.strokeWidth = i.config.stroke.show ? i.config.stroke.width : 0;
for (var d = 0; d < t.length; d++) {
var u = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-series apexcharts-pie-series", seriesName: p.escapeString(i.globals.seriesNames[d]), id: "apexcharts-series-" + d, rel: d + 1, "data:realIndex": d });
r.add(u), (l = c), (h = (o = h) + t[d]), (c = l + this.prevSectorAngleArr[d]);
var f = h - o,
g = n.fillPath({ seriesNumber: d, size: i.globals.radialSize, value: e[d] }),
v = this.getChangedPath(l, c),
b = s.drawPath({
d: v,
stroke: this.lineColorArr instanceof Array ? this.lineColorArr[d] : this.lineColorArr,
strokeWidth: this.strokeWidth,
fill: g,
fillOpacity: i.config.fill.opacity,
classes: "apexcharts-pie-area",
if ((b.attr({ id: "apexcharts-".concat(i.config.chart.type, "-slice-").concat(d), index: 0, j: d }), i.config.chart.dropShadow.enabled)) {
var y = i.config.chart.dropShadow;
a.dropShadow(b, y, d);
this.addListeners(b, this.donutDataLabels), m.setAttrs(b.node, { "data:angle": f, "data:startAngle": o, "data:strokeWidth": this.strokeWidth, "data:value": e[d] });
var w = { x: 0, y: 0 };
"pie" === i.config.chart.type
? (w = p.polarToCartesian(this.centerX, this.centerY, i.globals.radialSize / 1.25 + i.config.plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.offset, o + (h - o) / 2))
: "donut" === i.config.chart.type &&
(w = p.polarToCartesian(this.centerX, this.centerY, (i.globals.radialSize + this.donutSize) / 2 + i.config.plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.offset, o + (h - o) / 2)),
var k = 0;
if (
(!this.initialAnim || i.globals.resized || i.globals.dataChanged
? this.animBeginArr.push(0)
: ((k = ((h - o) / this.fullAngle) * i.config.chart.animations.speed), (this.animDur = k + this.animDur), this.animBeginArr.push(this.animDur)),
this.dynamicAnim && i.globals.dataChanged
? this.animatePaths(b, {
size: i.globals.radialSize,
endAngle: h,
startAngle: o,
prevStartAngle: l,
prevEndAngle: c,
animateStartingPos: !0,
i: d,
animBeginArr: this.animBeginArr,
dur: i.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.speed,
: this.animatePaths(b, { size: i.globals.radialSize, endAngle: h, startAngle: o, i: d, totalItems: t.length - 1, animBeginArr: this.animBeginArr, dur: k }),
i.config.plotOptions.pie.expandOnClick && b.click(this.pieClicked.bind(this, d)),
) {
var S = w.x,
A = w.y,
C = (100 * (h - o)) / 360 + "%";
if (0 !== f && i.config.plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.minAngleToShowLabel < t[d]) {
var L = i.config.dataLabels.formatter;
void 0 !== L && (C = L(i.globals.seriesPercent[d][0], { seriesIndex: d, w: i }));
var E = i.globals.dataLabels.style.colors[d],
T = s.drawText({ x: S, y: A, text: C, textAnchor: "middle", fontSize: i.config.dataLabels.style.fontSize, fontFamily: i.config.dataLabels.style.fontFamily, foreColor: E });
if (i.config.dataLabels.dropShadow.enabled) {
var M = i.config.dataLabels.dropShadow;
new x(this.ctx).dropShadow(T, M);
i.config.chart.animations.animate &&
!1 === i.globals.resized &&
(T.node.classList.add("apexcharts-pie-label-delay"), (T.node.style.animationDelay = i.config.chart.animations.speed / 940 + "s")),
return r;
key: "addListeners",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = new m(this.ctx);
t.node.addEventListener("mouseenter", i.pathMouseEnter.bind(this, t)),
t.node.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.printDataLabelsInner.bind(this, t.node, e)),
t.node.addEventListener("mouseleave", i.pathMouseLeave.bind(this, t)),
t.node.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.revertDataLabelsInner.bind(this, t.node, e)),
t.node.addEventListener("mousedown", i.pathMouseDown.bind(this, t)),
t.node.addEventListener("mousedown", this.printDataLabelsInner.bind(this, t.node, e));
key: "animatePaths",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = e.endAngle - e.startAngle,
s = a,
n = e.startAngle,
r = e.startAngle;
void 0 !== e.prevStartAngle && void 0 !== e.prevEndAngle && ((n = e.prevEndAngle), (s = e.prevEndAngle - e.prevStartAngle)),
e.i === i.config.series.length - 1 && (a + r > this.fullAngle ? (e.endAngle = e.endAngle - (a + r)) : a + r < this.fullAngle && (e.endAngle = e.endAngle + (this.fullAngle - (a + r)))),
a === this.fullAngle && (a = this.fullAngle - 0.01),
this.animateArc(t, n, r, a, s, e);
key: "animateArc",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n) {
var r,
o = this,
l = this.w,
h = n.size;
(isNaN(e) || isNaN(s)) && ((e = i), (s = a), (n.dur = 0));
var c = a,
d = i,
u = e - i;
l.globals.dataChanged && n.shouldSetPrevPaths && ((r = o.getPiePath({ me: o, startAngle: d, angle: s, size: h })), t.attr({ d: r })),
0 !== n.dur
? t
.animate(n.dur, l.globals.easing, n.animBeginArr[n.i])
.afterAll(function () {
("pie" !== l.config.chart.type && "donut" !== l.config.chart.type) || this.animate(300).attr({ "stroke-width": l.config.stroke.width }), (l.globals.animationEnded = !0);
.during(function (l) {
(c = u + (a - u) * l),
n.animateStartingPos && ((c = s + (a - s) * l), (d = e - s + (i - (e - s)) * l)),
(r = o.getPiePath({ me: o, startAngle: d, angle: c, size: h })),
t.node.setAttribute("data:pathOrig", r),
t.attr({ d: r });
: ((r = o.getPiePath({ me: o, startAngle: d, angle: a, size: h })), n.isTrack || (l.globals.animationEnded = !0), t.node.setAttribute("data:pathOrig", r), t.attr({ d: r }));
key: "pieClicked",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = this.w,
a = this.w.globals.radialSize + 4,
s = i.globals.dom.Paper.select("#apexcharts-".concat(i.config.chart.type.toLowerCase(), "-slice-").concat(t)).members[0],
n = s.attr("d");
if ("true" !== s.attr("data:pieClicked")) {
var r = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-pie-area");
Array.prototype.forEach.call(r, function (t) {
t.setAttribute("data:pieClicked", "false");
var e = t.getAttribute("data:pathOrig");
t.setAttribute("d", e);
s.attr("data:pieClicked", "true");
var o = parseInt(s.attr("data:startAngle")),
l = parseInt(s.attr("data:angle"));
(e = this.getPiePath({ me: this, startAngle: o, angle: l, size: a })), 360 !== l && s.plot(e).animate(1).plot(n).animate(100).plot(e);
} else {
s.attr({ "data:pieClicked": "false" }), this.revertDataLabelsInner(s.node, this.donutDataLabels);
var h = s.attr("data:pathOrig");
s.attr({ d: h });
key: "getChangedPath",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = "";
return this.dynamicAnim && this.w.globals.dataChanged && (i = this.getPiePath({ me: this, startAngle: t, angle: e - t, size: this.size })), i;
key: "getPiePath",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.me,
i = t.startAngle,
a = t.angle,
s = t.size,
n = this.w,
r = i,
o = (Math.PI * (r - 90)) / 180,
l = a + i;
Math.ceil(l) >= 360 && (l = 359.99);
var h = (Math.PI * (l - 90)) / 180,
c = e.centerX + s * Math.cos(o),
d = e.centerY + s * Math.sin(o),
u = e.centerX + s * Math.cos(h),
f = e.centerY + s * Math.sin(h),
g = p.polarToCartesian(e.centerX, e.centerY, e.donutSize, l),
x = p.polarToCartesian(e.centerX, e.centerY, e.donutSize, r),
v = a > 180 ? 1 : 0;
return "donut" === n.config.chart.type
? ["M", c, d, "A", s, s, 0, v, 1, u, f, "L", g.x, g.y, "A", e.donutSize, e.donutSize, 0, v, 0, x.x, x.y, "L", c, d, "z"].join(" ")
: "pie" === n.config.chart.type
? ["M", c, d, "A", s, s, 0, v, 1, u, f, "L", e.centerX, e.centerY, "L", c, d].join(" ")
: ["M", c, d, "A", s, s, 0, v, 1, u, f].join(" ");
key: "renderInnerDataLabels",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new m(this.ctx),
s = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-datalabels-group", transform: "translate(".concat(e.translateX ? e.translateX : 0, ", ").concat(e.translateY ? e.translateY : 0, ")") }),
n = t.total.show;
s.node.style.opacity = e.opacity;
var r,
l = e.centerX,
h = e.centerY;
(r = void 0 === t.name.color ? i.globals.colors[0] : t.name.color), (o = void 0 === t.value.color ? i.config.chart.foreColor : t.value.color);
var c = t.value.formatter,
d = "",
u = "";
if ((n ? ((r = t.total.color), (u = t.total.label), (d = t.total.formatter(i))) : 1 === i.globals.series.length && ((d = c(i.globals.series[0], i)), (u = i.globals.seriesNames[0])), t.name.show)) {
var f = a.drawText({ x: l, y: h + parseInt(t.name.offsetY), text: u, textAnchor: "middle", foreColor: r, fontSize: t.name.fontSize, fontFamily: t.name.fontFamily });
f.node.classList.add("apexcharts-datalabel-label"), s.add(f);
if (t.value.show) {
var g = t.name.show ? parseInt(t.value.offsetY) + 16 : t.value.offsetY,
p = a.drawText({ x: l, y: h + g, text: d, textAnchor: "middle", foreColor: o, fontSize: t.value.fontSize, fontFamily: t.value.fontFamily });
p.node.classList.add("apexcharts-datalabel-value"), s.add(p);
return s;
key: "printInnerLabels",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s,
n = this.w;
a ? (s = void 0 === t.name.color ? n.globals.colors[parseInt(a.parentNode.getAttribute("rel")) - 1] : t.name.color) : n.globals.series.length > 1 && t.total.show && (s = t.total.color);
var r = n.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-datalabel-label"),
o = n.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-datalabel-value");
(i = (0, t.value.formatter)(i, n)),
a || "function" != typeof t.total.formatter || (i = t.total.formatter(n)),
null !== r && (r.textContent = e),
null !== o && (o.textContent = i),
null !== r && (r.style.fill = s);
key: "printDataLabelsInner",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = t.getAttribute("data:value"),
s = i.globals.seriesNames[parseInt(t.parentNode.getAttribute("rel")) - 1];
i.globals.series.length > 1 && this.printInnerLabels(e, s, a, t);
var n = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-datalabels-group");
null !== n && (n.style.opacity = 1);
key: "revertDataLabelsInner",
value: function (e, i, a) {
var s = this.w,
n = s.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-datalabels-group");
if (i.total.show && s.globals.series.length > 1) {
new t(this.ctx).printInnerLabels(i, i.total.label, i.total.formatter(s));
} else {
var r = document.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-pie-area"),
o = !1;
if (
(Array.prototype.forEach.call(r, function (t) {
"true" === t.getAttribute("data:pieClicked") && ((o = !0), this.printDataLabelsInner(t, i));
if (s.globals.selectedDataPoints.length && s.globals.series.length > 1)
if (s.globals.selectedDataPoints[0].length > 0) {
var l = s.globals.selectedDataPoints[0],
h = s.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector("#apexcharts-".concat(s.config.chart.type.toLowerCase(), "-slice-").concat(l));
this.printDataLabelsInner(h, i);
} else n && s.globals.selectedDataPoints.length && 0 === s.globals.selectedDataPoints[0].length && (n.style.opacity = 0);
else n && s.globals.series.length > 1 && (n.style.opacity = 0);
D = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t),
(this.ctx = e),
(this.w = e.w),
(this.chartType = this.w.config.chart.type),
(this.initialAnim = this.w.config.chart.animations.enabled),
(this.dynamicAnim = this.initialAnim && this.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled),
(this.animDur = 0);
var i = this.w;
(this.graphics = new m(this.ctx)),
(this.lineColorArr = void 0 !== i.globals.stroke.colors ? i.globals.stroke.colors : i.globals.colors),
(this.defaultSize = i.globals.svgHeight < i.globals.svgWidth ? i.globals.svgHeight - 35 : i.globals.gridWidth),
(this.maxValue = this.w.globals.maxY),
(this.polygons = i.config.plotOptions.radar.polygons),
(this.maxLabelWidth = 20);
var a = i.globals.labels.slice().sort(function (t, e) {
return e.length - t.length;
s = this.graphics.getTextRects(a, i.config.dataLabels.style.fontSize);
(this.size = this.defaultSize / 2.1 - i.config.stroke.width - i.config.chart.dropShadow.blur - s.width / 1.75),
void 0 !== i.config.plotOptions.radar.size && (this.size = i.config.plotOptions.radar.size),
(this.dataRadiusOfPercent = []),
(this.dataRadius = []),
(this.angleArr = []),
(this.yaxisLabelsTextsPos = []);
return (
o(t, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t) {
var e = this,
i = this.w,
a = new P(this.ctx),
s = [];
(this.dataPointsLen = t[i.globals.maxValsInArrayIndex].length), (this.disAngle = (2 * Math.PI) / this.dataPointsLen);
var n = i.globals.gridWidth / 2,
r = i.globals.gridHeight / 2,
o = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-radar-series", "data:innerTranslateX": n, "data:innerTranslateY": r - 25, transform: "translate(".concat(n || 0, ", ").concat(r || 0, ")") }),
l = [],
c = null;
if (
((this.yaxisLabels = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-yaxis" })),
t.forEach(function (t, n) {
var r = e.graphics.group().attr({ class: "apexcharts-series", seriesName: p.escapeString(i.globals.seriesNames[n]), rel: n + 1, "data:realIndex": n });
(e.dataRadiusOfPercent[n] = []),
(e.dataRadius[n] = []),
(e.angleArr[n] = []),
t.forEach(function (t, i) {
(e.dataRadiusOfPercent[n][i] = t / e.maxValue), (e.dataRadius[n][i] = e.dataRadiusOfPercent[n][i] * e.size), (e.angleArr[n][i] = i * e.disAngle);
(l = e.getDataPointsPos(e.dataRadius[n], e.angleArr[n]));
var o = e.createPaths(l, { x: 0, y: 0 });
(c = e.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-series-markers-wrap hidden" })), i.globals.delayedElements.push({ el: c.node, index: n });
var d = {
i: n,
realIndex: n,
animationDelay: n,
initialSpeed: i.config.chart.animations.speed,
dataChangeSpeed: i.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.speed,
className: "apexcharts-radar",
id: "apexcharts-radar",
shouldClipToGrid: !1,
bindEventsOnPaths: !1,
stroke: i.globals.stroke.colors[n],
strokeLineCap: i.config.stroke.lineCap,
u = null;
i.globals.previousPaths.length > 0 && (u = e.getPathFrom(n));
for (var f = 0; f < o.linePathsTo.length; f++) {
var g = e.graphics.renderPaths(
h({}, d, {
pathFrom: null === u ? o.linePathsFrom[f] : u,
pathTo: o.linePathsTo[f],
strokeWidth: Array.isArray(i.config.stroke.width) ? i.config.stroke.width[n] : i.config.stroke.width,
fill: "none",
drawShadow: !1,
var v = a.fillPath({ seriesNumber: n }),
m = e.graphics.renderPaths(h({}, d, { pathFrom: null === u ? o.areaPathsFrom[f] : u, pathTo: o.areaPathsTo[f], strokeWidth: 0, fill: v, drawShadow: !1 }));
if (i.config.chart.dropShadow.enabled) {
var b = new x(e.ctx),
y = i.config.chart.dropShadow;
b.dropShadow(m, Object.assign({}, y, { noUserSpaceOnUse: !0 }), n);
t.forEach(function (t, i) {
var a = new T(e.ctx).getMarkerConfig("apexcharts-marker", n),
s = e.graphics.drawMarker(l[i].x, l[i].y, a);
s.attr("rel", i), s.attr("j", i), s.attr("index", n), s.node.setAttribute("default-marker-size", a.pSize);
var o = e.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-series-markers" });
o && o.add(s), c.add(o), r.add(c);
this.drawPolygons({ parent: o }),
) {
var d = this.drawLabels();
return (
s.forEach(function (t) {
key: "drawPolygons",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = this, i = this.w, a = t.parent, s = i.globals.yAxisScale[0].result.reverse(), n = s.length, r = [], o = this.size / (n - 1), l = 0; l < n; l++) r[l] = o * l;
var h = [],
c = [];
r.forEach(function (t, i) {
var a = e.getPolygonPos(t),
s = "";
a.forEach(function (t, a) {
if (0 === i) {
var n = e.graphics.drawLine(t.x, t.y, 0, 0, Array.isArray(e.polygons.connectorColors) ? e.polygons.connectorColors[a] : e.polygons.connectorColors);
0 === a && e.yaxisLabelsTextsPos.push({ x: t.x, y: t.y }), (s += t.x + "," + t.y + " ");
h.forEach(function (t, s) {
var n = e.polygons.strokeColors,
r = e.graphics.drawPolygon(t, Array.isArray(n) ? n[s] : n, i.globals.radarPolygons.fill.colors[s]);
c.forEach(function (t) {
i.config.yaxis[0].show &&
this.yaxisLabelsTextsPos.forEach(function (t, i) {
var a = e.drawYAxisText(t.x, t.y, i, s[i]);
key: "drawYAxisText",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = this.w,
n = s.config.yaxis[0],
r = s.globals.yLabelFormatters[0];
return this.graphics.drawText({
x: t + n.labels.offsetX,
y: e + n.labels.offsetY,
text: r(a, i),
textAnchor: "middle",
fontSize: n.labels.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: n.labels.style.fontFamily,
foreColor: n.labels.style.color,
key: "drawLabels",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w,
i = "middle",
a = e.config.dataLabels,
s = this.graphics.group({ class: "apexcharts-datalabels" }),
n = this.getPolygonPos(this.size),
r = 0,
o = 0;
return (
e.globals.labels.forEach(function (l, h) {
var c = a.formatter,
d = new z(t.ctx);
if (n[h]) {
(r = n[h].x),
(o = n[h].y),
Math.abs(n[h].x) >= 10 ? (n[h].x > 0 ? ((i = "start"), (r += 10)) : n[h].x < 0 && ((i = "end"), (r -= 10))) : (i = "middle"),
Math.abs(n[h].y) >= t.size - 10 && (n[h].y < 0 ? (o -= 10) : n[h].y > 0 && (o += 10));
var u = c(l, { seriesIndex: -1, dataPointIndex: h, w: e });
d.plotDataLabelsText({ x: r, y: o, text: u, textAnchor: i, i: h, j: h, parent: s, dataLabelsConfig: a, offsetCorrection: !1 });
key: "createPaths",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this,
a = [],
s = [],
n = [],
r = [];
if (t.length) {
(s = [this.graphics.move(e.x, e.y)]), (r = [this.graphics.move(e.x, e.y)]);
var o = this.graphics.move(t[0].x, t[0].y),
l = this.graphics.move(t[0].x, t[0].y);
t.forEach(function (e, a) {
(o += i.graphics.line(e.x, e.y)), (l += i.graphics.line(e.x, e.y)), a === t.length - 1 && ((o += "Z"), (l += "Z"));
return { linePathsFrom: s, linePathsTo: a, areaPathsFrom: r, areaPathsTo: n };
key: "getPathFrom",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = this.w, i = null, a = 0; a < e.globals.previousPaths.length; a++) {
var s = e.globals.previousPaths[a];
s.paths.length > 0 && parseInt(s.realIndex) === parseInt(t) && void 0 !== e.globals.previousPaths[a].paths[0] && (i = e.globals.previousPaths[a].paths[0].d);
return i;
key: "getDataPointsPos",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : this.dataPointsLen;
(t = t || []), (e = e || []);
for (var a = [], s = 0; s < i; s++) {
var n = {};
(n.x = t[s] * Math.sin(e[s])), (n.y = -t[s] * Math.cos(e[s])), a.push(n);
return a;
key: "getPolygonPos",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = [], i = (2 * Math.PI) / this.dataPointsLen, a = 0; a < this.dataPointsLen; a++) {
var s = {};
(s.x = t * Math.sin(a * i)), (s.y = -t * Math.cos(a * i)), e.push(s);
return e;
N = (function (t) {
function e(t) {
var i;
n(this, e), ((i = f(this, d(e).call(this, t))).ctx = t), (i.w = t.w), (i.animBeginArr = [0]), (i.animDur = 0);
var a = i.w;
return (
(i.startAngle = a.config.plotOptions.radialBar.startAngle),
(i.endAngle = a.config.plotOptions.radialBar.endAngle),
(i.trackStartAngle = a.config.plotOptions.radialBar.track.startAngle),
(i.trackEndAngle = a.config.plotOptions.radialBar.track.endAngle),
(i.radialDataLabels = a.config.plotOptions.radialBar.dataLabels),
i.trackStartAngle || (i.trackStartAngle = i.startAngle),
i.trackEndAngle || (i.trackEndAngle = i.endAngle),
360 === i.endAngle && (i.endAngle = 359.99),
(i.fullAngle = 360 - a.config.plotOptions.radialBar.endAngle - a.config.plotOptions.radialBar.startAngle),
(i.margin = parseInt(a.config.plotOptions.radialBar.track.margin)),
return (
c(e, R),
o(e, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-radialbar" });
if (e.globals.noData) return a;
var s = i.group(),
n = this.defaultSize / 2,
r = e.globals.gridWidth / 2,
o = this.defaultSize / 2.05 - e.config.stroke.width - e.config.chart.dropShadow.blur;
void 0 !== e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.size && (o = e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.size);
var l = e.globals.fill.colors;
if (e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.track.show) {
var h = this.drawTracks({ size: o, centerX: r, centerY: n, colorArr: l, series: t });
var c = this.drawArcs({ size: o, centerX: r, centerY: n, colorArr: l, series: t }),
d = 360;
return (
e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.startAngle < 0 && (d = Math.abs(e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.endAngle - e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.startAngle)),
(e.globals.radialSize = o - o / (360 / (360 - d)) + 10),
"front" === e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.position && (c.g.add(c.elHollow), c.dataLabels && c.g.add(c.dataLabels)),
key: "drawTracks",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-tracks" }),
s = new x(this.ctx),
n = new P(this.ctx),
r = this.getStrokeWidth(t);
t.size = t.size - r / 2;
for (var o = 0; o < t.series.length; o++) {
var l = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-radialbar-track apexcharts-track" });
a.add(l), l.attr({ id: "apexcharts-track-" + o, rel: o + 1 }), (t.size = t.size - r - this.margin);
var h = e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.track,
c = n.fillPath({ seriesNumber: 0, size: t.size, fillColors: Array.isArray(h.background) ? h.background[o] : h.background, solid: !0 }),
d = this.trackStartAngle,
u = this.trackEndAngle;
Math.abs(u) + Math.abs(d) >= 360 && (u = 360 - Math.abs(this.startAngle) - 0.1);
var f = i.drawPath({ d: "", stroke: c, strokeWidth: (r * parseInt(h.strokeWidth)) / 100, fill: "none", strokeOpacity: h.opacity, classes: "apexcharts-radialbar-area" });
if (h.dropShadow.enabled) {
var g = h.dropShadow;
s.dropShadow(f, g);
f.attr("id", "apexcharts-radialbarTrack-" + o),
this.animatePaths(f, { centerX: t.centerX, centerY: t.centerY, endAngle: u, startAngle: d, size: t.size, i: o, totalItems: 2, animBeginArr: 0, dur: 0, isTrack: !0, easing: e.globals.easing });
return a;
key: "drawArcs",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = new P(this.ctx),
s = new x(this.ctx),
n = i.group(),
r = this.getStrokeWidth(t);
t.size = t.size - r / 2;
var o = e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.background,
l = t.size - r * t.series.length - this.margin * t.series.length - (r * parseInt(e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.track.strokeWidth)) / 100 / 2,
h = l - e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.margin;
void 0 !== e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.image && (o = this.drawHollowImage(t, n, l, o));
var c = this.drawHollow({ size: h, centerX: t.centerX, centerY: t.centerY, fill: o });
if (e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.dropShadow.enabled) {
var d = e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.dropShadow;
s.dropShadow(c, d);
var u = 1;
!this.radialDataLabels.total.show && e.globals.series.length > 1 && (u = 0);
var f = null;
this.radialDataLabels.show && (f = this.renderInnerDataLabels(this.radialDataLabels, { hollowSize: l, centerX: t.centerX, centerY: t.centerY, opacity: u })),
"back" === e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.position && (n.add(c), f && n.add(f));
var g = !1;
e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.inverseOrder && (g = !0);
for (var v = g ? t.series.length - 1 : 0; g ? v >= 0 : v < t.series.length; g ? v-- : v++) {
var b = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-series apexcharts-radial-series", seriesName: p.escapeString(e.globals.seriesNames[v]) });
n.add(b), b.attr({ id: "apexcharts-series-" + v, rel: v + 1, "data:realIndex": v }), this.ctx.series.addCollapsedClassToSeries(b, v), (t.size = t.size - r - this.margin);
var y = a.fillPath({ seriesNumber: v, size: t.size, value: t.series[v] }),
w = this.startAngle,
k = void 0,
S = Math.abs(e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.endAngle - e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.startAngle),
A = p.negToZero(t.series[v] > 100 ? 100 : t.series[v]) / 100,
C = Math.round(S * A) + this.startAngle,
L = void 0;
e.globals.dataChanged && ((k = this.startAngle), (L = Math.round((S * p.negToZero(e.globals.previousPaths[v])) / 100) + k)),
Math.abs(C) + Math.abs(w) >= 360 && (C -= 0.01),
Math.abs(L) + Math.abs(k) >= 360 && (L -= 0.01);
var E = C - w,
T = Array.isArray(e.config.stroke.dashArray) ? e.config.stroke.dashArray[v] : e.config.stroke.dashArray,
M = i.drawPath({ d: "", stroke: y, strokeWidth: r, fill: "none", fillOpacity: e.config.fill.opacity, classes: "apexcharts-radialbar-area", strokeDashArray: T });
if ((m.setAttrs(M.node, { "data:angle": E, "data:value": t.series[v] }), e.config.chart.dropShadow.enabled)) {
var z = e.config.chart.dropShadow;
s.dropShadow(M, z, v);
this.addListeners(M, this.radialDataLabels), b.add(M), M.attr({ id: "apexcharts-radialbar-slice-" + v, index: 0, j: v });
var I = 0;
!this.initialAnim ||
e.globals.resized ||
e.globals.dataChanged ||
((I = ((C - w) / 360) * e.config.chart.animations.speed), (this.animDur = I / (1.2 * t.series.length) + this.animDur), this.animBeginArr.push(this.animDur)),
e.globals.dataChanged &&
((I = ((C - w) / 360) * e.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.speed), (this.animDur = I / (1.2 * t.series.length) + this.animDur), this.animBeginArr.push(this.animDur)),
this.animatePaths(M, {
centerX: t.centerX,
centerY: t.centerY,
endAngle: C,
startAngle: w,
prevEndAngle: L,
prevStartAngle: k,
size: t.size,
i: v,
totalItems: 2,
animBeginArr: this.animBeginArr,
dur: I,
shouldSetPrevPaths: !0,
easing: e.globals.easing,
return { g: n, elHollow: c, dataLabels: f };
key: "drawHollow",
value: function (t) {
var e = new m(this.ctx).drawCircle(2 * t.size);
return e.attr({ class: "apexcharts-radialbar-hollow", cx: t.centerX, cy: t.centerY, r: t.size, fill: t.fill }), e;
key: "drawHollowImage",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = this.w,
n = new P(this.ctx),
r = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(4),
o = s.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.image;
if (s.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.imageClipped)
n.clippedImgArea({ width: i, height: i, image: o, patternID: "pattern".concat(s.globals.cuid).concat(r) }), (a = "url(#pattern".concat(s.globals.cuid).concat(r, ")"));
else {
var l = s.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.imageWidth,
h = s.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.imageHeight;
if (void 0 === l && void 0 === h) {
var c = s.globals.dom.Paper.image(o).loaded(function (e) {
this.move(t.centerX - e.width / 2 + s.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.imageOffsetX, t.centerY - e.height / 2 + s.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.imageOffsetY);
} else {
var d = s.globals.dom.Paper.image(o).loaded(function (e) {
this.move(t.centerX - l / 2 + s.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.imageOffsetX, t.centerY - h / 2 + s.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.imageOffsetY), this.size(l, h);
return a;
key: "getStrokeWidth",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
return (t.size * (100 - parseInt(e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.hollow.size))) / 100 / (t.series.length + 1) - this.margin;
H = (function (t) {
function e() {
return n(this, e), f(this, d(e).apply(this, arguments));
return (
c(e, I),
o(e, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new m(this.ctx),
s = new P(this.ctx);
(this.rangeBarOptions = this.w.config.plotOptions.rangeBar),
(this.series = t),
(this.seriesRangeStart = i.globals.seriesRangeStart),
(this.seriesRangeEnd = i.globals.seriesRangeEnd),
for (var n = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-rangebar-series apexcharts-plot-series" }), r = 0, o = 0; r < t.length; r++, o++) {
var l,
u = void 0,
f = void 0,
g = void 0,
x = void 0,
v = [],
b = [],
y = i.globals.comboCharts ? e[r] : r,
w = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-series", seriesName: p.escapeString(i.globals.seriesNames[y]), rel: r + 1, "data:realIndex": y });
t[r].length > 0 && (this.visibleI = this.visibleI + 1);
var k = 0,
S = 0,
A = 0;
this.yRatio.length > 1 && (this.yaxisIndex = y);
var C = this.initialPositions();
(x = C.y), (h = C.yDivision), (S = C.barHeight), (d = C.zeroW), (g = C.x), (A = C.barWidth), (l = C.xDivision), (c = C.zeroH), b.push(g + A / 2);
for (var L = a.group({ class: "apexcharts-datalabels" }), E = 0, T = i.globals.dataPoints; E < i.globals.dataPoints; E++, T--) {
void 0 === this.series[r][E] || null === t[r][E] ? (this.isNullValue = !0) : (this.isNullValue = !1),
i.config.stroke.show && (k = this.isNullValue ? 0 : Array.isArray(this.strokeWidth) ? this.strokeWidth[y] : this.strokeWidth);
var M = null;
? (A = (M = this.drawRangeBarPaths({ indexes: { i: r, j: E, realIndex: y, bc: o }, barHeight: S, strokeWidth: k, pathTo: u, pathFrom: f, zeroW: d, x: g, y: x, yDivision: h, elSeries: w }))
: (S = (M = this.drawRangeColumnPaths({ indexes: { i: r, j: E, realIndex: y, bc: o }, x: g, y: x, xDivision: l, pathTo: u, pathFrom: f, barWidth: A, zeroH: c, strokeWidth: k, elSeries: w }))
(u = M.pathTo),
(f = M.pathFrom),
(x = M.y),
(g = M.x),
E > 0 && b.push(g + A / 2),
var z = s.fillPath({ seriesNumber: y }),
I = i.globals.stroke.colors[y];
w = this.renderSeries({
realIndex: y,
pathFill: z,
lineFill: I,
j: E,
i: r,
pathFrom: f,
pathTo: u,
strokeWidth: k,
elSeries: w,
x: g,
y: x,
series: t,
barHeight: S,
barWidth: A,
elDataLabelsWrap: L,
visibleSeries: this.visibleI,
type: "rangebar",
(i.globals.seriesXvalues[y] = b), (i.globals.seriesYvalues[y] = v), n.add(w);
return n;
key: "drawRangeColumnPaths",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.indexes,
i = t.x,
a = (t.y, t.strokeWidth),
s = t.xDivision,
n = t.pathTo,
r = t.pathFrom,
o = t.barWidth,
l = t.zeroH,
h = this.w,
c = new m(this.ctx),
d = e.i,
u = e.j,
f = this.yRatio[this.yaxisIndex],
g = e.realIndex,
p = this.getRangeValue(g, u),
x = Math.min(p.start, p.end),
v = Math.max(p.start, p.end);
h.globals.isXNumeric && (i = (h.globals.seriesX[d][u] - h.globals.minX) / this.xRatio - o / 2);
var b = i + o * this.visibleI;
void 0 === this.series[d][u] || null === this.series[d][u] ? (x = l) : ((x = l - x / f), (v = l - v / f));
var y = Math.abs(v - x);
return (
c.move(b, l),
(r = c.move(b, x)),
h.globals.previousPaths.length > 0 && (r = this.getPathFrom(g, u, !0)),
(n = c.move(b, v) + c.line(b + o, v) + c.line(b + o, x) + c.line(b, x) + c.line(b, v - a / 2)),
(r = r + c.move(b, x) + c.line(b + o, x) + c.line(b + o, x) + c.line(b, x)),
h.globals.isXNumeric || (i += s),
{ pathTo: n, pathFrom: r, barHeight: y, x: i, y: v, barXPosition: b }
key: "drawRangeBarPaths",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.indexes,
i = (t.x, t.y),
a = t.yDivision,
s = t.pathTo,
n = t.pathFrom,
r = t.barHeight,
o = t.zeroW,
l = this.w,
h = new m(this.ctx),
c = e.i,
d = e.j,
u = e.realIndex,
f = o,
g = o;
l.globals.isXNumeric && (i = (l.globals.seriesX[c][d] - l.globals.minX) / this.invertedXRatio - r);
var p = i + r * this.visibleI;
void 0 !== this.series[c][d] && null !== this.series[c][d] && ((f = o + this.seriesRangeStart[c][d] / this.invertedYRatio), (g = o + this.seriesRangeEnd[c][d] / this.invertedYRatio)),
h.move(o, p),
(n = h.move(o, p)),
l.globals.previousPaths.length > 0 && (n = this.getPathFrom(u, d));
var x = Math.abs(g - f);
return (
(s = h.move(f, p) + h.line(g, p) + h.line(g, p + r) + h.line(f, p + r) + h.line(f, p)),
(n = n + h.line(f, p) + h.line(f, p + r) + h.line(f, p + r) + h.line(f, p)),
l.globals.isXNumeric || (i += a),
{ pathTo: s, pathFrom: n, barWidth: x, x: g, y: i, barYPosition: p }
key: "getRangeValue",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
return { start: i.globals.seriesRangeStart[t][e], end: i.globals.seriesRangeEnd[t][e] };
_ = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.tooltipKeyFormat = "dd MMM");
return (
o(t, [
key: "xLabelFormat",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
if ("datetime" === i.config.xaxis.type && void 0 === i.config.tooltip.x.formatter) return new k(this.ctx).formatDate(new Date(e), i.config.tooltip.x.format, !0, !0);
return t(e);
key: "setLabelFormatters",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
return (
(t.globals.xLabelFormatter = function (t) {
return t;
(t.globals.xaxisTooltipFormatter = function (t) {
return t;
(t.globals.ttKeyFormatter = function (t) {
return t;
(t.globals.ttZFormatter = function (t) {
return t;
(t.globals.legendFormatter = function (t) {
return t;
"function" == typeof t.config.tooltip.x.formatter && (t.globals.ttKeyFormatter = t.config.tooltip.x.formatter),
"function" == typeof t.config.xaxis.tooltip.formatter && (t.globals.xaxisTooltipFormatter = t.config.xaxis.tooltip.formatter),
Array.isArray(t.config.tooltip.y) ? (t.globals.ttVal = t.config.tooltip.y) : void 0 !== t.config.tooltip.y.formatter && (t.globals.ttVal = t.config.tooltip.y),
void 0 !== t.config.tooltip.z.formatter && (t.globals.ttZFormatter = t.config.tooltip.z.formatter),
void 0 !== t.config.legend.formatter && (t.globals.legendFormatter = t.config.legend.formatter),
void 0 !== t.config.xaxis.labels.formatter
? (t.globals.xLabelFormatter = t.config.xaxis.labels.formatter)
: (t.globals.xLabelFormatter = function (e) {
return p.isNumber(e) ? ("numeric" === t.config.xaxis.type && t.globals.dataPoints < 50 ? e.toFixed(1) : e.toFixed(0)) : e;
t.config.yaxis.forEach(function (e, i) {
void 0 !== e.labels.formatter
? (t.globals.yLabelFormatters[i] = e.labels.formatter)
: (t.globals.yLabelFormatters[i] = function (a) {
return p.isNumber(a)
? 0 !== t.globals.yValueDecimal
? a.toFixed(void 0 !== e.decimalsInFloat ? e.decimalsInFloat : t.globals.yValueDecimal)
: t.globals.maxYArr[i] - t.globals.minYArr[i] < 5
? a.toFixed(1)
: a.toFixed(0)
: a;
key: "heatmapLabelFormatters",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
if ("heatmap" === t.config.chart.type) {
t.globals.yAxisScale[0].result = t.globals.seriesNames.slice();
var e = t.globals.seriesNames.reduce(function (t, e) {
return t.length > e.length ? t : e;
}, 0);
(t.globals.yAxisScale[0].niceMax = e), (t.globals.yAxisScale[0].niceMin = e);
W = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "getLabel",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s,
n = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : [],
r = this.w,
o = void 0 === t[a] ? "" : t[a],
l = r.globals.xLabelFormatter,
h = r.config.xaxis.labels.formatter;
return (
(s = new _(this.ctx).xLabelFormat(l, o)),
void 0 !== h && (s = h(o, t[a], a)),
e.length > 0 ? ((i = e[a].position), (s = e[a].value)) : "datetime" === r.config.xaxis.type && void 0 === h && (s = ""),
void 0 === s && (s = ""),
(0 === (s = s.toString()).indexOf("NaN") || 0 === s.toLowerCase().indexOf("invalid") || s.toLowerCase().indexOf("infinity") >= 0 || (n.indexOf(s) >= 0 && !r.config.xaxis.labels.showDuplicates)) &&
(s = ""),
{ x: i, text: s }
key: "drawYAxisTicks",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s, n, r) {
var o = this.w,
l = new m(this.ctx),
h = o.globals.translateY;
if (a.show) {
!0 === o.config.yaxis[s].opposite && (t += a.width);
for (var c = e; c >= 0; c--) {
var d = h + e / 10 + o.config.yaxis[s].labels.offsetY - 1;
o.globals.isBarHorizontal && (d = n * c);
var u = l.drawLine(t + i.offsetX - a.width + a.offsetX, d + a.offsetY, t + i.offsetX + a.offsetX, d + a.offsetY, i.color);
r.add(u), (h += n);
B = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
var i = this.w;
(this.xaxisFontSize = i.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize),
(this.axisFontFamily = i.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontFamily),
(this.xaxisForeColors = i.config.xaxis.labels.style.colors),
(this.xAxisoffX = 0),
"bottom" === i.config.xaxis.position && (this.xAxisoffX = i.globals.gridHeight),
(this.drawnLabels = []),
(this.axesUtils = new W(e));
return (
o(t, [
key: "drawYaxis",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = e.config.yaxis[t].labels.style.fontSize,
s = e.config.yaxis[t].labels.style.fontFamily,
n = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-yaxis", rel: t, transform: "translate(" + e.globals.translateYAxisX[t] + ", 0)" });
if (!e.config.yaxis[t].show) return n;
var r = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-yaxis-texts-g" });
var o = e.globals.yAxisScale[t].result.length - 1,
l = e.globals.gridHeight / o + 0.1,
h = e.globals.translateY,
c = e.globals.yLabelFormatters[t],
d = e.globals.yAxisScale[t].result.slice();
if ((e.config.yaxis[t] && e.config.yaxis[t].reversed && d.reverse(), e.config.yaxis[t].labels.show))
for (var u = o; u >= 0; u--) {
var f = d[u];
f = c(f, u);
var g = e.config.yaxis[t].labels.padding;
e.config.yaxis[t].opposite && 0 !== e.config.yaxis.length && (g *= -1);
var p = i.drawText({
x: g,
y: h + o / 10 + e.config.yaxis[t].labels.offsetY + 1,
text: f,
textAnchor: e.config.yaxis[t].opposite ? "start" : "end",
fontSize: a,
fontFamily: s,
foreColor: e.config.yaxis[t].labels.style.color,
cssClass: "apexcharts-yaxis-label " + e.config.yaxis[t].labels.style.cssClass,
var x = i.rotateAroundCenter(p.node);
0 !== e.config.yaxis[t].labels.rotate && p.node.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(".concat(e.config.yaxis[t].labels.rotate, " ").concat(x.x, " ").concat(x.y, ")")), (h += l);
if (void 0 !== e.config.yaxis[t].title.text) {
var v = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-yaxis-title" }),
b = 0;
e.config.yaxis[t].opposite && (b = e.globals.translateYAxisX[t]);
var y = i.drawText({
x: b,
y: e.globals.gridHeight / 2 + e.globals.translateY,
text: e.config.yaxis[t].title.text,
textAnchor: "end",
foreColor: e.config.yaxis[t].title.style.color,
fontSize: e.config.yaxis[t].title.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: e.config.yaxis[t].title.style.fontFamily,
cssClass: "apexcharts-yaxis-title-text " + e.config.yaxis[t].title.style.cssClass,
v.add(y), n.add(v);
var w = e.config.yaxis[t].axisBorder;
if (w.show) {
var k = 31 + w.offsetX;
e.config.yaxis[t].opposite && (k = -31 - w.offsetX);
var S = i.drawLine(k, e.globals.translateY + w.offsetY - 2, k, e.globals.gridHeight + e.globals.translateY + w.offsetY + 2, w.color);
n.add(S), this.axesUtils.drawYAxisTicks(k, o, w, e.config.yaxis[t].axisTicks, t, l, n);
return n;
key: "drawYaxisInversed",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-xaxis apexcharts-yaxis-inversed" }),
s = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-xaxis-texts-g", transform: "translate(".concat(e.globals.translateXAxisX, ", ").concat(e.globals.translateXAxisY, ")") });
var n = e.globals.yAxisScale[t].result.length - 1,
r = e.globals.gridWidth / n + 0.1,
o = r + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetX,
l = e.globals.xLabelFormatter,
h = e.globals.yAxisScale[t].result.slice(),
c = e.globals.invertedTimelineLabels;
c.length > 0 && ((this.xaxisLabels = c.slice()), (n = (h = c.slice()).length)), e.config.yaxis[t] && e.config.yaxis[t].reversed && h.reverse();
var d = c.length;
if (e.config.xaxis.labels.show)
for (var u = d ? 0 : n; d ? u < d - 1 : u >= 0; d ? u++ : u--) {
var f = h[u];
f = l(f, u);
var g = e.globals.gridWidth + e.globals.padHorizontal - (o - r + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetX);
if (c.length) {
var p = this.axesUtils.getLabel(h, c, g, u, this.drawnLabels);
(g = p.x), (f = p.text), this.drawnLabels.push(p.text);
var x = i.drawText({
x: g,
y: this.xAxisoffX + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetY + 30,
text: "",
textAnchor: "middle",
foreColor: Array.isArray(this.xaxisForeColors) ? this.xaxisForeColors[t] : this.xaxisForeColors,
fontSize: this.xaxisFontSize,
fontFamily: this.xaxisFontFamily,
cssClass: "apexcharts-xaxis-label " + e.config.xaxis.labels.style.cssClass,
s.add(x), x.tspan(f);
var v = document.createElementNS(e.globals.SVGNS, "title");
(v.textContent = f), x.node.appendChild(v), (o += r);
if (void 0 !== e.config.xaxis.title.text) {
var b = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-xaxis-title apexcharts-yaxis-title-inversed" }),
y = i.drawText({
x: e.globals.gridWidth / 2,
y: this.xAxisoffX + parseInt(this.xaxisFontSize) + parseInt(e.config.xaxis.title.style.fontSize) + 20,
text: e.config.xaxis.title.text,
textAnchor: "middle",
fontSize: e.config.xaxis.title.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: e.config.xaxis.title.style.fontFamily,
cssClass: "apexcharts-xaxis-title-text " + e.config.xaxis.title.style.cssClass,
b.add(y), a.add(b);
var w = e.config.yaxis[t].axisBorder;
if (w.show) {
var k = i.drawLine(e.globals.padHorizontal + w.offsetX, 1 + w.offsetY, e.globals.padHorizontal + w.offsetX, e.globals.gridHeight + w.offsetY, w.color);
return a;
key: "yAxisTitleRotate",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = new m(this.ctx),
s = { width: 0, height: 0 },
n = { width: 0, height: 0 },
r = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(" .apexcharts-yaxis[rel='".concat(t, "'] .apexcharts-yaxis-texts-g"));
null !== r && (s = r.getBoundingClientRect());
var o = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-yaxis[rel='".concat(t, "'] .apexcharts-yaxis-title text"));
if ((null !== o && (n = o.getBoundingClientRect()), null !== o)) {
var l = this.xPaddingForYAxisTitle(t, s, n, e);
o.setAttribute("x", l.xPos - (e ? 10 : 0));
if (null !== o) {
var h = a.rotateAroundCenter(o);
? o.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(".concat(i.config.yaxis[t].title.rotate, " ").concat(h.x, " ").concat(h.y, ")"))
: o.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(-".concat(i.config.yaxis[t].title.rotate, " ").concat(h.x, " ").concat(h.y, ")"));
key: "xPaddingForYAxisTitle",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = this.w,
n = 0,
r = 0,
o = 10;
return void 0 === s.config.yaxis[t].title.text || t < 0
? { xPos: r, padd: 0 }
: (a
? ((r = e.width + s.config.yaxis[t].title.offsetX + i.width / 2 + o / 2), 0 === (n += 1) && (r -= o / 2))
: ((r = -1 * e.width + s.config.yaxis[t].title.offsetX + o / 2 + i.width / 2), s.globals.isBarHorizontal && ((o = 25), (r = -1 * e.width - s.config.yaxis[t].title.offsetX - o))),
{ xPos: r, padd: o });
key: "setYAxisXPosition",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = 0,
s = 0,
n = 21,
r = 1;
i.config.yaxis.length > 1 && (this.multipleYs = !0),
i.config.yaxis.map(function (o, l) {
var h = i.globals.ignoreYAxisIndexes.indexOf(l) > -1 || !o.show || o.floating || 0 === t[l].width,
c = t[l].width + e[l].width;
? i.globals.isBarHorizontal
? ((s = i.globals.gridWidth + i.globals.translateX - 1), (i.globals.translateYAxisX[l] = s - o.labels.offsetX))
: ((s = i.globals.gridWidth + i.globals.translateX + r), h || (r = r + c + 20), (i.globals.translateYAxisX[l] = s - o.labels.offsetX + 20))
: ((a = i.globals.translateX - n), h || (n = n + c + 20), (i.globals.translateYAxisX[l] = a + o.labels.offsetX));
key: "setYAxisTextAlignments",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-yaxis");
(e = p.listToArray(e)).forEach(function (e, i) {
var a = t.config.yaxis[i];
if (void 0 !== a.labels.align) {
var s = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-yaxis[rel='".concat(i, "'] .apexcharts-yaxis-texts-g")),
n = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-yaxis[rel='".concat(i, "'] .apexcharts-yaxis-label"));
n = p.listToArray(n);
var r = s.getBoundingClientRect();
"left" === a.labels.align
? (n.forEach(function (t, e) {
t.setAttribute("text-anchor", "start");
a.opposite || s.setAttribute("transform", "translate(-".concat(r.width, ", 0)")))
: "center" === a.labels.align
? (n.forEach(function (t, e) {
t.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
s.setAttribute("transform", "translate(".concat((r.width / 2) * (a.opposite ? 1 : -1), ", 0)")))
: "right" === a.labels.align &&
(n.forEach(function (t, e) {
t.setAttribute("text-anchor", "end");
a.opposite && s.setAttribute("transform", "translate(".concat(r.width, ", 0)")));
V = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.lgRect = {}), (this.yAxisWidth = 0), (this.xAxisHeight = 0), (this.isSparkline = this.w.config.chart.sparkline.enabled), (this.xPadRight = 0), (this.xPadLeft = 0);
return (
o(t, [
key: "plotCoords",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals,
i = this.getLegendsRect();
e.axisCharts ? this.setGridCoordsForAxisCharts(i) : this.setGridCoordsForNonAxisCharts(i),
(e.gridHeight = e.gridHeight - t.config.grid.padding.top - t.config.grid.padding.bottom),
(e.gridWidth = e.gridWidth - t.config.grid.padding.left - t.config.grid.padding.right - this.xPadRight - this.xPadLeft),
(e.translateX = e.translateX + t.config.grid.padding.left + this.xPadLeft),
(e.translateY = e.translateY + t.config.grid.padding.top);
key: "conditionalChecksForAxisCoords",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
(this.xAxisHeight = (t.height + e.height) * i.globals.LINE_HEIGHT_RATIO + 15),
(this.xAxisWidth = t.width),
this.xAxisHeight - e.height > i.config.xaxis.labels.maxHeight && (this.xAxisHeight = i.config.xaxis.labels.maxHeight),
i.config.xaxis.labels.minHeight && this.xAxisHeight < i.config.xaxis.labels.minHeight && (this.xAxisHeight = i.config.xaxis.labels.minHeight),
i.config.xaxis.floating && (this.xAxisHeight = 0),
i.globals.isBarHorizontal ? (this.yAxisWidth = i.globals.yLabelsCoords[0].width + i.globals.yTitleCoords[0].width + 15) : (this.yAxisWidth = this.getTotalYAxisWidth());
var a = 0,
s = 0;
i.config.yaxis.forEach(function (t) {
(a += t.labels.minWidth), (s += t.labels.maxWidth);
this.yAxisWidth < a && (this.yAxisWidth = a),
this.yAxisWidth > s && (this.yAxisWidth = s);
key: "setGridCoordsForAxisCharts",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = e.globals,
a = this.getyAxisLabelsCoords(),
s = this.getxAxisLabelsCoords(),
n = this.getyAxisTitleCoords(),
r = this.getxAxisTitleCoords();
(e.globals.yLabelsCoords = []),
(e.globals.yTitleCoords = []),
e.config.yaxis.map(function (t, i) {
e.globals.yLabelsCoords.push({ width: a[i].width, index: i }), e.globals.yTitleCoords.push({ width: n[i].width, index: i });
this.conditionalChecksForAxisCoords(s, r),
(i.translateXAxisY = e.globals.rotateXLabels ? this.xAxisHeight / 8 : -4),
(i.translateXAxisX = e.globals.rotateXLabels && e.globals.isXNumeric && e.config.xaxis.labels.rotate <= -45 ? -this.xAxisWidth / 4 : 0),
e.globals.isBarHorizontal && ((i.rotateXLabels = !1), (i.translateXAxisY = (parseInt(e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize) / 1.5) * -1)),
(i.translateXAxisY = i.translateXAxisY + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetY),
(i.translateXAxisX = i.translateXAxisX + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetX);
var o = this.yAxisWidth,
l = this.xAxisHeight;
(i.xAxisLabelsHeight = this.xAxisHeight), (i.xAxisHeight = this.xAxisHeight);
var h = 10;
switch (
((e.config.grid.show && "radar" !== e.config.chart.type) || ((o = 0), (l = 35)),
this.isSparkline && ((t = { height: 0, width: 0 }), (l = 0), (o = 0), (h = 0)),
) {
case "bottom":
(i.translateY = h), (i.translateX = o), (i.gridHeight = i.svgHeight - t.height - l - (this.isSparkline ? 0 : e.globals.rotateXLabels ? 10 : 15)), (i.gridWidth = i.svgWidth - o);
case "top":
(i.translateY = t.height + h), (i.translateX = o), (i.gridHeight = i.svgHeight - t.height - l - (this.isSparkline ? 0 : e.globals.rotateXLabels ? 10 : 15)), (i.gridWidth = i.svgWidth - o);
case "left":
(i.translateY = h), (i.translateX = t.width + o), (i.gridHeight = i.svgHeight - l - 12), (i.gridWidth = i.svgWidth - t.width - o);
case "right":
(i.translateY = h), (i.translateX = o), (i.gridHeight = i.svgHeight - l - 12), (i.gridWidth = i.svgWidth - t.width - o - 5);
throw new Error("Legend position not supported");
this.setGridXPosForDualYAxis(n, a), new B(this.ctx).setYAxisXPosition(a, n);
key: "setGridCoordsForNonAxisCharts",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = e.globals,
a = 0;
e.config.legend.show && !e.config.legend.floating && (a = 20);
var s = 10,
n = 0;
if (
("pie" === e.config.chart.type || "donut" === e.config.chart.type
? ((s += e.config.plotOptions.pie.offsetY), (n += e.config.plotOptions.pie.offsetX))
: "radialBar" === e.config.chart.type && ((s += e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.offsetY), (n += e.config.plotOptions.radialBar.offsetX)),
return (i.gridHeight = i.svgHeight - 35), (i.gridWidth = i.gridHeight), (i.translateY = s - 10), void (i.translateX = n + (i.svgWidth - i.gridWidth) / 2);
switch (e.config.legend.position) {
case "bottom":
(i.gridHeight = i.svgHeight - t.height - 35), (i.gridWidth = i.gridHeight), (i.translateY = s - 20), (i.translateX = n + (i.svgWidth - i.gridWidth) / 2);
case "top":
(i.gridHeight = i.svgHeight - t.height - 35), (i.gridWidth = i.gridHeight), (i.translateY = t.height + s + 10), (i.translateX = n + (i.svgWidth - i.gridWidth) / 2);
case "left":
(i.gridWidth = i.svgWidth - t.width - a), (i.gridHeight = i.gridWidth), (i.translateY = s), (i.translateX = n + t.width + a);
case "right":
(i.gridWidth = i.svgWidth - t.width - a - 5), (i.gridHeight = i.gridWidth), (i.translateY = s), (i.translateX = n + 10);
throw new Error("Legend position not supported");
key: "setGridXPosForDualYAxis",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
i.config.yaxis.map(function (a, s) {
-1 === i.globals.ignoreYAxisIndexes.indexOf(s) &&
!i.config.yaxis[s].floating &&
i.config.yaxis[s].show &&
a.opposite &&
(i.globals.translateX = i.globals.translateX - (e[s].width + t[s].width) - parseInt(i.config.yaxis[s].labels.style.fontSize) / 1.2 - 12);
key: "additionalPaddingXLabels",
value: function (t) {
var e = this,
i = this.w;
if (("category" === i.config.xaxis.type && i.globals.isBarHorizontal) || "numeric" === i.config.xaxis.type || "datetime" === i.config.xaxis.type) {
var a = i.globals.isXNumeric;
i.config.yaxis.forEach(function (s, n) {
var r;
(!s.show || s.floating || -1 !== i.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(n) || a || (s.opposite && i.globals.isBarHorizontal)) &&
(((a && i.globals.isMultipleYAxis && -1 !== i.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(n)) || (i.globals.isBarHorizontal && s.opposite)) &&
((r = t), i.config.grid.padding.left < r.width && (e.xPadLeft = r.width / 2 + 1)),
((!i.globals.isBarHorizontal && s.opposite && -1 !== i.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(n)) || (a && !i.globals.isMultipleYAxis)) &&
(function (t) {
? e.timescaleLabels[e.timescaleLabels.length - 1].position + t.width > i.globals.gridWidth
? (i.globals.skipLastTimelinelabel = !0)
: (i.globals.skipLastTimelinelabel = !1)
: "datetime" !== i.config.xaxis.type && i.config.grid.padding.right < t.width && (e.xPadRight = t.width / 2 + 1);
key: "titleSubtitleOffset",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals,
i = this.isSparkline || !t.globals.axisCharts ? 0 : 10;
void 0 !== t.config.title.text ? (i += t.config.title.margin) : (i += this.isSparkline || !t.globals.axisCharts ? 0 : 5),
void 0 !== t.config.subtitle.text ? (i += t.config.subtitle.margin) : (i += this.isSparkline || !t.globals.axisCharts ? 0 : 5),
t.config.legend.show && "bottom" === t.config.legend.position && !t.config.legend.floating && (t.config.series.length > 1 || !t.globals.axisCharts || t.config.legend.showForSingleSeries) && (i += 10);
var a = this.getTitleSubtitleCoords("title"),
s = this.getTitleSubtitleCoords("subtitle");
(e.gridHeight = e.gridHeight - a.height - s.height - i), (e.translateY = e.translateY + a.height + s.height + i);
key: "getTotalYAxisWidth",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = 0,
i = 10,
a = function (e) {
return t.globals.ignoreYAxisIndexes.indexOf(e) > -1;
return (
t.globals.yLabelsCoords.map(function (s, n) {
var r = t.config.yaxis[n].floating;
s.width > 0 && !r ? ((e = e + s.width + i), a(n) && (e = e - s.width - i)) : (e += r || !t.config.yaxis[n].show ? 0 : 5);
t.globals.yTitleCoords.map(function (s, n) {
var r = t.config.yaxis[n].floating;
(i = parseInt(t.config.yaxis[n].title.style.fontSize)), s.width > 0 && !r ? ((e = e + s.width + i), a(n) && (e = e - s.width - i)) : (e += r || !t.config.yaxis[n].show ? 0 : 5);
key: "getxAxisTimeScaleLabelsCoords",
value: function () {
var t,
e = this.w;
(this.timescaleLabels = e.globals.timelineLabels.slice()), e.globals.isBarHorizontal && "datetime" === e.config.xaxis.type && (this.timescaleLabels = e.globals.invertedTimelineLabels.slice());
var i = this.timescaleLabels.map(function (t) {
return t.value;
a = i.reduce(function (t, e) {
return void 0 === t ? (console.error("You have possibly supplied invalid Date format. Please supply a valid JavaScript Date"), 0) : t.length > e.length ? t : e;
}, 0);
return (
1.05 * (t = new m(this.ctx).getTextRects(a, e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize)).width * i.length > e.globals.gridWidth && 0 !== e.config.xaxis.labels.rotate && (e.globals.overlappingXLabels = !0),
key: "getxAxisLabelsCoords",
value: function () {
var t,
e = this.w,
i = e.globals.labels.slice();
if (e.globals.timelineLabels.length > 0) {
var a = this.getxAxisTimeScaleLabelsCoords();
t = { width: a.width, height: a.height };
} else {
var s = "left" !== e.config.legend.position || "right" !== e.config.legend.position || e.config.legend.floating ? 0 : this.lgRect.width,
n = e.globals.xLabelFormatter,
r = i.reduce(function (t, e) {
return t.length > e.length ? t : e;
}, 0);
e.globals.isBarHorizontal &&
(r = e.globals.yAxisScale[0].result.reduce(function (t, e) {
return t.length > e.length ? t : e;
}, 0)),
(r = new _(this.ctx).xLabelFormat(n, r));
var o = new m(this.ctx),
l = o.getTextRects(r, e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize);
(t = { width: l.width, height: l.height }).width * i.length > e.globals.svgWidth - s - this.yAxisWidth && 0 !== e.config.xaxis.labels.rotate
? e.globals.isBarHorizontal ||
((e.globals.rotateXLabels = !0),
(l = o.getTextRects(r, e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize, e.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontFamily, "rotate(".concat(e.config.xaxis.labels.rotate, " 0 0)"), !1)),
(t.height = l.height / 1.66))
: (e.globals.rotateXLabels = !1);
return e.config.xaxis.labels.show || (t = { width: 0, height: 0 }), { width: t.width, height: t.height };
key: "getyAxisLabelsCoords",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w,
i = [],
a = 10;
return (
e.config.yaxis.map(function (s, n) {
if (s.show && s.labels.show && e.globals.yAxisScale[n].result.length) {
var r = e.globals.yLabelFormatters[n],
o = r(e.globals.yAxisScale[n].niceMax, -1);
if (((void 0 !== o && 0 !== o.length) || (o = e.globals.yAxisScale[n].niceMax), e.globals.isBarHorizontal))
(a = 0),
(o = r(
(o = e.globals.labels.slice().reduce(function (t, e) {
return t.length > e.length ? t : e;
}, 0)),
var l = new m(t.ctx).getTextRects(o, s.labels.style.fontSize);
i.push({ width: l.width + a, height: l.height });
} else i.push({ width: 0, height: 0 });
key: "getxAxisTitleCoords",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = 0,
i = 0;
if (void 0 !== t.config.xaxis.title.text) {
var a = new m(this.ctx).getTextRects(t.config.xaxis.title.text, t.config.xaxis.title.style.fontSize);
(e = a.width), (i = a.height);
return { width: e, height: i };
key: "getyAxisTitleCoords",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w,
i = [];
return (
e.config.yaxis.map(function (e, a) {
if (e.show && void 0 !== e.title.text) {
var s = new m(t.ctx).getTextRects(e.title.text, e.title.style.fontSize, e.title.style.fontFamily, "rotate(-90 0 0)", !1);
i.push({ width: s.width, height: s.height });
} else i.push({ width: 0, height: 0 });
key: "getTitleSubtitleCoords",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = 0,
a = 0,
s = "title" === t ? e.config.title.floating : e.config.subtitle.floating,
n = e.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-".concat(t, "-text"));
if (null !== n && !s) {
var r = n.getBoundingClientRect();
(i = r.width), (a = e.globals.axisCharts ? r.height + 5 : r.height);
return { width: i, height: a };
key: "getLegendsRect",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-legend"),
i = Object.assign({}, p.getBoundingClientRect(e));
return (
null !== e && !t.config.legend.floating && t.config.legend.show
? (this.lgRect = { x: i.x, y: i.y, height: i.height, width: 0 === i.height ? 0 : i.width })
: (this.lgRect = { x: 0, y: 0, height: 0, width: 0 }),
G = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "getAllSeriesEls",
value: function () {
return this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series");
key: "getSeriesByName",
value: function (t) {
return this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector("[seriesName='".concat(p.escapeString(t), "']"));
key: "addCollapsedClassToSeries",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
function a(i) {
for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) i[a].index === e && t.node.classList.add("apexcharts-series-collapsed");
a(i.globals.collapsedSeries), a(i.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeries);
key: "resetSeries",
value: function () {
var t = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0],
e = this.w,
i = e.globals.initialSeries.slice();
(e.config.series = i),
(e.globals.collapsedSeries = []),
(e.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeries = []),
(e.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices = []),
(e.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices = []),
(e.globals.previousPaths = []),
t && this.ctx._updateSeries(i, e.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled);
key: "toggleSeriesOnHover",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series");
if ("mousemove" === t.type) {
var s = parseInt(e.getAttribute("rel")) - 1,
n = null;
n =
i.globals.axisCharts || "radialBar" === i.config.chart.type
? i.globals.axisCharts
? i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-series[data\\:realIndex='".concat(s, "']"))
: i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-series[rel='".concat(s + 1, "']"))
: i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-series[rel='".concat(s + 1, "'] path"));
for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++) a[r].classList.add("legend-mouseover-inactive");
null !== n && (i.globals.axisCharts || n.parentNode.classList.remove("legend-mouseover-inactive"), n.classList.remove("legend-mouseover-inactive"));
} else if ("mouseout" === t.type) for (var o = 0; o < a.length; o++) a[o].classList.remove("legend-mouseover-inactive");
key: "highlightRangeInSeries",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-heatmap-rect"),
s = function () {
for (var t = 0; t < a.length; t++) a[t].classList.remove("legend-mouseover-inactive");
if ("mousemove" === t.type) {
var n = parseInt(e.getAttribute("rel")) - 1;
(function () {
for (var t = 0; t < a.length; t++) a[t].classList.add("legend-mouseover-inactive");
(function (t) {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var i = parseInt(a[e].getAttribute("val"));
i >= t.from && i <= t.to && a[e].classList.remove("legend-mouseover-inactive");
} else "mouseout" === t.type && s();
key: "getActiveSeriesIndex",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = 0;
if (t.globals.series.length > 1)
for (
var i = t.globals.series.map(function (e, i) {
return e.length > 0 && "bar" !== t.config.series[i].type && "column" !== t.config.series[i].type ? i : -1;
a = 0;
a < i.length;
if (-1 !== i[a]) {
e = i[a];
return e;
key: "getActiveConfigSeriesIndex",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = 0;
if (t.config.series.length > 1)
for (
var i = t.config.series.map(function (t, e) {
return t.data && t.data.length > 0 ? e : -1;
a = 0;
a < i.length;
if (-1 !== i[a]) {
e = i[a];
return e;
key: "getPreviousPaths",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
function e(e, i, a) {
for (var s = e[i].childNodes, n = { type: a, paths: [], realIndex: e[i].getAttribute("data:realIndex") }, r = 0; r < s.length; r++)
if (s[r].hasAttribute("pathTo")) {
var o = s[r].getAttribute("pathTo");
n.paths.push({ d: o });
t.globals.previousPaths = [];
var i = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-line-series .apexcharts-series");
if (i.length > 0) for (var a = i.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) e(i, a, "line");
var s = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-area-series .apexcharts-series");
if (s.length > 0) for (var n = s.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) e(s, n, "area");
var r = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-bar-series .apexcharts-series");
if (r.length > 0) for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) e(r, o, "bar");
var l = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-candlestick-series .apexcharts-series");
if (l.length > 0) for (var h = 0; h < l.length; h++) e(l, h, "candlestick");
var c = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-radar-series .apexcharts-series");
if (c.length > 0) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) e(c, d, "radar");
var u = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-bubble-series .apexcharts-series");
if (u.length > 0)
for (var f = 0; f < u.length; f++) {
for (var g = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-bubble-series .apexcharts-series[data\\:realIndex='".concat(f, "'] circle")), p = [], x = 0; x < g.length; x++)
p.push({ x: g[x].getAttribute("cx"), y: g[x].getAttribute("cy"), r: g[x].getAttribute("r") });
var v = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-scatter-series .apexcharts-series");
if (v.length > 0)
for (var m = 0; m < v.length; m++) {
for (var b = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-scatter-series .apexcharts-series[data\\:realIndex='".concat(m, "'] circle")), y = [], w = 0; w < b.length; w++)
y.push({ x: b[w].getAttribute("cx"), y: b[w].getAttribute("cy"), r: b[w].getAttribute("r") });
var k = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-heatmap .apexcharts-series");
if (k.length > 0)
for (var S = 0; S < k.length; S++) {
for (var A = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-heatmap .apexcharts-series[data\\:realIndex='".concat(S, "'] rect")), C = [], L = 0; L < A.length; L++)
C.push({ color: A[L].getAttribute("color") });
t.globals.axisCharts || (t.globals.previousPaths = t.globals.series);
key: "handleNoData",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.config.noData,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = t.globals.svgWidth / 2,
s = t.globals.svgHeight / 2,
n = "middle";
if (
((t.globals.noData = !0),
(t.globals.animationEnded = !0),
"left" === e.align ? ((a = 10), (n = "start")) : "right" === e.align && ((a = t.globals.svgWidth - 10), (n = "end")),
"top" === e.verticalAlign ? (s = 50) : "bottom" === e.verticalAlign && (s = t.globals.svgHeight - 50),
(a += e.offsetX),
(s = s + parseInt(e.style.fontSize) + 2),
void 0 !== e.text && "" !== e.text)
) {
var r = i.drawText({ x: a, y: s, text: e.text, textAnchor: n, fontSize: e.style.fontSize, fontFamily: e.style.fontFamily, foreColor: e.style.color, opacity: 1, class: "apexcharts-text-nodata" });
r.node.setAttribute("class", "apexcharts-title-text"), t.globals.dom.Paper.add(r);
key: "setNullSeriesToZeroValues",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = this.w, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) if (0 === t[i].length) for (var a = 0; a < t[e.globals.maxValsInArrayIndex].length; a++) t[i].push(0);
return t;
key: "hasAllSeriesEqualX",
value: function () {
for (var t = !0, e = this.w, i = this.filteredSeriesX(), a = 0; a < i.length - 1; a++)
if (i[a][0] !== i[a + 1][0]) {
t = !1;
return (e.globals.allSeriesHasEqualX = t), t;
key: "filteredSeriesX",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.globals.seriesX.map(function (t, e) {
return t.length > 0 ? t : [];
return t;
j = (function () {
function t(e, i) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.onLegendClick = this.onLegendClick.bind(this)), (this.onLegendHovered = this.onLegendHovered.bind(this));
return (
o(t, [
key: "init",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals,
i = t.config;
if (((i.legend.showForSingleSeries && 1 === e.series.length) || e.series.length > 1 || !e.axisCharts) && i.legend.show) {
for (; e.dom.elLegendWrap.firstChild; ) e.dom.elLegendWrap.removeChild(e.dom.elLegendWrap.firstChild);
p.isIE11() ? document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(this.getLegendStyles()) : this.appendToForeignObject(),
"bottom" === i.legend.position || "top" === i.legend.position ? this.legendAlignHorizontal() : ("right" !== i.legend.position && "left" !== i.legend.position) || this.legendAlignVertical();
key: "appendToForeignObject",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.globals;
t.dom.elLegendForeign = document.createElementNS(t.SVGNS, "foreignObject");
var e = t.dom.elLegendForeign;
e.setAttribute("x", 0),
e.setAttribute("y", 0),
e.setAttribute("width", t.svgWidth),
e.setAttribute("height", t.svgHeight),
t.dom.elLegendWrap.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"),
t.dom.Paper.node.insertBefore(e, t.dom.elGraphical.node);
key: "drawLegends",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.config.legend.fontFamily,
i = t.globals.seriesNames,
a = t.globals.colors.slice();
if ("heatmap" === t.config.chart.type) {
var s = t.config.plotOptions.heatmap.colorScale.ranges;
(i = s.map(function (t) {
return t.name ? t.name : t.from + " - " + t.to;
(a = s.map(function (t) {
return t.color;
for (var n = t.globals.legendFormatter, r = 0; r <= i.length - 1; r++) {
var o = n(i[r], { seriesIndex: r, w: t }),
l = !1,
h = !1;
if (t.globals.collapsedSeries.length > 0) for (var c = 0; c < t.globals.collapsedSeries.length; c++) t.globals.collapsedSeries[c].index === r && (l = !0);
if (t.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices.length > 0) for (var d = 0; d < t.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices.length; d++) t.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices[d] === r && (h = !0);
var u = document.createElement("span");
var f = t.config.legend.markers.offsetX,
g = t.config.legend.markers.offsetY,
p = t.config.legend.markers.height,
x = t.config.legend.markers.width,
v = t.config.legend.markers.strokeWidth,
b = t.config.legend.markers.strokeColor,
y = t.config.legend.markers.radius,
w = u.style;
(w.background = a[r]),
(w.color = a[r]),
(w.height = Array.isArray(p) ? parseFloat(p[r]) + "px" : parseFloat(p) + "px"),
(w.width = Array.isArray(x) ? parseFloat(x[r]) + "px" : parseFloat(x) + "px"),
(w.left = Array.isArray(f) ? f[r] : f),
(w.top = Array.isArray(g) ? g[r] : g),
(w.borderWidth = Array.isArray(v) ? v[r] : v),
(w.borderColor = Array.isArray(b) ? b[r] : b),
(w.borderRadius = Array.isArray(y) ? parseFloat(y[r]) + "px" : parseFloat(y) + "px"),
t.config.legend.markers.customHTML &&
(Array.isArray(t.config.legend.markers.customHTML) ? (u.innerHTML = t.config.legend.markers.customHTML[r]()) : (u.innerHTML = t.config.legend.markers.customHTML())),
m.setAttrs(u, { rel: r + 1, "data:collapsed": l || h }),
(l || h) && u.classList.add("inactive-legend");
var k = document.createElement("div"),
S = document.createElement("span");
S.classList.add("apexcharts-legend-text"), (S.innerHTML = o);
var C = t.config.legend.labels.useSeriesColors ? t.globals.colors[r] : t.config.legend.labels.colors;
C || (C = t.config.chart.foreColor),
(S.style.color = C),
(S.style.fontSize = parseFloat(t.config.legend.fontSize) + "px"),
(S.style.fontFamily = e || t.config.chart.fontFamily),
m.setAttrs(S, { rel: r + 1, "data:collapsed": l || h }),
var L = new A(this.ctx);
if (!t.config.legend.showForZeroSeries)
0 === L.getSeriesTotalByIndex(r) &&
L.seriesHaveSameValues(r) &&
!L.isSeriesNull(r) &&
-1 === t.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(r) &&
-1 === t.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(r) &&
t.config.legend.showForNullSeries ||
(L.isSeriesNull(r) && -1 === t.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(r) && -1 === t.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(r) && k.classList.add("apexcharts-hidden-null-series")),
t.globals.dom.elLegendWrap.classList.add("position-" + t.config.legend.position),
(k.style.margin = "".concat(t.config.legend.itemMargin.horizontal, "px ").concat(t.config.legend.itemMargin.vertical, "px")),
(t.globals.dom.elLegendWrap.style.width = t.config.legend.width ? t.config.legend.width + "px" : ""),
(t.globals.dom.elLegendWrap.style.height = t.config.legend.height ? t.config.legend.height + "px" : ""),
m.setAttrs(k, { rel: r + 1, "data:collapsed": l || h }),
(l || h) && k.classList.add("inactive-legend"),
t.config.legend.onItemClick.toggleDataSeries || k.classList.add("no-click");
"heatmap" !== t.config.chart.type && t.config.legend.onItemClick.toggleDataSeries && t.globals.dom.elWrap.addEventListener("click", this.onLegendClick, !0),
t.config.legend.onItemHover.highlightDataSeries &&
(t.globals.dom.elWrap.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onLegendHovered, !0), t.globals.dom.elWrap.addEventListener("mouseout", this.onLegendHovered, !0));
key: "getLegendBBox",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-legend").getBoundingClientRect(),
e = t.width;
return { clwh: t.height, clww: e };
key: "setLegendWrapXY",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-legend"),
s = a.getBoundingClientRect(),
n = 0,
r = 0;
if ("bottom" === i.config.legend.position) r += i.globals.svgHeight - s.height / 2;
else if ("top" === i.config.legend.position) {
var o = new V(this.ctx),
l = o.getTitleSubtitleCoords("title").height,
h = o.getTitleSubtitleCoords("subtitle").height;
r = r + (l > 0 ? l - 10 : 0) + (h > 0 ? h - 10 : 0);
(a.style.position = "absolute"),
(n = n + t + i.config.legend.offsetX),
(r = r + e + i.config.legend.offsetY),
(a.style.left = n + "px"),
(a.style.top = r + "px"),
"bottom" === i.config.legend.position
? ((a.style.top = "auto"), (a.style.bottom = 10 + i.config.legend.offsetY + "px"))
: "right" === i.config.legend.position && ((a.style.left = "auto"), (a.style.right = 25 + i.config.legend.offsetX + "px")),
a.style.width && (a.style.width = parseInt(i.config.legend.width) + "px"),
a.style.height && (a.style.height = parseInt(i.config.legend.height) + "px");
key: "legendAlignHorizontal",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-legend").style.right = 0;
var e = this.getLegendBBox(),
i = new V(this.ctx),
a = i.getTitleSubtitleCoords("title"),
s = i.getTitleSubtitleCoords("subtitle"),
n = 0;
"bottom" === t.config.legend.position ? (n = -e.clwh / 1.8) : "top" === t.config.legend.position && (n = a.height + s.height + t.config.title.margin + t.config.subtitle.margin - 15),
this.setLegendWrapXY(20, n);
key: "legendAlignVertical",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = this.getLegendBBox(),
i = 0;
"left" === t.config.legend.position && (i = 20), "right" === t.config.legend.position && (i = t.globals.svgWidth - e.clww - 10), this.setLegendWrapXY(i, 20);
key: "onLegendHovered",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = t.target.classList.contains("apexcharts-legend-text") || t.target.classList.contains("apexcharts-legend-marker");
if ("heatmap" !== e.config.chart.type) !t.target.classList.contains("inactive-legend") && i && new G(this.ctx).toggleSeriesOnHover(t, t.target);
else if (i) {
var a = parseInt(t.target.getAttribute("rel")) - 1;
this.ctx.fireEvent("legendHover", [this.ctx, a, this.w]), new G(this.ctx).highlightRangeInSeries(t, t.target);
key: "onLegendClick",
value: function (t) {
if (t.target.classList.contains("apexcharts-legend-text") || t.target.classList.contains("apexcharts-legend-marker")) {
var e = parseInt(t.target.getAttribute("rel")) - 1,
i = "true" === t.target.getAttribute("data:collapsed"),
a = this.w.config.chart.events.legendClick;
"function" == typeof a && a(this.ctx, e, this.w), this.ctx.fireEvent("legendClick", [this.ctx, e, this.w]);
var s = this.w.config.legend.markers.onClick;
"function" == typeof s && t.target.classList.contains("apexcharts-legend-marker") && (s(this.ctx, e, this.w), this.ctx.fireEvent("legendMarkerClick", [this.ctx, e, this.w])),
this.toggleDataSeries(e, i);
key: "getLegendStyles",
value: function () {
var t = document.createElement("style");
t.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
var e = document.createTextNode(
"\n \n .apexcharts-legend {\n display: flex;\n overflow: auto;\n padding: 0 10px;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend.position-bottom, .apexcharts-legend.position-top {\n flex-wrap: wrap\n }\n .apexcharts-legend.position-right, .apexcharts-legend.position-left {\n flex-direction: column;\n bottom: 0;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend.position-bottom.left, .apexcharts-legend.position-top.left, .apexcharts-legend.position-right, .apexcharts-legend.position-left {\n justify-content: flex-start;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend.position-bottom.center, .apexcharts-legend.position-top.center {\n justify-content: center; \n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend.position-bottom.right, .apexcharts-legend.position-top.right {\n justify-content: flex-end;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend-series {\n cursor: pointer;\n line-height: normal;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend.position-bottom .apexcharts-legend-series, .apexcharts-legend.position-top .apexcharts-legend-series{\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend-text {\n position: relative;\n font-size: 14px;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend-text *, .apexcharts-legend-marker * {\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend-marker {\n position: relative;\n display: inline-block;\n cursor: pointer;\n margin-right: 3px;\n }\n \n .apexcharts-legend.right .apexcharts-legend-series, .apexcharts-legend.left .apexcharts-legend-series{\n display: inline-block;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend-series.no-click {\n cursor: auto;\n }\n\n .apexcharts-legend .apexcharts-hidden-zero-series, .apexcharts-legend .apexcharts-hidden-null-series {\n display: none !important;\n }\n\n .inactive-legend {\n opacity: 0.45;\n }"
return t.appendChild(e), t;
key: "toggleDataSeries",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w;
if (i.globals.axisCharts || "radialBar" === i.config.chart.type) {
i.globals.resized = !0;
var a = null,
s = null;
if (
((i.globals.risingSeries = []),
? ((a = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-series[data\\:realIndex='".concat(t, "']"))), (s = parseInt(a.getAttribute("data:realIndex"))))
: ((a = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-series[rel='".concat(t + 1, "']"))), (s = parseInt(a.getAttribute("rel")) - 1)),
this.riseCollapsedSeries(i.globals.collapsedSeries, i.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices, s),
this.riseCollapsedSeries(i.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeries, i.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices, s);
else {
if (i.globals.axisCharts) {
var n = !1;
if (
(i.config.yaxis[s] &&
i.config.yaxis[s].show &&
i.config.yaxis[s].showAlways &&
((n = !0),
i.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(s) < 0 &&
(i.globals.ancillaryCollapsedSeries.push({ index: s, data: i.config.series[s].data.slice(), type: a.parentNode.className.baseVal.split("-")[1] }),
) {
i.globals.collapsedSeries.push({ index: s, data: i.config.series[s].data.slice(), type: a.parentNode.className.baseVal.split("-")[1] }), i.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.push(s);
var r = i.globals.risingSeries.indexOf(s);
i.globals.risingSeries.splice(r, 1);
i.config.series[s].data = [];
} else i.globals.collapsedSeries.push({ index: s, data: i.config.series[s] }), i.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.push(s), (i.config.series[s] = 0);
for (var o = a.childNodes, l = 0; l < o.length; l++)
o[l].classList.contains("apexcharts-series-markers-wrap") && (o[l].classList.contains("apexcharts-hide") ? o[l].classList.remove("apexcharts-hide") : o[l].classList.add("apexcharts-hide"));
(i.globals.allSeriesCollapsed = i.globals.collapsedSeries.length === i.globals.series.length), this.ctx._updateSeries(i.config.series, i.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled);
} else {
var h = i.globals.dom.Paper.select(" .apexcharts-series[rel='".concat(t + 1, "'] path")),
c = i.config.chart.type;
if ("pie" === c || "donut" === c) {
var d = i.config.plotOptions.pie.donut.labels,
u = new m(this.ctx),
f = new R(this.ctx);
u.pathMouseDown(h.members[0], null), f.printDataLabelsInner(h.members[0].node, d);
key: "riseCollapsedSeries",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w;
if (t.length > 0)
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++)
t[s].index === i &&
? ((a.config.series[i].data = t[s].data.slice()), t.splice(s, 1), e.splice(s, 1), a.globals.risingSeries.push(i))
: ((a.config.series[i] = t[s].data), t.splice(s, 1), e.splice(s, 1), a.globals.risingSeries.push(i)),
this.ctx._updateSeries(a.config.series, a.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled));
U = (function () {
function t(e, i, a) {
n(this, t),
(this.ctx = e),
(this.w = e.w),
(this.xyRatios = i),
(this.pointsChart = !("bubble" !== this.w.config.chart.type && "scatter" !== this.w.config.chart.type) || a),
(this.scatter = new M(this.ctx)),
(this.noNegatives = this.w.globals.minX === Number.MAX_VALUE),
(this.yaxisIndex = 0);
return (
o(t, [
key: "draw",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w,
s = new m(this.ctx),
n = new P(this.ctx),
r = a.globals.comboCharts ? e : a.config.chart.type,
o = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-".concat(r, "-series apexcharts-plot-series") }),
l = new A(this.ctx, a);
t = l.getLogSeries(t);
var c = this.xyRatios.yRatio;
c = l.getLogYRatios(c);
for (var d = this.xyRatios.zRatio, u = this.xyRatios.xRatio, f = this.xyRatios.baseLineY, g = [], x = [], v = 0, b = 0; b < t.length; b++) {
if ("line" === r && ("gradient" === a.config.fill.type || "gradient" === a.config.fill.type[b]) && l.seriesHaveSameValues(b)) {
var y = t[b].slice();
(y[y.length - 1] = y[y.length - 1] + 1e-6), (t[b] = y);
var w = a.globals.gridWidth / a.globals.dataPoints,
k = a.globals.comboCharts ? i[b] : b;
c.length > 1 && (this.yaxisIndex = k), (this.isReversed = a.config.yaxis[this.yaxisIndex] && a.config.yaxis[this.yaxisIndex].reversed);
var S = [],
C = [],
L = a.globals.gridHeight - f[this.yaxisIndex] - (this.isReversed ? a.globals.gridHeight : 0) + (this.isReversed ? 2 * f[this.yaxisIndex] : 0),
E = L;
L > a.globals.gridHeight && (E = a.globals.gridHeight), (v = w / 2);
var M = a.globals.padHorizontal + v,
I = 1;
a.globals.isXNumeric && a.globals.seriesX.length > 0 && (M = (a.globals.seriesX[k][0] - a.globals.minX) / u), C.push(M);
var X = void 0,
F = void 0,
Y = void 0,
O = void 0,
R = [],
D = [],
N = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-series", seriesName: p.escapeString(a.globals.seriesNames[k]) }),
H = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-series-markers-wrap" }),
_ = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-datalabels" });
this.ctx.series.addCollapsedClassToSeries(N, k);
var W = t[b].length === a.globals.dataPoints;
N.attr({ "data:longestSeries": W, rel: b + 1, "data:realIndex": k }), (this.appendPathFrom = !0);
var B = M,
V = void 0,
G = B,
j = L,
U = 0;
if (((j = this.determineFirstPrevY({ i: b, series: t, yRatio: c[this.yaxisIndex], zeroY: L, prevY: j, prevSeriesY: x, lineYPosition: U }).prevY), S.push(j), (V = j), null === t[b][0])) {
for (var q = 0; q < t[b].length; q++)
if (null !== t[b][q]) {
(G = w * q), (j = L - t[b][q] / c[this.yaxisIndex]), (X = s.move(G, j)), (F = s.move(G, E));
} else (X = s.move(G, j)), (F = s.move(G, E) + s.line(G, j));
if (((Y = s.move(-1, L) + s.line(-1, L)), (O = s.move(-1, L) + s.line(-1, L)), a.globals.previousPaths.length > 0)) {
var Z = this.checkPreviousPaths({ pathFromLine: Y, pathFromArea: O, realIndex: k });
(Y = Z.pathFromLine), (O = Z.pathFromArea);
for (var $ = a.globals.dataPoints > 1 ? a.globals.dataPoints - 1 : a.globals.dataPoints, J = 0; J < $; J++) {
if (a.globals.isXNumeric) {
var Q = a.globals.seriesX[k][J + 1];
void 0 === a.globals.seriesX[k][J + 1] && (Q = a.globals.seriesX[k][$ - 1]), (M = (Q - a.globals.minX) / u);
} else M += w;
var K = p.isNumber(a.globals.minYArr[k]) ? a.globals.minYArr[k] : a.globals.minY;
? ((U = b > 0 && a.globals.collapsedSeries.length < a.config.series.length - 1 ? x[b - 1][J + 1] : L),
(I =
void 0 === t[b][J + 1] || null === t[b][J + 1]
? U - K / c[this.yaxisIndex] + 2 * (this.isReversed ? K / c[this.yaxisIndex] : 0)
: U - t[b][J + 1] / c[this.yaxisIndex] + 2 * (this.isReversed ? t[b][J + 1] / c[this.yaxisIndex] : 0)))
: (I =
void 0 === t[b][J + 1] || null === t[b][J + 1]
? L - K / c[this.yaxisIndex] + 2 * (this.isReversed ? K / c[this.yaxisIndex] : 0)
: L - t[b][J + 1] / c[this.yaxisIndex] + 2 * (this.isReversed ? t[b][J + 1] / c[this.yaxisIndex] : 0)),
var tt = this.createPaths({ series: t, i: b, j: J, x: M, y: I, xDivision: w, pX: B, pY: V, areaBottomY: E, linePath: X, areaPath: F, linePaths: R, areaPaths: D, seriesIndex: i });
(D = tt.areaPaths), (R = tt.linePaths), (B = tt.pX), (V = tt.pY), (F = tt.areaPath), (X = tt.linePath), this.appendPathFrom && ((Y += s.line(M, L)), (O += s.line(M, L)));
var et = this.calculatePoints({ series: t, x: M, y: I, realIndex: k, i: b, j: J, prevY: j, categoryAxisCorrection: v, xRatio: u });
if (this.pointsChart) this.scatter.draw(N, J, { realIndex: k, pointsPos: et, zRatio: d, elParent: H });
else {
var it = new T(this.ctx);
a.globals.dataPoints > 1 && H.node.classList.add("hidden");
var at = it.plotChartMarkers(et, k, J + 1);
null !== at && H.add(at);
var st = !t[b][J + 1] || t[b][J + 1] > t[b][J] ? "top" : "bottom",
nt = new z(this.ctx).drawDataLabel(et, k, J + 1, null, st);
null !== nt && _.add(nt);
x.push(S), (a.globals.seriesXvalues[k] = C), (a.globals.seriesYvalues[k] = S), this.pointsChart || a.globals.delayedElements.push({ el: H.node, index: k });
var rt = {
i: b,
realIndex: k,
animationDelay: b,
initialSpeed: a.config.chart.animations.speed,
dataChangeSpeed: a.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.speed,
className: "apexcharts-".concat(r),
id: "apexcharts-".concat(r),
if ("area" === r)
for (var ot = n.fillPath({ seriesNumber: k }), lt = 0; lt < D.length; lt++) {
var ht = s.renderPaths(h({}, rt, { pathFrom: O, pathTo: D[lt], stroke: "none", strokeWidth: 0, strokeLineCap: null, fill: ot }));
if (a.config.stroke.show && !this.pointsChart) {
var ct = null;
ct = "line" === r ? n.fillPath({ seriesNumber: k, i: b }) : a.globals.stroke.colors[k];
for (var dt = 0; dt < R.length; dt++) {
var ut = s.renderPaths(
h({}, rt, {
pathFrom: Y,
pathTo: R[dt],
stroke: ct,
strokeWidth: Array.isArray(a.config.stroke.width) ? a.config.stroke.width[k] : a.config.stroke.width,
strokeLineCap: a.config.stroke.lineCap,
fill: "none",
N.add(H), N.add(_), g.push(N);
for (var ft = g.length; ft > 0; ft--) o.add(g[ft - 1]);
return o;
key: "createPaths",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.series,
i = t.i,
a = t.j,
s = t.x,
n = t.y,
r = t.pX,
o = t.pY,
l = t.xDivision,
h = t.areaBottomY,
c = t.linePath,
d = t.areaPath,
u = t.linePaths,
f = t.areaPaths,
g = t.seriesIndex,
p = this.w,
x = new m(this.ctx),
v = p.config.stroke.curve;
if ((Array.isArray(p.config.stroke.curve) && (v = Array.isArray(g) ? p.config.stroke.curve[g[i]] : p.config.stroke.curve[i]), "smooth" === v)) {
var b = 0.35 * (s - r);
? (null !== e[i][a] &&
(null !== e[i][a + 1]
? ((c = x.move(r, o) + x.curve(r + b, o, s - b, n, s + 1, n)), (d = x.move(r + 1, o) + x.curve(r + b, o, s - b, n, s + 1, n) + x.line(s, h) + x.line(r, h) + "z"))
: ((c = x.move(r, o)), (d = x.move(r, o) + "z"))),
: ((c += x.curve(r + b, o, s - b, n, s, n)), (d += x.curve(r + b, o, s - b, n, s, n))),
(r = s),
(o = n),
a === e[i].length - 2 && ((d = d + x.curve(r, o, s, n, s, h) + x.move(s, n) + "z"), p.globals.hasNullValues || (u.push(c), f.push(d)));
} else
null === e[i][a + 1] && ((c += x.move(s, n)), (d = d + x.line(s - l, h) + x.move(s, n))),
null === e[i][a] && ((c += x.move(s, n)), (d += x.move(s, h))),
"stepline" === v ? ((c = c + x.line(s, null, "H") + x.line(null, n, "V")), (d = d + x.line(s, null, "H") + x.line(null, n, "V"))) : "straight" === v && ((c += x.line(s, n)), (d += x.line(s, n))),
a === e[i].length - 2 && ((d = d + x.line(s, h) + x.move(s, n) + "z"), u.push(c), f.push(d));
return { linePaths: u, areaPaths: f, pX: r, pY: o, linePath: c, areaPath: d };
key: "calculatePoints",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.series,
i = t.realIndex,
a = t.x,
s = t.y,
n = t.i,
r = t.j,
o = t.prevY,
l = t.categoryAxisCorrection,
h = t.xRatio,
c = this.w,
d = [],
u = [];
if (0 === r) {
var f = l + c.config.markers.offsetX;
c.globals.isXNumeric && (f = (c.globals.seriesX[i][0] - c.globals.minX) / h + c.config.markers.offsetX),
u.push(p.isNumber(e[n][0]) ? o + c.config.markers.offsetY : null),
d.push(a + c.config.markers.offsetX),
u.push(p.isNumber(e[n][r + 1]) ? s + c.config.markers.offsetY : null);
} else d.push(a + c.config.markers.offsetX), u.push(p.isNumber(e[n][r + 1]) ? s + c.config.markers.offsetY : null);
return { x: d, y: u };
key: "checkPreviousPaths",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = t.pathFromLine, i = t.pathFromArea, a = t.realIndex, s = this.w, n = 0; n < s.globals.previousPaths.length; n++) {
var r = s.globals.previousPaths[n];
("line" === r.type || "area" === r.type) &&
r.paths.length > 0 &&
parseInt(r.realIndex) === parseInt(a) &&
("line" === r.type
? ((this.appendPathFrom = !1), (e = s.globals.previousPaths[n].paths[0].d))
: "area" === r.type && ((this.appendPathFrom = !1), (i = s.globals.previousPaths[n].paths[0].d), s.config.stroke.show && (e = s.globals.previousPaths[n].paths[1].d)));
return { pathFromLine: e, pathFromArea: i };
key: "determineFirstPrevY",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.i,
i = t.series,
a = t.yRatio,
s = t.zeroY,
n = t.prevY,
r = t.prevSeriesY,
o = t.lineYPosition,
l = this.w;
if (void 0 !== i[e][0]) n = l.config.chart.stacked ? (o = e > 0 ? r[e - 1][0] : s) - i[e][0] / a + 2 * (this.isReversed ? i[e][0] / a : 0) : s - i[e][0] / a + 2 * (this.isReversed ? i[e][0] / a : 0);
else if (l.config.chart.stacked && e > 0 && void 0 === i[e][0])
for (var h = e - 1; h >= 0; h--)
if (null !== i[h][0] && void 0 !== i[h][0]) {
n = o = r[h][0];
return { prevY: n, lineYPosition: o };
q = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
var i = this.w;
(this.xaxisLabels = i.globals.labels.slice()),
i.globals.timelineLabels.length > 0 && (this.xaxisLabels = i.globals.timelineLabels.slice()),
(this.drawnLabels = []),
"top" === i.config.xaxis.position ? (this.offY = 0) : (this.offY = i.globals.gridHeight + 1),
(this.offY = this.offY + i.config.xaxis.axisBorder.offsetY),
(this.xaxisFontSize = i.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontSize),
(this.xaxisFontFamily = i.config.xaxis.labels.style.fontFamily),
(this.xaxisForeColors = i.config.xaxis.labels.style.colors),
(this.xaxisBorderWidth = i.config.xaxis.axisBorder.width),
this.xaxisBorderWidth.indexOf("%") > -1 ? (this.xaxisBorderWidth = (i.globals.gridWidth * parseInt(this.xaxisBorderWidth)) / 100) : (this.xaxisBorderWidth = parseInt(this.xaxisBorderWidth)),
(this.xaxisBorderHeight = i.config.xaxis.axisBorder.height),
(this.yaxis = i.config.yaxis[0]),
(this.axesUtils = new W(e));
return (
o(t, [
key: "drawXaxis",
value: function () {
var t,
e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-xaxis", transform: "translate(".concat(e.config.xaxis.offsetX, ", ").concat(e.config.xaxis.offsetY, ")") }),
s = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-xaxis-texts-g", transform: "translate(".concat(e.globals.translateXAxisX, ", ").concat(e.globals.translateXAxisY, ")") });
for (var n = e.globals.padHorizontal, r = [], o = 0; o < this.xaxisLabels.length; o++) r.push(this.xaxisLabels[o]);
n = e.globals.isXNumeric ? n + (t = e.globals.gridWidth / (r.length - 1)) / 2 + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetX : n + (t = e.globals.gridWidth / r.length) + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetX;
var l = r.length;
if (e.config.xaxis.labels.show)
for (var h = 0; h <= l - 1; h++) {
var c = n - t / 2 + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetX,
d = this.axesUtils.getLabel(r, e.globals.timelineLabels, c, h, this.drawnLabels);
var u = 28;
e.globals.rotateXLabels && (u = 22);
var f = i.drawText({
x: d.x,
y: this.offY + e.config.xaxis.labels.offsetY + u,
text: "",
textAnchor: "middle",
fontSize: this.xaxisFontSize,
fontFamily: this.xaxisFontFamily,
foreColor: Array.isArray(this.xaxisForeColors) ? this.xaxisForeColors[h] : this.xaxisForeColors,
cssClass: "apexcharts-xaxis-label " + e.config.xaxis.labels.style.cssClass,
h === l - 1 && e.globals.skipLastTimelinelabel && (d.text = ""), s.add(f), i.addTspan(f, d.text, this.xaxisFontFamily);
var g = document.createElementNS(e.globals.SVGNS, "title");
(g.textContent = d.text), f.node.appendChild(g), (n += t);
if (void 0 !== e.config.xaxis.title.text) {
var p = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-xaxis-title" }),
x = i.drawText({
x: e.globals.gridWidth / 2 + e.config.xaxis.title.offsetX,
y: this.offY - parseInt(this.xaxisFontSize) + e.globals.xAxisLabelsHeight + e.config.xaxis.title.offsetY,
text: e.config.xaxis.title.text,
textAnchor: "middle",
fontSize: e.config.xaxis.title.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: e.config.xaxis.title.style.fontFamily,
foreColor: e.config.xaxis.title.style.color,
cssClass: "apexcharts-xaxis-title-text " + e.config.xaxis.title.style.cssClass,
p.add(x), a.add(p);
if (e.config.xaxis.axisBorder.show) {
var v = 0;
"bar" === e.config.chart.type && e.globals.isXNumeric && (v -= 15);
var b = i.drawLine(e.globals.padHorizontal + v + e.config.xaxis.axisBorder.offsetX, this.offY, this.xaxisBorderWidth, this.offY, e.config.xaxis.axisBorder.color, 0, this.xaxisBorderHeight);
return a;
key: "drawXaxisInversed",
value: function (t) {
var e,
a = this.w,
s = new m(this.ctx),
n = a.config.yaxis[0].opposite ? a.globals.translateYAxisX[t] : 0,
r = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-yaxis apexcharts-xaxis-inversed", rel: t }),
o = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-yaxis-texts-g apexcharts-xaxis-inversed-texts-g", transform: "translate(" + n + ", 0)" });
for (var l = [], h = 0; h < this.xaxisLabels.length; h++) l.push(this.xaxisLabels[h]);
i = -(e = a.globals.gridHeight / l.length) / 2.2;
var c = a.globals.yLabelFormatters[0],
d = a.config.yaxis[0].labels;
if (d.show)
for (var u = 0; u <= l.length - 1; u++) {
var f = void 0 === l[u] ? "" : l[u];
f = c(f);
var g = s.drawText({
x: d.offsetX - 15,
y: i + e + d.offsetY,
text: f,
textAnchor: this.yaxis.opposite ? "start" : "end",
foreColor: d.style.color ? d.style.color : d.style.colors[u],
fontSize: d.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: d.style.fontFamily,
cssClass: "apexcharts-yaxis-label " + d.style.cssClass,
if ((o.add(g), 0 !== a.config.yaxis[t].labels.rotate)) {
var p = s.rotateAroundCenter(g.node);
g.node.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(".concat(a.config.yaxis[t].labels.rotate, " ").concat(p.x, " ").concat(p.y, ")"));
i += e;
if (void 0 !== a.config.yaxis[0].title.text) {
var x = s.group({ class: "apexcharts-yaxis-title apexcharts-xaxis-title-inversed", transform: "translate(" + n + ", 0)" }),
v = s.drawText({
x: 0,
y: a.globals.gridHeight / 2,
text: a.config.yaxis[0].title.text,
textAnchor: "middle",
foreColor: a.config.yaxis[0].title.style.color,
fontSize: a.config.yaxis[0].title.style.fontSize,
fontFamily: a.config.yaxis[0].title.style.fontFamily,
cssClass: "apexcharts-yaxis-title-text " + a.config.yaxis[0].title.style.cssClass,
x.add(v), r.add(x);
if (a.config.xaxis.axisBorder.show) {
var b = s.drawLine(a.globals.padHorizontal + a.config.xaxis.axisBorder.offsetX, this.offY, this.xaxisBorderWidth, this.offY, this.yaxis.axisBorder.color, 0, this.xaxisBorderHeight);
r.add(b), this.axesUtils.drawYAxisTicks(0, l.length, a.config.yaxis[0].axisBorder, a.config.yaxis[0].axisTicks, 0, e, r);
return r;
key: "drawXaxisTicks",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = t;
if (!(t < 0 || t > i.globals.gridWidth)) {
var s = this.offY + i.config.xaxis.axisTicks.offsetY,
n = s + i.config.xaxis.axisTicks.height;
if (i.config.xaxis.axisTicks.show) {
var r = new m(this.ctx).drawLine(
t + i.config.xaxis.axisTicks.offsetX,
s + i.config.xaxis.offsetY,
a + i.config.xaxis.axisTicks.offsetX,
n + i.config.xaxis.offsetY,
e.add(r), r.node.classList.add("apexcharts-xaxis-tick");
key: "getXAxisTicksPositions",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = [],
i = this.xaxisLabels.length,
a = t.globals.padHorizontal;
if (t.globals.timelineLabels.length > 0) for (var s = 0; s < i; s++) (a = this.xaxisLabels[s].position), e.push(a);
for (var n = i, r = 0; r < n; r++) {
var o = n;
t.globals.isXNumeric && "bar" !== t.config.chart.type && (o -= 1), (a += t.globals.gridWidth / o), e.push(a);
return e;
key: "xAxisLabelCorrections",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = new m(this.ctx),
i = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-xaxis-texts-g"),
a = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-xaxis-texts-g text"),
s = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-yaxis-inversed text"),
n = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-xaxis-inversed-texts-g text");
if (t.globals.rotateXLabels || t.config.xaxis.labels.rotateAlways)
for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
var o = e.rotateAroundCenter(a[r]);
(o.y = o.y - 1), (o.x = o.x + 1), a[r].setAttribute("transform", "rotate(".concat(t.config.xaxis.labels.rotate, " ").concat(o.x, " ").concat(o.y, ")")), a[r].setAttribute("text-anchor", "end");
i.setAttribute("transform", "translate(0, ".concat(-10, ")"));
var l = a[r].childNodes;
t.config.xaxis.labels.trim && e.placeTextWithEllipsis(l[0], l[0].textContent, t.config.xaxis.labels.maxHeight - 40);
for (var h = t.globals.gridWidth / t.globals.labels.length, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var d = a[c].childNodes;
t.config.xaxis.labels.trim && "datetime" !== t.config.xaxis.type && e.placeTextWithEllipsis(d[0], d[0].textContent, h);
if (s.length > 0) {
var u = s[s.length - 1].getBBox(),
f = s[0].getBBox();
u.x < -20 && s[s.length - 1].parentNode.removeChild(s[s.length - 1]), f.x + f.width > t.globals.gridWidth && s[0].parentNode.removeChild(s[0]);
for (var g = 0; g < n.length; g++) e.placeTextWithEllipsis(n[g], n[g].textContent, t.config.yaxis[0].labels.maxWidth - 2 * parseInt(t.config.yaxis[0].title.style.fontSize) - 20);
Z = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "niceScale",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 0,
s = arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 10,
n = this.w,
r = (void 0 === this.w.config.yaxis[a].max && void 0 === this.w.config.yaxis[a].min) || this.w.config.yaxis[a].forceNiceScale;
if ((t === Number.MIN_VALUE && 0 === e) || (!p.isNumber(t) && !p.isNumber(e)) || (t === Number.MIN_VALUE && e === -Number.MAX_VALUE)) return (t = 0), (e = s), this.linearScale(t, e, s);
t > e ? (console.warn("yaxis.min cannot be greater than yaxis.max"), (e = t + 0.1)) : t === e && ((t = 0 === t ? 0 : t - 0.5), (e = 0 === e ? 2 : e + 0.5));
var o = [],
l = Math.abs(e - t);
l < 1 && r && ("candlestick" === n.config.chart.type || "candlestick" === n.config.series[a].type || n.globals.isRangeData) && (e *= 1.01);
var h = s + 1;
h < 2 ? (h = 2) : h > 2 && (h -= 2);
for (var c = l / h, d = Math.floor(p.log10(c)), u = Math.pow(10, d), f = parseInt(c / u) * u, g = f * Math.floor(t / f), x = f * Math.ceil(e / f), v = g; o.push(v), !((v += f) > x); );
if (r && i > 10) return { result: o, niceMin: o[0], niceMax: o[o.length - 1] };
var m = t;
(o = []).push(m);
for (var b = Math.abs(e - t) / s, y = 0; y <= s; y++) (m += b), o.push(m);
return o[o.length - 2] >= e && o.pop(), { result: o, niceMin: o[0], niceMax: o[o.length - 1] };
key: "linearScale",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 10,
a = Math.abs(e - t) / i;
i === Number.MAX_VALUE && ((i = 10), (a = 1));
for (var s = [], n = t; i >= 0; ) s.push(n), (n += a), (i -= 1);
return { result: s, niceMin: s[0], niceMax: s[s.length - 1] };
key: "logarithmicScale",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
(e < 0 || e === Number.MIN_VALUE) && (e = 0.01);
for (var s = Math.log(e) / Math.log(10), n = Math.log(i) / Math.log(10), r = Math.abs(i - e) / a, o = [], l = e; a >= 0; ) o.push(l), (l += r), (a -= 1);
var h = o.map(function (t, a) {
t <= 0 && (t = 0.01);
var r = (n - s) / (i - e),
o = Math.pow(10, s + r * (t - s));
return Math.round(o / p.roundToBase(o, 10)) * p.roundToBase(o, 10);
return 0 === h[0] && (h[0] = 1), { result: h, niceMin: h[0], niceMax: h[h.length - 1] };
key: "setYScaleForIndex",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w.globals,
s = this.w.config,
n = a.isBarHorizontal ? s.xaxis : s.yaxis[t];
if ((void 0 === a.yAxisScale[t] && (a.yAxisScale[t] = []), n.logarithmic))
(a.allSeriesCollapsed = !1), (a.yAxisScale[t] = this.logarithmicScale(t, e, i, n.tickAmount ? n.tickAmount : Math.floor(Math.log10(i))));
else if (i !== -Number.MAX_VALUE && p.isNumber(i))
if (((a.allSeriesCollapsed = !1), (void 0 === n.min && void 0 === n.max) || n.forceNiceScale)) {
var r = Math.abs(i - e);
a.yAxisScale[t] = this.niceScale(e, i, r, t, n.tickAmount ? n.tickAmount : r < 5 && r > 1 ? r + 1 : 5);
} else a.yAxisScale[t] = this.linearScale(e, i, n.tickAmount);
else a.yAxisScale[t] = this.linearScale(0, 5, 5);
key: "setMultipleYScales",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w.globals,
i = this.w.config,
a = e.minYArr.concat([]),
s = e.maxYArr.concat([]),
n = [];
i.yaxis.forEach(function (r, o) {
var l = o;
i.series.forEach(function (t, i) {
t.name === r.seriesName && -1 === e.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(i) && ((l = i), o !== i ? n.push({ index: i, similarIndex: o, alreadyExists: !0 }) : n.push({ index: i }));
var h = a[l],
c = s[l];
t.setYScaleForIndex(o, h, c);
this.sameScaleInMultipleAxes(a, s, n);
key: "sameScaleInMultipleAxes",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this,
s = this.w.config,
n = this.w.globals,
r = [];
i.forEach(function (t) {
t.alreadyExists && (void 0 === r[t.index] && (r[t.index] = []), r[t.index].push(t.index), r[t.index].push(t.similarIndex));
r.forEach(function (t, e) {
r.forEach(function (i, a) {
var s, n;
e !== a &&
((s = t),
(n = i),
s.filter(function (t) {
return -1 !== n.indexOf(t);
})).length > 0 &&
(r[e] = r[e].concat(r[a]));
var o = r
.map(function (t) {
return t.filter(function (e, i) {
return t.indexOf(e) === i;
.map(function (t) {
return t.sort();
r = r.filter(function (t) {
return !!t;
var l = o.slice(),
h = l.map(function (t) {
return JSON.stringify(t);
l = l.filter(function (t, e) {
return h.indexOf(JSON.stringify(t)) === e;
var c = [],
d = [];
t.forEach(function (t, i) {
l.forEach(function (a, s) {
a.indexOf(i) > -1 && (void 0 === c[s] && ((c[s] = []), (d[s] = [])), c[s].push({ key: i, value: t }), d[s].push({ key: i, value: e[i] }));
var u = Array.apply(null, Array(l.length)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, Number.MIN_VALUE),
f = Array.apply(null, Array(l.length)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, -Number.MAX_VALUE);
c.forEach(function (t, e) {
t.forEach(function (t, i) {
u[e] = Math.min(t.value, u[e]);
d.forEach(function (t, e) {
t.forEach(function (t, i) {
f[e] = Math.max(t.value, f[e]);
t.forEach(function (t, e) {
d.forEach(function (t, i) {
var r = u[i],
o = f[i];
s.chart.stacked &&
((o = 0),
t.forEach(function (t, e) {
(o += t.value), r !== Number.MIN_VALUE && (r += c[i][e].value);
t.forEach(function (i, l) {
t[l].key === e &&
(void 0 !== s.yaxis[e].min && (r = "function" == typeof s.yaxis[e].min ? s.yaxis[e].min(n.minY) : s.yaxis[e].min),
void 0 !== s.yaxis[e].max && (o = "function" == typeof s.yaxis[e].max ? s.yaxis[e].max(n.maxY) : s.yaxis[e].max),
a.setYScaleForIndex(e, r, o));
key: "autoScaleY",
value: function (t, e, i) {
t || (t = this);
var a = t.w,
s = a.globals.seriesX[0],
n = a.config.chart.stacked;
return (
e.forEach(function (t, r) {
for (var o = 0, l = 0; l < s.length; l++)
if (s[l] >= i.xaxis.min) {
o = l;
var h,
d = a.globals.minYArr[r],
u = a.globals.maxYArr[r],
f = a.globals.stackedSeriesTotals;
a.globals.series.forEach(function (r, l) {
var g = r[o];
? ((g = f[o]),
(h = c = g),
f.forEach(function (t, e) {
s[e] <= i.xaxis.max && s[e] >= i.xaxis.min && (t > c && null !== t && (c = t), r[e] < h && null !== r[e] && (h = r[e]));
: ((h = c = g),
r.forEach(function (t, e) {
if (s[e] <= i.xaxis.max && s[e] >= i.xaxis.min) {
var n = t,
r = t;
a.globals.series.forEach(function (i, a) {
null !== t && ((n = Math.min(i[e], n)), (r = Math.max(i[e], r)));
r > c && null !== r && (c = r),
n < h && null !== n && (h = n);
void 0 === h && void 0 === c && ((h = d), (c = u)),
(c *= c < 0 ? 0.9 : 1.1) < 0 && c < u && (c = u),
(h *= h < 0 ? 1.1 : 0.9) < 0 && h > d && (h = d),
e.length > 1
? ((e[l].min = void 0 === t.min ? h : t.min), (e[l].max = void 0 === t.max ? c : t.max))
: ((e[0].min = void 0 === t.min ? h : t.min), (e[0].max = void 0 === t.max ? c : t.max));
$ = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.scales = new Z(e));
return (
o(t, [
key: "init",
value: function () {
this.setYRange(), this.setXRange(), this.setZRange();
key: "getMinYMaxY",
value: function (t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : Number.MAX_VALUE,
i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : -Number.MAX_VALUE,
a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null,
s = this.w.globals,
n = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
r = Number.MIN_VALUE;
null === a && (a = t + 1);
var o = s.series,
l = o,
h = o;
"candlestick" === this.w.config.chart.type ? ((l = s.seriesCandleL), (h = s.seriesCandleH)) : s.isRangeData && ((l = s.seriesRangeStart), (h = s.seriesRangeEnd));
for (var c = t; c < a; c++) {
s.dataPoints = Math.max(s.dataPoints, o[c].length);
for (var d = 0; d < s.series[c].length; d++) {
var u = o[c][d];
null !== u && p.isNumber(u)
? ((n = Math.max(n, h[c][d])),
(e = Math.min(e, l[c][d])),
(i = Math.max(i, l[c][d])),
"candlestick" === this.w.config.chart.type &&
((n = Math.max(n, s.seriesCandleO[c][d])), (n = Math.max(n, s.seriesCandleH[c][d])), (n = Math.max(n, s.seriesCandleL[c][d])), (i = n = Math.max(n, s.seriesCandleC[c][d]))),
p.isFloat(u) && ((u = p.noExponents(u)), (s.yValueDecimal = Math.max(s.yValueDecimal, u.toString().split(".")[1].length))),
r > l[c][d] && l[c][d] < 0 && (r = l[c][d]))
: (s.hasNullValues = !0);
return { minY: r, maxY: n, lowestY: e, highestY: i };
key: "setYRange",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.globals,
e = this.w.config;
(t.maxY = -Number.MAX_VALUE), (t.minY = Number.MIN_VALUE);
var i = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (t.isMultipleYAxis)
for (var a = 0; a < t.series.length; a++) {
var s = this.getMinYMaxY(a, i, null, a + 1);
t.minYArr.push(s.minY), t.maxYArr.push(s.maxY), (i = s.lowestY);
var n = this.getMinYMaxY(0, i, null, t.series.length);
if (((t.minY = n.minY), (t.maxY = n.maxY), (i = n.lowestY), e.chart.stacked)) {
for (var r = [], o = [], l = 0; l < t.series[t.maxValsInArrayIndex].length; l++)
for (var h = 0, c = 0, d = 0; d < t.series.length; d++)
null !== t.series[d][l] && p.isNumber(t.series[d][l]) && (t.series[d][l] > 0 ? (h = h + parseFloat(t.series[d][l]) + 1e-4) : (c += parseFloat(t.series[d][l]))),
d === t.series.length - 1 && (r.push(h), o.push(c));
for (var u = 0; u < r.length; u++) (t.maxY = Math.max(t.maxY, r[u])), (t.minY = Math.min(t.minY, o[u]));
if (("line" === e.chart.type || "area" === e.chart.type || "candlestick" === e.chart.type) && t.minY === Number.MIN_VALUE && i !== -Number.MAX_VALUE && i !== t.maxY) {
var f = t.maxY - i;
i >= 0 && i <= 10 && (f = 0), (t.minY = i - (5 * f) / 100), (t.maxY = t.maxY + (5 * f) / 100);
return (
e.yaxis.map(function (e, i) {
void 0 !== e.max && ("number" == typeof e.max ? (t.maxYArr[i] = e.max) : "function" == typeof e.max && (t.maxYArr[i] = e.max(t.maxY)), (t.maxY = t.maxYArr[i])),
void 0 !== e.min && ("number" == typeof e.min ? (t.minYArr[i] = e.min) : "function" == typeof e.min && (t.minYArr[i] = e.min(t.minY)), (t.minY = t.minYArr[i]));
t.isBarHorizontal && (void 0 !== e.xaxis.min && "number" == typeof e.xaxis.min && (t.minY = e.xaxis.min), void 0 !== e.xaxis.max && "number" == typeof e.xaxis.max && (t.maxY = e.xaxis.max)),
? (this.scales.setMultipleYScales(),
(t.minY = i),
t.yAxisScale.forEach(function (e, i) {
(t.minYArr[i] = e.niceMin), (t.maxYArr[i] = e.niceMax);
: (this.scales.setYScaleForIndex(0, t.minY, t.maxY),
(t.minY = t.yAxisScale[0].niceMin),
(t.maxY = t.yAxisScale[0].niceMax),
(t.minYArr[0] = t.yAxisScale[0].niceMin),
(t.maxYArr[0] = t.yAxisScale[0].niceMax)),
{ minY: t.minY, maxY: t.maxY, minYArr: t.minYArr, maxYArr: t.maxYArr }
key: "setXRange",
value: function () {
var t,
e = this.w.globals,
i = this.w.config,
a = "numeric" === i.xaxis.type || "datetime" === i.xaxis.type || ("category" === i.xaxis.type && !e.noLabelsProvided) || e.noLabelsProvided || e.isXNumeric;
if (e.isXNumeric)
for (var s = 0; s < e.series.length; s++)
if (e.labels[s])
for (var n = 0; n < e.labels[s].length; n++)
null !== e.labels[s][n] &&
p.isNumber(e.labels[s][n]) &&
((e.maxX = Math.max(e.maxX, e.labels[s][n])),
(e.initialmaxX = Math.max(e.maxX, e.labels[s][n])),
(e.minX = Math.min(e.minX, e.labels[s][n])),
(e.initialminX = Math.min(e.minX, e.labels[s][n])));
if (
(e.noLabelsProvided && 0 === i.xaxis.categories.length && ((e.maxX = e.labels[e.labels.length - 1]), (e.initialmaxX = e.labels[e.labels.length - 1]), (e.minX = 1), (e.initialminX = 1)),
(e.comboChartsHasBars || "candlestick" === i.chart.type || ("bar" === i.chart.type && e.isXNumeric)) && ("category" !== i.xaxis.type || e.isXNumeric))
) {
var r = (e.svgWidth / e.dataPoints) * (Math.abs(e.maxX - e.minX) / e.svgWidth),
o = e.minX - r / 2;
(e.minX = o), (e.initialminX = o);
var l = e.maxX + r / ((e.series.length + 1) / e.series.length);
(e.maxX = l), (e.initialmaxX = l);
(!e.isXNumeric && !e.noLabelsProvided) ||
(i.xaxis.convertedCatToNumeric && !e.dataFormatXNumeric) ||
(void 0 === i.xaxis.tickAmount
? ((t = Math.round(e.svgWidth / 150)), "numeric" === i.xaxis.type && e.dataPoints < 20 && (t = e.dataPoints - 1), t > e.dataPoints && 0 !== e.dataPoints && (t = e.dataPoints - 1))
: (t = "dataPoints" === i.xaxis.tickAmount ? e.series[e.maxValsInArrayIndex].length - 1 : i.xaxis.tickAmount),
void 0 !== i.xaxis.max && "number" == typeof i.xaxis.max && (e.maxX = i.xaxis.max),
void 0 !== i.xaxis.min && "number" == typeof i.xaxis.min && (e.minX = i.xaxis.min),
void 0 !== i.xaxis.range && (e.minX = e.maxX - i.xaxis.range),
e.minX !== Number.MAX_VALUE && e.maxX !== -Number.MAX_VALUE
? (e.xAxisScale = this.scales.linearScale(e.minX, e.maxX, t))
: ((e.xAxisScale = this.scales.linearScale(1, t, t)),
e.noLabelsProvided && e.labels.length > 0 && ((e.xAxisScale = this.scales.linearScale(1, e.labels.length, t - 1)), (e.seriesX = e.labels.slice()))),
a && (e.labels = e.xAxisScale.result.slice()));
if (e.minX === e.maxX)
if ("datetime" === i.xaxis.type) {
var h = new Date(e.minX);
h.setDate(h.getDate() - 2), (e.minX = new Date(h).getTime());
var c = new Date(e.maxX);
c.setDate(c.getDate() + 2), (e.maxX = new Date(c).getTime());
} else ("numeric" === i.xaxis.type || ("category" === i.xaxis.type && !e.noLabelsProvided)) && ((e.minX = e.minX - 2), (e.maxX = e.maxX + 2));
return (
e.isXNumeric &&
(e.seriesX.forEach(function (t, i) {
t.forEach(function (t, a) {
if (a > 0) {
var s = t - e.seriesX[i][a - 1];
e.minXDiff = Math.min(s, e.minXDiff);
{ minX: e.minX, maxX: e.maxX }
key: "calcMinXDiffForTinySeries",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals.labels.length;
return (
1 === t.globals.labels.length
? (t.globals.minXDiff = (t.globals.maxX - t.globals.minX) / e / 3)
: t.globals.minXDiff === Number.MAX_VALUE &&
(t.globals.timelineLabels.length > 0 && (e = t.globals.timelineLabels.length), e < 3 && (e = 3), (t.globals.minXDiff = (t.globals.maxX - t.globals.minX) / e)),
key: "setZRange",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.globals;
if (t.isDataXYZ)
for (var e = 0; e < t.series.length; e++)
if (void 0 !== t.seriesZ[e])
for (var i = 0; i < t.seriesZ[e].length; i++)
null !== t.seriesZ[e][i] && p.isNumber(t.seriesZ[e][i]) && ((t.maxZ = Math.max(t.maxZ, t.seriesZ[e][i])), (t.minZ = Math.min(t.minZ, t.seriesZ[e][i])));
J = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.timeScaleArray = []);
return (
o(t, [
key: "calculateTimeScaleTicks",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this,
a = this.w;
if (a.globals.allSeriesCollapsed) return (a.globals.labels = []), (a.globals.timelineLabels = []), [];
var s = new k(this.ctx),
n = (e - t) / 864e5;
this.determineInterval(n), (a.globals.disableZoomIn = !1), (a.globals.disableZoomOut = !1), n < 0.005 ? (a.globals.disableZoomIn = !0) : n > 5e4 && (a.globals.disableZoomOut = !0);
var r = s.getTimeUnitsfromTimestamp(t, e),
o = a.globals.gridWidth / n,
l = o / 24,
c = l / 60,
d = Math.floor(24 * n),
u = Math.floor(24 * n * 60),
f = Math.floor(n),
g = Math.floor(n / 30),
p = Math.floor(n / 365),
x = { minMinute: r.minMinute, minHour: r.minHour, minDate: r.minDate, minMonth: r.minMonth, minYear: r.minYear },
v = {
firstVal: x,
currentMinute: x.minMinute,
currentHour: x.minHour,
currentMonthDate: x.minDate,
currentDate: x.minDate,
currentMonth: x.minMonth,
currentYear: x.minYear,
daysWidthOnXAxis: o,
hoursWidthOnXAxis: l,
minutesWidthOnXAxis: c,
numberOfMinutes: u,
numberOfHours: d,
numberOfDays: f,
numberOfMonths: g,
numberOfYears: p,
switch (this.tickInterval) {
case "years":
case "months":
case "half_year":
case "months_days":
case "months_fortnight":
case "days":
case "week_days":
case "hours":
case "minutes":
var m = this.timeScaleArray.map(function (t) {
var e = { position: t.position, unit: t.unit, year: t.year, day: t.day ? t.day : 1, hour: t.hour ? t.hour : 0, month: t.month + 1 };
return "month" === t.unit
? h({}, e, { value: t.value + 1 })
: "day" === t.unit || "hour" === t.unit
? h({}, e, { value: t.value })
: "minute" === t.unit
? h({}, e, { value: t.value, minute: t.value })
: t;
return m.filter(function (t) {
var e = 1,
s = Math.ceil(a.globals.gridWidth / 120),
n = t.value;
void 0 !== a.config.xaxis.tickAmount && (s = a.config.xaxis.tickAmount), m.length > s && (e = Math.floor(m.length / s));
var r = !1,
o = !1;
switch (i.tickInterval) {
case "half_year":
(e = 7), "year" === t.unit && (r = !0);
case "months":
(e = 1), "year" === t.unit && (r = !0);
case "months_fortnight":
(e = 15), ("year" !== t.unit && "month" !== t.unit) || (r = !0), 30 === n && (o = !0);
case "months_days":
(e = 10), "month" === t.unit && (r = !0), 30 === n && (o = !0);
case "week_days":
(e = 8), "month" === t.unit && (r = !0);
case "days":
(e = 1), "month" === t.unit && (r = !0);
case "hours":
"day" === t.unit && (r = !0);
case "minutes":
n % 5 != 0 && (o = !0);
if ("minutes" === i.tickInterval || "hours" === i.tickInterval) {
if (!o) return !0;
} else if ((n % e == 0 || r) && !o) return !0;
key: "recalcDimensionsBasedOnFormat",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = this.formatDates(t),
s = this.removeOverlappingTS(a);
e ? (i.globals.invertedTimelineLabels = s.slice()) : (i.globals.timelineLabels = s.slice()), new V(this.ctx).plotCoords();
key: "determineInterval",
value: function (t) {
switch (!0) {
case t > 1825:
this.tickInterval = "years";
case t > 800 && t <= 1825:
this.tickInterval = "half_year";
case t > 180 && t <= 800:
this.tickInterval = "months";
case t > 90 && t <= 180:
this.tickInterval = "months_fortnight";
case t > 60 && t <= 90:
this.tickInterval = "months_days";
case t > 30 && t <= 60:
this.tickInterval = "week_days";
case t > 2 && t <= 30:
this.tickInterval = "days";
case t > 0.1 && t <= 2:
this.tickInterval = "hours";
case t < 0.1:
this.tickInterval = "minutes";
this.tickInterval = "days";
key: "generateYearScale",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.firstVal,
i = t.currentMonth,
a = t.currentYear,
s = t.daysWidthOnXAxis,
n = t.numberOfYears,
r = e.minYear,
o = 0,
l = new k(this.ctx);
if (e.minDate > 1 && e.minMonth > 0) {
var h = l.determineRemainingDaysOfYear(e.minYear, e.minMonth, e.minDate);
(o = (l.determineDaysOfYear(e.minYear) - h + 1) * s), (r = e.minYear + 1), this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: o, value: r, unit: "year", year: r, month: p.monthMod(i + 1) });
} else 1 === e.minDate && 0 === e.minMonth && this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: o, value: r, unit: "year", year: a, month: p.monthMod(i + 1) });
for (var c = r, d = o, u = 0; u < n; u++) c++, (d = l.determineDaysOfYear(c - 1) * s + d), this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: d, value: c, unit: "year", year: c, month: 1 });
key: "generateMonthScale",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.firstVal,
i = t.currentMonthDate,
a = t.currentMonth,
s = t.currentYear,
n = t.daysWidthOnXAxis,
r = t.numberOfMonths,
o = a,
l = 0,
h = new k(this.ctx),
c = "month",
d = 0;
if (e.minDate > 1) {
(l = (h.determineDaysOfMonths(a + 1, e.minYear) - i + 1) * n), (o = p.monthMod(a + 1));
var u = s + d,
f = p.monthMod(o),
g = o;
0 === o && ((c = "year"), (g = u), (f = 1), (u += d += 1)), this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: l, value: g, unit: c, year: u, month: f });
} else this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: l, value: o, unit: c, year: s, month: p.monthMod(a) });
for (var x = o + 1, v = l, m = 0, b = 1; m < r; m++, b++) {
0 === (x = p.monthMod(x)) ? ((c = "year"), (d += 1)) : (c = "month");
var y = s + Math.floor(x / 12) + d;
v = h.determineDaysOfMonths(x, y) * n + v;
var w = 0 === x ? y : x;
this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: v, value: w, unit: c, year: y, month: 0 === x ? 1 : x }), x++;
key: "generateDayScale",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.firstVal,
i = t.currentMonth,
a = t.currentYear,
s = t.hoursWidthOnXAxis,
n = t.numberOfDays,
r = new k(this.ctx),
o = "day",
l = (24 - e.minHour) * s,
h = e.minDate + 1,
c = h,
d = function (t, e, i) {
return t > r.determineDaysOfMonths(e + 1, i) ? ((u = 1), (o = "month"), (c = e += 1), e) : e;
u = h,
f = d(u, i, a);
this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: l, value: c, unit: o, year: a, month: p.monthMod(f), day: u });
for (var g = l, x = 0; x < n; x++) {
(o = "day"), (f = d((u += 1), f, a + Math.floor(f / 12) + 0));
var v = a + Math.floor(f / 12) + 0;
g = 24 * s + g;
var m = 1 === u ? p.monthMod(f) : u;
this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: g, value: m, unit: o, year: v, month: p.monthMod(f), day: m });
key: "generateHourScale",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.firstVal,
i = t.currentDate,
a = t.currentMonth,
s = t.currentYear,
n = t.minutesWidthOnXAxis,
r = t.numberOfHours,
o = new k(this.ctx),
l = "hour",
h = function (t, e) {
return t > o.determineDaysOfMonths(e + 1, s) && ((x = 1), (e += 1)), { month: e, date: x };
c = function (t, e) {
return t > o.determineDaysOfMonths(e + 1, s) ? (e += 1) : e;
d = 60 - e.minMinute,
u = d * n,
f = e.minHour + 1,
g = f + 1;
60 === d && ((u = 0), (g = (f = e.minHour) + 1));
var x = i,
v = c(x, a);
this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: u, value: f, unit: l, day: x, hour: g, year: s, month: p.monthMod(v) });
for (var m = u, b = 0; b < r; b++) {
if (((l = "hour"), g >= 24)) (g = 0), (l = "day"), (v = h((x += 1), v).month), (v = c(x, v));
var y = s + Math.floor(v / 12) + 0;
m = 0 === g && 0 === b ? d * n : 60 * n + m;
var w = 0 === g ? x : g;
this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: m, value: w, unit: l, hour: g, day: x, year: y, month: p.monthMod(v) }), g++;
key: "generateMinuteScale",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.firstVal,
i = t.currentMinute,
a = t.currentHour,
s = t.currentDate,
n = t.currentMonth,
r = t.currentYear,
o = t.minutesWidthOnXAxis,
l = t.numberOfMinutes,
h = o - (i - e.minMinute),
c = e.minMinute + 1,
d = c + 1,
u = s,
f = n,
g = r,
x = a;
this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: h, value: c, unit: "minute", day: u, hour: x, minute: d, year: g, month: p.monthMod(f) });
for (var v = h, m = 0; m < l; m++) {
d >= 60 && ((d = 0), 24 === (x += 1) && (x = 0));
var b = r + Math.floor(f / 12) + 0;
v = o + v;
var y = d;
this.timeScaleArray.push({ position: v, value: y, unit: "minute", hour: x, minute: d, day: u, year: b, month: p.monthMod(f) }), d++;
key: "createRawDateString",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = t.year;
return (
(i += "-" + ("0" + t.month.toString()).slice(-2)),
"day" === t.unit ? (i += "day" === t.unit ? "-" + ("0" + e).slice(-2) : "-01") : (i += "-" + ("0" + (t.day ? t.day : "1")).slice(-2)),
"hour" === t.unit ? (i += "hour" === t.unit ? "T" + ("0" + e).slice(-2) : "T00") : (i += "T" + ("0" + (t.hour ? t.hour : "0")).slice(-2)),
(i += "minute" === t.unit ? ":" + ("0" + e).slice(-2) + ":00.000Z" : ":00:00.000Z")
key: "formatDates",
value: function (t) {
var e = this,
i = this.w;
return t.map(function (t) {
var a = t.value.toString(),
s = new k(e.ctx),
n = e.createRawDateString(t, a),
r = new Date(Date.parse(n));
if (void 0 === i.config.xaxis.labels.format) {
var o = "dd MMM",
l = i.config.xaxis.labels.datetimeFormatter;
"year" === t.unit && (o = l.year),
"month" === t.unit && (o = l.month),
"day" === t.unit && (o = l.day),
"hour" === t.unit && (o = l.hour),
"minute" === t.unit && (o = l.minute),
(a = s.formatDate(r, o, !0, !1));
} else a = s.formatDate(r, i.config.xaxis.labels.format);
return { dateString: n, position: t.position, value: a, unit: t.unit, year: t.year, month: t.month };
key: "removeOverlappingTS",
value: function (t) {
var e = this,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = 0,
s = t.map(function (s, n) {
if (n > 0 && e.w.config.xaxis.labels.hideOverlappingLabels) {
var r = i.getTextRects(t[a].value).width,
o = t[a].position;
return s.position > o + r + 10 ? ((a = n), s) : null;
return s;
return (s = s.filter(function (t) {
return null !== t;
Q = (function () {
function t(e, i) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = i), (this.w = i.w), (this.el = e), (this.coreUtils = new A(this.ctx)), (this.twoDSeries = []), (this.threeDSeries = []), (this.twoDSeriesX = []);
return (
o(t, [
key: "setupElements",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.globals,
e = this.w.config,
i = e.chart.type;
(t.axisCharts = ["line", "area", "bar", "rangeBar", "candlestick", "radar", "scatter", "bubble", "heatmap"].indexOf(i) > -1),
(t.xyCharts = ["line", "area", "bar", "rangeBar", "candlestick", "scatter", "bubble"].indexOf(i) > -1),
(t.isBarHorizontal = ("bar" === e.chart.type || "rangeBar" === e.chart.type) && e.plotOptions.bar.horizontal),
(t.chartClass = ".apexcharts" + t.cuid),
(t.dom.baseEl = this.el),
(t.dom.elWrap = document.createElement("div")),
m.setAttrs(t.dom.elWrap, { id: t.chartClass.substring(1), class: "apexcharts-canvas " + t.chartClass.substring(1) }),
(t.dom.Paper = new window.SVG.Doc(t.dom.elWrap)),
t.dom.Paper.attr({ class: "apexcharts-svg", "xmlns:data": "ApexChartsNS", transform: "translate(".concat(e.chart.offsetX, ", ").concat(e.chart.offsetY, ")") }),
(t.dom.Paper.node.style.background = e.chart.background),
(t.dom.elGraphical = t.dom.Paper.group().attr({ class: "apexcharts-inner apexcharts-graphical" })),
(t.dom.elDefs = t.dom.Paper.defs()),
(t.dom.elLegendWrap = document.createElement("div")),
key: "plotChartType",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = i.config,
s = i.globals,
n = { series: [], i: [] },
r = { series: [], i: [] },
o = { series: [], i: [] },
l = { series: [], i: [] },
h = { series: [], i: [] };
s.series.map(function (e, a) {
void 0 !== t[a].type
? ("column" === t[a].type || "bar" === t[a].type
? ((i.config.plotOptions.bar.horizontal = !1), l.series.push(e), l.i.push(a))
: "area" === t[a].type
? (r.series.push(e), r.i.push(a))
: "line" === t[a].type
? (n.series.push(e), n.i.push(a))
: "scatter" === t[a].type
? (o.series.push(e), o.i.push(a))
: "bubble" === t[a].type ||
("candlestick" === t[a].type
? (h.series.push(e), h.i.push(a))
: console.warn("You have specified an unrecognized chart type. Available types for this propery are line/area/column/bar/scatter/bubble")),
(s.comboCharts = !0))
: (n.series.push(e), n.i.push(a));
var c = new U(this.ctx, e),
d = new F(this.ctx, e),
u = new R(this.ctx),
f = new N(this.ctx),
g = new H(this.ctx, e),
p = new D(this.ctx),
x = [];
if (s.comboCharts) {
if ((r.series.length > 0 && x.push(c.draw(r.series, "area", r.i)), l.series.length > 0))
if (i.config.chart.stacked) {
var v = new X(this.ctx, e);
x.push(v.draw(l.series, l.i));
} else {
var m = new I(this.ctx, e);
x.push(m.draw(l.series, l.i));
if ((n.series.length > 0 && x.push(c.draw(n.series, "line", n.i)), h.series.length > 0 && x.push(d.draw(h.series, h.i)), o.series.length > 0)) {
var b = new U(this.ctx, e, !0);
x.push(b.draw(o.series, "scatter", o.i));
} else
switch (a.chart.type) {
case "line":
x = c.draw(s.series, "line");
case "area":
x = c.draw(s.series, "area");
case "bar":
if (a.chart.stacked) x = new X(this.ctx, e).draw(s.series);
else x = new I(this.ctx, e).draw(s.series);
case "candlestick":
x = new F(this.ctx, e).draw(s.series);
case "rangeBar":
x = g.draw(s.series);
case "heatmap":
x = new O(this.ctx, e).draw(s.series);
case "pie":
case "donut":
x = u.draw(s.series);
case "radialBar":
x = f.draw(s.series);
case "radar":
x = p.draw(s.series);
x = c.draw(s.series);
return x;
key: "setSVGDimensions",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.globals,
e = this.w.config;
(t.svgWidth = e.chart.width), (t.svgHeight = e.chart.height);
var i = p.getDimensions(this.el),
a = e.chart.width
if (
("%" === a
? p.isNumber(i[0]) && (0 === i[0].width && (i = p.getDimensions(this.el.parentNode)), (t.svgWidth = (i[0] * parseInt(e.chart.width)) / 100))
: ("px" !== a && "" !== a) || (t.svgWidth = parseInt(e.chart.width)),
"auto" !== t.svgHeight && "" !== t.svgHeight)
if (
"%" ===
) {
var s = p.getDimensions(this.el.parentNode);
t.svgHeight = (s[1] * parseInt(e.chart.height)) / 100;
} else t.svgHeight = parseInt(e.chart.height);
else t.axisCharts ? (t.svgHeight = t.svgWidth / 1.61) : (t.svgHeight = t.svgWidth);
t.svgWidth < 0 && (t.svgWidth = 0), t.svgHeight < 0 && (t.svgHeight = 0), m.setAttrs(t.dom.Paper.node, { width: t.svgWidth, height: t.svgHeight });
var n = e.chart.sparkline.enabled ? 0 : t.axisCharts ? e.chart.parentHeightOffset : 0;
(t.dom.Paper.node.parentNode.parentNode.style.minHeight = t.svgHeight + n + "px"), (t.dom.elWrap.style.width = t.svgWidth + "px"), (t.dom.elWrap.style.height = t.svgHeight + "px");
key: "shiftGraphPosition",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.globals,
e = t.translateY,
i = { transform: "translate(" + t.translateX + ", " + e + ")" };
m.setAttrs(t.dom.elGraphical.node, i);
key: "resizeNonAxisCharts",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals,
i = 0;
("top" !== t.config.legend.position && "bottom" !== t.config.legend.position) || (i = new j(this.ctx).getLegendBBox().clwh + 10);
var a = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-radialbar"),
s = 2 * t.globals.radialSize;
a && -90 !== t.config.plotOptions.radialBar.startAngle && (s = p.getBoundingClientRect(a).height);
var n = Math.max(s, 2 * t.globals.radialSize) + e.translateY + i + 20;
e.dom.elLegendForeign && e.dom.elLegendForeign.setAttribute("height", n),
(e.dom.elWrap.style.height = n + "px"),
m.setAttrs(e.dom.Paper.node, { height: n }),
(e.dom.Paper.node.parentNode.parentNode.style.minHeight = n + "px");
key: "coreCalculations",
value: function () {
new $(this.ctx).init();
key: "resetGlobals",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w.globals;
(e.series = []),
(e.seriesCandleO = []),
(e.seriesCandleH = []),
(e.seriesCandleL = []),
(e.seriesCandleC = []),
(e.seriesRangeStart = []),
(e.seriesRangeEnd = []),
(e.seriesPercent = []),
(e.seriesX = []),
(e.seriesZ = []),
(e.seriesNames = []),
(e.seriesTotals = []),
(e.stackedSeriesTotals = []),
(e.labels = []),
(e.timelineLabels = []),
(e.noLabelsProvided = !1),
(e.timescaleTicks = []),
(e.resizeTimer = null),
(e.selectionResizeTimer = null),
(e.seriesXvalues = t.w.config.series.map(function (t) {
return [];
(e.seriesYvalues = t.w.config.series.map(function (t) {
return [];
(e.delayedElements = []),
(e.pointsArray = []),
(e.dataLabelsRects = []),
(e.isXNumeric = !1),
(e.isDataXYZ = !1),
(e.maxY = -Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.minY = Number.MIN_VALUE),
(e.minYArr = []),
(e.maxYArr = []),
(e.maxX = -Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.minX = Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.initialmaxX = -Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.initialminX = Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.maxDate = 0),
(e.minDate = Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.minZ = Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.maxZ = -Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.minXDiff = Number.MAX_VALUE),
(e.yAxisScale = []),
(e.xAxisScale = null),
(e.xAxisTicksPositions = []),
(e.yLabelsCoords = []),
(e.yTitleCoords = []),
(e.xRange = 0),
(e.yRange = []),
(e.zRange = 0),
(e.dataPoints = 0);
key: "isMultipleY",
value: function () {
if (this.w.config.yaxis.constructor === Array && this.w.config.yaxis.length > 1) return (this.w.globals.isMultipleYAxis = !0), !0;
key: "excludeCollapsedSeriesInYAxis",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w;
e.globals.ignoreYAxisIndexes = e.globals.collapsedSeries.map(function (e, i) {
if (t.w.globals.isMultipleYAxis) return e.index;
key: "isMultiFormat",
value: function () {
return this.isFormatXY() || this.isFormat2DArray();
key: "isFormatXY",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.config.series.slice(),
e = new G(this.ctx);
if (
((this.activeSeriesIndex = e.getActiveConfigSeriesIndex()),
void 0 !== t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data &&
t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data.length > 0 &&
null !== t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data[0] &&
void 0 !== t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data[0].x &&
null !== t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data[0])
return !0;
key: "isFormat2DArray",
value: function () {
var t = this.w.config.series.slice(),
e = new G(this.ctx);
if (
((this.activeSeriesIndex = e.getActiveConfigSeriesIndex()),
void 0 !== t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data &&
t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data.length > 0 &&
void 0 !== t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data[0] &&
null !== t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data[0] &&
t[this.activeSeriesIndex].data[0].constructor === Array)
return !0;
key: "handleFormat2DArray",
value: function (t, e) {
for (var i = this.w.config, a = this.w.globals, s = 0; s < t[e].data.length; s++)
if (
(void 0 !== t[e].data[s][1] &&
(Array.isArray(t[e].data[s][1]) && 4 === t[e].data[s][1].length ? this.twoDSeries.push(p.parseNumber(t[e].data[s][1][3])) : this.twoDSeries.push(p.parseNumber(t[e].data[s][1])),
(a.dataFormatXNumeric = !0)),
"datetime" === i.xaxis.type)
) {
var n = new Date(t[e].data[s][0]);
(n = new Date(n).getTime()), this.twoDSeriesX.push(n);
} else this.twoDSeriesX.push(t[e].data[s][0]);
for (var r = 0; r < t[e].data.length; r++) void 0 !== t[e].data[r][2] && (this.threeDSeries.push(t[e].data[r][2]), (a.isDataXYZ = !0));
key: "handleFormatXY",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w.config,
a = this.w.globals,
s = new k(this.ctx),
n = e;
a.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(e) > -1 && (n = this.activeSeriesIndex);
for (var r = 0; r < t[e].data.length; r++)
void 0 !== t[e].data[r].y && (Array.isArray(t[e].data[r].y) ? this.twoDSeries.push(p.parseNumber(t[e].data[r].y[t[e].data[r].y.length - 1])) : this.twoDSeries.push(p.parseNumber(t[e].data[r].y)));
for (var o = 0; o < t[n].data.length; o++) {
var l = "string" == typeof t[n].data[o].x,
h = !!s.isValidDate(t[n].data[o].x.toString());
l || h
? l
? "datetime" !== i.xaxis.type || a.isRangeData
? ((this.fallbackToCategory = !0), this.twoDSeriesX.push(t[n].data[o].x))
: this.twoDSeriesX.push(s.parseDate(t[n].data[o].x))
: "datetime" === i.xaxis.type
? this.twoDSeriesX.push(s.parseDate(t[n].data[o].x.toString()))
: ((a.dataFormatXNumeric = !0), (a.isXNumeric = !0), this.twoDSeriesX.push(parseFloat(t[n].data[o].x)))
: ((a.isXNumeric = !0), (a.dataFormatXNumeric = !0), this.twoDSeriesX.push(t[n].data[o].x));
if (t[e].data[0] && void 0 !== t[e].data[0].z) {
for (var c = 0; c < t[e].data.length; c++) this.threeDSeries.push(t[e].data[c].z);
a.isDataXYZ = !0;
key: "handleRangeData",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w.globals,
a = {};
return (
this.isFormat2DArray() ? (a = this.handleRangeDataFormat("array", t, e)) : this.isFormatXY() && (a = this.handleRangeDataFormat("xy", t, e)),
key: "handleCandleStickData",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w.globals,
a = {};
return (
this.isFormat2DArray() ? (a = this.handleCandleStickDataFormat("array", t, e)) : this.isFormatXY() && (a = this.handleCandleStickDataFormat("xy", t, e)),
key: "handleRangeDataFormat",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = [],
s = [],
n = "Please provide [Start, End] values in valid format. Read more https://apexcharts.com/docs/series/#rangecharts",
r = new G(this.ctx).getActiveConfigSeriesIndex();
if ("array" === t) {
if (2 !== e[r].data[0][1].length) throw new Error(n);
for (var o = 0; o < e[i].data.length; o++) a.push(e[i].data[o][1][0]), s.push(e[i].data[o][1][1]);
} else if ("xy" === t) {
if (2 !== e[r].data[0].y.length) throw new Error(n);
for (var l = 0; l < e[i].data.length; l++) a.push(e[i].data[l].y[0]), s.push(e[i].data[l].y[1]);
return { start: a, end: s };
key: "handleCandleStickDataFormat",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = [],
s = [],
n = [],
r = [],
o = "Please provide [Open, High, Low and Close] values in valid format. Read more https://apexcharts.com/docs/series/#candlestick";
if ("array" === t) {
if (4 !== e[i].data[0][1].length) throw new Error(o);
for (var l = 0; l < e[i].data.length; l++) a.push(e[i].data[l][1][0]), s.push(e[i].data[l][1][1]), n.push(e[i].data[l][1][2]), r.push(e[i].data[l][1][3]);
} else if ("xy" === t) {
if (4 !== e[i].data[0].y.length) throw new Error(o);
for (var h = 0; h < e[i].data.length; h++) a.push(e[i].data[h].y[0]), s.push(e[i].data[h].y[1]), n.push(e[i].data[h].y[2]), r.push(e[i].data[h].y[3]);
return { o: a, h: s, l: n, c: r };
key: "parseDataAxisCharts",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this.ctx, i = this.w.config, a = this.w.globals, s = new k(e), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
if (((this.twoDSeries = []), (this.twoDSeriesX = []), (this.threeDSeries = []), void 0 === t[n].data))
return void console.error("It is a possibility that you may have not included 'data' property in series.");
if (
(("rangeBar" !== i.chart.type && "rangeArea" !== i.chart.type && "rangeBar" !== t[n].type && "rangeArea" !== t[n].type) || ((a.isRangeData = !0), this.handleRangeData(t, n)), this.isMultiFormat())
this.isFormat2DArray() ? this.handleFormat2DArray(t, n) : this.isFormatXY() && this.handleFormatXY(t, n),
("candlestick" !== i.chart.type && "candlestick" !== t[n].type) || this.handleCandleStickData(t, n),
this.fallbackToCategory || (a.isXNumeric = !0);
else {
if ("datetime" === i.xaxis.type) {
a.isXNumeric = !0;
for (var r = i.labels.length > 0 ? i.labels.slice() : i.xaxis.categories.slice(), o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
if ("string" == typeof r[o]) {
if (!s.isValidDate(r[o])) throw new Error("You have provided invalid Date format. Please provide a valid JavaScript Date");
} else {
if (13 !== String(r[o]).length) throw new Error("Please provide a valid JavaScript timestamp");
} else if ("numeric" === i.xaxis.type) {
a.isXNumeric = !0;
var l = i.labels.length > 0 ? i.labels.slice() : i.xaxis.categories.slice();
l.length > 0 && ((this.twoDSeriesX = l), a.seriesX.push(this.twoDSeriesX));
var h = t[n].data.map(function (t) {
return p.parseNumber(t);
a.seriesZ.push(this.threeDSeries), void 0 !== t[n].name ? a.seriesNames.push(t[n].name) : a.seriesNames.push("series-" + parseInt(n + 1));
return this.w;
key: "parseDataNonAxisCharts",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w.globals,
i = this.w.config;
(e.series = t.slice()), (e.seriesNames = i.labels.slice());
for (var a = 0; a < e.series.length; a++) void 0 === e.seriesNames[a] && e.seriesNames.push("series-" + (a + 1));
return this.w;
key: "handleExternalLabelsData",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w.config,
i = this.w.globals;
if (e.xaxis.categories.length > 0) i.labels = e.xaxis.categories;
else if (e.labels.length > 0) i.labels = e.labels.slice();
else if (this.fallbackToCategory) i.labels = i.labels[0];
else {
var a = [];
if (i.axisCharts) {
for (var s = 0; s < i.series[i.maxValsInArrayIndex].length; s++) a.push(s + 1);
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) i.seriesX.push(a);
i.isXNumeric = !0;
if (0 === a.length) {
a = [0, 10];
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) i.seriesX.push(a);
(i.labels = a), (i.noLabelsProvided = !0);
key: "parseData",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = e.config,
a = e.globals;
if (
(this.fallbackToCategory = !1),
a.axisCharts ? this.parseDataAxisCharts(t) : this.parseDataNonAxisCharts(t),
"bar" === i.chart.type && i.chart.stacked)
) {
var s = new G(this.ctx);
a.series = s.setNullSeriesToZeroValues(a.series);
a.axisCharts && this.coreUtils.getStackedSeriesTotals(),
a.dataFormatXNumeric || (a.isXNumeric && ("numeric" !== i.xaxis.type || 0 !== i.labels.length || 0 !== i.xaxis.categories.length)) || this.handleExternalLabelsData(t);
key: "xySettings",
value: function () {
var t = null,
e = this.w;
if (e.globals.axisCharts) {
if ("back" === e.config.xaxis.crosshairs.position) new Y(this.ctx).drawXCrosshairs();
if ("back" === e.config.yaxis[0].crosshairs.position) new Y(this.ctx).drawYCrosshairs();
if (((t = this.coreUtils.getCalculatedRatios()), "datetime" === e.config.xaxis.type && void 0 === e.config.xaxis.labels.formatter)) {
var i,
a = new J(this.ctx);
isFinite(e.globals.minX) && isFinite(e.globals.maxX) && !e.globals.isBarHorizontal
? ((i = a.calculateTimeScaleTicks(e.globals.minX, e.globals.maxX)), a.recalcDimensionsBasedOnFormat(i, !1))
: e.globals.isBarHorizontal && ((i = a.calculateTimeScaleTicks(e.globals.minY, e.globals.maxY)), a.recalcDimensionsBasedOnFormat(i, !0));
return t;
key: "drawAxis",
value: function (t, e) {
var i,
s = this.w.globals,
n = this.w.config,
r = new q(this.ctx),
o = new B(this.ctx);
s.axisCharts &&
"radar" !== t &&
? ((a = o.drawYaxisInversed(0)), (i = r.drawXaxisInversed(0)), s.dom.elGraphical.add(i), s.dom.elGraphical.add(a))
: ((i = r.drawXaxis()),
n.yaxis.map(function (t, e) {
-1 === s.ignoreYAxisIndexes.indexOf(e) && ((a = o.drawYaxis(e)), s.dom.Paper.add(a));
n.yaxis.map(function (t, e) {
-1 === s.ignoreYAxisIndexes.indexOf(e) && o.yAxisTitleRotate(e, t.opposite);
key: "setupBrushHandler",
value: function () {
var t = this,
e = this.w;
e.config.chart.brush.enabled &&
"function" != typeof e.config.chart.events.selection &&
(e.config.chart.brush.targets || [e.config.chart.brush.target]).forEach(function (i) {
var a = ApexCharts.getChartByID(i);
a.w.globals.brushSource = t.ctx;
var s = function () {
t.ctx._updateOptions({ chart: { selection: { xaxis: { min: a.w.globals.minX, max: a.w.globals.maxX } } } }, !1, !1);
"function" != typeof a.w.config.chart.events.zoomed &&
(a.w.config.chart.events.zoomed = function () {
"function" != typeof a.w.config.chart.events.scrolled &&
(a.w.config.chart.events.scrolled = function () {
(e.config.chart.events.selection = function (t, i) {
var s = p.clone(e.config.yaxis);
e.config.chart.brush.autoScaleYaxis && (s = new Z(a).autoScaleY(a, s, i));
a._updateOptions({ xaxis: { min: i.xaxis.min, max: i.xaxis.max }, yaxis: s }, !1, !1, !1);
var K = setTimeout;
function tt() {}
function et(t) {
if (!(this instanceof et)) throw new TypeError("Promises must be constructed via new");
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("not a function");
(this._state = 0), (this._handled = !1), (this._value = void 0), (this._deferreds = []), ot(t, this);
function it(t, e) {
for (; 3 === t._state; ) t = t._value;
0 !== t._state
? ((t._handled = !0),
et._immediateFn(function () {
var i = 1 === t._state ? e.onFulfilled : e.onRejected;
if (null !== i) {
var a;
try {
a = i(t._value);
} catch (t) {
return void st(e.promise, t);
at(e.promise, a);
} else (1 === t._state ? at : st)(e.promise, t._value);
: t._deferreds.push(e);
function at(t, e) {
try {
if (e === t) throw new TypeError("A promise cannot be resolved with itself.");
if (e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e)) {
var i = e.then;
if (e instanceof et) return (t._state = 3), (t._value = e), void nt(t);
if ("function" == typeof i)
return void ot(
((a = i),
(s = e),
function () {
a.apply(s, arguments);
(t._state = 1), (t._value = e), nt(t);
} catch (e) {
st(t, e);
var a, s;
function st(t, e) {
(t._state = 2), (t._value = e), nt(t);
function nt(t) {
2 === t._state &&
0 === t._deferreds.length &&
et._immediateFn(function () {
t._handled || et._unhandledRejectionFn(t._value);
for (var e = 0, i = t._deferreds.length; e < i; e++) it(t, t._deferreds[e]);
t._deferreds = null;
function rt(t, e, i) {
(this.onFulfilled = "function" == typeof t ? t : null), (this.onRejected = "function" == typeof e ? e : null), (this.promise = i);
function ot(t, e) {
var i = !1;
try {
function (t) {
i || ((i = !0), at(e, t));
function (t) {
i || ((i = !0), st(e, t));
} catch (t) {
if (i) return;
(i = !0), st(e, t);
(et.prototype.catch = function (t) {
return this.then(null, t);
(et.prototype.then = function (t, e) {
var i = new this.constructor(tt);
return it(this, new rt(t, e, i)), i;
(et.prototype.finally = function (t) {
var e = this.constructor;
return this.then(
function (i) {
return e.resolve(t()).then(function () {
return i;
function (i) {
return e.resolve(t()).then(function () {
return e.reject(i);
(et.all = function (t) {
return new et(function (e, i) {
if (!t || void 0 === t.length) throw new TypeError("Promise.all accepts an array");
var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(t);
if (0 === a.length) return e([]);
var s = a.length;
function n(t, r) {
try {
if (r && ("object" == typeof r || "function" == typeof r)) {
var o = r.then;
if ("function" == typeof o)
return void o.call(
function (e) {
n(t, e);
(a[t] = r), 0 == --s && e(a);
} catch (t) {
for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++) n(r, a[r]);
(et.resolve = function (t) {
return t && "object" == typeof t && t.constructor === et
? t
: new et(function (e) {
(et.reject = function (t) {
return new et(function (e, i) {
(et.race = function (t) {
return new et(function (e, i) {
for (var a = 0, s = t.length; a < s; a++) t[a].then(e, i);
(et._immediateFn =
("function" == typeof t &&
function (e) {
}) ||
function (t) {
K(t, 0);
(et._unhandledRejectionFn = function (t) {
"undefined" != typeof console && console && console.warn("Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:", t);
var lt,
ct = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "getSvgString",
value: function () {
return this.w.globals.dom.Paper.svg();
key: "cleanup",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-xcrosshairs"),
i = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-ycrosshairs");
e && e.setAttribute("x", -500), i && (i.setAttribute("y1", -100), i.setAttribute("y2", -100));
key: "svgUrl",
value: function () {
var t = this.getSvgString(),
e = new Blob([t], { type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8" });
return URL.createObjectURL(e);
key: "dataURI",
value: function () {
var t = this;
return new et(function (e) {
var i = t.w;
var a = document.createElement("canvas");
(a.width = i.globals.svgWidth), (a.height = i.globals.svgHeight);
var s = "transparent" === i.config.chart.background ? "#fff" : i.config.chart.background,
n = a.getContext("2d");
(n.fillStyle = s), n.fillRect(0, 0, a.width, a.height);
var r = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window,
o = new Image();
o.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
var l = t.getSvgString(),
h = "data:image/svg+xml," + encodeURIComponent(l);
(o.onload = function () {
n.drawImage(o, 0, 0), r.revokeObjectURL(h);
var t = a.toDataURL("image/png");
(o.src = h);
key: "exportToSVG",
value: function () {
this.triggerDownload(this.svgUrl(), ".svg");
key: "exportToPng",
value: function () {
var t = this;
this.dataURI().then(function (e) {
t.triggerDownload(e, ".png");
key: "triggerDownload",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = document.createElement("a");
(i.href = t), (i.download = this.w.globals.chartID + e), document.body.appendChild(i), i.click(), document.body.removeChild(i);
dt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
var i = this.w;
(this.anim = new v(this.ctx)),
(this.xaxisLabels = i.globals.labels.slice()),
(this.animX = i.config.grid.xaxis.lines.animate && i.config.chart.animations.enabled),
(this.animY = i.config.grid.yaxis.lines.animate && i.config.chart.animations.enabled),
i.globals.timelineLabels.length > 0 && (this.xaxisLabels = i.globals.timelineLabels.slice());
return (
o(t, [
key: "drawGridArea",
value: function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : null,
e = this.w,
i = new m(this.ctx);
null === t && (t = i.group({ class: "apexcharts-grid" }));
var a = i.drawLine(e.globals.padHorizontal, 1, e.globals.padHorizontal, e.globals.gridHeight, "transparent"),
s = i.drawLine(e.globals.padHorizontal, e.globals.gridHeight, e.globals.gridWidth, e.globals.gridHeight, "transparent");
return t.add(s), t.add(a), t;
key: "drawGrid",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = new q(this.ctx),
i = new B(this.ctx),
a = this.w.globals,
s = null;
if (a.axisCharts) {
if (t.config.grid.show) (s = this.renderGrid()), a.dom.elGraphical.add(s.el), this.drawGridArea(s.el);
else {
var n = this.drawGridArea();
null !== s && e.xAxisLabelCorrections(s.xAxisTickWidth), i.setYAxisTextAlignments();
key: "createGridMask",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.globals,
i = new m(this.ctx),
a = Array.isArray(t.config.stroke.width) ? 0 : t.config.stroke.width;
if (Array.isArray(t.config.stroke.width)) {
var s = 0;
t.config.stroke.width.forEach(function (t) {
s = Math.max(s, t);
(a = s);
(e.dom.elGridRectMask = document.createElementNS(e.SVGNS, "clipPath")),
e.dom.elGridRectMask.setAttribute("id", "gridRectMask".concat(e.cuid)),
(e.dom.elGridRectMarkerMask = document.createElementNS(e.SVGNS, "clipPath")),
e.dom.elGridRectMarkerMask.setAttribute("id", "gridRectMarkerMask".concat(e.cuid)),
(e.dom.elGridRect = i.drawRect(-a / 2, -a / 2, e.gridWidth + a, e.gridHeight + a, 0, "#fff")),
new A(this).getLargestMarkerSize();
var n = t.globals.markers.largestSize + 1;
(e.dom.elGridRectMarker = i.drawRect(-n, -n, e.gridWidth + 2 * n, e.gridHeight + 2 * n, 0, "#fff")),
var r = e.dom.baseEl.querySelector("defs");
r.appendChild(e.dom.elGridRectMask), r.appendChild(e.dom.elGridRectMarkerMask);
key: "renderGrid",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = new m(this.ctx),
i = t.config.grid.strokeDashArray,
a = e.group({ class: "apexcharts-grid" }),
s = e.group({ class: "apexcharts-gridlines-horizontal" }),
n = e.group({ class: "apexcharts-gridlines-vertical" });
a.add(s), a.add(n);
for (var r, o = 8, l = 0; l < t.globals.series.length && (void 0 !== t.globals.yAxisScale[l] && (o = t.globals.yAxisScale[l].result.length - 1), !(o > 2)); l++);
if (t.globals.isBarHorizontal) {
if (((r = o), t.config.grid.xaxis.lines.show || t.config.xaxis.axisTicks.show))
for (var h, c = t.globals.padHorizontal, d = t.globals.gridHeight, u = 0; u < r + 1 && ((h = c = c + t.globals.gridWidth / r + 0.3), u !== r - 1); u++) {
if (t.config.grid.xaxis.lines.show) {
var f = e.drawLine(c, 0, h, d, t.config.grid.borderColor, i);
f.node.classList.add("apexcharts-gridline"), n.add(f), this.animX && this.animateLine(f, { x1: 0, x2: 0 }, { x1: c, x2: h });
new q(this.ctx).drawXaxisTicks(c, a);
if (t.config.grid.yaxis.lines.show)
for (var g = 0, p = 0, x = t.globals.gridWidth, v = 0; v < t.globals.dataPoints + 1; v++) {
var b = e.drawLine(0, g, x, p, t.config.grid.borderColor, i);
s.add(b), b.node.classList.add("apexcharts-gridline"), this.animY && this.animateLine(b, { y1: g + 20, y2: p + 20 }, { y1: g, y2: p }), (p = g += t.globals.gridHeight / t.globals.dataPoints);
} else {
if (((r = this.xaxisLabels.length), t.config.grid.xaxis.lines.show || t.config.xaxis.axisTicks.show)) {
var y,
w = t.globals.padHorizontal,
k = t.globals.gridHeight;
if (t.globals.timelineLabels.length > 0)
for (var S = 0; S < r; S++) {
if (((w = this.xaxisLabels[S].position), (y = this.xaxisLabels[S].position), t.config.grid.xaxis.lines.show && w > 0 && w < t.globals.gridWidth)) {
var A = e.drawLine(w, 0, y, k, t.config.grid.borderColor, i);
A.node.classList.add("apexcharts-gridline"), n.add(A), this.animX && this.animateLine(A, { x1: 0, x2: 0 }, { x1: w, x2: y });
var C = new q(this.ctx);
(S === r - 1 && t.globals.skipLastTimelinelabel) || C.drawXaxisTicks(w, a);
for (var L = r, E = 0; E < L; E++) {
var P = L;
if ((t.globals.isXNumeric && "bar" !== t.config.chart.type && (P -= 1), (y = w += t.globals.gridWidth / P), E === P - 1)) break;
if (t.config.grid.xaxis.lines.show) {
var T = e.drawLine(w, 0, y, k, t.config.grid.borderColor, i);
T.node.classList.add("apexcharts-gridline"), n.add(T), this.animX && this.animateLine(T, { x1: 0, x2: 0 }, { x1: w, x2: y });
new q(this.ctx).drawXaxisTicks(w, a);
if (t.config.grid.yaxis.lines.show)
for (var M = 0, z = 0, I = t.globals.gridWidth, X = 0; X < o + 1; X++) {
var F = e.drawLine(0, M, I, z, t.config.grid.borderColor, i);
s.add(F), F.node.classList.add("apexcharts-gridline"), this.animY && this.animateLine(F, { y1: M + 20, y2: z + 20 }, { y1: M, y2: z }), (z = M += t.globals.gridHeight / o);
return this.drawGridBands(a, r, o), { el: a, xAxisTickWidth: t.globals.gridWidth / r };
key: "drawGridBands",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w,
s = new m(this.ctx);
if (void 0 !== a.config.grid.row.colors && a.config.grid.row.colors.length > 0)
for (var n = 0, r = a.globals.gridHeight / i, o = a.globals.gridWidth, l = 0, h = 0; l < i; l++, h++) {
h >= a.config.grid.row.colors.length && (h = 0);
var c = a.config.grid.row.colors[h],
d = s.drawRect(0, n, o, r, 0, c, a.config.grid.row.opacity);
t.add(d), d.node.classList.add("apexcharts-gridRow"), (n += a.globals.gridHeight / i);
if (void 0 !== a.config.grid.column.colors && a.config.grid.column.colors.length > 0)
for (var u = a.globals.padHorizontal, f = a.globals.padHorizontal + a.globals.gridWidth / e, g = a.globals.gridHeight, p = 0, x = 0; p < e; p++, x++) {
x >= a.config.grid.column.colors.length && (x = 0);
var v = a.config.grid.column.colors[x],
b = s.drawRect(u, 0, f, g, 0, v, a.config.grid.column.opacity);
b.node.classList.add("apexcharts-gridColumn"), t.add(b), (u += a.globals.gridWidth / e);
key: "animateLine",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w,
s = a.config.chart.animations;
if (s && !a.globals.resized && !a.globals.dataChanged) {
var n = s.speed;
this.anim.animateLine(t, e, i, n);
ut = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "checkResponsiveConfig",
value: function (t) {
var e = this,
i = this.w,
a = i.config;
if (0 !== a.responsive.length) {
var s = a.responsive.slice();
s.sort(function (t, e) {
return t.breakpoint > e.breakpoint ? 1 : e.breakpoint > t.breakpoint ? -1 : 0;
var n = new C({}),
r = function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
a = s[0].breakpoint,
r = window.innerWidth > 0 ? window.innerWidth : screen.width;
if (r > a) {
var o = A.extendArrayProps(n, i.globals.initialConfig);
(t = p.extend(o, t)), (t = p.extend(i.config, t)), e.overrideResponsiveOptions(t);
} else for (var l = 0; l < s.length; l++) r < s[l].breakpoint && ((t = A.extendArrayProps(n, s[l].options)), (t = p.extend(i.config, t)), e.overrideResponsiveOptions(t));
if (t) {
var o = A.extendArrayProps(n, t);
(o = p.extend(i.config, o)), r((o = p.extend(o, t)));
} else r({});
key: "overrideResponsiveOptions",
value: function (t) {
var e = new C(t).init();
this.w.config = e;
ft = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.colors = []);
return (
o(t, [
key: "init",
value: function () {
key: "setDefaultColors",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = new p();
if (
(t.globals.dom.elWrap.classList.add(t.config.theme.mode), void 0 === t.config.colors ? (t.globals.colors = this.predefined()) : (t.globals.colors = t.config.colors), t.config.theme.monochrome.enabled)
) {
var i = [],
a = t.globals.series.length;
t.config.plotOptions.bar.distributed && "bar" === t.config.chart.type && (a = t.globals.series[0].length * t.globals.series.length);
for (var s = t.config.theme.monochrome.color, n = 1 / (a / t.config.theme.monochrome.shadeIntensity), r = t.config.theme.monochrome.shadeTo, o = 0, l = 0; l < a; l++) {
var h = void 0;
"dark" === r ? ((h = e.shadeColor(-1 * o, s)), (o += n)) : ((h = e.shadeColor(o, s)), (o += n)), i.push(h);
t.globals.colors = i.slice();
var c = t.globals.colors.slice();
void 0 === t.config.stroke.colors ? (t.globals.stroke.colors = c) : (t.globals.stroke.colors = t.config.stroke.colors),
void 0 === t.config.fill.colors ? (t.globals.fill.colors = c) : (t.globals.fill.colors = t.config.fill.colors),
void 0 === t.config.dataLabels.style.colors ? (t.globals.dataLabels.style.colors = c) : (t.globals.dataLabels.style.colors = t.config.dataLabels.style.colors),
this.pushExtraColors(t.globals.dataLabels.style.colors, 50),
void 0 === t.config.plotOptions.radar.polygons.fill.colors
? (t.globals.radarPolygons.fill.colors = ["dark" === t.config.theme.mode ? "#202D48" : "#fff"])
: (t.globals.radarPolygons.fill.colors = t.config.plotOptions.radar.polygons.fill.colors),
this.pushExtraColors(t.globals.radarPolygons.fill.colors, 20),
void 0 === t.config.markers.colors ? (t.globals.markers.colors = c) : (t.globals.markers.colors = t.config.markers.colors),
key: "pushExtraColors",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null,
a = this.w,
s = e || a.globals.series.length;
if (
(null === i && (i = ("bar" === a.config.chart.type && a.config.plotOptions.bar.distributed) || ("heatmap" === a.config.chart.type && a.config.plotOptions.heatmap.colorScale.inverse)),
i && (s = a.globals.series[0].length * a.globals.series.length),
t.length < s)
for (var n = s - t.length, r = 0; r < n; r++) t.push(t[r]);
key: "updateThemeOptions",
value: function (t) {
(t.chart = t.chart || {}), (t.tooltip = t.tooltip || {});
var e = t.theme.mode || "light",
i = t.theme.palette ? t.theme.palette : "dark" === e ? "palette4" : "palette1",
a = t.chart.foreColor ? t.chart.foreColor : "dark" === e ? "#f6f7f8" : "#373d3f";
return (t.tooltip.theme = e), (t.chart.foreColor = a), (t.theme.palette = i), t;
key: "predefined",
value: function () {
switch (this.w.config.theme.palette) {
case "palette1":
this.colors = ["#008FFB", "#00E396", "#FEB019", "#FF4560", "#775DD0"];
case "palette2":
this.colors = ["#3f51b5", "#03a9f4", "#4caf50", "#f9ce1d", "#FF9800"];
case "palette3":
this.colors = ["#33b2df", "#546E7A", "#d4526e", "#13d8aa", "#A5978B"];
case "palette4":
this.colors = ["#4ecdc4", "#c7f464", "#81D4FA", "#fd6a6a", "#546E7A"];
case "palette5":
this.colors = ["#2b908f", "#f9a3a4", "#90ee7e", "#fa4443", "#69d2e7"];
case "palette6":
this.colors = ["#449DD1", "#F86624", "#EA3546", "#662E9B", "#C5D86D"];
case "palette7":
this.colors = ["#D7263D", "#1B998B", "#2E294E", "#F46036", "#E2C044"];
case "palette8":
this.colors = ["#662E9B", "#F86624", "#F9C80E", "#EA3546", "#43BCCD"];
case "palette9":
this.colors = ["#5C4742", "#A5978B", "#8D5B4C", "#5A2A27", "#C4BBAF"];
case "palette10":
this.colors = ["#A300D6", "#7D02EB", "#5653FE", "#2983FF", "#00B1F2"];
this.colors = ["#008FFB", "#00E396", "#FEB019", "#FF4560", "#775DD0"];
return this.colors;
gt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.w = e.w), (this.ttCtx = e), (this.ctx = e.ctx);
return (
o(t, [
key: "getNearestValues",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.hoverArea,
i = t.elGrid,
a = t.clientX,
s = t.clientY,
n = t.hasBars,
r = this.w,
o = r.globals.gridWidth,
l = o / (r.globals.dataPoints - 1),
h = i.getBoundingClientRect();
((n && r.globals.comboCharts) || n) && (l = o / r.globals.dataPoints);
var c = a - h.left,
d = s - h.top;
c < 0 || d < 0 || c > r.globals.gridWidth || d > r.globals.gridHeight
? (e.classList.remove("hovering-zoom"), e.classList.remove("hovering-pan"))
: r.globals.zoomEnabled
? (e.classList.remove("hovering-pan"), e.classList.add("hovering-zoom"))
: r.globals.panEnabled && (e.classList.remove("hovering-zoom"), e.classList.add("hovering-pan"));
var u = Math.round(c / l);
n && ((u = Math.ceil(c / l)), (u -= 1));
for (var f, g = null, p = null, x = [], v = 0; v < r.globals.seriesXvalues.length; v++) x.push([r.globals.seriesXvalues[v][0] - 1e-6].concat(r.globals.seriesXvalues[v]));
return (
(x = x.map(function (t) {
return t.filter(function (t) {
return t;
(f = r.globals.seriesYvalues.map(function (t) {
return t.filter(function (t) {
return t;
r.globals.isXNumeric && ((g = (p = this.closestInMultiArray(c, d, x, f)).index), (u = p.j), null !== g && ((x = r.globals.seriesXvalues[g]), (u = (p = this.closestInArray(c, x)).index))),
(!u || u < 1) && (u = 0),
{ capturedSeries: g, j: u, hoverX: c, hoverY: d }
key: "closestInMultiArray",
value: function (t, e, i, a) {
var s = this.w,
n = 0,
r = null,
o = -1;
s.globals.series.length > 1 ? (n = this.getFirstActiveXArray(i)) : (r = 0);
var l = a[n][0],
h = i[n][0],
c = Math.abs(t - h),
d = Math.abs(e - l),
u = d + c;
return (
a.map(function (s, n) {
s.map(function (s, l) {
var h = Math.abs(e - a[n][l]),
f = Math.abs(t - i[n][l]),
g = f + h;
g < u && ((u = g), (c = f), (d = h), (r = n), (o = l));
{ index: r, j: o }
key: "getFirstActiveXArray",
value: function (t) {
for (
var e = 0,
i = new A(this.ctx),
a = t.map(function (t, e) {
return t.length > 0 ? e : -1;
s = 0;
s < a.length;
) {
var n = i.getSeriesTotalByIndex(s);
if (-1 !== a[s] && 0 !== n && !i.seriesHaveSameValues(s)) {
e = a[s];
return e;
key: "closestInArray",
value: function (t, e) {
for (var i = e[0], a = null, s = Math.abs(t - i), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var r = Math.abs(t - e[n]);
r < s && ((s = r), (i = e[n]), (a = n));
return { index: a };
key: "isXoverlap",
value: function (t) {
var e = [],
i = this.w.globals.seriesX.filter(function (t) {
return void 0 !== t[0];
if (i.length > 0) for (var a = 0; a < i.length - 1; a++) void 0 !== i[a][t] && void 0 !== i[a + 1][t] && i[a][t] !== i[a + 1][t] && e.push("unEqual");
return 0 === e.length;
key: "isinitialSeriesSameLen",
value: function () {
for (var t = !0, e = this.w.globals.initialSeries, i = 0; i < e.length - 1; i++)
if (e[i].data.length !== e[i + 1].data.length) {
t = !1;
return t;
key: "getBarsHeight",
value: function (t) {
return g(t).reduce(function (t, e) {
return t + e.getBBox().height;
}, 0);
key: "toggleAllTooltipSeriesGroups",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = this.ttCtx;
0 === i.allTooltipSeriesGroups.length && (i.allTooltipSeriesGroups = e.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-tooltip-series-group"));
for (var a = i.allTooltipSeriesGroups, s = 0; s < a.length; s++)
"enable" === t ? (a[s].classList.add("active"), (a[s].style.display = e.config.tooltip.items.display)) : (a[s].classList.remove("active"), (a[s].style.display = "none"));
pt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.w = e.w), (this.ctx = e.ctx), (this.ttCtx = e), (this.tooltipUtil = new gt(e));
return (
o(t, [
key: "drawSeriesTexts",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.shared,
i = void 0 === e || e,
a = t.ttItems,
s = t.i,
n = void 0 === s ? 0 : s,
r = t.j,
o = void 0 === r ? null : r;
void 0 !== this.w.config.tooltip.custom ? this.handleCustomTooltip({ i: n, j: o }) : this.toggleActiveInactiveSeries(i);
var l = this.getValuesToPrint({ i: n, j: o });
this.printLabels({ i: n, j: o, values: l, ttItems: a, shared: i });
var h = this.ttCtx.getElTooltip();
(this.ttCtx.tooltipRect.ttWidth = h.getBoundingClientRect().width), (this.ttCtx.tooltipRect.ttHeight = h.getBoundingClientRect().height);
key: "printLabels",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = t.i,
a = t.j,
s = t.values,
n = t.ttItems,
r = t.shared,
o = this.w,
l = s.xVal,
h = s.zVal,
c = s.xAxisTTVal,
d = "",
u = o.globals.colors[i];
null !== a && o.config.plotOptions.bar.distributed && (u = o.globals.colors[a]);
for (var f = 0, g = o.globals.series.length - 1; f < o.globals.series.length; f++, g--) {
var p = this.getFormatters(i);
if (((d = this.getSeriesName({ fn: p.yLbTitleFormatter, index: i, seriesIndex: i, j: a })), r)) {
var x = o.config.tooltip.inverseOrder ? g : f;
(p = this.getFormatters(x)),
(d = this.getSeriesName({ fn: p.yLbTitleFormatter, index: x, seriesIndex: i, j: a })),
(u = o.globals.colors[x]),
(e = p.yLbFormatter(o.globals.series[x][a], { series: o.globals.series, seriesIndex: x, dataPointIndex: a, w: o })),
((this.ttCtx.hasBars() && o.config.chart.stacked && 0 === o.globals.series[x][a]) || void 0 === o.globals.series[x][a]) && (e = void 0);
} else e = p.yLbFormatter(o.globals.series[i][a], { series: o.globals.series, seriesIndex: i, dataPointIndex: a, w: o });
null === a && (e = p.yLbFormatter(o.globals.series[i], o)), this.DOMHandling({ t: f, ttItems: n, values: { val: e, xVal: l, xAxisTTVal: c, zVal: h }, seriesName: d, shared: r, pColor: u });
key: "getFormatters",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = this.w,
a = i.globals.yLabelFormatters[t];
return (
void 0 !== i.globals.ttVal
? Array.isArray(i.globals.ttVal)
? ((a = i.globals.ttVal[t] && i.globals.ttVal[t].formatter), (e = i.globals.ttVal[t] && i.globals.ttVal[t].title && i.globals.ttVal[t].title.formatter))
: ((a = i.globals.ttVal.formatter), "function" == typeof i.globals.ttVal.title.formatter && (e = i.globals.ttVal.title.formatter))
: (e = i.config.tooltip.y.title.formatter),
"function" != typeof a &&
(a = i.globals.yLabelFormatters[0]
? i.globals.yLabelFormatters[0]
: function (t) {
return t;
"function" != typeof e &&
(e = function (t) {
return t;
{ yLbFormatter: a, yLbTitleFormatter: e }
key: "getSeriesName",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.fn,
i = t.index,
a = t.seriesIndex,
s = t.j,
n = this.w;
return e(String(n.globals.seriesNames[i]), { series: n.globals.series, seriesIndex: a, dataPointIndex: s, w: n });
key: "DOMHandling",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.t,
i = t.ttItems,
a = t.values,
s = t.seriesName,
n = t.shared,
r = t.pColor,
o = this.w,
l = this.ttCtx,
h = a.val,
c = a.xVal,
d = a.xAxisTTVal,
u = a.zVal,
f = null;
(f = i[e].children),
o.config.tooltip.fillSeriesColor && ((i[e].style.backgroundColor = r), (f[0].style.display = "none")),
l.showTooltipTitle && (null === l.tooltipTitle && (l.tooltipTitle = o.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-tooltip-title")), (l.tooltipTitle.innerHTML = c)),
l.blxaxisTooltip && (l.xaxisTooltipText.innerHTML = "" !== d ? d : c);
var g = i[e].querySelector(".apexcharts-tooltip-text-label");
g && (g.innerHTML = s ? s + ": " : "");
var p = i[e].querySelector(".apexcharts-tooltip-text-value");
(p && (p.innerHTML = h), f[0] && f[0].classList.contains("apexcharts-tooltip-marker") && (f[0].style.backgroundColor = r), o.config.tooltip.marker.show || (f[0].style.display = "none"), null !== u) &&
((i[e].querySelector(".apexcharts-tooltip-text-z-label").innerHTML = o.config.tooltip.z.title), (i[e].querySelector(".apexcharts-tooltip-text-z-value").innerHTML = u));
n && f[0] && (null == h || o.globals.collapsedSeriesIndices.indexOf(e) > -1 ? (f[0].parentNode.style.display = "none") : (f[0].parentNode.style.display = o.config.tooltip.items.display));
key: "toggleActiveInactiveSeries",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
if (t) this.tooltipUtil.toggleAllTooltipSeriesGroups("enable");
else {
var i = e.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-tooltip-series-group");
i && (i.classList.add("active"), (i.style.display = e.config.tooltip.items.display));
key: "getValuesToPrint",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.i,
i = t.j,
a = this.w,
s = this.ctx.series.filteredSeriesX(),
n = "",
r = null,
o = null,
l = { series: a.globals.series, seriesIndex: e, dataPointIndex: i, w: a },
h = a.globals.ttZFormatter;
null === i
? (o = a.globals.series[e])
: a.globals.isXNumeric
? ((n = s[e][i]), 0 === s[e].length && (n = s[this.tooltipUtil.getFirstActiveXArray(s)][i]))
: (n = void 0 !== a.globals.labels[i] ? a.globals.labels[i] : "");
var c = n;
a.globals.isXNumeric && "datetime" === a.config.xaxis.type ? (n = new _(this.ctx).xLabelFormat(a.globals.ttKeyFormatter, c)) : (n = a.globals.xLabelFormatter(c, l));
return (
void 0 !== a.config.tooltip.x.formatter && (n = a.globals.ttKeyFormatter(c, l)),
a.globals.seriesZ.length > 0 && a.globals.seriesZ[0].length > 0 && (r = h(a.globals.seriesZ[e][i], a)),
{ val: o, xVal: n, xAxisTTVal: "function" == typeof a.config.xaxis.tooltip.formatter ? a.globals.xaxisTooltipFormatter(c, l) : n, zVal: r }
key: "handleCustomTooltip",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.i,
i = t.j,
a = this.w;
this.ttCtx.getElTooltip().innerHTML = a.config.tooltip.custom({ ctx: this.ctx, series: a.globals.series, seriesIndex: e, dataPointIndex: i, w: a });
xt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ttCtx = e), (this.ctx = e.ctx), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "moveXCrosshairs",
value: function (t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : null,
i = this.ttCtx,
a = this.w,
s = i.getElXCrosshairs(),
n = t - i.xcrosshairsWidth / 2,
r = a.globals.labels.slice().length;
if (
(null !== e && (n = (a.globals.gridWidth / r) * e),
"tickWidth" === a.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width || "barWidth" === a.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width
? n + i.xcrosshairsWidth > a.globals.gridWidth && (n = a.globals.gridWidth - i.xcrosshairsWidth)
: null !== e && (n += a.globals.gridWidth / r / 2),
n < 0 && (n = 0),
n > a.globals.gridWidth && (n = a.globals.gridWidth),
null !== s && (s.setAttribute("x", n), s.setAttribute("x1", n), s.setAttribute("x2", n), s.setAttribute("y2", a.globals.gridHeight), s.classList.add("active")),
) {
var o = n;
("tickWidth" !== a.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width && "barWidth" !== a.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width) || (o = n + i.xcrosshairsWidth / 2), this.moveXAxisTooltip(o);
key: "moveYCrosshairs",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.ttCtx;
null !== e.ycrosshairs && (m.setAttrs(e.ycrosshairs, { y1: t, y2: t }), m.setAttrs(e.ycrosshairsHidden, { y1: t, y2: t }));
key: "moveXAxisTooltip",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = this.ttCtx;
if (null !== i.xaxisTooltip) {
var a = i.xaxisOffY + e.config.xaxis.tooltip.offsetY + e.globals.translateY + 1 + e.config.xaxis.offsetY;
if (((t -= i.xaxisTooltip.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2), !isNaN(t))) {
t += e.globals.translateX;
var s;
(s = new m(this.ctx).getTextRects(i.xaxisTooltipText.innerHTML)),
(i.xaxisTooltipText.style.minWidth = s.width + "px"),
(i.xaxisTooltip.style.left = t + "px"),
(i.xaxisTooltip.style.top = a + "px");
key: "moveYAxisTooltip",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = this.ttCtx;
null === i.yaxisTTEls && (i.yaxisTTEls = e.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-yaxistooltip"));
var a = parseInt(i.ycrosshairsHidden.getAttribute("y1")),
s = e.globals.translateY + a,
n = i.yaxisTTEls[t].getBoundingClientRect().height,
r = e.globals.translateYAxisX[t] - 2;
e.config.yaxis[t].opposite && (r -= 26),
(s -= n / 2),
-1 === e.globals.ignoreYAxisIndexes.indexOf(t)
? (i.yaxisTTEls[t].classList.add("active"), (i.yaxisTTEls[t].style.top = s + "px"), (i.yaxisTTEls[t].style.left = r + e.config.yaxis[t].tooltip.offsetX + "px"))
: i.yaxisTTEls[t].classList.remove("active");
key: "moveTooltip",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null,
a = this.w,
s = this.ttCtx,
n = s.getElTooltip(),
r = s.tooltipRect,
o = null !== i ? parseInt(i) : 1,
l = parseInt(t) + o + 5,
h = parseInt(e) + o / 2;
if ((l > a.globals.gridWidth / 2 && (l = l - r.ttWidth - o - 15), l > a.globals.gridWidth - r.ttWidth - 10 && (l = a.globals.gridWidth - r.ttWidth), l < -20 && (l = -20), a.config.tooltip.followCursor)) {
var c = s.getElGrid().getBoundingClientRect();
h = s.e.clientY + a.globals.translateY - c.top - r.ttHeight / 2;
var d = this.positionChecks(r, l, h);
(l = d.x), (h = d.y), isNaN(l) || ((l += a.globals.translateX), (n.style.left = l + "px"), (n.style.top = h + "px"));
key: "positionChecks",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w;
return t.ttHeight + i > a.globals.gridHeight && (i = a.globals.gridHeight - t.ttHeight + a.globals.translateY), i < 0 && (i = 0), { x: e, y: i };
key: "moveMarkers",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = this.ttCtx;
if (i.globals.markers.size[t] > 0)
for (var s = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(" .apexcharts-series[data\\:realIndex='".concat(t, "'] .apexcharts-marker")), n = 0; n < s.length; n++)
parseInt(s[n].getAttribute("rel")) === e && (a.marker.resetPointsSize(), a.marker.enlargeCurrentPoint(e, s[n]));
else a.marker.resetPointsSize(), this.moveDynamicPointOnHover(e, t);
key: "moveDynamicPointOnHover",
value: function (t, e) {
var i,
s = this.w,
n = this.ttCtx,
r = s.globals.pointsArray,
o = s.config.markers.hover.size;
void 0 === o && (o = s.globals.markers.size[e] + s.config.markers.hover.sizeOffset), (i = r[e][t][0]), (a = r[e][t][1] ? r[e][t][1] : 0);
var l = s.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-series[data\\:realIndex='".concat(e, "'] .apexcharts-series-markers circle"));
l && (l.setAttribute("r", o), l.setAttribute("cx", i), l.setAttribute("cy", a)), this.moveXCrosshairs(i), n.fixedTooltip || this.moveTooltip(i, a, o);
key: "moveDynamicPointsOnHover",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = this.ttCtx,
a = i.w,
s = 0,
n = 0,
r = a.globals.pointsArray;
e = new G(this.ctx).getActiveSeriesIndex();
var o = a.config.markers.hover.size;
void 0 === o && (o = a.globals.markers.size[e] + a.config.markers.hover.sizeOffset), r[e] && ((s = r[e][t][0]), (n = r[e][t][1]));
var l = null,
h = i.getAllMarkers();
if (null !== (l = null !== h ? h : a.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series-markers circle")))
for (var c = 0; c < l.length; c++) {
var d = r[c];
if (d && d.length) {
var u = r[c][t][1];
l[c].setAttribute("cx", s);
var f = parseInt(l[c].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("data:realIndex"));
null !== u ? (l[f] && l[f].setAttribute("r", o), l[f] && l[f].setAttribute("cy", u)) : l[f] && l[f].setAttribute("r", 0);
if ((this.moveXCrosshairs(s), !i.fixedTooltip)) {
var g = n || a.globals.gridHeight;
this.moveTooltip(s, g, o);
key: "moveStickyTooltipOverBars",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = this.w,
a = this.ttCtx,
s = i.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(
".apexcharts-bar-series .apexcharts-series[rel='1'] path[j='"
.concat(t, "'], .apexcharts-candlestick-series .apexcharts-series[rel='1'] path[j='")
.concat(t, "'], .apexcharts-rangebar-series .apexcharts-series[rel='1'] path[j='")
.concat(t, "']")
n = s ? parseFloat(s.getAttribute("cx")) : 0,
r = s ? parseFloat(s.getAttribute("barWidth")) : 0;
i.globals.isXNumeric ? (n -= r / 2) : ((n = a.xAxisTicksPositions[t - 1] + a.dataPointsDividedWidth / 2), isNaN(n) && (n = a.xAxisTicksPositions[t] - a.dataPointsDividedWidth / 2));
var o = a.getElGrid().getBoundingClientRect();
if (((e = a.e.clientY - o.top - a.tooltipRect.ttHeight / 2), this.moveXCrosshairs(n), !a.fixedTooltip)) {
var l = e || i.globals.gridHeight;
this.moveTooltip(n, l);
vt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.w = e.w), (this.ttCtx = e), (this.ctx = e.ctx), (this.tooltipPosition = new xt(e));
return (
o(t, [
key: "drawDynamicPoints",
value: function () {
for (var t = this.w, e = new m(this.ctx), i = new T(this.ctx), a = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series"), s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
var n = parseInt(a[s].getAttribute("data:realIndex")),
r = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-series[data\\:realIndex='".concat(n, "'] .apexcharts-series-markers-wrap"));
if (null !== r) {
var o = void 0,
l = "apexcharts-marker w".concat((Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(4));
("line" !== t.config.chart.type && "area" !== t.config.chart.type) || t.globals.comboCharts || t.config.tooltip.intersect || (l += " no-pointer-events");
var h = i.getMarkerConfig(l, n);
(o = e.drawMarker(0, 0, h)).node.setAttribute("default-marker-size", 0);
var c = document.createElementNS(t.globals.SVGNS, "g");
c.classList.add("apexcharts-series-markers"), c.appendChild(o.node), r.appendChild(c);
key: "enlargeCurrentPoint",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null,
a = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null,
s = this.w;
"bubble" !== s.config.chart.type && this.newPointSize(t, e);
var n = e.getAttribute("cx"),
r = e.getAttribute("cy");
if ((null !== i && null !== a && ((n = i), (r = a)), this.tooltipPosition.moveXCrosshairs(n), !this.fixedTooltip)) {
if ("radar" === s.config.chart.type) {
var o = this.ttCtx.getElGrid().getBoundingClientRect();
n = this.ttCtx.e.clientX - o.left;
this.tooltipPosition.moveTooltip(n, r, s.config.markers.hover.size);
key: "enlargePoints",
value: function (t) {
for (
var e = this.w, i = this.ttCtx, a = t, s = e.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series:not(.apexcharts-series-collapsed) .apexcharts-marker"), n = e.config.markers.hover.size, r = 0;
r < s.length;
) {
var o = s[r].getAttribute("rel"),
l = s[r].getAttribute("index");
if ((void 0 === n && (n = e.globals.markers.size[l] + e.config.markers.hover.sizeOffset), a === parseInt(o))) {
this.newPointSize(a, s[r]);
var h = s[r].getAttribute("cx"),
c = s[r].getAttribute("cy");
this.tooltipPosition.moveXCrosshairs(h), i.fixedTooltip || this.tooltipPosition.moveTooltip(h, c, n);
} else this.oldPointSize(s[r]);
key: "newPointSize",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = i.config.markers.hover.size,
s = null;
s = 0 === t ? e.parentNode.firstChild : e.parentNode.lastChild;
var n = parseInt(s.getAttribute("index"));
void 0 === a && (a = i.globals.markers.size[n] + i.config.markers.hover.sizeOffset), s.setAttribute("r", a);
key: "oldPointSize",
value: function (t) {
var e = parseInt(t.getAttribute("default-marker-size"));
t.setAttribute("r", e);
key: "resetPointsSize",
value: function () {
for (var t = this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series:not(.apexcharts-series-collapsed) .apexcharts-marker"), e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var i = parseInt(t[e].getAttribute("default-marker-size"));
p.isNumber(i) ? t[e].setAttribute("r", i) : t[e].setAttribute("r", 0);
mt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.w = e.w), (this.ttCtx = e);
return (
o(t, [
key: "getAttr",
value: function (t, e) {
return parseFloat(t.target.getAttribute(e));
key: "handleHeatTooltip",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.e,
i = t.opt,
a = t.x,
s = t.y,
n = this.ttCtx,
r = this.w;
if (e.target.classList.contains("apexcharts-heatmap-rect")) {
var o = this.getAttr(e, "i"),
l = this.getAttr(e, "j"),
h = this.getAttr(e, "cx"),
c = this.getAttr(e, "cy"),
d = this.getAttr(e, "width"),
u = this.getAttr(e, "height");
if (
(n.tooltipLabels.drawSeriesTexts({ ttItems: i.ttItems, i: o, j: l, shared: !1 }),
(a = h + n.tooltipRect.ttWidth / 2 + d),
(s = c + n.tooltipRect.ttHeight / 2 - u / 2),
n.tooltipPosition.moveXCrosshairs(h + d / 2),
a > r.globals.gridWidth / 2 && (a = h - n.tooltipRect.ttWidth / 2 + d),
) {
var f = n.getElGrid().getBoundingClientRect();
s = n.e.clientY - f.top + r.globals.translateY / 2 - 10;
return { x: a, y: s };
key: "handleMarkerTooltip",
value: function (t) {
var e,
a = t.e,
s = t.opt,
n = t.x,
r = t.y,
o = this.w,
l = this.ttCtx;
if (a.target.classList.contains("apexcharts-marker")) {
var h = parseInt(s.paths.getAttribute("cx")),
c = parseInt(s.paths.getAttribute("cy")),
d = parseFloat(s.paths.getAttribute("val"));
if (((i = parseInt(s.paths.getAttribute("rel"))), (e = parseInt(s.paths.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("rel")) - 1), l.intersect)) {
var u = p.findAncestor(s.paths, "apexcharts-series");
u && (e = parseInt(u.getAttribute("data:realIndex")));
if (
(l.tooltipLabels.drawSeriesTexts({ ttItems: s.ttItems, i: e, j: i, shared: !l.showOnIntersect && o.config.tooltip.shared }),
"mouseup" === a.type && l.markerClick(a, e, i),
(n = h),
(r = c + o.globals.translateY - 1.4 * l.tooltipRect.ttHeight),
) {
var f = l.getElGrid().getBoundingClientRect();
r = l.e.clientY + o.globals.translateY - f.top;
d < 0 && (r = c), l.marker.enlargeCurrentPoint(i, s.paths, n, r);
return { x: n, y: r };
key: "handleBarTooltip",
value: function (t) {
var e,
a = t.e,
s = t.opt,
n = this.w,
r = this.ttCtx,
o = r.getElTooltip(),
l = 0,
h = 0,
c = 0,
d = this.getBarTooltipXY({ e: a, opt: s });
e = d.i;
var u = d.barHeight,
f = d.j;
if (
((n.globals.isBarHorizontal && r.hasBars()) || !n.config.tooltip.shared
? ((h = d.x), (c = d.y), (i = Array.isArray(n.config.stroke.width) ? n.config.stroke.width[e] : n.config.stroke.width), (l = h))
: n.globals.comboCharts || n.config.tooltip.shared || (l /= 2),
isNaN(c) && (c = n.globals.svgHeight - r.tooltipRect.ttHeight),
h + r.tooltipRect.ttWidth > n.globals.gridWidth ? (h -= r.tooltipRect.ttWidth) : h < 0 && (h += r.tooltipRect.ttWidth),
) {
var g = r.getElGrid().getBoundingClientRect();
c = r.e.clientY - g.top;
if (
(null === r.tooltip && (r.tooltip = n.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-tooltip")),
n.config.tooltip.shared || (n.globals.comboChartsHasBars ? r.tooltipPosition.moveXCrosshairs(l + i / 2) : r.tooltipPosition.moveXCrosshairs(l)),
!r.fixedTooltip && (!n.config.tooltip.shared || (n.globals.isBarHorizontal && r.hasBars())))
) {
x && (h = n.globals.gridWidth - h), (o.style.left = h + n.globals.translateX + "px");
var p = parseInt(s.paths.parentNode.getAttribute("data:realIndex")),
x = n.globals.isMultipleYAxis ? n.config.yaxis[p] && n.config.yaxis[p].reversed : n.config.yaxis[0].reversed;
!x || (n.globals.isBarHorizontal && r.hasBars()) || (c = c + u - 2 * (n.globals.series[e][f] < 0 ? u : 0)),
r.tooltipRect.ttHeight + c > n.globals.gridHeight
? ((c = n.globals.gridHeight - r.tooltipRect.ttHeight + n.globals.translateY), (o.style.top = c + "px"))
: (o.style.top = c + n.globals.translateY - r.tooltipRect.ttHeight / 2 + "px");
key: "getBarTooltipXY",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.e,
i = t.opt,
a = this.w,
s = null,
n = this.ttCtx,
r = 0,
o = 0,
l = 0,
h = 0,
c = 0,
d = e.target.classList;
if (d.contains("apexcharts-bar-area") || d.contains("apexcharts-candlestick-area") || d.contains("apexcharts-rangebar-area")) {
var u = e.target,
f = u.getBoundingClientRect(),
g = i.elGrid.getBoundingClientRect(),
p = f.height;
c = f.height;
var x = f.width,
v = parseInt(u.getAttribute("cx")),
m = parseInt(u.getAttribute("cy"));
h = parseFloat(u.getAttribute("barWidth"));
var b = "touchmove" === e.type ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX;
(s = parseInt(u.getAttribute("j"))),
(r = parseInt(u.parentNode.getAttribute("rel")) - 1),
a.globals.comboCharts && (r = parseInt(u.parentNode.getAttribute("data:realIndex"))),
n.tooltipLabels.drawSeriesTexts({ ttItems: i.ttItems, i: r, j: s, shared: !n.showOnIntersect && a.config.tooltip.shared }),
? a.globals.isBarHorizontal
? ((o = b - g.left + 15), (l = m - n.dataPointsDividedHeight + p / 2 - n.tooltipRect.ttHeight / 2))
: ((o = a.globals.isXNumeric ? v - x / 2 : v - n.dataPointsDividedWidth + x / 2), (l = e.clientY - g.top - n.tooltipRect.ttHeight / 2 - 15))
: a.globals.isBarHorizontal
? ((o = v) < n.xyRatios.baseLineInvertedY && (o = v - n.tooltipRect.ttWidth), (l = m - n.dataPointsDividedHeight + p / 2 - n.tooltipRect.ttHeight / 2))
: ((o = a.globals.isXNumeric ? v - x / 2 : v - n.dataPointsDividedWidth + x / 2), (l = m));
return { x: o, y: l, barHeight: c, barWidth: h, i: r, j: s };
bt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.w = e.w), (this.ttCtx = e);
return (
o(t, [
key: "drawXaxisTooltip",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = this.ttCtx,
i = "bottom" === t.config.xaxis.position;
e.xaxisOffY = i ? t.globals.gridHeight + 1 : 1;
var a = i ? "apexcharts-xaxistooltip apexcharts-xaxistooltip-bottom" : "apexcharts-xaxistooltip apexcharts-xaxistooltip-top",
s = t.globals.dom.elWrap;
e.blxaxisTooltip &&
null === t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-xaxistooltip") &&
((e.xaxisTooltip = document.createElement("div")),
e.xaxisTooltip.setAttribute("class", a + " " + t.config.tooltip.theme),
(e.xaxisTooltipText = document.createElement("div")),
(e.xaxisTooltipText.style.fontFamily = t.config.xaxis.tooltip.style.fontFamily || t.config.chart.fontFamily),
(e.xaxisTooltipText.style.fontSize = t.config.xaxis.tooltip.style.fontSize),
key: "drawYaxisTooltip",
value: function () {
for (var t = this.w, e = this.ttCtx, i = 0; i < t.config.yaxis.length; i++) {
var a = t.config.yaxis[i].opposite || t.config.yaxis[i].crosshairs.opposite;
e.yaxisOffX = a ? t.globals.gridWidth + 1 : 1;
var s = "apexcharts-yaxistooltip apexcharts-yaxistooltip-".concat(i, a ? " apexcharts-yaxistooltip-right" : " apexcharts-yaxistooltip-left"),
n = t.globals.dom.elWrap;
if (e.blyaxisTooltip)
null === t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-yaxistooltip apexcharts-yaxistooltip-".concat(i)) &&
((e.yaxisTooltip = document.createElement("div")),
e.yaxisTooltip.setAttribute("class", s + " " + t.config.tooltip.theme),
0 === i && (e.yaxisTooltipText = []),
key: "setXCrosshairWidth",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = this.ttCtx,
i = e.getElXCrosshairs();
if (((e.xcrosshairsWidth = parseInt(t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width)), t.globals.comboCharts)) {
var a = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-bar-area");
if (null !== a && "barWidth" === t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width) {
var s = parseFloat(a.getAttribute("barWidth"));
e.xcrosshairsWidth = s;
} else if ("tickWidth" === t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width) {
var n = t.globals.labels.length;
e.xcrosshairsWidth = t.globals.gridWidth / n;
} else if ("tickWidth" === t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width) {
var r = t.globals.labels.length;
e.xcrosshairsWidth = t.globals.gridWidth / r;
} else if ("barWidth" === t.config.xaxis.crosshairs.width) {
var o = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-bar-area");
if (null !== o) {
var l = parseFloat(o.getAttribute("barWidth"));
e.xcrosshairsWidth = l;
} else e.xcrosshairsWidth = 1;
t.globals.isBarHorizontal && (e.xcrosshairsWidth = 0), null !== i && e.xcrosshairsWidth > 0 && i.setAttribute("width", e.xcrosshairsWidth);
key: "handleYCrosshair",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = this.ttCtx;
(e.ycrosshairs = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-ycrosshairs")), (e.ycrosshairsHidden = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-ycrosshairs-hidden"));
key: "drawYaxisTooltipText",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.ttCtx,
s = this.w,
n = s.globals.yLabelFormatters[t];
if (a.blyaxisTooltip) {
var r = a.getElGrid().getBoundingClientRect(),
o = (e - r.top) * i.yRatio[t],
l = s.globals.maxYArr[t] - s.globals.minYArr[t],
h = s.globals.minYArr[t] + (l - o);
a.tooltipPosition.moveYCrosshairs(e - r.top), (a.yaxisTooltipText[t].innerHTML = n(h)), a.tooltipPosition.moveYAxisTooltip(t);
yt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
var i = this.w;
(this.tConfig = i.config.tooltip),
(this.tooltipUtil = new gt(this)),
(this.tooltipLabels = new pt(this)),
(this.tooltipPosition = new xt(this)),
(this.marker = new vt(this)),
(this.intersect = new mt(this)),
(this.axesTooltip = new bt(this)),
(this.showOnIntersect = this.tConfig.intersect),
(this.showTooltipTitle = this.tConfig.x.show),
(this.fixedTooltip = this.tConfig.fixed.enabled),
(this.xaxisTooltip = null),
(this.yaxisTTEls = null),
(this.isBarShared = !i.globals.isBarHorizontal && this.tConfig.shared);
return (
o(t, [
key: "getElTooltip",
value: function (t) {
return t || (t = this), t.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-tooltip");
key: "getElXCrosshairs",
value: function () {
return this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-xcrosshairs");
key: "getElGrid",
value: function () {
return this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-grid");
key: "drawTooltip",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w;
(this.xyRatios = t),
(this.blxaxisTooltip = e.config.xaxis.tooltip.enabled && e.globals.axisCharts),
(this.blyaxisTooltip = e.config.yaxis[0].tooltip.enabled && e.globals.axisCharts),
(this.allTooltipSeriesGroups = []),
e.globals.axisCharts || (this.showTooltipTitle = !1);
var i = document.createElement("div");
if ((i.classList.add("apexcharts-tooltip"), i.classList.add(this.tConfig.theme), e.globals.dom.elWrap.appendChild(i), e.globals.axisCharts)) {
this.axesTooltip.drawXaxisTooltip(), this.axesTooltip.drawYaxisTooltip(), this.axesTooltip.setXCrosshairWidth(), this.axesTooltip.handleYCrosshair();
var a = new q(this.ctx);
this.xAxisTicksPositions = a.getXAxisTicksPositions();
if (
(((e.globals.comboCharts && !this.tConfig.shared) ||
(this.tConfig.intersect && !this.tConfig.shared) ||
(("bar" === e.config.chart.type || "rangeBar" === e.config.chart.type) && !this.tConfig.shared)) &&
(this.showOnIntersect = !0),
(0 !== e.config.markers.size && 0 !== e.globals.markers.largestSize) || this.marker.drawDynamicPoints(this),
e.globals.collapsedSeries.length !== e.globals.series.length)
) {
(this.dataPointsDividedHeight = e.globals.gridHeight / e.globals.dataPoints),
(this.dataPointsDividedWidth = e.globals.gridWidth / e.globals.dataPoints),
this.showTooltipTitle &&
((this.tooltipTitle = document.createElement("div")),
(this.tooltipTitle.style.fontFamily = this.tConfig.style.fontFamily || e.config.chart.fontFamily),
(this.tooltipTitle.style.fontSize = this.tConfig.style.fontSize),
var s = e.globals.series.length;
(e.globals.xyCharts || e.globals.comboCharts) && this.tConfig.shared && (s = this.showOnIntersect ? 1 : e.globals.series.length), (this.ttItems = this.createTTElements(s)), this.addSVGEvents();
key: "createTTElements",
value: function (t) {
for (var e = this.w, i = [], a = this.getElTooltip(), s = 0; s < t; s++) {
var n = document.createElement("div");
this.tConfig.shared &&
this.tConfig.enabledOnSeries &&
Array.isArray(this.tConfig.enabledOnSeries) &&
this.tConfig.enabledOnSeries.indexOf(s) < 0 &&
var r = document.createElement("span");
r.classList.add("apexcharts-tooltip-marker"), (r.style.backgroundColor = e.globals.colors[s]), n.appendChild(r);
var o = document.createElement("div");
o.classList.add("apexcharts-tooltip-text"), (o.style.fontFamily = this.tConfig.style.fontFamily || e.config.chart.fontFamily), (o.style.fontSize = this.tConfig.style.fontSize);
var l = document.createElement("div");
var h = document.createElement("span");
h.classList.add("apexcharts-tooltip-text-label"), l.appendChild(h);
var c = document.createElement("span");
c.classList.add("apexcharts-tooltip-text-value"), l.appendChild(c);
var d = document.createElement("div");
var u = document.createElement("span");
u.classList.add("apexcharts-tooltip-text-z-label"), d.appendChild(u);
var f = document.createElement("span");
f.classList.add("apexcharts-tooltip-text-z-value"), d.appendChild(f), o.appendChild(l), o.appendChild(d), n.appendChild(o), a.appendChild(n), i.push(n);
return i;
key: "addSVGEvents",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = t.config.chart.type,
i = this.getElTooltip(),
a = !("bar" !== e && "candlestick" !== e && "rangeBar" !== e),
s = t.globals.dom.Paper.node,
n = this.getElGrid();
n && (this.seriesBound = n.getBoundingClientRect());
var r,
o = [],
l = [],
h = { hoverArea: s, elGrid: n, tooltipEl: i, tooltipY: o, tooltipX: l, ttItems: this.ttItems };
if (
t.globals.axisCharts &&
("area" === e || "line" === e || "scatter" === e || "bubble" === e
? (r = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series[data\\:longestSeries='true'] .apexcharts-marker"))
: a
? (r = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series .apexcharts-bar-area, .apexcharts-series .apexcharts-candlestick-area, .apexcharts-series .apexcharts-rangebar-area"))
: "heatmap" === e
? (r = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series .apexcharts-heatmap"))
: "radar" === e && (r = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series .apexcharts-marker")),
r && r.length)
for (var c = 0; c < r.length; c++) o.push(r[c].getAttribute("cy")), l.push(r[c].getAttribute("cx"));
if ((t.globals.xyCharts && !this.showOnIntersect) || (t.globals.comboCharts && !this.showOnIntersect) || (a && this.hasBars() && this.tConfig.shared)) this.addPathsEventListeners([s], h);
else if (a && !t.globals.comboCharts) this.addBarsEventListeners(h);
else if ("bubble" === e || "scatter" === e || "radar" === e || (this.showOnIntersect && ("area" === e || "line" === e))) this.addPointsEventsListeners(h);
else if (!t.globals.axisCharts || "heatmap" === e) {
var d = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series");
this.addPathsEventListeners(d, h);
if (this.showOnIntersect) {
var u = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-line-series .apexcharts-marker");
u.length > 0 && this.addPathsEventListeners(u, h);
var f = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-area-series .apexcharts-marker");
f.length > 0 && this.addPathsEventListeners(f, h), this.hasBars() && !this.tConfig.shared && this.addBarsEventListeners(h);
key: "drawFixedTooltipRect",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = this.getElTooltip(),
i = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
a = i.width + 10,
s = i.height + 10,
n = this.tConfig.fixed.offsetX,
r = this.tConfig.fixed.offsetY;
return (
this.tConfig.fixed.position.toLowerCase().indexOf("right") > -1 && (n = n + t.globals.svgWidth - a + 10),
this.tConfig.fixed.position.toLowerCase().indexOf("bottom") > -1 && (r = r + t.globals.svgHeight - s - 10),
(e.style.left = n + "px"),
(e.style.top = r + "px"),
{ x: n, y: r, ttWidth: a, ttHeight: s }
key: "addPointsEventsListeners",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series-markers .apexcharts-marker");
this.addPathsEventListeners(e, t);
key: "addBarsEventListeners",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-bar-area, .apexcharts-candlestick-area, .apexcharts-rangebar-area");
this.addPathsEventListeners(e, t);
key: "addPathsEventListeners",
value: function (t, e) {
for (
var i = this,
a = this,
s = function (s) {
var n = { paths: t[s], tooltipEl: e.tooltipEl, tooltipY: e.tooltipY, tooltipX: e.tooltipX, elGrid: e.elGrid, hoverArea: e.hoverArea, ttItems: e.ttItems };
i.w.globals.tooltipOpts = n;
["mousemove", "mouseup", "touchmove", "mouseout", "touchend"].map(function (e) {
return t[s].addEventListener(e, a.seriesHover.bind(a, n), { capture: !1, passive: !0 });
n = 0;
n < t.length;
key: "seriesHover",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this,
a = [],
s = this.w;
s.config.chart.group && (a = this.ctx.getGroupedCharts()),
(s.globals.axisCharts && ((s.globals.minX === -1 / 0 && s.globals.maxX === 1 / 0) || 0 === s.globals.dataPoints)) ||
? a.forEach(function (a) {
var s = i.getElTooltip(a),
n = { paths: t.paths, tooltipEl: s, tooltipY: t.tooltipY, tooltipX: t.tooltipX, elGrid: t.elGrid, hoverArea: t.hoverArea, ttItems: a.w.globals.tooltip.ttItems };
a.w.globals.minX === i.w.globals.minX && a.w.globals.maxX === i.w.globals.maxX && a.w.globals.tooltip.seriesHoverByContext({ chartCtx: a, ttCtx: a.w.globals.tooltip, opt: n, e: e });
: this.seriesHoverByContext({ chartCtx: this.ctx, ttCtx: this.w.globals.tooltip, opt: t, e: e }));
key: "seriesHoverByContext",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.chartCtx,
i = t.ttCtx,
a = t.opt,
s = t.e,
n = e.w,
r = this.getElTooltip();
((i.tooltipRect = { x: 0, y: 0, ttWidth: r.getBoundingClientRect().width, ttHeight: r.getBoundingClientRect().height }), (i.e = s), !i.hasBars() || n.globals.comboCharts || i.isBarShared) ||
(this.tConfig.onDatasetHover.highlightDataSeries && new G(e).toggleSeriesOnHover(s, s.target.parentNode));
i.fixedTooltip && i.drawFixedTooltipRect(),
n.globals.axisCharts ? i.axisChartsTooltips({ e: s, opt: a, tooltipRect: i.tooltipRect }) : i.nonAxisChartsTooltips({ e: s, opt: a, tooltipRect: i.tooltipRect });
key: "axisChartsTooltips",
value: function (t) {
var e,
s = t.e,
n = t.opt,
r = this.w,
o = null,
l = n.elGrid.getBoundingClientRect(),
h = "touchmove" === s.type ? s.touches[0].clientX : s.clientX,
c = "touchmove" === s.type ? s.touches[0].clientY : s.clientY;
if (((this.clientY = c), (this.clientX = h), c < l.top || c > l.top + l.height)) this.handleMouseOut(n);
else {
if (Array.isArray(this.tConfig.enabledOnSeries)) {
var d = parseInt(n.paths.getAttribute("index"));
if (this.tConfig.enabledOnSeries.indexOf(d) < 0) return void this.handleMouseOut(n);
var u = this.getElTooltip(),
f = this.getElXCrosshairs(),
g = r.globals.xyCharts || ("bar" === r.config.chart.type && !r.globals.isBarHorizontal && this.hasBars() && this.tConfig.shared) || (r.globals.comboCharts && this.hasBars);
if ((r.globals.isBarHorizontal && this.hasBars() && (g = !1), "mousemove" === s.type || "touchmove" === s.type || "mouseup" === s.type)) {
if ((null !== f && f.classList.add("active"), null !== this.ycrosshairs && this.blyaxisTooltip && this.ycrosshairs.classList.add("active"), g && !this.showOnIntersect)) {
e = (o = this.tooltipUtil.getNearestValues({ context: this, hoverArea: n.hoverArea, elGrid: n.elGrid, clientX: h, clientY: c, hasBars: this.hasBars })).j;
var p = o.capturedSeries;
if (o.hoverX < 0 || o.hoverX > r.globals.gridWidth) return void this.handleMouseOut(n);
if (null !== p) {
if (null === r.globals.series[p][e]) return void n.tooltipEl.classList.remove("active");
void 0 !== r.globals.series[p][e]
? this.tConfig.shared && this.tooltipUtil.isXoverlap(e) && this.tooltipUtil.isinitialSeriesSameLen()
? this.create(s, this, p, e, n.ttItems)
: this.create(s, this, p, e, n.ttItems, !1)
: this.tooltipUtil.isXoverlap(e) && this.create(s, this, 0, e, n.ttItems);
} else this.tooltipUtil.isXoverlap(e) && this.create(s, this, 0, e, n.ttItems);
} else if ("heatmap" === r.config.chart.type) {
var x = this.intersect.handleHeatTooltip({ e: s, opt: n, x: i, y: a });
(i = x.x), (a = x.y), (u.style.left = i + "px"), (u.style.top = a + "px");
} else this.hasBars && this.intersect.handleBarTooltip({ e: s, opt: n }), this.hasMarkers && this.intersect.handleMarkerTooltip({ e: s, opt: n, x: i, y: a });
if (this.blyaxisTooltip) for (var v = 0; v < r.config.yaxis.length; v++) this.axesTooltip.drawYaxisTooltipText(v, c, this.xyRatios);
} else ("mouseout" !== s.type && "touchend" !== s.type) || this.handleMouseOut(n);
key: "nonAxisChartsTooltips",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.e,
i = t.opt,
a = t.tooltipRect,
s = this.w,
n = i.paths.getAttribute("rel"),
r = this.getElTooltip(),
o = s.globals.dom.elWrap.getBoundingClientRect();
if ("mousemove" === e.type || "touchmove" === e.type) {
r.classList.add("active"), this.tooltipLabels.drawSeriesTexts({ ttItems: i.ttItems, i: parseInt(n) - 1, shared: !1 });
var l = s.globals.clientX - o.left - a.ttWidth / 2,
h = s.globals.clientY - o.top - a.ttHeight - 10;
(r.style.left = l + "px"), (r.style.top = h + "px");
} else ("mouseout" !== e.type && "touchend" !== e.type) || r.classList.remove("active");
key: "deactivateHoverFilter",
value: function () {
for (var t = this.w, e = new m(this.ctx), i = t.globals.dom.Paper.select(".apexcharts-bar-area"), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) e.pathMouseLeave(i[a]);
key: "handleMouseOut",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = this.getElXCrosshairs();
if (
"bubble" !== e.config.chart.type && this.marker.resetPointsSize(),
null !== i && i.classList.remove("active"),
null !== this.ycrosshairs && this.ycrosshairs.classList.remove("active"),
this.blxaxisTooltip && this.xaxisTooltip.classList.remove("active"),
) {
null === this.yaxisTTEls && (this.yaxisTTEls = e.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-yaxistooltip"));
for (var a = 0; a < this.yaxisTTEls.length; a++) this.yaxisTTEls[a].classList.remove("active");
key: "getElMarkers",
value: function () {
return this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(" .apexcharts-series-markers");
key: "getAllMarkers",
value: function () {
return this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-series-markers .apexcharts-marker");
key: "hasMarkers",
value: function () {
return this.getElMarkers().length > 0;
key: "getElBars",
value: function () {
return this.w.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelectorAll(".apexcharts-bar-series, .apexcharts-candlestick-series, .apexcharts-rangebar-series");
key: "hasBars",
value: function () {
return this.getElBars().length > 0;
key: "markerClick",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w;
"function" == typeof a.config.chart.events.markerClick && a.config.chart.events.markerClick(t, this.ctx, { seriesIndex: e, dataPointIndex: i, w: a }),
this.ctx.fireEvent("markerClick", [t, this.ctx, { seriesIndex: e, dataPointIndex: i, w: a }]);
key: "create",
value: function (t, e, i, a, s) {
var n = arguments.length > 5 && void 0 !== arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : null,
r = this.w,
o = e;
"mouseup" === t.type && this.markerClick(t, i, a), null === n && (n = this.tConfig.shared);
var l = this.hasMarkers(),
h = this.getElBars();
if (n) {
if (
(o.tooltipLabels.drawSeriesTexts({ ttItems: s, i: i, j: a, shared: !this.showOnIntersect && this.tConfig.shared }),
l && (r.globals.markers.largestSize > 0 ? o.marker.enlargePoints(a) : o.tooltipPosition.moveDynamicPointsOnHover(a)),
this.hasBars() && ((this.barSeriesHeight = this.tooltipUtil.getBarsHeight(h)), this.barSeriesHeight > 0))
) {
var c = new m(this.ctx),
d = r.globals.dom.Paper.select(".apexcharts-bar-area[j='".concat(a, "']"));
this.deactivateHoverFilter(), this.tooltipPosition.moveStickyTooltipOverBars(a);
for (var u = 0; u < d.length; u++) c.pathMouseEnter(d[u]);
} else o.tooltipLabels.drawSeriesTexts({ shared: !1, ttItems: s, i: i, j: a }), this.hasBars() && o.tooltipPosition.moveStickyTooltipOverBars(a), l && o.tooltipPosition.moveMarkers(i, a);
wt = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w), (this.ev = this.w.config.chart.events), (this.localeValues = this.w.globals.locale.toolbar);
return (
o(t, [
key: "createToolbar",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = document.createElement("div");
if (
(e.setAttribute("class", "apexcharts-toolbar"),
(this.elZoom = document.createElement("div")),
(this.elZoomIn = document.createElement("div")),
(this.elZoomOut = document.createElement("div")),
(this.elPan = document.createElement("div")),
(this.elSelection = document.createElement("div")),
(this.elZoomReset = document.createElement("div")),
(this.elMenuIcon = document.createElement("div")),
(this.elMenu = document.createElement("div")),
(this.elCustomIcons = []),
(this.t = t.config.chart.toolbar.tools),
for (var i = 0; i < this.t.customIcons.length; i++) this.elCustomIcons.push(document.createElement("div"));
this.elMenuItems = [];
var a = [];
this.t.zoomin &&
t.config.chart.zoom.enabled &&
el: this.elZoomIn,
"string" == typeof this.t.zoomin
? this.t.zoomin
: '\n',
title: this.localeValues.zoomIn,
class: "apexcharts-zoom-in-icon",
this.t.zoomout &&
t.config.chart.zoom.enabled &&
el: this.elZoomOut,
"string" == typeof this.t.zoomout
? this.t.zoomout
: '\n',
title: this.localeValues.zoomOut,
class: "apexcharts-zoom-out-icon",
this.t.zoom &&
t.config.chart.zoom.enabled &&
el: this.elZoom,
"string" == typeof this.t.zoom
? this.t.zoom
: '',
title: this.localeValues.selectionZoom,
class: t.globals.isTouchDevice ? "hidden" : "apexcharts-zoom-icon",
this.t.selection &&
t.config.chart.selection.enabled &&
el: this.elSelection,
"string" == typeof this.t.selection
? this.t.selection
: '',
title: this.localeValues.selection,
class: t.globals.isTouchDevice ? "hidden" : "apexcharts-selection-icon",
this.t.pan &&
t.config.chart.zoom.enabled &&
el: this.elPan,
"string" == typeof this.t.pan
? this.t.pan
: '',
title: this.localeValues.pan,
class: t.globals.isTouchDevice ? "hidden" : "apexcharts-pan-icon",
this.t.reset &&
t.config.chart.zoom.enabled &&
el: this.elZoomReset,
"string" == typeof this.t.reset
? this.t.reset
: '',
title: this.localeValues.reset,
class: "apexcharts-reset-zoom-icon",
this.t.download &&
el: this.elMenuIcon,
"string" == typeof this.t.download
? this.t.download
: '',
title: this.localeValues.menu,
class: "apexcharts-menu-icon",
for (var s = 0; s < this.elCustomIcons.length; s++)
el: this.elCustomIcons[s],
icon: this.t.customIcons[s].icon,
title: this.t.customIcons[s].title,
index: this.t.customIcons[s].index,
class: "apexcharts-toolbar-custom-icon " + this.t.customIcons[s].class,
a.forEach(function (t, e) {
t.index && p.moveIndexInArray(a, e, t.index);
for (var n = 0; n < a.length; n++) m.setAttrs(a[n].el, { class: a[n].class, title: a[n].title }), (a[n].el.innerHTML = a[n].icon), e.appendChild(a[n].el);
e.appendChild(this.elMenu), m.setAttrs(this.elMenu, { class: "apexcharts-menu" });
for (
var r = [
{ name: "exportSVG", title: this.localeValues.exportToSVG },
{ name: "exportPNG", title: this.localeValues.exportToPNG },
o = 0;
o < r.length;
(this.elMenuItems[o].innerHTML = r[o].title),
m.setAttrs(this.elMenuItems[o], { class: "apexcharts-menu-item ".concat(r[o].name), title: r[o].title }),
t.globals.zoomEnabled ? this.elZoom.classList.add("selected") : t.globals.panEnabled ? this.elPan.classList.add("selected") : t.globals.selectionEnabled && this.elSelection.classList.add("selected"),
key: "addToolbarEventListeners",
value: function () {
var t = this;
this.elZoomReset.addEventListener("click", this.handleZoomReset.bind(this)),
this.elSelection.addEventListener("click", this.toggleSelection.bind(this)),
this.elZoom.addEventListener("click", this.toggleZooming.bind(this)),
this.elZoomIn.addEventListener("click", this.handleZoomIn.bind(this)),
this.elZoomOut.addEventListener("click", this.handleZoomOut.bind(this)),
this.elPan.addEventListener("click", this.togglePanning.bind(this)),
this.elMenuIcon.addEventListener("click", this.toggleMenu.bind(this)),
this.elMenuItems.forEach(function (e) {
e.classList.contains("exportSVG") ? e.addEventListener("click", t.downloadSVG.bind(t)) : e.classList.contains("exportPNG") && e.addEventListener("click", t.downloadPNG.bind(t));
for (var e = 0; e < this.t.customIcons.length; e++) this.elCustomIcons[e].addEventListener("click", this.t.customIcons[e].click);
key: "toggleSelection",
value: function () {
(this.w.globals.selectionEnabled = !this.w.globals.selectionEnabled),
this.elSelection.classList.contains("selected") ? this.elSelection.classList.remove("selected") : this.elSelection.classList.add("selected");
key: "toggleZooming",
value: function () {
(this.w.globals.zoomEnabled = !this.w.globals.zoomEnabled),
this.elZoom.classList.contains("selected") ? this.elZoom.classList.remove("selected") : this.elZoom.classList.add("selected");
key: "getToolbarIconsReference",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
this.elZoom || (this.elZoom = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-zoom-icon")),
this.elPan || (this.elPan = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-pan-icon")),
this.elSelection || (this.elSelection = t.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-selection-icon"));
key: "enableZooming",
value: function () {
this.toggleOtherControls(), (this.w.globals.zoomEnabled = !0), this.elZoom && this.elZoom.classList.add("selected"), this.elPan && this.elPan.classList.remove("selected");
key: "enablePanning",
value: function () {
this.toggleOtherControls(), (this.w.globals.panEnabled = !0), this.elPan && this.elPan.classList.add("selected"), this.elZoom && this.elZoom.classList.remove("selected");
key: "togglePanning",
value: function () {
(this.w.globals.panEnabled = !this.w.globals.panEnabled),
this.elPan.classList.contains("selected") ? this.elPan.classList.remove("selected") : this.elPan.classList.add("selected");
key: "toggleOtherControls",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
(t.globals.panEnabled = !1),
(t.globals.zoomEnabled = !1),
(t.globals.selectionEnabled = !1),
this.elPan && this.elPan.classList.remove("selected"),
this.elSelection && this.elSelection.classList.remove("selected"),
this.elZoom && this.elZoom.classList.remove("selected");
key: "handleZoomIn",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = (t.globals.minX + t.globals.maxX) / 2,
i = (t.globals.minX + e) / 2,
a = (t.globals.maxX + e) / 2;
t.globals.disableZoomIn || this.zoomUpdateOptions(i, a);
key: "handleZoomOut",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
if (!("datetime" === t.config.xaxis.type && new Date(t.globals.minX).getUTCFullYear() < 1e3)) {
var e = (t.globals.minX + t.globals.maxX) / 2,
i = t.globals.minX - (e - t.globals.minX),
a = t.globals.maxX - (e - t.globals.maxX);
t.globals.disableZoomOut || this.zoomUpdateOptions(i, a);
key: "zoomUpdateOptions",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = { min: t, max: e },
a = this.getBeforeZoomRange(i);
a && (i = a.xaxis), (this.w.globals.zoomed = !0), this.ctx._updateOptions({ xaxis: i }, !1, this.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled), this.zoomCallback(i);
key: "zoomCallback",
value: function (t, e) {
"function" == typeof this.ev.zoomed && this.ev.zoomed(this.ctx, { xaxis: t, yaxis: e });
key: "getBeforeZoomRange",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = null;
return "function" == typeof this.ev.beforeZoom && (i = this.ev.beforeZoom(this, { xaxis: t, yaxis: e })), i;
key: "toggleMenu",
value: function () {
this.elMenu.classList.contains("open") ? this.elMenu.classList.remove("open") : this.elMenu.classList.add("open");
key: "downloadPNG",
value: function () {
var t = new ct(this.ctx);
t.exportToPng(this.ctx), this.toggleMenu();
key: "downloadSVG",
value: function () {
var t = new ct(this.ctx);
t.exportToSVG(), this.toggleMenu();
key: "handleZoomReset",
value: function (t) {
var e = this;
this.ctx.getSyncedCharts().forEach(function (t) {
var i = t.w;
i.globals.minX !== i.globals.initialminX &&
i.globals.maxX !== i.globals.initialmaxX &&
"function" == typeof i.config.chart.events.zoomed && e.zoomCallback({ min: i.config.xaxis.min, max: i.config.xaxis.max }),
(i.globals.zoomed = !1),
t._updateSeries(i.globals.initialSeries, i.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled));
key: "destroy",
value: function () {
(this.elZoom = null), (this.elZoomIn = null), (this.elZoomOut = null), (this.elPan = null), (this.elSelection = null), (this.elZoomReset = null), (this.elMenuIcon = null);
kt = (function (t) {
function e(t) {
var i;
return (
n(this, e),
((i = f(this, d(e).call(this, t))).ctx = t),
(i.w = t.w),
(i.dragged = !1),
(i.graphics = new m(i.ctx)),
(i.eventList = ["mousedown", "mouseleave", "mousemove", "touchstart", "touchmove", "mouseup", "touchend"]),
(i.clientX = 0),
(i.clientY = 0),
(i.startX = 0),
(i.endX = 0),
(i.dragX = 0),
(i.startY = 0),
(i.endY = 0),
(i.dragY = 0),
return (
c(e, wt),
o(e, [
key: "init",
value: function (t) {
var e = this,
i = t.xyRatios,
a = this.w,
s = this;
(this.xyRatios = i),
(this.zoomRect = this.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 0, 0)),
(this.selectionRect = this.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 0, 0)),
(this.gridRect = a.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(".apexcharts-grid")),
"x" === a.config.chart.selection.type
? (this.slDraggableRect = this.selectionRect.draggable({ minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: a.globals.gridWidth, maxY: a.globals.gridHeight }).on("dragmove", this.selectionDragging.bind(this, "dragging")))
: "y" === a.config.chart.selection.type
? (this.slDraggableRect = this.selectionRect.draggable({ minX: 0, maxX: a.globals.gridWidth }).on("dragmove", this.selectionDragging.bind(this, "dragging")))
: (this.slDraggableRect = this.selectionRect.draggable().on("dragmove", this.selectionDragging.bind(this, "dragging"))),
(this.hoverArea = a.globals.dom.baseEl.querySelector(a.globals.chartClass)),
this.eventList.forEach(function (t) {
e.hoverArea.addEventListener(t, s.svgMouseEvents.bind(s, i), { capture: !1, passive: !0 });
key: "destroy",
value: function () {
this.slDraggableRect && (this.slDraggableRect.draggable(!1), this.slDraggableRect.off(), this.selectionRect.off()), (this.selectionRect = null), (this.zoomRect = null), (this.gridRect = null);
key: "svgMouseEvents",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this.w,
a = this,
s = this.ctx.toolbar,
n = i.globals.zoomEnabled ? i.config.chart.zoom.type : i.config.chart.selection.type;
if (
(e.shiftKey ? ((this.shiftWasPressed = !0), s.enablePanning()) : this.shiftWasPressed && (s.enableZooming(), (this.shiftWasPressed = !1)),
!(e.target.classList.contains("apexcharts-selection-rect") || e.target.parentNode.classList.contains("apexcharts-toolbar")))
) {
if (
((a.clientX = "touchmove" === e.type || "touchstart" === e.type ? e.touches[0].clientX : "touchend" === e.type ? e.changedTouches[0].clientX : e.clientX),
(a.clientY = "touchmove" === e.type || "touchstart" === e.type ? e.touches[0].clientY : "touchend" === e.type ? e.changedTouches[0].clientY : e.clientY),
"mousedown" === e.type && 1 === e.which)
) {
var r = a.gridRect.getBoundingClientRect();
(a.startX = a.clientX - r.left), (a.startY = a.clientY - r.top), (a.dragged = !1), (a.w.globals.mousedown = !0);
if (
((("mousemove" === e.type && 1 === e.which) || "touchmove" === e.type) &&
((a.dragged = !0),
? ((i.globals.selection = null), a.w.globals.mousedown && a.panDragging({ context: a, zoomtype: n, xyRatios: t }))
: ((a.w.globals.mousedown && i.globals.zoomEnabled) || (a.w.globals.mousedown && i.globals.selectionEnabled)) && (a.selection = a.selectionDrawing({ context: a, zoomtype: n }))),
"mouseup" === e.type || "touchend" === e.type || "mouseleave" === e.type)
) {
var o = a.gridRect.getBoundingClientRect();
a.w.globals.mousedown &&
((a.endX = a.clientX - o.left),
(a.endY = a.clientY - o.top),
(a.dragX = Math.abs(a.endX - a.startX)),
(a.dragY = Math.abs(a.endY - a.startY)),
(i.globals.zoomEnabled || i.globals.selectionEnabled) && a.selectionDrawn({ context: a, zoomtype: n })),
i.globals.zoomEnabled && a.hideSelectionRect(this.selectionRect),
(a.dragged = !1),
(a.w.globals.mousedown = !1);
key: "makeSelectionRectDraggable",
value: function () {
var t = this.w;
if (this.selectionRect) {
var e = this.selectionRect.node.getBoundingClientRect();
e.width > 0 &&
e.height > 0 &&
.resize({ constraint: { minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: t.globals.gridWidth, maxY: t.globals.gridHeight } })
.on("resizing", this.selectionDragging.bind(this, "resizing"));
key: "preselectedSelection",
value: function () {
var t = this.w,
e = this.xyRatios;
if (!t.globals.zoomEnabled)
if (void 0 !== t.globals.selection && null !== t.globals.selection) this.drawSelectionRect(t.globals.selection);
else if (void 0 !== t.config.chart.selection.xaxis.min && void 0 !== t.config.chart.selection.xaxis.max) {
var i = (t.config.chart.selection.xaxis.min - t.globals.minX) / e.xRatio,
a = {
x: i,
y: 0,
width: t.globals.gridWidth - (t.globals.maxX - t.config.chart.selection.xaxis.max) / e.xRatio - i,
height: t.globals.gridHeight,
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0,
selectionEnabled: !0,
"function" == typeof t.config.chart.events.selection &&
t.config.chart.events.selection(this.ctx, { xaxis: { min: t.config.chart.selection.xaxis.min, max: t.config.chart.selection.xaxis.max }, yaxis: {} });
key: "drawSelectionRect",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.x,
i = t.y,
a = t.width,
s = t.height,
n = t.translateX,
r = t.translateY,
o = this.w,
l = this.zoomRect,
h = this.selectionRect;
if (this.dragged || null !== o.globals.selection) {
var c = { transform: "translate(" + n + ", " + r + ")" };
o.globals.zoomEnabled &&
this.dragged &&
x: e,
y: i,
width: a,
height: s,
fill: o.config.chart.zoom.zoomedArea.fill.color,
"fill-opacity": o.config.chart.zoom.zoomedArea.fill.opacity,
stroke: o.config.chart.zoom.zoomedArea.stroke.color,
"stroke-width": o.config.chart.zoom.zoomedArea.stroke.width,
"stroke-opacity": o.config.chart.zoom.zoomedArea.stroke.opacity,
m.setAttrs(l.node, c)),
o.globals.selectionEnabled &&
x: e,
y: i,
width: a > 0 ? a : 0,
height: s > 0 ? s : 0,
fill: o.config.chart.selection.fill.color,
"fill-opacity": o.config.chart.selection.fill.opacity,
stroke: o.config.chart.selection.stroke.color,
"stroke-width": o.config.chart.selection.stroke.width,
"stroke-dasharray": o.config.chart.selection.stroke.dashArray,
"stroke-opacity": o.config.chart.selection.stroke.opacity,
m.setAttrs(h.node, c));
key: "hideSelectionRect",
value: function (t) {
t && t.attr({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 });
key: "selectionDrawing",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.context,
i = t.zoomtype,
a = this.w,
s = e,
n = this.gridRect.getBoundingClientRect(),
r = s.startX - 1,
o = s.startY,
l = s.clientX - n.left - r,
h = s.clientY - n.top - o,
c = 0,
d = 0,
u = {};
return (
Math.abs(l + r) > a.globals.gridWidth ? (l = a.globals.gridWidth - r) : s.clientX - n.left < 0 && (l = r),
r > s.clientX - n.left && (c = -(l = Math.abs(l))),
o > s.clientY - n.top && (d = -(h = Math.abs(h))),
(u =
"x" === i
? { x: r, y: 0, width: l, height: a.globals.gridHeight, translateX: c, translateY: 0 }
: "y" === i
? { x: 0, y: o, width: a.globals.gridWidth, height: h, translateX: 0, translateY: d }
: { x: r, y: o, width: l, height: h, translateX: c, translateY: d }),
key: "selectionDragging",
value: function (t, e) {
var i = this,
a = this.w,
s = this.xyRatios,
n = this.selectionRect,
r = 0;
"resizing" === t && (r = 30),
"function" == typeof a.config.chart.events.selection &&
a.globals.selectionEnabled &&
(this.w.globals.selectionResizeTimer = window.setTimeout(function () {
var t = i.gridRect.getBoundingClientRect(),
e = n.node.getBoundingClientRect(),
r = a.globals.xAxisScale.niceMin + (e.left - t.left) * s.xRatio,
o = a.globals.xAxisScale.niceMin + (e.right - t.left) * s.xRatio,
l = a.globals.yAxisScale[0].niceMin + (t.bottom - e.bottom) * s.yRatio[0],
h = a.globals.yAxisScale[0].niceMax - (e.top - t.top) * s.yRatio[0];
a.config.chart.events.selection(i.ctx, { xaxis: { min: r, max: o }, yaxis: { min: l, max: h } });
}, r)));
key: "selectionDrawn",
value: function (t) {
var e = t.context,
i = t.zoomtype,
a = this.w,
s = e,
n = this.xyRatios,
r = this.ctx.toolbar;
if (s.startX > s.endX) {
var o = s.startX;
(s.startX = s.endX), (s.endX = o);
if (s.startY > s.endY) {
var l = s.startY;
(s.startY = s.endY), (s.endY = l);
var h = a.globals.xAxisScale.niceMin + s.startX * n.xRatio,
c = a.globals.xAxisScale.niceMin + s.endX * n.xRatio,
d = [],
u = [];
if (
(a.config.yaxis.forEach(function (t, e) {
d.push(Math.floor(a.globals.yAxisScale[e].niceMax - n.yRatio[e] * s.startY)), u.push(Math.floor(a.globals.yAxisScale[e].niceMax - n.yRatio[e] * s.endY));
s.dragged && (s.dragX > 10 || s.dragY > 10) && h !== c)
if (a.globals.zoomEnabled) {
var f = p.clone(a.globals.initialConfig.yaxis);
a.globals.zoomed || ((a.globals.lastXAxis = p.clone(a.config.xaxis)), (a.globals.lastYAxis = p.clone(a.config.yaxis)));
var g = { min: h, max: c };
if (
(("xy" !== i && "y" !== i) ||
f.forEach(function (t, e) {
(f[e].min = u[e]), (f[e].max = d[e]);
) {
var x = new Z(s.ctx);
f = x.autoScaleY(s.ctx, f, { xaxis: g });
if (r) {
var v = r.getBeforeZoomRange(g, f);
v && ((g = v.xaxis ? v.xaxis : g), (f = v.yaxis ? v.yaxe : f));
s.ctx._updateOptions({ xaxis: g, yaxis: f }, !1, s.w.config.chart.animations.dynamicAnimation.enabled),
"function" == typeof a.config.chart.events.zoomed && r.zoomCallback(g, f),
(a.globals.zoomed = !0);
} else if (a.globals.selectionEnabled) {
var m,
b = null;
(m = { min: h, max: c }),
("xy" !== i && "y" !== i) ||
(b = p.clone(a.config.yaxis)).forEach(function (t, e) {
(b[e].min = u[e]), (b[e].max = d[e]);
(a.globals.selection = s.selection),
"function" == typeof a.config.chart.events.selection && a.config.chart.events.selection(s.ctx, { xaxis: m, yaxis: b });
key: "panDragging",
value: function (t) {
var e,
i = t.context,
a = this.w,
s = i;
if (void 0 !== a.globals.lastClientPosition.x) {
var n = a.globals.lastClientPosition.x - s.clientX,
r = a.globals.lastClientPosition.y - s.clientY;
Math.abs(n) > Math.abs(r) && n > 0
? (e = "left")
: Math.abs(n) > Math.abs(r) && n < 0
? (e = "right")
: Math.abs(r) > Math.abs(n) && r > 0
? (e = "up")
: Math.abs(r) > Math.abs(n) && r < 0 && (e = "down");
a.globals.lastClientPosition = { x: s.clientX, y: s.clientY };
var o = a.globals.minX,
l = a.globals.maxX;
s.panScrolled(e, o, l);
key: "panScrolled",
value: function (t, e, i) {
var a = this.w,
s = this.xyRatios,
n = p.clone(a.globals.initialConfig.yaxis);
"left" === t
? ((e = a.globals.minX + (a.globals.gridWidth / 15) * s.xRatio), (i = a.globals.maxX + (a.globals.gridWidth / 15) * s.xRatio))
: "right" === t && ((e = a.globals.minX - (a.globals.gridWidth / 15) * s.xRatio), (i = a.globals.maxX - (a.globals.gridWidth / 15) * s.xRatio)),
(e < a.globals.initialminX || i > a.globals.initialmaxX) && ((e = a.globals.minX), (i = a.globals.maxX));
var r = { min: e, max: i };
a.config.chart.zoom.autoScaleYaxis && (n = new Z(this.ctx).autoScaleY(this.ctx, n, { xaxis: r }));
this.ctx._updateOptions({ xaxis: { min: e, max: i }, yaxis: n }, !1, !1), "function" == typeof a.config.chart.events.scrolled && a.config.chart.events.scrolled(this.ctx, { xaxis: { min: e, max: i } });
St = (function () {
function t(e) {
n(this, t), (this.ctx = e), (this.w = e.w);
return (
o(t, [
key: "draw",
value: function () {
this.drawTitleSubtitle("title"), this.drawTitleSubtitle("subtitle");
key: "drawTitleSubtitle",
value: function (t) {
var e = this.w,
i = "title" === t ? e.config.title : e.config.subtitle,
a = e.globals.svgWidth / 2,
s = i.offsetY,
n = "middle";
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var r = new m(this.ctx).drawText({ x: a, y: s, text: i.text, textAnchor: n, fontSize: i.style.fontSize, fontFamily: i.style.fontFamily, foreColor: i.style.color, opacity: 1 });
r.node.setAttribute("class", "apexcharts-".concat(t, "-text")), e.globals.dom.Paper.add(r);
(lt = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : void 0),
(ht = function (t, e) {
var i = ((void 0 !== this ? this : t).SVG = function (t) {
if (i.supported) return (t = new i.Doc(t)), i.parser.draw || i.prepare(), t;
if (((i.ns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), (i.xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"), (i.xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), (i.svgjs = "http://svgjs.com/svgjs"), (i.supported = !0), !i.supported)) return !1;
(i.did = 1e3),
(i.eid = function (t) {
return "Svgjs" + d(t) + i.did++;
(i.create = function (t) {
var i = e.createElementNS(this.ns, t);
return i.setAttribute("id", this.eid(t)), i;
(i.extend = function () {
var t, e, a, s;
for (e = (t = [].slice.call(arguments)).pop(), s = t.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) if (t[s]) for (a in e) t[s].prototype[a] = e[a];
i.Set && i.Set.inherit && i.Set.inherit();
(i.invent = function (t) {
var e =
"function" == typeof t.create
? t.create
: function () {
this.constructor.call(this, i.create(t.create));
return t.inherit && (e.prototype = new t.inherit()), t.extend && i.extend(e, t.extend), t.construct && i.extend(t.parent || i.Container, t.construct), e;
(i.adopt = function (e) {
return e
? e.instance
? e.instance
: (((a =
"svg" == e.nodeName
? e.parentNode instanceof t.SVGElement
? new i.Nested()
: new i.Doc()
: "linearGradient" == e.nodeName
? new i.Gradient("linear")
: "radialGradient" == e.nodeName
? new i.Gradient("radial")
: i[d(e.nodeName)]
? new i[d(e.nodeName)]()
: new i.Element(e)).type = e.nodeName),
(a.node = e),
(e.instance = a),
a instanceof i.Doc && a.namespace().defs(),
a.setData(JSON.parse(e.getAttribute("svgjs:data")) || {}),
: null;
var a;
(i.prepare = function () {
var t = e.getElementsByTagName("body")[0],
a = (t ? new i.Doc(t) : i.adopt(e.documentElement).nested()).size(2, 0);
i.parser = { body: t || e.documentElement, draw: a.style("opacity:0;position:absolute;left:-100%;top:-100%;overflow:hidden").node, poly: a.polyline().node, path: a.path().node, native: i.create("svg") };
(i.parser = { native: i.create("svg") }),
function () {
i.parser.draw || i.prepare();
(i.regex = {
numberAndUnit: /^([+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?)([a-z%]*)$/i,
hex: /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i,
rgb: /rgb\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)/,
reference: /#([a-z0-9\-_]+)/i,
transforms: /\)\s*,?\s*/,
whitespace: /\s/g,
isHex: /^#[a-f0-9]{3,6}$/i,
isRgb: /^rgb\(/,
isCss: /[^:]+:[^;]+;?/,
isBlank: /^(\s+)?$/,
isNumber: /^[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,
isPercent: /^-?[\d\.]+%$/,
isImage: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)(\?[^=]+.*)?/i,
delimiter: /[\s,]+/,
hyphen: /([^e])\-/gi,
pathLetters: /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/gi,
isPathLetter: /[MLHVCSQTAZ]/i,
numbersWithDots: /((\d?\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)((?:\.\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)+))+/gi,
dots: /\./g,
(i.utils = {
map: function (t, e) {
var i,
a = t.length,
s = [];
for (i = 0; i < a; i++) s.push(e(t[i]));
return s;
filter: function (t, e) {
var i,
a = t.length,
s = [];
for (i = 0; i < a; i++) e(t[i]) && s.push(t[i]);
return s;
radians: function (t) {
return ((t % 360) * Math.PI) / 180;
degrees: function (t) {
return ((180 * t) / Math.PI) % 360;
filterSVGElements: function (e) {
return this.filter(e, function (e) {
return e instanceof t.SVGElement;
(i.defaults = {
attrs: {
"fill-opacity": 1,
"stroke-opacity": 1,
"stroke-width": 0,
"stroke-linejoin": "miter",
"stroke-linecap": "butt",
fill: "#000000",
stroke: "#000000",
opacity: 1,
x: 0,
y: 0,
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
r: 0,
rx: 0,
ry: 0,
offset: 0,
"stop-opacity": 1,
"stop-color": "#000000",
"font-size": 16,
"font-family": "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
"text-anchor": "start",
(i.Color = function (t) {
var e, a;
((this.r = 0), (this.g = 0), (this.b = 0), t) &&
("string" == typeof t
? i.regex.isRgb.test(t)
? ((e = i.regex.rgb.exec(t.replace(i.regex.whitespace, ""))), (this.r = parseInt(e[1])), (this.g = parseInt(e[2])), (this.b = parseInt(e[3])))
: i.regex.isHex.test(t) &&
((e = i.regex.hex.exec(4 == (a = t).length ? ["#", a.substring(1, 2), a.substring(1, 2), a.substring(2, 3), a.substring(2, 3), a.substring(3, 4), a.substring(3, 4)].join("") : a)),
(this.r = parseInt(e[1], 16)),
(this.g = parseInt(e[2], 16)),
(this.b = parseInt(e[3], 16)))
: "object" === s(t) && ((this.r = t.r), (this.g = t.g), (this.b = t.b)));
i.extend(i.Color, {
toString: function () {
return this.toHex();
toHex: function () {
return "#" + u(this.r) + u(this.g) + u(this.b);
toRgb: function () {
return "rgb(" + [this.r, this.g, this.b].join() + ")";
brightness: function () {
return (this.r / 255) * 0.3 + (this.g / 255) * 0.59 + (this.b / 255) * 0.11;
morph: function (t) {
return (this.destination = new i.Color(t)), this;
at: function (t) {
return this.destination
? ((t = t < 0 ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t),
new i.Color({ r: ~~(this.r + (this.destination.r - this.r) * t), g: ~~(this.g + (this.destination.g - this.g) * t), b: ~~(this.b + (this.destination.b - this.b) * t) }))
: this;
(i.Color.test = function (t) {
return (t += ""), i.regex.isHex.test(t) || i.regex.isRgb.test(t);
(i.Color.isRgb = function (t) {
return t && "number" == typeof t.r && "number" == typeof t.g && "number" == typeof t.b;
(i.Color.isColor = function (t) {
return i.Color.isRgb(t) || i.Color.test(t);
(i.Array = function (t, e) {
0 == (t = (t || []).valueOf()).length && e && (t = e.valueOf()), (this.value = this.parse(t));
i.extend(i.Array, {
morph: function (t) {
if (((this.destination = this.parse(t)), this.value.length != this.destination.length)) {
for (var e = this.value[this.value.length - 1], i = this.destination[this.destination.length - 1]; this.value.length > this.destination.length; ) this.destination.push(i);
for (; this.value.length < this.destination.length; ) this.value.push(e);
return this;
settle: function () {
for (var t = 0, e = this.value.length, i = []; t < e; t++) -1 == i.indexOf(this.value[t]) && i.push(this.value[t]);
return (this.value = i);
at: function (t) {
if (!this.destination) return this;
for (var e = 0, a = this.value.length, s = []; e < a; e++) s.push(this.value[e] + (this.destination[e] - this.value[e]) * t);
return new i.Array(s);
toString: function () {
return this.value.join(" ");
valueOf: function () {
return this.value;
parse: function (t) {
return (t = t.valueOf()), Array.isArray(t) ? t : this.split(t);
split: function (t) {
return t.trim().split(i.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat);
reverse: function () {
return this.value.reverse(), this;
clone: function () {
var t = new this.constructor();
return (
(t.value = (function t(e) {
var i = e.slice(0);
for (var a = i.length; a--; ) Array.isArray(i[a]) && (i[a] = t(i[a]));
return i;
(i.PointArray = function (t, e) {
i.Array.call(this, t, e || [[0, 0]]);
(i.PointArray.prototype = new i.Array()),
(i.PointArray.prototype.constructor = i.PointArray),
i.extend(i.PointArray, {
toString: function () {
for (var t = 0, e = this.value.length, i = []; t < e; t++) i.push(this.value[t].join(","));
return i.join(" ");
toLine: function () {
return { x1: this.value[0][0], y1: this.value[0][1], x2: this.value[1][0], y2: this.value[1][1] };
at: function (t) {
if (!this.destination) return this;
for (var e = 0, a = this.value.length, s = []; e < a; e++) s.push([this.value[e][0] + (this.destination[e][0] - this.value[e][0]) * t, this.value[e][1] + (this.destination[e][1] - this.value[e][1]) * t]);
return new i.PointArray(s);
parse: function (t) {
var e = [];
if (((t = t.valueOf()), Array.isArray(t))) {
if (Array.isArray(t[0]))
return t.map(function (t) {
return t.slice();
if (null != t[0].x)
return t.map(function (t) {
return [t.x, t.y];
} else t = t.trim().split(i.regex.delimiter).map(parseFloat);
t.length % 2 != 0 && t.pop();
for (var a = 0, s = t.length; a < s; a += 2) e.push([t[a], t[a + 1]]);
return e;
move: function (t, e) {
var i = this.bbox();
if (((t -= i.x), (e -= i.y), !isNaN(t) && !isNaN(e))) for (var a = this.value.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) this.value[a] = [this.value[a][0] + t, this.value[a][1] + e];
return this;
size: function (t, e) {
var i,
a = this.bbox();
for (i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) a.width && (this.value[i][0] = ((this.value[i][0] - a.x) * t) / a.width + a.x), a.height && (this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - a.y) * e) / a.height + a.y);
return this;
bbox: function () {
return i.parser.draw || i.prepare(), i.parser.poly.setAttribute("points", this.toString()), i.parser.poly.getBBox();
for (
var a = {
M: function (t, e, i) {
return (e.x = i.x = t[0]), (e.y = i.y = t[1]), ["M", e.x, e.y];
L: function (t, e) {
return (e.x = t[0]), (e.y = t[1]), ["L", t[0], t[1]];
H: function (t, e) {
return (e.x = t[0]), ["H", t[0]];
V: function (t, e) {
return (e.y = t[0]), ["V", t[0]];
C: function (t, e) {
return (e.x = t[4]), (e.y = t[5]), ["C", t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]];
S: function (t, e) {
return (e.x = t[2]), (e.y = t[3]), ["S", t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]];
Q: function (t, e) {
return (e.x = t[2]), (e.y = t[3]), ["Q", t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]];
T: function (t, e) {
return (e.x = t[0]), (e.y = t[1]), ["T", t[0], t[1]];
Z: function (t, e, i) {
return (e.x = i.x), (e.y = i.y), ["Z"];
A: function (t, e) {
return (e.x = t[5]), (e.y = t[6]), ["A", t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6]];
n = "mlhvqtcsaz".split(""),
r = 0,
o = n.length;
r < o;
a[n[r]] = (function (t) {
return function (e, i, s) {
if ("H" == t) e[0] = e[0] + i.x;
else if ("V" == t) e[0] = e[0] + i.y;
else if ("A" == t) (e[5] = e[5] + i.x), (e[6] = e[6] + i.y);
else for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; ++n) e[n] = e[n] + (n % 2 ? i.y : i.x);
return a[t](e, i, s);
(i.PathArray = function (t, e) {
i.Array.call(this, t, e || [["M", 0, 0]]);
(i.PathArray.prototype = new i.Array()),
(i.PathArray.prototype.constructor = i.PathArray),
i.extend(i.PathArray, {
toString: function () {
return (function (t) {
for (var e = 0, i = t.length, a = ""; e < i; e++)
(a += t[e][0]),
null != t[e][1] &&
((a += t[e][1]),
null != t[e][2] &&
((a += " "),
(a += t[e][2]),
null != t[e][3] &&
((a += " "),
(a += t[e][3]),
(a += " "),
(a += t[e][4]),
null != t[e][5] && ((a += " "), (a += t[e][5]), (a += " "), (a += t[e][6]), null != t[e][7] && ((a += " "), (a += t[e][7]))))));
return a + " ";
move: function (t, e) {
var i = this.bbox();
if (((t -= i.x), (e -= i.y), !isNaN(t) && !isNaN(e)))
for (var a, s = this.value.length - 1; s >= 0; s--)
"M" == (a = this.value[s][0]) || "L" == a || "T" == a
? ((this.value[s][1] += t), (this.value[s][2] += e))
: "H" == a
? (this.value[s][1] += t)
: "V" == a
? (this.value[s][1] += e)
: "C" == a || "S" == a || "Q" == a
? ((this.value[s][1] += t), (this.value[s][2] += e), (this.value[s][3] += t), (this.value[s][4] += e), "C" == a && ((this.value[s][5] += t), (this.value[s][6] += e)))
: "A" == a && ((this.value[s][6] += t), (this.value[s][7] += e));
return this;
size: function (t, e) {
var i,
s = this.bbox();
for (i = this.value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
"M" == (a = this.value[i][0]) || "L" == a || "T" == a
? ((this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - s.x) * t) / s.width + s.x), (this.value[i][2] = ((this.value[i][2] - s.y) * e) / s.height + s.y))
: "H" == a
? (this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - s.x) * t) / s.width + s.x)
: "V" == a
? (this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - s.y) * e) / s.height + s.y)
: "C" == a || "S" == a || "Q" == a
? ((this.value[i][1] = ((this.value[i][1] - s.x) * t) / s.width + s.x),
(this.value[i][2] = ((this.value[i][2] - s.y) * e) / s.height + s.y),
(this.value[i][3] = ((this.value[i][3] - s.x) * t) / s.width + s.x),
(this.value[i][4] = ((this.value[i][4] - s.y) * e) / s.height + s.y),
"C" == a && ((this.value[i][5] = ((this.value[i][5] - s.x) * t) / s.width + s.x), (this.value[i][6] = ((this.value[i][6] - s.y) * e) / s.height + s.y)))
: "A" == a &&
((this.value[i][1] = (this.value[i][1] * t) / s.width),
(this.value[i][2] = (this.value[i][2] * e) / s.height),
(this.value[i][6] = ((this.value[i][6] - s.x) * t) / s.width + s.x),
(this.value[i][7] = ((this.value[i][7] - s.y) * e) / s.height + s.y));
return this;
equalCommands: function (t) {
var e, a, s;
for (t = new i.PathArray(t), s = this.value.length === t.value.length, e = 0, a = this.value.length; s && e < a; e++) s = this.value[e][0] === t.value[e][0];
return s;
morph: function (t) {
return (t = new i.PathArray(t)), this.equalCommands(t) ? (this.destination = t) : (this.destination = null), this;
at: function (t) {
if (!this.destination) return this;
var e,
r = this.value,
o = this.destination.value,
l = [],
h = new i.PathArray();
for (e = 0, a = r.length; e < a; e++) {
for (l[e] = [r[e][0]], s = 1, n = r[e].length; s < n; s++) l[e][s] = r[e][s] + (o[e][s] - r[e][s]) * t;
"A" === l[e][0] && ((l[e][4] = +(0 != l[e][4])), (l[e][5] = +(0 != l[e][5])));
return (h.value = l), h;
parse: function (t) {
if (t instanceof i.PathArray) return t.valueOf();
var e,
s = { M: 2, L: 2, H: 1, V: 1, C: 6, S: 4, Q: 4, T: 2, A: 7, Z: 0 };
t =
"string" == typeof t
? t.replace(i.regex.numbersWithDots, h).replace(i.regex.pathLetters, " $& ").replace(i.regex.hyphen, "$1 -").trim().split(i.regex.delimiter)
: t.reduce(function (t, e) {
return [].concat.call(t, e);
}, []);
var n = [],
r = new i.Point(),
o = new i.Point(),
l = 0,
c = t.length;
do {
i.regex.isPathLetter.test(t[l]) ? ((e = t[l]), ++l) : "M" == e ? (e = "L") : "m" == e && (e = "l"), n.push(a[e].call(null, t.slice(l, (l += s[e.toUpperCase()])).map(parseFloat), r, o));
} while (c > l);
return n;
bbox: function () {
return i.parser.draw || i.prepare(), i.parser.path.setAttribute("d", this.toString()), i.parser.path.getBBox();
(i.Number = i.invent({
create: function (t, e) {
(this.value = 0),
(this.unit = e || ""),
"number" == typeof t
? (this.value = isNaN(t) ? 0 : isFinite(t) ? t : t < 0 ? -3.4e38 : 3.4e38)
: "string" == typeof t
? (e = t.match(i.regex.numberAndUnit)) && ((this.value = parseFloat(e[1])), "%" == e[5] ? (this.value /= 100) : "s" == e[5] && (this.value *= 1e3), (this.unit = e[5]))
: t instanceof i.Number && ((this.value = t.valueOf()), (this.unit = t.unit));
extend: {
toString: function () {
return ("%" == this.unit ? ~~(1e8 * this.value) / 1e6 : "s" == this.unit ? this.value / 1e3 : this.value) + this.unit;
toJSON: function () {
return this.toString();
valueOf: function () {
return this.value;
plus: function (t) {
return (t = new i.Number(t)), new i.Number(this + t, this.unit || t.unit);
minus: function (t) {
return (t = new i.Number(t)), new i.Number(this - t, this.unit || t.unit);
times: function (t) {
return (t = new i.Number(t)), new i.Number(this * t, this.unit || t.unit);
divide: function (t) {
return (t = new i.Number(t)), new i.Number(this / t, this.unit || t.unit);
to: function (t) {
var e = new i.Number(this);
return "string" == typeof t && (e.unit = t), e;
morph: function (t) {
return (this.destination = new i.Number(t)), t.relative && (this.destination.value += this.value), this;
at: function (t) {
return this.destination ? new i.Number(this.destination).minus(this).times(t).plus(this) : this;
(i.Element = i.invent({
create: function (t) {
(this._stroke = i.defaults.attrs.stroke),
(this._event = null),
(this.dom = {}),
(this.node = t) && ((this.type = t.nodeName), (this.node.instance = this), (this._stroke = t.getAttribute("stroke") || this._stroke));
extend: {
x: function (t) {
return this.attr("x", t);
y: function (t) {
return this.attr("y", t);
cx: function (t) {
return null == t ? this.x() + this.width() / 2 : this.x(t - this.width() / 2);
cy: function (t) {
return null == t ? this.y() + this.height() / 2 : this.y(t - this.height() / 2);
move: function (t, e) {
return this.x(t).y(e);
center: function (t, e) {
return this.cx(t).cy(e);
width: function (t) {
return this.attr("width", t);
height: function (t) {
return this.attr("height", t);
size: function (t, e) {
var a = f(this, t, e);
return this.width(new i.Number(a.width)).height(new i.Number(a.height));
clone: function (t) {
var e = v(this.node.cloneNode(!0));
return t ? t.add(e) : this.after(e), e;
remove: function () {
return this.parent() && this.parent().removeElement(this), this;
replace: function (t) {
return this.after(t).remove(), t;
addTo: function (t) {
return t.put(this);
putIn: function (t) {
return t.add(this);
id: function (t) {
return this.attr("id", t);
inside: function (t, e) {
var i = this.bbox();
return t > i.x && e > i.y && t < i.x + i.width && e < i.y + i.height;
show: function () {
return this.style("display", "");
hide: function () {
return this.style("display", "none");
visible: function () {
return "none" != this.style("display");
toString: function () {
return this.attr("id");
classes: function () {
var t = this.attr("class");
return null == t ? [] : t.trim().split(i.regex.delimiter);
hasClass: function (t) {
return -1 != this.classes().indexOf(t);
addClass: function (t) {
if (!this.hasClass(t)) {
var e = this.classes();
e.push(t), this.attr("class", e.join(" "));
return this;
removeClass: function (t) {
return (
this.hasClass(t) &&
.filter(function (e) {
return e != t;
.join(" ")
toggleClass: function (t) {
return this.hasClass(t) ? this.removeClass(t) : this.addClass(t);
reference: function (t) {
return i.get(this.attr(t));
parent: function (e) {
var a = this;
if (!a.node.parentNode) return null;
if (((a = i.adopt(a.node.parentNode)), !e)) return a;
for (; a && a.node instanceof t.SVGElement; ) {
if ("string" == typeof e ? a.matches(e) : a instanceof e) return a;
if (!a.node.parentNode || "#document" == a.node.parentNode.nodeName) return null;
a = i.adopt(a.node.parentNode);
doc: function () {
return this instanceof i.Doc ? this : this.parent(i.Doc);
parents: function (t) {
var e = [],
i = this;
do {
if (!(i = i.parent(t)) || !i.node) break;
} while (i.parent);
return e;
matches: function (t) {
return (function (t, e) {
return (t.matches || t.matchesSelector || t.msMatchesSelector || t.mozMatchesSelector || t.webkitMatchesSelector || t.oMatchesSelector).call(t, e);
})(this.node, t);
native: function () {
return this.node;
svg: function (t) {
var a = e.createElement("svg");
if (!(t && this instanceof i.Parent))
return a.appendChild((t = e.createElement("svg"))), this.writeDataToDom(), t.appendChild(this.node.cloneNode(!0)), a.innerHTML.replace(/^