{% include 'header.html' %}

Place an new Offer (Confirm)

Place an order on the network order book.

{% for m in messages %}

{{ m }}

{% endfor %} {% for m in err_messages %}

Error: {{ m }}

{% endfor %}

Select network

Select address

contacts 2

Coins from

Coin From

Amount From (The amount you will send)

{% if data.swap_style == 'xmr' %}

Fee From Confirm Target

Fee Rate From

Fee Rate Source: {{ data.from_fee_src }}

Fee From Increase By

Lock Tx Spend Fee: {{ data.amt_from_lock_spend_tx_fee }} {{ data.tla_from }}
{% endif %}

Coins to

Coin To

Amount to (The amount you will receive)

{% if data.swap_style == 'xmr' %}

Fee To Confirm Target

Fee Rate To

Fee Rate Source: {{ data.to_fee_src }}

Fee To Increase By

{% endif %} {% if data.swap_style == 'xmr' and coin_to != '6' %}

Fee To Confirm Target

Fee To Increase By

{% endif %}

Bid amount

Minimum Bid Amount



Offer valid (hrs)

{% if data.debug_ui == true %}

Contract Locked (Mins)

{% if data.swap_style != 'xmr' %}
(Participate txn will be locked for half the time.)
{% endif %}
{% else %}

Contract locked (Hours)

{% if data.swap_style != 'xmr' %}
(Participate txn will be locked for half the time.)
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

Strategy (BETA)

Auto Accept Strategy


{% if data.automation_strat_id != -1 %} {% endif %} {% if data.amt_var==true %} {% endif %} {% if data.rate_var==true %} {% endif %}
{% include 'footer.html' %}