{% include 'header.html' %}


{% for m in messages %}

{{ m }}

{% endfor %}
{% for c in chains %}

{{ c.name|capitalize }}

{% if c.connection_type %} {% endif %} {% if c.manage_daemon is defined %} {% if c.name == 'monero' %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if c.manage_wallet_daemon is defined %} {% endif %} {% if c.name == 'monero' %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if c.name == 'particl' %} {% endif %}
Connection Type{{ c.connection_type }}
Manage Daemon
Daemon RPC Host
Daemon RPC Port
Remote Daemon Urls
List of public nodes to use if "Automatically Select Daemon" is true.
Add one entry per line, eg:
Automatically Select Daemon
Manage Daemon{{ c.manage_daemon }}
Manage Wallet Daemon{{ c.manage_wallet_daemon }}
Chain Lookups
Transaction Fee Priority
Blocks Confirmed Target
Anon Tx Ring Size
{% if c.can_disable == true %} {% endif %} {% if c.can_reenable == true %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
