@ -59,27 +59,35 @@
{% include 'inc_messages.html' %}
{% if show_chart %}
< section >
< section class = "relative" >
< div class = "pl-6 pr-6 pt-0 pb-0 mt-5 h-full overflow-hidden" >
< div class = "pb-6 border-coolGray-100" >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between -m-2" >
< div class = "w-full pt-2" >
< div class = "container mt-5 mx-auto" >
< div class = "pt-6 pb-8 bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-500 rounded-xl" >
< div class = "container mt-5 mx-auto relative " >
< div class = "pt-6 pb-8 bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-500 rounded-xl container-to-blur " >
< div class = "px-6" >
< div class = "w-full mt-6 pb-6 overflow-x-auto" >
< div class = "chart-container" style = "max-width: 100%;" >
< canvas id = "coin-chart" style = "height: 280px;" > < / canvas >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "error-overlay" class = "error-overlay hidden absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center" >
< div id = "error-content" class = "error-content bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-500 rounded-md p-4 non-blurred" >
< p class = "text-red-600 font-semibold text-center" > Error:< / p >
< p class = "text-sm text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300 mt-5 text-center" > To review or update your Chart API Key, navigate to < a href = "/settings" > Settings & Tools > Settings > General (TAB).< / a > < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< section class = "py-4 overflow-hidden" >
< section class = "py-4 overflow-hidden container-to-blur" >
< div class = "container px-4 mx-auto" >
< div class = "flex flex-wrap -m-3" >
< div class = "w-full sm:w-1/2 lg:w-1/5 p-3" id = "btc-container" >
@ -302,11 +310,19 @@ window.addEventListener('load', function() {
const coins = ['BTC', 'PART', 'XMR', 'LTC', 'FIRO', 'DASH', 'PIVX', 'DOGE'];
coins.forEach(coin => {
fetch(`https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricemultifull?fsyms=${coin}& tsyms=USD,BTC& api_key=${api_key}`)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Error fetching data. Status: ${response.status}`);
return response.json();
.then(data => {
displayCoinData(coin, data);
.catch(error => console.error(`Error fetching ${coin} data:`, error));
.catch(error => {
console.error(`Fetching ${coin} data:`, error);
displayErrorMessage(`Unable to fetch data. Please verify your API key or try again later.`);
@ -329,6 +345,33 @@ function displayCoinData(coin, data) {
priceChangeContainer.innerHTML = negativePriceChangeHTML(priceChange1h);
function displayErrorMessage(message) {
const errorContainer = document.getElementById('error-container');
if (errorContainer) {
errorContainer.innerHTML = `< div class = "error-message" > ${message}< / div > `;
} else {
document.body.innerHTML += `< div id = "error-container" class = "error-message" > ${message}< / div > `;
function displayErrorMessage(message) {
const errorOverlay = document.getElementById('error-overlay');
const errorContent = document.getElementById('error-content');
const containersToBlur = document.querySelectorAll('.container-to-blur');
if (errorOverlay & & errorContent) {
errorContent.querySelector('p').textContent = `Error: ${message}`;
containersToBlur.forEach(container => {
function positivePriceChangeHTML(value) {
return `
< div class = "flex flex-wrap items-center py-px px-1 border border-green-500 rounded-full" >