@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ import urllib.parse |
from urllib.request import urlretrieve |
import basicswap.config as cfg |
from basicswap.rpc import ( |
callrpc_cli, |
waitForRPC, |
) |
from basicswap.base import getaddrinfo_tor |
from basicswap.basicswap import BasicSwap |
from basicswap.chainparams import Coins |
@ -586,12 +582,6 @@ def prepareDataDir(coin, settings, chain, particl_mnemonic, extra_opts={}): |
with tarfile.open(sync_file_path) as ft: |
ft.extractall(path=data_dir) |
# Create the wallet later, no option to set bestblock through wallet_util |
else: |
wallet_util = coin + '-wallet' |
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(bin_dir, wallet_util)): |
logger.info('Creating wallet.dat for {}.'.format(wallet_util.capitalize())) |
callrpc_cli(bin_dir, data_dir, chain, '-wallet=wallet.dat create', wallet_util) |
def write_torrc(data_dir, tor_control_password): |
@ -702,20 +692,6 @@ def modify_tor_config(settings, coin, tor_control_password=None, enable=False): |
writeTorSettings(fp, coin, coin_settings, tor_control_password) |
def make_rpc_func(bin_dir, data_dir, chain, cli_binary=cfg.PARTICL_CLI): |
bin_dir = bin_dir |
data_dir = data_dir |
chain = chain |
def rpc_func(cmd): |
nonlocal bin_dir |
nonlocal data_dir |
nonlocal chain |
return callrpc_cli(bin_dir, data_dir, chain, cmd, cli_binary) |
return rpc_func |
def exitWithError(error_msg): |
sys.stderr.write('Error: {}, exiting.\n'.format(error_msg)) |
sys.exit(1) |
@ -770,6 +746,67 @@ def finalise_daemon(d): |
fp.close() |
def initialise_wallets(particl_wallet_mnemonic, with_coins, data_dir, settings, chain, use_tor_proxy): |
daemons = [] |
daemon_args = ['-noconnect', '-nodnsseed'] |
if not use_tor_proxy: |
# Cannot set -bind or -whitebind together with -listen=0 |
daemon_args.append('-nolisten') |
try: |
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'basicswap.log'), 'a') as fp: |
swap_client = BasicSwap(fp, data_dir, settings, chain) |
start_daemons = with_coins |
if 'particl' not in with_coins: |
# Particl must be running to initialise a wallet in addcoin mode |
start_daemons.append('particl') |
for coin_name in start_daemons: |
coin_settings = settings['chainclients'][coin_name] |
c = swap_client.getCoinIdFromName(coin_name) |
swap_client.setCoinConnectParams(c) |
if c == Coins.XMR: |
if coin_settings['manage_wallet_daemon']: |
daemons.append(startXmrWalletDaemon(coin_settings['datadir'], coin_settings['bindir'], 'monero-wallet-rpc')) |
else: |
if coin_settings['manage_daemon']: |
filename = coin_name + 'd' + ('.exe' if os.name == 'nt' else '') |
coin_args = ['-nofindpeers', '-nostaking'] if c == Coins.PART else [] |
daemons.append(startDaemon(coin_settings['datadir'], coin_settings['bindir'], filename, daemon_args + coin_args)) |
swap_client.setDaemonPID(c, daemons[-1].pid) |
swap_client.setCoinRunParams(c) |
swap_client.createCoinInterface(c) |
if c in (Coins.PART, Coins.BTC, Coins.LTC): |
swap_client.waitForDaemonRPC(c, with_wallet=False) |
# Create wallet if it doesn't exist yet |
wallets = swap_client.callcoinrpc(c, 'listwallets') |
if 'wallet.dat' not in wallets: |
logger.info('Creating wallet.dat for {}.'.format(coin_name.capitalize())) |
swap_client.callcoinrpc(c, 'createwallet', ['wallet.dat']) |
if 'particl' in with_coins: |
logger.info('Loading Particl mnemonic') |
if particl_wallet_mnemonic is None: |
particl_wallet_mnemonic = swap_client.callcoinrpc(Coins.PART, 'mnemonic', ['new'])['mnemonic'] |
swap_client.callcoinrpc(Coins.PART, 'extkeyimportmaster', [particl_wallet_mnemonic]) |
for coin_name in with_coins: |
c = swap_client.getCoinIdFromName(coin_name) |
if c == Coins.PART: |
continue |
swap_client.waitForDaemonRPC(c) |
swap_client.initialiseWallet(c) |
swap_client.finalise() |
del swap_client |
finally: |
for d in daemons: |
finalise_daemon(d) |
return particl_wallet_mnemonic |
def main(): |
global use_tor_proxy |
data_dir = None |
@ -1095,21 +1132,7 @@ def main(): |
if not prepare_bin_only: |
prepareDataDir(add_coin, settings, chain, particl_wallet_mnemonic, extra_opts) |
if use_btc_fastsync and add_coin == 'bitcoin': |
# Need to create wallet file through daemon |
logger.info('Creating wallet.dat for {}.'.format(add_coin.capitalize())) |
bitcoin_settings = settings['chainclients']['bitcoin'] |
try: |
btcRpc = make_rpc_func(bitcoin_settings['bindir'], bitcoin_settings['datadir'], chain, cli_binary=cfg.BITCOIN_CLI) |
filename = 'bitcoind' + ('.exe' if os.name == 'nt' else '') |
daemon_args = ['-noconnect', '-nodnsseed', '-nolisten'] |
btcd = startDaemon(bitcoin_settings['datadir'], bitcoin_settings['bindir'], filename, daemon_args) |
waitForRPC(btcRpc, expect_wallet=False, max_tries=12) |
btcRpc('createwallet wallet.dat') |
logger.info('createwallet succeeded.') |
finally: |
finalise_daemon(btcd) |
initialise_wallets(None, [add_coin, ], data_dir, settings, chain, use_tor_proxy) |
with open(config_path, 'w') as fp: |
json.dump(settings, fp, indent=4) |
@ -1166,69 +1189,8 @@ def main(): |
logger.info('Done.') |
return 0 |
logger.info('Loading Particl mnemonic') |
particl_settings = settings['chainclients']['particl'] |
partRpc = make_rpc_func(particl_settings['bindir'], particl_settings['datadir'], chain) |
daemons = [] |
daemon_args = ['-noconnect', '-nodnsseed'] |
if not use_tor_proxy: |
# Cannot set -bind or -whitebind together with -listen=0 |
daemon_args.append('-nolisten') |
daemons.append(startDaemon(particl_settings['datadir'], particl_settings['bindir'], cfg.PARTICLD, daemon_args + ['-nofindpeers', '-nostaking'])) |
try: |
waitForRPC(partRpc) |
if particl_wallet_mnemonic is None: |
particl_wallet_mnemonic = partRpc('mnemonic new')['mnemonic'] |
partRpc('extkeyimportmaster "{}"'.format(particl_wallet_mnemonic)) |
# Initialise wallets |
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'basicswap.log'), 'a') as fp: |
swap_client = BasicSwap(fp, data_dir, settings, chain) |
swap_client.setCoinConnectParams(Coins.PART) |
swap_client.setDaemonPID(Coins.PART, daemons[-1].pid) |
swap_client.setCoinRunParams(Coins.PART) |
swap_client.createCoinInterface(Coins.PART) |
for coin_name in with_coins: |
coin_settings = settings['chainclients'][coin_name] |
c = swap_client.getCoinIdFromName(coin_name) |
if c == Coins.PART: |
continue |
swap_client.setCoinConnectParams(c) |
if c == Coins.XMR: |
if not coin_settings['manage_wallet_daemon']: |
continue |
daemons.append(startXmrWalletDaemon(coin_settings['datadir'], coin_settings['bindir'], 'monero-wallet-rpc')) |
else: |
if not coin_settings['manage_daemon']: |
continue |
filename = coin_name + 'd' + ('.exe' if os.name == 'nt' else '') |
daemons.append(startDaemon(coin_settings['datadir'], coin_settings['bindir'], filename, daemon_args)) |
swap_client.setDaemonPID(c, daemons[-1].pid) |
swap_client.setCoinRunParams(c) |
swap_client.createCoinInterface(c) |
# Create wallet if it doesn't exist yet |
if c == Coins.BTC: |
swap_client.waitForDaemonRPC(c, with_wallet=False) |
wallets = swap_client.callcoinrpc(c, 'listwallets') |
if 'wallet.dat' not in wallets: |
swap_client.callcoinrpc(c, 'createwallet', ['wallet.dat']) |
swap_client.waitForDaemonRPC(c) |
swap_client.initialiseWallet(c) |
swap_client.finalise() |
del swap_client |
finally: |
for d in daemons: |
finalise_daemon(d) |
particl_wallet_mnemonic = initialise_wallets(particl_wallet_mnemonic, with_coins, data_dir, settings, chain, use_tor_proxy) |
if particl_wallet_mnemonic: |
# Print directly to stdout for tests |
print('IMPORTANT - Save your particl wallet recovery phrase:\n{}\n'.format(particl_wallet_mnemonic)) |
print('Done.') |