2020-10-31 20:08:30 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import codecs
import hashlib
import secrets
from . contrib . ellipticcurve import CurveFp , Point , INFINITY , jacobi_symbol
class ECCParameters ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , p , a , b , Gx , Gy , o ) :
self . p = p
self . a = a
self . b = b
self . Gx = Gx
self . Gy = Gy
self . o = o
2020-12-10 10:07:26 +00:00
ep = ECCParameters (
p = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f ,
a = 0x0 ,
b = 0x7 ,
Gx = 0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 ,
Gy = 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8 ,
o = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141 )
2020-10-31 20:08:30 +00:00
curve_secp256k1 = CurveFp ( ep . p , ep . a , ep . b )
G = Point ( curve_secp256k1 , ep . Gx , ep . Gy , ep . o )
SECP256K1_ORDER_HALF = ep . o / / 2
def ToDER ( P ) :
return bytes ( ( 4 , ) ) + int ( P . x ( ) ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' big ' ) + int ( P . y ( ) ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' big ' )
def bytes32ToInt ( b ) :
return int . from_bytes ( b , byteorder = ' big ' )
def intToBytes32 ( i ) :
return i . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' big ' )
def intToBytes32_le ( i ) :
return i . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' little ' )
def bytesToHexStr ( b ) :
return codecs . encode ( b , ' hex ' ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
def hexStrToBytes ( h ) :
if h . startswith ( ' 0x ' ) :
h = h [ 2 : ]
return bytes . fromhex ( h )
def getSecretBytes ( ) :
i = 1 + secrets . randbelow ( ep . o - 1 )
return intToBytes32 ( i )
def getSecretInt ( ) :
return 1 + secrets . randbelow ( ep . o - 1 )
def getInsecureBytes ( ) :
while True :
s = os . urandom ( 32 )
s_test = int . from_bytes ( s , byteorder = ' big ' )
if s_test > 1 and s_test < ep . o :
return s
def getInsecureInt ( ) :
while True :
s = os . urandom ( 32 )
s_test = int . from_bytes ( s , byteorder = ' big ' )
if s_test > 1 and s_test < ep . o :
return s_test
def powMod ( x , y , z ) :
# Calculate (x ** y) % z efficiently.
number = 1
while y :
if y & 1 :
number = number * x % z
y >> = 1 # y //= 2
x = x * x % z
return number
def ExpandPoint ( xb , sign ) :
x = int . from_bytes ( xb , byteorder = ' big ' )
a = ( powMod ( x , 3 , ep . p ) + 7 ) % ep . p
y = powMod ( a , ( ep . p + 1 ) / / 4 , ep . p )
if sign :
y = ep . p - y
return Point ( curve_secp256k1 , x , y , ep . o )
def CPKToPoint ( cpk ) :
y_parity = cpk [ 0 ] - 2
x = int . from_bytes ( cpk [ 1 : ] , byteorder = ' big ' )
a = ( powMod ( x , 3 , ep . p ) + 7 ) % ep . p
y = powMod ( a , ( ep . p + 1 ) / / 4 , ep . p )
if y % 2 != y_parity :
y = ep . p - y
return Point ( curve_secp256k1 , x , y , ep . o )
def pointToCPK2 ( point , ind = 0x09 ) :
# The function is_square(x), where x is an integer, returns whether or not x is a quadratic residue modulo p. Since p is prime, it is equivalent to the Legendre symbol (x / p) = x(p-1)/2 mod p being equal to 1[8].
ind = bytes ( ( ind ^ ( 1 if jacobi_symbol ( point . y ( ) , ep . p ) == 1 else 0 ) , ) )
return ind + point . x ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' big ' )
def pointToCPK ( point ) :
y = point . y ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' big ' )
ind = bytes ( ( 0x03 , ) ) if y [ 31 ] % 2 else bytes ( ( 0x02 , ) )
cpk = ind + point . x ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' big ' )
return cpk
def secretToCPK ( secret ) :
secretInt = secret if isinstance ( secret , int ) \
else int . from_bytes ( secret , byteorder = ' big ' )
R = G * secretInt
Y = R . y ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' big ' )
ind = bytes ( ( 0x03 , ) ) if Y [ 31 ] % 2 else bytes ( ( 0x02 , ) )
pubkey = ind + R . x ( ) . to_bytes ( 32 , byteorder = ' big ' )
return pubkey
def getKeypair ( ) :
secretBytes = getSecretBytes ( )
return secretBytes , secretToCPK ( secretBytes )
def hashToCurve ( pubkey ) :
xBytes = hashlib . sha256 ( pubkey ) . digest ( )
x = int . from_bytes ( xBytes , byteorder = ' big ' )
for k in range ( 0 , 100 ) :
# get matching y element for point
y_parity = 0 # always pick 0,
a = ( powMod ( x , 3 , ep . p ) + 7 ) % ep . p
y = powMod ( a , ( ep . p + 1 ) / / 4 , ep . p )
# print("before parity %x" % (y))
if y % 2 != y_parity :
y = ep . p - y
# If x is always mod P, can R ever not be on the curve?
try :
R = Point ( curve_secp256k1 , x , y , ep . o )
except Exception :
x = ( x + 1 ) % ep . p # % P?
if R == INFINITY or R * ep . o != INFINITY : # is R * O != INFINITY check necessary? Validation of Elliptic Curve Public Keys says no if cofactor = 1
x = ( x + 1 ) % ep . p # % P?
return R
raise ValueError ( ' hashToCurve failed for 100 tries ' )
def hash256 ( inb ) :
return hashlib . sha256 ( inb ) . digest ( )
i2b = intToBytes32
b2i = bytes32ToInt
b2h = bytesToHexStr
h2b = hexStrToBytes
def i2h ( x ) :
return b2h ( i2b ( x ) )
def testEccUtils ( ) :
print ( ' testEccUtils() ' )
G_enc = ToDER ( G )
assert ( G_enc . hex ( ) == ' 0479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8 ' )
G_enc = pointToCPK ( G )
assert ( G_enc . hex ( ) == ' 0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 ' )
G_dec = CPKToPoint ( G_enc )
assert ( G_dec == G )
G_enc = pointToCPK2 ( G )
assert ( G_enc . hex ( ) == ' 0879be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798 ' )
H = hashToCurve ( ToDER ( G ) )
assert ( pointToCPK ( H ) . hex ( ) == ' 0250929b74c1a04954b78b4b6035e97a5e078a5a0f28ec96d547bfee9ace803ac0 ' )
print ( ' Passed. ' )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
testEccUtils ( )