#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2021-2024 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
export RESET_TEST = true
export TEST_PATH = / tmp / test_persistent
mkdir - p $ { TEST_PATH } / bin
cp - r ~ / tmp / basicswap_bin / * $ { TEST_PATH } / bin
export PYTHONPATH = $ ( pwd )
export XMR_RPC_USER = xmr_user
export XMR_RPC_PWD = xmr_pwd
python tests / basicswap / extended / test_xmr_persistent . py
import os
import sys
import json
import time
import random
import signal
import logging
import unittest
import threading
import multiprocessing
from unittest . mock import patch
from basicswap . rpc_xmr import (
callrpc_xmr ,
from basicswap . rpc import (
callrpc ,
from tests . basicswap . common import (
from tests . basicswap . util import (
make_boolean ,
read_json_api ,
waitForServer ,
from tests . basicswap . common_xmr import (
prepare_nodes ,
import bin . basicswap_run as runSystem
test_path = os . path . expanduser ( os . getenv ( ' TEST_PATH ' , ' /tmp/test_persistent ' ) )
RESET_TEST = make_boolean ( os . getenv ( ' RESET_TEST ' , ' false ' ) )
PORT_OFS = int ( os . getenv ( ' PORT_OFS ' , 1 ) )
UI_PORT = 12700 + PORT_OFS
XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT = int ( os . getenv ( ' XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT ' , XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT ) )
TEST_COINS_LIST = os . getenv ( ' TEST_COINS_LIST ' , ' bitcoin,monero ' )
NUM_NODES = int ( os . getenv ( ' NUM_NODES ' , 3 ) )
EXTRA_CONFIG_JSON = json . loads ( os . getenv ( ' EXTRA_CONFIG_JSON ' , ' {} ' ) )
logger = logging . getLogger ( )
logger . level = logging . DEBUG
if not len ( logger . handlers ) :
logger . addHandler ( logging . StreamHandler ( sys . stdout ) )
def callpartrpc ( node_id , method , params = [ ] , wallet = None , base_rpc_port = PARTICL_RPC_PORT_BASE + PORT_OFS ) :
auth = ' test_part_ {0} :test_part_pwd_ {0} ' . format ( node_id )
return callrpc ( base_rpc_port + node_id , auth , method , params , wallet )
def callbtcrpc ( node_id , method , params = [ ] , wallet = None , base_rpc_port = BITCOIN_RPC_PORT_BASE + PORT_OFS ) :
auth = ' test_btc_ {0} :test_btc_pwd_ {0} ' . format ( node_id )
return callrpc ( base_rpc_port + node_id , auth , method , params , wallet )
def callltcrpc ( node_id , method , params = [ ] , wallet = None , base_rpc_port = LITECOIN_RPC_PORT_BASE + PORT_OFS ) :
auth = ' test_ltc_ {0} :test_ltc_pwd_ {0} ' . format ( node_id )
return callrpc ( base_rpc_port + node_id , auth , method , params , wallet )
def updateThread ( cls ) :
while not cls . delay_event . is_set ( ) :
try :
if cls . btc_addr is not None :
callbtcrpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ 1 , cls . btc_addr ] )
except Exception as e :
print ( ' updateThread error ' , str ( e ) )
cls . delay_event . wait ( random . randrange ( cls . update_min , cls . update_max ) )
def updateThreadXmr ( cls ) :
xmr_auth = None
if os . getenv ( ' XMR_RPC_USER ' , ' ' ) != ' ' :
xmr_auth = ( os . getenv ( ' XMR_RPC_USER ' , ' ' ) , os . getenv ( ' XMR_RPC_PWD ' , ' ' ) )
while not cls . delay_event . is_set ( ) :
try :
if cls . xmr_addr is not None :
callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' generateblocks ' , { ' wallet_address ' : cls . xmr_addr , ' amount_of_blocks ' : 1 } , auth = xmr_auth )
except Exception as e :
print ( ' updateThreadXmr error ' , str ( e ) )
cls . delay_event . wait ( random . randrange ( cls . xmr_update_min , cls . xmr_update_max ) )
class Test ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( Test , cls ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . update_min = int ( os . getenv ( ' UPDATE_THREAD_MIN_WAIT ' , ' 1 ' ) )
cls . update_max = cls . update_min * 4
cls . xmr_update_min = int ( os . getenv ( ' XMR_UPDATE_THREAD_MIN_WAIT ' , ' 1 ' ) )
cls . xmr_update_max = cls . xmr_update_min * 4
cls . delay_event = threading . Event ( )
cls . update_thread = None
cls . update_thread_xmr = None
cls . processes = [ ]
cls . btc_addr = None
cls . xmr_addr = None
random . seed ( time . time ( ) )
if os . path . exists ( test_path ) and not RESET_TEST :
logging . info ( f ' Continuing with existing directory: { test_path } ' )
else :
logging . info ( ' Preparing %d nodes. ' , NUM_NODES )
prepare_nodes ( NUM_NODES , TEST_COINS_LIST , True , { ' min_sequence_lock_seconds ' : 60 } , PORT_OFS )
signal . signal ( signal . SIGINT , lambda signal , frame : cls . signal_handler ( cls , signal , frame ) )
def signal_handler ( self , sig , frame ) :
logging . info ( ' signal {} detected. ' . format ( sig ) )
self . delay_event . set ( )
def run_thread ( self , client_id ) :
client_path = os . path . join ( test_path , ' client {} ' . format ( client_id ) )
testargs = [ ' basicswap-run ' , ' -datadir= ' + client_path , ' -regtest ' ]
with patch . object ( sys , ' argv ' , testargs ) :
runSystem . main ( )
def start_processes ( self ) :
self . delay_event . clear ( )
for i in range ( NUM_NODES ) :
self . processes . append ( multiprocessing . Process ( target = self . run_thread , args = ( i , ) ) )
self . processes [ - 1 ] . start ( )
for i in range ( NUM_NODES ) :
waitForServer ( self . delay_event , UI_PORT + i )
wallets = read_json_api ( UI_PORT + 1 , ' wallets ' )
xmr_auth = None
if os . getenv ( ' XMR_RPC_USER ' , ' ' ) != ' ' :
xmr_auth = ( os . getenv ( ' XMR_RPC_USER ' , ' ' ) , os . getenv ( ' XMR_RPC_PWD ' , ' ' ) )
self . xmr_addr = wallets [ ' XMR ' ] [ ' main_address ' ]
num_blocks = 100
if callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' get_block_count ' , auth = xmr_auth ) [ ' count ' ] < num_blocks :
logging . info ( ' Mining {} Monero blocks to {} . ' . format ( num_blocks , self . xmr_addr ) )
callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' generateblocks ' , { ' wallet_address ' : self . xmr_addr , ' amount_of_blocks ' : num_blocks } , auth = xmr_auth )
logging . info ( ' XMR blocks: %d ' , callrpc_xmr ( XMR_BASE_RPC_PORT + 1 , ' get_block_count ' , auth = xmr_auth ) [ ' count ' ] )
self . btc_addr = callbtcrpc ( 0 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' mining_addr ' , ' bech32 ' ] )
num_blocks : int = 500 # Mine enough to activate segwit
if callbtcrpc ( 0 , ' getblockcount ' ) < num_blocks :
logging . info ( ' Mining %d Bitcoin blocks to %s ' , num_blocks , self . btc_addr )
callbtcrpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ num_blocks , self . btc_addr ] )
logging . info ( ' BTC blocks: %d ' , callbtcrpc ( 0 , ' getblockcount ' ) )
if ' litecoin ' in TEST_COINS_LIST :
self . ltc_addr = callltcrpc ( 0 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' mining_addr ' ] , wallet = ' wallet.dat ' )
num_blocks : int = 431
have_blocks : int = callltcrpc ( 0 , ' getblockcount ' )
if have_blocks < 500 :
logging . info ( ' Mining %d Litecoin blocks to %s ' , num_blocks , self . ltc_addr )
callltcrpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ num_blocks - have_blocks , self . ltc_addr ] , wallet = ' wallet.dat ' )
# https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin/issues/807
# Block 432 is when MWEB activates. It requires a peg-in. You'll need to generate an mweb address and send some coins to it. Then it will allow you to mine the next block.
mweb_addr = callltcrpc ( 0 , ' getnewaddress ' , [ ' mweb_addr ' , ' mweb ' ] , wallet = ' mweb ' )
callltcrpc ( 0 , ' sendtoaddress ' , [ mweb_addr , 1.0 ] , wallet = ' wallet.dat ' )
num_blocks = 69
have_blocks : int = callltcrpc ( 0 , ' getblockcount ' )
callltcrpc ( 0 , ' generatetoaddress ' , [ 500 - have_blocks , self . ltc_addr ] , wallet = ' wallet.dat ' )
# Lower output split threshold for more stakeable outputs
for i in range ( NUM_NODES ) :
callpartrpc ( i , ' walletsettings ' , [ ' stakingoptions ' , { ' stakecombinethreshold ' : 100 , ' stakesplitthreshold ' : 200 } ] )
self . update_thread = threading . Thread ( target = updateThread , args = ( self , ) )
self . update_thread . start ( )
self . update_thread_xmr = threading . Thread ( target = updateThreadXmr , args = ( self , ) )
self . update_thread_xmr . start ( )
# Wait for height, or sequencelock is thrown off by genesis blocktime
num_blocks = 3
logging . info ( ' Waiting for Particl chain height %d ' , num_blocks )
for i in range ( 60 ) :
if self . delay_event . is_set ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Test stopped. ' )
particl_blocks = callpartrpc ( 0 , ' getblockcount ' )
print ( ' particl_blocks ' , particl_blocks )
if particl_blocks > = num_blocks :
self . delay_event . wait ( 1 )
logging . info ( ' PART blocks: %d ' , callpartrpc ( 0 , ' getblockcount ' ) )
assert particl_blocks > = num_blocks
def tearDownClass ( cls ) :
logging . info ( ' Stopping test ' )
cls . delay_event . set ( )
if cls . update_thread :
cls . update_thread . join ( )
if cls . update_thread_xmr :
cls . update_thread_xmr . join ( )
for p in cls . processes :
p . terminate ( )
for p in cls . processes :
p . join ( )
cls . update_thread = None
cls . update_thread_xmr = None
cls . processes = [ ]
def test_persistent ( self ) :
self . start_processes ( )
waitForServer ( self . delay_event , UI_PORT + 0 )
waitForServer ( self . delay_event , UI_PORT + 1 )
while not self . delay_event . is_set ( ) :
logging . info ( ' Looping indefinitely, ctrl+c to exit. ' )
self . delay_event . wait ( 10 )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
unittest . main ( )