* Cleaned up the file manager; ** Got the jquery file uploader JS to be sane and altered it to be more useful. ** Got the list of existing files to be displayed (links clickable but not working yet). Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
412 lines
22 KiB
412 lines
22 KiB
cache: false
$(document).ready(function() {
// url:"/cgi-bin/striker",
url: "/cgi-bin/upload.pl",
fileName: "upload_file"
* jQuery Upload File Plugin
* version: 4.0.11
* @requires jQuery v1.5 or later & form plugin
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ravishanker Kusuma
* http://hayageek.com/
! function(e) {
void 0 == e.fn.ajaxForm && e.getScript(("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + "malsup.github.io/jquery.form.js");
var a = {};
a.fileapi = void 0 !== e("<input type='file'/>").get(0).files, a.formdata = void 0 !== window.FormData, e.fn.uploadFile = function(t) {
function r() {
D || (D = !0, function e() {
if (w.sequential || (w.sequentialCount = 99999), 0 == x.length && 0 == F.length) w.afterUploadAll && w.afterUploadAll(C), D = !1;
else {
if (F.length < w.sequentialCount) {
var a = x.shift();
void 0 != a && (F.push(a), a.removeClass(C.formGroup), a.submit())
window.setTimeout(e, 100)
function o(a, t, r) {
r.on("dragenter", function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault(), e(this).addClass(t.dragDropHoverClass)
}), r.on("dragover", function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault();
var r = e(this);
r.hasClass(t.dragDropContainerClass) && !r.hasClass(t.dragDropHoverClass) && r.addClass(t.dragDropHoverClass)
}), r.on("drop", function(r) {
r.preventDefault(), e(this).removeClass(t.dragDropHoverClass), a.errorLog.html("");
var o = r.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
!t.multiple && o.length > 1 ? t.showError && e("<div class='" + t.errorClass + "'>" + t.multiDragErrorStr + "</div>").appendTo(a.errorLog) : 0 != t.onSelect(o) && l(t, a, o)
}), r.on("dragleave", function(a) {
}), e(document).on("dragenter", function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault()
}), e(document).on("dragover", function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault();
var r = e(this);
r.hasClass(t.dragDropContainerClass) || r.removeClass(t.dragDropHoverClass)
}), e(document).on("drop", function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), a.preventDefault(), e(this).removeClass(t.dragDropHoverClass)
function s(e) {
var a = e / 1024;
return parseInt(a) > 1024 ? (a / 1024).toFixed(2) + " MB" : a.toFixed(2) + " KB"
function i(a) {
var t, r, o = [],
s = (o = "string" == jQuery.type(a) ? a.split("&") : e.param(a).split("&")).length,
i = [];
for (t = 0; t < s; t++) o[t] = o[t].replace(/\+/g, " "), r = o[t].split("="), i.push([decodeURIComponent(r[0]), decodeURIComponent(r[1])]);
return i
function l(a, t, r) {
for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
if (n(t, a, r[o].name))
if (a.allowDuplicates || !d(t, r[o].name))
if (-1 != a.maxFileSize && r[o].size > a.maxFileSize) a.showError && e("<div class='" + a.errorClass + "'><b>" + r[o].name + "</b> " + a.sizeErrorStr + s(a.maxFileSize) + "</div>").appendTo(t.errorLog);
else if (-1 != a.maxFileCount && t.selectedFiles >= a.maxFileCount) a.showError && e("<div class='" + a.errorClass + "'><b>" + r[o].name + "</b> " + a.maxFileCountErrorStr + a.maxFileCount + "</div>").appendTo(t.errorLog);
else {
t.selectedFiles++, t.existingFileNames.push(r[o].name);
var l = e.extend({}, a),
u = new FormData,
p = a.fileName.replace("[]", "");
u.append(p, r[o]);
var c = a.formData;
if (c)
for (var h = i(c), f = 0; f < h.length; f++) h[f] && u.append(h[f][0], h[f][1]);
l.fileData = u;
var w = new m(t, a),
g = "";
g = a.showFileCounter ? t.fileCounter + a.fileCounterStyle + r[o].name : r[o].name, a.showFileSize && (g += " (" + s(r[o].size) + ")"), w.filename.html(g);
var C = e("<form style='display:block; position:absolute;left: 150px;' class='" + t.formGroup + "' method='" + a.method + "' action='" + a.url + "' enctype='" + a.enctype + "'></form>");
var b = [];
b.push(r[o].name), v(C, l, w, b, t, r[o]), t.fileCounter++
} else a.showError && e("<div class='" + a.errorClass + "'><b>" + r[o].name + "</b> " + a.duplicateErrorStr + "</div>").appendTo(t.errorLog);
else a.showError && e("<div class='" + a.errorClass + "'><b>" + r[o].name + "</b> " + a.extErrorStr + a.allowedTypes + "</div>").appendTo(t.errorLog)
function n(e, a, t) {
var r = a.allowedTypes.toLowerCase().split(/[\s,]+/g),
o = t.split(".").pop().toLowerCase();
return !("*" != a.allowedTypes && jQuery.inArray(o, r) < 0)
function d(e, a) {
var t = !1;
if (e.existingFileNames.length)
for (var r = 0; r < e.existingFileNames.length; r++)(e.existingFileNames[r] == a || w.duplicateStrict && e.existingFileNames[r].toLowerCase() == a.toLowerCase()) && (t = !0);
return t
function u(e, a) {
if (e.existingFileNames.length)
for (var t = 0; t < a.length; t++) {
var r = e.existingFileNames.indexOf(a[t]); - 1 != r && e.existingFileNames.splice(r, 1)
function p(e, a) {
if (e) {
var t = new FileReader;
t.onload = function(e) {
a.attr("src", e.target.result)
}, t.readAsDataURL(e)
function c(a, t) {
if (a.showFileCounter) {
var r = e(t.container).find(".ajax-file-upload-filename").length;
t.fileCounter = r + 1, e(t.container).find(".ajax-file-upload-filename").each(function(t, o) {
var s = e(this).html().split(a.fileCounterStyle),
i = (parseInt(s[0]), r + a.fileCounterStyle + s[1]);
e(this).html(i), r--
function h(t, r, o, s) {
var i = "ajax-upload-id-" + (new Date).getTime(),
d = e("<form method='" + o.method + "' action='" + o.url + "' enctype='" + o.enctype + "'></form>"),
u = "<input type='file' id='" + i + "' name='" + o.fileName + "' accept='" + o.acceptFiles + "'/>";
o.multiple && (o.fileName.indexOf("[]") != o.fileName.length - 2 && (o.fileName += "[]"), u = "<input type='file' id='" + i + "' name='" + o.fileName + "' accept='" + o.acceptFiles + "' multiple/>");
var p = e(u).appendTo(d);
p.change(function() {
var i = [];
if (this.files) {
for (g = 0; g < this.files.length; g++) i.push(this.files[g].name);
if (0 == o.onSelect(this.files)) return
} else {
var u = e(this).val(),
p = [];
if (i.push(u), !n(t, o, u)) return void(o.showError && e("<div class='" + o.errorClass + "'><b>" + u + "</b> " + o.extErrorStr + o.allowedTypes + "</div>").appendTo(t.errorLog));
if (p.push({
name: u,
size: "NA"
}), 0 == o.onSelect(p)) return
if (c(o, t), s.unbind("click"), d.hide(), h(t, r, o, s), d.addClass(r), o.serialize && a.fileapi && a.formdata) {
var f = this.files;
d.remove(), l(o, t, f)
} else {
for (var w = "", g = 0; g < i.length; g++) o.showFileCounter ? w += t.fileCounter + o.fileCounterStyle + i[g] + "<br>" : w += i[g] + "<br>", t.fileCounter++;
if (-1 != o.maxFileCount && t.selectedFiles + i.length > o.maxFileCount) return void(o.showError && e("<div class='" + o.errorClass + "'><b>" + w + "</b> " + o.maxFileCountErrorStr + o.maxFileCount + "</div>").appendTo(t.errorLog));
t.selectedFiles += i.length;
var C = new m(t, o);
C.filename.html(w), v(d, o, C, i, t, null)
}), o.nestedForms ? (d.css({
margin: 0,
padding: 0
}), s.css({
position: "relative",
overflow: "hidden",
cursor: "default"
}), p.css({
position: "absolute",
cursor: "pointer",
top: "0px",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
left: "0px",
"z-index": "100",
opacity: "0.0",
filter: "alpha(opacity=0)",
"-ms-filter": "alpha(opacity=0)",
"-khtml-opacity": "0.0",
"-moz-opacity": "0.0"
}), d.appendTo(s)) : (d.appendTo(e("body")), d.css({
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
display: "block",
position: "absolute",
left: "-250px"
}), -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE ") ? s.attr("for", i) : s.click(function() {
function f(a, t) {
return this.statusbar = e("<div class='ajax-file-upload-statusbar'></div>").width(t.statusBarWidth), this.preview = e("<img class='ajax-file-upload-preview' />").width(t.previewWidth).height(t.previewHeight).appendTo(this.statusbar).hide(), this.filename = e("<div class='ajax-file-upload-filename'></div>").appendTo(this.statusbar), this.progressDiv = e("<div class='ajax-file-upload-progress'>").appendTo(this.statusbar).hide(), this.progressbar = e("<div class='ajax-file-upload-bar'></div>").appendTo(this.progressDiv), this.abort = e("<div>" + t.abortStr + "</div>").appendTo(this.statusbar).hide(), this.cancel = e("<div>" + t.cancelStr + "</div>").appendTo(this.statusbar).hide(), this.done = e("<div>" + t.doneStr + "</div>").appendTo(this.statusbar).hide(), this.download = e("<div>" + t.downloadStr + "</div>").appendTo(this.statusbar).hide(), this.del = e("<div>" + t.deleteStr + "</div>").appendTo(this.statusbar).hide(), this.abort.addClass("ajax-file-upload-red"), this.done.addClass("ajax-file-upload-green"), this.download.addClass("ajax-file-upload-green"), this.cancel.addClass("ajax-file-upload-red"), this.del.addClass("ajax-file-upload-red"), this
function m(a, t) {
var r = null;
return (r = t.customProgressBar ? new t.customProgressBar(a, t) : new f(a, t)).abort.addClass(a.formGroup), r.abort.addClass(t.abortButtonClass), r.cancel.addClass(a.formGroup), r.cancel.addClass(t.cancelButtonClass), t.extraHTML && (r.extraHTML = e("<div class='extrahtml'>" + t.extraHTML() + "</div>").insertAfter(r.filename)), "bottom" == t.uploadQueueOrder ? e(a.container).append(r.statusbar) : e(a.container).prepend(r.statusbar), r
function v(t, o, s, l, n, d) {
var h = {
cache: !1,
contentType: !1,
processData: !1,
forceSync: !1,
type: o.method,
data: o.formData,
formData: o.fileData,
dataType: o.returnType,
headers: o.headers,
beforeSubmit: function(a, r, d) {
if (0 != o.onSubmit.call(this, l)) {
if (o.dynamicFormData) {
var p = i(o.dynamicFormData());
if (p)
for (var h = 0; h < p.length; h++) p[h] && (o.serialize && void 0 != o.fileData ? d.formData.append(p[h][0], p[h][1]) : d.data[p[h][0]] = p[h][1])
return o.extraHTML && e(s.extraHTML).find("input,select,textarea").each(function(a, t) {
o.serialize && void 0 != o.fileData ? d.formData.append(e(this).attr("name"), e(this).val()) : d.data[e(this).attr("name")] = e(this).val()
}), !0
return s.statusbar.append("<div class='" + o.errorClass + "'>" + o.uploadErrorStr + "</div>"), s.cancel.show(), t.remove(), s.cancel.click(function() {
x.splice(x.indexOf(t), 1), u(n, l), s.statusbar.remove(), o.onCancel.call(n, l, s), n.selectedFiles -= l.length, c(o, n)
}), !1
beforeSend: function(e, t) {
for (var r in t.headers) e.setRequestHeader(r, t.headers[r]);
s.progressDiv.show(), s.cancel.hide(), s.done.hide(), o.showAbort && (s.abort.show(), s.abort.click(function() {
u(n, l), e.abort(), n.selectedFiles -= l.length, o.onAbort.call(n, l, s)
})), a.formdata ? s.progressbar.width("1%") : s.progressbar.width("5%")
uploadProgress: function(e, a, t, r) {
r > 98 && (r = 98);
var i = r + "%";
r > 1 && s.progressbar.width(i), o.showProgress && (s.progressbar.html(i), s.progressbar.css("text-align", "center"))
success: function(a, r, i) {
if (s.cancel.remove(), F.pop(), "json" == o.returnType && "object" == e.type(a) && a.hasOwnProperty(o.customErrorKeyStr)) {
var d = a[o.customErrorKeyStr];
return o.onError.call(this, l, 200, d, s), o.showStatusAfterError ? (s.progressDiv.hide(), s.statusbar.append("<span class='" + o.errorClass + "'>ERROR: " + d + "</span>")) : (s.statusbar.hide(), s.statusbar.remove()), n.selectedFiles -= l.length, void t.remove()
n.responses.push(a), s.progressbar.width("100%"), o.showProgress && (s.progressbar.html("100%"), s.progressbar.css("text-align", "center")), s.abort.hide(), o.onSuccess.call(this, l, a, i, s), o.showStatusAfterSuccess ? (o.showDone ? (s.done.show(), s.done.click(function() {
s.statusbar.hide("slow"), s.statusbar.remove()
})) : s.done.hide(), o.showDelete ? (s.del.show(), s.del.click(function() {
u(n, l), s.statusbar.hide().remove(), o.deleteCallback && o.deleteCallback.call(this, a, s), n.selectedFiles -= l.length, c(o, n)
})) : s.del.hide()) : (s.statusbar.hide("slow"), s.statusbar.remove()), o.showDownload && (s.download.show(), s.download.click(function() {
o.downloadCallback && o.downloadCallback(a, s)
})), t.remove()
error: function(e, a, r) {
s.cancel.remove(), F.pop(), s.abort.hide(), "abort" == e.statusText ? (s.statusbar.hide("slow").remove(), c(o, n)) : (o.onError.call(this, l, a, r, s), o.showStatusAfterError ? (s.progressDiv.hide(), s.statusbar.append("<span class='" + o.errorClass + "'>ERROR: " + r + "</span>")) : (s.statusbar.hide(), s.statusbar.remove()), n.selectedFiles -= l.length), t.remove()
o.showPreview && null != d && "image" == d.type.toLowerCase().split("/").shift() && p(d, s.preview), o.autoSubmit ? (t.ajaxForm(h), x.push(t), r()) : (o.showCancel && (s.cancel.show(), s.cancel.click(function() {
x.splice(x.indexOf(t), 1), u(n, l), t.remove(), s.statusbar.remove(), o.onCancel.call(n, l, s), n.selectedFiles -= l.length, c(o, n)
})), t.ajaxForm(h))
var w = e.extend({
url: "",
method: "POST",
enctype: "multipart/form-data",
returnType: null,
allowDuplicates: !0,
duplicateStrict: !1,
allowedTypes: "*",
acceptFiles: "*",
fileName: "file",
formData: !1,
dynamicFormData: !1,
maxFileSize: -1,
maxFileCount: -1,
multiple: !0,
dragDrop: !0,
autoSubmit: !0,
showCancel: !0,
showAbort: !0,
showDone: !1,
showDelete: !1,
showError: !0,
showStatusAfterSuccess: !0,
showStatusAfterError: !0,
showFileCounter: !0,
fileCounterStyle: "). ",
showFileSize: !0,
showProgress: !1,
nestedForms: !0,
showDownload: !1,
onLoad: function(e) {},
onSelect: function(e) {
return !0
onSubmit: function(e, a) {},
onSuccess: function(e, a, t, r) {},
onError: function(e, a, t, r) {},
onCancel: function(e, a) {},
onAbort: function(e, a) {},
downloadCallback: !1,
deleteCallback: !1,
afterUploadAll: !1,
serialize: !0,
sequential: !1,
sequentialCount: 2,
customProgressBar: !1,
abortButtonClass: "ajax-file-upload-abort",
cancelButtonClass: "ajax-file-upload-cancel",
dragDropContainerClass: "ajax-upload-dragdrop",
dragDropHoverClass: "state-hover",
errorClass: "ajax-file-upload-error",
uploadButtonClass: "ajax-file-upload",
dragDropStr: "<br /><br /><span><b>You can drag a file here here to upload it.</b></span>",
uploadStr: "Click to Select a File to upload",
abortStr: "Abort",
cancelStr: "Cancel",
deleteStr: "Delete",
doneStr: "Done",
multiDragErrorStr: "Multiple File Drag & Drop is not allowed.",
extErrorStr: "is not allowed. Allowed extensions: ",
duplicateErrorStr: "is not allowed. File already exists.",
sizeErrorStr: "is not allowed. Allowed Max size: ",
uploadErrorStr: "Upload is not allowed",
maxFileCountErrorStr: " is not allowed. Maximum allowed files are:",
downloadStr: "Download",
customErrorKeyStr: "jquery-upload-file-error",
showQueueDiv: !1,
statusBarWidth: 400,
dragdropWidth: 400,
showPreview: !1,
previewHeight: "auto",
previewWidth: "100%",
extraHTML: !1,
uploadQueueOrder: "top",
headers: {}
}, t);
this.fileCounter = 1, this.selectedFiles = 0;
var g = "ajax-file-upload-" + (new Date).getTime();
this.formGroup = g, this.errorLog = e("<div></div>"), this.responses = [], this.existingFileNames = [], a.formdata || (w.dragDrop = !1), a.formdata && 1 !== w.maxFileCount || (w.multiple = !1), e(this).html("");
var C = this,
b = e("<div>" + w.uploadStr + "</div>");
function a() {
if (e.fn.ajaxForm) {
if (w.dragDrop) {
var t = e('<div class="' + w.dragDropContainerClass + '" style="vertical-align: top;"></div>').width(w.dragdropWidth);
e(C).append(t), e(t).append(b), e(t).append(e(w.dragDropStr)), o(C, w, t)
} else e(C).append(b);
e(C).append(C.errorLog), w.showQueueDiv ? C.container = e("#" + w.showQueueDiv) : C.container = e("<div class='ajax-file-upload-container'></div>").insertAfter(e(C)), w.onLoad.call(this, C), h(C, g, w, b)
} else window.setTimeout(a, 10)
}(), this.startUpload = function() {
e("form").each(function(a, t) {
e(this).hasClass(C.formGroup) && x.push(e(this))
}), x.length >= 1 && r()
}, this.getFileCount = function() {
return C.selectedFiles
}, this.stopUpload = function() {
e("." + w.abortButtonClass).each(function(a, t) {
e(this).hasClass(C.formGroup) && e(this).click()
}), e("." + w.cancelButtonClass).each(function(a, t) {
e(this).hasClass(C.formGroup) && e(this).click()
}, this.cancelAll = function() {
e("." + w.cancelButtonClass).each(function(a, t) {
e(this).hasClass(C.formGroup) && e(this).click()
}, this.update = function(a) {
w = e.extend(w, a), a.hasOwnProperty("url") && e("form").each(function(t, r) {
e(this).attr("action", a.url)
}, this.enqueueFile = function(e) {
e instanceof File && l(w, C, [e])
}, this.reset = function(e) {
C.fileCounter = 1, C.selectedFiles = 0, C.errorLog.html(""), 0 != e && C.container.html("")
}, this.remove = function() {
C.container.html(""), e(C).remove()
}, this.createProgress = function(e, a, t) {
var r = new m(this, w);
r.progressDiv.show(), r.progressbar.width("100%");
var o = "";
return o = w.showFileCounter ? C.fileCounter + w.fileCounterStyle + e : e, w.showFileSize && (o += " (" + s(t) + ")"), r.filename.html(o), C.fileCounter++, C.selectedFiles++, w.showPreview && (r.preview.attr("src", a), r.preview.show()), w.showDownload && (r.download.show(), r.download.click(function() {
w.downloadCallback && w.downloadCallback.call(C, [e], r)
})), w.showDelete && (r.del.show(), r.del.click(function() {
var a = [e];
w.deleteCallback && w.deleteCallback.call(this, a, r), C.selectedFiles -= 1, c(w, C)
})), r
}, this.getResponses = function() {
return this.responses
var x = [],
F = [],
D = !1;
return this