** Needed to add a couple more packages to CentOS's package list. ** Changed the PXE kickstart template to create a dedicated '/boot' partition (raw partition or on RAID 1). This seems to be required now on 8.1. ** Added PXE's UEFI support to the template system (untested, but it's at least generated now). * Filtered out 'debug' and 'verbose' options when configuring fence devices. * Added an internet test to tools/striker-manage-install-target and skipped attempting to download packages when there's no internet. Also made loading the host OS info into a small function. * Started creating the man pages. Signed-off-by: Madison Kelly <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
882 lines
30 KiB
882 lines
30 KiB
<!-- start dhcpd_conf -->
### Global options
option domain-name "#!variable!domain!#";
option domain-name-servers #!variable!dns!#;
ddns-update-style none;
# refer to RFC4758 for possible arch option values
option arch code 93 = unsigned integer 16;
subnet #!variable!network!# netmask {
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 1200;
range #!variable!range!#;
option routers #!variable!router!#;
if option arch = 00:07 {
filename "uefi/shim.efi";
} else {
filename "pxelinux.0";
next-server #!variable!router!#;
<!-- end dhcpd_conf -->
<!-- start kickstart -->
### Alteeve's Niche! Inc. - Anvil! Intelligent Availability(tm) Platform
# License: GPLv2
# Target: Network Install (PXE)
# OS: #!variable!os!#
# Machine: #!variable!say_type!#
# NOTE: Do no use any non-ASCII characters in this kickstart script.
# Install using text screens, most compatible with modest hardware, too.
### TODO: Might want to remove this for Striker.
# Agree to the eula
eula --agreed
# Don't run the "firstboot" tool, we should have everything configured.
firstboot --disable
# Reboot when the install is done.
# Install from the source Striker
url --url=#!variable!url!#
### TODO: These should be configurable eventually.
# Keyboard layouts
keyboard #!variable!keyboard!#
timezone #!variable!timezone!#
# NOTE: DON'T CHANGE THIS WITHOUT TESTING! The Anvil! code makes system calls and parses output. Changing
# this could alter what the program can parse. The language of the Anvil! itself (and this most things
# users will see) is controlled in /etc/anvil/anvil.conf
lang en_CA.UTF-8
# Network information
network --hostname=#!variable!host_name!#
# Root and admin passwords are '#!variable!password!#'
rootpw --plaintext #!variable!password!#
user --name=admin --password "#!variable!password!#" --plaintext --gecos "admin" --groups wheel
# TEMPORARY: Set selinux to permissive
selinux --permissive
# Partitioning plan is generated by the %pre script.
%include /tmp/plan_partitions.out
%addon com_redhat_kdump --disable --reserve-mb='auto'
pwpolicy root --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty
pwpolicy user --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --emptyok
pwpolicy luks --minlen=6 --minquality=1 --notstrict --nochanges --notempty
# %post, --nochroot scripts #
### TODO: Might want to remove this pre-production. Useful for debugging until then.
# Record all the install logs for future reference.
%post --nochroot
echo 'Copying all the anaconda related log files to /root/install/'
mkdir -p /mnt/sysimage/root/install_logs/var
mkdir -p /mnt/sysimage/root/install_logs/run
rsync -av /tmp /mnt/sysimage/root/install_logs/
rsync -av /run/install /mnt/sysimage/root/install_logs/run/
rsync -av /var/log /mnt/sysimage/root/install_logs/var/
echo 'Writing out the initial /etc/issue script.'
cat << EOF > /mnt/sysimage/usr/sbin/anvil-update-issue
# This parses the current IP addresses on the local system and writes them to /etc/issue so that they're seen
# by a user at the login prompt. This is meant to be useful during the initialization and setup stages, so
# it's expected to run before the Anvil::Tools module is installed. As such, it doesn't use those modules.
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Handle;
# Turn off buffering so that the pinwheel will display while waiting for the SSH call(s) to complete.
\$| = 1;
my \$THIS_FILE = (\$0 =~ /^.*\/(.*)\$/)[0];
my \$running_directory = (\$0 =~ /^(.*?)\/\$THIS_FILE\$/)[0];
if ((\$running_directory =~ /^\./) && (\$ENV{PWD}))
\$running_directory =~ s/^\./\$ENV{PWD}/;
my \$shell_call = "/usr/sbin/ip addr list";
my \$new_issue = '\S
Kernel \r on an \m
my \$ips = {};
my \$interface = "";
open (my \$file_handle, \$shell_call." 2>&1 |") or die "Failed to call: [".\$shell_call."], error was: [".\$!."]\n";
my \$line = \$_;
\$line =~ s/\n\$//;
\$line =~ s/\r\$//;
if (\$line =~ /^\d+: (.*?): </)
\$interface = \$1;
next if not \$interface;
next if \$interface eq "lo";
if (\$line =~ / inet (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+) /)
my \$ip = \$1;
\$ips->{\$interface} = \$ip;
close \$file_handle;
if (keys %{\$ips})
\$new_issue .= "\nActive IPs:\n";
foreach my \$interface (sort {\$a cmp \$b} keys %{\$ips})
\$new_issue .= "- ".\$interface.": ".\$ips->{\$interface}."\n";
\$new_issue .= "\n";
# Read in the current issue file and see if there is any difference.
my \$old_issue = "";
my \$issue_file = "/etc/issue";
open (\$file_handle, "<", \$issue_file) or die "Failed to read: [".\$issue_file."], error was: [".\$!."]\n";
### NOTE: Don't chop this, we want to record exactly what we read
\$old_issue .= \$_;
close \$file_handle;
my \$update = \$new_issue eq \$old_issue ? 0 : 1;
if (\$update)
open (my \$file_handle, ">", \$issue_file) or die "Failed to write: [".\$issue_file."], the error was: [".\$!."]\n";
print \$file_handle \$new_issue;
close \$file_handle;
chmod 755 /mnt/sysimage/usr/sbin/anvil-update-issue
# Add this to crontab.
cat << EOF > /mnt/sysimage/var/spool/cron/root
* * * * * /usr/sbin/anvil-update-issue >> /var/log/anvil.cron 2>&1
chown 0:0 /mnt/sysimage/var/spool/cron/root
chmod 0600 /mnt/sysimage/var/spool/cron/root
echo 'Writing out the initial /etc/issue script.'
cat << EOF > /mnt/sysimage/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ifup-local
# Make sure that we update /etc/issue as soon as the network is up, before the
# logic in shown to the user after boot.
chmod +x /mnt/sysimage/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ifup-local
cat << EOF > /mnt/sysimage/#!variable!repo_file!#
# %pre scripts #
### This is the small anaconda-friendly perl program that looks at the
### available storage and chooses a drive to install on. Then it generates
### the kickstart partition instructions and records them in:
### /tmp/plan_partitions.out
### NOTE: This must be copied from 'scripts/plan_partitions', don't edit directly *EXCEPT* to set the '$type'
### just below, which *MUST* be set, or the script will fail.
# - #!variable!debug!#
# - #!variable!type!#
%pre --interpreter /bin/perl
# This script is designed to identify hard drives and decide where and how to partition it for installation
# during a kickstart install.
# Exit codes;
# 0 - Success
# 1 - Target type not specified.
# 2 - Failed to find a drive to install on.
# NOTE: This is restricted to what is available during an anaconda install session. That is to say, bare
# minimum.
# TODO: If multiple matching drives are found (same medium and size, build an appropriate RAID array.
# TODO: in pre, wipefs on all disks to clear old LVM and DRBD data
use strict;
use warnings;
# Set to '1' for verbose output
my $debug = #!variable!debug!#;
### NOTE: This must be set to 'striker', 'node' or 'dr'! Wither set '$type' or use the appropriate argument.
my $type = "#!variable!type!#";
if ((defined $ARGV[0]) && ((lc($ARGV[0]) eq "striker") or (lc($ARGV[0]) eq "node") or (lc($ARGV[0]) eq "dr")))
$type = $ARGV[0];
if ($type =~ /striker/i)
print "-=] Finding install drive(s) for a Striker dashboard.\n";
$type = "striker";
elsif ($type =~ /node/i)
print "-=] Finding install drive(s) for an Anvil! node.\n";
$type = "node";
elsif ($type =~ /dr/i)
print "-=] Finding install drive(s) for a DR (disaster recovery) host.\n";
$type = "dr";
print "
[ Error ] - Target type not specified!
Usage: ".$0." {striker,node,dr}
my $device = {};
# We might want to add HCTL (Host:Channel:Target:Lun for SCSI) and/or SUBSYSTEMS later
my $drives = {};
my $target = "";
my $lsblk = system_call("/bin/lsblk --bytes --paths --pairs --output NAME,RM,HOTPLUG,TYPE,SIZE,TRAN,ROTA");
foreach my $line (split/\n/, $lsblk)
### NOTE: If a drive has no transport, is not removable, but is hotplugable and the device path is
### mmcblk0, it is probably an SDCard. It doesn't seem to be a directly divinable state. We
### don't currently plan to use them, but it might come to pass later.
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - lsblk: [".$line."]\n" if $debug;
my ($path, $removable, $hotplug, $type, $size, $transport, $rotational) = ($line =~ /NAME="(.*?)" RM="(\d)" HOTPLUG="(\d)" TYPE="(.*?)" SIZE="(\d+)" TRAN="(.*?)" ROTA="(\d)"/);
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - Device: [".$path."], type: [".$type."], remvoable? [".$removable."], hotplug? [".$hotplug."], rotational? [".$rotational."], transport: [".$transport."], size: [".$size."]\n" if $debug;
# Skip 'zramX' devices
next if ($path =~ /^\/dev\/zram\d/);
# Skip removable disks and anything that just isn't a disk at all.
next if (($removable) or ($hotplug) or ($type ne "disk"));
$device->{$path} = {
type => $type,
size => $size,
transport => $transport,
rotational => $rotational,
my $hr_size = hr_size($device->{$path}{size});
$device->{$path}{hr_size} = $hr_size;
if ($device->{$path}{rotational})
if (not $device->{$path}{transport})
print "Analyzing platter or virtual drive: [".$path."] of the size: [".$device->{$path}{size}." (".$device->{$path}{hr_size}.")]\n";
print "Analyzing platter drive: [".$path."], using the transport: [".$device->{$path}{transport}."], of the size: [".$device->{$path}{size}." (".$device->{$path}{hr_size}.")]\n";
print "Analyzing solid-state drive: [".$path."], using the transport: [".$device->{$path}{transport}."], of the size: [".$device->{$path}{size}." (".$device->{$path}{hr_size}.")]\n";
if (not exists $drives->{by_hr_size}{$hr_size})
$drives->{by_hr_size}{$hr_size} = [];
push @{$drives->{by_hr_size}{$hr_size}}, $path;
### Usage selection priority
# on Striker, we'll simply use whatever is the biggest avalable drive.
# on Node and DR, we'll prefer slowest first (rotational, sata before nvme/scsi), and smallest second.
my $use_drive = "";
if ($type eq "striker")
my $biggest_size = 0;
foreach my $path (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$device})
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - path: [".$path."], ${path}::size: [".$device->{$path}{size}." (".hr_size($device->{$path}{size}).")] < biggest_size: [".$biggest_size." (".hr_size($biggest_size).")]\n" if $debug;
if ($device->{$path}{size} > $biggest_size)
$biggest_size = $device->{$path}{size};
$use_drive = $path;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - use_drive: [".$use_drive."], biggest_size: [".$biggest_size." (".hr_size($biggest_size).")]\n" if $debug;
if ($use_drive)
print "Selected the largest disk: [".$use_drive."], which has a capacity of: [".hr_size($device->{$use_drive}{size})."]\n";
# Node and DR are handled the same
my $first_disk_seen = 0;
my $smallest_size = 0;
my $selected_is_platter = 0;
foreach my $path (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$device})
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - first_disk_seen: [".$first_disk_seen."], path: [".$path."], ${path}::rotational: [".$device->{$path}{rotational}."]\n" if $debug;
if (not $first_disk_seen)
# Select this one
$first_disk_seen = 1;
$use_drive = $path;
$smallest_size = $device->{$path}{size};
$selected_is_platter = $device->{$path}{rotational};
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - first_disk_seen: [".$first_disk_seen."], use_drive: [".$use_drive."], selected_is_platter: [".$selected_is_platter."], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug;
elsif ($device->{$path}{rotational})
# This takes priority
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - selected_is_platter: [".$selected_is_platter."]\n" if $debug;
if ($selected_is_platter)
# Was the previously seen drive bigger?
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - ".$path."::size: [".$first_disk_seen." (".hr_size($first_disk_seen).")], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug;
if ($device->{$path}{size} < $smallest_size)
# This is smaller, use it.
$use_drive = $path;
$smallest_size = $device->{$path}{size};
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - use_drive: [".$use_drive."], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug;
# The previous drive is an SSD, so use this one regardless
$use_drive = $path;
$smallest_size = $device->{$path}{size};
$selected_is_platter = $device->{$path}{rotational};
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - use_drive: [".$use_drive."], selected_is_platter: [".$selected_is_platter."], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug;
elsif (not $selected_is_platter)
# This is an SSD, but we haven't seen a platter drive yet, so use it if it is
# smaller.
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - ".$path."::size: [".$first_disk_seen." (".hr_size($first_disk_seen).")], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug;
if ($device->{$path}{size} < $smallest_size)
# This is smaller, use it.
$use_drive = $path;
$smallest_size = $device->{$path}{size};
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - use_drive: [".$use_drive."], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug;
# Did we find a drive?
if ($use_drive)
if ($selected_is_platter)
print "Selected the smallest platter drive: [".$use_drive."], which has a capacity of: [".hr_size($device->{$use_drive}{size})."]\n";
print "Selected the smallest solid-state drive: [".$use_drive."], which has a capacity of: [".hr_size($device->{$use_drive}{size})."] (no platter drives found)\n";
# Did we find a disk to use?
if (not $use_drive)
print "[ Error ] - Failed to find any fixed drives (platter or USB, not removable) to install onto. Unable to proceed.\n";
# Pick up a bit of a UUID to add to the volume group name.
my $id = time;
if ((-e "/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid") && (-r "/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid"))
# We should be able to read the system UUID. If so, we'll take the starting part of the string for
# the short ID.
my $uuid = "";
my $shell_call = "/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid";
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - shell_call: [".$shell_call."]\n" if $debug;
open (my $file_handle, "<", $shell_call) or die "Failed to read: [".$shell_call."], the error was: ".$!."\n";
$uuid = $_;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - uuid: [".$uuid."]\n" if $debug;
close $file_handle;
if ($uuid =~ /^(\w+)-/)
$id = $1;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - id: [".$id."]\n" if $debug;
### NOTE: RAID 0 is not RAID (literally or in this case). So '0' means 'no raid'
# If I have 2+ drives of the same size as 'use_drive', I will create a RAID array.
my $raid_level = 0;
my $hr_size = $device->{$use_drive}{hr_size};
my $count = @{$drives->{by_hr_size}{$hr_size}};
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - Drives of size: [".$hr_size."]: [".$count."].\n" if $debug;
if ($count == 0)
$raid_level = 0;
elsif ($count == 2)
$raid_level = 1;
elsif ($count == 4)
$raid_level = 10;
elsif (($count == 3) or ($count == 5))
$raid_level = 5;
elsif ($count > 5)
$raid_level = 6;
my $say_use_drive = $use_drive;
if (not $raid_level)
print "Building a standard partition layout for: [".$use_drive."] which is: [".$hr_size."]\n";
print "Building a software RAID level: [".$raid_level."] array using the: [".$count."x] [".$hr_size."] drives;\n";
$say_use_drive = "";
foreach my $path (sort {$a cmp $b} @{$drives->{by_hr_size}{$hr_size}})
print "- ".$path."\n";
$say_use_drive .= $path.",";
$say_use_drive =~ s/,$//;
### NOTE: kickstart sizes are in MiB
# Prepare some variables
my $swap_size = 8192;
my $boot_size = 1024;
my $root_size = 0;
my $vg_name = $type."_".$id;
# If this machine has a small size, we'll cut back the swap and root sizes.
my $per_disk_space = sprintf("%.2f", ($device->{$use_drive}{size} /= (2 ** 20)));
my $available_space = $per_disk_space;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - per_disk_space: [".$per_disk_space." (".hr_size($per_disk_space * (2**20)).")], available_space: [".$available_space." (".hr_size($available_space * (2**20)).")]\n" if $debug;
if ($raid_level == 10)
# Total == 2 x single disk
$available_space *= 2;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - available_space: [".$available_space."]\n" if $debug;
elsif ($raid_level == 5)
# Total == count x Disks - 1
$available_space = ($per_disk_space * $count) - $per_disk_space;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - available_space: [".$available_space."]\n" if $debug;
elsif ($raid_level == 6)
# Total == count x Disks - 2
$available_space = ($per_disk_space * $count) - ($per_disk_space * 2);
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - available_space: [".$available_space."]\n" if $debug;
# Now, how much space is available after taking some for BIOSBOOT and /boot ?
$available_space -= 2;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - available_space: [".$available_space." (".hr_size($available_space * (2**20)).")]\n" if $debug;
if ($available_space < 40960)
# Not enough space for the standard layout.
$swap_size = 4096;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - swap_size: [".$swap_size."]\n" if $debug;
# The left over space is for '/' (we'll shorten this up to 40GiB for nodes and DR hosts next)
$root_size = $available_space - $swap_size - $boot_size;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - root_size: [".$root_size."]\n" if $debug;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - type: [".$type."], root_size: [".$root_size."]\n" if $debug;
if (($type ne "striker") && ($root_size > 40960))
$root_size = 40960;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - root_size: [".$root_size."]\n" if $debug;
# Round down to an event integer.
$root_size =~ s/\.\d+$//;
print __LINE__."; Assigning: [".hr_size($swap_size * (2**20))." (".$swap_size." MiB)], root_size: [".hr_size($root_size * (2**20))." (".$root_size.") MiB], boot_size: [".hr_size($boot_size * (2**20))." (".$boot_size.") MiB]\n" if $debug;
# Build the partition file.
my $partition_file = "/tmp/plan_partitions.out";
my $partition_body = "zerombr
clearpart --all --drives=".$say_use_drive."
ignoredisk --only-use=".$say_use_drive."
bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=".$say_use_drive." --boot-drive=".$use_drive;
if (not $raid_level)
# Finally, we've got our output.
$partition_body .= "
# Partitions
part biosboot --fstype=biosboot --size=2
part /boot --fstype=ext4 --size=1024 --ondisk=".$use_drive."
part pv.01 --fstype=lvmpv --size=100 --ondisk=".$use_drive." --grow
# LVM Volume groups
volgroup ".$vg_name." --pesize=4096 pv.01
# LVM logical volumes
logvol swap --fstype=swap --size=".$swap_size." --name=lv_swap --vgname=".$vg_name."
logvol / --fstype=xfs --size=100 --grow --maxsize=".$root_size." --name=lv_root --vgname=".$vg_name."
$partition_body .= "
# biosboot
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$partition_body .= "part biosboot --fstype=biosboot --size=2 --ondisk=".$drives->{by_hr_size}{$hr_size}->[$i]."\n";
$partition_body .= "
### TODO: Test the /boot part.
my $say_raid_boot = "";
my $say_raid = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
my $disk_number = $i + 1;
$partition_body .= "part raid.0".$disk_number." --size 1025 --ondisk=".$drives->{by_hr_size}{$hr_size}->[$i]."\n";
$partition_body .= "part raid.1".$disk_number." --size 100 --grow --ondisk=".$drives->{by_hr_size}{$hr_size}->[$i]."\n";
$say_raid_boot .= "raid.0".$disk_number." ";
$say_raid .= "raid.1".$disk_number." ";
$partition_body .= "
raid /boot --fstype=ext4 --device=boot --level=RAID1 ".$say_raid_boot."
raid pv.01 --fstype=xfs --device=pv.01 --level=RAID".$raid_level." ".$say_raid."
# LVM Volume groups
volgroup ".$vg_name." pv.01
# LVM logical volumes
logvol swap --fstype=swap --size=".$swap_size." --name=lv_swap --vgname=".$vg_name."
logvol / --fstype=xfs --size=100 --grow --maxsize=".$root_size." --name=lv_root --vgname=".$vg_name."
# Wipe out the start of each disk so that the install doesn't puke if it sees, for example, an mdadm
# signature on the sole disk being used as an install target.
foreach my $path (split/,/, $say_use_drive)
print "[ NOTE ] - Wiping the boot sector of: [".$path."] and configuring it for a GPT label.\n";
my $dd_out = system_call("/bin/dd bs=5120 count=1 if=/dev/zero of=".$path." oflag=dsync");
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - dd output:
================================================================================\n" if $debug;
my $partprobe_out = system_call("/sbin/partprobe --summary ".$path);
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - partprobe summary.
================================================================================\n" if $debug;
my $partx_out = system_call("/sbin/partx --update --verbose ".$path);
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - parted print output showing new layout.
================================================================================\n" if $debug;
# Flush things out. The article says to blindly sleep 30, but it says to do so to make sure udev, partx and
# others have updated. We're forcing the issue, which should be faster and safer.
system_call("/sbin/udevadm settle");
# Write out the file.
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - partition_body:
print "Writing out the partition plan to: [".$partition_file."]\n";
# Write it to the temp file that the kickstart's %include will look for.
my $shell_call = $partition_file;
print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - shell_call: [".$shell_call."]\n" if $debug;
open (my $file_handle, ">", $shell_call) or die "Failed to write: [".$shell_call."], the error was: ".$!."\n";
print $file_handle $partition_body;
close $file_handle;
print "Completed successfully, exiting.\n";
# We're done.
### Functions
# Make the size easier to read for users
sub hr_size
my ($size) = @_;
my $hr_size = $size;
if ($size < 1023)
# Bytes
$hr_size .= " B";
elsif ($size < (2 ** 20))
# Kibibyte
$hr_size = sprintf("%.1f", ($size /= (2 ** 10)))." KiB";
elsif ($size < (2 ** 30))
# Mebibyte
$hr_size = sprintf("%.2f", ($size /= (2 ** 20)))." MiB";
elsif ($size < (2 ** 40))
# Gibibyte
$hr_size = sprintf("%.2f", ($size /= (2 ** 30)))." GiB";
elsif ($size < (2 ** 50))
# Tebibyte
$hr_size = sprintf("%.2f", ($size /= (2 ** 40)))." TiB";
# Pebibyte or higher
$hr_size = sprintf("%.3f", ($size /= (2 ** 40)))." PiB";
sub system_call
my ($command) = @_;
my $output = "";
open (my $file_handle, $command." 2>&1 |") or die "Failed to call: [".$command."], error was: [".$!."]\n";
while (<$file_handle>)
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/\n$//;
$line =~ s/\r$//;
$output .= $line."\n";
close $file_handle;
$output =~ s/\n$//s;
<!-- end kickstart -->
<!-- start tftp_bios -->
# Tradional BIOS based PXE menu
# Notes:
# - Use the 'vmlinuz' and 'initrd.img' from the Netinstall ISO. The others don't find the NIC, so can't net
# install.
# Use the high-colour menu system.
default vesamenu.c32
# Time out and use the default menu option. Defined as tenths of a second.
# Prompt the user. Set to '1' to automatically choose the default option. This
# is really meant for files matched to MAC addresses.
# Set the boot menu to be 1024x768 with a nice background image. Be careful to
# ensure that all your user's can see this resolution! Default is 640x480.
# The background image
MENU TITLE #!string!message_0080!#
# Below, the hash (#) character is replaced with the countdown timer. The
# '{,s}' allows for pluralizing a word and is used when the value is >= '2'.
MENU AUTOBOOT #!string!message_0081!#
MENU TABMSG #!string!message_0082!#
MENU NOTABMSG #!string!message_0083!#
# The following options set the various colours used in the menu. All possible
# options are specified except for F# help options. The colour is expressed as
# two hex characters between '00' and 'ff' for alpha, red, green and blue
# respectively (#AARRGGBB).
# Format is: MENU COLOR <Item> <ANSI Seq.> <foreground> <background> <shadow type>
MENU COLOR screen 0 #00000000 #00000000 std # background colour not covered by the splash image
MENU COLOR border 0 #bbd02724 #ee000000 std # The wire-frame border
MENU COLOR title 0 #fff2f2f2 #ee000000 std # Menu title text
MENU COLOR sel 0 #fff2f2f2 #ee000000 std # Selected menu option
MENU COLOR hotsel 0 #fffff2f2 #ee000000 std # The selected hotkey (set with ^ in MENU LABEL)
MENU COLOR unsel 0 #ffc2c2c2 #ee000000 std # Unselected menu options
MENU COLOR hotkey 0 #ffffc2c2 #ee000000 std # Unselected hotkeys (set with ^ in MENU LABEL)
MENU COLOR tabmsg 0 #c0a2a2a2 #00000000 std # Tab text
MENU COLOR timeout_msg 0 #ffc2c2c2 #00000000 std # Timout text
MENU COLOR timeout 0 #ffffc2c2 #00000000 std # Timout counter
MENU COLOR disabled 0 #80515151 #ee000000 std # Disabled menu options, including SEPARATORs
MENU COLOR cmdmark 0 #c0444444 #ee000000 std # Command line marker - The '> ' on the left when editing an option
MENU COLOR cmdline 0 #c0f2f2f2 #ee000000 std # Command line - The text being edited
# Options below haven't been tested, descriptions may be lacking.
MENU COLOR scrollbar 0 #407f7f7f #00000000 std # Scroll bar
MENU COLOR pwdborder 0 #80d02724 #20ffffff std # Password box wire-frame border
MENU COLOR pwdheader 0 #80f7f7f7 #20ffffff std # Password box header
MENU COLOR pwdentry 0 #80f2f2f2 #20ffffff std # Password entry field
MENU COLOR help 0 #c0f2f2f2 #c0000000 std # Help text, if set via 'TEXT HELP ... ENDTEXT'
### NOTE: inst.repo is the image of the install media, looks for .treeinfo
label striker
menu label #!string!message_0084!#
kernel #!data!host_os::os_type!#/vmlinuz
# NOTE: add ' rd.debug' below for debugging
append initrd=#!data!host_os::os_type!#/initrd.img root=live:#!variable!base_url!#/os/images/install.img inst.stage2=#!variable!base_url!#/os/ ip=dhcp inst.ks=#!variable!base_url!#/kickstart/striker.ks inst.gpt inst.sshd
label node
menu label #!string!message_0086!#
kernel #!data!host_os::os_type!#/vmlinuz
append initrd=#!data!host_os::os_type!#/initrd.img root=live:#!variable!base_url!#/os/images/install.img inst.stage2=#!variable!base_url!#/os/ ip=dhcp inst.ks=#!variable!base_url!#/kickstart/node.ks inst.gpt inst.sshd
label node
menu label #!string!message_0088!#
kernel #!data!host_os::os_type!#/vmlinuz
append initrd=#!data!host_os::os_type!#/initrd.img root=live:#!variable!base_url!#/os/images/install.img inst.stage2=#!variable!base_url!#/os/ ip=dhcp inst.ks=#!variable!base_url!#/kickstart/dr.ks inst.gpt inst.sshd
label rescue
menu label #!string!message_0090!#
kernel #!data!host_os::os_type!#/vmlinuz
append initrd=#!data!host_os::os_type!#/initrd.img ip=dhcp root=live:#!variable!base_url!#/LiveOS/squashfs.img rescue inst.repo=#!variable!base_url!#/os/ ip=dhcp inst.sshd
label #!data!host_os::os_type!#
menu label #!string!message_0092!#
kernel #!data!host_os::os_type!#/vmlinuz
append initrd=#!data!host_os::os_type!#/initrd.img root=live:#!variable!base_url!#/images/install.img inst.repo=#!variable!base_url!#/os/ ip=dhcp inst.gpt inst.sshd
label next
menu default
menu label #!string!message_0094!#
localboot 0xffff
<!-- end tftp_bios -->
<!-- start tftp_uefi -->
function load_video {
insmod efi_gop
insmod efi_uga
insmod video_bochs
insmod video_cirrus
insmod all_video
set gfxpayload=keep
insmod gzio
menuentry 'Install RHEL 8' --class rhel --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
linuxefi #!data!host_os::os_type!#/vmlinuz ip=dhcp inst.repo=#!variable!base_url!#/#!data!host_os::os_type!#/#!data!host_os::os_arch!#/iso/
initrdefi #!data!host_os::os_type!#/initrd.img
menuentry 'Install Striker' --class rhel --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
linuxefi #!data!host_os::os_type!#/vmlinuz ip=dhcp inst.repo=#!variable!base_url!#/#!data!host_os::os_type!#/#!data!host_os::os_arch!#/iso/ root=live:#!variable!base_url!#/#!data!host_os::os_type!#/#!data!host_os::os_arch!#/os/images/install.img inst.ks=#!variable!base_url!#/#!data!host_os::os_type!#/#!data!host_os::os_arch!#/kickstart/striker.ks inst.sshd rd.debug
initrdefi #!data!host_os::os_type!#/initrd.img
<!-- end tftp_uefi -->