Local modifications to ClusterLabs/Anvil by Alteeve
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
1.2 KiB

use warnings;
use strict;
my $sysstat_directory = "/var/log/sa/";
my $hostname = `hostname | cut -f 1 -d .`;
opendir(my $directory_handle, $sysstat_directory) || die "Can't locate ".$sysstat_directory."\n";
my @file_list = grep { /^sa[0-9]./ } readdir($directory_handle);
printf "Hostname is ... ".$hostname."\n";
foreach my $filename (sort {$a cmp $b} @file_list)
#printf "Filepath: ....".$sysstat_directory.$filepath."\n"
my $shell_call = "sadf -dht ".$sysstat_directory.$filename." -- -S -u -r -p -q -n DEV";
printf "Shell Call - ... ".$shell_call."\n";
open(my $file_handle, "$shell_call 2>&1 |") || die "Failed to parse output of [".$shell_call."].\n";
while (<$file_handle>)
my $csv_line = $_;
if ($csv_line =~ /$hostname/)
#printf "CSV Line... ".$csv_line."\n";
printf "Variable Match!\n";
if ($csv_line =~ 'thinkpad-06HCV0')
printf "String Match!\n";