665 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
665 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
# This script exposes access to the Perl modules written for the Anvil! system.
# It can be executed on Anvil! nodes, DR hosts, or strikers.
# Upon execution, creates an instance of Anvil::Tools which provides reference
# to all *.pm instances under the Anvil/Tools/ directory. With these
# references, proceed to execute 1 operation specified by one of --query,
# --sub, or --data flags.
# --- Notes ---
# * In this documentation, a "JSON object" does NOT include array.
# --- Usages ---
# To use interactively or process a script:
# anvil-access-module [--script <file path>]
# * Inputs are processed by lines. Each line must satisfy one of the
# following format:
# [<line UUID> ]r[ uuid=<database UUID>] <SQL script>
# Performs a data query script (SELECT) on the database. Targets the
# specified database if "uuid=" is provided.
# [<line UUID> ]w[ uuid=<database UUID>] <SQL script, i.e., >
# Performs a data definition or manipulation script on the database.
# [<line UUID> ]x <module->subroutine, or hash available in Anvil::Tools class> [space-separated positional subroutine parameters...]
# Executes an Anvil module subroutine OR retrieves a hash value. This is
# designed to expose the most-used parts of "$anvil->..." to the
# interactive/script function of this tool.
# * A quoted string is treated as one positional parameter with the
# wrapping quotes removed.
# ! The tool will attempt to decode each positional parameter as JSON.
# Parameters that fail the decoding will be passed to the subroutine
# as-is.
# * The response will be prefixed with line UUID if provided. Line UUID must
# be followed by a space to be recognized.
# * Lines that fail to meet the format above are ignored.
# To read from database:
# anvil-access-module --query <SQL query> [--uuid <database UUID>]
# > [ [row0_value0, row0_value1, row0_value2, ...],
# [row1_value0, row1_value1, row1_value2, ...],
# [row2_value0, row2_value1, row2_value2, ...], ... ]
# To write to database:
# anvil-access-module --mode write --query <SQL command> [--uuid <database UUID>]
# > { write_code: 0 | 1 | "!!error!!" }
# * The --query flag is required for specifying the SQL query (or command)
# for both read and write.
# * To perform a write, the --mode flag must be set to 'write' (quotes are
# optional).
# * It's possible to specify which database to access by providing the
# UUID; this can be ignored most of the time because it's rare to only
# target one database in a redundant system.
# ! A non-zero 'write_code' means the write failed. Try running the same
# subroutine with a lower debug value, for example:
# anvil-access-module --sub 'write' --sub-params '{ "query": <SQL command>, "debug": 2 }'
# To execute a Perl subroutine:
# anvil-access-module --sub <subroutine name> [--sub-module <module name>] [--sub-params <JSON object>]
# > { sub_results: only_value | [value0, value1, value2, ...] }
# * The --sub flag is required for specifying the name of the target
# subroutine.
# * The --sub-module flag sets the module name that the subroutine exists
# in. Module name is the file name (case sensitive and without extension)
# of any .pm file under '<root of this repository>/Anvil/Tools/'.
# This flag defaults to 'Database'.
# * The --sub-params flag accepts a JSON object which will be converted to a
# Perl hash and passed to the target subroutine as parameters.
# This flag defaults to '{}' (blank JSON object).
# ! In the case where the target subroutine returns a tuple or array, the
# 'sub_results' key in the output JSON object will be an array.
# To access the data hash:
# anvil-access-module --data <JSON object> [--predata <JSON array>]
# > { ... }
# * The --data flag is required for specifying the data structure to copy
# from the data hash. The script will recursively traverse each of the
# given JSON object's properties and pick values from the data hash for
# each property key that exists.
# JSON object:
# {
# [key: string]: boolean | number | null | <JSON object>;
# }
# * The --predata flag is a 2 dimentional JSON array for speficying 1 or more
# subroutines to execute in ascending-index-order before extracting data
# from the data hash. Each element of the top-level array contains a
# 2nd-level array.
# Each 2nd-level array contains:
# * in element 0, a string in Perl syntax that identifies the target
# subroutine, and
# * in element 1, a JSON object with parameters to supply to the target
# subroutine.
# JSON array:
# [subroutine: string, parameters: object][];
# --- Example usages ---
# Select hosts from database:
# $ anvil-access-module --query "SELECT host_uuid, host_name FROM hosts;"
# [["09a3ac2f-5904-42a6-bb5e-28cffc7fa4af","mockhost01"],["df3653e3-7378-43e2-be2a-ead1b8aee881","mockhost02"],...]
# Get local host name:
# $ anvil-access-module --sub 'host_name' --sub-module 'Get' --sub-params '{ "debug": 1 }'
# {"sub_results":"..."}
# Get database data and 1 path from data hash:
# $ anvil-access-module --data '{ "database": true, "path": { "exe": { "grep": true } } }'
# {"database":{...},"path":{"exe":{"grep":"/usr/bin/grep"}}}
# Get network data collected and recorded by the Network->get_ips() subroutine:
# $ anvil-access-module --predata '[ ["Network->get_ips", { "debug": 1 }] ]' --data '{ "network": true }'
# {"network":{...}}
use strict;
use warnings;
use Anvil::Tools;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
use Text::ParseWords;
$| = 1;
my $THIS_FILE = ($0 =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)[0];
my $running_directory = ($0 =~ /^(.*?)\/$THIS_FILE$/)[0];
$running_directory =~ s/^\./$ENV{PWD}/ if $running_directory =~ /^\./ && $ENV{PWD};
my $anvil = Anvil::Tools->new();
sub access_chain
my $parameters = shift;
my $chain_args = $parameters->{chain_args} // [];
my $chain_str = $parameters->{chain};
my $debug = $parameters->{debug} // 3;
my @chain = split(/->|[.]/, $chain_str);
my $key_index = 0;
my $intermediate = $anvil;
my @results = (1);
$anvil->Log->variables({ source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { chain => prettify(\@chain) } });
foreach my $key (@chain)
my $is_intermediate_hash = is_hash($intermediate);
my $is_last_key = $key_index == $#chain;
$anvil->Log->variables({ source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => {
is_intermediate_hash => $is_intermediate_hash,
is_last_key => $is_last_key,
key => $key,
key_index => $key_index,
} });
if ($is_intermediate_hash) # Left-hand is hash; treat it as reading data
last if (not exists $intermediate->{$key});
if ($is_last_key)
# Allow operators on hash children. Mainly used for cleaning up before refreshing children of $anvil->data.
my $op = $chain_args->[0] // "";
if ($op eq "=")
my $op_value = $chain_args->[1];
$intermediate->{$key} = $op_value if (defined $op_value);
@results = ($intermediate->{$key});
$intermediate = $intermediate->{$key};
else # Left-hand is not hash; treat it as blessed/class object (module) and try to call a method from it
# Don't continue follow the chain when key if not found
# Note: can() results in truthy when key refers to something that can return a value
eval { $intermediate->can($key) } or last;
# On the last key of the chain; try to execute the subroutine if it exists
if ($is_last_key)
# Go through each argument and replace any 'anvil->' strings with their real value.
# At the time of writing, the only expected use case is calling $anvil->_make_hash_reference
for my $arg_i (0 .. $#{$chain_args})
my $arg = $chain_args->[$arg_i];
if ($arg =~ s/^anvil(->|\.)//)
my ($replacement) = access_chain({ chain => $arg, debug => $debug });
$chain_args->[$arg_i] = $replacement;
# Trailing 1 means the eval block will return success if the subroutine and assign succeeded
eval { (@results) = $intermediate->${key}(@$chain_args); 1; };
$intermediate = $intermediate->${key};
$key_index += 1;
return (@results);
sub call_fn
my $parameters = shift;
my $chain = $parameters->{chain};
my $fallback = $parameters->{fallback};
my $fn_wrapper = $parameters->{fn};
if (exists $fn_wrapper->{fn})
my $fn = $fn_wrapper->{fn};
my $fn_params = $fn_wrapper->{params};
$fn_params->{chain} = $chain;
return $fn->($fn_params);
return $fallback;
sub call_pre_data_fns
my $parameters = shift;
my $fns = $parameters->{fns};
if (is_array($fns))
foreach my $fn_wrapper ( @{$fns} )
if (is_array($fn_wrapper))
# The double dash ( // ) operator is similar to the or ( || )
# operator; it tests for defined instead of true.
my @cargs = @{$fn_wrapper}[1..$#{$fn_wrapper}];
chain => @{$fn_wrapper}[0],
chain_args => \@cargs,
sub db_access
my $parameters = shift;
my $db_access_mode = $parameters->{db_access_mode} // "";
my $db_uuid = $parameters->{db_uuid};
my $sql_query = $parameters->{sql_query};
my $access_parameters = { query => $sql_query, uuid => $db_uuid, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__ };
return ($db_access_mode eq "write")
? { write_code => $anvil->Database->write($access_parameters) }
: $anvil->Database->query($access_parameters);
sub foreach_nested
my $parameters = shift;
# Required parameters:
my $hash = $parameters->{hash};
# Optional parameters:
my $chain = exists $parameters->{chain} ? $parameters->{chain} : ();
my $depth = exists $parameters->{depth} ? $parameters->{depth} : 0;
my $on_key = exists $parameters->{on_key} ? $parameters->{on_key} : {};
my $on_chain_end = exists $parameters->{on_chain_end} ? $parameters->{on_chain_end} : {};
foreach my $key (keys %{$hash})
my $is_continue_chain = 1;
my $value = $hash->{$key};
push(@{$chain}, $key);
$is_continue_chain = call_fn({ chain => $chain, fallback => $is_continue_chain, fn => $on_key });
if ( ($is_continue_chain) && is_hash($value) )
chain => $chain,
depth => $depth + 1,
hash => $value,
on_chain_end => $on_chain_end,
on_key => $on_key,
call_fn({ chain => $chain, fn => $on_chain_end });
sub get_anvil_data
my $parameters = shift;
my $chain = $parameters->{chain};
my $target_intermediate = $parameters->{data};
my $source_intermediate = $anvil->data;
my $key_index = 0;
foreach my $key ( @{$chain} )
last if not exists $source_intermediate->{$key};
$source_intermediate = $source_intermediate->{$key};
if (not exists $target_intermediate->{$key})
$target_intermediate->{$key} = {};
if ($key_index < $#{$chain})
$target_intermediate = $target_intermediate->{$key};
$target_intermediate->{$key} = $source_intermediate;
$key_index += 1;
sub get_scmd_args
my $parameters = shift;
# Required:
my $input = $parameters->{input};
my $get_values = $parameters->{get_values};
# Optional:
my $cmd = $parameters->{cmd};
my $arg_names = $parameters->{names} // [];
my $i = 0;
my $args = {};
my @matches = $get_values->($input, $cmd);
foreach (@matches)
my $arg_name = $arg_names->[$i++] // "$i";
$args->{$arg_name} = $_ if defined $arg_name;
return $args;
sub is_array
return ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY";
sub is_hash
return ref($_[0]) eq "HASH";
sub prettify
my $var_value = shift;
my $var_name = shift;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Varname = $var_name;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = (defined $var_name) ? 0 : 1;
return Dumper($var_value);
sub process_scmd_db
my $parameters = shift;
# Required:
my $cmd = $parameters->{cmd};
my $input = $parameters->{input};
# Optional:
my $lid = $parameters->{lid} // "";
my $mode = $parameters->{mode};
my $sargs = get_scmd_args({
cmd => $cmd,
input => $input,
get_values => sub { my $c = $_[1]; return $_[0] =~ /^$c\s+(?:uuid=([^\s]+))?\s*(.*)$/; },
names => ["uuid", "script"],
eval {
my $results = db_access({ db_uuid => $sargs->{uuid}, sql_query => $sargs->{script}, db_access_mode => $mode });
} or do {
pstderr("failed to access database; cause: $@");
sub process_scmd_execute
my $parameters = shift;
my $debug = $parameters->{debug} // 3;
my $input = $parameters->{input};
my $lid = $parameters->{lid} // "";
my @sargs = parse_line('\s+', 0, $input);
$anvil->Log->variables({ source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { sargs => prettify(\@sargs) } });
return if $#sargs < 1;
my $chain_str = $sargs[1];
my @chain_args = $#sargs > 1 ? @sargs[2..$#sargs] : ();
for my $i (0..$#chain_args)
my $param = $chain_args[$i];
my $is_decode_success = eval { $param = decode_json($param); };
$chain_args[$i] = $param if $is_decode_success;
$anvil->Log->variables({ source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => {
chain_args => prettify(\@chain_args),
chain_str => $chain_str,
} });
my (@results) = access_chain({ chain => $chain_str, chain_args => \@chain_args, debug => $debug });
pstdout($lid.JSON->new->utf8->allow_blessed->encode({ sub_results => \@results }));
sub pstdout
print $_[0]."\n" if defined $_[0];
sub pstderr
print STDERR "error: ".$_[0]."\n" if defined $_[0];
my $data_hash = $anvil->data->{switches}{'data'};
my $switch_debug = $anvil->data->{switches}{'debug'} // 3;
my $db_access_mode = $anvil->data->{switches}{'mode'} // "";
my $db_uuid = $anvil->data->{switches}{'uuid'};
# Events in this context are simply printing the event name before
# and/or after operations. The output should enable other programs to
# parse and activate additional logic as necessary.
# Event names should be present-tense before an operation, and
# past-tense after.
my $emit_events = $anvil->data->{switches}{'emit-events'};
my $pre_data = $anvil->data->{switches}{'predata'};
my $script_file = $anvil->data->{switches}{'script'} // "-";
my $sql_query = $anvil->data->{switches}{'query'};
my $sub_module_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{'sub-module'} // "Database";
my $sub_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{'sub'} // "";
my $sub_params = $anvil->data->{switches}{'sub-params'} // "{}";
$anvil->Log->entry({ source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, secure => 0, key => "log_0132" });
if (not $anvil->data->{sys}{database}{connections})
# No databases, exit.
$anvil->Log->entry({ source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 0, 'print' => 1, priority => "err", key => "error_0003" });
$anvil->nice_exit({ exit_code => 1 });
if ($sql_query)
my $results = db_access({ db_uuid => $db_uuid, sql_query => $sql_query, db_access_mode => $db_access_mode });
elsif ($anvil->${sub_module_name}->can($sub_name))
my $decoded_sub_params;
my $is_decode_sub_params_success = eval { $decoded_sub_params = decode_json($sub_params); };
if (not $is_decode_sub_params_success)
pstderr("failed to parse subroutine parameters");
$anvil->nice_exit({ exit_code => 1 });
my (@results) = $anvil->${sub_module_name}->${sub_name}($decoded_sub_params);
pstdout(JSON->new->utf8->encode({ sub_results => scalar(@results) > 1 ? \@results : $results[0] }));
elsif ($data_hash)
if ($pre_data)
my $decoded_pre_data;
my $is_decode_pre_data_success = eval { $decoded_pre_data = decode_json($pre_data); };
if ($is_decode_pre_data_success && is_array($decoded_pre_data))
call_pre_data_fns({ fns => $decoded_pre_data });
my $decoded_data_hash;
my $is_decode_data_hash_success = eval { $decoded_data_hash = decode_json($data_hash); };
if (not $is_decode_data_hash_success)
pstderr("failed to parse data structure");
$anvil->nice_exit({ exit_code => 1 });
my $get_anvil_data_params = { data => {} };
hash => $decoded_data_hash,
on_chain_end => { fn => \&get_anvil_data, params => $get_anvil_data_params },
my $script_file_handle;
eval {
# TODO: make this script read piped input
$script_file = "-" if ($script_file =~ /^#!SET!#$/);
if ($script_file =~ /^-$/)
open($script_file_handle, $script_file);
open($script_file_handle, "< :encoding(UTF-8)", $script_file);
} or do {
# open() sets $! upon error, different from the database module failure (which sets $@)
pstderr("failed to open $script_file as script input; cause: $!");
$anvil->nice_exit({ exit_code => 1 });
while (my $script_line = <$script_file_handle>)
last if ($script_line =~ /^(?:q|quit)\s+$/);
$script_line =~ s/\s+$//;
my $scmd_db_read = "r";
my $scmd_db_write = "w";
my $scmd_execute = "x";
$script_line =~ s/^([[:xdigit:]]{8}-(?:[[:xdigit:]]{4}-){3}[[:xdigit:]]{12})\s+//;
my $script_line_id = $1;
$anvil->Log->variables({ source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $switch_debug, list => {
script_line_id => $script_line_id,
script_line => $script_line,
} });
if ($script_line =~ /^$scmd_db_read\s+/)
process_scmd_db({ cmd => $scmd_db_read, input => $script_line, lid => $script_line_id });
elsif ($script_line =~ /^$scmd_db_write\s+/)
process_scmd_db({ cmd => $scmd_db_write, input => $script_line, lid => $script_line_id, mode => "write" });
elsif ($script_line =~ /^$scmd_execute\s+/)
process_scmd_execute({ debug => $switch_debug, input => $script_line, lid => $script_line_id });
close($script_file_handle) or do {
pstderr("failed to close $script_file handle; cause: $!");
$anvil->nice_exit({ exit_code => 1 });
$anvil->nice_exit({ exit_code => 0 });
# Functions
# TODO: need to move all subroutines down here.
sub emit
pstdout("event=".$_[0]) if ($emit_events);