Digimer 0a712f4a9c * Added Get->switches to read in command line switches.
* Added Get->host_uuid that reads the host's UUID from dmidecode.
* Added Log->_adjust_log_level to automatically change the active log level when -V (0), -v (1), -vv (2), -vvv (3) or -vvvv (4) are passed.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2017-06-08 01:15:03 +09:00

558 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

package AN::Tools;
# This is the "root" package that manages the sub modules and controls access to their methods.
our $VERSION = "3.0.0";
# This suppresses the 'could not find ParserDetails.ini in /PerlApp/XML/SAX' warning message in
# XML::Simple calls.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $THIS_FILE = "";
### Methods;
# data
# environment
# _add_hash_reference
# _make_hash_reference
# _set_defaults
# _set_paths
use utf8;
binmode(STDERR, ':encoding(utf-8)');
binmode(STDOUT, ':encoding(utf-8)');
# I intentionally don't use EXPORT, @ISA and the like because I want my "subclass"es to be accessed in a
# somewhat more OO style. I know some may wish to strike me down for this, but I like the idea of accessing
# methods via their containing module's name. (A La: C<< $an->Module->method >> rather than C<< $an->method >>).
use AN::Tools::Alert;
use AN::Tools::Get;
use AN::Tools::Log;
use AN::Tools::Storage;
use AN::Tools::Words;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Provides a common oject handle to all AN::Tools::* module methods and handles invocation configuration.
use AN::Tools;
# Get a common object handle on all AN::Tools::* modules.
my $an = AN::Tools->new();
# Again, but this time sets some initial values in the '$an->data' hash.
my $an = AN::Tools->new(
data => {
foo => "",
bar => [],
baz => {},
# This example gets the handle and also sets the default user and log
# languages as Japanese, sets a custom log file and sets the log level to
# '2'.
my $an = AN::Tools->new(
'Log' => {
user_language => "jp",
log_language => "jp"
level => 2,
The AN::Tools module and all sub-modules are designed for use by Alteeve-based applications. It can be used as a general framework by anyone interested.
Core features are;
* Supports per user, per logging language selection where translations from from XML-formatted "String" files that support UTF8 and variable substitutions.
* Support for command-line and HTML output. Skinning support for HTML-based user interfaces.
* Redundant database access, resynchronization and archiving.
* Highly-native with minimal use of external perl modules and compiled code.
=head1 METHODS
Methods in the core module;
# The constructor through which all other module's methods will be accessed.
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $parameter = shift;
my $self = {
ALERT => AN::Tools::Alert->new(),
GET => AN::Tools::Get->new(),
LOG => AN::Tools::Log->new(),
STORAGE => AN::Tools::Storage->new(),
WORDS => AN::Tools::Words->new(),
DATA => {},
HOST => {
# This is the host's UUID. It should never be manually set.
UUID => "",
# Bless you!
bless $self, $class;
# This isn't needed, but it makes the code below more consistent with and portable to other modules.
my $an = $self;
# Get a handle on the various submodules
# Set some system paths and system default variables
# This checks the environment this program is running in.
# Setup my '$an->data' hash right away so that I have a place to store the strings hash.
$an->data($parameter->{data}) if $parameter->{data};
# Initialize the list of directories to seach.
$an->Storage->search_directories({initialize => 1});
# I need to read the initial words early.
$an->Words->read({file => $an->data->{path}{words}{'an-tools.xml'}});
# If the local './tools.conf' file exists, read it in.
if (-r "./tools.conf")
$an->Storage->read_config({file => "./tools.conf"});
# Read in any command line switches.
# Set passed parameters if needed.
if (ref($parameter) eq "HASH")
### TODO: Calls to allow the user to override defaults...
# Local parameters...
# Um...
print $THIS_FILE." ".__LINE__."; AN::Tools->new() invoked with an invalid parameter. Expected a hash reference, but got: [$parameter]\n";
return ($self);
# Public methods #
=head2 data
This is the method used to access the main hash reference that all user-accessible values are stored in. This includes words, configuration file variables and so forth.
When called without an argument, it returns the existing '$an->data' hash reference.
my $an = $an->data();
When called with a hash reference as the argument, it sets '$an->data' to the new hash.
my $some_hash = {};
my $an = $an->data($some_hash);
Data can be entered into or access by treating '$an->data' as a normal hash reference.
my $an = AN::Tools->new(
data => {
foo => "",
bar => [6, 4, 12],
baz => {
animal => "Cat",
thing => "Boat",
# Copy the 'Cat' value into the $animal variable.
my $animal = $an->data->{baz}{animal};
# Set 'A thing' in 'foo'.
$an->data->{foo} = "A thing";
The C<$an> variable is set inside all modules and acts as shared storage for variables, values and references in all modules. It acts as the core storage for most applications using AN::Tools.
sub data
my ($an) = shift;
# Pick up the passed in hash, if any.
$an->{DATA} = shift if $_[0];
return ($an->{DATA});
=head2 environment
This is the method used to check or set whether the program is outputting to command line or a browser.
When called without an argument, it returns the current environment.
if ($an->environment() eq "cli")
# format for STDOUT
elsif ($an->environment() eq "html")
# Use the template system to output HTML
When called with a string as the argument, that string will be set as the environment string.
Technically, any string can be used, however only 'cli' or 'html' are used by convention.
sub environment
my ($an) = shift;
# Pick up the passed in delimiter, if any.
$an->{ENV_VALUES}{ENVIRONMENT} = shift if $_[0];
return ($an->{ENV_VALUES}{ENVIRONMENT});
# Public methods used to access sub modules. #
=head1 Submodule Access Methods
The methods below are used to access methods of submodules using 'C<< $an->Module->method() >>'.
=head2 Alert
Access the C<> methods via 'C<< $an->Alert->method >>'.
sub Alert
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{HANDLE}{ALERT});
=head2 Get
Access the C<> methods via 'C<< $an->Get->method >>'.
sub Get
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{HANDLE}{GET});
=head2 Log
Access the C<> methods via 'C<< $an->Log->method >>'.
sub Log
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{HANDLE}{LOG});
=head2 Storage
Access the C<> methods via 'C<< $an->Storage->method >>'.
sub Storage
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{HANDLE}{STORAGE});
=head2 Words
Access the C<> methods via 'C<< $an->Words->method >>'.
sub Words
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{HANDLE}{WORDS});
=head1 Private Functions;
These methods generally should never be called from a program using AN::Tools. However, we are not your boss.
# Private methods #
=head2 _add_hash_reference
This is a helper to the '$an->_make_hash_reference' method. It is called each time a new string is to be created as a new hash key in the passed hash reference.
NOTE: Contributed by Shaun Fryer and Viktor Pavlenko by way of Toronto Perl Mongers.
sub _add_hash_reference
my $self = shift;
my $href1 = shift;
my $href2 = shift;
for my $key (keys %$href2)
if (ref $href1->{$key} eq 'HASH')
$self->_add_hash_reference( $href1->{$key}, $href2->{$key} );
$href1->{$key} = $href2->{$key};
=head2 _get_hash_reference
This is called when we need to parse a double-colon separated string into two or more elements which represent keys in the 'C<< $an->data >>' hash. Once suitably split up, the value is read and returned.
For example;
$an->data->{foo}{bar} = "baz";
my $value = $an->_get_hash_reference({ key => "foo::bar" });
The 'C<< $value >>' now contains "C<< baz >>".
NOTE: If the key is not found, 'C<< undef >>' is returned.
=head3 key (required)
This is the key to return the value for. If it is not passed, or if it does not have 'C<< :: >>' in it, 'C<< undef >>' will be returned.
sub _get_hash_reference
# 'href' is the hash reference I am working on.
my $self = shift;
my $parameter = shift;
my $an = $self;
#print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; hash: [".$an."], key: [$parameter->{key}]\n";
die "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; The hash key string: [$parameter->{key}] doesn't seem to be valid. It should be a string in the format 'foo::bar::baz'.\n" if $parameter->{key} !~ /::/;
# Split up the keys.
my $key = $parameter->{key} ? $parameter->{key} : "";
my $value = undef; # We return 'undef' so that the caller can tell the difference between an empty string versus nothing found.
if ($key =~ /::/)
my @keys = split /::/, $key;
my $last_key = pop @keys;
# Re-order the array.
my $current_hash_ref = $an->data;
foreach my $key (@keys)
$current_hash_ref = $current_hash_ref->{$key};
$value = $current_hash_ref->{$last_key};
return ($value);
=head2 _make_hash_reference
This takes a string with double-colon seperators and divides on those double-colons to create a hash reference where each element is a hash key.
NOTE: Contributed by Shaun Fryer and Viktor Pavlenko by way of Toronto Perl Mongers.
sub _make_hash_reference
my $self = shift;
my $href = shift;
my $key_string = shift;
my $value = shift;
my @keys = split /::/, $key_string;
my $last_key = pop @keys;
my $_href = {};
$_href->{$last_key} = $value;
while (my $key = pop @keys)
my $elem = {};
$elem->{$key} = $_href;
$_href = $elem;
$self->_add_hash_reference($href, $_href);
=head2 _set_defaults
This sets default variable values for the program.
sub _set_defaults
my ($an) = shift;
$an->data->{defaults} = {
languages => {
# Default language for all output shown to a user.
output => 'en_CA',
limits => {
# This is the maximum number of times we're allow to loop when injecting variables
# into a string being processed in AN::Tools::Words->string();
string_loops => 1000,
'log' => {
db_transactions => 0,
facility => "local0",
language => "en_CA",
level => 1,
secure => 0,
server => "",
tag => "an-tools",
=head2 _set_paths
This sets default paths to many system commands, checking to make sure the binary exists at the path and, if not, try to find it.
sub _set_paths
my ($an) = shift;
# Executables
$an->data->{path} = {
exe => {
dmidecode => "/usr/sbin/dmidecode",
gethostip => "/usr/bin/gethostip",
hostname => "/bin/hostname",
logger => "/usr/bin/logger",
words => {
'an-tools.xml' => "/usr/share/perl5/AN/an-tools.xml",
# Make sure we actually have the requested files.
foreach my $type (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$an->data->{path}})
# We don't look for logs because we'll create them if they don't exist.
next if $type eq "logs";
foreach my $file (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$an->data->{path}{$type}})
if (not -e $an->data->{path}{$type}{$file})
my $fatal = 0;
if ($type eq "words")
# We have to die if we don't find a words file.
$fatal = 1;
my $full_path = $an->Storage->find({
file => $file,
fatal => $fatal,
if ($full_path)
$an->data->{path}{$type}{$file} = $full_path;
=head1 Exit Codes
=head2 C<1>
AN::Tools->new() passed something other than a hash reference.
=head2 C<2>
Failed to find the requested file in C<< AN::Tools::Storage->find >> and 'fatal' was set.
=head1 Requirements
The following packages are required on EL7.
* C<expect>
* C<httpd>
* C<mailx>
* C<perl-Test-Simple>
* C<policycoreutils-python>
* C<postgresql>
* C<syslinux>
* C<perl-XML-Simple>
=head1 Recommended Packages
The following packages provide non-critical functionality.
* C<subscription-manager>