type InquireHostResponse = APICommandInquireHostResponseBody & { hostIpAddress: string; hostPassword: string; }; /** TestAccessForm */ type TestAccessFormikValues = { ip: string; password: string; }; type TestAccessFormProps = { setResponse: React.Dispatch< React.SetStateAction >; tools: CrudListFormTools; }; /** PrepareHostForm */ /** * @property hostType - Type of host to prepare; note that `node` is `subnode` * due to renaming. */ type PrepareHostFormikValues = TestAccessFormikValues & { enterpriseKey?: string; name: string; redhatConfirmPassword?: string; redhatPassword?: string; redhatUsername?: string; type: '' | 'dr' | 'subnode'; uuid: string; }; type PreapreHostFormProps = { host: InquireHostResponse; tools: CrudListFormTools; }; /** HostListItem */ type HostListItemProps = { data: APIHostOverview; };