#!/usr/bin/perl # # NOTE: This tool is NOT meant for production use! It is meant as a tool for CI/CD testing. # # If this is used for any other purpose, it is at he user's own risk. Please be sure to thoroughly test the # resulting Anvil! before going into production (which, honestly, you should do anyways). # use strict; use warnings; use Anvil::Tools; use Data::Dumper; $| = 1; my $THIS_FILE = ($0 =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)[0]; my $running_directory = ($0 =~ /^(.*?)\/$THIS_FILE$/)[0]; if (($running_directory =~ /^\./) && ($ENV{PWD})) { $running_directory =~ s/^\./$ENV{PWD}/; } =cut Striker initialization; variable_uuid | variable_name | variable_value | variable_default | variable_description | variable_section | variable_source_uuid | variable_source_table | modified_date --------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+------------------+----------------------+------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------- b397973f-e871-4140-baab-6d77611b4edd | form::config_step1::organization::value | Alteeve | | striker_0004 | config_step1 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:26:22.938934-05 55261634-0495-448f-a41f-24af7ed57911 | form::config_step1::prefix::value | di | | striker_0006 | config_step1 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:26:22.938934-05 192d3636-3e66-46cb-bf60-5e11c35220dc | form::config_step1::domain::value | digimer.ca | | striker_0008 | config_step1 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:26:22.938934-05 e53cc9f3-6d8e-4622-8b56-7df8b90cdd24 | form::config_step1::ifn_count::value | 1 | | striker_0012 | config_step1 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:26:22.938934-05 823222e7-e55a-48e6-8b16-cf2046c880b4 | form::config_step1::sequence::value | 2 | | striker_0010 | config_step1 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:27:39.491016-05 858c40b8-6612-4922-b824-1eb6ce3c74cc | form::config_step2::host_name::value | di-striker02.digimer.ca | | striker_0017 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 9a176810-403b-4180-b502-90a8529c43bd | form::config_step2::striker_user::value | admin | | striker_0032 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 8bdf6cc8-3799-4759-8e7d-7d9ebbc74d6a | form::config_step2::striker_password::value | super secret password | | striker_0034 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 0c22eba6-438a-4a7d-8a4b-c473e24da790 | form::config_step2::dns::value |, | | striker_0038 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 cd443969-30ee-45ca-a189-8546e945dd13 | form::config_step2::bcn1_ip::value | | | striker_0024 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 8f618047-59e9-4d56-b842-ea6e43c6aac1 | form::config_step2::bcn1_subnet_mask::value | | | striker_0025 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 7b6d2213-3852-42d2-9a3c-f31f2197c6b2 | form::config_step2::bcn1_link1_mac_to_set::value | 52:54:00:8b:d6:82 | | striker_0029 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 a1137f58-22c3-4d12-bfbd-1f88c1cb0956 | form::config_step2::ifn1_subnet_mask::value | | | striker_0025 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 52842c37-4f8b-4d77-9712-c911d4abaf11 | form::config_step2::ifn1_link1_mac_to_set::value | 52:54:00:c0:f2:7c | | striker_0029 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:29:59.317812-05 42f33705-8fbb-48eb-82cf-e0ec2f2cfebe | form::config_step2::ifn1_ip::value | | | striker_0024 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:30:16.688974-05 7110e4e9-6cc7-4a9b-a0c8-8e234ab3fbc9 | form::config_step2::gateway::value | | | striker_0036 | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:30:16.688974-05 7efc6c79-4806-478e-ae55-b9d09e2f23aa | form::config_step2::gateway_interface::value | ifn1 | | | config_step2 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | hosts | 2021-02-16 20:30:16.688974-05 anvil=# SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE job_uuid = '158e8384-eac7-4289-8f70-bc43eaf8b017'; job_uuid | job_host_uuid | job_command | job_data | job_picked_up_by | job_picked_up_at | job_updated | job_name | job_progress | job_title | job_description | job_status | m odified_date --------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------------------+------------------+------------------+-------------+--------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------------+------------+---------- --------------------- 158e8384-eac7-4289-8f70-bc43eaf8b017 | a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c | /usr/sbin/anvil-configure-host | form::config_step2 | 0 | 0 | 1613525509 | configure::network | 0 | job_0001 | job_0002 | | 2021-02-1 6 20:31:49.108908-05 # At this point, the Striker should be coming up at the IP. Once both/all Strikers are up, update their anvil.conf to add each other's UUID database entry. # FROM ONE STRIKER; job_uuid | job_host_uuid | job_command | job_data | job_picked_up_by | job_picked_up_at | job_updated | job_name | job_progress | job_title | job_description | job_status | modified_date --------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------+------------------+-------------+-------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------------+------------+------------------------------- 6ca30d0b-c03c-43f9-bd7c-c40a79ca52a8 | 46c00674-fea2-44af-981d-2833d5c8270a | /usr/sbin/striker-manage-peers --add --host-uuid a64c477b-b0a1-4985-9968-f4b46d75fb0c --host --port 5432 --ping 1 | password=super secret password +| 0 | 0 | 1613699163 | striker-peer::add | 0 | job_0011 | job_0012 | | 2021-02-18 20:46:03.305568-05 | | | peer_job_command=/usr/sbin/striker-manage-peers --add --host-uuid 46c00674-fea2-44af-981d-2833d5c8270a --host --port 5432 --ping 1 | | | | | | | | | (1 row) # Initialize nodes / dr hosts (may need to call striker-get-peer-data) anvil=# SELECT * FROM jobs ; job_uuid | job_host_uuid | job_command | job_data | job_picked_up_by | job_picked_up_at | job_updated | job_name | job_progress | job_title | job_description | job_status | modified_date --------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------------------------+--------------+-----------+-----------------+------------+------------------------------ a5c3381c-c581-4020-baa0-72e136c75a68 | 46c00674-fea2-44af-981d-2833d5c8270a | /usr/sbin/striker-initialize-host | password=Initial1 +| 0 | 0 | 1613957250 | initialize::node:: | 0 | job_0020 | job_0022 | | 2021-02-21 20:27:30.73576-05 | | | rh_password= +| | | | | | | | | | | | rh_user= +| | | | | | | | | | | | host_ip_address=| | | | | | | | | | | | ssh_port=22 +| | | | | | | | | | | | type=node +| | | | | | | | | | | | host_name=di-a02n01.alteeve.com+| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (1 row) =cut my $anvil = Anvil::Tools->new(); $anvil->Database->connect; $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, secure => 0, key => "log_0132"}); if (not $anvil->data->{sys}{database}{connections}) { # No databases, exit. $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 0, 'print' => 1, priority => "err", key => "error_0003"}); $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } $anvil->Get->switches; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 0});